Recipes for the correct salting of cabbage. How to salt cabbage at home - recipe with cranberries

19.09.2019 Seafood dishes

Step 1: preparing vegetables.

Peel the cabbage from the withered upper leaves, divide into quarters, be sure to remove the stump so that it does not give bitterness. Use a knife to chop the cabbage into very thin strips.
Rinse the carrots, peel them off and, rinse again after reading, grate them on a medium grater or on a Korean carrot grater.

Place the cabbage in a deep bowl, add salt and remember it with a pusher and hands to make the juice stand out. Salting is better to taste in order to get a little salt than necessary. Add some granulated sugar. At the very end, add the grated carrots (you do not need to mash them together with the cabbage) and mix everything.

Step 2: salt the cabbage.

At the bottom of the container in which you will pickle the cabbage, put large clean cabbage leaves, then put the prepared vegetables, cover them with cabbage leaves in the same way, lay a flat dish, press the cabbage with your hands and place a three-liter jar filled with water as a press. Leave everything to roam on 3-4 days.

But you can't leave your cabbage just like that, all this time in the morning, afternoon and evening, or more often, you will need to free it from gases. To do this, you will have to remove the press, remove the cabbage leaves and pierce the contents of the tub or bucket with a wooden stick to the very bottom. You will feel a characteristic smell, not pleasant, but quite bearable.

Step 3: put the cabbage in the jars.

At the end of 3 or 4 days, when you feel that the cabbage is ready, pierce it to the bottom for the last time, and then transfer it to clean glass jars, fill with the resulting juice and close the lids. Move the salted cabbage to a cool place to stop the fermentation process and store there throughout the winter.

Step 4: serve cabbage pickled for the winter.

Salted cabbage for the winter is a storehouse of vitamins and just a very tasty snack. It can be used to cook salads, delicious side dishes and cook awesome cabbage soup. Of course, in urban conditions it is unlikely that it will be possible to salt a lot at once, but be sure to find a place in the refrigerator for at least one three-liter jar, and you will never regret it when you have crispy cabbage on hand in winter.
Enjoy your meal!

For taste and aroma, cabbage can be salted with lingonberries, cranberries, Antonovka, dill seeds, caraway seeds, mustard, horseradish. They also add not only carrots to it, but also beets and bell peppers.

To keep the cabbage crisp for longer, always tamp it in a jar after taking a portion. Vegetables should always be in brine.

Every housewife wants to know how to ferment cabbage so that it is crispy and tasty.

After all, this blank is a real lifesaver for your table in winter.

With sauerkraut, you can prepare various vegetable salads and vinaigrettes, pie fillings and, of course, the famous Russian cabbage soup.

Today we will tell you how to salt cabbage so that it crunches, and everyone who tried it complimented your culinary art.

Salting crispy cabbage in brine

The surest way to salt cabbage so that it crunches is to cook it in brine. Because according to this recipe, it does not need to be crumpled to extract juice.

  • 2-2.3 kg of cabbage
  • 2 medium carrots
  • 3-4 bay leaves
  • a few peas of black or allspice if desired


  • 1.5 l of water
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of coarse, non-iodized salt
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar

How to ferment cabbage to crunch:

1. Prepare the brine by dissolving salt and sugar in warm boiled water until the grains disappear.

2. Peel the cabbage from the top leaves and chop with a knife or in a food processor.

3. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Mix the cabbage with the carrots.

4. Transfer to a clean jar, tamping slightly. Place a few bay leaves and peppercorns between the layers.

5. Pour the brine into the jar so that it completely covers the cabbage.

6. Cover the jar with a loose lid or folded gauze in several layers. Place in a bowl, as the brine will rise and overflow during fermentation.

7. Leave to ferment in the kitchen for 2-3 days. Make sure the top layer of the cabbage is covered with brine. Pierce the cabbage in the jar with a thin wooden stick once a day.

Whether the cabbage is ready or not is determined by the taste, you should like it, but be a little under-fermented.

How to salt cabbage to make it crispy

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar:

  • cabbage - medium head
  • carrots - 1 medium
  • salt - 20 g per 1 kg of cabbage
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar
  • cumin or dill seeds

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How to salt crispy cabbage recipe:

1. The cabbage is chopped into equal, not too thin strips and poured into a large container.

2. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Add it to the cabbage. Put salt and spices there.

3. Mix everything, but do not wrinkle. And put in a jar, crushing, without reporting to the top about 7-8 cm.

4. Add some boiled water to coat the cabbage.

You can not add water, but if after a day the cabbage has not released the required amount of juice, then you need to add boiled water.

5. Place the jar of cabbage in a clean, deep bowl in case the brine spills out. It must be drained back into the jar.

Cabbage is fermented for 3-4 days. In this case, every day, pierce the cabbage with a long stick to the bottom so that the accumulated gases come out.

6. After this time, drain the brine from the cabbage into a deep plate, add sugar to it and stir to dissolve. Transfer back to the jar.

If you put sugar right away, then the cabbage will peroxide more and will not be stored for so long. And you can add sugar to taste already when serving.

7. Cover the cabbage with a lid and place in the refrigerator or cellar.

You can start eating the workpiece in a week. By this time, nitrates are converted into nitrites and are no longer so harmful to the body.

1. The required amount of lactic acid, due to which the cabbage is fermented, it gains due to natural sugars, the largest amount of which occurs only in late autumn. Therefore, according to the old folk calendar, salting is recommended only after the Cover of the Day (October 14).

2. Cabbage should not be frozen, otherwise it will turn out soft, on the cut the stalk is light, dark for a long time in the warehouse.

3. On women's critical days, cabbage is not salted, it turns out to be sour, soft and covered with mucus.

4. The same will happen if you salt on a full moon or on a waning moon. Only on the growing one, ideally on the 5th or 6th day after the new moon.

5. There is a sign that you need to do cabbage pickling on men's days of the week - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. It is also recommended to salt only on those days in the name of which there is the letter "P", that is, on Tuesday and Thursday.

6. Put a little carrots, on a 3-liter jar - 1 piece, otherwise the cabbage will be soft.

7. If you salt cabbage with cucumbers, then they will be crispy and very tasty, but the cabbage itself will only go to stewing, cabbage soup and borscht.

Salted cabbage - the most popular and easiest way harvesting vegetables for the winter in banks. The main advantage of this method is that the cabbage is crispy and very juicy, with a spicy aroma and sweet-sour taste. It is also very important for housewives that the product in cans does not grow moldy and does not need special storage conditions.

Somebody thinkthat there is no difference between pickling and fermenting cabbage. Yes, the cooking methods are somewhat similar, but there are still some differences. When salting, much more salt is used than when pickling a vegetable. Such a brine allows you to quickly get a well-salted and slightly salted product, which is fermented in a jar for only 3-5 days. The fermentation effect is reduced by the presence of a large amount of salt, therefore lactic acid is less formed than with sourdough.

Some rules for salting cabbage:

  1. During fermentation, the brine should cover the vegetables completely. If for some reason this does not happen, then the load on the press should be increased.
  2. For salting, only coarse rock salt is added to the brine.
  3. For the salting to be excellent, the cabbage must contain a lot of sugar. There are varieties that are most suitable for harvesting, for example, Slava. But the easiest way is to taste the vegetable. If it's nice and sweetish, then it's perfect. With a fast fermentation process, there may not be enough sugar in the brine, so sweet cabbage can correct this deficiency.

Classic methods of salting

How to pickle cabbage in a jar? There are many recipes for salting this vegetable. Many housewives prefer the classic methods of salting, proven over the years.

How to cook crispy cabbage

The recipe for a crispy product is very simple, but the result exceeds all expectations. The following ingredients per 3 liter jar:

  • carrots - 2 pieces;
  • cabbage - a large head of cabbage;
  • laurel leaf - 4 pieces;
  • black pepper (peas) to taste.

For the brine you will need:

  • coarse salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • water - 1.5 liters;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons.

Procurement stages look like this:

  1. The cabbage cut into pieces is chopped, the carrots are rubbed on a grater (preferably on a coarse one) and everything is mixed.
  2. Put vegetables in a jar and press down a little. When laying, put pepper and bay leaf between the layers.
  3. Next, we prepare the marinade. The water for the marinade should be boiled and warm, we dilute sugar and salt in it. Fill the salad to the very edges of the jar.
  4. The neck of the jar is covered with gauze or a lid. We put in a deep plate or bowl (excess marinade will overflow into it).
  5. Leave the salad for 3 days to ferment. The top layer of vegetables should be monitored periodically, it should always be covered with marinade.

After 3 days, the product is ready for use.

Fast salting method

This method is loved by many housewives. It is perfect for a family dinner or for unexpected guests, because the cabbage salad will be ready in 1 hour.

Components for quick salting:

  • white cabbage - 2–2.5 kg;
  • carrots - 3 pieces;
  • garlic - 5 cloves.

For the brine you will need:

  • water - 1 liter;
  • rock salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 100 grams;
  • vinegar - 100 grams;
  • vegetable oil - 200 grams.


  1. The cabbage is finely chopped, the carrots are grated, the garlic is finely chopped.
  2. Sugar and salt are added to boiling water. Boil for several minutes.
  3. When the marinade boils a little, vinegar is poured into it. After removing from heat, add oil and mix well.
  4. Vegetables that are pre-packed in a jar are poured with hot brine.
  5. As soon as the salting has cooled, the jars with the workpiece are put into the refrigerator.

Quick salting for the winter

Today there are a huge number of recipes for salting this vegetable for the winter. Nevertheless, many prefer the classic way of harvesting... This recipe for cooking sauerkraut has been used for a very long time and is passed down from generation to generation.

So, to prepare a delicious snack for the winter in a jar, would need:

  • carrots - 4-5 pieces;
  • cabbage - 5 kg;
  • coarse salt - 3 tablespoons;
  • bay leaf - 3 things;
  • spices and herbs.

Cooking steps:

  1. All vegetables are cut: the cabbage is finely chopped, the carrots are grated. Salt is added to vegetables. In order for them to give their juice, they are lightly pressed with their hands.
  2. Salted vegetables are laid out in a large container and spices and bay leaves are added to them.
  3. Press down on top with oppression (put a jar of water on a board or plate). In this form, leave to ferment at room temperature.
  4. After about 24 hours, the oppression is removed. Half of the salad is put into another container and mixed. This is necessary so that excess gases go away. Leave the vegetables to rest for 2 hours. Then again they are sent under oppression. So, they do it every day until salted.
  5. After three days, the marinade settles and becomes light, the foam disappears. Thus, the vegetables are salted, the readiness is tested for taste.
  6. The finished cabbage is placed in jars and stored in a cool place.

How to salt jars of cabbage with additional ingredients

Cabbage is salted not only with the addition of carrots, but also with other vegetables or fruits. Consider several popular recipes on how to salt a vegetable.

Cabbage in jars with tomatoes

For cooking you will need small and ripe tomatoes with a firm texture. Main ingredients:

  • cabbage - 10 kg;
  • tomatoes - 5 kg;
  • salt - 350 grams;
  • to taste - dill seeds, currant and cherry leaves, pepper, celery.


  1. Washed vegetables are chopped. If the tomatoes are small to medium in size, leave them whole.
  2. Put chopped cabbage and tomatoes in a large container, salt. Top of the leaves of berries, dill and celery. In this way, three layers of cabbage and a tomato are sandwiched.
  3. Cover the salad with gauze or a clean cloth on top and put it under oppression. You should monitor the fermentation and release of vegetable juice.
  4. On the 4th day, the salad is transferred with tomatoes into jars and cooled for 12-15 hours.

All, cabbage salad ready to eat.

Pickled cabbage in jars with beets

Such cabbage with beets will surely please the guests, and they will definitely ask for a recipe. For its preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • cabbage - 2 kg;
  • beets - 500 grams;
  • carrots - 1-2 pieces;
  • garlic - 1 slice;
  • water - 1 liter;
  • sugar - 150 grams;
  • salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • black pepper - 7 peas;
  • bay leaf - 3 pieces;
  • vinegar 9% - 150 grams;
  • sunflower oil - 3 tablespoons.

Cooking steps:

  1. All vegetables are cut. Do not chop the cabbage too finely. Beets and carrots are rubbed on a coarse grater. Finely chop the garlic. The vegetables are mixed in a deep bowl.
  2. Sterilize lids and jars. Transfer the vegetable salad to jars, slightly condense.
  3. Spices, vinegar and oil are added to the hot marinade.
  4. Pour with brine and roll up lids. Allow to cool at room temperature, then put in the refrigerator.

After 2 days, the cabbage is ready to eat.

Cabbage in jars with apples

This salad will surely be appreciated by apple lovers. For cooking cabbage with apples, you will need the following components:

  • cabbage - 2 kg;
  • carrots - 500 grams;
  • apples - 4-5 pieces;
  • sugar and salt 70 grams each;
  • allspice - 10 pieces;
  • black pepper - 20 pieces.

Cooking steps:

  1. Chop vegetables, mix with salt, sugar and spices, lightly crush.
  2. Wash the apples, remove the core and mode into small pieces.
  3. Put the vegetables in jars, press lightly, put apples on top. Thus, we sandwich the vegetables several times. We leave about 5 cm from the top to release the vegetable juice during fermentation.
  4. We leave the prepared vegetables for 3 days at room temperature. In the evening and in the morning, you should pierce the vegetable salad with a wooden stick so that excess gases come out.
  5. Store the finished product in the refrigerator or cool place.

Cabbage in jars with honey and cranberries

This recipe uses honey instead of sugar. The following ingredients are required:

  • cabbage - 1 kg;
  • carrots - 3 pieces;
  • honey - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt - 20 grams;
  • bay leaf - 1 piece;
  • black pepper - 5 peas.

Cranberry and sunflower oil will be required before serving.

Cooking steps:

  1. Shred cabbage, three carrots on a grater.
  2. Put the vegetables in a bowl, add salt. Mix thoroughly, pressing lightly.
  3. Next, add the rest of the vegetables and ingredients. We transfer the mixture to jars and tamp it carefully.
  4. We cover with nylon lids, having previously made holes in them, and put them in the refrigerator.
  5. After 24 hours we take out and pierce the mixture with a wooden stick, so we release gases from the product.
  6. It will take a week to fully cook. But do not forget to release gases from the mixture 2 times a day. It is very important!

Before serving, sprinkle cabbage with cranberries and add sunflower oil.

Features of the preparation of brine for cabbage

Pickle or pickle for sauerkraut Is a salted solution of water, to which various spices and herbs are often added. But also the marinade is obtained naturally, during the fermentation of cabbage. The main base of the liquid for pickling is brine concentrated solution. The concentration directly depends on the amount of added salt. Here are some tips for making brine at home.

For fermentation

The classic (grandmother's) cooking method - sourdough with brine... The marinade according to this recipe is very quick and easy to prepare. In 1.5 liters of water, it is necessary to dilute 1 tablespoon of coarse salt and 2 tablespoons of sugar. The resulting solution is put on fire and boiled for 2-3 minutes. Vegetables are poured with a cold solution and kept until completely cooked.

For pickling

Pickled cabbage as tasty and healthy as pickled or salted. The brine plays an important role in it. The preparation is slightly different from the vegetable sourdough marinade.

You will need the following components for a 3 liter can:

  • sunflower oil - 0.5 cups;
  • salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 200 grams;
  • vinegar 9% - 180 ml;
  • water - 1 liter.

All vegetables are chopped and stacked in layers in a jar, you can add a few cloves of garlic or hot peppers. All marinade components are water soluble. Next, the liquid should be boiled and the cabbage with vegetables should be poured with a hot solution. And within a day the product will be ready for use.

To make pickled or salted cabbage tasty and crispy, it is very important to observe all proportions for preparing the solution.

There are many different ways of salting cabbage: cold, hot, sauerkraut, pickled, sour, spicy, with carrots, beets. All of them deserve attention, and no one will argue that salted cabbage is the most delicious traditional appetizer on the Russian table, and also healthy. Marina Fateeva from the city of Saratov sent us an interesting recipe and photo of a delicious quick salted cabbage, which is ready in a few hours. This is a delicious salting of cabbage in a quick (hot) way with the addition of vinegar and garlic, in brine. But what can I say, this is a ready-made appetizer - cabbage salad with garlic in jars!

Matali cabbage

This is a recipe for quick salted cabbage, it is easy and quick to cook, the cabbage turns out to be a little spicy and crispy.

For a recipe for making pickled cabbage with vinegar and garlic, we need:

  • 2 kg (white cabbage),
  • 1 head of garlic
  • 1-2 carrots.

For brine:

  • 1l of water
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 2 tablespoons of salt
  • 1/2 cup sunflower oil
  • 2 tablespoons of vinegar essence.

How to cook instant pickled cabbage

We shred the cabbage (I usually use a combine for this purpose), three on a coarse grater, cut the garlic (not very finely), mix it all and put it tightly in a 3-liter jar.

Let's start preparing the brine:

pour sugar, salt into the water and bring to a boil, at the end add vinegar essence, remove from heat, pour in sunflower oil, mix everything - the brine for quick cabbage is ready.

Pour the brine into a jar of cabbage, leave it at room temperature, after 5 hours the cabbage is ready, you can try it.

Then salted cabbage in jars must be stored in the refrigerator and eaten in 2 weeks. Prepares quickly, but does not last long. At my house, such pickled cabbage with carrots and garlic is usually eaten in a week.