Make the right milkshake. Milkshake Recipes in a Blender

23.06.2020 Seafood dishes

Milkshake ... What can be the best drink for a children's party, party or just for breakfast? It is not only tasty, but also extremely healthy - milk provides the necessary amount of calcium, protein and fat, and fruit or vegetable supplements will energize you with vitamins C, A, group B, potassium and magnesium. It all depends on what exactly you will cook it with. By the way, a milkshake is an excellent solution for those mothers whose children do not like milk. What child would refuse a tasty, beautiful mixture with pieces of fruit, which is very fun and interesting to drink?

How to make a milkshake at home

You no longer need to go to a cafe to taste this drink. A classic mix is \u200b\u200bprepared so simply that even a schoolboy will master the recipe for making a milkshake. For several servings you will need:

250 grams. regular ice cream (about 2 scoops);

2 glasses of milk of 3.2% fat content;

1 glass of cream;

2 tbsp. tablespoons of powdered sugar or any fruit syrup;

A bit of vanillin.

Place all listed ingredients in a blender or mixing bowl, whisk at highest speed for 2-3 minutes. The classic milkshake is ready. Following the above recipe, you will have about 3-4 servings. For those who are embarrassed by the fat content of the cocktail (after all, ice cream and cream are not the most dietary products), there is an obvious way out - to replace ordinary milk with skim milk, also choose cream with the lowest percentage of fat content, and from a wide range of ice cream to purchase the one that has the lowest calorie content ... Thus, you will enjoy the drink without harming your figure. You can also add a little fresh berries or fruits to the cocktail, and replace sugar, as mentioned above, with fruit or any other syrup. Now that you have a basic recipe for how to make a milkshake at home, you can experiment endlessly and come up with something new. By adding different ingredients, you will create a new mixture for every breakfast.

How to make a chocolate banana milkshake

This recipe will definitely become a favorite at children's parties. Absolutely all kids will love the chocolate-banana taste. For him, a caring mother needs to take:

150-200 ml of milk of any fat content;

70-100 grams of chocolate;

200 grams of regular ice cream;

Cinnamon to taste.

Grate the chocolate and dissolve it in a little hot milk, leave a couple of tablespoons of shavings for decoration. Cut the banana into small slices. Then all the ingredients should be placed in a mixer or blender, beat for 2-4 minutes, until the mass becomes beautiful and smooth. Then pour into glasses and, decorating with chocolate, serve. You can add cinnamon to the drink to taste. Everything is very simple and doesn't even take five minutes. Knowing how to make a milkshake, you can easily find in it an alternative to store-bought sodas that are not very useful for both children and adults.

Posted on April 5, 2017

Everyone can make a milkshake. Many of us remember this taste from childhood. Once upon a time, I just dreamed that we would have a mixer at home in order to prepare these cocktails in unlimited quantities.

Today, a mixer is not a problem; almost every family has either a mixer or a blender. But for some reason we often buy milkshakes in cafes or pizzerias, but we don't cook at all at home.

In this article I will try to give you some recipes for making milkshakes that will become your favorites. But first, I want to tell you some tips on how to properly prepare a dairy-based cocktail.

Remember milk should be chilled. Only then will it foam well.

You can add almost all fruits except orange, tangerine, grapefruit and sour apples. Otherwise, there is a risk after taking a cocktail to arrange a fasting day for yourself.

In addition to milk, you can use kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt.

You can decorate the cocktail with coconut, grated chocolate, grated nuts, mint, pieces of fruit.

Can be garnished with a nice whipped cream hat. You can read how to make whipped cream at home by following the link.

You can also decorate the edges of the glass in which you will serve the cocktail. Dip the glass into water and then sugar. You will have beautiful edges in edible snow.

It is better to take ice cream white without dyes. And of course, only ice cream.

Fruits and berries that you plan to use in a cocktail can be whipped with milk. Just remember to wash them first.

Very often all possible syrups are used for cooking. If there is no syrup on hand, you can replace it with jam.


Ice cream 1 waffle cup.

A glass of milk.


☑ Remove the ice cream from the cups and place in the blender bowl.

☑ Pour in milk and beat for 3-4 minutes.

☑ Pour into glasses and serve.

Your cocktail is completely ready.

Strawberry vanilla cocktail


Strawberry-200 grams

Vanilla ice cream-150 grams.

Milk 100-150 grams.

Vanilla sugar sachet.

Sugar to taste but not more than 150 grams.


☑ Mix the strawberries with ice cream and beat well.

☑ Add milk, vanilla, sugar and beat for about three minutes.

☑ Pour into glasses, garnish with strawberry halves and serve.

Your cocktail is ready.

Coffee banana milkshake


1 banana.

1 teaspoon of instant coffee.

Milk half a glass.

1 tablespoon honey.

100-120 grams of ice cream.


☑ Cut the banana into circles and mix with the ice cream. Beat everything with a blender.

☑ Dissolve coffee in 2 tablespoons of warm water. And send to the banana.

☑ Add honey and milk and beat for 3-4 minutes.

Your cocktail is ready.

Milk-almond cocktail


Milk is a third of a glass.

1 glass of kefir.

50 grams of almonds.

Apricot syrup or jam.

Sugar to taste.

A tablespoon of ice cream.


☑ Peel the almonds, pour them over with boiling water to make it easier to remove the skin.

☑ Put clean almonds in a coffee grinder and grind the beans.

☑ Mix almond powder with the rest of the ingredients and beat until foam appears. The cocktail is poured into glasses and can be served.

Hot Milk Chocolate Shake


1 banana.

Half a liter of milk.

Dark chocolate bar.

Ground cinnamon.


☑ Peel the banana, cut into circles and use a blender to turn it into mashed banana.

☑ Pour milk into a saucepan and put on fire.

☑ Add banana puree and broken chocolate to the milk.

☑ Continue heating the milk until the chocolate is completely dissolved.

☑ As soon as the chocolate dissolves and the mass begins to thicken, pour the cocktail over the glasses, sprinkle with ground cinnamon on top.

Raspberry paradise cocktail


Raspberry 140-150 grams.

Milk glass.

Ice cream 100-120 grams.

Sugar 2-3 tablespoons.


☑ Put the raspberries in a saucepan, pour all the sugar and put on fire. ☑ Bring to a boil and boil for just a couple of minutes. Make sure that the sugar does not burn.

☑ Cool the raspberries and pour in the milk, mix and pour into a blender. Add ice cream and beat until fluffy. This will take about 2-3 minutes.

☑ Pour the finished cocktail into glasses and serve to the guests.

Milk cherry cocktail


Cherry, fresh or frozen. Cherry syrup can.

Milk glass.

Ice cream 120-130 grams.

1-2 tablespoons of sugar. Depends on the acidity of the cherry.


☑ Wash the cherries well and remove the seeds.

☑ Squeeze juice from the berries. Or simply puree them with a hand blender.

☑ Mix the cherry puree with the rest of the ingredients and beat well for 3-4 minutes.

Cocktail mint cloud


150 milk.

150 ice cream.

30 mint syrup.

A sprig of mint.

Whipped cream.


☑ Mix all ingredients and beat until fluffy.

☑ Garnish with a cap of whipped cream and a sprig of mint.

Paradise apple milkshake


500 milk.

2 sweet apples.

50 grams of walnuts.


Honey or cane sugar about a tablespoon.


☑ Grind the nuts in a coffee grinder to a powder.

☑ Wash and puree apples.

☑ Add sugar or honey to the puree and stir.

☑ Cover with milk and beat.

☑ Pour into glasses and garnish with nuts.

Milkshake with vodka


150 milk.

1 egg.

50 vodka.

2 level tablespoons of sugar.

Coconut or shredded chocolate.


☑ Separate the yolk from the protein.

☑ Beat the protein for 1 minute and gradually add sugar.

☑ Beat for a few more minutes.

☑ Gently add the yolk and continue to beat the cooled milk.

☑ Pour in vodka again, beat well.

☑ Pour into glasses, decorate with coconut flakes and serve.

Everyone knows about the benefits of milk and dairy products, especially for children, pregnant women and nursing mothers, but how to make the dearest child drink a glass of such hated milk? Don't waste your energy and nerves! Be smarter and wiser - buy a blender and make cocktails based on milk, ice cream, kefir or yogurt with fresh fruits, berries or syrups. Children simply cannot refuse such a delicacy! And everyone will be happy! Do not forget to please yourself with a glass of a delicious milk drink.

How to make a milkshake at home

A classic milkshake should consist of two essential ingredients - milk and ice cream. To prepare a cocktail, milk must be cooled to a temperature of +6 degrees. Milk that is too cold makes a good, and most importantly, delicious cocktail will not work. Beat the cocktail at high speed in a blender or with a mixer until a thick foam forms. If you decide to add fruits, berries or ice to your cocktail, strain it through a strainer before serving to remove seeds, pieces of ice and fruits. Milkshakes are poured into tall glasses immediately after preparation and served with a straw.

In addition to milk, the base can be kefir, yogurt or cream. You can add fruits, berries, fruit juices and syrups, coffee, chocolate, alcoholic drinks to cocktails. If you follow your figure and stick to a diet, you can make a low-calorie cocktail based on low-fat kefir or skim milk with fruit juice and pieces of unsweetened fruit - apple, kiwi, strawberry. But fat milk and yogurt, sour cream, cream, chocolate, nuts and coconut will have to be excluded.

Classic milkshake with ice cream

We take 250 g of ice cream and 1 liter of milk. Whisk in a blender until a thick foam forms and serve immediately after cooking. By the way, the amount of milk can vary depending on your individual preferences. If you like to easily and naturally sip the cocktail through a straw, then you can take more milk, one and a half liters per 250 g of ice cream. If you like thick and high-calorie cocktails a la McDonalds, then the amount of milk should be reduced.

The best cocktail recipes at home

  • Milkshake with apple and nuts

A non-alcoholic cocktail with a delicate, slightly tart taste is a wonderful treat for a children's party. However, adults will certainly want to taste this appetizing drink.


  • two apples
  • half a liter of milk
  • 2 tbsp walnuts
  • half a glass of sugar

Cooking method:

Peel the apples, remove the seeds, grate, cover with sugar and mix well. Boil milk, cool, pour apples. Beat the milk-apple mixture in a blender or mixer. Pour the drink into glasses and sprinkle with chopped walnuts on top.

  • Healthy Avocado Milkshake

The fruit of avocado contains oleic acid, which lowers blood cholesterol levels, and also has pronounced antioxidant properties.


  • one avocado
  • 500 ml milk
  • some liquid honey
  • optional raspberry syrup
  • or black currant jam

Cooking method:

Cut the ripe avocado in half. Gently scrape the pulp with a spoon and send it to the blender. Add half a liter of milk and quite a bit of liquid honey to the avocado pulp. Especially for those with a sweet tooth, you can add a couple of tablespoons of blackcurrant jam or a little raspberry syrup. Mix everything in a blender for one to two minutes.

  • Strawberry oatmeal cocktail with milk

This hearty drink has a lot of useful properties: milk contains proteins, amino acids, vitamins and microelements necessary for the body, strawberries strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and oatmeal normalizes metabolism, improves hair and skin condition.

Cooking method:

In a blender, mix fresh strawberries with 500 ml of milk, a small amount of oatmeal and plain yogurt, cinnamon and a tablespoon of cocoa. Pouring into glasses, the cocktail can be sprinkled with oatmeal and cinnamon.

  • Milk Banana Shake

This wonderful drink will be enjoyed by both children and adults. Last, at the final stage, you can add a couple of spoons of brandy to each glass.

Cooking method:

Beat 250 g of ice cream in a blender or mixer, preferably an ice cream or vanilla, with a liter of milk and slices of ripe banana. We pour the finished cocktail into glasses. Before serving to children, decorate the drink with kiwi slices and slices of banana, and add a little brandy to adults.

  • Milk chocolate cocktail

A simple but delicious drink that can be prepared in just a few minutes.

Cooking method:

Pour 250 ml of milk into a blender, put one serving of ice cream, add 2 tbsp. cocoa, berries and icing sugar to taste. Whisk all ingredients thoroughly until a thick foam forms. When serving, you can add a slice of ice cream to the cocktail.

  • Milk and apricot cocktail

A light refreshing cocktail with milk, apricots and ice for hot days.


  • 250 g fresh apricots
  • 200 ml milk
  • 50 g sugar
  • 5 tbsp crushed ice

Cooking method:

Put finely chopped apricots on crushed ice. We fill in everything with sugar, pour in milk and mix with a mixer for two minutes at the lowest speed.

  • Milk caramel cocktail

This drink will take a little tinkering, but it's worth it!


  • 400 ml milk
  • 2 scoops of vanilla ice cream
  • 4 tbsp Sahara
  • strawberry

Cooking method:

In a small saucepan, melt the sugar over low heat with constant stirring. The caramel should be golden brown, but not dark in color. Add 5 tbsp. water and, stirring continuously, boil the caramel mass until the consistency of a syrup. Then pour in the milk and bring the mixture to a boil again. Remove the saucepan from the heat and let the contents cool. We cover the saucepan with a lid and send it to the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Pour the cooled caramel milk into a blender, add vanilla ice cream and beat for about 15 seconds. Pour the drink into cocktail glasses, decorating the rim with fresh strawberries. Serve with straws.

  • Milkshake with raspberries and ice cream

This cocktail is rich in vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system, helps burn fat, has antipyretic effects, has diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.


  • 250 g ice cream
  • 500 ml milk
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 1 cup fresh raspberries

Cooking method:

Dissolve honey in warm milk and send the mixture to the refrigerator. Add ice cream to the chilled honey-milk mixture. Beat everything in a blender. Add raspberries and beat again. Before serving, pass the cocktail through a strainer to remove the seeds from the raspberries.

An active evening rest is always dancing, fun and alcohol. A trip to a bar or a nightclub is accompanied by tasting new or drinking your favorite cocktails. But you don't have to go somewhere for this: you can decorate a home party or a meeting with friends by making alcoholic cocktails at home on your own.

Feature of cocktails

Why are alcoholic cocktails so attractive for night lovers? The fact is that they have a number of features that distinguish these drinks from other alcoholic products.

An alcoholic cocktail is a mixture of two or more ingredients, one of which necessarily contains alcohol. They can be completely simple in composition and preparation, or they can be multicomponent with complex stage-by-stage preparation. The correct combination of the components of the cocktail provides a pleasant taste and a light dizzying effect, which is more akin not to intoxication, but to relaxation and fun.

Alcoholic cocktails at home can also be prepared, but this requires a certain skill and knowledge of proportions. Therefore, most often for these drinks and turn to bars and nightclubs.

Types of cocktails

The best bartenders compete annually in the skill of creating cocktails, so keeping up with new products is quite difficult. If you decide to prepare alcoholic cocktails at home, then you need to know the basics about them:

  • There are “long” and “short” cocktails. They are also called the English words "long" and "shot" respectively.
  • Long cocktails usually contain more than three ingredients and are served in a tall glass with enough ice. Drinking this version of cocktails is usually offered through a straw.
  • Shot cocktails are drunk in one gulp. They are served in a glass or a small special glass. They usually contain more alcoholic constituents than longs.
  • There are classic cocktails whose recipes have been established for decades. They bear the same name and have the same composition in any bar in the world.
  • Bartenders can make signature cocktails on the basis of the classic ones, slightly modifying the recipe or completely inventing a new composition.

Making an alcoholic cocktail at home is a snap. The main thing is to know what exactly you want to get.

Why classic recipes are good

These names can always be found in the cocktail list of any bar. You don't expect anything new from them and you are one hundred percent sure of the taste. Classic recipes for alcoholic cocktails are a ratio of taste proven over the years.

If you decide to make alcoholic cocktails at home, then pay attention, first of all, to the classic compositions.

"Mojito", "Margarita", "Cosmopolitan", B-52 - this list can be continued for a long time and every connoisseur of the taste of good alcohol can find a recipe to his liking.

Before you start preparing, you need to decide: on what occasion the cocktail will be, for which audience and what their preferences are. And having studied the theoretical basis, making alcoholic cocktails at home: simple and complex, strong and not so - is a matter of technique and inspiration.

Cocktails for any occasion

Several simple cocktails have a universal taste that will delight almost everyone. They are perfect for a party or get-together with friends.

  1. Whiskey cola. To prepare it, you need to mix whiskey with chilled highly carbonated cola in a one-to-one ratio. A large amount of ice must be added to the glass before serving.
  2. Vodka with Sprite. Pour 50 ml of vodka and 150 ml of chilled sprite into a tall glass. Add a few wedges of lime or lime juice. Accompany with plenty of ice.
  3. "Mojito". At the bottom of a tall glass, you need to pour two teaspoons of sugar (preferably brown) and squeeze the juice from half of the lime. After that, in a glass you need to put a lot of mint leaves, crushed ice and pour 60 ml of rum and 150 ml of sparkling mineral water or sprite. Decorate the glass with lime slices.

These recipes show that you can make an alcoholic cocktail at home without the use of complex ingredients and special devices.

Female version

It is usually more difficult to surprise the fair sex. They are demanding on the taste and design of drinks. But nothing is impossible - delicious alcoholic cocktails at home is a task quite feasible for everyone!

  • "Cosmopolitan". In a shaker or a large glass, mix 20 ml and the same amount of vodka, 10 ml of cranberry juice and the same amount of lemon juice. Add crushed ice and stir well. Served in a martini glass.
  • "Sea breeze". In a shaker or blender, mix 50 ml of vodka and the same amount of grapefruit juice with 100 ml of cranberry juice. Mix thoroughly with crushed ice, serve in a tall glass, garnish with cranberries.
  • Mulled wine. A bottle of red wine (dry or sweet) in an enamel bowl should be brought to a boil. Add spices to the wine: cinnamon, honey, cloves, coriander and simmer for several minutes. Cool the cocktail to the desired temperature, serve in a mulled wine glass with lemon wedges.

A fair floor is preferred not too with a pleasant taste. A beautifully decorated glass with a cocktail will only increase your appetite.

Best shots

Making alcoholic cocktails at home, which are drunk in one gulp, is also not a problem. The following cocktails are the most simple and delicious.

  • B-52. To prepare this classic cocktail, you need to mix equal proportions of coffee, cream and orange liqueur. In a small glass, you need to pour the components in the same sequence, while you need to be extremely careful so as not to mix the layers. To do this, it is best to pour the liquor over the tip of a knife. The contents of the glass must be set on fire when serving and quickly drink through a straw.
  • "Kamikaze". In a small glass, 100 ml of vodka are mixed with 25 ml of orange liqueur. Add a few drops of lime juice.
  • "Green Monkey". Mix banana in a small glass and Pour in layers - first a yellow layer, green liquor is carefully poured on top.

Short cocktails are most often preferred by men: they are stronger and have a pronounced alcoholic taste.

Men's cocktails

Vodka is an alcoholic drink that is very popular among the strong half of humanity. Women like to try various cocktails that have original tastes, but men like more intoxicating drinks: cognac, whiskey, vodka, brandy and others. But such strong alcohol is not always appropriate. In some situations, it is more relevant to offer guests a cocktail, but which one is most suitable in a male company? Let's consider the most popular options:

  • Energy vodka. The preparation of such a cocktail is very simple. This requires a narrow glass of ice. Pour in vodka (50 ml), and 150 ml of an energy drink. Both ingredients are gently mixed with a spoon, and a couple of lemon slices are hooked onto the edge of the glass. You can add grenadine, it will give the cocktail a beautiful color.
  • "The Cape drink is prepared from vodka. This will require 50 ml of alcohol and 150 ml of fruit drink. In a glass with ice, mix both ingredients. Cranberries can be used."
  • "IQ". An uncomplicated recipe for a delicious, strong cocktail. Fill a tall glass with ice and add all the ingredients: vodka (50 ml), honey syrup (20 ml), grapefruit juice (150 ml). The components of the drink must be gently mixed with a spoon. Orange zest is used for decoration.

These drinks are easy to prepare and will not take long.

Exercise caution!

Making alcoholic cocktails at home, recipes for which are simple and delicious, is as easy as shelling pears. But before that, it is worth remembering some of the features of these drinks that require special care and caution.

Alcoholic cocktails are very deceiving - their taste makes you think that you are not drinking alcohol at all, and forget about the quantity. Nevertheless, each glass of cocktail is an increased load on the liver and cardiovascular system. It is by combining various types of strong alcoholic beverages that one can achieve that they enhance and multiply the toxic effect of each other. And in combination with a pleasant taste and an atmosphere of universal fun, alcoholic cocktails can be very insidious for the body.

But this does not mean that they should be abandoned! You just need to remember about moderation and not abuse, be able to stop in time, no matter how funny the company is.

A few alcoholic cocktails, provided you feel well, will only spice up a party with friends.

Making alcoholic cocktails at home is not only a reason to surprise your friends and acquaintances, it can also be an excellent element of entertainment at a party: cocktails prepared together are much more interesting to taste together.

What are milkshakes, why are they so popular and what are the benefits of them? How to make milkshakes at home? What's the tastiest recipe? Should milk be fat? And what about ice cream? Isn't it scary to give a milkshake to a small child? What if diabetes or lactose intolerance?

There are always a lot of questions around milkshakes. Let's figure it out from the very beginning and in order.

History of milkshakes

The name of the inventor of cocktails made from milk and dairy products has not survived in history, but these drinks became known at the end of the 19th century. In 1885, one of the English newspapers first published a note about a delicious delicacy - a milkshake, and also published its recipe. For the cocktail they took cold cow's milk, raw eggs, brandy or whiskey. The result was a product that resembled a popular product in those days or was familiar to us.

About the benefits. The main ingredient in any milkshake is milk, which is very rich in calcium. A glass of whole milk contains 236 mg of this valuable trace element, which is essential for the normal functioning of the heart, bones and muscles. Milk helps to strengthen tooth enamel. And, thanks to him, the risk of osteoporosis is significantly reduced in elderly people.

The milkshake hit the spot and the recipe went viral around the world. The inhabitants of Europe preferred to make a drink with hot milk, and in America they replaced whiskey or brandy with strong rum. Milkshakes were prepared in large containers and treated to guests at receptions or served at the family festive table. It is worth noting that the ingredients for mix shakes were not cheap, and not everyone could afford such a drink. A glass or two of milkshake was affordable only for the wealthy members of society.

About beauty. Milkshakes are great for filling. After drinking a milkshake, a person does not feel hunger for 2-3 hours. And this means such drinks are good for everyone who monitors their own weight and is afraid of overeating.

At the end of the 19th century in America, they began to add berry, fruit, chocolate and vanilla syrups to cocktails. Then ice cream was put into milkshakes for the first time, and from this the taste of the drinks noticeably improved.

In 1922, the enterprising American inventor Stephen Poplavsky, working on the problem of automating the preparation of soda with syrup, invented a blender. The advent of a new invention made milkshakes soft and airy, and the drink received a delicious head of foam. Thanks to the blender, the gooey, creamy texture of eggnog is a thing of the past.

About pleasure. The combination of milk and chocolate causes the release of the pleasure hormone endorphin into the bloodstream. It regulates blood pressure and improves mood. In winter, the combination of milk and fruit has the same effect. By themselves, berries and fruits are an excellent source of vitamins and fiber. They help to strengthen the immune system, which means they are very useful in the cold season.

After a few more decades, milkshakes have evolved into the drinks we are used to. Gradually, fresh fruits and berries were added to them, and almost everywhere they abandoned the alcoholic component and eggs. True, in the days of "Prohibition" American bartenders, on the contrary, abused alcohol. They mixed strong alcoholic drinks into harmless-looking milkshakes, knowing full well that no police officer could distinguish alcoholic milkshakes from ordinary children's cocktails. Until the guardians of the law were in sight, the bartenders poured crushed ice into blenders, poured milk, adding sweet syrup to it, and flavored everything with a hefty portion of port wine. All that remained was to beat the milkshake well, and the visitor was very pleased!

Basic recipe

Any milkshake has a basic base. Using it, you can independently change the additives, getting a different consistency and color of the drink, as well as giving it the most unusual shades of taste.


  • pasteurized milk 500 ml
  • ice cream sundae 200 g
  • bananas 2 pcs.

Preparing a milkshake is not difficult. All ingredients are placed in a blender and beat until fluffy, homogeneous. It takes 15-30 seconds for the cocktail to become airy. The cocktail is poured into tall glasses and served with a straw.

Advice. If desired, vanilla ice cream is substituted for nut or pistachio, syrup for homemade jam, and berries or any other fruit are used instead of banana. Blueberries give the drink a lilac hue, and they achieve pink by putting raspberries or strawberries in a cocktail.

Good milkshake rules

Milkshakes are good because they leave a lot of room for creativity - they inspire you to experiment and create your own recipes. However, even the most sophisticated and most creative milkshake may not impress guests and households if you do not adhere to generally accepted rules.

  1. The basis of any milkshake is chilled milk. To make the taste of the drink richer and the milk whipped easier, it is better to cool it in advance in the freezer until a small content of ice crystals appears in it. Do not use ice to lower the temperature, this is the wrong tactic! As a last resort, add ice cream to the milk: according to GOST you will not cook that way, but the result will not disappoint.
  2. If your cocktail contains fruit syrup, choose one with a low acidity, as the acid makes the drink runny.
  3. It is better to take dairy products with a low fat content - then the cocktail will turn out to be fluffy. They must of course be of good quality.
  4. Melted chocolate is not added to milkshakes. In cold milk, it immediately freezes and therefore clogs the tube. Cocoa powder is also a poor addition for milkshakes. It swells in the drink and, like chocolate, gets stuck in the straw.
  5. If you plan to put berries or fruits in the cocktail, they are whipped separately to a puree consistency and only then added to the milk.
  6. The thickness of a homemade milkshake can be adjusted by increasing or decreasing the proportion of ice cream in it: the more ice cream you add to a milkshake, the thicker it will be.
  7. Lush foam is the result of the high speed of the blender or mixer. So, in the USSR, legendary milkshakes were prepared in accordance with GOST with a specialized mixer "Voronezh". It is unlikely that you will find this in your household, but it is worth taking care of a quality mixer / blender.

Milkshake Decorations

Fruits and berries

It is customary to decorate milkshakes with those types of fruits and berries that are included in their composition. If the recipe contains citrus fruits, then a glass with a milkshake can be garnished with small thin slices of orange. When strawberries are used to prepare the drink, it is decorated with fresh or frozen berries.

Sprinkles of nuts, chocolate, cinnamon

An excellent sprinkling for milkshakes is nuts, but they must first be fried and chopped. Hazelnuts, peanuts, and almonds are great. To decorate the finished drink, you can sprinkle it with finely grated chocolate or a small amount of cinnamon powder.

Whipped cream

Delicate air caps made of whipped cream look great on cocktails. For their preparation, cream is used with a fat content of at least 30%. They prepare simply. Whisk one glass of cream for 5-7 minutes with 1 tablespoon of powdered sugar and a little salt. When whipping, the volume doubles.

Flavored cream

Flavored cream is obtained from lime or lemon zest, anise extract, brandy or vanilla. And chocolate flavored whipped cream is the result of adding cocoa powder.

How to whip cream for milkshains

  1. It is important to remember that cold cream is best whipped and all the flavors are added before whipping begins. To make the whipping process even faster and more efficient, you should cool the whipping dishes in advance.
  2. When whipping by hand, they achieve the desired consistency. Some people prefer soft cream, while others prefer soft cream that holds its shape well.
  3. When using a mixer for whipping, it is important to stop in time because the cream easily turns into butter. If this happens, the oil is removed to a cool place and used in home cooking. For example, they make delicious toasts with jam or cinnamon from it. And to decorate the milkshake, a new portion of cream is prepared.

Milk cocktail from the USSR ("milkshake according to GOST")

The older generation of readers remembers this legendary cocktail from a Soviet cafe, which it was impossible to refuse. The Gostovsky recipe provides for the preparation of milk ice cream, but we will use a ready-made briquette of good quality.


  • milk ice cream 25 g
  • skim milk 150 g
  • fruit syrup 25 g

Chill milk in the refrigerator, or even better, put it in the freezer and wait until small frozen pieces appear in it. Place milk ice cream in a blender or mixer, pour in chilled skim milk and fruit syrup. Whisk until you get a milkshake.

Milkshake "Tropical"

In winter, when the landscape outside the window is painted in black and white, you want bright and unusual dishes and drinks more than ever. The "tropical" milkshake will surely appeal to everyone who misses the hot summer and the long-awaited vacation.


  • 5-10 large strawberries - frozen
  • 1 glass of chilled milk
  • vanilla ice cream
  • 50 g coconut milk
  • 2 tablespoons coconut syrup

Grind the strawberries in a blender and place the finished puree in a cocktail glass. Whisk milk, ice cream, coconut milk and syrup until tender. Transfer everything without stirring to the strawberries. Garnish the milkshake with grated lemon zest and it's ready to be served!

Milkshake for diabetics

People with diabetes cannot eat sugar, so sweeteners are put in the mix shakes for them. For example, aspartame or stevia. Ice cream is also a product that cannot be used in recipes for diabetics. To make the cocktail rather thick and viscous, replace the ice cream with heavy cream or canned coconut milk.


  • 1 liter of milk
  • 400-500 g of fresh berries or fruits (not bananas!)
  • 100 g cream or coconut milk

Place all products in a mixer and whisk for 30 seconds. The froth on the cocktail will be higher if the milk is cold enough.

Slimming Milkshake

Almost all commercial milkshakes are quite high in calories, as they contain a large amount of sugar. In order for the milkshake to be not only pleasant to the taste, but also not to spoil the figure, it is best to do it yourself. The calorie content of the drink prepared according to this recipe will not exceed 100-110 Kcal.


  • 2 cups skim milk
  • 2 peaches, pitted and without skin
  • 150 g vanilla yogurt
  • 100 g crushed ice
  • ground cinnamon - to taste

Wash the peaches and pour boiling water over them to make it easier to remove the delicate skin. Remove the seeds and place the peaches in a blender. Pour chilled milk there, add ice and yogurt. If you want a sweeter taste, add a sweetener. Whisk until smooth and pour into glasses. Sprinkle the finished milkshake with ground cinnamon.

Pumpkin milkshake

A healthy cocktail will turn out if you add homemade or purchased pumpkin puree to the milk. Don't have time to cook pumpkin? Use a homogenized puree from baby food jars for the drink.


  • 0.3 l milk
  • 120 g pumpkin puree
  • 4 teaspoons granulated sugar
  • 100 ml cream
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla

Pour milk into a blender, add pumpkin puree, sugar, vanilla and cinnamon. Whisk to add volume and pour into cocktail glasses. Garnish with whipped cream.

Chocolate milkshake

When the mood is at zero, and things are not going uphill, you want something sweet. This is no coincidence - during the period of seasonal depression, the body needs endorphins that can make the world brighter and more positive in a matter of minutes. One of the main sources of endorphins is chocolate, so a refreshing chocolate shake is great for helping to relieve stress.


  • 1 glass of chocolate ice cream
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 50 g dark chocolate

Whisk the milk and ice cream with a blender until smooth. Finely grate the dark chocolate. Mix half of the chocolate with the cocktail mass, and decorate the drink in glasses with the remaining chocolate.

Milkshake "Tiramisu"

The milk drink can be made very similar in taste to the popular Italian dessert tiramisu, which is loved for the contrasting combination of delicate butter cream and the bitter tint of strong coffee. True, such a cocktail has one drawback - a high calorie content (470-480 Kcal).


  • 200 g ice cream sundae
  • 300 mg milk
  • 100 g mascarpone cheese
  • 20 ml brandy
  • 1 teaspoon cocoa powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 60 ml espresso coffee

In a blender, thoroughly beat all the components of the cocktail, except for the cocoa powder. Pour into glasses and sprinkle the finished drink with cocoa or finely grated dark chocolate.

Milkshake with whiskey

Alcoholic milkshake for the sake of completeness - perhaps just such a drink was prepared in the late 19th century in Europe.


  • 1 liter fresh milk
  • 12 raw eggs
  • 0.5 l whiskey
  • powdered sugar

First, carefully separate the whites from the yolks and place them in separate bowls. Whisk the egg whites into a white foam. Whisk the egg yolks and powdered sugar separately. Determine the amount of powder to your taste. Some people like sweet-sugary cocktails, while others prefer a slightly sweet flavor. Add chilled milk to a bowl of yolks and mix well. Add whipped egg whites there and mix thoroughly again.

How to properly prepare a milkshake for children from 1 year old

Small children really like milkshakes, and especially such drinks are praised by mothers of "little ones". For kids over a year old, fruits and berries are added to miklshaki, and for children over 3 years old - chocolate, ice cream and honey.

It should be borne in mind that the preparation of milkshakes for baby food has its own characteristics:

  1. For children, they take only boiled and pasteurized milk and try not to use milk made from dry powder.
  2. For children with lactose intolerance, milkshakes can be made using low-lactose or lactose-free milk, soy milk, or natural milk yogurt.
  3. Babies are not recommended to give too chilled cocktails. This is especially important in the diet of children prone to colds and frequent tonsillitis.
  4. Commercial syrups are not used for baby milkshakes because they contain a lot of artificial fillers and preservatives. Great syrup is easy to make at home. To do this, mix an equal amount of water and granulated sugar, boil and add vanilla, a cinnamon stick or lemon zest. Then the syrup is boiled for 5-7 minutes and allowed to cool to room temperature.
  5. For very young children, fruits and berries are first crushed with a blender, and then passed through a sieve. Be careful when adding citrus fruits, kiwi or pineapple to milkshakes for babies, as they can cause colic. That is why soft recipes for miklshaks are recommended for children, where sour, bitter and overly tart components are not put.

What to do with lactose intolerance?

There are not so few people unable to digest lactose as it might seem at first glance. Among the inhabitants of Europe, they number from 1 to 15%. Most of these people live in Austria, Finland, Northern France, Central Italy and Germany - up to 15-20%. Among white Americans, 12% of the population cannot properly digest lactose, and among African Americans, 45%. The largest number of those who find it difficult to drink milk live in Africa, Asia and Australia. In the countries of Southeast Asia, their number reaches 98%.

Is it really not possible for many to enjoy the exquisite taste of milkshakes? Not at all! Raw milk initially contains the enzymes necessary for self-digestion, so it does not cause problems for people with lactose intolerance. This means that raw milk cocktails are fine for them. In addition, many countries around the world have mastered the production of lactose-free milk, in which lactose is removed or hydrolyzed.

There is one more way. Scientists have proven that if 1 to 5% of sucrose, a common sugar, is added to milk, its tolerance increases by 48-96%. Consequently, sugary milkshakes are much easier for people with poor lactose digestion to digest.