Blackcurrant and orange jam for the winter. Amazing Blackcurrant Orange Jam You Don't Need to Boil

31.08.2019 Salads

Recently, in some countries, making homemade jam has become a kind of fashion. Jam, of course, cannot be called a particularly useful product due to the presence of sugar and due to the fact that a significant part of the nutrients contained in fruits and berries is destroyed during the heat treatment process. However, it should be noted that jam is still one of the most popular traditional methods of preservation, tea jam is definitely healthier than sugar, and, in the end, sometimes you just want to pamper yourself with something special.

Since there is currently no problem to find on sale various fruits from exotic warm countries, there is a tendency to combine local fruits with imported ones in jams. Well, quite an interesting solution, a kind of delicacy to surprise guests and home, a bright manifestation of culinary creativity. New things are always interesting. In addition, jams with unexpected flavors may be needed for the preparation of confectionery.

Blackcurrant jam with orange


  • black currant - 1 kg;
  • oranges - 2 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg.


First, we will carefully sort out the berries, remove the accidentally fallen leaves, place them in a sieve and rinse them with cold water, then put them loosely on a napkin. Wash the oranges thoroughly and scald with boiling water, then cut into slices without removing the peel. We will select the bones.

Now pass the currants and orange slices through a meat grinder. Add sugar and mix thoroughly.

Then you can act in one of the ways, "cold" or "hot", the first, of course, is preferable, since the maximum of useful substances, including vitamin C, so necessary for the human body, is preserved.

"Cold" way. We put the prepared orange-currant mass in sterilized jars, put plastic lids on the jars and store in the refrigerator.

The "hot" method is suitable for those who have an oversized refrigerator. We heat the prepared mass until it boils or keep it in a water bath for 20 minutes. Then we put on or tighten the lids. You can simply put the cold mass in jars and sterilize in a bowl of water.

To avoid the possible appearance of mold on the surface, cut out a circle from paper a little larger than the neck of a can, moisten it with vodka and place it tightly on the surface (after which we put on or twist the lid).

Proceeding in much the same way, you can cook red currant jam with raspberries and orange. The calculation of the ingredients is almost the same as in the first recipe (see above), only take 0.5 kg of currants and raspberries. It is better not to pass raspberries through a meat grinder, but to rub them through a sieve.

"Cold" red currant jam with oranges and bananas


  • red currant - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1-1.5 kg;
  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • bananas.


You need jars with a capacity of no more than 750 ml, and better - 0.5 liters each. First, fill the sorted currants with sugar, mix and let stand. When the currants let out the juice, add to the container and mix again. To the bottom of every can (of course, sterilized by steam) put slices of peeled banana, sprinkle them with lemon juice and put a mixture of currants with sugar with orange juice on top. Pour sugar on top under the neck of the jar. It is necessary for the sugar to form a crust. We put plastic lids on the jars and place them in the refrigerator. If after a week the sugar crust has dissolved, add more sugar.

I do not think that anyone will prepare such jam in large quantities (and for 2-4 cans, most likely there will be a place in the refrigerator), but thanks to the "cold" method, we will preserve all the vitamins and other useful substances in the original fruit - berries. Plus, the banana slices will keep their shape.

We will tell you how to make blackcurrant jam in order to preserve all the vitamins and useful properties to the maximum.

We will share the best recipes for making blackcurrant jam for the winter. We really hope that you will like all the recipes, you will return to our site and write a comment.

Blackcurrant jam - recipe with photo

This blackcurrant jam was always made by my grandmother. The jam turned out to be insanely tasty and it never happened that it got moldy or fermented.

  • 1 kilogram of black currant
  • 1.5 kilograms of sugar

How to make blackcurrant jam:

Rinse the currants well in a colander under running water.

Sort out the berries from the leaves and pour boiling water over them.

Put the currants in a saucepan with a thick bottom, or in a multicooker bowl, cover with sugar. Making jam in a multicooker is much easier, as in a bread maker. But on the stove, I must admit, currant jam is prepared faster, and less electricity is spent.

Cook over medium heat until sugar is completely dissolved.

Then reduce heat to low and cook for another 20 minutes. There should be no foam with such cooking. In a multicooker, immediately select the "simmering" or "stewing" mode.

Pour the finished blackcurrant jam into sterilized jars, let cool, and then cover with clean and dry plastic lids. If you close the hot jam, turn the jars over, otherwise condensation will form, making the jam moldy.

  • The author of the recipe: How to cook blackcurrant jam Nazly Akmollaeva

Would you like to know how to make blackcurrant jam? We will share only the latest tips and the best recipes.

We offer you the best recipes for making black currant jam. We will share tips on how to make blackcurrant jam, and also tell you a little about its beneficial properties.
Since childhood, we all know perfectly well the benefits of fresh fruits and berries. If you adhere to proper nutrition, monitor your health, or just want to preserve youth for a long time, then a wide variety of fruit and berry crops must be present in your daily diet.
Unfortunately, in our country with its harsh climatic conditions, we can only afford to eat all these goodies in the summer. And in this regard, the residents of rural areas are most fortunate. After all, they can walk to the nearest forest at any time, pick up a basket of the freshest berries and eat to their health. Urban residents have to be content with store products, or look for grannies selling berries.
But what about in the winter season? Now the method of freezing berries for the winter is very popular. But you can act in the old fashioned way and stock up on delicious aromatic jam for the winter. When there is a snowstorm and a blizzard outside the window, it is so nice to gather the whole family at the tea table and eat warm pancakes with jam, and the soul immediately becomes somehow cozy and calm.
One of the most beloved among our compatriots is black currant jam. In general, currants are a fairly common berry in the vastness of our homeland. It can be wild, or it can be grown in the garden. Surely, many of us grandmothers used to keep several currant bushes in their summer cottage. She always bears fruit very well, and in general is not particularly whimsical and capricious. There are three types of currants: red, white and black. Black currant is considered the healthiest, and its berries are very large, so they are quite easy to pick.
The composition of black currant contains a large amount of nutrients, trace elements and vitamins. For example, this berry contains several times more vitamin C than citrus fruits. To provide your body with a daily requirement of this vitamin. You only need to eat fifteen fresh black currant berries.
Including black currants in your diet every day can successfully solve many health problems. Namely, to normalize the functioning of the digestive system and gastrointestinal tract, improve metabolism, significantly increase immunity, enhance blood formation and protect the intestines from fermentation processes. Agree that all this is very important even for a healthy person, especially during the winter cold, when we start to catch colds often, and the immune system sometimes simply cannot cope with such a load.

In general, the benefits of black currant and jam from it can hardly be overestimated. But after all, we value this berry most of all for its incomparable aroma and rich taste, in which sweetness, sourness, and light bitterness are combined. Blackcurrant jam is always a welcome guest on the table, it is loved by both adults and children alike. That is why in the summer it is necessary to take care of preparing several jars of this delicious dessert for the winter.
Basically, the process of making blackcurrant jam is practically no different from any other jam. This can be a traditional method, involving long heat treatment, and express - "Pyatiminutka" jam, and raw jam, and sugar-free jam. Since black currant can hardly be called a juicy berry, its pulp has a rather fleshy structure, then in the cooking process, in addition to the berries themselves and granulated sugar, a small amount of water is usually used.

Blackcurrant jam - cooking utensils

First of all, before you start cooking black currant jam, you need to prepare the jars. They should be thoroughly washed with detergent, then rinsed with boiling water and dried. The lids are best used with a lacquered finish, they will not oxidize and turn black.
You need to cook blackcurrant jam in an enamelled dish. For making jam in large volumes, it is most convenient to use a basin.
If, before cooking, you are going to leave the berries, covered with granulated sugar, until the juice is released, then pour them into a plastic bowl. It is not recommended to leave currants in metal dishes for a short time. The metal can oxidize, as a result of which vitamin C can be completely or partially destroyed.
Blackcurrant jam - preparation of berries.
Experienced gardeners begin to pick black currants only a week after they are ripe. The most important thing here is to prevent the berries from overripe. Overripe berries begin to crack, lose a lot of juice, and then completely fall off. In addition, the content of vitamin C in overripe currants is reduced by exactly half.
Berries of rich black color should be picked; this should be done in dry, sunny weather. Black currants cannot be stored for long at room temperature. If you have already picked the berries, but you are going to cook the jam only the next day, then be sure to put them in the refrigerator.
Freshly picked berries are carefully sorted out before cooking, sorting out twigs, leaves and other debris. Then the black currants are carefully washed so as not to deform the fruits, laid in one layer on a clean towel and allowed to dry completely.
Blackcurrant jam - the best recipes

Recipe number 1. Black currant jam "Pyatiminutka"

Very easy to prepare and the most healthy blackcurrant jam will be a great addition to any homemade baked goods.
To make Pyatiminutka blackcurrant jam, you need the following ingredients:
1. Fresh black currant - 1 kg.
2. Granulated sugar - 1.5 kg.
3. Water - 250 ml.
Cooking instructions:
1. Carefully sort out the black currant, separate the berries from the twigs and leaves. Then gently rinse the berries with cool water so as not to damage the fruits. We cover the working surface of the table with a clean kitchen towel, put the berries on it in one layer, let them dry completely.
2. While the berries are drying, we will prepare the sugar syrup. To do this, pour a glass of water into an enamel bowl and add granulated sugar. We put on low heat, stirring constantly, bring the syrup to a boil. Now carefully pour the berries into the boiling syrup, mix with a wooden spatula, wait until it boils. After boiling, cook for five minutes, then turn off the heat and leave the jam until it cools completely. On average, this takes about five hours.
3. Then put the jam on the fire again, bring to a boil and cook for five minutes. Turn off the heat and leave to cool. We repeat the procedure one more time.
Pour the finished jam into sterilized jars, roll up and turn over. After complete cooling, put it in the refrigerator.
The Pyatiminutka blackcurrant jam is ready! Enjoy your meal!

Recipe number 2. Blackcurrant jam without cooking

In this, so-called in the common people, raw jam, all vitamins and microelements are preserved in full. Therefore, you will have a great opportunity not only to enjoy delicious meals, but also to improve your body.
To make blackcurrant jam without cooking, you need the following ingredients:
1. Black currant - 1 kg.
2. Granulated sugar - 1.5 kg.
Cooking instructions:
1. We sort out the freshly picked berries, remove all twigs and leaves. Then we wash the black currant with cool water and let it dry completely. Now we need to make the berry puree. This can be done with a meat grinder, food processor, or blender. If none of the above is at hand, then pour the berries into a plastic bowl and crush with a crush for making mashed potatoes.
2. Combine the resulting berry gruel with granulated sugar and mix thoroughly. Leave it on for a few hours to dissolve the sugar. Put the finished jam in sterilized jars, roll up and put in the refrigerator.
Blackcurrant jam without cooking is ready! Enjoy your meal!

Recipe number 3. Black currant jam

Blackcurrant jam, prepared according to this recipe, turns out to be unusually tasty and can be stored for many years.
To make blackcurrant jam, you need the following ingredients:
1. Fresh black currant - 1.5 kg.
2. Granulated sugar - 1.5 kg.
3. Water - 2 glasses.
Cooking instructions:
1. As always, first of all we sort out the berries, sort out the twigs, leaves and other debris. Then rinse and dry the black currant. We put a pot of water on the fire, bring to a boil. We immerse the berries in boiling water, cook for five minutes. Then we discard the berries in a colander, let the water drain completely into a bowl that was substituted in advance. This technique will help you keep the berries intact during the long heat treatment.
2. Pour granulated sugar into a bowl with currant broth, put on fire and bring to a boil. Dip the berries into the resulting syrup, mix and cook over low heat until thickened. In the process of cooking, carefully remove the foam formed on the surface.
Pour the finished jam into sterilized jars, roll it up, turn it over and leave it to cool completely.
Blackcurrant jam is ready! Enjoy your meal!

Calorie content: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not indicated

In a particularly fruitful year for currants, it's time to try new recipes for jam with any additives: with different berries, fruits, spices. Currants go well with both the usual for us raspberries, gooseberries, strawberries, and overseas fruits - oranges, kiwi, banana. Blackcurrant jam with orange for the winter turns out to be very aromatic and thick like jelly. To boil it, you need orange pulp and juice, and the zest if desired. She, of course, will make the jam even more aromatic, but here you need to be guided by your taste - not everyone loves the peculiar tart taste of the zest. If you don't mind, add the grated orange zest as soon as the jam starts to boil so that it has time to soften and give all its aroma. And do not cook for the winter
- he will be just great with this blank.

- orange - 1 pc. (small);
- black currant - 1 glass;
- water - 50 ml;
- sugar - 150-200 gr;
orange peel - 0.5 tbsp l. (optional).

Recipe with photo step by step:

We tear off the berries from the branches, throw out the trapped leaves, garbage. We rinse several times in cold water.

Remove the peel from the orange. If zest is added, first rub the required amount of zest through the finest grater. Cut the pulp into small segments, select the bones.

Transfer the currants and orange to a blender. Grind in a thick puree with pulp particles. You can use a meat grinder or food processor instead of a blender.

Pour the thick fruit and berry puree into a ladle or saucepan.

We pour in cold water. If boiling a large portion, add 200 ml of water. for one kilogram of berries.

We put the dishes on low heat. Let it boil. Add sugar to the hot puree, the amount depends on the acidity of the currant, so you can increase it if necessary.

Cook for five minutes, stirring and collecting the froth. Turn it off, let it brew, cool to room temperature. Cook for the second time also for five minutes from the moment of boiling. Since the jam is thick enough, do not forget to stir during cooking, otherwise it will quickly stick to the bottom.

We fill the jars with boiling aromatic jam, tighten with screw caps. To prevent the glass from breaking, the jars must be hot, sterilize shortly before filling.

Cooling down, the jam becomes very thick, almost like jelly with pieces of pulp. You can store it at room temperature; it is not necessary to take it out into the cold. Successful blanks!
See also others, no less interesting

The first thing I harvest in the summer is black currant with orange and lemon, grated with sugar. I have a variation of this "vitamin" - black currant with sugar. But orange and lemon add a sophisticated touch to this winter treat. This option has one drawback - you need to eat it before the new year. Otherwise, the zest gives too much flavor to the currants. But that's just for my taste.

So I definitely make 1 serving of this jam and put it in the refrigerator. For cheese cakes, porridge, cottage cheese or yogurt - this jam is ideal. It is not only tasty, but also very useful because of the high dose of vitamin C. The main thing is to buy a good black currant. Dry, not transferred, but matured and aromatic.


● 1 kg of black currant

● medium orange

● 1 lemon

● 1.5-2 kg of sugar


1. Wash the currants. Sort out, remove all the spoiled berries. Remove the ponytails. Spread the black currants on paper towels and dry.

2. Wash the orange and lemon. Cut the orange into slices. The lemon is best divided into zest and pulp. very often the white skin under the zest is bitter and then it will spoil the taste of the jam. So either go for thin-skinned lemons. Or, if the lemon is thick-skinned, taste it. If necessary, remove the zest separately, peel off the white layer and leave the pulp.

3. Pass the black currant, orange, zest and pulp of lemon (or a whole lemon) through a meat grinder.

4. Add sugar, mix well. About the amount of sugar. If you are going to eat the jam quickly, you can add just one kilogram of sugar. So the jam will be more useful. But if you are going to store it for a long time, add one and a half kilograms. If you decide to put it in the cellar, then it is better to add sugar up to two kilograms.

5. Leave the mixture at room temperature for a day. During this time, you need to mix the ingredients several times so that the sugar dissolves well. Then we pour everything into jars. There is no point in sterilizing the jars. just wash well and dry. We put it in the refrigerator for a day. During this time, the jam will thicken. Then sprinkle the jam in each jar with sugar.

We make an even layer of half a centimeter. This way it will last longer and mold will not form. If you fill it with sugar right away, and do not keep it in the refrigerator, then the jam will be liquid and all the sugar will drown. Cover with lids and store in the refrigerator or cold cellar.

Such raw blackcurrant jam with orange goes well with desserts, fermented milk products. I often use it in the winter for drinks, for soaking cakes. for example, diluting it with water makes an excellent impregnation for a biscuit in a wedding cake. Or you can make a cake mousse. The main thing is to show your imagination and your jam will definitely not stagnate in the refrigerator!

A very beautiful jam is obtained from black currant - thick, rich dark ruby \u200b\u200bcolor, it looks very appetizing. And the taste is usually liked by many. For me, cooked according to the classic recipe, I always lacked something - some kind of brightness, or something. Therefore, I decided this year to add orange zest to the black currant.

The result is an incredible velvet blackcurrant jam with orange - fresh and interesting. The citrus flavor intertwines with black currants naturally and easily, as if they were made for each other ...


  • 1 kg of black currant;
  • zest of 1 orange;
  • 500 g of sugar.

How to make Black velvet jam with black currant with orange:

We sort out black currants. We select only ripe berries, and remove the crushed, overripe and unripe berries. Since we will grind the berries, it is not necessary to cut off the remains of the flower cups.

Pour black currants into a saucepan, pour 2-3 tablespoons of water and cover with a lid. Bring to a boil over high or medium heat, and then reduce the fire to minimum and steam the berries for 7 - 10 minutes, until they are completely softened.

Pour the black currants into a fine-mesh colander (or sieve) set over the saucepan in which we will cook the jam. Leave for 10 minutes so that the berries cool slightly. Grind the black currant. The steamed berries grind easily and quickly, only dry particles remain on the sieve, but in the pan there is black currant juice.

Remove the zest from the orange - using a special citrus grater or the finest one you have. Add sugar and orange zest to the resulting blackcurrant juice, mix.

We put the pan on the fire, quickly bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Then we reduce the fire to the smallest and, stirring occasionally, cook the jam for 20 minutes.

During this time, the jam has time to thicken enough. Put some jam on a chilled plate and check its thickness. If you are satisfied with this density, stop cooking. If you want to get a very thick jam (very similar to jam), then cook for another 5-10 minutes.

To prevent the jam from spoiling before winter, it must be stored in sterilized jars. You need to sterilize them just before you lay out the jam. The jars must still be hot - after all, our jam is hot, cold jars can simply burst. We spread the black currant jam to the very top and immediately close it with lids (which, of course, must also be sterilized by all means).