Cherry recipes for the winter without sterilization. Cherries in their own juice are an excellent preparation for pies and dumplings

30.08.2019 Seafood dishes

Cherry is a juicy appetizing berry known for a long time. According to historical data, people have been eating this delicacy for more than 9 thousand years. She cannot get bored because of the versatility of her culinary capabilities. Not a single kitchen in the world is complete without the use of these fragrant fruits: filling for dumplings and various pastries, liqueurs, preserves, jams, compotes. The zealous housewives without fail make preparations from cherries for the winter, the options of which are many. Indeed, in addition to the pleasant sweet and sour taste, the berry is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements.

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    Before you start using interesting and delicious recipes for cherry blanks, you should learn a number of professional recommendations regarding the processing and storage of berries. Due to the fact that cherries are very juicy and contain a large amount of juice, and the shell is tender, it is not recommended to store for a long time. Immediately after harvesting, they start harvesting. And also should not be transported over long distances, which will lead to inevitable damage to the presentation. The fruits are plucked together with the stalks. Only under this condition is it possible to maintain integrity, without losing juiciness.

    Remove the cuttings just before cooking. Only beautiful, ripe and undamaged berries are suitable for winter storage. All deformed and rotten products are removed during the sorting process.

    Cherries in their own juice without sugar

    You cannot do without stocks of fresh frozen berries. But there are situations when there is not enough space in the freezer, and there are plenty of berries. Another good preservation option is to roll the cherries in their own juice without boiling. The recipe is simple to execute, due to the minimum of ingredients. Moreover, sugar is not required. For a liter jar, you need 1 kg of juicy, pitted fruits.

    How to do:

    1. 1. After repeated washing of the berries, remove all the debris from the composition and sort: deformed and spoiled ones are removed.
    2. 2. Take out the bones in any way possible. Now there are special machines to facilitate labor. You can use the old proven method: squeeze a handful of cherries in your fist, lowering your hand first into a bucket, then the bones are easily removed.
    3. 3. The cleaned workpieces are placed in a large container, covered with a lid and left for 2-3 hours. This time is enough for more juice to come out.
    4. 4. Meanwhile, the banks are being prepared. For such preservation, they must be pasteurized, like the lids.
    5. 5. After the expiration of the prescribed period, fill the container with berries and fill it with juice.
    6. 6. The filled jars are placed for sterilization in a pot of water, on the bottom of which a rag napkin is lined. Boil for about 15-20 minutes.

    After that, while still hot, tighten the lids and turn upside down. Wrapped in thick towels and left on the table until they cool completely. Cherries in juice are recommended to be closed in small jars, which is convenient to use.

    Sea buckthorn - recipes and methods of harvesting for the winter

    Cherry-orange compote

    Cherry compote is delicious, but trite. Therefore, a recipe for lovers of everything unusual is presented, since the inclusion of orange peel will add a special delicacy and piquancy to the taste. And preparing such a drink is no more difficult than the usual and familiar to everyone.

    Ingredients in the composition:

    • 300-400 g of cherry fruits;
    • 2 orange rings;
    • 160-170 g granulated sugar;
    • 1.7 liters of water.

    The calculation is presented for two liter cans.

    Step-by-step instruction:

    1. 1. The berries are ripe, but firm and always fresh. They wash it in plenty of water, put it in a colander and wait 15 minutes until all the liquid comes off.
    2. 2. The orange is poured over with boiling water, cut first into rings, then divided into 4 slices.
    3. 3. Distribute the cherries to the jars by half or one third of the total. Add 4 orange slices to each.
    4. 4. Now proceed to the preparation of the syrup. Dissolve sugar in water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Stand for 4-5 minutes, then pour the fruit blanks with hot liquid.
    5. 5. Jars with compote are sterilized by boiling in a saucepan with water. The procedure takes no more than 15 minutes.
    6. 6. Then they are taken out and immediately tightened.

    The inverted compote is left to cool and stored. Such blanks are well preserved at room temperature, only in the dark. In light, the compote loses its color saturation.

    Delicious cherry jam

    There are plenty of options for making cherry jam, but a few of the most successful ones are worth considering in more detail. It is important to observe the indicated proportions, and to select ripe berries and without rot. Can be cooked with or without seeds. In the second case, it turns out much tastier, but the labor costs in the cooking process will be significant.

    It is the most popular dessert among housewives and is versatile to eat. It is nice to just drink tea with it or use it as a filling for baking. Pancakes and pancakes with such a fragrant gravy will appeal to any gourmet.


    The recipe assumes the absence of seeds in the composition. The result is a thick and aromatic jam, which is so tasty and tender that you always want some extra. It is convenient to spread it on toast, the bones will not become an obstacle.


    • pitted cherries - 1 kg;
    • sugar - 1 kg.

    The quantity is calculated for 5-6 servings.

    How to cook:

    1. 1. The berries are sorted out, washed several times in running water and the seeds are removed in any way.
    2. 2. Cover with granulated sugar and set aside, wait 1–2 hours. This is necessary for the cherry to start juice.
    3. 3. Put the cherry mass on the fire, bring to a boil. Cook for about 35-40 minutes, stirring constantly, so as not to burn the bottom. Foam accumulating on the surface is regularly removed.
    4. 4. The finished jam is placed in a pasteurized glass container, covered with lids and turned over.

    After cooling, the blanks are removed for long-term storage in a cool place.

    When cooking with seeds, they adhere to the same principle, but you do not need to wait for the berry to release the juice. After adding granulated sugar, they immediately begin to cook over low heat. When the appropriate aroma begins to emanate, cover with a lid and bring to a thick consistency. The degree of readiness is checked as follows: syrup is dripped onto a plate - if the drop does not spread, the dessert is ready.

    Thick cherry jam

    This jam has an appetizing look, where whole berries in syrup just ask for a mouthful. Dessert can be eaten with spoons, as it has an unobtrusive sweet and sour aftertaste.


    • 2 kg of berries;
    • 2 kg of sugar;
    • 250-300 ml of water.

    The fruits are placed in a large enamel bowl, water is poured into it and granulated sugar is poured. Put on low heat, bring to a boil and turn off immediately. The mass is allowed to brew for at least 11-12 hours. Re-boil for 5-7 minutes and leave again for the same time. The third time they only heat up very much, but they do not wait for it to gurgle. They are removed from the stove and hot poured into pasteurized jars. To prevent the jam from burning, stir constantly with a wooden spoon in the process.

    The closed jars are turned over and allowed to cool. Then they just put it away for storage in a cellar or refrigerator. Then, in winter, the banks will not swell and sour.

    With gelatin

    An original cherry blank, where cinnamon and cocoa will become a highlight. Quite an unusual combination, but it turns out very tasty. A similar recipe diversifies the standard selection.

    Ingredients in the composition:

    • 1 kg of sugar;
    • 1 kg of cherry fruits;
    • 25 g gelatin powder;
    • cinnamon stick;
    • 40–45 g cocoa.

    Ready exit - 20 servings. The total cooking time is 16 hours.

    Step-by-step instructions on how to cook jam properly:

    1. 1. First of all, pour the berry with cold water, let it stand for 15–20 minutes. Then they remove the debris that has come to the surface, remove the substandard. The bones are removed using a special device.
    2. 2. Pour the composition with granulated sugar and leave overnight. It is necessary that as much juice as possible come out and the sugar dissolves. Exclude a warm place so that the mass does not ferment.
    3. 3. The next day, start cooking directly. Aromatic components are added - cinnamon and cocoa. Sticks can be broken or left as they are.
    4. 4. It is necessary to cook according to the five-minute scheme: bring to a boil, keep for 5 minutes on high heat, cool and wait 2 hours. This is repeated 2-3 more times.
    5. 5. Pour in small doses of gelatin, mix gently and heat, but do not boil.

    That's the whole secret of a wonderful delicacy with gelatin. It remains only to pour it into sterilized jars and roll up the lids.

    Jam with melon

    For preservation with the addition of melon pulp, you will need:

    • 500-550 g of berries;
    • 300 g melon pulp;
    • 700-750 g sugar;
    • 20 g cinnamon;
    • 25 ml of cherry vodka.

    The cooking method is simple, and most importantly, not labor-intensive. It is enough to mix all the ingredients with the exception of the cinnamon. Let the workpiece brew for 5-6 hours. It is better to do it at night, and in the morning you can start cooking. Pre-add cinnamon, then boil for 7-8 minutes. At the very end, pour in vodka. Ready jam is poured into containers, previously sterilized.

    To make the jam more attractive, it is recommended to twist the fruit in a meat grinder or grind it with a blender. The mass is then boiled down more easily, and the consistency comes out homogeneous.

    Liqueur at home

    An unusually tasty and aromatic homemade liqueur will be a pleasant addition to evening gatherings with friends. It is also suitable as a flavoring agent for baking all kinds of desserts. Both fresh and frozen berries are suitable for preparation, so the drink is available in any season.

    The following components are prepared:

    • cherry preparations - 500 g;
    • 2 cups granulated sugar;
    • 3-4 lemon wedges;
    • 500 ml of vodka;
    • 5 glasses of filtered water;
    • vanilla sugar to taste.

    Calculation of products for 10 servings. The time taken for the whole process is 11 days.

    The liqueur preparation procedure includes the following points:

    1. 1. Cherry, as usual, wash, sort out and remove the stalks. The bones can be left.
    2. 2. The berries are put in a large enamel pan, sprinkled with sugar, vanilla. Pour water and add lemon. Put on a small fire, wait until it boils, stirring constantly. Boil for 5-10 minutes, then cool to room temperature.
    3. 3. Filter the syrup, and the berries can be grated through a sieve. The resulting liquid is poured into a glass bottle. Put away in a dark place for 10-14 days.

    After the expiration of the prescribed period, the liqueur is ready for use. Before serving, it is advisable to hold the drink in the freezer for an hour to cool it down.


    Adherents of a healthy lifestyle and food without preservatives are advised to take note of the production of natural cherry juice. Fruits of any variety are suitable.

    First of all, they sort out the berries, removing all the debris. The spoiled raw materials are removed, and the bones are removed. The cherry mass is placed in a bowl. Then you just have to wait until the juice starts to stand out. As it appears, it is poured into a separate vessel. When the process is complete, the resulting juice is mixed with sugar and boiled for 10-13 minutes. For 1 liter of cherry drink, you need 300 g of granulated sugar.

    Ready, but hot drink is poured into glass bottles and tightly rolled. Turn upside down. After complete cooling, they are removed for safekeeping in the cold. In winter, such preservation is drunk neat or diluted with boiled water, depending on taste preferences.

    Briefly about the benefits and taste

    Cherries are an ideal base for harvesting fruit for the winter. The easiest way is to freeze fresh berries, which, even after long-term storage in such a state, do not lose their beautiful appearance and original taste. Preserves and jams are obtained in a moderately viscous consistency, not cloying, but with a pleasant sourness. Spins of compotes retain an extraordinary aroma and freshness, quench thirst and saturate the body with vitamins.

    Cherries are perfectly combined with other fruit crops in conservation, which brings a new range of taste sensations when consumed.

    No one will dispute the wide range of beneficial effects of these natural gifts on the human body. In terms of vitamin content, cherries are much superior to sweet cherries, although they are related crops. In more detail, the composition is as follows:

Cherry jam, cherry compote, jam, jelly ... This is not the whole list of blanks that can be prepared from cherries. We advise you to familiarize yourself with interesting recipes right now!

Cherry jam with seeds

To prepare the blank, select the fruits with a dark color. They have a dense, well-colored flesh. The jam from such berries will turn out to be beautiful and aromatic. Wash 1 kg of berries, dry, pierce, put in boiling water for half a minute, pour hot syrup made from half a glass of water. Leave the fruit soaked in syrup for 6 hours. Take out the berries, combine with half a glass of sugar, boil for 10 minutes. In boiling syrup, fold the fruits, leave for 6 hours. Drain the syrup again after aging, add the rest of the sugar, boil for 10 minutes. At the end, fold the fruits into syrup, let stand for 5 hours, cook the delicacy until tender.

Consider and.

Pitted cherry jam

Pour 1 kg of berries with one and a half cups of sugar, add a glass of water or broth from seeds. Wash the cherries, remove the seeds with a special device or a simple pin. Pour in hot syrup, again stand for 5 hours. Finish cooking the jam.

Cherry jam for the winter


Apple juice - 0.25 l
- granulated sugar - ½ kg
- cherry - 1 kg

Remove the seeds, steam the fruits under the lid, adding a little water. Grind the mass through a colander or sieve. Combine cherry puree with apple juice, sugar, boil until tender. Pour the ready-made jelly into jars.

Do and.

Five-minute cherry jam

You will need:

Cherry berries - 1 kg
- half a kilogram of sugar

Sort the cherries, wash, remove the pits. Fold the berries into an enameled ace (you can also use a copper container), transfer the sugar in layers. Leave the cherries covered in sugar for 5 hours. Move the basin to the stove, cook for 7 minutes, remembering to stir frequently. While still hot, pour the jam into dry, hot jars, hermetically seal with tin lacquered lids, turn upside down, cool completely.

How do you like it?

Cherry marmalade

Take the same amount of sugar for 1 kg of cherry fruits. Peel the cherry fruits, discard the seeds, let the berries give juice. Grind the berry mass through a sieve, add sugar until the mass becomes thick. Pack in jars or simply place on a baking sheet. Dry in the oven at low temperature. Sprinkle the finished marmalade with powdered sugar, distribute in jars. The workpiece is perfectly stored in the refrigerator.

Thick cherry jam


- granulated sugar
- cherry fruits
- gooseberry juice

Prepare the cherries, remove the seeds, put them in an enamel basin. For each kilogram of berries, add 150 ml of pure water. Put on fire, add 1.1 kg of sifted sugar. Boil the mass with regular stirring until tender. At the end of cooking, add 15% of the total weight of gooseberry juice. Boil until tender. Additionally, the contents can be cranked through a meat grinder. Determine the hot workpiece in heated dry containers, cover with lids, put on the lid until cooled.

Find out and how to prepare.

Pitted cherry jam for the winter

Free 2 kg of cherry fruits from the cherries, pour over the syrup made from 1.2 kg of sugar and a glass of water. Boil the contents for 90 minutes. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, pour in the juice from half a lemon and chopped zest. Leave the contents for 8 hours. Strain after settling, dry in an oven with a temperature of 40 degrees. At the end of drying, roll the cherries with sugar, store the workpiece in jars.

Your family will love and.

Cherry jam with a stone for the winter

Wash 1 kg of cherry fruits, pierce. Make a syrup from 1.3 kg of sugar and half a liter of water, pour the prepared fruits. Let them sit for 3 hours. Boil for 5 minutes, leave for another 3 hours. Repeat the procedure 3 more times. After the third procedure, roll up the workpiece. If you plan to cook the workpiece in 2 steps, then take only half of the specified amount of water for the specified amount of granulated sugar.

And one more simple recipe

Peel 0.8 kg of cherries, pour over the syrup made from 1.2 kg of sugar and three glasses of water. The syrup should come out warm. Let it stand for 12 hours. Drain the syrup, boil, pour in the berries. After 3 hours, drain the syrup, boil until lightly thick. Pour the berries, cook the workpiece. Remove the released foam, boil with stirring for 20 minutes. Make the fire the quietest. Pack in jars, twist the blank. Toss in the mint sprig 10 minutes before the end. Take it out before filling.

Consider and.

Cherry jam with gelatin


A tablespoon of gelatin
- fresh cherries - 0.48 kg
- granulated sugar - 0.16 kg
- water - 0.48 l

Select fresh berries for cooking, rinse, remove seeds. Fold the berry mass into an enamel bowl, add sugar, pour in water, let the contents boil over moderate heat, cook for five minutes with stirring. Pre-soak gelatin with water in two tablespoons of water, dissolve in a water bath until completely dissolved. Add cherries with water and sugar to the resulting gelatinous mass, stir, heat. Keep on the stove until the first signs of a boil appear. Seal with boiled lids. Cover with a warm blanket to cool the seams gradually.

Do and.

Apricot recipe


Apricot - 0.2 kg
- cherry - 0.3 kg
- granulated sugar - 0.2 kg
- water - 0.1 liters

How to cook:

Wash the apricots under running water, cut them in such a way as to get rid of the seeds. Cut each apricot half again to form slices. Just wash the cherry berries without removing the pits. Prepare the syrup: pour water into a saucepan, enter the indicated amount of sugar. Put the saucepan on the fire so that the granulated sugar is completely dissolved. Stir constantly, bring to a boil. Place the cherries in the boiled syrup and add the apricot wedges. Stir with a wooden spatula, bring fruits and berries to a boil. Reduce heat, simmer for exactly 5 minutes. Arrange the finished treat in jars, cool upside down.

Cherry-chocolate blank

Pitted cherries - 0.5 kg
- a large spoonful of lemon juice
- a glass of sugar
- bar of black bitter chocolate
- water - 50 ml
- dark cognac or rum - 0.1 liters

Pour the seedless berries into a saucepan, add lemon juice and water. Enter the indicated amount of sugar. Stir and gradually bring to a boil. Reduce heat, pour in cognac or rum. Simmer over low heat for about 25 minutes. Remember to stir from time to time. Remove the pan from the heat, add the chocolate pieces. Stir until completely dissolved, cool, place in prepared jars.

Cranberry recipe

Fresh cranberries - 0.35 kg
- juice from two lemons
- cherry - 1 kg
- raspberry syrup
- water - 0.25 liters
- white sugar - 1.3 kg

How to cook:

Sort the cranberries, wash, let them dry. Place the berries in a food processor bowl and chop thoroughly. Place the cranberries in a heavy-walled saucepan, add the cherry fruits, lemon juice and syrup. Fill the berries with water, cover, cook for half an hour over low heat so that the fruits become soft. Add sugar to the berry mixture, cook with stirring over very low heat. Cook for a total of 10 minutes. Remove the saucepan from the stove, collect the foam from the surface. Leave the varenice on the stove for another 10 minutes. Pour the cranberry and cherry jam into jars, twist, move to a dark place.

Recipe with cherries

Lemon juice from two fruits
- sugar - 1 kg
- cherry with sweet cherry - 1 kg

Peel fresh cherries and cherries from seeds and stems. Immediately place the white cherries in water with the addition of lemon juice. Make a thick syrup. For 1 kg of berries, you should take 1 kg of sugar. If the fruits are sweet enough, you can use a little less granulated sugar. Squeeze out the juice from two lemons. Boil the syrup for about 10 minutes. Lay the peeled berries, cook for 15 minutes after the start of the boil. Stir very gently or shake occasionally.

Varenytsia with gooseberries

Sort 1 kg each of the cherry and gooseberries. Rotate the fruit through a meat grinder. Be sure to remove the bones first. Mix the berries, pour in a small amount of water (pre-boiled). Stir to thin the mixture. Place the pot with the workpiece on the stove, cook for five minutes, stirring. Content should not burn. Repeat the procedure a couple of times until the workpiece is ready. Place the chilled jam in jars.

Blackcurrant recipe

Sort out 3 kg of black currant and 1 kg of cherry fruits. Remove the cherry leaves. Remove the seeds from the cherries. Rotate each type of berries through a meat grinder. In a basin, combine both berry masses. Add a liter of water, stir. Purée and simmer over very low heat, stir every five minutes after boiling. Boil the contents three times for two days. Distribute the workpiece in glass fired jars.

Jam "Assorted"

Strawberries with strawberries - 0.25 kg each
- cherry, raspberry - 0.25 kg each
- red currants - 0.25 kg
- water - 2.5 cups
- sugar - 1.25 kg

Cooking subtleties:

Go through, wash the red currants, cherries, raspberries, wild strawberries and strawberries. Cover the contents with sugar, put in hot sugar syrup, cook with stirring until cooked through. Remove the formed foam. Cool the jam, put it in jars, roll it up.

Cherry blanks are always delicious, in whatever form you cook them. You can serve a sweet treat as an independent dessert or as an addition to various pastries.

Making preparations from berries for the winter, housewives try to keep them as similar to fresh ones as possible: beautiful, aromatic, juicy, tasty and healthy. Not all conservation methods are capable of making this goal achievable. If you have managed to taste cherries closed for the winter in their own juice, you will almost certainly agree that they are almost in no way inferior to fresh ones. It can be eaten separately, used for making desserts, sauces and other dishes. Even a novice culinary specialist can prepare such a dish if he knows the features of the technology.

Cooking features

Other preparations made from this berry can hardly compete with cherries in their own juice, but not all housewives close such a delicacy for the winter. One of the reasons is that inexperienced chefs find it difficult to make such a preparation at home. In fact, the process of making cherries in their own juice is simple, even ordinary jam takes much longer and harder to cook. The result will not disappoint you if you consider a few points.

  • To prepare cherries in their own juice, ripe fruits are required. The larger the berry, the better. This is especially important when harvesting cherries with seeds: if all the juice from the berries turns into syrup, the seeds, covered with the thinnest layer of pulp, will be preserved.
  • Cherries in their own juice look more beautiful if the berries are closed with seeds, as they retain their shape better. Such a preparation is distinguished by a brighter aroma with almond notes. However, such a dessert can be stored for no more than 8-12 months: after a specified time, cherry pits begin to release hydrocyanic acid.
  • The cherries should be washed carefully so as not to damage the berries. The twigs are removed after washing. The less juice the fruits lose when preparing them for conservation, the better.
  • Cherry pits are removed last. This can be done quickly with the help of a special machine that knocks seeds out of berries, and devices, the principle of which is similar. However, it is not recommended to extract seeds from berries in such a tough way when harvesting them in their own juice: a berry torn from both sides will strongly settle and lose its beautiful shape. Better to spend more time and energy removing the bones with a pin or paper clip. This ancient method keeps the cherry flesh almost intact.
  • Cherries in their own juice are most often prepared without boiling berries, sometimes even without adding sugar. You should not count on the fact that such canned food will stand for a long time if you do not wash the berries properly. Banks for dessert need not only be washed with soda, but also sterilized. The metal lids that will cover the cherry must also be sterilized. Usually they are boiled for this.

The storage conditions for cherries in their own juice and their shelf life depend on the recipe chosen. The berry, closed without sugar, should be kept in the refrigerator. If the preparation is made with added sugar, it can be stored in a cool room. The shelf life of peeled berries is a year, closed with seeds - six months.

Cherries in their own juice without sugar

Composition (per 1 l):

  • cherry - 0.8 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Sort the cherries, removing damaged and unripe fruits.
  • Rinse the berries in the shower.
  • Pour water into a saucepan, add salt to it at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of liquid. Stir.
  • Dip cherries in saline solution, leave for half an hour. During this time, insect larvae, if they are inside the fruit, will float to the surface.
  • Drain the water, rinse the cherries in the shower again. Leave for a while in a colander to drain excess water from the berries.
  • Sterilize the jars.
  • Fill them to the brim with cherries.
  • Place a towel at the bottom of a large saucepan, put the jars in the saucepan.
  • Pour water into a saucepan. It should reach the hangers of the cans.
  • Place the pot over low heat. Wait for the water in the pot to boil. Wait 10 minutes if cooking cherries in half-liter jars, or 15 minutes if a liter jar is filled with cherries. During this time, the berries will shrink, releasing juice.
  • Divide the remaining fruits into the jars, continue to sterilize for 10-15 minutes, depending on the size of the jars.
  • Take the cherry jars out of the pot, carefully so as not to burn yourself. Roll them up. Turn the bottoms up, cover with a blanket. Leave to cool in a steam bath for additional preservation.

After cooling, the jars with cherries must be put in the refrigerator. You can store it for no more than 6-8 months. According to the same recipe, you can prepare cherries for the winter in their own pitted juice. Then you will need about a kilogram of berries per liter jar. The storage conditions for the dessert will be the same, but it will remain usable longer - up to 12 months.

Cherries in their own juice with seeds and sugar

Composition (per 1 l):

  • cherry - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 60 g.

Cooking method:

  • Go over, rinse the cherries. Soak it in salted water to get rid of insects, rinse again. Dry, remove the twigs.
  • Sterilize the jars, spread the pitted cherries over them.
  • Peel the remaining cherries, chop their pulp with a blender, squeeze the juice out of it. Mix the cherry juice with the sugar. It is recommended to take 300 g of a sweet product per liter of cherry juice. A liter jar should contain about 0.6 kg of fruit with seeds, from the rest of the berries you will be able to squeeze about a glass of juice, it will take about 60 g of sugar. Its amount needs to be adjusted taking into account how much juice was squeezed out, since cherries are not equally juicy.
  • Place the juice on the stove. Heat it over low heat or water bath, stirring, until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  • Pour the juice over the cherries in the jar.
  • Sterilize it for 20-30 minutes.
  • Roll up, flip and wrap. Leave to cool as it is.

Cherries prepared according to this recipe in their own juice can be stored in a cool room (at a temperature not higher than 16 degrees) for 6 months, no longer. If you do not have time to consume the berry before this time, it will have to be thrown away, even if it does not look spoiled - the bones will begin to secrete hydrocyanic acid, which is poisonous.

Cherries in their own seedless juice with sugar

Composition (per 1 l):

  • cherry - 0.8 kg;
  • sugar - 0.25 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Peel the washed and dried berries, cover with sugar, leave in the refrigerator for 8-12 hours.
  • Drain the resulting juice with the sugar dissolved in it. Heat, stirring occasionally, until boiling.
  • Arrange the cherries in sterilized jars, fill with hot juice.
  • Sterilize the cherry jars for 10-15 minutes. Seal.
  • Leave to cool upside down, wrapped in a blanket.

Cherries in their own juice, prepared according to this recipe, are not bad even at room temperature, but nevertheless, it is not recommended to store them in a warm room.

Cherries in their own juice are prepared for the winter no more difficult than jam. It has a fresh taste and aroma, retains all its useful properties. This blank can be made even without added sugar, if you can store it in the refrigerator.

Isn't it very convenient to have jars with different blanks of cherries for the winter in the bins? For example, cherries in their own seedless juice with sugar are a ready-made filling for pancakes, sweet pies and dumplings. And after all, to make it as easy as shelling pears, but imagine what help in winter! You can make jelly from the juice or cook jelly, compote, and use the berries for their intended purpose. Cherries are prepared in their own juice for the winter with sterilization, which makes it possible to store this blank in a city apartment for up to two years, and even longer in a cool basement.

Recipe for cherries in their own juice with sugar

Ingredients for a half-liter jar:

  • Cherries - about 450 g (how much will be included);
  • sugar - 2-3 tbsp. l (to taste).

How to make cherries in your own juice with pitted sugar

For harvesting for the winter, select ripe, juicy, but not overripe fruits. It is advisable to recycle it as soon as it was collected, on the same day. Place in a dish or kitchen sink, leave in cold water for 5-10 minutes. Tear off the stalks, rinse, transfer to a colander, rinse several times with tap water. At this time, wash half-liter or liter containers with hot water and soda, sterilize over steam or in the oven, boil the lids.

Remove seeds from cherries using a typewriter or with a safety pin, hairpin, crocheted hard wire.

Pour a layer of cherries on the bottom, filling about a third or half. Pour in 1-1.5 tbsp. l. Sahara. Shake to refill the container.

Add the next portion, compact by shaking or pressing lightly. Pour sugar on top. To cover with a lid. It is recommended to leave the cherries in this form for two to three hours so that they settle and give more juice. But if you immediately fill the jars tightly, then you do not need to wait, we immediately put the cherries in their own juice with sugar to sterilize.

Place a folded cloth or towel on the bottom of a saucepan of suitable height and volume. Place the jar, pour hot water up to the level of the "shoulders" of the jar (the shoulders are the part where the container begins to narrow towards the neck). Put the lid on top without rolling it up with a typewriter. Bring the water to a boil over not very high heat. Tighten the flame so that the water boils evenly and does not flood the jar. Sterilize half-liter containers for 20-25 minutes starting from the moment the water boils.

Take out one by one, roll up the lids. It is better to use a seaming machine than threaded caps to keep the screw tight. Turn over onto the lid, making sure nothing leaks. Wrap in newspapers, wrap with a blanket or warm scarf, coat for further sterilization.

In a day, when the workpiece has cooled, rearrange it for storage. Cherries harvested using this technology in their own juice with pitted sugar can be stored for several years. By the way, it is almost the same way, the recipe is very simple. How do you harvest cherries for the winter? Share your recipe!

Red-cheeked cherries just ask for a jar, because this summer berry is simply created for canning! It is very juicy and at the same time has a rather delicate and thin skin, therefore, cherry preparations for the winter are always obtained beyond praise. Of all the huge number of berries, many housewives love cherries: recipes for the winter amaze with their variety, and the taste delights with unique notes. Thick cherry jam with clear syrup and large garden berries, cherries in their own juice or cherry compote for the winter - all these cherry preparations will please your family, and not a drop will remain of them at the end of winter.

Cherry jam for the winter is perhaps one of the most popular preparations from this berry. Aromatic cherry jam with a bright, rich taste can be added to various desserts, simply spread on a roll or white bread, or put in baked goods as a filling. Naturally, every young housewife will find it useful to learn how to make cherry jam. There are several main ways of making cherry jam: cherry jam without pits, with seeds or with the addition of various spices, nuts or even chocolate. We will tell you about all these recipes for canning cherries in our detailed recipes with photographs, which are written in understandable language and are based on the many years of experience of their authors. If you want to prepare some unusual cherry jam, a recipe for such a roll can certainly be found on our website.

Sweet and sour, pleasant to the taste cherry compote, the recipe of which literally overwhelms with its simplicity and affordability, is especially loved by kids. But adults are also not averse to pampering themselves with this summer, sunny and refreshing drink.

Cherry preservation will open up another side for you if you pay attention to the recipes collected in this section. You can easily experiment, inspired by the achievements and experience of our cooks. And your cherry preparations will turn out no worse than from your beloved grandmother or from your neighbor, who every year proudly treats you with branded jam.

Cherries for the winter, harvested in any way, invariably cheer up in winter and for a moment returns to the sunny summer, when thin branches burst from large red berries, bashfully hiding behind green foliage. Make wonderful preparations with us and surprise your family with your culinary victories!


Cherry jam with gelatin for the winter

Ingredients: cherry, sugar, water, gelatin

If you want to make a thick cherry jam, the quickest way is to add gelatin to the berries. It is thanks to this component that you will succeed in everything simply and quickly, without tedious long cooking.
- 500 gr pitted cherries;
- 350 grams of sugar;
- 3 tbsp. water;
- 1 tbsp. gelatin.


Ingredients: cherries, sugar, citric acid

Sweet cherry is a very tasty berry, so I try to prepare it for the winter as well. Today I present to your attention an excellent recipe for cherries in their own juice without sterilization.


- 400 grams of cherries;
- 150 grams of sugar;
- on the tip of a tsp. citric acid.


Thick seedless cherry jam

Ingredients: cherry, sugar, water, gelatin

Making delicious cherry jam is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. It will take about an hour to cook. See the recipe with the photo for all the details.
For the recipe you will need:
- 2 kg of cherries;
- 1 kg of sugar;
- 300 ml of water;
- 20 g of gelatin.


Cherries in their own juice with sugar for the winter

Ingredients: cherry, sugar

Cherry jam or jam for the winter is very tasty, of course. But if you need to keep the cherries so that they can then be added to various desserts - pies, cakes, etc., then it is best to cover them in their own juice with sugar. It will be as tasty as fresh.
- 1 kg of cherries;
- 350 grams of sugar.


Cherry jam with gelatin

Ingredients: cherry, sugar, gelatin, water

Have you ever cooked cherry jam for the winter with gelatin and pitted? Believe me, this option is worth your attention! The jam has a great taste, and the appearance is so appetizing that the jar diverges right before our eyes!
- 1 kg of cherries;
- 600 grams of sugar;
- 25 grams of gelatin;
- 100 ml of water.


Cherry jam with chocolate

Ingredients: cherry, sugar, cocoa, chocolate

From cherries, you can close many different preparations for the winter, but the cherry in chocolate jam turns out to be very interesting. Prepared according to a fairly simple recipe, it turns out to be so delicious that both children and adults are delighted with it.
- cherry - 700 gr;
- sugar - 400 gr;
- cocoa powder - 50 gr;
- dark chocolate - 60 gr.


Pitted cherry jam

Ingredients: cherry, water, sugar

Cherry is a very tasty berry, you can make many different blanks from it. Now I will tell you how to prepare a very tasty thick pitted cherry jam.


- 1 kg. cherries;
- 150 ml. water;
- 2 kg. Sahara.


Cherries in syrup for the winter with seeds

Ingredients: cherry, water, sugar

Among other preparations in the summer, I always try to close cherries in pitted syrup for the winter: such preservation can be useful in the cold season for many sweet dishes: pies, pancakes, cakes, etc.
- 0.5 cups of water;
- 600 grams of sugar;
- 500 grams of cherries.


Cherry compote without sterilization

Ingredients: cherry, water, sugar

There is nothing complicated in the recipe for cherry compote for the winter: it is prepared without sterilization for a short time, but it turns out beautiful and tasty. Both children and adults will drink such a drink with great pleasure.

- cherry - 400 gr;
- sugar - 200 gr;
- water - 2.4 liters.


Pitted cherry jam for the winter, thick

Ingredients: cherry, sugar

We suggest you prepare thick cherry jam for the winter - delicious and very aromatic. His recipe assumes that pitted cherries are needed - perhaps this is the only difficulty that you will have to face in the cooking process.

- 1 kg of cherries;
- 650 grams of sugar.


Cherry jam "Pyatiminutka" with seeds

Ingredients: cherries, sugar

Cherry jam always turns out to be very tasty and beautiful. And if this is also "Five-Minute" jam with seeds, then cooking it is as easy as shelling pears. So, if you have enough cherries, close such preservation with it by all means!

- cherry - 800 gr;
- sugar - 800 gr.


Cherry jam with a stone for the winter

Ingredients: cherry, sugar, water

Jam made from cherries according to this recipe you will get 100% tasty and aromatic. It is prepared very simply - jam is cooked, poured hot into jars and rolled. All! You don't need to do anything else.

Products for the recipe:
- half a kilo of cherries;
- half a kilo of sugar;
- half a glass of water.


Pitted cherries in their own juice

Ingredients: cherry

I really love fruits, but while I did not know about this recipe, I did not allow myself to eat homemade jam and homemade preservation. This wonderful recipe for cherries in its own sugar-free juice is just perfect for your figure. And pitted rolled cherries are also a great filling for any baked goods.

For preservation you need:

- cherry.


Canned cherries (with seeds)

Ingredients: cherry, water, sugar

Despite the fact that cherries need to be sterilized, the recipe for their preservation is simple. You can easily roll up a couple of jars for the winter if you carefully look at the description and photo. And what can you cook with such a cherry in the future? Anything - drinks, desserts, pastries.

For the recipe you will need:
- 1-1.2 kg of cherries,
- 800 ml of water,
- 400 g of sugar.


Felt cherry and black currant compote in a slow cooker

Ingredients: felt cherry, black currant, sugar, water

If you have long ago switched to cooking in a multicooker and even make winter preparations in it, then we suggest you use our new recipe and cook a fragrant delicious cherry-currant compote in your saucepan.

For the recipe you will need:
- 200 gr cherries,
- 100 grams of black currant,
- sugar - 100 g,
- water - 700 ml.