Production recipe for apricot puff. Puff pastry apricot puffs

02.07.2020 Salads
September 18, 2017

Pies are an international dish! It is pointless to try to find out in which country they first started making pies. Baking recipes with different fillings are present in the culinary tradition of any nation in the world.

The first pies were baked with meat. The dough in them served as a kind of dish and was not suitable for food. The crust baked to the state of a stone was broken and only the filling was eaten.

Let's talk about the ingredients

The main secrets of a delicious pie are this well-heated oven and the right ingredients.

The filling plays a huge role. In no case should you make sweet pies with berries and fruits from broken, rotten or overripe fruits. To make a pie with apricots from puff pastry, you need to take only beautiful and ripe apricots, as in the photo below.

Puff pastry cannot be made without oil. When choosing it, you must take into account that it is better to use a natural plant product or good butter for sweet pastries.

Italian apricot dessert recipe

Italian cuisine is famous for its desserts. Spectacular open Italian puff pastry apricot pie will decorate any table and become a favorite dessert for the whole family.

To prepare the puff pastry, you need the following ingredients:

  • flour - a glass for dough and 2 spoons for layering;
  • butter - about 50 g for dough and 100 g for layering;
  • dry yeast - standard bag;
  • half a glass of water;
  • sugar;
  • egg;
  • salt.

Puff pastry is prepared in two stages. First, knead flour, water, a little lemon juice, eggs and salt solution. The dough is left at room temperature for 1 hour. Separately, knead the butter and flour until smooth and put in the cold for 20 minutes.

The second stage is rolling out the dough. The number of layers in the dough depends on rolling. Professional chefs can make dough with 256 layers.

The dough is rolled out in the form of a rectangular layer 2 cm wide, on top of 2/3 of the area, cold butter is spread in an even layer. The layer is folded up with an envelope and carefully rolled to a thickness of 1 cm, then folded four times and put into the refrigerator for 30 minutes. The steps are repeated until the required number of layers is obtained.

To fill a puff pastry pie with canned apricots, you will need:

  • jar of apricots;
  • apricot jam or jam;
  • sugar (optional).

The oven should be heated to 200 degrees. The dough is rolled into a circle to fit the mold. Baking paper should be greased with oil and placed on the bottom of the dish. Smear the jam with a thin layer over the dough, beautifully lay out the halves of canned apricots on top and sprinkle them with sugar. The cake is baked for half an hour.

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Apricot and Vanilla Puff Pastry Recipe

Desserts with apricots and peaches are among the most favorite among children and adults. For this delicious puff pastry apricot pie you will need:

  • 2 cups chopped apricots
  • 100 g of vanilla-scented confectionery sugar;
  • a glass of orange juice without pulp;
  • 2 peaches without skin;
  • lemon juice from half a fruit;
  • 1.5 cups peeled and toasted almonds
  • puff pastry;
  • vanilla extract;
  • egg yolk.

Mix apricots, vanilla sugar and orange juice. Apricots are boiled in sugar over low heat, the juice should thicken and turn into syrup. Add chopped peach, lemon juice, vanilla extract to the filling and keep it on the stove for another 3 minutes before removing the container from heat. Add 1 cup of almonds to the mixture and allow to cool at room temperature.

The dough is divided into 2 parts and two rectangular layers are prepared for the mold. Put one part of the dough into a greased form, pour the fruit filling on top and cover with a second sheet of dough. It is necessary to beautifully mold the edges and make holes in the top layer of the dough. The pie is smeared with egg yolk and placed in an oven preheated to 230 degrees. After 15 minutes, the dessert is taken out of the oven, sprinkled with almonds and put back for 10 minutes.

Puff pastry recipe with apricots from ready-made dough

This recipe is perfect for coffee breakfasts. Preparing the dessert will not take long if you use ready-made dough from the store.

Today you do not need to waste time and effort on preparing puff pastry according to all the rules. A puff pastry with apricots from a ready-made dough will come out no worse than from a hand-made one. Of course, there will not be even 100 layers in the base, but the taste of the dessert will not suffer from this.

To prepare dessert you will need:

  • a pack of dough;
  • 4-5 fresh apricots;
  • a tablespoon of cornstarch;
  • sugar (optional);
  • lemon juice from 1/4 lemon;
  • almond extract 1 tsp;
  • egg, beaten with a tablespoon of water;
  • powdered sugar for sprinkling.

It is necessary to immediately put the oven on heating, 220 degrees will be enough. Chopped apricots, starch, sugar, lemon juice and almond extract must be placed in a container and mixed well. Gently roll out the finished puff pastry into two squares. Put the dough on a greased baking sheet, place the filling in the center and cover everything with the second square. Gently fasten the edges of the pie and grease the baking surface with an egg. Dessert should be baked for 20 minutes until tender.

If you want a quick dessert for the whole family, then you can quickly and effortlessly make apricot puffs from ready-made puff pastry. Just 20-30 minutes and you will have a whole baking sheet of puffs that no one will refuse.

The main and most difficult task in the whole cooking process is to choose a good quality puff pastry.

I understand that the best dough can be considered only that is made at home in homemade butter. But in reality, we most often go to the store and try to choose the best product for a reasonable price. This time you need to try and even pay a little more than average, try several types of dough from a couple of different manufacturers and choose the best dough.

What should it be? For starters, it should not smell like margarine and be too greasy. The finished product should be bubbly and airy, smell like butter and be crispy and free of dull greasy sheen.

When you are offered a slice of bread with butter and a second slice with margarine for tea, which one do you like best? I think it was in oil. Because the difference is big ... Here is the same difference between the puff pastry in which there is solid margarine, and in which there is a part (large) of good and solid butter.

If you cope with the choice of the test, then everything else will seem very easy to you. And so it is - it takes 5 minutes to cook the puffs, and the rest of the time they will simply be baked. Let's get started ...


  • 0.5 kg of finished puff pastry
  • fresh apricots
  • a couple of tablespoons of sugar
  • egg for greasing

At one time I became interested in the Nata-Lina recipe (thanks to her),
about serving apricot puffs. In French...

The attitude (we have) to apricot is very surprising, it is considered a little
whether a wild "fruit" is sold for a penny and grows practically
in every garden, and often just along the road.

But in the famous dessert-cake "Sacher" there is a layer of
apricot jam. Not peach, but apricot.
So, we shouldn't be so, I believe that there are two "fruits" with such
bright taste: strawberry and apricot.
True, there is also gooseberry ...

Nata has an exquisite recipe, mine is simpler, but no less tasty.
And with a little secret.
The whole secret is in the "filling". I use it all the time, in the fill
sinabons, brioche buns.

This is cream, one egg, sugar and Limoncello liqueur.
And in tandem with a good, ripe apricot, it's just a "thing"!

To help us our favorite puff pastry "Lada" weighing 950 grams.
As many as 18 pieces will come out of this test, and the puffs are quite large.
We take out our leaves (there are 6 of them), let them thaw a little and cut.

Cutting is easier when the dough is still firm.

We select large and ripe apricots.
We wash and divide into halves, removing the bone.

Examine the halves thoroughly, the main "consumer" of the puffs
kids, for the absence of worms and mold!
Rinse well again with water.

Prepare a baking sheet, cover with parchment.
We lay our squares tightly to each other, they are not
stick together.

We are looking for an old strong glass.
Since the times of the USSR (he has no demolition) with a strong bottom.
We make "dents", and even with a quality seal.

And wet the apricot halves.

Cream (10-20 percent fat), sugar 50 grams, one
a good (homemade) egg and half a cap of Limoncello liqueur.
It is he who creates the whole bouquet.

(In the photo there is lemon juice, I just poured the liquor there, if I add
juice, cream may curd ...)

We mix everything in a large bowl for a couple of minutes with a whisk.
Set aside. We still have sugar in the glass.

Why is "Jolly Samurai" ???
And you take a closer look, even if you make punctures with a fork,
just a flag of Japan ... Well, why not "samurai"?

In the oven for 15-20 minutes, the temperature is 170 degrees.
In the place where half of the apricot lies, rise the dough
will not, and the sides (on the contrary) will rise strongly.
DO NOT use convection when baking.

All did not fit on the baking sheet, another form rushes to the rescue.
We take it out of the oven, but do not transfer it to the dish, but quickly
pour the gravy around the apricot.

Into the deepening.
We don't really regret the gravy and generously fill it with the rest of the sugar.

From the heat of the baking sheet, the puffs are simply "caramelized" with gravy
with sugar.

Do not remove the puffs from the baking sheet until it has cooled down.
And then sprinkle with powdered sugar.

You don't need to add anything else: no chocolate, no toppings,
nor maple syrup. Everything is in the "fill" itself.
Wonderful, bright taste of apricot with a creamy lemon note ...
And everything crunches!

Peace and goodness!
Enjoy your meal!

Time for preparing: PT01H00M 1 h.

Estimated Serving Cost: RUB 150

Of course, the quickest and easiest way to bake delicious, fluffy and ruddy apricot puffs is to buy a ready-made puff pastry frozen or yeast dough in the store. But if you spend a little more time and make homemade dough with your own hands, then, of course, the baked goods will turn out much tastier. All you need to please your loved ones with a delicious homemade dessert is time, desire and good mood.

Puff pastry

In order to prepare the dough, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Butter or margarine for baking - four to five hundred grams.
  • One glass of warm water.
  • You need to take two and a half to three glasses of flour.
  • Salt on the tip of a knife.
  • 9% vinegar - three teaspoons.

Cooking the dough

Add vinegar and salt to a glass of water. Sift the flour and pour the resulting liquid into it. We knead the dough. To make it lush and airy, you need to knead for a long time. When the dough becomes soft and elastic and does not stick either to the hands or to the table, it should be put in a plastic or paper bag and placed in the refrigerator for about forty to fifty minutes. This will make it more elastic and roll out better.

While the dough is cooling, you need to knead the butter or margarine. To make the mass homogeneous, pour five or six teaspoons of flour into it, and mix everything very well.

We make a flat square. Take the dough out of the refrigerator and roll it out so that the edges are thinner than the middle. Put a layer of butter in the center of the dough, wrap the edges in the form of an envelope. Sprinkle with flour and roll out the dough with very light movements from the middle to the edges. You should get a square about one and a half to two centimeters thick. Next, fold the dough in four and leave it to lie down for about thirty to forty minutes. We repeat this process of rolling and folding at least three times.

After that, you can start baking apricot puffs.

Puff pastry

Ingredients for puffs:

  • Puff pastry is about half a kilogram.
  • Three to four tablespoons of sugar.
  • Fresh or canned apricots.
  • Two eggs.


  • Roll out the dough about half a centimeter thick and cut it into squares.
  • Rinse the apricots thoroughly under running water. We cut off the spoiled parts, take out the bones and divide into two halves.
  • We spread three or four halves of apricots on a square of dough.
  • To prevent the puffs from being sour, you need to sprinkle the apricots with sugar.
  • Lubricate the perimeter of the square with an egg and pinch the edges. The puff turns out in the form of a rectangle.
  • Put baking paper on a baking sheet and grease it with vegetable oil.
  • We put the puffs on a baking sheet, grease them gently with an egg and send them to an oven preheated to two hundred degrees.
  • You need to bake for about twenty minutes.
  • We take out the baking sheet.
  • Put the puffs on a plate and sprinkle them with powdered sugar while hot.

The puffs are lush and very tasty. Enjoy your meal.

Puffs with cottage cheese and apricots

Homemade cakes prepared with your own hands for loved ones will always be tastier than purchased ones. There are many recipes for baking. And surely every housewife has several of her own unique recipes. But if someone wants to try something new, we suggest trying to bake apricot puffs from puff pastry with cottage cheese.

To prepare apricot puffs, you need the following products:

  • About ten ripe, not spoiled apricots.
  • Airy curd mass - three hundred grams.
  • Of course, puff yeast dough - five or six hundred grams.
  • How much vanillin and sugar you need depends on how sweet you want the apricot puffs to be.
  • For dusting - a small amount of powdered sugar

A simple recipe for apricot puffs

  • We take out the dough from the refrigerator and defrost it. Then we roll out a layer about half a centimeter wide.
  • We divide it into the required number of parts.
  • Let's take care of the filling. You need to combine vanillin, sugar, cottage cheese and mix everything thoroughly.

Now we proceed directly to the manufacture of puffs with apricot and cottage cheese.

  • On the prepared part of the dough, put two teaspoons of cottage cheese in the middle, and put two or three halves of the washed apricot and separated from the stone on top.
  • We connect the edges, pinch them and form a puff.
  • In order for the pastries to brown, you need to grease all the puffs with an egg.
  • We spread them on a greased baking sheet and send them to an oven preheated to 180 or 200 degrees for twenty minutes.
  • Allow the finished puffs to cool and, if desired, you can sprinkle them with powdered sugar.

This pastry is perfect with tea, coffee or any other drink, and will delight the whole family. Enjoy your meal!

By following the simple instructions above, you can easily make delicious apricot puffs. The photo of the finished baked goods posted in the article can be used as an illustrative example.