What seasonings are suitable for shrimp. Spice

04.03.2020 Restaurant notes

Shrimp have firmly established themselves on the shelves of many grocery stores, having ceased to be something exotic for Russians. But few housewives know about the intricacies and nuances of cooking these crustaceans, so we will try to eliminate the annoying gap in the culinary skills of home cooks.

First, about the shrimp, as such - what kind of creatures they are, and also why they are good and useful as food.

Shrimps are crustaceans from the decapod order that live in practically all seas of the World Ocean, and some species have managed to adapt to the freshwater lifestyle. Sometimes they are called small crustaceans, but this is not entirely true - some species reach 30 cm in length, however, this is a rare deviation from the average size, which in most species does not exceed 5-6 cm, and there are also dwarfs that do not grow larger than 2 cm ...
The species diversity of these animals is impressive - more than 100 species of shrimp live in our Far Eastern seas alone. Many of them are used for food and are the object of intensive fishing.

Shrimp as food for humans.

In the animal world of the sea, shrimp is a delicacy that is eaten by everyone who is allowed by the size of the digestive tract and who have the opportunity to catch this water miracle. Shrimps are also adored by the giants of the sea - whales, sharks, and birds, and small fish that can barely grab a crustacean in their mouths, and other aquatic inhabitants.
These creatures are the most valuable link in the food chain of marine fauna, and feed almost the entire underwater world.

As mentioned above, many types of shrimp are objects of industrial fishing, and are a valuable source of protein, proteins and other values \u200b\u200bfor the human body. Moreover, shrimp meat is a recognized delicacy due to its high taste.
It should be noted that the Jews do not eat shrimp, as, indeed, all arthropod representatives of the marine fauna - the religion prohibits.

Shrimp is rich in calcium and protein, high in cholesterol, but low in calories (like many other seafood, by the way). In addition, properly cooked shrimp meat is a true delicacy, adored even by very fastidious gourmets.
In the modern world, when the lack of protein food is more and more clearly felt, seafood, including shrimp, is an excellent help in attempts to satiate humanity.

How to choose shrimp?

In grocery stores, boiled and frozen shrimp are most often sold, and this should be taken into account when preparing them. As you understand, it makes no sense to cook for a long time what has already been boiled - the taste of the dish will suffer, since the shrimp meat will become "rubbery" - it will lose its tenderness and juiciness.
There are also fresh frozen shrimps on sale, which, of course, take a little longer to cook. You can distinguish boiled shrimps from raw ones by their color - boiled ones are pink, and raw ones are red.
The quality of the product is assessed by its appearance - good shrimps have the same color, shiny shell and tail bent to the tummy. A shrimp tail is a great indicator of how long a crustacean has been exposed to air before freezing - the more "curled up" it is, the less the product has been exposed to the harmful effects of heat and sun. However, this statement is not always true for especially large shrimps, whose tail may be slightly straightened.
Another indicator of improper storage of the product is the appearance of faded spots on the shell and lumps of snow in the package.
Shrimps with brown heads are especially appreciated - these are most often pregnant females, whose meat is considered very useful.
In some species of shrimp, the heads are greenish - this is not spoilage, but the result of feeding on special plankton, and does not affect the taste of the shrimp.

How to cook shrimp?

Before cooking, shrimp should be subjected to water procedures - wash them under the tap, placing them in a colander. Thanks to this, the shrimp will thaw slightly, wash off all the dirt and impurities that got dirty during the trip to the kitchen, and become clean, like newborns.
While our crustaceans bask in the water, put a pot of water on the stove at the rate of 2.5-3 liters of water per liter of shrimp. Lightly salt the water and bring to a boil.
After boiling water, spices can be added to it, among which the most common attribute is lemon juice (about one small lemon per three liters of water, that is, the water should be slightly acidic). In addition to lemon, you can add spices such as black peppercorns (4-5 pcs.), Allspice peas (2-3 pcs.), Cloves (3-5 pcs.), Bay leaf (1-2 pcs.), Head unpeeled garlic, cut into 4 pieces.
Some lovers of original flavors add 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of tomato paste or 1 teaspoon of paprika, ground into powder.
The set of spices completely depends on the taste preferences of your family, but lemon juice is a very versatile addition to the broth in which our shrimps will be cooked.

The following are popular combinations of spices for cooking shrimp (per 0.5 kg of product):

  • a pinch of dry adjika, a small onion, salt, red pepper and 1-2 bay leaves;
  • 1-2 bay leaves, 2 allspice peas, 4 black peppercorns, salt, 300 ml of beer (added to the broth directly during cooking);
  • 1/4 lemon, 1-2 bay leaves, 1-2 allspice peas, black pepper, dill, parsley, salt.

The most important thing is to withstand the required cooking time - shrimp meat is very tender and sensitive to the duration of heat treatment.
After boiling water, squeeze lemon juice into it and add spices, then lower the shrimp.
The duration of cooking (on average) for boiled-frozen shrimp is 2-4 minutes, for fresh-frozen shrimp - 6-8 minutes. You should focus on the size of the crustaceans - the smaller they are, the faster they will cook.
The readiness of the shrimp can be determined by the color of the chitinous cover (shell) - it should become slightly transparent. In addition, cooked shrimp float to the surface of the water. The tenderness and readiness of the product can be assessed by selective sampling by taking out one of the crustaceans from the broth, however, one should not lose a sense of time and in no case should the product be digested.

After you have determined the readiness of the shrimp, they should be thrown into a colander. You can hold them for a minute under running cold water - the process of removing the shell will be much easier. Let the water drain and place in a deep bowl.
The cooked product should be handled with care - very gentle.
Season the shrimp with a little lemon juice, olive oil or vegetable oil. Mix gently, place the shrimp on a dish and serve.

If you boiled shrimp in a spiced broth, then you can let them brew after boiling, without removing them from the broth for 10-15 minutes. During this time, the crustaceans will be saturated with piquant aromas and become juicier.

Well, now - some recipes for shrimp dishes with sauces.

Boiled shrimp sauces

Garlic and pepper sauce

Peel and crush a clove of garlic.
Chop red hot peppers into small pieces and sauté in olive oil and garlic.
In the resulting hot sauce, add the juice of half a lemon, dill and spices to taste.
Simply dip the peeled shrimp in the sauce, which will give them an unusual spicy taste.

Boiled shrimps with milk sauce and onions


  • 500 g frozen shrimp;
  • 1 tbsp chopped dill.

For the sauce:

  • milk - 1 glass;
  • water - 0.5 cups;
  • butter - 50 gr.;
  • flour - 1-2 tsp;
  • onions - 1-2 medium onions;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Let the frozen shrimp thaw in air or water and rinse gently. Dip the prepared shrimp in salted boiling water (they must be completely covered with water), to which you can add dill. For 1 liter of water, take about 1.5-2 tablespoons of salt.
Cook the shrimp until they float to the surface and turn a bright orange color (usually 3-5 minutes after boiling). Remove shrimp from heat and leave in hot broth for at least 15-20 minutes to become juicier and more tasty.

Prepare milk sauce with onions. To do this, onions must be finely chopped and fried so that their color does not change. Add a little water to the fried onions and simmer until tender in a saucepan covered with a lid.
Lightly fry the flour without oil, dilute with hot milk, combine, stirring constantly, with poached onion.
Cook for 5-7 minutes. Then add salt and pepper to taste, bring to a boil and season with oil.

When serving, place the shrimp on a platter, pour over the sauce and garnish with herbs. Serve hot.

Shrimps in sour cream


  • Boiled shrimp - 0.5 kg;
  • Sour cream - 250 gr.;
  • Butter - 50 gr. (can be replaced with olive oil);
  • salt, pepper, parsley to taste.


Peel the shrimp, salt and pepper to taste. Dissolve the butter separately in a ceramic or enamel saucepan, add sour cream, mix thoroughly.
Heat the resulting mixture over low heat and add chopped parsley.
Put shrimps in a very hot, but not boiling sauce and cook over low heat for no more than 10 minutes. Serve hot.

Shrimp salad


  • 500 grams of shrimp;
  • 3 cucumbers (fresh or lightly salted);
  • 3-4 tomatoes;
  • 1 bunch of green onions;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • sugar, vinegar, salt to taste.


Cook and peel the shrimp as described above.
Cut the tomatoes into circles, finely chop the cucumbers, chop the green ray.
Mix everything, add a little vinegar and oil, mix with spices and sugar.
Put shrimps in the center of the dish, and a vegetable salad around.

Shrimp appetizer

This salad can be used as an excellent snack in field conditions or in conditions of lack of time to prepare a full table. It prepares quickly, and the result is more than impressive. Delicious, fast, elegant and extravagant.
Perhaps, in the conditions of the coastal regions of our country, this appetizer will not cause any special emotions, but for the majority of Russian housewives who meet guests impromptu, it will be a real lifesaver.
So, the shrimp appetizer is an unconventional Russian extravagant with the smell and taste of the sea!

We will need:

  • peeled shrimps, ready to eat (see above) - 350-400 gr.;
  • chopped celery - 2-3 stalks;
  • chopped red onions - 1-2 tbsp. spoons;
  • mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • yogurt (preferably thick, Greek) - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • salt, pepper, spices - to taste;
  • thin transverse slices of fresh cucumber - 30-40 pcs.;
  • onions and herbs for decoration.

Salad preparation:

  • In a bowl, combine shrimp, celery, onion, mayonnaise, yoghurt and season to taste.
  • Arrange the cucumber slices on a platter.
  • Put 1 tbsp on top. l. salad, sprinkle with green onions and serve as a salad or an impromptu snack to strong drinks.
  • As a gourmet experiment, you can use olives, olives (one thing per serving) or a few green peas to enhance the flavor.
  • Watch your guests' eyes widen in pleasant surprise and pleasure!

Enjoy your meal!

Of course, this is far from the entire arsenal of dishes, which may include shrimp. They can be fried, cooked in combination with a side dish (for example, rice, spaghetti, potatoes, funchose, etc.), in general - the product quite satisfies the creative research of culinary artists.

In conclusion, it should be noted that shrimp is good with many spirits - beer, red and white wine, and even vodka.

Seafood is a healthy addition to your diet. Especially popular are also, ideal as a savory snack for foamy beer. It is important to be able to prepare the gifts of the seas and rivers so that they reveal the entire spectrum of taste and give maximum pleasure. This is helped by spices, which give the dish an unconventional character.

Seasoning for cooking "Firmennaya"

The fragrant seasoning has absorbed the most juicy ingredients. The "nail" of the mix is \u200b\u200bdried dill, which gives crayfish and shrimps a share of piquancy. Allspice is a spicy ingredient that adds a subtle spice, while bay leaves and dried onions help the seafood become mega juicy. Among other things, the seasoning contains carrots, coriander and dried berries, which allow the finished dish to become presentable.

Seasoning for cooking "Classic"

There is nothing more appetizing than crayfish cooked according to an old recipe, that is, with dill seeds. The absence of all kinds of spices during cooking is a dream of all fans of primordial Russian traditions and a delight for gourmets. Dill seeds help crayfish meat to show juiciness and a light marine flavor. It's no secret that the natural seasoning stimulates the appetite and normalizes digestion, which means that the consumption of a ready-made dish will bring many pleasant moments.

Seasoning for cooking "Fragrant"

This crustacean mixture is the right choice for those who appreciate exceptional piquancy. The sweet peas included in its composition fill the house with a magical aroma, the bay leaf gives the meat juiciness, and the coriander makes the finished dish amazingly tasty. The mix includes a little cilantro - a real highlight of every seafood dish. Don't miss your chance to become famous as the master of making the best snack!
Shrimp is one of the most affordable, delicious, tender seafood. What is even more pleasant is a dietary product that practically does not contain fat, but is rich in vitamins and microelements.

Minus one: seafood is not the easiest ingredient to prepare, because it is very capricious to warm exposure. It is worth overexposing - and you get a rubber sole instead of a delicacy.

How and how much to cook shrimp?

First, we will decide how much to cook the shrimp in time, and only then we will figure out how to make it tastier.
Usually in stores, shrimps are sold boiled and frozen, i.e. ready to use - you just need to defrost and warm up.

Frozen shrimp without shell

Water will need about twice the volume of the product. The crustaceans should float freely in the liquid.
  1. Rinse frozen seafood with running water to remove excess ice and possible dirt, small debris, etc.
  2. Dip into actively boiling water.
  3. After a minute, remove the pan from the heat.
  4. Leave the shrimp in hot water with the lid closed for another 3-5 minutes. Focus on the size of crustaceans - for the smallest salad dressings, 1-2 minutes will be enough, but the royal ones can be held for up to 7-10 minutes.
  5. Place the cooked shrimp on a plate and let cool. Peel off the shell if necessary.

All! The product is completely ready-to-eat - as an independent dish or as part of salads, canapes and other snacks.

What to add to cook delicious shrimp?

With the theory of cooking sorted out. But how to make healthy seafood also amazingly tasty? The most common culinary spices will come to the rescue:
  • bay leaf,
  • basil,
  • hot red pepper (or a few peppercorns),
  • salt.

Place such a simple set of ingredients in boiling water and simmer for about 5 minutes, without adding shrimp yet. They can then be removed from the pan.
There should not be a lot of spices - crustaceans perfectly absorb tastes and smells. It is important to reveal the true taste of the seafood, and not to overpower it with seasoning. In addition, if you overdo it, for example, with bay leaves, you will get bitterness instead of a spicy aftertaste.
The secret of the rich taste of shrimps is precisely in the fact that when cooking, we immediately dip them into delicious water! They will successfully absorb all the aromas, without having to digest, overexpose.

In ready-made shrimp, you may notice dark stripes along the back - this is the intestine, which is filled with waste products. There will be no harm if you eat them. But it looks unaesthetic, and on the teeth it usually creaks unpleasantly. Therefore, the intestines must be removed.
  1. Cut the carcass along the entire back.
  2. Carefully remove the entire intestine with a knife. It can turn out to be one continuous "thread", or it can start to tear into small unpleasant pieces.

Cutaway shrimp intestine

The result is beautiful, clean and very appetizing!

How to season shrimp?

Boiled crustaceans can be eaten in any form, including without any dressing at all. You won't need it if you are going to make seafood part of the salad. But as an independent snack, it is better to water the shrimp with something.

Simple Shrimp Dressing Options:

  1. Oil with garlic and herbs. Squeeze a couple of garlic cloves into your favorite vegetable oil, add finely chopped greens. To stir thoroughly.
  2. Lemon juice. A classic no-frills option - sprinkle boiled seafood with freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  3. Soy sauce, ginger, honey and garlic. An interesting dressing with an Asian mood. Take 2 parts soy sauce, ½ part honey, 1 clove of garlic, and a small cube of fresh ginger for each part of the soy sauce. Chop ginger and garlic, mix all ingredients thoroughly. Get a spicy shrimp appetizer. An interesting feature of this recipe is that it easily turns into a marinade - in the same mixture you can continue cooking crustaceans, for example, by frying them.
The maximum dietary option would be to eat shrimp without dressing or with lemon juice.
  1. The largest shrimp in the world is the black tiger shrimp. Its dimensions exceed 30 cm in length, and its weight is more than half a kilogram. You can satisfy your hunger with just one such "crustacean"!
  2. These crustaceans are hermaphrodites, i.e. can change sex throughout life in order to maximize the efficiency of obtaining offspring, uniting in pairs in any conditions. And the heart is in their head.
  3. They are widespread on the planet - they live in fresh and salt waters, in almost all climatic zones. They live in the wild and are raised on specially equipped farms.
  4. Wild shrimps are tastier and more aromatic, because in their natural environment they feed more "correctly" - crustaceans, algae, and other microorganisms.
  5. From the markings on the package when buying shrimps, you can understand their size even with the package closed. Values \u200b\u200blike “50/70” or “70/90” mean the approximate amount of crude product in 1 kg - from 50 to 70 pieces, from 70 to 90 pieces, etc.
And the last tip: the broth is richer and richer from the shrimp boiled with the shell. Don't rush to throw it away - it's a great base for soups and sauces!

Shrimp meat is a delicate delicacy, so it must be cooked quickly, otherwise the product may deteriorate. Small Atlantic specimens are boiled for 1.5-2 minutes, large royal or tiger ones - up to 3 minutes. You cannot overexpose the seafood, otherwise it will lose its tenderness, it will become viscous, "rubbery" in taste.

Recipe for Unpeeled Frozen Shrimp

  • Time: 3 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 5 Persons.
  • Difficulty: easy.

The easiest way to boil is unpeeled frozen shrimp. They are sold in bags or briquettes half ready, so all that remains is to boil the water and pour them into the pan. The cooking time will only take 3 minutes, but the seafood will be delicious.


  • shrimp - 1 kg;
  • water - 2.5 l;
  • lemon - ½ fruit.

Cooking method:

  1. Put the seafood in a colander, rinse with running water.
  2. Salt water, boil, squeeze lemon juice.
  3. Throw the shrimps into boiling water, wait until the surface emerges and the shell acquires transparency.
  4. Throw in a colander, put in a bowl, season with oil, lemon juice, pink pepper.

Brewed in beer

  • Time: 5 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 2 Persons.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Boil the shrimp deliciously in beer. This is the original recipe for a frothy snack. In addition to beer, various spices can be added to the boiling marinade to make the meat slightly tangy and very aromatic. Choosing a light beer, you can get a light aftertaste of bread, a dark one - a rich malt taste.


  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • shrimp - half a kilo;
  • black pepper - 6 peas;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • beer - glass;
  • butter - 4 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the seafood with beer, put on medium heat, add spices, salt and pepper.
  2. Bring to a boil, cook for 2 minutes.
  3. Melt butter, serve with it.

Argentinian with garlic

  • Time: 10 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 5 Persons.
  • Difficulty: Medium.

To cook delicious shrimp, you need garlic. It goes best with Argentine langoustines - large. Before cooking, you need to cleanse the seafood from the esophagus - cut it along the back and wash it with water: this will eliminate possible bitterness.


  • shrimp - 1 kg;
  • lemon - ½ fruit;
  • garlic - 10 pcs.;
  • pepper - 15 peas;
  • salt - 15 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Collect water, add garlic cloves, salt, pepper.
  2. Boil, lower seafood, cook for 2 minutes.
  3. Drizzle with lemon juice before serving. Best served on lettuce leaves.

Multicooker recipe

  • Time: 5 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 2 Persons.
  • Difficulty: easy.

The recipe for boiled shrimp involves using not only a saucepan or stewpan, but also a slow cooker. You will need different spices for a delicious dish. They will set off the taste of meat, make it pungent, aromatic, spicy and tender. It is better to take medium-sized copies.

Most of the well-known and eaten seafood has a relatively mild and neutral taste, therefore, a large number of all kinds of spices are suitable for them, the choice of which is almost unlimited. However, it should be borne in mind that there are no canonical lists of spices that should be strictly adhered to when preparing seafood dishes. In Europe, preference is given to rosemary and thyme, as well as other mild spices. The oriental ones have a sharp taste, and even a slight overkill can spoil the taste of food. It should also be borne in mind that some spices are added immediately before cooking, while others may require lengthy heat treatment to give the product the proper taste and aroma.
The beauty of creating seafood dishes is that you can be creative and combine different spices to create unique flavoring characteristics. The scope of application of each spice is purely individual, for example, the crushed calamus root thickens the flesh of the fish, and the herbs are indispensable components for marinade fillings. Sometimes, using only those ingredients that are at hand, you can prepare a real culinary masterpiece or radically change the taste of a familiar dish. Below are recommendations for using spices that you can take on board as a basis for upcoming experiments.

Classic spices

Naturally, first of all it is worth mentioning salt and pepper - the most widespread and most often used spices in any kitchen. Following them in popularity are nutmeg, onion, lemon, parsley and dill.

Spices of the bulbous family

Most of the spices of the onion family perfectly emphasize and complement the taste range of many seafood. These are onions, shallots, batun, red onions, burdock bulbs and garlic.

Greens and some fruits

Perfect for all seafood: Italian parsley, ginger root, rosemary, basil, coriander, sage, chervil, tarragon, thyme. You can add some grated lime zest, fruit juice, chili or paprika to the fish dish, garnish with saffron and capers or celery leaves. Also, the turmeric fish or shrimp taste diversifies remarkably.

A little exotic

Try to slightly diversify the usual marine ensembles by adding unusual spices from around the world. Taste a Chinese combination of five spices, Thai spices, parmesan cheese, tandoori.

Pepper like the father of spices

Pepper in various forms around the world is used as the main spice, not only to enrich the taste of seafood. It can be green, black and even white. Its color is related to the maturity of the grains during the harvest period. Green is obtained by drying unripe seeds, black from dried ripe fruits with a peel, white from pure, ground grains. The aroma of pepper lacks persistence, so it is better to grind it just before use. It is often customary to season fish dishes with white pepper, but the best and most persistent smell is inherent in black.

  • Pink peppers are small fruits of tropical trees in the form of berries that have nothing to do with classic peppers. It has a mild, taste with some pungency, thanks to which it has the name of pepper. This quirky and savory spice is delicious when paired with any seafood.
  • Sichuan pepper is also actually a berry, it also has a pungent taste, delicate aroma and light clove flavor. In Chinese Sichuan cuisine, this spice is used especially often.


Nutmeg and its peel belong to the same fruit, but they are considered to be different components. The peel is excellent for making white sauces for fish baked in cheese, as well as for preparing minced fish dishes. The nut kernel, on the other hand, will add an unusual taste to dishes from various sea products.

Commonly available spices and their uses

  • Ginger is a wonderful spice with an intense flavor and an original refreshing aftertaste. Its root is an indispensable component for the creation of many masterpieces. However, it should be borne in mind that when fresh, it is unusually spicy and radically different from dried and ground counterparts.
  • Tarragon is a unique and original ingredient for shellfish, squid and scallops. It is distinguished by a light bitterness with a barely perceptible hint of anise, accentuates the smell of other herbs, but in excess it can obscure the taste of the finished product.
  • Lemon mint, aka lemon balm, is an incredibly diverse ingredient that is used as a side dish for fish, and finely chopped is added to combined salads from marine life.
  • Fennel is a juicy fruit with a moderate palate. Fresh and dried, it is ideal for a wide variety of different dishes, especially oily fish or sea mussels and rapa beans.
  • Chervil with aromatic, slightly sweet leaves is recommended to be added to tuna, fugue or shellfish.
  • Anise, or rather its seeds, when pounded, ennobles the aroma of fish and gives it a piquant sweetness.
  • Basil gives a golden hue to fish pulp and a pleasant spicy aroma to the finished product.
  • Coriander is an invariable ingredient in many blends designed to enhance the flavor and enrich the aromas of seafood.
  • Lovage enriches the taste of fish, filling it with a spice similar to the smell of parsley or celery.
  • Marjoram is used in limited quantities, it introduces a persistent spicy smell.
  • Common mint darkens the surface of the fish, adding a sweetish flavor to the dish.

Based on the culinary traditions formed over a long time in most cuisines of the planet, some amount of basil, anise, green onions, garlic, horseradish, red and allspice, parsley, chives, hyssop, lemon balm, capers are often added to fish salads. Fish soups, especially in European and American cuisine, are usually seasoned with anise, tarragon, rosemary, thyme, curry mixture.

Fried fish is perfectly complemented with basil, parsley, dill, garlic, savory, cucumber herb, fennel, cumin, lemon balm, sweet and bitter almonds, cardamom, red pepper, coriander, peppermint, watercress, nutmeg, anise. It is best to bake both shrimps and different types of fish with cayenne pepper, and season the aspic dishes with marjoram.

Fish, as a single boiled product, is great with anise, any kind of onion, with young garlic, spicy cloves, simple bay leaves, parsley root, basil, savory, fennel, allspice, lemon balm and nutmeg.