Baked fish calorie content. Calorie content of fish

04.03.2020 Restaurant notes

Calorie content of fish: 120 kcal. *
* average value per 100 grams, depending on the type of fish and cooking method

Fish is considered an indispensable food for the diet. Thanks to the beneficial properties of the product, the body is saturated with all useful nutrients. When losing weight, you should pay attention to less fatty varieties.

Nutritional value of sea and river fish

The greatest nutritional value is possessed by sea fish, the calorie content of which varies from 100 to 300 kcal. These are trout, mackerel, herring, salmon, etc. Compared to river inhabitants, they have more saturated fatty acids. However, many microelements are also found in river fish with a caloric content similar in numbers to fruits and vegetables. This indicator directly depends on the amount of fat in the product.

With the regular use of fish, well-being significantly improves, strength and energy appear, blood vessels, nails and hair are strengthened.

The positive effect is due to the content of omega-3 fatty acids, a large amount of minerals and vitamins in the product. Lakes and rivers are inferior in terms of the number of nutrients (proteins, omega-3 acids, iodine and calcium) to ocean inhabitants and marine ones. The fattest include herring, salmon, halibut and mackerel (more than 8% fat), the opposite category - flounder, blue whiting, pollock, hake and cod (less than 2%).

How many calories are in boiled, fried, baked fish

The best dietary option is to use fresh, high-quality fish, and steam it or by boiling, baking, stewing. It is not recommended to eat a canned, salted, smoked or fried product, as the beneficial properties are lost, and the energy value only increases. The addition of ingredients such as cream, butter, mayonnaise, and cheese also affects the calorie content of the finished meal.

On average, after additional processing, the nutritional value of the product increases by more than 20%.

For example, the calorie content of boiled pike is about 98 kcal. Pink salmon with a calorie content of 142 kcal is recommended to be boiled, baked and stewed (168-184 kcal). The fried product contains 60 kcal more than other processing methods. Salmon, the initial value of which is 142 kcal, after steaming - 162 kcal. If you need to bake a product, it is best to do it without oil, but using paper or foil.

Calorie table of fish per 100 g

To understand what the nutritional value of a particular variety is, and how much of a product should be consumed per day without harming the figure, a detailed table of calories per 100 g will help.

Diet food varieties

If a woman plans to include fish in her daily diet during a diet, then she should take into account the fat content of the product. Fatty varieties with an indicator of 8% and above should be eaten no more than once a week. The most dietary variety with red meat is trout, the calorie content of which ranges from 90 to 130 kcal.

The following sea and river inhabitants are safe for the figure:

  • pollock,
  • vobla,
  • lemonema,
  • river perch,
  • cod,
  • navaga.

These varieties have a low nutritional value - up to 100 kcal. It is recommended to include in the menu any variety with a fat content of up to 4%, most often with white flesh. For a change, you can cook soufflés, casseroles, meatballs and more. etc. Read more about it in our publication.

With the right approach to the choice of seafood and freshwater bodies, you can not only get rid of extra pounds, but also significantly improve the general condition of the body. A variety of recipes will help expand the menu and enjoy the great taste of the product.

What do we know about fish, and if we don’t know, should we?

This is a tasty and healthy product that contains a lot of iodine, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland.

Fish is a valuable source of calcium and phosphorus for our bones and fluoride for tooth enamel.

Fish contains L-carnitine, a fat-burning protein that helps break down fats and increase metabolism.

Fish is a valuable source of unique fatty acids, the most important of which are omega-3 and omega-6, which improve brain function, slow down aging and prevent the accumulation of bad cholesterol in blood vessels.

Fish oil contains vitamins A, E and D, which protect our body from cancer, fight free radicals, improve vision, skin, nails, hair and bones.

Fish meat is rich in B vitamins, which strengthen our nervous system, stimulate and improve brain function, improve memory and attention, relieve stress and fight depression and anxiety, prevent age-related mental abnormalities, slow down the aging of the body, maintain youth, prevent the formation of cancer cells in the body, participate in and regulate metabolism, promote the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates for energy, take care of our skin.

The calorie content of low-fat and medium-fat fish varieties is very low, moreover, it does not contain carbohydrates at all, and proteins and fats are easily absorbed in the body. The calorie content of the leanest fish varieties (pollock, haddock, burbot, blue whiting, hake, cod) is the lowest - it does not exceed 90 kcal per 100 g. The fattest varieties (that is, the most high-calorie) are herring, salmon, carp, capelin, sprat, mackerel, catfish, eel. The calorie content of these varieties of fish is high - on average, 180-240 kcal per 100 g.

The calorie content of hake is 95 kcal per 100 g; calorie content of fried hake - 105 kcal per 100 g; calorie content of hake baked in foil - 86.5 kcal per 100 g; and the calorie content of hake baked with vegetables is 49 kcal per 100 g. The calorie content of cod is only 78 kcal per 100 g.

The calorie content of pike perch is 97 kcal per 100 g. The calorie content of pike perch baked in foil is 100 kcal, and the calorie content of grilled pike perch or pike perch kebab is 87 kcal per 100 g. Calorie content of pike perch baked without oil with vegetables, 46 kcal per 100 g. The calorie content of pangasius fillet is 103.42 kcal per 100 g. The calorie content of fried pangasius is 199 kcal per 100 g, and steamed pangasius - 89.5 kcal per 100 g. The calorie content of pangasius in batter is 149 kcal per 100 g, and the calorie content of steamed pangasius is 89 kcal per 100 g.

How to reduce the calorie content of fish in dishes

The calorie content of fried fish is always higher than that of boiled or baked fish - this is due to the fact that we fry, as a rule, in oil, and calories from oil are added to the calorie content of fish. On average, the calorie content of fried fish is 180 kcal, and it already contains carbohydrates (from oil). The calorie content of fried fish in batter is 227 kcal per 100 g (on average). Therefore, cooking by frying in oil is not suitable for those people who monitor their weight and, for example, count calories.

The calorie content of fish is reduced by cooking it without oil, melting the fat out of it, and adding low-calorie vegetables to fish dishes.

The fish can be boiled, stewed, microwaved or baked. For example, here is a recipe for microwave-cooked pangasius fillet with vegetables and cheese. The recipe is for 6 servings, 1 serving - 235 kcal.

A finely chopped onion is laid out at the bottom of the microwave pan. Next is a medium carrot grated on a coarse grater. Pangasius fillet (800 g) is placed on the carrot, and two tomatoes (small) cut into slices are on top. Everything is poured with a sauce of 100 grams of sour cream, half a glass of water, 100 grams of grated cheese and 1 egg and stewed in the microwave at 800 W for 25-30 minutes.

The calorie content of fish baked in the oven with potatoes under vegetables with sour cream and an egg is only 93 kcal per 100 g (about 200 kcal per serving).

And the calorie content of fish of the same variety, baked with onions and basil in foil, is only 64 kcal (for this and the previous recipe, lean fish fillets are taken). Peeled fish fillets are laid out inside and out with chopped onions, salted and wrapped in foil. The baking time in the oven is 30 minutes.

A well-known dish - marinated fish, can be of completely different calories. For example, the calorie content of fish marinated in flour breading using tomato paste and oil will be about 137 kcal per 100 g. If you refuse oil when cooking this dish (cook on non-stick dishes), do not use breading, and finely chop 1 tomato instead of tomato paste, then the calorie content of fish under the marinade will be only 77 kcal per 100 g. That is about 150 kcal per serving.

To prepare a dish under the marinade, take any fish fillet (even pike, even pollock), salt, pepper, fry without oil (you can add a little water) and set to cool. For the marinade, stew carrots, onions, parsley and finely chopped tomatoes with a little water (without oil), then add water, add spices (bay leaf, allspice, cloves), reduce the heat and extinguish for 15 minutes; add 1 teaspoon of vinegar, salt and sugar to taste, simmer for another 5-10 minutes, cool and pour over the fish with this marinade.

Is it often possible to eat fish

Traditionally, we have only one “fish day” per week. And in vain.

The proteins and fats found in fish are much better absorbed than those found in meat or poultry. Meat, even dietary, is a much heavier product for human digestion than vegetables or fish, so nutritionists have long agreed that a person needs to eat meat no more than 2-3 times a week. In childhood and adolescence, eating meat is allowed 4-5 times a week, but people over 40 can reduce the amount of meat consumed up to 2 times a week. After 50 years, 1 intake of meat per week is enough. But fish can and should be used as a meat substitute much more often - 3-4 times a week and even more often. Young and middle-aged people (from 22 to 40 years old) are allowed to eat fish almost every day. Low calorie content and high content of nutrients in it makes it an indispensable product for frequent consumption - you probably noticed that those who live near the sea and the river and often eat fish dishes rarely suffer from obesity, always look good, are active and are distinguished by excellent health.

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In terms of nutritional value, fish is in no way inferior to meat, but it brings much more benefits to the body. According to the observations of scientists, the Japanese and Eskimos are much less likely to suffer from diseases of the heart and blood vessels. The fact is that their diet contains many fatty varieties of fish: herring, salmon, mackerel, burbot and others. But even in the most nutritious commercial breeds, there are much less unhealthy fats than lean veal.

Due to the content of vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids in fish, the human brain and heart receive a large amount of useful elements. They are a good prevention of diseases such as atherosclerosis of the brain and myocardial infarction. The calorie content of fish, depending on the variety and cooking technology, can vary greatly, so it is advisable to understand this in more detail.

How many calories are in river and sea fish?

The main criterion for determining the energy value of a product is its fat content. On this basis, all species of commercial fish can be conditionally classified into 3 groups:

  • fatty fish (most marine);
  • fish varieties of medium fat content (sea and some types of river);
  • lean varieties of fish or in other words "skinny" (most river).

The first category includes breeds that live in cold waters. These are representatives of the sturgeon, salmon and herring families. The most common species on store shelves: salmon, mackerel, salmon, trout. The energy value of such rocks in their raw form is from 150 to 250 kcal (per 100 g weight).

Medium-fat fish varieties are vivid representatives of the carp and flounder families. The most popular in cooking are carp, bream, flounder, sea bass and others. Caloric content is on average from 80 to 130 kcal (per 100 g weight).

The low-fat varieties include the cod and perch family. This is the well-known cod, pike perch, pike and many others. All of them are dietary products and are great for those who want to lose weight or who are contraindicated in fatty foods due to health problems. So how many calories are in lean fish? The average value per 100 g is from 60 to 90 kcal.

Fresh energy value per 100 g :

Calorie content of fish depending on the cooking method

Fatty fish should be fried or baked in the oven without adding oil. During the cooking process, it will release a sufficient amount of its own fat and juice. Foods cooked in the oven are healthier, for this you can use food foil or "sleeve". The dish will turn out to be juicy and aromatic, and for more piquancy, it is recommended to sprinkle it with lemon juice or decorate with herbs before serving.

Lean fish are best boiled, baked in foil with vegetables, or fried in oil. Otherwise, it will be "dry" and not so tender. Of course, the addition of oil will dramatically increase the calorie content of the fish, so those who follow the right diet should better cook it in a double boiler or cook the fish soup. Boiled or steamed fish will retain the maximum amount of useful macro- and microelements.

Do not forget that a high-calorie product is smoked slave and all kinds of canned food. Such snacks should be excluded from the diet for people who are prone to overweight, as well as those who have problems with the pancreas, liver, etc.

Energy value per 100 g of product:

Method of preparation and name of fish


Boiled or steamed

Boiled pike

Boiled crucian carp

Trout (steamed)

Boiled flounder

Boiled bream

Boiled mackerel

Fried or baked

Flounder fried in oil

Baked salmon

Flounder stewed in tomato paste

Fried pike perch

Grilled salmon


Hot smoked cod

Cold smoked bream

Smoked Baltic herring

Lightly salted trout

Light salted salmon

Herring in oil

Spiced sprat

Sun-dried roach

Dried bream

Canned food

Sardines in oil

Sardines in tomato sauce

Why is fish considered a dietary product?

Due to the fact that fats in fish are fusible and are absorbed much faster than in meat, many nutritionists recommend that "obese" patients follow a "fish-vegetable" diet. Its duration is 10 days, and during this time you can get rid of at least 3 kg of excess weight. Having understood how many calories there are in fish, now it will not be difficult to correctly build the menu and roughly determine the calorie content of your favorite dish. For a special diet aimed at losing weight, it is necessary to use only low-fat varieties, boiled or baked.

Such a diet is not only balanced, but also tasty, fish will not allow you to gain excess weight, but will provide you with vitality and good mood.

Video recipe for red fish from the oven

And in excess of essential amino acids, as well as vitamins D, E, A, microelements: iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, zinc. The protein contained in fish is much easier to digest than meat, because fish contains less connective tissue. Therefore, it is recommended for people suffering from stomach diseases, and those who have difficulty in digesting meat.

The frozen fish can be stored in the freezer for up to six months, while its beneficial properties are not lost. It is ideal for weight loss diet because fatty fish is much more difficult to recover from than fatty pork, for example. The fact is that seafood is rich in polyunsaturated acids, which are not synthesized in our body on their own, they come exclusively from food and are needed by cells on a daily basis. Below we give a table of calorie content of fish, since it is special for each type.

Calorie content of different types of fish

Fish Calorie content Protein (g) Fat (gr) Carbohydrates (gr)
Carp 95 19,9 1,4 -
Pike 78 18 0,5 -
Acne 200 17,7 32,4 -
Beluga 131 23,8 4,0 -
Tuna 289 22,8 22,0 -
Trout 89 15,5 3,0 -
Pink salmon 147 21,0 7,0 -
Flounder 105 18,2 2,3 -
Oysters 95 14,0 3,0 6,0
Shrimp 95 20,0 1,8 -
Mussels 60 9,0 1,0 -
Squid 75 18,0 0,3 -
Zander 158 19,0 2,2 -
Herring 140 15,5 8,7 -
Pollock 86 16,6 2,2 -
Sardines 188 23,7 28,3 -
Mackerel 191 18,0 13,2 -
Salmon 203 22,5 10,5 -
Smoked salmon 142 25,4 4,5 -
Cod 76 17,0 0,7 -
Smoked cod 111 23,3 0,9 -
Cod liver 613 4,2 65,7 1,2
Cod roe 115 24,0 1,8 -
Red caviar 261 27,0 13,4 -

The most useful fish for weight loss

The fatter, the more vitamins and polyunsaturated acids in fish. Therefore, we will try to find the most useful fish, given the fat content of different types:


Its pulp is rather dry, however, there are still useful trace elements. It should be consumed for proper digestion, skin health and strengthening of the nervous system. Boiled carp contains 125 calories per 100 grams.


Food antidepressant, will help to survive the prolonged spring. If you eat 2-3 slices of slightly salted herring every day (it is possible in the form of a sandwich without oil), then you will provide yourself with a daily intake of vitamins, minerals, and save blood vessels from the formation of cholesterol plaques. It is also an excellent prevention of depression. Calorie content of salted herring: 86 calories per 100 grams.


It is the leader in fat content among fish due to beneficial modifications of cholesterol and unsaturated fatty acids. also in mackerel vitamins B, potassium, calcium, phosphorus more than in other types. Calorie content of boiled mackerel: 125 calories per 100 grams.

Choosing the right fish

In order not to be mistaken and not to buy stale and expired for the table, take into account several factors:

  • the gills of fresh fish should be red;
  • eyes - transparent, clear, not cloudy or sunken;
  • press your finger on the carcass: if the dent quickly disappeared, literally in a second, then you can safely buy one.

Fish dishes for weight loss

If you want to lose weight, then do not refuse such a valuable seafood. The main thing is not to use fatty ingredients in cooking, for example, do not pour a lot of oil, and also do not fry the fish in a pan. Steam or bake in the oven and grill. You can put a pinch of salt, dried or fresh herbs: parsley, dill. Diversify your dishes with aromatic herbs: thyme, rosemary, and spices: pepper or garlic. Soy sauce for fish, fresh salads, stewed vegetables will also be useful for losing weight.

Better to eat fish for lunch or dinner. The low calorie content of fish, as well as vegetables and herbs allows you to prepare a variety of dishes for the diet menu: steamed fish fillets, fillets, fish soup and fillets baked in the oven under different sauces.

Calorie content of seafood

Crabs, oysters, shrimps are all useful, without exception, since they contain almost the entire periodic table. Their unique composition was recognized already in ancient times: in the treatises of that time, scientists found evidence of the widespread use of seafood for the treatment of diseases and in cooking. Seafood contains 9 essential amino acids, which help maintain the right amount of protein in the body. It has been noticed that people whose diet is largely composed of seafood (for example, residents of the Mediterranean) get sick less and live longer.


In the Far Eastern District of our country, about 100 species of shrimp are registered, many of which can be found on store shelves in the European territory of the Russian Federation. Boiled shrimp per 100 grams contains large quantities of unsaturated acids (0.11 grams), ash (2.54 grams), fatty acids (0.20 grams), healthy cholesterol options (250 grams), and water. They have a perfectly balanced composition of mineral components that help us to strengthen muscle and bone tissues: calcium, phosphorus, fluorine, potassium. Shrimp also contains the full spectrum of B vitamins. Calorie content of boiled shrimp: 80-90 calories per 100 grams.

Shrimp calorie table


These inhabitants of the seas have long been considered by nutritionists to be the most delicious and healthy, since they contain many biologically active components. Namely: in crab meat 11-19% protein (this percentage varies depending on the type of crustaceans), fats (0.2-1.4%), glycogen, a number of amino acids, vitamin C, representatives of groups B, E, in large the amount of iodine, zinc. And of course, all the vitamins that strengthen muscles and bones, which are also characteristic of shrimp. Crabs also contain copper, which can give the meat a slightly bluish tint. Calorie content of boiled crab meat: 84 calories per 100 grams.

Crab sticks

The so popular crab sticks should be mentioned separately. They are made from the fish protein surimi and, of course, do not contain any crab meat. But their composition is replete with motley additives, identical to natural ones. In a word, there is no need to talk about the benefits, and their calorie content is 70-85 calories per 100 grams. They contain colorants, flavor enhancers, flavors and aroma and taste enhancers. Usually, manufacturers honestly indicate all additives, most of which are written in numerical values \u200b\u200bwith the letter E. Please note: E120, E160, E171, stabilizer E450 are prohibited in the EU countries, but unfortunately, in our country their use is not limited by law. Of all the E in the Russian Federation, only E 240, E121 and E 123 are recognized as harmful, and the rest are highly allergic and harmful 69 you may well find in the "composition" column on such tasty and juicy crab sticks.