Adyghe cheese filling for dumplings. Delicious and spicy dumplings with cheese

06.11.2019 Salads

Recently in one of the social networks I got an advertisement for a homemade dumplings store. For fun, I followed the link to see what we are offered. I was especially interested in dumplings stuffed with cottage cheese and Adyghe cheese with parsley and dill, which the store positions as vegetarian and children's. In my understanding, these are dumplings rather than dumplings. The name, of course, does not change the essence, but the dish looks very appetizing. And so appetizing that I wanted to buy. Then, after thinking well, I decided: “Why pay almost 300 rubles for 250 grams? I'd better cook it myself! " That's what I did.

I don’t know the cooking technology of that store, I don’t know their recipe, I don’t know how much they take ingredients. Everything is in my own way. But I don't think that this makes my dumplings inferior to the store ones. Homemade products will never be worse than what you bought. Indeed, in homemade dishes we invest not only time and energy, but also our soul. We cook with love for our relatives! So, if you, friends, want to please and tasty feed your household with dumplings with cottage cheese and Adyghe cheese, join us!


  1. Wheat flour - 3 cups (volume 230 ml) plus flour for burning
  2. Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  3. Water (room temperature) - about 200 ml
  4. Salt - ½ teaspoon


  1. Cottage cheese - 200 g
  2. Adyghe cheese - 200 g
  3. Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  4. Dill, parsley - 1 bunch each
  5. Salt to taste
  6. Ground pepper (black, white or a mixture of peppers) - optional and to taste

How to cook dumplings with cottage cheese and Adyghe cheese in a multicooker-pressure cooker

1. We collect ingredients for the dough and filling. I will not dwell on the ingredients in detail, since I do not think there will be any questions. But, if they do arise, you can always ask them in the comments.

2. We start by making the dough. If you have a bread maker with a dough kneading function, you can put it in a bread maker. But it will not be difficult to manually knead the dough for dumplings. Before kneading, the flour must be sifted through a sieve. Pour flour in a slide into a wide bowl and make a depression. Place the broken egg in a glass, add water to the top (temperature 35-40 degrees), salt and stir. Then slowly pour this liquid into the flour and stir with a fork. When it becomes difficult to stir with a fork, we continue to work with our hands. The dough should be soft, pliable, not stick to your hands. We leave the dough on the kitchen table to “rest” for 30-40 minutes, covering it with a clean towel or cling film.

3. Grind the Adyghe cheese on a grater with medium cells.

4. In a deep container, mix the grated Adyghe cheese and cottage cheese.

5. Drive an egg into the cheese-curd mixture, add salt and pepper if desired. Stir the mass well.

6. Finely chop clean and dried dill and parsley (one of them is possible), pour into the cheese-curd mass and stir again. The filling is ready.

7. Returning to the test. Using a rolling pin, roll it into a layer with a thickness of about 1-1.5 mm. Usually, for dumplings, the dough is rolled out a little thicker than for dumplings. If you find it difficult to roll out the entire dough at once, cut it into four pieces and work on each piece in turn. But while we are working with one part, cover the rest with a foil so that the dough does not wind up.

8. From the rolled dough, cut out circles with a recess of the desired diameter. If there are no special tools for this purpose, use a glass or wine glass. I, for example, have adapted to using a serving form with a diameter of 6 cm.

9. Place the filling in the middle of each cut out circle.

10. Now we make dumplings - we pinch the dough in any way you are used to. We can freeze some of the dumplings for future use by putting them in the freezer. And those that we are planning to eat now, we will cook in a multicooker.

11. One of the ways to cook dumplings in a multicooker-pressure cooker, which I really like, is steaming. To do this, pour 250 ml of water into the multicooker bowl (I draw your attention that your model may have a different amount of water - look at the instructions for your device). We install a container steamer. I advise you to grease the steamer with softened butter to prevent the dumplings from sticking. Then, in a double boiler basket, lay out the dumplings (10-14 pieces, no more, otherwise they will stick together). We close the device with a lid, select the “Steamer” mode and turn on “Start” without changing the automatic parameters of the program - pressure 4 and time 10 minutes.

12. For those who want to boil dumplings traditionally in water. If your device has the “Pasta” function, everything is simple - pour water into the bowl (add salt if desired), turn on the mode for 8-10 minutes, after the signal to boil, throw the dumplings into boiling water, press “Start” again and wait for the finished dish ... But in Oursson MP5010PSD there is no such mode, so I adapted to using “Soup”. The process looks like this. I pour water into the multi-bowl just short of the 8 mark, then turn on the Soup, choosing the Mild flavor. In this case, the automatic parameters will be - pressure 3, time 10 minutes. Leaving them, I start the multicooker to work. After the signal, I open the lid, put the dumplings (if not large, then 25-30 pieces can be used) and, closing the lid, I turn on the same “Soup” again, with the same parameters - “Soft” taste, pressure 3, time 10 minutes. If you also have Oursson MP5010PSD and you have adapted to boil dumplings and dumplings by some other method, please write in the comments. I would be glad to know about it!

13. So. We prepared dumplings with cottage cheese and Adyghe cheese in one way or another in a multicooker-pressure cooker. We put hot dumplings in plates and serve with butter or sour cream.

14. And in conclusion, I will remind you of one important rule - never start making dumplings or dumplings if you have little time or a bad mood! Cook without haste, in a cheerful mood and with love! Bon appetit to you and your family!

Dumplings with cheese and herbs, fried in butter. This dish is amazing. You can taste the dumplings in a new way. They will be deep roasted, which will be an unexpected surprise for you. Prepare dumplings with cheese for your beloved husband, and he will remain well-fed and satisfied.

Composition of the recipe for dumplings with cheese and herbs:

  • 3 cups flour
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 3 tbsp. l. sour cream
  • ½ tsp soda
  • 100 ml of water
  • Adyghe cheese
  • Greens to taste (parsley, cilantro, dill ...)


1. Pour flour, salt and soda into a saucepan.

2. Add sour cream with water.

3. Knead a not very tight dough so that it remains a little sticky.

4. We leave it for half an hour in a bag to lie down so that it reaches.

5. Wash and finely chop the greens.

6. Three Adyghe cheese on a coarse grater and add greens to it.

7. Roll out the dough and make circles with a glass. Put the filling in them and wrap the dumplings.

8. Do this with the whole test.

9. To cook the dumplings, take water, bring it to a boil, salt, add the dumplings. Cook for about 5-10 minutes until tender. Will depend on the thickness of the dough.

10. Boiled dumplings with cheese and herbs will be fried in a well-heated pan in butter until crisp.

Dumplings with cheese and herbs, deep fried are ready. All the dumplings that you have left can be put in the freezer until better times \u003d).

We offer you to make dumplings from Adyghe cheese, and you will get an original, tasty dish that will delight everyone.

Recipe for dumplings with Adyghe cheese


For filling:

  • fresh herbs - 1 bunch;

  • adyghe cheese - 400 g.

For the test:

  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;

  • water - 1 tbsp.;

  • egg - 1 pc.;

  • salt - a pinch.


Pour water diluted with salt and vegetable oil into the bowl of the bread machine. Then we break the egg there and gradually add the flour. Turn on the device for 15 minutes and wait until the dough is kneaded.

Without wasting time, let's get down to preparing the filling for now. Put the cheese in a bowl and knead it well with a fork. We wash the greens, dry, grind and add to the cheese. Cut the finished dough into slices and roll out flat cakes from them.

Next, put a spoonful of cheese filling on each and sculpt the dumplings. After that, we throw them into a pot of boiling water and cook until they come up. Carefully remove them with a slotted spoon and put them in a bowl, smearing them with butter. Serve ready-made dumplings with chilled sour cream.

How to cook dumplings with Adyghe cheese?


For the test:

  • parsley - 1 bunch;

  • dill - 1 bunch;

  • flour - 500 g;

  • egg - 1 pc.;

  • water - 200 ml;

  • salt.

For filling:

  • mozzarella cheese - 200 g;

  • adyghe cheese - 100 g;

  • hard cheese - 100 g;

  • egg - 1 pc.;

  • spice.

For filing:

  • butter - 50 g;

  • sour cream - 200 ml.


We wash the parsley and dill, dry and finely chop with a knife. Sift the flour and pour it on the table in a slide. We make a depression on top, break the egg there, add salt, herbs and pour half of the water. Knead the dough, diluting it with water as needed. Then we form a ball, wrap it in foil and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

During this time we rub all types of cheese on a grater, add an egg, throw in salt and pepper, mix the filling with our hands. Pour about 3 liters of water into a large saucepan, salt to taste and bring to a boil. Divide the cooled green dough into several parts, roll each into a thin flat cake and cut out circles with a glass.

Put a little cheese filling in the middle and sculpt the dumplings, forming a pigtail along the edge. Place the finished dumplings on a board sprinkled with flour and cover with a clean towel so that they do not dry out. When the water boils, gently dip green dumplings into it, 8-10 pieces each. Cook over medium heat for about 8 minutes. Cut the butter into small cubes and put in a deep bowl. Put ready-made dumplings in it, shake the container so that the butter evenly covers them on all sides, and serve with sour cream.

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Adyghe cheese and other fermented milk products are an excellent source of minerals and vitamins. Dumplings with cheese and herbs have a delicate filling and are very tasty. Prepare dumplings with Adyghe cheese and herbs, this will make your menu more varied and balanced.


  • 3.5 cups flour
  • 200 ml of water
  • 2 eggs
  • 0.5 tsp salt
  • 400 gr of Adyghe cheese
  • 100 g butter
  • pepper, salt
  • cilantro, dill, parsley

Dumplings with Adyghe cheese, recipe

To make dumplings with cheese and herbs, you can use regular dumplings. Dumplings from dumplings keep their shape well, do not boil over. To knead the dough for dumplings, make a mound of flour on the board with a hole in the middle. Break eggs into the well, add salt and pour in a little water, mixing flour from the edges. Pour in water and stir the mixture until it becomes soft and elastic.
Prepare the filling during this time. Remove the butter from the refrigerator. Grate the cheese or break it with your hands and mash with a fork. Add chopped herbs, oil to it, salt and pepper. Stir the filling.

Roll out the dough into a thin layer and cut out circles with a glass. Spread the filling over a tablespoon on them. Form dumplings with Adyghe cheese, pinch the edges.

Cook dumplings with cheese and herbs in boiling water. Lower them one at a time so they don't stick together. As soon as they surface, remove them with a slotted spoon. Put a piece of butter or sour cream in hot dumplings with cheese and herbs. Eat your food while it is still hot.

Dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms are good to eat with sour cream, recipe.

Vareniki are considered a dish of Ukrainian cuisine, although many other peoples have similar dishes. For example, in Georgia, dumplings with cheese are prepared, although here they are called "kvari". Dumplings can be made with different types of cheese, and this combination of cheeses can already change the taste of the finished dish beyond recognition. Therefore, you should not think that since the recipes are similar, then the dumplings themselves will turn out to be similar in taste. Dumplings with cheese give a lot of room for creativity, because a lot depends on the composition of the filling, the ratio of various ingredients in it. You can experiment as long as you like, since it is very easy to prepare dumplings with cheese.

Cooking features

Dumplings with cheese are most delicious if they contain little dough and a lot of filling. However, in order for the dough to turn out to be tender, but strong, and, being rolled out very thinly, does not break during cooking, you need to know how to cook it correctly.

  • Be sure to sift the flour before kneading the dough. So it will not only be cleansed of litter, but also saturated with oxygen. Thanks to this, the dough will be more tender without losing its elasticity.
  • To make the dough more elastic, add a little vegetable oil to it, and after kneading, let it "rest" a little. At this time, the dough must be covered with cling film so that it does not weather.
  • Roll the dough into dumplings with cheese as thin as possible. If you cannot roll out a large piece of dough into a thin layer, you can roll the dough with a sausage, separate small pieces from it and roll them into rounded cakes.
  • To make the filling quite viscous, you can add a little chicken protein to it.
  • Boil dumplings only in boiling water, in a large wide saucepan. Moreover, they need to be thrown into it one at a time, and not all at once, otherwise the dough may stick together.
  • To prevent the finished dumplings from sticking together, grease them with oil. It is best to use butter for this, but if necessary, it is permissible to replace it with vegetable oil, but only without a pronounced odor.
  • If you want to give the dumplings an unusual yellowish tint, add turmeric to the dough. You don't need to pour in a lot of this seasoning - half a teaspoon will be more than enough.
  • Dumplings don't fall apart when steamed. In a multicooker in the appropriate mode, they should be cooked for 10 minutes. For steaming dumplings, a steamer, a mantle pot and even an ordinary saucepan with gauze stretched on it are also suitable.

Dumplings with cheese are usually served without any sauce - they are delicious on their own. But if you supplement them with sour cream, ketchup or mayonnaise, there will be no trouble.

Dumplings with cheese - a simple recipe

  • flour - 0.5 kg;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • medium hard cheese - 0.3 kg;
  • water - 80 ml;
  • milk - 80 ml;
  • salt to taste;
  • vegetable oil (optional) - 20 ml;
  • butter (for lubrication) - how much will go away.

Cooking method:

  • Sift flour, combine it with a quarter teaspoon of salt.
  • Beat the eggs with a whisk, combine with milk and beat again.
  • After making a depression in the flour, pour the milk-egg mixture and water into it. Knead the dough, first working with a spoon, then with your hands. Finish kneading the dough on a floured board. The dough should be soft enough, elastic, not too sticky. If desired, while kneading, you can add a spoonful of vegetable oil to it to increase its elasticity.
  • Form a ball out of the dough, cover it with a damp towel and leave for 30-40 minutes.
  • Cut the cheese in half, chop one part on a fine grater, the other on a coarse one. Stir.
  • Roll out the dough as thin as possible. Take a cup, turn it over. Place on dough and press lightly. In this way, cut out as many circles as possible from the dough. Roll the remaining dough into a ball, roll it out again, cut circles out of it with a cup. This should be done until the dough runs out.
  • Start the circles with cheese mass, and hold the edges together. For reliability, the edges can be greased with egg white.
  • Boil water in a wide saucepan, add salt. Dip 20-25 dumplings into the water, wait until they rise to the surface, and cook them for 2-3 minutes.
  • Put the dumplings on a plate, brush with butter.
  • Boil the rest of the dumplings in the same way.

Dumplings with cheese can be served not only with sour cream. They go even better with mayonnaise or tomato sauce.

Dumplings with Adyghe cheese and suluguni

  • flour - 0.75 kg;
  • water - 0.25 l;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc .;
  • fresh cilantro - 100 g;
  • adyghe cheese - 150 g;
  • suluguni cheese - 150 g;
  • vegetable oil - 40 ml;
  • butter - how much will it take.

Cooking method:

  • Finely chop both types of cheese with a knife and stir.
  • Chop the cilantro finely and mix with the cheese.
  • Pour a pinch of salt into sifted flour (0.5 kg).
  • After making a depression in the flour, break an egg into it, pour in oil and water.
  • After stirring the contents of the bowl thoroughly with a spoon, start kneading the dough with your hands. By adding flour, make sure that the dough is firm and elastic enough.
  • Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and let it rest for 30 minutes.
  • Separate a large piece from the dough, roll it into a sausage. Cut a small piece and roll it into a flat cake about 7-8 cm in diameter.
  • Place some cheese filling on the tortilla. Lift and staple the edges. Walk along the contour with a fork so that the edges of the dumplings do not come apart during cooking.
  • Boil the dumplings in boiling water (about 3-4 minutes after surfacing). Remove with a slotted spoon, put on a dish, brush with butter.

Dumplings stuffed with Adyghe cheese and suluguni go well with fermented milk drinks. They can be served with yogurt or yogurt. You can cut greens into a fermented milk product, add crushed garlic. In this case, the dish will turn out to be even more delicious, with Caucasian notes.

Dumplings with cheese and cottage cheese

  • flour - 0.5 kg;
  • water - 0.25 l;
  • vegetable oil - 20 ml;
  • dill - 100 g;
  • cottage cheese - 100 g;
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • feta cheese - 100 g;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Sift flour. Mix it with salt.
  • Boil water. Pour a spoonful of oil into boiling water, mix.
  • Pour hot water into flour, knead the dough. This dough is called custard dough. If you are not sure that it is elastic enough, the amount of oil can be doubled.
  • Cover the dough with a bowl and set aside. It should "rest" for at least half an hour.
  • Rub the curd through a sieve. Grate the hard cheese finely. Cut the cheese into small pieces.
  • Chop the dill with a knife. If desired, it can be supplemented with parsley.
  • In a bowl, combine both cheese, cottage cheese, and herbs.
  • Form dumplings from the dough, filling them with cheese and curd filling.
  • Boil the dumplings in boiling water. After surfacing, they should be cooked for about 4 minutes.

You can serve dumplings with sour cream or another sauce that suits your taste.