Prepare dorado in foil. A delicious restaurant dish in your kitchen - dorado in the oven

If you only have two types of fish in your diet - red and white, today I will broaden your horizons a little. Dorado, dorada, golden spar or sea carp - this is how they call our "heroine". It got its eloquent name from the Spanish word "dorado", which literally translates as "gilded". Of course, the dorado bears little resemblance to a fabulous fish that fulfills three wishes. She was so named because of the golden strip that runs between her eyes. But the appearance of the inhabitant of the Mediterranean Sea is the least interesting for culinary experts from all over the world. It simply pales in front of an exquisite, delicate and memorable taste. By the way, good news for adherents of a healthy diet. 100 g of fish fillet contains only 1.8 g of fat. The rest is pure protein. And I preferred the cooking method more than sparing for health - baking. Therefore, let's quickly cook dorado in foil in the oven, a recipe with a photo is at your service.

What we will cook from:

Method of cooking dorado in foil in the oven (step by step recipe with photo):

Sea carp is a very beautiful fish. And delicious, of course. Start by cleaning it. Not the most pleasant procedure, but there is no escape from it. Clean the scales. Be careful not to hurt yourself on the rather sharp fins.

Make a straight longitudinal incision in the abdomen. Take out the guts and fat. Wash the inside of the fish well. If you have kitchen scissors, you can cut out the ridge, leaving the carcass visually intact. You cannot do this quickly and accurately with a knife. In principle, this will not affect the taste of the dish.

Do not remove the head and fins. But be sure to get rid of the gills. Be sure to remove the contents of the cavity. Rinse the fish thoroughly. Pat dry with paper towels.

On each barrel, make several oblique, not very deep cuts. So the dorado is better saturated with marinade and does not deform when baked in the oven.

Cut the onions into moderately thick rings or half rings, as in the photo.

Heat a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil in a skillet. Lay out the onion slices. Fry until soft over low heat. Don't forget to stir.

Prepare the marinade. Wash the lemon well. Scald with boiling water. Peel off about half of the fruit. It will turn out to be about a teaspoon. Peel the garlic cloves and pass through a press. Place everything in a small bowl. Add ground pepper and basil there. Tear off the leaves from the thyme sprigs and add to the rest of the ingredients. If there is no fresh seasoning, dried will do.

Add a spoonful of coarse sea salt. Pour in vegetable oil. Mix thoroughly.

Brush the dorado on the outside and inside with the marinade. Let it soak in smells and flavors while the onions are fried and cool slightly. Cut the tomatoes into small pieces. If you have cherry, just halve it. Chop other varieties more thoroughly.

Spread the sheet of foil with the glossy side up. Lubricate it with vegetable oil. Spread out some of the chopped tomatoes. Lay the fish on top.

Stuff the carcasses with fried onions through the incision in the abdomen. Sprinkle the remaining tomatoes on the fish. Wrap the dish hermetically. Do not pack too tightly, as the skin may tear when unfolded. Alternatively, you can place the carcasses in a mold and cover it with an aluminum baking sheet. Put the dorado in foil in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees. Bake for 25-35 minutes. Cut the foil 7-10 minutes before it is supposed to be done so that a golden crust forms on top. If this is not done, the dorado will look more like steamed. By the way, instead of foil, you can use a bag or a baking sleeve.

Serve with your favorite side dish. Vegetables, rice, or potatoes are great. It will be oh-oh-oh-very tasty!

Mediterranean fish Dorado (or Dorado) with white dense meat and a minimum of bones is perfectly baked in the oven. If you season it and wrap it tightly in foil, you get a tasty and aromatic dish that preserves its useful properties as much as possible.

Let's see how tasty it is to cook Dorado crucian carp in foil in the oven, describe the dietary effects of such a dish, and also list options for additives that are suitable for this fish.

Dorado in foil in the oven - recipe with photo

Dorado is not only caught in the warm waters of the Mediterranean Sea, but also bred in swimming pools, seawater ponds, and floating cages. This fish comes to our stores frozen or chilled. If you have a choice, it is better to prefer the latter option with optimal taste and nutritional qualities. Deep frozen dorado should be thawed gradually in the lower sections of the refrigerator at a temperature of about 5 ° C.

The most discreet set of products for baking in foil is the fish itself, salt and vegetable oil, preferably olive oil. This Spartan composition is enriched by seasonings and spices:

An example dietary recipe with few ingredients:

  • One medium sized Dorado. Usually these fish weigh between 300 and 400 grams.
  • Half a medium-sized lemon.
  • Sprigs of fresh thyme and parsley.
  • Sea salt.
  • Freshly ground black pepper.
  • - very little, within a teaspoon.


  • Free the fish from scales, remove gills and entrails, wash and dry.
  • Make several shallow oblique cuts on the sides of the carcass, rub with salt and pepper, pour over the juice squeezed from half a lemon, sprinkle with grated zest. Put the parsley and thyme into the belly.
  • Lubricate the foil with vegetable oil, place the prepared fish on it, pack tightly and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 25 minutes.
  • Then open the foil, freeing one side of the fish, and send it to the oven for another 5 minutes, so that a pleasant golden crust forms.

Dorado baked in this way contains about 80 kilocalories in 100 grams.

Dietary effects

First of all, the very method of cooking fish in foil is already dietary. It saves not only easily digestible protein substances, but also biologically useful micro- and macroelements, especially phosphorus and iodine, which are often deficient in the diet of the inhabitants of the middle zone. In addition, baked dorado is saturated with omega-3 fatty acids - antioxidants with an effective complex general tonic effect. At the same time, the calorie content of the fish itself is low. Thanks to this combination of qualities, Dorado sea carp, baked in the oven in foil, can contribute to weight loss and, at the same time, heal and strengthen the body.

Under one shiny roof - recipe options

Together with sea carp in foil, many additional ingredients are baked:

  • Vegetables - slices and, strips of colorful sweet peppers, slices of potatoes, and, as well, shallots, celery, including root, spinach and carrots. Thus, a ready-made and healthy side dish is immediately obtained. In slender diets, as a rule, potatoes are excluded, which significantly, by about 20 units, raises the calorie content of the finished dish.
  • White table wine, soy sauce, coconut milk - these ingredients add juiciness and exotic aroma of warm countries to the dish. Soy sauce should be natural, without preservatives, dyes and flavor enhancers. This product is sold only in glass containers.
  • Fruits and fruits - first of all, other citrus fruits, that is, orange and lime (slices, juice and zest), as well as green and black olives.
  • Cheese - mostly grated, hard varieties. Sprinkle it on a slightly opened barrel of dorado at the end of the bake.
  • Rice is another suitable company for fish dishes. Both white and brown are used. For a dietary menu, the latter option is preferable.
  • Mushrooms - champignons, as well as oyster mushrooms and chanterelles. They fill the abdomen of a sea carp, giving the dish a special taste and aroma, moreover, almost without adding calories. Not every fish dish is combined with mushroom additives, but such a neighborhood is only beneficial for baked dorado.
  • Additional spices are pickled capers.
  • Nuts and seeds - grated walnuts, cashews and coconut, almonds, and sesame seeds.

How to cook dorado crucian carp in the oven as a whole - video

This video demonstrates how to cook Dorado in foil with bell peppers, tomatoes and onions. Outside and inside the fish is greased with a mixture of olive oil, garlic and herbs. Almost finished dorado is partially freed from the coating and finally baked until golden brown.

Cooking in foil saves as much as possible a rich set of nutrients in the meat of sea carp. Baking this fish along with low-calorie fiber-rich vegetables and hot spices creates a nutritious dish with a ready-made side dish that will speed up the metabolism, cleanse the body and not add extra pounds. This is a suitable menu item for slimming diets.

How do you bake sea carp in foil in the oven? What additions do you wrap and bake with this fish? Do you use it in dietary practice? Share your culinary discoveries, favorite recipes and practical experiences with us in the comments!

Someone may have a fish day - Thursday or Friday. We, well, it happened, usually Saturday morning. Cooking dorado in the oven. It's a day off, you can sleep an extra hour, and then, in any case, you have to go to the grocery store for the next week, otherwise we'll drink water with lemon. As they say, there is no third. Features of life in a modern city ...

For these reasons, it is convenient to cook fish on Saturday mornings. The fish dishes are delicious, nutritious and quick to cook. What you need!

Dorado was being prepared today. By the way, they still haven't convinced me that it is necessary to say dorada. Oceanic fish golden spar (Sparus aurata), in other words "sea carp", took its name "dorado" from the ancient Romanesque d'oro - gold. This fish has a spot on its head between the eyes of a golden color. And the term dorado itself means “golden” from Spanish. The legendary "golden country" that the Spanish conquistadors were looking for is El Dorado. And the California county with the same name near Lake Tahoe, in the mountains - I passed there once. So why dorada ??? Yes, God bless him. Whatever you call it, the fish won't change.

Dodaro is prepared in many ways. Frankly, I have never eaten tasteless cooked fish. The feeling that it is impossible to spoil the dorado. But, my belief is that the simpler the recipes for cooking dorado and the simpler the cooking process, the tastier.

Dorado in the oven. Homemade recipe

Ingredients (Serves 2)

  • Dorado (0.5 kg) 2 pieces
  • Tomatoes 2 pcs
  • Garlic 1 clove
  • Olive oil 70 ml
  • Onion 1 pc
  • Spices: sea salt, black pepper and sweet peas, dry aromatic herbs, bay leaf taste
  • Lemon, parsley for garnish
  1. Dorado must be thawed. Do not defrost "quickly", especially in the microwave. It is better to take the fish out of the freezer in the evening and transfer to the refrigerator compartment. By the morning, the dorado will be ready for cooking.

    Dorado, tomatoes, onions, some olive oil and spices

  2. By the way, it is worth defrosting in an airtight bag, otherwise the fish scales will dry out and will be difficult to clean. By the way, I first examined the very spot on the head to which the fish owes its name.

    By the way, I first examined the very spot on the head to which the fish owes its name

  3. Carefully clean the fish from the scales, without cutting off the fins and tail. Gut by cutting the belly with a sharp knife. There is a lot of fat in the dorado's internal cavity, it must be removed. Also remove the gills, do not cut off the head. Next, using kitchen scissors and a knife, cut out the spine and remove large bones. Make 3-4 transverse or oblique cuts from the sides of the fish. Shallow - 10 mm is sufficient. So, firstly, the fish will be salted better. Secondly, the fish will not shrink during cooking.

    Gut the fish, remove the spine, sprinkle with spices and insert non-thin cuts on the sides

  4. Grind the spices in a mortar. I recommend a third of a teaspoon of colored peppercorns, coriander beans, dry aromatic herbs. Add 0.5 tsp. salt (sea) and 2-3 allspice peas. After grinding, you get a fragrant spice mixture for fish. However, I do not insist on the composition, at your discretion. Sprinkle the inside of the fish with spices, and a little over the skin. Leave the fish to lie down while the onions are fried - about 15 minutes.
  5. Peel the onion and cut into rings. Heat 2 tbsp in a skillet. l. olive oil (this is about 30-35 ml) and fry the onion in it until golden brown. You can cover the skillet with a lid and fry the onions over low heat, stirring often enough. The onions will be sweet and tasty.

    Peel and cut the onion into rings

  6. Fill the dorado's inner cavity with fried onions, spreading the onions in a uniform layer. Put one bay leaf inside the fish.

    Fill the dorado with fried onions

  7. Grease the bottom of the baking dish with vegetable oil - just a little, and lay a piece of parchment paper or baking paper. Grease the paper with vegetable oil so that it is slightly greasy. In general, the oil should go up to 1 tsp.
  8. Cut one tomato into 4-5 mm thick slices. And lay the slices on the paper in one layer. Strictly speaking, this is not so much "for the recipe" as to prevent the fish from sticking to the mold and paper. Salt the tomato a little.

    Place oiled parchment and tomato slices on the bottom of the mold

  9. Lay the fish on top. Peel a clove of garlic, grate it finely, or grind it in a mortar, and lightly grease the surface of the fish, being careful not to stick the garlic in lumps. Grease the fish with the remnants of olive oil (about 1 tablespoon of it should remain), without skipping, so that the entire surface of the bala fish is covered with a film of olive oil.
  10. Cut the second tomato into wedges and place in between the dorado.

    Arrange the dorado and tomato slices

  11. Put the fish dish in an oven preheated to 200-210 degrees. Bake for 30 minutes. Next, you need to assess the readiness of the fish, if necessary, add the cooking time. But usually half an hour is enough.

For many, dorado is still an exotic product, so the process of its preparation raises a lot of doubts. In fact, this fish is very tasty and healthy, and it also has few bones, which is good news. There are different recipes for its preparation. It tastes best in the oven, retaining its juiciness and incredible aroma.

Dorado in the oven with lemon

Lemon is considered the perfect complement to fish. The result is a dish that is in no way inferior in taste to restaurant options, and it takes about 25 minutes to cook.

Dorado, lemon ,. 20 ml olive oil, a bunch of basil, salt and ground pepper.

You need to cook like this:

  1. If for this recipe the carcass was bought frozen, then it is very important to defrost it correctly. Never use the microwave or immerse fish in hot water. The process should be gradual so that it doesn't spoil the taste and texture. Therefore, just take out the dorado first and leave it at room temperature. Another important point - put the carcass in an airtight bag, since the scales will dry out and it will be very difficult to remove it;
  2. Immediately turn on the oven at 200 degrees. Peel the fish, remove the insides, and then rinse from all sides and dry. After that, wipe it with salt and pepper;
  3. Take a wide sheet of foil and grease half of it with oil. Put the carcass on top, which should also be greased with oil;
  4. Cut half of the lemon into thin slices and squeeze out the juice from the other part. Rinse the basil in running water and dry. Put basil leaves and lemon slices in the belly of the carcass, and sprinkle it with juice on top;
  5. Wrap the fish tightly in foil and place in the oven. Cooking time - 20-25 minutes.

How to cook dorado in the oven in foil with sauce?

Many people think that fish cooked in the oven is watery, but if you use the original sauce, then this problem can be avoided. Oven baked potatoes can be served as a side dish.

This recipe includes the following ingredients: 0.5 g dorado, 175 g sour cream, 25 g dill and parsley, 5 potatoes, 3 cloves of garlic, half a lemon, salt and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil.

Cooking process:

  1. Turn the oven 180 degrees immediately. Clean the carcass, remove the entrails and wash both outside and inside. It is recommended to remove the head. After that, wipe the fish with sea salt on all sides;
  2. In a small container, combine chopped herbs, sour cream, lemon juice, and pressed garlic. Mix everything well to make the sauce homogeneous;
  3. Dorado must be thoroughly coated with sauce, both outside and inside. Thanks to this, it is better saturated with sauce, which means it will turn out to be more juicy and tender;
  4. Place the carcass on foil and wrap tightly. Bake in the oven for 50 minutes.

Oven Dorado Recipe with Tomatoes

Experienced chefs say that this fish is most delicious when cooked with a minimum amount of additives. In this case, you can feel the true taste of dorado. The prepared ingredients are enough for 2 servings.

For this recipe, take the following foods: a couple of dorado carcasses, a couple of tomatoes, a clove of garlic, 75 ml of olive oil, an onion, spices, and lemon and herbs for decoration.

To prepare a dish, follow the instructions:

  1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Clean the carcasses of scales and entrails, and also cut off the fins and tail. Remove the gills from the head. Using kitchen scissors, carefully cut out the spine and remove the large bones. Wash the fish thoroughly, dry it, and then make 3-4 small cuts in depth. This is necessary so that it is better salted and does not curl during baking;
  2. Take a mortar and grind the spices in it, for example, use peppercorns, coriander and dry herbs. Be sure to add more salt. Thanks to grinding, the spices perfectly reveal their aromas. After that, wipe the carcass with them, both outside and inside. Leave it on for 15 minutes. marinate;
  3. Cut the peeled onion into rings, and then fry them in hot oil until golden brown. After that, put the onion in the belly of the dorado, and add a laurel leaf each;
  4. Take a baking dish, brush with literally a few drops of oil and lay in parchment paper, which is also recommended to be greased with oil. In general, you need to spend no more than 1 teaspoon of oil on everything;
  5. One tomato should be cut into circles, no more than 5 mm thick. Place them on paper in the center and then lay out the fish. Pass the garlic through a press and grease the surface of the dorado with it, and then pour out the remaining oil. Cut the second tomato into slices and place them around the carcasses;
  6. Now you need to figure out how long to bake the dish in the oven? So the duration of heat treatment is 30 minutes. Serve with baked tomatoes and chopped herbs. Sprinkle lemon juice on top, if desired. It is important that the dish is hot.

Oven Stuffed Dorado Recipe

Another option for a delicious dish that does not require the use of an additional side dish.

The recipe includes the following products: 1 kg dorado, 225 g bell pepper, 125 g carrots, 2 tomatoes, 100 g leeks, lemon and herbs. For the sauce, prepare: 3 garlic cloves, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of oil, salt and pepper.

We will cook like this:

  1. Cut the leek into half rings and chop the carrots on a medium grater. Cut the tomatoes into cubes and chop the herbs;
  2. Heat the oil in a skillet and fry the onions there, then add the carrots and pepper after a short period of time. Fry for another 5 minutes. Add the tomatoes and simmer a couple more minutes. Add herbs, salt and pepper at the end. Stir and remove from heat;
  3. To make the sauce, combine oil, salt, pepper and pressed garlic. Stuff the prepared and peeled fish with vegetables and put in a greased dish. Brush with sauce and place in the oven for 40 minutes. Set the temperature to 180 degrees. Serve with a lemon wedge.

We are sure that whichever recipe you choose, this exotic fish will taste incredible. Supplement it with different sauces and side dishes, which will only improve and diversify the dish.

Dorado fish are often called "golden spar" or "river crucian". Dishes made from it are very healthy, they have a delicate taste and ease of preparation. Recipes involve different processing methods: baking, stewing or frying. In order for the fish to retain all its nutrients, cook it in the oven.

How to cook dorado

Before you start cooking dorado in the oven, you need to do some preliminary preparation. The fish carcass should be washed well, the scales should be peeled off. In the next step, remove the gills, rip open the abdomen and extract all the insides. This step is very important because fish that are not completely cleaned can taste bitter when baked. Rinse the carcass again. Prepare other components. The vegetables will need to be fried, and the spices will need to be ground in a mortar.

How to bake dorado in foil in the oven? To do this, the prepared fish should be grated on top and inside with salt or spices. If using vegetables, place them inside the fish or on the sides. Grease the foil with butter, wrap the carcass in it and send it to bake. You do not need to cook for a long time: bake for half an hour, then remove, drain the juice that has separated out, send it back to the oven for a few minutes.

Dorado - cooking recipes

A tasty and healthy product can be prepared in different ways: stew, fry or bake. The recipes for cooking dorado in the oven are very simple. You will need aromatic spices, herbs, lemon and salt. There are also ways to make sea carp with vegetables: you can use tomatoes, bell peppers, onions and garlic. These ingredients will add juiciness, make the taste multifaceted and interesting.

Dorado in the oven

  • Servings Per Container: 2 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 96 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Cuisine: European.

Dorado in the oven will be an excellent treat option for both everyday and festive tables. The fish turns out to be very juicy and tasty, suitable for any side dish. The recipe in a salt coat is distinguished by its simplicity of preparation, a minimum set of ingredients. Fish baked in a shell of salt preserves all the nutrients and taste to the maximum.


  • egg white - 1 pc .;
  • dorado - 2 pcs .;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • thyme (twigs) - 10 pcs.;
  • salt - 700 grams.

Cooking method:

  1. Take sea salt, add protein. Pour in water gradually until the salt mass looks like wet sand in consistency.
  2. Cover the baking sheet with foil, spread out half of the salt, press firmly with your hands.
  3. Free the fish from scales and entrails, rinse well. Fill the abdomen with thyme, a couple of lemon slices.
  4. Place the carcasses on a baking sheet, top with the remaining salt.
  5. You need to bake the fish for 30-40 minutes in the oven, which should be preheated.

Dorado recipe in the oven in foil

  • Cooking time: 2 hours 30 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 4 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 101 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner, for a holiday.
  • Cuisine: European.

The recipe for dorado in the oven in foil with lemon is good because, when baked, the fish is well saturated with spices and languishes in its own juice. The pulp is very juicy and tender. For a delicious golden brown crust, uncover the foil at the end of cooking. Additional components saturate the fish with interesting flavors, give a unique aroma.


  • tomato - 2-3 pcs.;
  • cilantro - 4-5 branches;
  • olive oil - 4-5 tbsp. l .;
  • fish - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • coriander;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc .;
  • a mixture of peppercorns;
  • spices;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Dorado should be thawed, cleaned of scales, and gills removed. Rinse the abdomen, remove the films, pat dry with a paper towel.
  2. Onions need to be peeled, cut into thin half rings. Fry the vegetable in olive oil until golden brown.
  3. Spices must be taken in equal quantities, placed in a mortar. Add salt, grind everything thoroughly.
  4. In fish carcasses, make oblique shallow cuts at a distance of 3-4 cm. Rub the dorado inside and outside with spices.
  5. Scald the tomato with boiling water, remove the skin and cut into cubes. Add the vegetable to the onion, cover, let it sweat a little. Place the resulting filling and 2 slices of lemon inside the fish.
  6. Put the stuffed carcasses on foil, brush with olive oil. Cut the garlic into thin slices, chop parsley, cilantro or basil. Arrange the herbs and garlic slices along the entire length of the fish, drizzle with 1 scoop of lemon juice.
  7. Wrap the dorado in 2 layers of foil. Place in a baking dish.
  8. Preheat the oven to 240 degrees.
  9. Cook for 35-40 minutes, unfold the foil, drain the juice. Send it back to the oven. The baked dorado will be ready in 10 minutes.

Dorado in the oven with a crust

  • Cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 4-6 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 96 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner, festive table.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Complexity of preparation: easy.

Dorado in the oven with a crust not only tastes great, but also a spectacular appearance. Thanks to these qualities, soft, aromatic sea fish will become a suitable dish for everyday and festive meals. The top layer, consisting of garlic and onion paste, imparts an appetizing color. If desired, you can use any seasoning to your liking. Paprika, basil, or fish grill mix will work well.


  • onions - 1 head;
  • dorado - 4 pcs.;
  • spices for fish;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the dorado carcass from head to tail on both sides.
  2. Peel the onion and chop finely. Chop the garlic using a press. Combine both ingredients with spices.
  3. Rub the fish with the prepared paste, place part of the mass inside. Leave the product for 1 hour to marinate the fish.
  4. Wrap each piece with foil. Bake for 20 minutes, then uncover. Continue cooking until the fish is golden brown.

Dorado with vegetables in the oven

  • Cooking time: 45 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 3-4 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 103 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner, lunch, celebration.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Complexity of preparation: easy.

Dorado with vegetables in the oven is a complete dinner dish. Vegetable stew is perfect as a side dish. The instruction on how to make such a product contains steps that are simple and understandable to every housewife. You will need to gut the fish carcass, stuff it with a filling of fried vegetables. You can sprinkle the fish with lemon juice or soy sauce.


  • bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • fish - 2 pcs.;
  • ginger (root) - 10 g;
  • black pepper;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • cherry tomatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash peppers and tomatoes thoroughly. Dry the vegetables. Core the peppers and cut into strips.
  2. Chop onions, ginger and tomatoes into small cubes.
  3. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan, put vegetables. Fry the food with constant stirring for about 5 minutes. Salt and pepper, mix thoroughly.
  4. Rinse the fish carcasses, peel, cut the abdomens, remove the insides. Fold the foil sheets in half. Grease one part with oil, place in a baking dish.
  5. Place fish and vegetables in a baking sheet. Tomato rings should be put into the gill slits. Cover everything on top with the second piece of foil. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Bake the dish for half an hour.
  6. A few minutes before the end of cooking, insert wooden toothpicks into the fins, continue baking until tender.

You can get a delicious fish by following some important tips:

  • Dorado should not be baked for long, even if the carcass is large. With prolonged cooking, the product will lose its tenderness, juiciness and taste. In order not to be mistaken about how much dorado to bake, keep the dish in the oven for no longer than half an hour.
  • Dried herbs and spices must be thoroughly ground in a mortar so that they better convey their aroma to the marinade.
  • Before you bake the dorado in the oven, you need to drizzle it with fresh lemon juice or place a few slices in the incision in the belly. This will add tenderness and set off the taste.
  • You can use a variety of spices: paprika, basil, garlic cloves. Rub the carcass inside and outside with a spicy mixture, let it marinate a little.

Video: cooking dorado