Kos-Halva Tashkent Cream - “And how to stop now? Eastern sweetness: kos-halva ". Uzbek sweets: recipes Kokand halva what is it made of

Kitchens have long been appreciated all over the world. Oriental recipes are famous for their naturalness and simple range of products. You will not find any sophisticated problems in the recipe and cooking processes of such dishes. Many Uzbekistan have long been on Russian tables: pilaf, lagman, manti, samsa, fried dumplings and much more. But Uzbek sweets are especially popular. Recipes with photos can be found in our article.

Assortment of sweets in Uzbekistan

Reception of guests in Russia and Uzbekistan, as well as the schedule according to which dishes appear on the festive table, are slightly different. If in Russia we first eat the first hot dishes, then salads and only then sweets, in Uzbekistan the opposite is true. Here guests are greeted with tea and Uzbek sweets, and then hot dishes, salads and snacks are served.

The assortment of oriental sweets is quite extensive. But mainly on the tables in Uzbekistan there are always nut dishes, homemade sweets, halva, dried fruits and sweet flat cakes. But first things first.


As we have already said, homemade homemade sweets are a favorite delicacy in the East. Parvarda - Uzbek sweets, reminiscent of our usual caramel. In shape, they resemble pads, in color they are most often white (since special flour sprinkles are used).


  • one glass of sugar;
  • two glasses of water;
  • half a glass of flour;
  • one lemon.

Cooking process

Parvarda and other delicacies are national Uzbek sweets. The recipes for this dish are known to all Eastern men. If the Russian cuisine is dominated by a woman, then here, on the contrary, men always prepare desserts and meat.

So, to make these homemade candies, you need to take a large saucepan, preferably one with a non-stick coating. Pour a glass of sugar into it and add water in the amount indicated in the recipe. Cooking regular sugar syrup. Gradually bring the syrup to a boil, stir occasionally, wait for the sugar to completely disappear from sight. Then you can squeeze the lemon juice through a sieve.

A very important aspect of making these candies is not to overcook the syrup. It should be viscous in consistency, and in color - resemble refined sunflower oil. All that remains is to cool the caramel.

This is done with a bowl of cold water and butter. How? Very simple. First, pour ice water into one bowl, grease the other with butter and pour hot caramel into it. We put one dish in another and start stirring. Thanks to the oil, the mass will not stick to the walls of the dishes, and due to the temperature difference, the caramel will quickly cool down, which is what we are trying to achieve.

When the consistency resembles pliable plasticine, you can proceed to the following manipulations. Sprinkle some flour on a cutting board. Roll a lump out of our "plasticine" and make a small hole inside. Parvarda is an unusual form of Uzbek sweets. The photo confirms this. But how is this form achieved? We explain.

When you have made a ring inside, you need to stretch the caramel dough so that an eight forms. Then we repeat the manipulations, make eights each time and mix them together. As a rule, this is done at least twenty times.

You should end up with sweet noodles. It must be cut into square pillow-pieces and sprinkled with a little flour on top. After four to six hours, the sweetness is ready.


Halva is another dish of Uzbek cuisine, which is loved by sweet tooths worldwide. The ingredients used in the preparation are very simple and affordable.

It is necessary:

  • 120 grams of flour.
  • Half a liter of milk.
  • Ghee - 125 grams.
  • 200 gr. Sahara.
  • Two tables. tablespoons of sesame seeds.
  • Half a glass of shelled walnuts.

Cooking process

To prepare such Uzbek sweets for tea, you must first prepare flour for work. We put it on a wide flat frying pan and heat it with the addition. When it acquires a pleasant brown hue, we can proceed to further mixing the ingredients.

While your flour is frying, take and mix milk and sugar in a separate bowl. When the flour is ready, the sugar has time to completely dissolve. Add the mixture to the flour in a thin stream. We mix. The mass should stand on fire for about fifteen minutes.

Then remove the pan from the heat. Let the mass cool slightly. When it is already cool enough, you can start forming balls. As a rule, halva is made in the form of large briquettes. If you are making for yourself, and not for a large festive table, then you can (for convenience of consumption) form small balls.

Each such ball of halva should be dipped well in a dressing consisting of crushed walnuts and sesame seeds. We serve the dish on the table. We brew green tea and enjoy.


Required products:

  • One kilogram of granulated sugar.
  • Butter - 50 grams.
  • Juice of half a lemon or one teaspoon of citric acid.
  • Glass of water.

Cooking process

As you can see, again we use the simplest and most affordable set of products to prepare national Uzbek sweets. Pashmak is a sugar halva, which is not only very sweet and loved by children, but also useful, helping in the treatment of diseases of the bronchi and the entire respiratory system.

Like many other sweets, pashmak is prepared on the basis of sugar syrup (caramel). Mix sugar and water, boil the syrup to a caramel consistency. Then pour the liquid caramel mass onto a baking sheet or cutting board and stretch it until white threads appear.

At this time, you should already have flour on the stove. Fry the flour, as in the previous recipe, until brown. Then the caramel mass should be dipped in flour and stretched again into the finest threads. We make small sausages from the finished caramel noodles and cut them into cubes.


But not all dishes of this cuisine are prepared in a matter of minutes. Sometimes you have to make every effort and patience to prepare traditional Uzbek sweets. We will provide a photo with the names, we will try to describe the cooking process as thoroughly as possible, but whether you take up such an experiment is up to you.

If you decide to spend your time, then let's start preparing another sweet Uzbek dish. Nishald looks like a very thick white sour cream. The basis of this recipe will be egg whites and sugar syrup.

Required set of products:

  • 3 kg of sugar.
  • 2.5 liters of water.
  • 8 eggs.
  • 7 teaspoons of citric acid.
  • Three roots of etmak.

Cooking process

Let's make a small digression and talk about what the etmaka root is. Let's say right away that it's not even worth starting to cook a nishalda without it, as they say, it contains all the salt.

So etmak is what many call it. He is tumbleweed, he is the root of the paniculata clavicle. Somewhere in Tashkent, there will be no problems at all with the purchase of such a product, they sell it at any bazaar, and it is inexpensive. But in Russia it is not so easy to find an etmak. What to do? What to replace?

Approximately the same amount of substances contained in etmak is found in licorice root or licorice root. You can replace the root with gelatin or agar. But the beneficial properties that this dessert has due to the etmak content will, unfortunately, be lost when replaced with other products.

Let's get started. If you still find etmak roots, then grind them and fill them with water. We put on low heat and cook for about two hours. If this ingredient is not present, then we brew licorice root (it is sold in any pharmacy) and insist it for about an hour.

During this time, you will need to work with proteins. Whisk the whites for a long time. If you have helpers, ask them to be in charge of the proteins while you cook the sugar syrup.

Sugar syrup is made according to a traditional recipe (we described it just above). When the syrup is almost ready, add citric acid to it. Cook for a couple more minutes and remove from heat.

Let's move on to mixing the finished ingredients. While the process of whipping the proteins is going on, add syrup to them in a thin stream, then the decoction of the root. The mass should be quite thick and incredibly white. It is stored in the refrigerator. Served with tortillas and just tea.


This dish is considered a festive one. But in Russia, such Uzbek sweets go well for an afternoon snack, for breakfast and just for gatherings over tea. Experienced housewives advise to cook brushwood using butter and good fat milk.


  • Two eggs.
  • 4 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar.
  • 100 grams of milk.
  • 50 grams of butter.
  • Two glasses of flour.
  • Vegetable oil - glass.

Cooking process

Take a look at the list of products. This is what Uzbek cuisine is famous for. The recipes for sweets here consist of such simple and understandable components that even a hostess who hardly touches the preparation of complex dishes can find them in her refrigerator.

So, we mix flour and eggs. In a separate bowl, dissolve the sugar in the butter. It can be preheated in a water bath or in a microwave oven. Pour the creamy mass into the dough and mix well.

Many housewives believe that good brushwood is best made from puff pastry. But not Uzbek sweets. The recipes here are simple, easy and do not require any special culinary delights. The dough for brushwood is made quickly and easily, as you can see.

When the dough is well mixed, form a ball out of it. Roll out quite thinly and cut into squares or rectangles. In the center of each geometric shape we make an incision and stretch the tip of the dough through the resulting hole.

Now all that remains is to fry the brushwood until crisp in vegetable oil. You can sprinkle it with powdered sugar before serving, or you can simply serve it with jam, sweet berry syrup, jam, etc.


Sherbets are also popular Uzbek sweets. The recipes are based on the use of berry or fruit decoctions. Delicious sorbets are made from pomegranate and grape, apricot and strawberry, lemon and cherry juices.

For cooking you will need:

  • One glass of sugar.
  • Two glasses of water.
  • One kilogram of your chosen fruit or berries.

Cooking process

It is very simple to prepare sherbet according to the Uzbek recipe. You will need to boil the sugar syrup. We have already described above how this is done. All according to the standard recipe.

Add squeezed fruit or berry juice to hot syrup. Let it cool slightly and pour it into molds or glasses. The national sweet dish of Uzbekistan is ready.

Halva is not only tasty, but also healthy, and cooked independently, it is also completely natural.

Cooking process:

  1. Melt butter in a wide skillet, add flour. Fry the flour, stirring constantly, until light brown or reddish in color.
  2. Separately combine milk and sugar, put on the stove, stirring constantly, bring to a boil.
  3. Pour milk into a frying pan with fried flour in a thin stream, mix thoroughly.
  4. Pre-fry the sesame seeds in a dry frying pan and add to the milk mixture, leave a little sesame seeds for dusting.
  5. Finely chop the walnuts in a blend and add them to the rest of the ingredients.
  6. Mix everything and cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes.
  7. Prepare a form, preferably a metal one, put cling film on the bottom, grease it with oil and sprinkle with sesame seeds on top.
  8. Pour halva on top and sprinkle with sesame seeds again. Wrap the film, press the halva tightly with the lid.

Leave the halva in the refrigerator on the lower shelf for 2-3 hours and then enjoy the finished dessert.

Peanut halva recipe


  • Peanuts - 300 gr.
  • Vegetable oil - 120 ml.
  • Sugar - 200 gr.
  • Flour -150 gr.
  • Water - 200 ml.
  • Vanillin - 15 gr.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour flour into a dry hot frying pan and fry until golden brown for 2-3 minutes, transfer the flour to a dry bowl.
  2. Grind roasted and peeled peanuts in a blender until crumbs, add to flour.
  3. Separately, pour sugar into a container and pour in a little water, place on the stove. Boil the syrup, stirring constantly, over medium heat. After boiling, add vanillin and simmer for another 2 minutes.
  4. Pour the syrup into a bowl with a mixture of flour and peanuts, add vegetable oil there. Mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous, friable mass.
  5. Prepare the form, grease it with oil and lay out the halva, smooth and press down with something heavy.
  6. Refrigerate for 1.5-2 hours

Halva can be cut into pieces, shaped into different shapes, or made into balls.

Optionally, you can dip the finished halva in melted chocolate or sprinkle with coconut. Halva is a healthy sweetness, especially since it is easy to prepare and it is stored for a long time, so make dessert more often and enjoy a pleasant tea party.

The history of halva began as early as the fifth century BC. Just imagine how many centuries this sweetness has come to us! Iran is considered the birthplace of halva, but when it appeared in Russia is not known for certain. There are many varieties of this delicacy. Samarkand halva is incredibly tasty. We will consider her recipes today.

Halva of any kind is useful for us, which is directly related to the component composition of the product. First, it is quickly and easily digested and absorbed. Secondly, this sweetness contains a lot of vegetable fats. And thirdly, it is rich in proteins, amino acids and minerals. We can say that one small piece of halva contains half of the Mendeleev table!

Speaking specifically about the Samarkand halva, then, first of all, it is worth noting that it is prepared on the basis of pistachios. And they are rich in fiber, which improves intestinal function, and also removes toxins and toxins from the body. This halva helps to break down cholesterol plaques and maintain the elasticity and softness of the vascular walls.

Attention! Samarkand halva accelerates the recovery process after severe ailments.

But the beneficial properties of oriental sweetness do not end there. So, halva has the following effect on our body:

  • activates the activity of the brain;
  • improves reproductive function;
  • acts as a prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • replenishes the body's energy reserves;
  • activates the protective function of our body;
  • increases resistance to infectious diseases.

But halva practically does not harm us. The main thing is to eat it in a reasonable amount. So, experts advise to consume no more than 30 g of this sweetness per day.

Samarkand halva is contraindicated with the development of such ailments:

  • allergies;
  • diathesis;
  • periodontal disease and caries;
  • pancreatitis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • obesity;
  • the formation of stones in the bladder, as well as kidney.

On a note! If you have any chronic ailments, you need to consult a specialist before using halva!

A classic recipe for oriental sweetness

Homemade Samarkand halva will become natural and healthy. As already mentioned, it contains pistachios, and the technology for making sweets is simple.


  • 400 ml of milk;
  • 300 g granulated sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. ghee;
  • 0.2 kg of pistachios.

Advice! You can complement the taste of halva with sesame seeds and walnuts.


  1. Pour milk into a cast-iron container.
  2. Chop the pistachios and add to the milk.
  3. Let's introduce granulated sugar and ghee.
  4. Stir, without laziness, the resulting mixture and bring to a boil at the middle level of the burner.
  5. Reduce heat, boil the mixture, stirring it.
  6. As soon as you see that the milk is practically boiled down, turn off the hotplate.
  7. We take the mold and pour the halva blank into it.
  8. When the delicacy hardens, cut it into pieces of any shape. Done!

Attention! The Samarkand halva has a fairly high energy value. Its caloric content per 100 g of the product is almost 300 Kcal.

Samarkand halva has different cooking methods. The homemade sesame seed recipe is pretty simple, and the result is a truly royal treat!


  • 50 ml of refined sunflower oil;
  • 0.2 kg of sesame seeds;
  • 100 ml of filtered water;
  • 1 tbsp. sifted wheat flour;
  • 150 g of sugar.


Uzbek dessert

Another kind of oriental sweetness is halva with walnuts. This dessert will be loved by all your household!


  • 130 g of ghee butter;
  • 130 g sifted flour;
  • 500 ml of milk;
  • 0.2 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 0.5 tbsp. peeled walnuts;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sesame seeds.


On a note! By sprinkling halva with sesame seeds, you multiply the beneficial properties of sweetness. The Japanese have proven that sesame seeds help slow down the aging process and rejuvenate the body.

Having familiarized yourself with what halva is made of, you will be able to expand your knowledge of creating your favorite delicacy and learn about the impressive useful properties of the product. Eastern sweetness, especially if you make it yourself, will be a worthy dessert for a cozy homemade tea party.

How is halva useful?

Halva, whose benefits and harms to the body are due to the elements and vitamins contained in the base component, can become not only a tasty dessert for those with a sweet tooth, but also a dish that has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole.

  1. Sunflower sweets are a source of B vitamins, thanks to which they have a beneficial effect on the nervous and cardiovascular system. The content of all kinds of proteins, dietary fiber, vitamins E, D is highly valued in the product.
  2. In addition to the high content of vitamins PP, D, B2 and B6, nut or peanut halva is a source of folic acid, promotes the regeneration of body cells and rejuvenation.
  3. Sesame and tahini halva is an excellent antioxidant and a source of many vitamins and elements, which together help to slow down the growth of cancer cells and prevent their formation. By consuming sweets, it will be possible to strengthen the body, fill it with energy.
  4. Any kind of halva is contraindicated in diabetes mellitus, exacerbations of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, obesity.

What is halva made of?

Halva, the composition of which may vary depending on which product is taken as the basis for making sweets, is prepared from natural products. With the right technology and without the addition of preservatives, the oriental delicacy is excellently stored for up to two months.

  1. Peeled sunflower seeds, nuts or sesame seeds are used as a base component to create a dessert.
  2. Another unchanged component used to make halva is sugar, honey or caramel.
  3. To give the base of the treats the desired texture and color, soap root extract is added to it.

Sunflower halva

Homemade halva will undoubtedly be tastier and healthier than purchased counterparts. It contains no preservatives often added to an industrial product, all kinds of stabilizers and other harmful impurities. The composition of homemade sunflower halva is extremely simple and accessible to everyone.


  • peeled sunflower seeds - 0.5 kg;
  • flour - 0.5 cups;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • water - 75 ml;
  • oil - 150 ml.


  1. The seeds are fried in a dry frying pan until they are creamy.
  2. Transfer the seeds to a blender container and grind until tender puree.
  3. Saute flour in the same frying pan until creamy, pour over the crushed seeds and punch again with a blender.
  4. Caramel-colored syrup is boiled from water and sugar.
  5. Pour oil into the caramel in a thin stream, then stir in a mixture of seeds and flour.
  6. Transfer the mass into a mold, allow to cool and freeze in the refrigerator.

Takhinny halva - what is it made of?

Halva, the recipe of which will be described below, is prepared from peeled sesame seeds, which are pre-soaked in boiling water for at least two hours. For final cleaning, the seeds are washed in a saline solution, so that the shell settles to the bottom, and the kernels float to the surface, after which they are collected, washed and fried. It will be possible to avoid such a process, which is difficult to carry out at home, by using ready-made tahini paste.


  • tahini pasta - 4.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • honey - 3 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Combine honey and tahini paste, mix.
  2. Transfer the mass into a mold, send it to the refrigerator for several hours.
  3. After hardening, it is cut into portions, sprinkled with sesame seeds, nuts if desired.

Indian halva

The following guidelines are for those wishing to know how to make halva from an Indian recipe. This technology differs from any usual oriental one and is performed with semolina or with the addition of grated carrots, boiled with milk to a homogeneous pasty mass. In addition to nutmeg, sweets are often seasoned with cardamom and other spices.


  • semolina - 250 g;
  • milk - 750 ml;
  • sugar - 300 g;
  • butter - 200 g;
  • raisins - 70 g;
  • orange zest - 2 tsp;
  • orange juice - 3 tbsp spoons;
  • nutmeg - 0.5 tsp;
  • walnuts or cashews to taste.


  1. In a container with a thick bottom, melt sugar and pour in a little boiling milk.
  2. Warm up the mixture until the crystals dissolve, add orange zest and juice, raisins and nutmeg.
  3. Semolina is fried in oil for 15 minutes, transferred to milk mixture.
  4. Let the mass be allowed on low heat, stirring, until moisture is absorbed, removed from heat, allowed to cool slightly.

Uzbek halva - recipe

Further, about what Uzbek housewives make halva from. The basic component in this case is flour, which is initially sautéed in ghee, and then brewed with milk and heated until thick and plastic. As a breading for the balls formed from the resulting mass, sesame seeds or chopped nuts can be used.


  • flour - 130 g;
  • milk - 500 ml;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • ghee - 130 g;
  • walnuts and toasted sesame seeds.


  1. Warm up ghee in a saucepan, add flour, sauté until creamy.
  2. Milk is heated to a boil by adding sugar, poured into a bowl of flour, stirring.
  3. Allow the mass for 15 minutes, allow it to cool slightly, roll the balls.
  4. Sprinkle or dipped in sesame seeds or nuts before serving.

Sesame halva

Eastern halva made from sesame seeds will be highly appreciated by those with a sweet tooth. The recipe can be performed without adding cocoa, replacing it with a portion of flour or milk powder. The final result will depend entirely on the degree of grinding of the sesame seeds and on whether the beans were roasted before use.


  • sesame seeds - 300 g;
  • powdered milk - 200 g;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • butter - 200 g;
  • cocoa - 2 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Sesame is optionally dried and slightly browned in a dry frying pan, after which it is ground in a coffee grinder or blender.
  2. Melt butter, add sesame mass, heat, stirring, cool.
  3. Combine milk, sugar and cocoa in a bowl, add sesame seeds with butter, mix, transfer to a mold and tamp.
  4. Once frozen in the refrigerator, it will be ready for tasting.

Turkish halva

Homemade halva, the recipe for which will be presented next, is one of the most popular desserts in Turkish cuisine. A sweets are prepared from semolina with the addition of Turkish mastic, which will give the dish a characteristic spicy taste and aroma. It is impossible to replace the additive with anything, if one was not available, it is better to prepare a delicacy without her participation.


  • semolina - 500 g;
  • milk - 1 l;
  • sugar - 500 g;
  • butter and margarine - 130 g each;
  • turkish mastic - 3 pcs.;
  • pine nuts - 70 g.


  1. Melt butter and margarine, add semolina and nuts, fry for 30-40 minutes until pinkish.
  2. Milk is boiled with the addition of sugar and mastic, poured into the semolina with nuts, heated for a couple of minutes, stirring.
  3. Leave the sweet under the lid for 40 minutes, then serve with cinnamon, ice cream or pistachio flour.

Halva in chocolate

A true delight for those with a sweet tooth or those who have special respect for chocolate will be chocolate halva or sweets cooked in chocolate glaze. In this case, the basis of the dessert is peanuts fried until the aroma appears, which can be replaced if desired with other nuts or seeds.


  • peanuts - 300 g;
  • cocoa butter - 50 g;
  • honey - 50 g;
  • sugar - 40 g;
  • chocolate - 150 g.


  1. Peanuts are fried, ground in a blender, honey, oil are added, mixed and laid out in molds.
  2. The workpieces are sent to the refrigerator until they solidify.
  3. Melt chocolate, dip halva in it, let it freeze on parchment in the cold.

Peanut halva

Like any, the peanut treat is incredibly tasty, satisfying and nutritious. Before use, nuts must be fried in a dry frying pan or in the oven, after which they are peeled from the husk, which can impart unwanted bitterness to the delicacy. Vanilla sugar can be substituted with vanilla or other additive of your choice.


  • peanuts - 2 cups;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • flour - 250 g;
  • water - 1/3 cup;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 packet;
  • butter - 1 glass.


  1. The flour is sautéed until creamy in a dry frying pan.
  2. Grind peanuts in a blender, mix with flour, butter and vanilla.
  3. Boil water with sugar, pour in caramel syrup to peanuts with flour, stir, transfer to a mold with parchment, leave under a press to solidify.

Samarkand halva - recipe

The following recipe will help you find out what the Samarkand halva is made of. The main ingredients in this case are walnuts or any other nuts and toasted flour. If desired, the composition is supplemented with sesame seeds or other components to enhance the taste, fill it with a new aroma and piquancy.


  • walnuts - 250 g;
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • flour - 250 g;
  • sesame seeds and butter - 100 g each;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 packet.


  1. Syrup of medium thickness is boiled from water and sugar, boiling it for 7-8 minutes, stirring.
  2. Allow the mass to cool slightly, after which chopped nuts, sesame seeds, butter, vanillin and sautéed flour are added.
  3. Boil the base until thickened, transfer to a mold with parchment.
  4. Ready-made Samarkand halva is cut into portions and served with tea.

Halva made of flour

Even just flour will make a delicious delicacy that you can pamper yourself and your family with a cup of tea. The dessert is complemented with oven-dried walnuts or any other nuts, which are mixed into the base or sprinkled with sweets on top. For flavor, you can add a little vanilla to the composition.


  • icing sugar - 300 g;
  • ghee - 180 g;
  • flour - 0.5 kg;
  • nuts to taste.


  1. Warm up the oil, add flour in portions, fry until a nutty taste.
  2. Stir in powdered sugar, heat a little more and transfer to a mold with parchment, adding nuts.
  3. The still warm flour halva is cut into portions and served to the table.

Pistachio halva

Do-it-yourself halva made from pistachios turns out to be incredibly appetizing and refined. Pleasant nutty taste and unusual color of the dessert will satisfy the needs of every fastidious eater with a sweet tooth. Before serving, the dessert is well cooled in the refrigerator and only then cut into portions.

Halva in dietetics

The eastern symbol of the sweetness of life refers to those products that can and should be eaten with various diets. And this is contrary to stereotypes that in the treatment or weight loss regimen, everything sweet should be excluded. After all, halva does not contain much sugar. Some of its varieties have a honey or fructose base. And varieties like gluten-free, legume, or carrot have earned a reputation as a dietary supplement.

Halva contains the same amount of protein compounds as in meat products. Plant protein is also necessary for a person to build a muscular system, just like animal protein. Therefore, halva is recommended for the nutrition of athletes, people of an active lifestyle.


The reasons limiting the consumption of halva are the following diseases and body reactions:

  1. diabetes;
  2. liver disease;
  3. pancreatitis;
  4. obesity;
  5. atopic dermatitis and individual intolerance to the components of the halva composition.
  • The maximum daily portion is 30 grams. The exception is special diets, for example, methods of losing weight on halva and kefir, on green tea, etc.
  • The ideal appointment time is the first half of the day.
  • Dessert should not be washed down with a sweet drink.
  • Products should be offered with caution to children under 6 years of age.

Those who are on a diet should take into account the ratio of the calorie content of food, which is included in a one-time meal. And if for dessert it is planned to eat a piece of halva - classic or dietary, then the main part of the lunch (breakfast) should be low-calorie.

Composition, types of calorie content and BJU

There are a lot of halva varieties: modern food technologies make it possible to improve the classic recipe and improve the taste. But the base of the product is made up of such unchanging components as nuts, seeds, flour. And depending on the basis, there are three main types: classic halva from sunflower seeds, nut and tahini (from sesame seeds).

Sunflower or Classic

The most common is sunflower halva, the composition of the product includes a pasty mass of seeds, caramel made from molasses or sugar. Its calorie content is expressed by an average of 500/550 kcal per serving of halva in 100 grams. 50% is occupied by carbohydrates, provoking an energy surge, and the remaining 50% is distributed between plant proteins and unsaturated fats, which do not harm the level of cholesterol in the blood.

The nutritional benefits of sunflower halva are undeniable: it is rich in vitamins B2, E, PP. Also, the beneficial properties of sweetness are due to the presence of iron, potassium, copper, calcium, phosphorus and a sufficient amount of dietary fiber and maltose. And it goes well with additional ingredients - chocolate, candied fruits, coconut and other flavoring fillers.

Nut or Peanut

A characteristic feature of this kind of favorite dessert is that it can be based on various nuts (almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, etc.) or a mixture of them. Peanuts, although they belong to the legume family, are also considered a valuable raw material for nut halva. It makes a delicious product with great dietary benefits over the classic version. So, peanut halva has a lower calorie content: the indicator does not reach 500 kcal. And the vitamin composition remains at the same level. Periodic consumption of peanut treats (20 grams per day) is an excellent prevention of osteoporosis and memory impairment.

In the same row, halva with pistachios is popular, the composition of which includes flour, milk caramel and kernels of your favorite nuts. A rarer option when pistachio dessert is made from delicate nut butter. It is classified as an aphrodisiac food and is recommended for romantic dates.

Takhinny or Sesame

Sesame halva is a sweetness typical of Central Asian cuisine. It is based on whole sesame seeds or their middle part - in this case it is called tahini. The vitamin and mineral composition does not suffer from these factors: in both cases, the product is saturated with vitamins of groups F and E, zinc, manganese, calcium, magnesium.

Caloric content is expressed as 470 kcal per 100 gram serving. It is noteworthy that this variety has the highest content of serotonin - the main natural antidepressant, the hormone of joy. The concentration of ascorbic acid in this product is another nutritional benefit that makes sesame dessert recommended for cancer prevention.

How to choose halva?

So that the taste of your favorite dessert does not disappoint, but brings true gastronomic pleasure and undoubted benefit to the body, you need to take note of a few tips:

  1. When buying, give preference to a product that can be considered. Blind packaging, for all its colorfulness and attractiveness, can hide a poor-quality confectionery product.
  2. When evaluating the "appearance" of the dessert, pay attention to the uniformity of the mass. It should exfoliate, crumble easily, but not crumble from light pressure. And no unnecessary elements on the surface - grains, sugar drops, husks, etc.
  3. In halva, the composition excludes a dark color. Usually a darkened mass indicates an expiration date.
  4. If the seller allows you to taste the sweetness (in a specialized department, on the market), then the selection criterion is taste: moderately sweet, without bitterness. Also, a quality product literally melts in your mouth and does not stick to your teeth.

Any sort of fresh delicacy is useful for blood formation and the digestive tract. The naturalness of the components, folic acid in the composition allow to include halva in the diet of pregnant women and the list of "beauty products".