Chicken fillet casserole with cottage cheese. Chicken casseroles: fast, tasty, satisfying and economical

27.11.2019 Seafood dishes

I really love portioned meat casseroles made from minced chicken with cottage cheese, because this is a beneficial dish in all respects. Judge for yourself: a minimum of effort, I mixed all the products and put them in the oven, and in half an hour elegant meat "muffins" are ready! Soft, non-greasy, bright juicy "cap" on top, they are combined with different side dishes, children like it. Try it!

Minced chicken casserole with cottage cheese

For this dish, choose cottage cheese soft (so that the grains are easily kneaded), but without liquid. Mix the lean minced chicken well with cottage cheese, egg and finely chopped onion.

I grated the onion so that it doesn't feel at all in the cooked casserole. It is convenient and fast, it seems to me, rubbing the onion is even faster than chopping finely (take care of the manicure!)

Add about a teaspoon salt, ground black pepper, and other seasonings of your choice. Mix well. Now you can simply fry the cutlets, roll them in flour, or you can bake them in the oven.
... Fill the muffin tins (mine is 75 ml) with minced meat, try to stack the minced meat tightly, without voids. Put in an oven preheated to 200 degrees, for 25 minutes.

Cut small tomatoes into slices, cheese into 0.5 cm slices.After 25 minutes, remove the molds from the oven, put cheese and a tomato slice on each casserole and return to the oven for another 5-7 minutes to melt the cheese and lightly brown.

If tomatoes or cheese don't stick well and fall, pin them down with a toothpick. Sprinkle the finished casseroles with chopped herbs such as parsley.

I like to bake such meat “muffins”: the walls of the molds prevent the meat from drying out in the oven, and the casseroles are soft, juicy and low-fat. Tomatoes and cheese add juiciness, and you can change the flavor nuance with seasonings.

Enjoy your meal!

Stuffed chicken, oven-baked chicken, chicken rolls ... The list of affordable and simple chicken dishes can be enumerated for a very long time. And casserole recipes will be a great alternative for those who are tired of banal chops and cutlets. Cooking casseroles requires a minimum of time. And even an inexperienced housewife can cope with this, since casseroles are easy to prepare and do not require special culinary skills. And chicken meat is low-fat and dietary, so recipes for casseroles from it are useful for those who voluntarily or involuntarily adhere to a diet.

Cheating casserole with chicken fillet in the oven

It is known that men love meat dishes and sometimes turn up their nose from vegetables. So you have to dodge and cunning to feed them with vegetables.

  • chicken fillet - 500 g;
  • potatoes - 4 pieces;
  • pepper - 1 piece;
  • tomatoes - 3 pieces;
  • onion head - 1 piece;
  • broccoli - 200 g;
  • sour cream and mayonnaise - 100 g each;
  • cheese - 200 g;
  • herbs and spices.

Cooking method:

  1. Marinate the meat with spices and leave for half an hour.
  2. Pour the peeled and thinly sliced \u200b\u200bpotatoes with mayonnaise and leave for a couple of minutes.
  3. Cut onion, pepper into strips, tomatoes into slices into half rings.
  4. Disassemble the broccoli into small inflorescences, scald with boiling water.
  5. Cut the pickled chicken breast into thin strips.
  6. For the sauce, beat the eggs, pour in the sour cream, add half of the grated cheese and a teaspoon of spices.
  7. On a dish greased with sunflower oil, put half of the chopped potatoes, meat on top, then onions, pour half the filling, put tomatoes, peppers and broccoli. The last layer should be potatoes. Pour sauce over the casserole and sprinkle with cheese. In a preheated oven to 220 degrees, bake for 50 - 60 minutes. If desired, sprinkle with your favorite herbs on top.

The casserole will appeal even to those who do not like broccoli, the rest of the vegetables will mask its taste;

Casserole "Chicken under a fur coat"

This casserole will appeal to all those who care about their figure. It has a minimum of calories and requires no mayonnaise or sour cream to prepare it.

Required Ingredients:

  • 700-800 g chicken (fillet);
  • 5-6 tomatoes;
  • 1 eggplant;
  • 4 quail eggs;
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic;
  • 300 g of cheese (parmesan is best);
  • olive oil;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • parsley or basil;
  • salt, spices.

How to cook:

  1. Put the sliced \u200b\u200beggplant in salted water and leave for half an hour.
  2. Grate chicken breast with spices, cut into cubes, fry until tender and set aside to cool.
  3. Squeeze the eggplant circles well and fry until golden brown.
  4. Remove the skin from the tomatoes (to make this easier, you can scald them with boiling water) and cut into large slices.
  5. Finely chop the garlic (you can use a garlic press), grate the cheese with fine cloves, chop the herbs.
  6. Place the fried eggplant slices in a greased dish, sprinkle with garlic on top, add chicken cubes, sprinkle with cheese. Top with sliced \u200b\u200btomatoes, sprinkle with the remaining garlic and chopped herbs. Stir the olive oil with the lemon juice, pour the mixture onto the casserole and break the quail eggs on top. Cooking time - 25 minutes at 180 degrees.

For a more pungent taste, take more garlic; And those who do not like eggplant can take a zucchini.

Souffle casserole "Summer Breeze"

The casserole is quick and easy to prepare and tastes light and tender.

Products for cooking:

  • chicken fillet or ham - 1 kg;
  • eggs - two pieces;
  • fresh green peas - 150 g;
  • carrots - 2 pieces;
  • cream - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • salt pepper;
  • greens.

Cooking process:

  1. Boil the chicken. If hams are used, remove the skin. Cool and grind twice in a meat grinder.
  2. Boil peas and carrots. Peel the carrots and cut into cubes.
  3. Pepper the minced chicken, salt, add the yolks and mix well. Then add cream, vegetables, herbs (optional).
  4. Beat the whites in a fluffy foam and gently add to the minced meat.
  5. Put the minced meat in a greased saucepan and put in the oven. The approximate baking time is 30 minutes at 220 degrees.

The casserole can be prepared in one saucepan, or can be baked in portioned ceramic tins. You can use corn instead of peas.

Two-in-one chicken breast casserole

The recipe for this casserole will especially appeal to men. The casserole will become a delicious and satisfying dinner.

For cooking you will need:

  • chicken breasts - 6 pieces;
  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • yolk - 1 piece;
  • onion - one piece;
  • greens to taste (tarragon is especially suitable);
  • mushrooms - 500 g (you can take forest mushrooms, or you can take champignons);
  • salt pepper.

How to cook:

  1. Fry two chicken breasts until tender. Prepare minced meat from the rest of the chicken fillet.
  2. Fry finely chopped mushrooms and onions in butter until the onions are golden.
  3. Add salt, pepper, eggs to the minced meat and mix well. Add onion with mushrooms to the minced meat, add chopped greens there.
  4. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  5. Grease a form with butter, put half of the minced meat, fried fillet on top and cover with the second half of the minced meat. Grease the top of the casserole with yolk. Pour water into a large dish, place a saucepan with a casserole in it and cook for 45 minutes. Then lower the temperature in the oven to 150 degrees and leave for another half hour.

Porcini mushrooms or chanterelles are especially combined with chicken meat. There should be enough water in the form so that the saucepan with the casserole is immersed in it until the middle.

"Surprise" casserole

This casserole is very interesting and looks beautiful in section. It's also delicious!

List of required products:

  • 1 kg of chicken meat;
  • 6 chicken eggs;
  • 5 long, thin strips of bacon;
  • 2 onions;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • greens (parsley, oregano, basil);
  • any vegetable oil;
  • spice.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Make minced meat from chicken breasts, add two raw eggs, grated onion with fine teeth and finely chopped garlic.
  2. Remove the boiled eggs from the shell.
  3. Grease a long and narrow saucepan with butter and line the bottom with strips of bacon so that the ends fall off the sides of the pan. Put half of the minced meat on top of the bacon. Put boiled eggs on the minced meat, pressing a little into it. Cover with the remaining half of the minced meat and top with strips of bacon. To keep the bacon on the casserole, you can use toothpicks to seal the ends together. Brush the bacon with vegetable oil.
  4. The oven should be preheated to 200 degrees. Cook a casserole for an hour and a half. To easily remove the casserole without damaging it, you can put parchment or foil on the bottom of the mold.

Instead of chicken eggs, you can take quail eggs.

Chicken casserole: tender and juicy (video)

For those who like to experiment in the kitchen, casserole recipes will be a real boon. There is a lot of fantasy here, adding different ingredients and spices. With a little creativity and resourcefulness, you can invent your own unique dish, which you can pamper loved ones and surprise guests. Moreover, casseroles are cooked in the oven, they do not use a large amount of fat and oil, so they are much healthier than dishes cooked in a pan.

Chicken fillet casserole recipe, cheese, potatoes in egg filling

Required Ingredients:

  • potatoes - 800-900 g;
  • chicken fillet - 600 g;
  • cream - 1 incomplete glass;
  • milk - 1 incomplete glass;
  • medium hard cheese - 150 g;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • garlic - 2 small cloves;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.

Step by step cooking:

  1. Peel the potatoes and cut them into thick enough circles. Then boil a little until it is half finished.
  2. Fillet is cut into strips and fried in a pan with sunflower oil.
  3. Chicken is peppery, salted, finely chopped onion, chopped garlic and pepper are added to it.
  4. All ingredients are fried for about 10 minutes.
  5. The form in which the baking will be carried out is greased, after which the potatoes can be put into it.
  6. A layer of potatoes is covered with a mass already prepared from fillets.
  7. Whipped cream and milk with eggs, add some salt and pepper.
  8. The milk and egg mixture is laid on top of the chicken.
  9. The mold is placed in the oven, where the dish will stay for half an hour at a temperature of 200 degrees.

For a change, you can add a little chicken liver to this dish, season with mustard: the taste will become more piquant.

If the baking process will be carried out not in the oven, but in the microwave, you do not need to make the casserole too thick. Five centimeters will be enough for the dish to bake evenly.

Chicken casserole with cottage cheese

Required Ingredients:

  • cottage cheese - 300 g;
  • butter - 50-70 g;
  • eggs - 2-3 pcs.;
  • leg leg - 1 pc.;
  • zucchini - 1 pc.;
  • flour - 5 tbsp. l .;
  • thyme - 1 tsp;
  • soda - half tsp;
  • salt.

Cooking steps:

  1. The leg leg is boiled, carefully separated from the bone and cut into equal pieces.
  2. Zucchini is chopped with a coarse grater. Squeezes out excess fluid.
  3. Cottage cheese is ground through a sieve.
  4. Eggs are thoroughly beaten with salt.
  5. A beaten egg, butter, flour and soda are added to the curd. The dough is kneaded.
  6. Chicken and chopped zucchini are added to the resulting curd mass, everything is mixed.
  7. The finished mixture is laid out in a mold, sprinkled evenly with thyme and grated cheese.
  8. Bake in the oven at 200 degrees for no more than half an hour.

You can serve such a casserole not only hot, but already cold. This is quite convenient, because it is not always possible to prepare a dish immediately before the meal itself.

For cooking, it is better to use fresh chicken, not frozen. Thus, the dish will be filled with useful substances and tastes better.

Vegetable casserole with chicken breast: an extraordinarily delicious recipe

Required Ingredients:

  • chicken breast - 600-700 g;
  • medium-sized sweet pepper - 1 pc.;
  • broccoli - 250 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • yogurt - 60 g;
  • any vegetable oil - 2 tsp;
  • spice.

Cooking steps:

  1. The breasts are cut into small cubes and fried a little with butter and spices.
  2. Sweet peppers are cut into small strips or cubes.
  3. Broccoli is cut so that the inflorescences are separated.
  4. Yogurt is whipped with spices and egg.
  5. All ingredients are mixed and laid out in neat molds.
  6. This dish is baked in the oven for half an hour at a maximum temperature of 200 degrees.

With spices, you can not be afraid: add whatever your heart desires, creating something new every time.

If the casserole is intended for children, then it is better to boil the chicken meat, rather than fry it. This is also worth considering when preparing meals for those people who are forced to follow a diet.

Chicken and Spaghetti Pie

Required Ingredients:

  • 800 g chicken breast;
  • 200 g spaghetti;
  • 1 small onion;
  • 50 g of any oil;
  • 6-7 tsp flour;
  • one and a half glasses of sour cream;
  • salt and pepper;
  • 1 small clove of garlic;
  • 150 g of medium hard cheese.

Cooking steps:

  1. It is necessary to boil the spaghetti, they should turn out to be slightly hard.
  2. Throw them in a colander and transfer to a baking dish and greased in advance.
  3. Chop the onion finely enough and lightly fry.
  4. The flour is browned in a frying pan.
  5. Sour cream is added to the flour, everything is thoroughly mixed. The easiest way is to use a whisk.
  6. When the mixture starts to boil, remove it from the heat, add salt and pepper.
  7. All ingredients are mixed with boiled and chopped chicken, garlic chopped with a press is added. Everything is mixed and folded into a mold, where spaghetti is already lying.
  8. Finally, sprinkle everything with grated cheese.
  9. You need to bake for about half an hour.

If oil does not prevent sticking, silicone paper can be used. She copes with this task much better.

Simple chicken casserole with corn

For cooking you will need:

  • chicken breast - 500 g;
  • potatoes - 600 g;
  • corn - 1 can;
  • 2 onions;
  • mayonnaise - 100 g;
  • medium hard cheese - 100 g;
  • sunflower oil - 3-4 tbsp. l.

Cooking steps:

  1. The breast should first be boiled, cooled, and only then cut into small strips.
  2. The potatoes are peeled and cut into thin circles.
  3. The cheese is grated with a fine grater.
  4. The onion is cut into thin half rings.
  5. The baking dish is greased. The first layer is laid on it - from boiled chicken.
  6. Sprinkle the brisket with cheese, corn and onions.
  7. Potatoes are laid out and again it is necessary to sprinkle the laid out products with cheese.
  8. It remains to salt and grease with mayonnaise.
  9. Place in the oven for half an hour at a maximum temperature of 200 degrees.

Instead of brisket, you can also use minced meat. This will make the dish more tender, and there will be much less work with it. This option is especially suitable when there is absolutely no time for cooking.

Hearty minced chicken and potato casserole

This delicious and nutritious dish will appeal to men. Hot and fragrant casserole with potatoes and minced chicken does not require complex ingredients, and even novice housewives can do the cooking process.

The recipe will require:

  • half a kilo of minced chicken;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc;
  • large potatoes - 5-6 pieces;
  • medium-sized carrots;
  • onion - one piece;
  • grated hard cheese;
  • ground pepper and salt.

To prepare this dish, you will need a baking dish and an oven.

The process can be conditionally divided into two stages - main and final:

  1. Thoroughly mix the minced chicken with the egg and salt in a large bowl. Add the onion cut into small cubes to the composition.
  2. We set the workpiece aside for 15 minutes. The mixture should be infused and soaked.
  3. Cut the carrots into strips and cut the potatoes into even plates. This will help the vegetables bake better and spread over the casserole.
  4. We take the prepared form and put some of the potatoes on the bottom. The rest of the vegetables will be needed for the other layers.
  5. Cover the next level of casserole with minced chicken. On the top are carrot straws and the last layer of potatoes.
  6. Fill the casserole with water about one third of the form.
  7. For 40 min. we send the dish to the oven heated to a temperature of 180 ° C.
  8. After the liquid has evaporated and the potatoes have softened, we proceed to the final stage. Sprinkle the casserole with grated hard cheese, which will betray the original taste and send it back to the oven until tender.
  9. Arrange the dish on plates, cut into portions.

The casserole can be served with a tomato, cucumber and sour cream salad.

Healthy casserole with chicken liver - a godsend for moms

This dish is a real delicacy. It has the virtues of a hearty meal and contains many beneficial trace elements. Chicken liver casserole is especially loved by parents who want to feed their kids wholesome goodies.

To create this dish, you will need the following products:

  • chicken liver - 250 g;
  • three large potatoes;
  • one medium zucchini;
  • carrots - one piece;
  • 50 g of cheese;
  • chicken egg;
  • 100 ml of milk;
  • black pepper and salt;
  • frying oil: vegetable.

Before baking, the ingredients will need to be fried in a pan, so prepare more than just a baking dish beforehand.

A healthy dish is created as follows:

  1. Chop the chicken liver, carrots, courgette and onion finely.
  2. Within 5 min. fry prepared vegetables in a frying pan, after pouring vegetable oil on its surface.
  3. Add finely chopped potatoes to the stew mixture.
  4. Season with pepper and salt and continue frying.
  5. Make a sauce with milk, grated cheese, and raw egg. Pour the biscuit mixture into the baking dish.
  6. Bake for 35 minutes in the oven at 180 ° C.

The prepared casserole can be served with carrot salad, which will increase the beneficial properties of a delicious lunch.

Cooking in a slow cooker: chicken casserole

The modern possibilities of culinary specialists have stepped far forward: gas and electric ovens have given way to multi-cookers. Today, there is nothing easier than making a chicken casserole in a similar device.

This recipe is for trendy and young housewives:

  • chicken fillet - half a kilo;
  • eight medium potatoes;
  • four chicken eggs;
  • large onion;
  • a glass of sour cream;
  • flour - 3 large spoons;
  • a dinner spoon of tomato paste;
  • butter;
  • greens, salt, pepper - according to preference.

Cooking chicken casserole in a slow cooker is as easy as making other dishes. A smart machine will do everything by itself.

It is only necessary to put prepared foods inside:

  1. Cut the chicken fillet into medium-sized cubes.
  2. Chop the onion in the same way, mix with herbs and spices. Add to meat.
  3. Thoroughly mix raw eggs, tomato paste, sour cream and flour to make the potting.
  4. Lubricate the bowl with butter. Line the bottom with potato circles.
  5. Pour 5-6 large spoons of sour cream filling there. The next layer will be chicken fillet pieces.
  6. Finish off the layering with the remaining potatoes and spices.
  7. Select the "Baking" mode in the multicooker settings and bake for 60 to 90 minutes. depending on the readiness of the potatoes.

This casserole is a filling and nutritious dish in itself. Fresh or salted vegetables, such as tomatoes or cucumbers, are perfect as a side dish.

There is nothing easier than making a delicious chicken casserole, especially since there are a lot of recipes for this dish. Any part of the carcass and in any form is used: drumsticks, breast, minced meat, pieces. Depending on the chosen method of cooking meat and additional ingredients, you will be able to cook a new dish each time. Detailed recipes with photos will help you make a delicious dinner.

How to make a chicken casserole

The main advantage of chicken casserole is that most of the vitamins remain in the food, because cooking takes place in the oven. Therefore, the dish will turn out not only tasty and satisfying, but also healthy in comparison with fried poultry. The second advantage is that the chicken casserole is very easy to prepare. The main condition for a good result is a good baking dish with thick sides and bottom.

The casserole is prepared from vegetables, pasta, cereals and even cottage cheese in the oven or slow cooker. Regardless of which one you choose, no recipe is complete without a delicious sauce or egg and cheese sauce. Many people prefer to use mayonnaise as a sauce because it doesn't need to be cooked and goes well with chicken. It can always be replaced with sour cream or cream. You can take absolutely any kind of cheese for the casserole.

Chicken casserole recipe

If you want to diversify your diet with delicious dishes, then try different variations of the chicken casserole. It can be served for lunch or dinner, such a yummy will suit the festive table. Experiment, add spices and herbs to recipes to add a special aroma and taste. Choose a recipe and cook chicken casseroles every day.

Boiled chicken

  • Servings Per Container: 4 Persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 120 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Cuisine: international.

If you cooked a broth from a whole chicken, then part of it can be safely used to make a delicious casserole with buckwheat. The plus is that the cooking time will be approximately halved, because you no longer need to wait until the poultry meat is baked until fully cooked. You can take absolutely any parts of the chicken carcass, at your discretion.


  • groats - 250 g;
  • boiled chicken meat (red) - 400 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • cheese - 100 g;
  • oil for frying;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • mayonnaise or sour cream - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • salt pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Turn on the oven, set 180 degrees.
  2. Boil buckwheat in water until half cooked.
  3. Cut the boiled chicken into pieces.
  4. Cut the onion into half rings and fry in a pan in oil.
  5. Add chicken meat to the onion to lightly fry.
  6. Add two tablespoons of sour cream or mayonnaise to them, mix.
  7. Beat eggs with the remaining sauce.
  8. Grate the cheese.
  9. Put half of the buckwheat, meat and onions into a mold, sprinkle with cheese.
  10. Next, make another layer of buckwheat, pour the egg mixture and sprinkle with cheese.
  11. Cook for 40 minutes.
  12. Boiled chicken casserole is ready. Enjoy your meal!

With potatoes

  • Cooking time: 60 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 5 Persons.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Complexity of preparation: easy.

The most familiar casserole option is potato. It is prepared very simply, and from the ingredients you only need what every housewife always has at hand: potatoes, onions, eggs and milk. The chicken can be taken whole or in parts.Chicken fillet and potato casserole is delicious from both white meat and drumsticks or thighs, only the first option is less juicy.


  • chicken pulp (legs, wings) - 500 g;
  • potatoes - 700 g;
  • canned corn - 250-400 g;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise;
  • cheese - 100 g;
  • salt - a little, taking into account cheese and mayonnaise;
  • vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Turn the oven to 200 degrees.
  2. Cut the potatoes into medium pieces.
  3. Rinse the carcass (individual parts), cut into medium pieces, salt, pepper, sprinkle with spices.
  4. Cut the onion into rings, fry in oil.
  5. Mix potatoes with chicken and onions, add corn, season with mayonnaise.
  6. Grate the cheese.
  7. Put everything in a baking dish and cook for an hour.
  8. Willingness to check with a knife or fork: chicken and potatoes are easily pierced.

Chicken legs

  • Cooking time: 50 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 4 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 150 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Complexity of preparation: easy.

Chicken legs are wonderful because no matter how you cook them, it is very difficult to spoil the dish, because chicken legs always turn out tasty and juicy. So the casserole with pasta and chicken legs will appeal to everyone who wants a hearty and tasty meal. For the dish, it is preferable to choose pasta made from hard cereals. The correct product will not break apart during baking.


  • chicken legs - 500 g;
  • pasta - 400 g;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • cheese - 150 g;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the legs, salt, pepper, remove for 2-3 hours in the cold, marinate.
  2. Then fry in 50 grams of butter.
  3. Cook pasta according to the instructions.
  4. Grate garlic and cheese.
  5. Add oil and garlic to the pasta. Mix.
  6. Put the pasta in a mold, spread the chicken on top and sprinkle everything with cheese.
  7. Bake for 15 minutes in the oven at 180 degrees.
  8. The chicken leg casserole is ready.


  • Cooking time: 70 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 4 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 90 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

A very unusual recipe for chicken breast and cottage cheese casserole will appeal to those who like light dishes or watch their figure by counting calories. Take cottage cheese with a fat content of no more than 5% (this is in case the calorie content of the dish is important to you). It will be more convenient to prepare a casserole and is best in a glass or ceramic form.So the dish will definitely not burn and will remain juicy.


  • chicken fillet - 3 pcs.;
  • cottage cheese - 400 g;
  • milk - 400 ml;
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • flour - 180 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • cheese - 100 g;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the fillets and dip with a paper towel.
  2. Make minced chicken, add pepper, salt, finely chopped garlic.
  3. Fry finely chopped onions.
  4. Grate cheese or cut into small cubes.
  5. Mix onion, cheese and minced meat.
  6. In a bowl, combine cottage cheese with milk and eggs.
  7. Gently add flour while working with a whisk.
  8. Mix the minced meat with the egg-milk mixture.
  9. Cook the casserole in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for an hour.
  10. Serve with sour cream and herbs.

With mushrooms

  • Cooking time: 30 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 5 Persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 100 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Complexity of preparation: easy.

A simple, but no less delicious chicken casserole made from chicken fillet with champignons will appeal to everyone who is not indifferent to mushroom dishes. Picky kids will definitely like it. The good thing about champignons is that cooking them doesn't take much of your time. They just need to be washed and cut, no peeling or pre-boiling, as with forest mushrooms.


  • chicken - 600 g;
  • champignons - 500 g;
  • milk or cream - 200 ml;
  • potatoes - 300 g;
  • cheese - 50 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - for frying.

Cooking method:

  1. Chop the onion (as you like), then fry.
  2. Rinse the champignons, cut into small pieces.
  3. Rinse the chicken, cut into medium pieces, fry.
  4. Cut the potatoes into slices.
  5. Beat milk with a whisk together with eggs, add salt and pepper.
  6. Grate the cheese.
  7. Put half a serving of potatoes on a baking sheet, then mushrooms, then meat and again potatoes.
  8. Pour with milk mixture and sprinkle with cheese evenly.
  9. Chicken casserole in the oven is cooked at 200 degrees for an hour.

With pumpkin

  • Cooking time: 80 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 5 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 80 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Complexity of preparation: medium.

This recipe simply must be in the collection of every housewife, because after the pumpkin harvest and throughout the winter, you can pamper yourself with various tasty and healthy dishes from this vegetable. Pumpkin casserole with chicken turns out to be juicy, moderately sweet, and the addition of aromatic herbs makes its taste even more piquant. Be sure to cook this recipe for dinner at least once.


  • chicken pulp - 500 g;
  • pumpkin - 400 g;
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • garlic - 2 teeth.;
  • cheese - 150 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • basil, salt and pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the fillet and cut into medium cubes.
  2. Peel the pumpkin and cut into medium pieces.
  3. Peel the tomatoes, sprinkle with boiling water, cut.
  4. Chop the garlic.
  5. Beat eggs by hand with a whisk or fork, adding salt and pepper.
  6. Rinse basil, chop.
  7. Grate the cheese.
  8. Fold the pumpkin, tomatoes, chicken fillet, cheese, basil, garlic into a mold and pour over the egg. Mix.
  9. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for an hour.

With rice

  • Cooking time: 60 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 4 Persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 100 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Complexity of preparation: medium.

This hearty dish will appeal to everyone who tastes it. Prefer long grain rice. Tomatoes can be replaced with tomato paste if necessary. The dish can be easily varied by changing spices and seasonings, and served with soy sauce.Chicken rice casserole is a great alternative to porridge, which will be a great occasion for the whole family to gather at the table.


  • chicken - 400 g;
  • rice (dry) - 100 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • sweet bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • cream - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • salt to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • parsley (basil, cilantro, dill) - several sprigs.

Cooking method:

  1. Turn on the oven and leave to heat up to 180 degrees.
  2. Scald the tomatoes, peel, cut.
  3. Grate the carrots and finely chop the onions. Fry together.
  4. Add the tomatoes after 4 minutes.
  5. Peel the Bulgarian pepper, cut into strips and also send to fried vegetables.
  6. Boil rice, and then mix with vegetables.
  7. Cook the chicken until tender, cool, remove the bones and tear into pieces.
  8. Put half of the rice into a mold, then the chicken, cover the meat with the rice.
  9. In a bowl, mix the egg with the cream, season with salt and pepper.
  10. Pour the filling into a mold and sprinkle with cheese on the casserole.
  11. Cook for 15-20 minutes.


The following main types of casseroles are prepared in the world: potato, cabbage, cheese, meat, fish and cottage cheese. Oven casserole is a very varied and versatile dish. Let's list some of them: cottage cheese, potato, pasta casserole, casserole with cheese, semolina casserole in the oven, meat casserole in the oven, oven casserole with mushrooms, cabbage casserole, fish casserole and others. Of the savory dishes, the most common meat casserole in the oven, which in turn has its own varieties: chicken casserole in the oven, casserole with minced meat, potato casserole with minced meat. It is also worth mentioning here the fish casserole, which is usually prepared by lovers of fish dishes from the following types: hake, trout, cod, etc.

However, the most famous and popular casseroles are their sweet versions: cottage cheese casserole, apple casserole, pumpkin casserole, and some others. The most delicious casserole in the oven is the so-called children's casserole in the oven, or, as it is also called, "casserole like in a kindergarten." In the oven, in this case, a dish is prepared that children especially love: soft, tender, aromatic, moderately sweet.

If you are an adherent of a dietary, light diet, a diet casserole in the oven, which is prepared with a minimum of fat, mainly from vegetables or fruits with berries, will suit you. Vegetable casserole also has a lot of varieties, depending on the products used.

If you are already ready to try to cook a wonderful dish "casserole in the oven", you can see the recipes with photos on our website. Oven casserole recipes are many and varied. Study carefully, you will definitely like some of them. Step-by-step illustrations of the process are especially helpful. The recipe for casserole in the oven with a photo, revealing the secret of its preparation step by step, will become your reliable assistant in the kitchen.

Our recommendations, as well as your persistence and desire, will allow you not only to learn how to cook casserole in the oven, but also to teach this art to others. Constantly invent and add new things to the casserole. In short, improvise.

Check out some tips for baking casserole in the oven:

The casserole should be placed in a well-heated oven (180-200 degrees), then it turns out to be tastier and more tender;

It is better to wipe the cottage cheese for the casserole through a sieve or pass through a meat grinder several times. So the consistency will turn out to be uniform, without lumps;

Juicy berries or fruits give excess moisture, so before use you need to let them drain well;

Too many eggs and flour in the curd casserole can give unwanted firmness;

It is recommended to grease the dish for cooking savory casserole thoroughly with oil and sprinkle with bread crumbs. These manipulations will make it easy to remove the finished dish and cut evenly into portions.

Chicken is a healthy and affordable product that is able to regulate cholesterol, support heart function and help the production of gastric juice. This is the best product for the Ducan diet, a real magic wand for everyone who loves to eat well and densely. Chicken meat contains many vitamins and is high in protein.

And how many dishes can be prepared, it would seem, from ordinary chicken. But the most ideal dishes in every sense is chicken casserole: after all, it is tasty, healthy, fast, varied, satisfying and convenient. Ideal recipes for a perfect figure

Minced chicken casserole

Take oat and wheat bran in equal proportions, 1 full st. spoon. Salt 0.5 kg of minced meat and season with herbs to taste. Mix the minced meat and bran, adding 0.5 teaspoons of baking powder and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of milk powder. Put the resulting mixture in a mold and grease on top with kefir 0%. Bake in the oven until tender.

Appetizing chicken casserole

Cut fillet 300 g from the boiled breast and chop it finely. Beat eggs (2 pcs.) With 150 g of skim milk. Add 50 grams of oat bran and stir. Salt and season as desired. On a coarse grater, grate 50 grams of low-fat cheese. Add breast and cheese to the beaten eggs, mix carefully. Pour into a mold and bake for about 30 minutes at 200⁰.

Chicken fillet casserole with cheese

Cut 400 g fillet from the breast and chop finely. Season the meat with salt and pepper, pour 200 ml of skim milk. Put in molds and sprinkle with 100 g of low-fat cheese on top. Bake in the oven until golden brown.

Chicken casserole with vegetables

Cut the large legs into cubes. Fry it lightly with 1 teaspoon of oil and spices. Cut a small piece of sweet pepper into cubes. Disassemble the broccoli into inflorescences. The broccoli should be as much as meat turns out. In a bowl, beat 2 eggs with spices and 60 g of low-fat yogurt. Mix the meat, vegetables and eggs and put them in small molds. Bake in the oven until tender, but at least 30 minutes.

Puff casserole with chicken and vegetables

In a baking dish, all the ingredients are stacked in layers. Zucchini cut into cubes are placed in the bottom, a layer of minced chicken on top. Then again a layer of zucchini, but with tomatoes, and still covered with another layer of minced meat. Salt each layer and sprinkle with spices to taste. Cook the dish in the oven for at least 1-1.5 hours at 180⁰. 15 minutes before cooking, pour over the beaten egg.

Chicken fillet curd casserole

Grate 100 grams of low-fat cheese. In 0.5 kg of low-fat cottage cheese, add an egg, 2-3 cloves of crushed garlic, 300 g of chopped breast in any form (raw or boiled), 50 g of cheese, herbs, salt and spices to taste.

Mix everything and fold into a mold. Sprinkle with the remaining cheese on top. Bake for 30 minutes at 200⁰.

Chicken fillet vegetable casserole

Prepare 1 kg of vegetable mixture or take ready-made frozen vegetables: broccoli, bell peppers, mushrooms, cauliflower. Cut 1 kg of chicken breast into small pieces and mix with vegetables. Fold the whole mold, pour in 250 g of low-fat yogurt. Grind 100 grams of hard cheese on top. Bake in a preheated oven.

Chicken breast casserole with curd topped

Cut 0.5 kg of breast into very small pieces. Salt and pepper the meat, sprinkle with herbs. Mix everything and fold into a baking dish. Mix 250 g of cottage cheese with 0% fat with ⅓ cup of low-fat kefir and 2 eggs. Spread the resulting mass over the meat. Bake until tender, at least 20 minutes.

Souffle casserole

Pass the chicken fillet through a meat grinder. Season with salt, pepper and add the yolk to it. Beat the egg white until foamy and gently mix with skim milk (100 g). Gradually introduce the egg mixture into the minced meat, stirring gently. Pour everything into a baking dish and cook in the oven at 180⁰.

Minced chicken casserole with garlic

1 PC. cut the chicken breast into small pieces. Add finely chopped onions, garlic, herbs to it. Beat in 1 egg and mix everything.

Dilute the resulting mixture with kefir with a fat content of 0%. To obtain a homogeneous mass, all the ingredients need to be ground in a meat grinder, but it is better to use a blender. Season the minced meat with salt and pepper to taste. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of 180⁰.

Minced chicken casserole with curry

Mix 500 g of minced chicken with egg, salt, herbs and spices to taste. Mix yogurt with soft curd and add curry to them. Arrange the minced meat in tins and bake in the oven. 10 minutes before readiness, pour the yoghurt-curd sauce over the dish.

Chicken casserole with egg

Make minced meat from 200 grams of chicken and 1 onion by twisting them in a meat grinder. Season it to taste. Boil two large eggs, cool, peel and cut into cubes. Put ½ minced meat in a baking dish, then chopped boiled eggs and cover with the remaining minced meat. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes at 200⁰.

Colored casserole with chicken

Finely chop the chicken meat, season with salt and pepper. Cut a handful of green beans into pieces. Grate a piece of pumpkin on a coarse grater. Beat 2 large eggs in a bowl with 70 g of low-fat soft cottage cheese. Mix the meat, vegetables and eggs thoroughly and pour into the mold. Bake in the oven for at least 40 minutes.

Mushroom casserole with chicken breast

2.5 tbsp. tablespoons of oat bran mixed with 30 ml of milk and set aside for swelling for 10 -15 minutes. Finely chop 0.3 kg of fresh mushrooms and 1 onion and simmer in a pan until tender. Twist 600 g of chicken breast in a meat grinder or chop very finely.

Add the squeezed bran to the breast, beat in 1 small egg, salt, pepper and mix everything. Spread into a mold in layers: ½ part of meat (or minced meat), mushrooms with onions, ½ part of meat. Close the dish with a lid or foil and place in an oven preheated to 200⁰ for 30 minutes. Remove the lid (foil) and bake for another 10 minutes.

Casserole with crab sticks and bran

1 tbsp. soak a spoonful of oat bran in 2 tbsp. spoons of milk with 0% fat. Grate 100 g of crab sticks or chop finely. Finely chop the onion. Mix the swollen bran and onion with 250 g of minced chicken. Add egg and spiced salt. If the mass is dense enough, it can be slightly diluted with low-fat milk. Put the minced meat in a mold and send it to the oven preheated to 160⁰ for half an hour.

Usefully for business

So that the cooked dishes bring benefit and joy at the same time and always turn out to be tender, appetizing and relevant at any stage of the diet, it is enough to remember:

  1. Meat or minced meat, as well as any other product, must always be fresh.
  2. It is not recommended to eat fried meat, as well as fat and skin.
  3. It is quite simple to diversify your menu, because any recipe from the “attack” stage is suitable for others, the main thing is imagination and a desire to cook: adding your favorite vegetables to meat, you get many options for casseroles.
  4. No matter how delicious chicken casseroles are, your diet should be diversified with other healthy products.
  5. If there is an individual intolerance to chicken meat, then you should not force your body, because food should bring joy.