The fig peach is a sweet hybrid. Fig peach is a familiar exotic

23.08.2019 Seafood dishes

In recent years, more and more often you can see yellow-orange or reddish fruits of an unusual flattened shape on supermarket shelves. This fruit, which until recently seemed like a gimmick, but now has become a quite familiar delicacy, is called a fig peach.

Features of fig peach: description, properties, calorie content

Peach trees of this species grow in the western part of China, Iran, Central Asia, and the Mediterranean (Spain, France, Italy, Turkey, Morocco). This type of fruit tree is becoming more and more widespread in the private farms of the Crimea, Transcaucasia and the southern regions of Russia and Ukraine.

For a long time Iran was considered the birthplace of this fruit, and even the name "peach" comes from the ancient name of this country - Persia. However, in fact, the homeland of the flat peach is China, from where this species first came to Central Asia, and then to Europe and America.

Contrary to its name, as well as the erroneous opinion that this is supposedly a peach variety crossed with figs, the flattened peach has nothing to do with figs. Unusual fruits are not a hybrid of a peach and a fig, since in principle it is not possible to cross these two species. Neither in shape nor color is the peach at all similar to the fruits of the fig tree. But flattened dried figs, these fruits really resemble a little. Perhaps it is for this similarity that the fig peach began to be called that way.

Also, you can still often hear such names of this flattened fruit as Chinese turnip, Chinese saucer, and also Fergana peach. These fruits can be named in different ways, but we are talking about the same fruit.

A flat peach, whose shape is really remotely reminiscent of a turnip, is practically not inferior in weight to the usual round peaches: saucer-shaped fruits reach up to 7 centimeters in diameter and weigh 80-120 grams. The skin of the fruit is dense, slightly pubescent, has a wide palette of shades: from creamy yellow to red-burgundy. The great advantage of this type is the very small, unlike ordinary fruits, the bone, which is easily separated from the pulp.

The fragrant juicy pulp is white or creamy, less often yellow, delicate consistency, fibrous structure and pleasant taste: the fruits are sweet, with a slight sourness.

An attractive feature of fig peaches is that flat fruits have the same taste both at the skin and near the stone.

If the flesh of a round fruit, which has a more intense taste closer to the skin, loses its taste a little at the stone, then the taste of a flat peach will not disappoint: it is the same throughout the fruit.

For those who monitor their health and weight, calculate the calorie content of foods, it will be interesting to know what is useful for a fig peach and what is its calorie content. If you decide to eat a fig peach, the benefits of this will be undeniable: its fruits are rich in carotene (provitamin A), vitamins E, PP, C, K, group B and many mineral elements. The pulp of the fruit contains calcium, potassium, manganese, selenium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and other trace elements, as well as pectins and organic acids.

The calorie content of a flat peach is only 60 kcal, so it will be an excellent lunch or afternoon tea for those who are used to keeping an eye on their figure. Fig peaches can be eaten not only fresh. Low-calorie fruits are an excellent option for preservation for the winter. From them you can cook aromatic jam, jam, compote or make canned fruits in sugar syrup.

Today you can not only buy peach-figs in any supermarket, but also try to grow it on your personal plot. Nurseries of the southern regions are already offering to purchase seedlings of this tree, the fruits of which were quite recently a wonder.

Growing: planting and care

Currently, several varieties of fig peaches are known, and there are also its columnar varieties. This species is characterized by late flowering, which avoids freezing of buds and buds during spring frosts. Fruits ripen in mid-August. The peach tree is medium-sized, has a fairly spreading crown at a young age. Small leaves are lanceolate and light green in color. The flowers are large, attractive pink.

The agrotechnology of growing fig peaches practically does not differ from the cultivation of familiar peach trees. If you see seedlings of this tree for sale in your region, remember a few important points:

You can plant trees in the ground in early spring or early autumn. Caring for peach trees consists in using standard agricultural techniques: regular watering during dry periods, fertilizing with mineral (nitrogen) fertilizers during the spring digging of the soil, applying organic fertilizers every 2-3 years, spraying the crown as a prophylaxis for diseases and pests. Fig peach is affected by diseases:

Particular attention should be paid to the formation of the crown of a young tree, carrying out annual pruning. The crown is formed in such a way as to avoid crossing large branches. Usually, a few of the most well-developed and evenly distributed shoots are left, shortening them annually. Dry and damaged branches are also pruned. Fruit formation occurs on new shoots.

In its homeland, China, the peach tree has long been considered the tree of life, symbolizing longevity and even immortality. The Chinese appreciate not only peach fruits, but also the wood from which they make fancy handmade bowls. Young twigs of peach trees serve as New Year's decorations in this country.

One of the most unusual and popular varieties of peach trees is fig varieties. All of them have fruits of an unusual, flattened shape, and excellent taste. We will find out what varieties of fig peaches are, and what conditions are needed for its cultivation.

Breeding history

The fig peach has been known to Europeans since the 19th century - missionaries brought it here from China. A little later, the unusual fruit came to Russia - since the end of the 19th century, we began to grow it in the southern regions.

There is a misconception that the fig peach is a hybrid. In fact, it is a separate variety, originating from the wild Chinese varieties. It is China that is the birthplace of the fig peach.

What is unique about the fig peach?

Fig peach has a unique chemical composition, due to which it has a powerful preventive effect. Even the smell of this low-calorie fruit is beneficial - it weakens the depressive state.

Fruit composition:

  1. Organic acids.
  2. Essential oils.
  3. Pectin.
  4. Micro- and macroelements (potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium, chlorine, copper, iron, zinc, fluorine, chromium, manganese).
  5. Vitamins:
    • C - strengthens the immune system;
    • H - participates in carbohydrate metabolism;
    • E - has an antioxidant effect, is involved in cell regeneration;
    • K - promotes liver function, strengthens capillaries;
    • beta-carotene - is a prophylactic agent for cancer;
    • b vitamins - normalize the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, strengthen immunity, improve bowel function and emotional state.

Calorie content of fig peaches: 100 g - 60 kcal. 100 g of peaches contain:

  • proteins - 1 g;
  • carbohydrates - 14 g;
  • fat - 0 g.

Fig peaches are contraindicated for diabetics and those who are allergic to pink fruits.

General description of the variety

The fig peach is easily recognizable for its unusual shape. Unlike other varieties of peaches, it does not have spherical, but flattened fruits, similar to either a fig or a turnip. This peach has no botanical relationship with figs, but it has many interesting and memorable names - Fergana, saucer, Chinese turnip.

In some European countries, the fig peach is called "donut" - for the round indentation that remains in the middle of the fruit after the stone has been removed.

Brief botanical description:

  • Wood. Reaches a height of 5 m. The crown is spreading.
  • Leaves. Lanceolate. The upper surface is dark green, the lower one is grayish.
  • Flowers. The petals are pale pink. They look like rose hips.
  • Fruit. Flat shape. The skin is not as pubescent as that of regular peaches. The bone is small. The color depends on the variety, there are fruits of yellow and orange shades. Everyone has a red blush. Weight - 100-200 g. Diameter - up to 7 cm.

Fig peaches have important advantages over regular peaches:

  • In ordinary peaches, the flesh is, the closer to the stone, the less intense its taste. Fig varieties do not have this - the taste is the same in every part of the fruit.
  • Has greater frost resistance.
  • The stone is smaller - only 3-4 g.

Where do fig peaches grow?

This fruit tree is actively cultivated in the West of China, in Central Asia, in the Caucasus, as well as in the eastern regions of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan - and in other Asian republics of the former USSR.

What are the varieties?

All subspecies of fig peach are not only similar in shape and size, but also in agrotechnical characteristics, they are frost-resistant, and tolerate return frosts well. Let's learn about the features of several of the most popular varieties.


Early maturing variety. Fruit weight - 100-120 g. The pulp is white. Almost the entire fruit is covered with a red blush, only a pale yellow color is visible here and there. Pubescence is very weak. The variety is winter-hardy, the fruits are resistant to cracking. Refers to industrial varieties. On the palate - honey notes.

The gardener provided a video review of the "Ufo-3" fig peach:


This variety is considered the best for Russia. Suitable for harsh climates. The fruits are reddish, the flesh is creamy. Weight - 120 g.


A variety resistant to most peach diseases. The crown is medium spreading. The variety is frost resistant. The color is pale yellow, the sides are red. Weight - 180 g.

Sweet Cap

The peculiarity of this variety is its early maturity. Fruits appear in 3-4 years. Fruiting - mid-August. Maturation is amicable. The taste is sweet and sour. Skin color - burgundy, flesh - tender, white. Weight - 150 g.


The plant is sprawling, very beautiful, especially during the flowering period. The fruits are not very large - up to 100 g. Ripe, the fruits turn yellow, a light pink blush appears on the sides. The variety is frost-resistant, the fruits are well transported. This is one of the most popular varieties among gardeners.

An overview of the Saturn fig peach can be seen in the video below:

Columnar peach "Fig"

The trees are low, with cylindrical crowns. The tree looks decorative. Fruiting early. The fruits are deep red. Weight - 150 g.


The tree is low, the crown is spreading. Blooms later than other varieties. Ripening - the second half of August. Very good dessert taste. The yellow fruits are adorned with a red blush. Weight - 120-140 g. Taste - delicate, pulp - juicy.

You can see the Belmondo fig peach in the video below:

How to plant a tree correctly?

The health of the future tree, its productivity and longevity depends on the correct planting of the fig peach, and on the quality of the planting material.

Site selection and soil preparation

Peach, like most fruit trees, is capricious, therefore, when choosing a place for planting, one must take into account its preferences. Site requirements:

  • The optimal soil is chernozems and loams.
  • Good sun exposure. There should be no shadow from other trees.
  • Wind protection.
  • South side of the garden.
  • Low groundwater level - not less than 3 m.

If a shade falls on a peach tree, its fruits will not taste good, or they may not be at all.

The soil is prepared in autumn - manure is brought in, and then covered with earth, with a layer of 20 cm.There are two planting options:

  • Spring. In this case, the seedling hole is prepared in the fall. Disembarkation takes place in March.
  • Autumn. The pit is prepared 2-3 weeks before planting. A seedling is planted in late September or early October.

In regions with a warm climate, peaches are planted in autumn, with a more severe one - in spring.

Selecting a seedling and preparing it for planting

When purchasing a seedling, they pay attention to a number of features:

  • Acclimatization region. You need to choose varieties that are zoned in a given area.
  • The root system should not have any defects - dry or rotten roots.
  • Age - 1 year.

Pinch off a small piece of bark - on the back it should have a green tint, this is a sign of a healthy seedling.

Peach seedlings are prepared for planting in the same way as any others - a few hours before planting, the roots are placed in water. If desired, a growth stimulant is added to the water. If the seedlings are purchased in the fall, and the planting is scheduled for spring, they are "canned" - by placing the roots in wet sawdust, or another medium, they are wrapped in plastic wrap. They are stored buried in the ground, or in the basement, shed, on the balcony.

Step-by-step landing

Planting a fig peach seedling:

  1. Dig a small hole. Width - about 40 cm, depth - 55-60 cm.
  2. If you are planting several seedlings, make gaps of at least 5 m between adjacent pits.
  3. Mix the fertile layer with fertilizers:
    • manure, humus or compost - 2 buckets;
    • superphosphate - 150-200 g;
    • potassium - 100 g;
    • wood ash - 800 g.
  4. Pour the resulting fertile mixture into the pit. Sprinkle it with earth and lower the seedling.
  5. Cover the roots of the seedling with earth. At the same time, shake it from time to time so that voids do not form between the roots.
  6. The root collar should be 3-5 cm above ground level.
  7. Water the seedling - 2-3 buckets are enough.
  8. When the water is absorbed, sprinkle mulch on the near-stem circle - with a layer of 5-10 cm. Read more about the correct mulching of the soil.
  9. If planting is carried out in the fall, then wrap the seedling with agrofibre - to protect it from frost and rodents.

Growing a fig peach

If the peach is planted in the fall, leaving is delayed until spring. When planting in spring, they start immediately. The seedling needs standard care - it must be regularly watered, fed, treated with fungicides and insecticides. It is also important to loosen the soil in time and remove weeds in the trunk circle.

Top dressing

  1. In the spring, urea is introduced under each tree - 50 g, and ammonium nitrate - 75 g.
  2. In autumn, potash and phosphorus fertilizers are applied - 50 g and 40 g, respectively.
  3. Periodically - every 2-3 years, 10 kg of humus or manure are introduced under peach trees - for autumn digging.


Fig peach is very hygrophilous. It is not necessary to spare the water for it. In summer, during the heat, the tree is watered every two weeks - 20-25 liters of water. It should be slightly warmed up in the sun - pouring cold water on the peach is not recommended.

Pruning and shaping the crown

For large and sweet peaches to ripen on a tree, each leaf of the tree must receive sunlight. To do this, gardeners regularly prune:

  • Formative. To make the tree look beautiful, neat, and the branches with fruits receive enough light, gardeners form the crown, and then regularly make adjustments to maintain its shape. The recommended shape for the peach tree is cup-shaped.
  • Sanitary. Its goal is to eliminate all sick, damaged and weakened shoots.

The best times for pruning are March and early April. Both types of trimming - sanitary and shaping can be done simultaneously. All sections are covered with garden pitch.

The optimum tree height for a fig peach is 1.5 m.

The order of forming a cupped crown:

  • Trim off all small side shoots up to 50 cm long.
  • Form a stem - the lower part of the trunk to the first skeletal branches.
  • After the stem, leave 4 to 6 skeletal branches - this will be the base of the crown. These are branches of the first order, the trunk should not be higher than them.
  • From the branches of the 1st order, branches of the 2nd order will grow - 50-60 cm long. Cut all other branches into a ring.
  • Shoots that bear fruit grow on the skeletal branches. Their length should be 15-20 cm, all excess is cut off.

Diseases and pests

Most often, the fig peach affects powdery mildew and curly leaves. For prevention purposes, trees are treated with a solution of copper sulfate twice a year - in early spring and late autumn.

Fig peach diseases and their treatment:


Treatment and prevention

Coccomycosis This is a fungal disease. Red spots appear on the leaves. Leaves dry and fall off. Treatment with fungicides that kill the fungus.
Powdery mildew Another fungal disease. White bloom first appears on the leaves. The fruits stop growing, become covered with a thick layer of plaque and die. Removal of diseased leaves. Replacing the topsoil. Abundant watering with special preparations. Treatment with fungicides - Vitaros, Fundazol and others. Prevention - spraying with a mustard solution (2 tablespoons of dry mustard per 10 liters of water).
Curly leaves The leaves are bent, a white bloom forms on them, they become brown and die. Preventive spraying - Horus, Topsin M. The diseased tree is sprayed with Bordeaux liquid.
Hole spot (clasterosporium disease) The formation of brown spots on the leaves, which die over time. Removal of infected leaves and branches. Processing of sections with a solution of copper / iron sulfate. In the spring - spraying with Bordeaux liquid. Fungicide treatment.

Fig peach pests and control measures:


Harm done


Aphid Sucks juices from leaves and shoots. At the initial stage - a decoction or infusion of dandelion, garlic, onion peel. In case of severe lesions, spraying with Bordeaux liquid 2% (in autumn), before and after flowering - 1% Bordeaux liquid and insecticides. Root cuttings, weeding, manual stripping, onion and nettle planting.
Weevils Larvae destroy buds, flowers, buds, leaves. Processing with milk of lime and whitewashing. Spraying with insecticides before and after flowering. Autumn digging, installation of trapping belts, planting of onions and garlic beds, spraying with soapy or mustard solution.
Eastern moth A small gray-brown butterfly lays eggs in the buds, stalks, and shoot tips. Caterpillars damage fruits and shoots. During the summer and when the fruit ripens, the tree is treated with insecticides. For example, Coragen, Tonsin M, Chlorophos, Karbofos. Destruction of fallen leaves, soil disinfection. Attaching pieces of matter impregnated with chlorophos to the branches.
Fruit moth Caterpillars are very gluttonous, eating buds, leaves, even peach bones. During the period of kidney formation, they are sprayed with Karbofos or Chlorophos. When the moth lays eggs, the tree is treated with drugs with phenoxycarb. Pruning affected branches, cleaning fallen leaves.

Where is the fruit used?

How are fig peaches used:

  1. They are eaten fresh. Peach lovers appreciate fig varieties for their sweetness and rich peach flavor.
  2. In cooking. They are added to salads, sauces, pastries, pastry dishes. The taste of peaches is harmoniously combined with fish and meat tastes. Improves the taste of oatmeal, yogurt, ice cream.
  3. Dried. Aromatic compotes are prepared from dried peaches in winter.
  4. Freeze. For freezing, take ripe, but not soft fruits. Freeze peaches by peeling off the skin. If this is not done, the fruit will taste bitter after defrosting. The frozen fruits are stored for a maximum of six months.
  5. Canned. Prepare preserves, jams, canned in sugar syrup.
  6. For cosmetic purposes. Face masks are made from the pulp, grated and mixed with sour cream.

What You May Not Know About Fig Peaches:

  • They are useful for flatulence and constipation.
  • Helps maintain healthy teeth, heals the skeletal system, and prevents the formation of kidney stones.
  • They saturate quickly, which is why they are recommended for snacks.
  • Despite the sweetness, they contain few calories, therefore they are useful for losing weight.
  • Unlike most fruits, they do not lose their beneficial properties after heat treatment.
  • They have a calming effect. Hungarians, for example, call them "fruits of tranquility".
  • It was the peach that became the first fruit eaten by American astronauts on the moon.

Recently, many amateur gardeners are interested in fig peach, which has a very delicate and pleasant taste, as well as high winter hardiness. The article will introduce you to this fig-like species - what is needed to grow it and which varieties are the most popular.

In fact, it is not at all a hybrid, as many think, and figs have nothing to do with this species. In fact, according to breeders, it is not possible to cross figs with peaches. Fig peach (pictured) is a type of common peach.

It looks like a fig and has a characteristic flattened shape, the fluff on its skin is much shorter than on conventional varieties. An important advantage is that this species has a very small bone, its weight is no more than 4 g. Its fruits are very fragrant and tasty, large (the diameter of the "saucer" reaches 7 cm, and its height is 4 cm), weighing 80-120 g Fig peach differs from the usual color of the pulp - it is mostly white (in some varieties it is yellow). It also has a wonderful taste, evenly distributed throughout the fruit, which is not typical of the usual types. They are characterized by a pronounced taste just under the skin itself and the closer to the stone, the more the taste will be lost and "dissolve".

Due to its flattened shape, it is much easier to transport. In general, the fig peach has most of the characteristics that are so lacking in the ordinary look.

Fig peach in European countries is often called "donut" because of the stone - when you remove it, a neat hole remains exactly in the middle of the fruit.

A useful property is that most varieties of this type are late and the fruit ripens in mid-August. Together with a high frost resistance (both of buds and branches), which significantly exceeds the frost resistance of common species, it tolerates spring frosts better and gives large yields in years with difficult winters.

But there is also a minus: the species is very poorly adapted to the fight against gray rot, although it copes well with other diseases.


Caring for this species is practically no different from the agricultural technology of conventional varieties. When buying a seedling, it is advisable to check a few points:

  • check with the seller about adaptation to the climate of the region where the tree will grow;
  • the root system should be healthy, and if you pinch off the bark, there should be a green layer under it (brown color is a sign that the seedling is sick and you don't need to take it);
  • the vaccination site must be clean and even: without sap and sagging;
  • the best survival rate was noted in annual seedlings, so the age of the tree should be clarified.


All peach plants love an abundance of sunlight, so you should plant a seedling on the south side of the garden in a place that is not blown by the winds. Avoid planting in wet or damp areas, as well as in lowlands.

If you plant in a garden where there are mature trees, then try to keep the seedling out of the shade of larger neighbors - in such conditions, the wood of a young plant does not have time to ripen over the summer, which leads to inhibition of the setting of flower buds.

Do not plant a fig peach in the garden area where strawberries, nightshade crops, melons or alfalfa grew before - you have to wait 3-4 years, otherwise there is a high risk of verticillosis in the tree.

It is worth paying attention to the depth of groundwater - it is desirable that they pass no deeper than 3 meters from the ground.

It is worth noting one interesting pattern - if grapes grow in your region, then peach ones will also feel good here.

Fig peaches can be planted in a permanent place at the beginning of spring, or, if they did not have time to carry out the procedure, favorable conditions for planting are formed at the beginning of autumn.

When planting, the land should be fertilized with mineral and organic fertilizers. Here it is necessary to look at the fertility of the soil and the planting time: if the land is poor in useful minerals, then superphosphate, potassium, ash, manure or humus are added. If black soil - limited to mineral additives and ash. In the fall, fertilizers are not applied at all, but humus is added only to the bottom of the planting pit.

Having planted a seedling, the ground is trampled down and filled with 2-3 buckets of water, and then the soil is mulched with manure to a depth of 10 cm.

Due to the fact that the seedling is subject to a high risk of infection with gray mold, immediately after planting it is treated with anti-pest drugs.


All peach plants tolerate drought well, but the lack of moisture affects yields. Therefore, if the summer is hot, it is recommended to pour 2-3 buckets of water under the tree every 2-3 weeks from June to August.

Top dressing

Mineral fertilizers are applied to the trunk circle annually during spring digging. Organic matter (manure, humus) is added to the soil around the tree every 2-3 years. It can be replaced by planting green fertilizers in the near-trunk circle - rapeseed, rape or oil radish.

It is also necessary to constantly carry out preventive spraying against pests and spring thinning of the ovaries, since all peach ones have an increased yield, due to which there is a significant load on the tree branches.

It is advisable to do corrective pruning every spring to form the crown of the tree, as well as remove dry or diseased branches, covering the cuts with garden pitch.

Video "Thinning peach ovaries"

This video will show you how to properly thin out peach varieties.


There are several varieties of fig peach. All of them are united by the appearance of the fruit: flattened, in the form of a plate. There are varieties of "Fig white", "Fig new", "Vladimir", "Sweet Kap", "Nikitsky Plosky", "Saturn", "UFO" (3, 4, 5). Consider a description of the most popular and common ones:

  • fig peach variety "Nikitsky flat" (pictured) - the most adapted to our climatic conditions. The crown of the tree is spreading, the tree itself is low. Fruits weighing up to 94-100 g, with sweet light creamy pulp. Bears fruit in mid-August.
  • "Vladimir" is a medium-sized variety, ripens in early August. Fruits weighing up to 180 g. Color is white with a light red blush. The pulp is very sweet and creamy. It has a high yield and is less susceptible to diseases than others;
  • Sweet Cap. The tree is of medium height. Fruiting towards mid-August. The fruits are claret, up to 140 g. The pulp is white, slightly acidic. Begins to bear fruit for 3-4 years.

Fig peach is perhaps the most adapted variety for cultivation by amateur gardeners due to its winter hardiness, natural immunity from most diseases, and high yield. But, besides this, this type of peach is an additional source of income for owners due to the high market price of the fruit.

In our country, these peaches appeared not long ago, and were not very popular due to their unusual appearance. And for the price they are much more expensive than ordinary peaches. But as time went on, there were changes. People began to taste them, and now, having tasted them, they began to admire their unusual taste.

It is believed that this type of peach is a hybrid created in China, which was crossed with figs. But in fact, these flat peaches are a common variety and have nothing to do with figs, the only similarity is in the shape. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that only the bones of the breed can affect the variety of varieties, for example, cherry plum, almonds, etc.

This variety of peaches withstands frost well, but its ordinary counterparts and nectarine do not like the cold. But there are no special changes in taste and aroma, the only thing that has been changed is a reduced bone.

There are several varieties of flat peaches:

  • Vladimir
  • fig new
  • fig white

The benefits of all peaches is rich in vitamins. They also do not have a high calorie content, while being very nutritious. Even if you canned them for the winter, then most of the useful components will not suffer.

To find out in more detail what is benefits of flat peaches, it is necessary to study their chemical composition.

The chemical composition of fig peaches

The composition contains organic acids

  • Wine
  • Apple
  • Lemon

They are also rich in macro- and micronutrients, such as:

  • Manganese
  • Phosphorus
  • Selenium
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium

The composition contains a large amount of vitamins, for example: vitamins C, E, K. And in the pulp itself there are pectin, carotene, sucrose.

If you get to the seeds, they contain essential, fatty and almond oils. And also there is vitamin B17, which is very important for humans, because he participates in chemotherapy processes and fights cancer cells.

Who should eat flat peaches?

Children's doctors advise to include ripe fruits in the diet of children. They are not allergenic, they help to normalize the intestinal tract and strengthen the body's immune properties. For example, if you are prone to frequent constipation, then these peaches will help to overcome this unpleasant moment, while they reduce the amount of gas and restore the metabolic processes of the intestines. It is worth using them for those who have problems:

  • with cardiac activity,
  • with biliary tract
  • with liver and kidneys.

During pregnancy, it is also worth eating fresh peaches, especially during toxicosis, as they eliminate nausea and replenish the body with vitamins. If you are prone to depression, then you should not start eating chocolate and various flour products, but it is best to eat flat peaches. Due to the presence of magnesium in the composition, it will easily be possible to relieve the nervous state and irritability.

These peaches are very often used in folk medicine and for cosmetic purposes. The created flat peach masks rejuvenate the skin and help eliminate wrinkles.

A little about contraindications

Do not use if you have diabetes. Also, do not eat with individual intolerance and manifest allergic reactions.