Five minutes from black currant. We take the ingredients

24.07.2019 Restaurant notes

Blackcurrant jam "5-minute" for the winter is extremely easy to prepare. The berries must be covered with sugar, immediately brought to a boil and cooked for only five minutes. And that's it! Fragrant sweet currant jelly can be poured into sterilized jars. The stock of winter vitamins will be perfectly stored even in apartment conditions.

Total cooking time: 30 minutes
Cooking time: 15 minutes
Output: 600 ml


  • black currant - 500 g
  • sugar - 500 g

How to cook a five-minute blackcurrant

The first step is to prepare the container and berries. The jars should be thoroughly washed with soda, and then sterilized in any way convenient for you: process over steam, in the microwave or in the oven. Boil the lids. Sort out and sort the currants. For jam, I painstakingly select whole berries, reject all suppressed, spoiled and unripe ones. I remove all debris and twigs, the remnants of green stalks. I leave the dried pedicels ("noses" on the other end), although some housewives also cut them off with scissors - this process is very long and not the most pleasant. If this is of fundamental importance to you, then remove the "noses", but I can assure you that they will not be felt at all in the finished jam, and the jam will stand perfectly with pedicels. I wash the sorted currants and discard them in a colander so that the water is glass.

I take a saucepan for jam - large and spacious, three times more than the volume of currants. What for? So that the berries do not press on each other, they are warmed up evenly and not overcooked. And even during active cooking, currants love to foam and just strive to escape from the pan, so the walls of the pot must be high. I cover the berries with sugar. The ratio is 1: 1, that is, for every kilogram of currants, one kilogram of granulated sugar.

I shake the pan in the air so that the sugar is better distributed and begins to melt.

Immediately set to cook - first on a small fire. Due to the slow heating, the berries will gradually heat up and let the juice themselves.

After 7-8 minutes, the sugar crystals will dissolve, and the currants will literally "float" in the liquid (no need to add water!).

As soon as it boils, I turn up the heat. The jam should boil vigorously so that pectin is actively released. I boil for exactly 5 minutes from the moment of boiling, without a lid. Stir gently with a spatula so that the jam does not stick to the bottom. If you have a non-stick saucepan, you can rotate it lightly in the air without stirring. And don't forget to remove the foam.

After 5 minutes, I remove the pan from the heat and pour the five minutes into the jars. Attention! To prevent the glass from cracking, first pour 2-3 spoons of jam into the jar, scroll the jar in the air to warm up the walls, after which you can fill it to the top. I seal with clean lids. Turn it upside down and leave it that way until it cools completely.

Delicious five-minute blackcurrant jam for the winter is ready! As it cools, it will thicken like jelly. Preservation can be stored in a cellar or hidden in another dark place. Shelf life is 1 year.

In nature, there are several types of garden currants: red, white, black. And the most useful of them is black currant. They say that it is enough to eat 40 berries and the daily dose of vitamin C is provided for you.

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers may not have known all the intricacies of the composition of these berries, but without fail they prepared them for the winter in the form of jam. The most widespread and revered method of the so-called "raw jam" was considered by all. This is when they took 2 kg of sugar for 1 kg of black currant, then all this was passed through a meat grinder and laid out in sterile jars. The method is costly and somewhat confusing, since the berries had to be spread and dried after washing.

Today, modern housewives, simplifying their lives, increasingly choose quick recipes for blanks. So we decided to offer you a super-fast and very tasty recipe - blackcurrant jam "Five-minute", cooks quickly, it turns out deliciously and can be stored for a long time at home.

If you have access to this most useful berry, then rather buy it and make a great jelly jam. Yes, yes, you heard right, using our five-minute recipe, you will not only save time, but also get an excellent result in the form of delicious jelly blackcurrant jam.

Taste Info Preserves and jam


  • Black currant - 1 kg;
  • Granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • Drinking water - 200 ml.

How to make Blackcurrant Pyatiminutka jam for the winter

On the market you can find both small black currants and large ones, and sometimes it is also crossed with gooseberries (large enough). For our "Pyatiminutka" jam, it is better to take not small currants, in the berries of which there is usually a lot of garbage and little pulp and not too large, but moderately medium. It is also advisable to taste it, it should not be sour, but rather sweet and sour.

It is from such black currants that you get delicious jam, which you can treat your friends with with a sense of your own dignity during a joint tea party.

By the way, a jar of such a useful delicacy, properly packed, can serve as an excellent gift. So make blackcurrant jam and it will definitely serve you well.

First of all, we put the purchased berry in a bowl and fill it with cold water. We do this in order to get rid of debris that will immediately float to the surface. Gently draining the water, we can easily get rid of it.

The next step we will need to cook syrup from water and granulated sugar. It’s easy to do. Pour the amount of water specified in the recipe into the pan, let it boil and immediately add about half of the sugar.

Cook, stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Now load the black currant into the finished syrup.

And as promised at the beginning, let the jam boil over medium heat for exactly five minutes. At the same time, the berries retain their integrity and do not shrink.

Remove the jam from the heat, add the remaining granulated sugar. Stir gently until the sugar is completely melted.

Now our five-minute blackcurrant jam is completely ready.

It remains only to pour it into prepared (still hot) sterile jars and seal with clean lids. Do not turn over and wrap up.

From the number of berries specified in the recipe, 2 half liter jars come out and a little more for testing.

Blackcurrant jelly-five-minute is a delicious homemade delicacy that flies out of the jars instantly. I have a very rich currant crop, and I make my favorite jelly jam every year. It turns out to be incredibly tasty and beautiful, thick, it can even be used as a layer between biscuits. And for morning toast - this is something, and even with a cup of aromatic coffee - a pleasure!

To prepare five-minute blackcurrant jelly for the winter, prepare the products according to the list.

First of all, prepare the currants - sort through and view, wash in cool water.

Transfer the currants to a saucepan or stewpan in which you cook the preserves and jams. Pour literally 50-70 ml of water to the bottom so that the currants steam faster.

Put the stewpan on the stove, boil the currants under the lid for 2-3 minutes. During this time, the berries will release a lot of juice and completely steam.

Now take a sieve and strain the juice and currant pulp. The cake can not be thrown away, you can make compote from it. Return the grated juice with pulp to the saucepan.

Add sugar and gelling mixture to the juice. Such mixtures are sold in spice departments, mine is called "Confiture". Stir and return to stove.

From the moment of boiling, cook currant jelly for five minutes over high heat, stirring constantly. Remove the foam that will form with a slotted spoon.

Divide the jelly into sterile jars. Immediately it will not be very thick, but after cooling and insisting, it will acquire the desired consistency. Of course, pre-wash the jars with soda, rinse and sterilize, and do the same with the lids.

Roll up or screw the jars with lids and place upside down. Cover with a blanket and leave for a day. For the winter, transfer the five-minute blackcurrant jelly to a cool place and store it out of direct sunlight.

The article below discusses various options for making blackcurrant jam using the "Five Minute" method. This method is characterized by speed and ease of preparation, while maintaining all the taste of the berries.

To get delicacies that will last until winter and delight with their taste, useful advices are given to housewives, which it is advisable to read first.

Modern housewives are increasingly choosing a freezer for preparations for the winter. However, lovers of the rich taste and aroma of berries prefer the well-known grandmother's methods - preparing summer gifts in jars.

But I would like to do it simply, quickly, while preserving the vitamin properties and natural taste. For the most simplified harvesting of black and red currants, the "Five-minute" method is proposed.

The amount of sugar depends on how acidic the currants are. Usually, 1 kg of berries contains 1.3 - 1.5 kg of granulated sugar.

For this method of harvesting currants, conventionally called "Five minutes", water is often used. Its amount is different and will be indicated below in the recipes.

Traditional recipe

For this simple recipe for "Five Minute" blackcurrant jam, in addition to currants (1kg) and granulated sugar (1.5kg), you will need water - 1.5 cups (or slightly less).

After preparing the currants, prepare the syrup.

Granulated sugar is added to the water, mixed and brought to a boil.

Brew until completely dissolved.

Currants are poured into the resulting syrup and cooked for 5-10 minutes after boiling.

Remove from heat and put in jars.

We offer you to watch a video recipe for the preparation of this delicacy:

Jam-jelly "Pyatiminutka" from black currant

One word of jelly sets you up for a long and tedious witchcraft in the kitchen. But this is not at all the case. This blackcurrant jelly requires a minimum of effort and time.

In addition, the currants do not boil over, but remain whole berries and retain all the useful substances, in particular vitamin C. The only requirement is to adhere to clear instructions on the proportions and sequence of preparation.

For jelly you need:

  • Black currant - 12 glasses;
  • Granulated sugar - 15 glasses;
  • Water - 1 glass.

The washed currants are poured into a dry container, half of the required granulated sugar (7.5 glasses) is added. Gently, so as not to crush the berries, stir and add a glass of water. Bring to a boil and cook for 5 - 7 minutes. Foam is removed.

The stove is turned off and the second half of the sugar is added from the required rate (another 7.5 glasses). Mix thoroughly until the sugar grains are completely dissolved.

Hot jelly is put in jars and tightly closed with lids. No need to flip over lids and cover with warm towel.

Over time, the jam takes the form of jelly with whole berries and without excess liquid. Store in a cool place.

Cooking in a slow cooker

Modern technology makes the work of housewives easier. The products in the multicooker remain intact, do not burn, they do not need to be constantly stirred. In a multicooker, you can make any preparations for the winter, including "Five-minute" jam from black currant. So, now about how to cook it correctly.

No water is required for this recipe. 1 kg of pure berries are ground with 0.3 kg of sugar. Can be twisted in a blender. Then cook in a slow cooker for 5 minutes on the "Soup" mode.

The remaining granulated sugar (1 kg) is poured in and cooked for another 15-20 minutes in the same mode. Cool the finished jam a little and put in jars.

The jam turns out to be thick, with a rich taste. It can be drunk with tea or used as a filling for baked goods.

Not enough currants, but do you have cherries available? Yes, it's great! Find out, and prepare several jars of such a treat.

Gooseberry produces compote of incredible taste. Here, using which, you can see for yourself.

Who doesn't love adjika? And from the zucchini? Do not miss the opportunity to cook adjika marrow for the winter, you will be surprised how tasty and simple it is!

Winter preparation recipe

For mashed potatoes, there is an excellent way of making black currant jam "Pyatiminutka" for the winter. No water required.

Spread wet currants to dry a little. Currants are scrolled through a blender until a delicate puree. The grated berries are laid out in a saucepan, sugar is added, everything is mixed and cooked over low heat with continuous stirring.

After boiling, cook for another 5 minutes until the sugar grains are completely dissolved. Ready jam in jars should stand under a warm blanket for a day.

You don't need to cook the jam, but just put the grated berries with sugar in sterilized jars. Always store in a cool place.

Jam "Pyatiminutka" from red currant

Red currant berries differ in that they are more acidic, watery, and have slightly larger grains. Therefore, the name "Pyatiminutka" for this type of berries is very conditional. The currants are washed in the above way.

Granulated sugar is added 1.5-2 times more than berries. For red currants per kilogram of berries due to the wateriness, 0.5 glasses of water is enough.

Syrup is being prepared. Berries are laid in it and boiled for 6-10 minutes after boiling. If the jam needs whole berries, then it is better not to mix the mass, but to shake the cooking container.

For shaking, remove the jam from the heat. This should be done 2-3 times. In general, the jam is on the fire for about 20-30 minutes.

Dilute the taste of a treat with orange notes

For 1 kg of black currant, you will need 1.5-2 cups of sugar and 2 oranges. Currants are prepared in the usual way. Since the peel will be used, the oranges are washed thoroughly.

The oranges are cut into wedges, pitted and passed through a blender. Put the resulting mass in the currants, add sugar.

After boiling, cook for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Close jam "Pyatiminutka" from black currant and orange for the winter in sterile jars.

The berries must be picked immediately after ripening or slightly unripe. So that during cooking they remain intact and not sour, it is better to collect them with whole brushes and in dry weather. Once harvested, they can be stored in a cool place for a couple of days.

When processing berries, the first step is always preparing them. Rinse the berries in a plastic bowl. Conveniently rinse in a water-filled sink. The sink is washed, closed with a stopper, cool water is poured and a little currant spills out.

Currants are easily washed in water, while leaves and branches float. If the dry ends do not crumble, then they are additionally cut off with scissors.

Black currants can be paired with other seasonal berries such as blueberries, gooseberries, or raspberries for added flavor.

When the jam boils, foam will certainly appear, which must be removed with a slotted spoon or a spoon with holes. This can be done immediately, as soon as foam appears, or after removing from heat.

The name "Pyatiminutka" is conditional. In fact, it is advisable to increase the cooking time of the jam to 7-10 minutes after boiling begins.

Berry delicacies will last well until winter and even more, if you observe:

  • The proportional ratio of currants and sugar, which acts as a preservative;
  • Cooking conditions. If you are a beginner, then it is better to do everything strictly according to the description. And if you are a professional, then you can experiment by adding other ingredients or changing the cooking modes. At the same time, there is a risk that the product will not survive until winter;
  • Well-prepared containers. Banks are thoroughly washed with soda, then processed over steam or in an oven at a temperature of about 200 degrees for 10-15 minutes. Do the same with lids.

In conclusion, I would like to add that when frozen, the berries retain their beneficial properties, but they cannot be compared with the same berries harvested using conservation. Until winter, the berries are infused in jars, retain their unique aroma, taste, shape.

After defrosting, they lose their appearance, they can only be used for making compotes, mousses and cocktails, and not all berries are used as filling for baking. Conveniently, he took out a jar of blackcurrant jam, opened it and ate a ready-made delicacy.

In July, black and red currants ripen, which means it's time for homemade preparations for the winter - to make delicious currant jam, but not simple, but with whole berries. It is well known that currants are almost the most useful berry; in terms of vitamin C content it even competes with lemon. Therefore, the task of every housewife is to preserve all vitamins after heat treatment with the least loss. The currants can be grated with a lot of sugar and stored in the refrigerator. But as a rule, by the end of the harvest season, the refrigerator is already bursting with storing various jars of jams and pickles in it. How to preserve vitamins in black currant, but at the same time prepare jam for long storage without a refrigerator and cellar?

There are many such cooking recipes, I suggest the fastest:

Five-minute currant jelly, a simple recipe

I spied this recipe in a local newspaper. The main condition for making "Pyatiminutka" currant jam is the exact observance of the proportions of berries, sugar and water, as well as the cooking time. In no case is it recommended to improvise - you can reduce all works to nothing. If you follow all the rules of preparation, the output should be delicious and aromatic jam in the form of jelly.


  • 12 glasses of currants;
  • 15 glasses of sugar;
  • 1 glass of water.

So, as mentioned above, currant jam is prepared very simply and quickly, if you use my scheme of work.

First of all, you need to prepare cans for conservation: wash, clean with soda, rinse and dry in the oven. Lids for jars should be cleaned with soda, rinsed, rinsed with boiling water, dried.

We sort out the currants, remove the twigs and leaves, rinse under running water, pour into a saucepan for making jam.

Add half of the sugar to the saucepan, i.e. 7.5 cups, 1 glass of water, put on high heat,

bring to a boil, start the timer exactlyfor 5 minutes

Why does the preparation have such a strange name "five-minute jelly jam"? Because currant berries do not have time to boil in five minutes, and from the juice of the berries and a large amount of sugar, an excellent currant jelly is obtained!

We spread the currant jam on the prepared jars, cover with lids, roll up. You should not turn the cans over, as well as cover with a warm towel.

Currant jam "Pyatiminutka", cooked according to this simple recipe, turns out to be tasty and aromatic, solidifies well in the form of jelly. The combination of sour whole berries and sweet jelly is indescribable, mmm, delicious! Perfect as a dessert for tea, coffee, as a pie filling, etc.

Enjoy your meal!