Sick of sweets. Why sweet tea makes you sick: causes of discomfort

Why are you sick of sweets?

    The causes of nausea from taking sweets are different. The reasons, and accordingly the problems, may be as follows:

    • ate a lot of sweets (overeat);
    • diabetes mellitus develops;
    • have problems with the pancreas;
    • there are liver problems;
    • have stomach diseases;
    • gallbladder disease;
    • cholecystopancreatitis.

    So the problems can be not serious, for example, banal overeating, or more serious.

    There is also such a problem, but not always, but from time to time. I myself do not like sweets since childhood. Maybe ice cream and honey. Somehow it so happened that we had a large family, our situation was close to poor, the director was fattening at my mother's work, the station was being built at my father's, and there was no profit. In general, bone-in soups, porridge and an almost complete absence of sweets. And even when we were given free trips to the pioneer camp, I ate only ice cream there, completely refusing sweets, cakes and chocolates. And now, when childhood joys are long past, from sweets and cakes (just from one thought) sometimes I feel bad - I just feel sick about the thought that it should be eaten. Only tea with sugar, honey and some other foods cause normal reactions. At the same time, blood sugar is normal, and I repeatedly measured it both with a glucometer and in a regular clinic. The pancreas is also normal. There were never any problems with the liver either. There was a stomach ulcer, but it healed for a long time and is hardly the cause. It seems to me that the reason is that the body just doesn't need a lot of sugar, which is so advertised and offered for sale today. Here the body makes it clear that enough is enough. It seems to me that the huge consumption of sugar has a psychological cause.

    Sick of sweets for this reason.

    When carbohydrates are consumed in large quantities, the body produces a lot of insulin, which must process sugar. Blood sugar goes down, and this leads to weakness and nausea.

    In general, if you feel nauseous after sweets, then there may be several reasons for this, for example, banal overeating, nausea can also be with a sharp increase in blood sugar, problems with the pancreas, and so on.

    Cause of nausea after being eaten sweet can be different. And the first one, it can mean the presence in the body lambliawho are big lovers of sweets, and when they devour it in your body, they throw out their poisonous toxins and can get sick of it.

    Another reason can signal overeating in principle, and it is difficult for the stomach and other organs to digest these carbohydrates. Vomiting may occur when diabetes may appear in the future, or it already exists.

    Lack of work of the pancreas can also signal in this way. Also, nausea can indicate that there are chronic problems with your liver or stomach, as well as with the gallbladder. Problems may already be chronic.

    Indeed, you are probably right that sweets have a psychological reason, it does not always happen that the reason is in the pancreas or in the liver, when I was a child, I loved sweets very much, absorbed sweets, chocolates, pastries, but I did not like cakes and ice cream since childhood , I don’t understand why, but I loved and I still don’t, although now I don’t eat sweets, I probably ate ate in childhood. Therefore, if you are sick of sweets, do not eat it, as doctors say, which is present in every person gene products, if for example you do not have gene on sweets, or rather on some ingredients (composition) of sweet, then the body will malfunction, but you are eating md, sugar and you are not sick, so with genome your glucose is okay.

    Nausea is an alarming symptom of many diseases. And if you are sick of sweets, you drink an unusually large amount of water and have lost several kilograms of weight lately, then you probably have diabetes. CONSULT A DOCTOR and get tested for blood glucose

    Nausea from sweets can be both psychological and in connection with a stomach disease or the presence of diabetes.

    Psychological nausea can be caused by childhood trauma associated with chocolate or candy. For example, as a child, I ate marshmallows in chocolate, I was terribly sausage then. So, since the time I see that chocolate marshmallow in the store, I immediately feel sick, only from its appearance, although I have not eaten it for so many years.

    The same can be true with sweets. Well, banal overeating should not be ruled out. It's just that the stomach cannot accept and process a large amount of sweet at once, and if there are problems with it, then even more so. So nausea arises.

  • Sick of sweets

    In addition to diabetes, another medical cause of nausea after sweets can be the so-called "rapid gastric emptying". It can occur in people with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, or in those who have used bariatric surgery, such as gastric bypass surgery. Other symptoms include bloating, diarrhea, weakness, tiredness and dizziness.

  • An excess of sugar in the body also causes nausea.

    Sugar is a carbohydrate, and carbohydrates, proteins should be eaten evenly and not overeat.

    Also, nausea can be caused by a large consumption of eggs (usually this happens on Easter) - an excess of protein.

If you love eating sweets, you must be prepared for health problems. One of these troubles is that you feel sick from eating sweets. Why does this happen, why are sweets so dangerous, and their use does not go unnoticed?

Many foods, vegetables and fruits have sweetness, for example, even cabbage has a weak sweet taste, But when a large amount of foods with a sweet taste enter the body, this leads to a decrease in vigor, general malaise and problems with internal organs. This is due to the large amount of sugars entering the bloodstream, which negatively affects the general metabolism. As a result, we get an increase in the level of insulin in the blood, problems with weight, disruption of the pancreas, endocrine system, in particular, diabetes and other ailments.

So, the reasons why there is nausea after eating sweet

Often, after a sweet tooth, a person feels nausea and tremors throughout the body. The reasons can be both completely serious and frivolous:

  • problems with the work of the pancreas,
  • liver problems
  • stomach diseases
  • cholecystopancreatitis,

How much sweet can you eat?

Sweet taste, like any other - bitter, sour, insipid, salty, etc. - is necessary, it is impossible to do without it. After all, as already mentioned, many food products have this taste. And if you use natural sweetness in natural products, you can say there will be no problems, except, again, exceeding the amount of necessary carbohydrates. The fact is that an adult needs only 40 grams of glucose (sucrose) per day, and in each product it is already contained in one or another amount, and if you eat more than the required norm, then all kinds of disturbances in the body's work will begin.

Moreover, this applies to unnatural sweets, which many eat in huge quantities. : chocolate (which, moreover, is not, in fact, chocolate), sweets, pastries, cakes, cookies, waffles stuffed with preservatives, dyes, thickeners, flavors, etc. chemistry - all this poisons the body, and first of all, the liver suffers and pancreas. This is where the nausea comes from - the secreted bile gives the nausea.

Of course, you don't have to give up sweets altogether. But honey, berries, natural juices and compotes, and fruits, dried fruits, and vegetables are sweet. And all of these foods also have sugars in their composition. Therefore, one has only to limit the use of unnatural sweets, and health problems can gradually go away. Fatigue, fatigue will also go away, but vigor and good mood will come from proper nutrition.

If a person is an inveterate sweet tooth, then for sure he is often sick of sweets.

How does it happen that the reverse peristalsis of the stomach is triggered from a tasty product, and it tries to push the contents back?

Causes of nausea from sweets

There may be several answers to the question of why you feel sick from sweets. It all depends on the diet and on the lifestyle in general.

The reasons for this uncomfortable condition may be:

  • too much food taken at one time. In this case, you may feel sick not from a sweet dish, but from a full stomach;
  • pancreatitis and other diseases associated with the pancreas;
  • cholecystitis;
  • fatty liver disease.

The causes of nausea from sweets can be associated with various medical conditions. Most often, this is how diabetes is manifested.

What happens in the human body when there is an excess intake of sweet foods in the stomach, why is a person sick of sweets?

Sweets are a source of carbohydrates that provide energy to cells. With moderate and rational consumption of sweet foods, cells process incoming carbohydrates, making it possible for muscles, internal organs and the brain to function properly.

The hormone insulin helps carbohydrates enter the cells. However, if too much carbohydrates enter the body, then the cells do not have time to consume it, and the sugar remains in the blood.

At the same time, a lot of insulin is produced, and if the situation in the body does not change, then the cells "get used" to the constant high level of this hormone and stop responding to it.

This is the cause of type 2 diabetes mellitus.

The condition when a person is sick after sweets can be a symptom of another disease.

With an excessive consumption of sugary foods, the pancreas reduces or stops the production of insulin altogether. A lack of this hormone in the blood is the cause of type 1 diabetes.

Nausea and heaviness in the stomach after sweets can be signs of fatty liver disease.

If carbohydrates enter the body in excess, then they are not completely broken down, but become fatty acids and enter the liver.

It begins to function worse, its normal cells turn over time into connective tissue.

If you do not moderate your appetite for eating sweets, then hepatosis can develop, which is the first stage of inflammatory liver diseases on the way to cirrhosis.

What to do if you feel sick from sweet foods?

If you feel sick from sweet foods, then this may be the first sign of problems in the endocrine system.

Excessive consumption of such food can be the cause of pancreatitis.

In fact, many other factors can trigger inflammation of the pancreas.

But if a person has a history of problems with this organ, then he should be very careful about his diet and in no case abuse sweets.

Overeating, and especially the abuse of sweet foods in the diet, can be the cause of gallbladder disease.

Signs of cholecystitis:

  • nausea after eating, especially after sweets;
  • drawing pain, sometimes sharp, in the right ilium;
  • heartburn, metallic taste in the mouth;
  • flatulence, bloating;
  • violation of the motor activity of the intestine (diarrhea alternates with constipation) for no apparent reason;

Treatment of cholecystitis consists in taking medications and prescribing dietary food for the patient.

Scientists have found that the habit of sweets is akin to drug addiction - a person feels more vigorous, more confident and better after eating a chocolate bar or a couple of sweets, and then he cannot do without sweets in his diet. What to do in this case?

Sweet foods, as well as salty, sour and bitter ones, are essential in the diet. It is impossible to live without the energy that the body receives from the carbohydrates supplied to it.

Therefore, you shouldn't give up sweets. However, you should study some simple rules, the knowledge and application of which in practice will help to do without such unpleasant moments as nausea after sweet dishes.

According to the degree of digestibility, simple and complex carbohydrates are distinguished. Simple ones are found in sugar, honey, fruit juices, confectionery and sweets.

They are called so because they are very easily and quickly processed in the body, immediately throwing glucose into the blood.

The pancreas responds with a sharp increase in insulin levels. A closed loop in this chain leads to a wide variety of diseases. Therefore, simple carbohydrates are considered harmful.

The body processes complex carbohydrates much longer. Glucose is released into the blood gradually, the level of insulin in the blood remains almost constant, the body does not experience such a strong load.

Complex carbohydrates are found in all grains, potatoes, legumes, unsweetened vegetables and fruits.

Of course, it is difficult and almost impossible to replace a chocolate bar in your diet, for example, with a cucumber.

However, if after eating a sweet person he feels nauseous almost all the time, he feels dizzy and trembling, then it is simply necessary to make adjustments to his diet.

In order not to feel sick from sweets, it is not at all necessary to completely exclude simple carbohydrates from food, it is enough just to switch to more useful and sparing foods.

  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • honey, in an amount of no more than 2 tbsp. l. in a day;
  • prunes, dried apricots and other dried fruits;
  • marshmallow and marmalade, about 250 g per day.

Reception of these sweets will not create a load on the pancreas, the body will receive the necessary energy, and the person - a good mood and no nausea from sweets.

Causes of nausea More symptoms What to do? 1. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. These include: gastritis, gastric ulcer Discomfort begins with or after eating. The condition is accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the epigastrium, sour belching, a feeling of heartburn, cramps in the epigastrium. Vomiting is possible, hungry, night cramps are also inherent, occurring in the evening after a certain time after eating. You should be examined by a gastroenterologist: ultrasound, gastroscopy, blood tests, tests for antibodies and a certain type of bacteria.
Depending on the cause of the disease, a therapeutic course of treatment and a special diet are prescribed. Belching, feeling of a lump in the throat, pain in the pit of the stomach are recorded. Discomfort appears in the evening and morning in a hungry state. The condition is alleviated by special diets and therapy in order to stabilize the acid balance. The ailment is accompanied by swelling in the abdominal cavity, a piercing, binding pain, passing to the right side under the ribs, into the spine, ...

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There is no universal drug that irreversibly relieves nausea, especially if the cause of the uncomfortable manifestation is one of the many diseases. Therefore, the treatment of nausea after eating can be started only after a diagnosis has been made that provokes such symptoms. Only then can the specialist draw up an effective treatment protocol suitable for relieving a specific disease.

The modern pharmacological market, for the relief of uncomfortable pathology, produces a number of drugs that can solve the problem. For example, diphenhydramine or motilium. In one case, one drug will be more effective, in the other, the other.

Diphenhydramine is administered orally with a small amount of liquid. The dosage for adult patients and adolescents over 14 years old is 50 g one to three times throughout the day. The duration of the admission period ranges from 10 to 15 days. The maximum dosage should not exceed: by ...

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It is probably impossible to find someone who is not familiar with a condition such as nausea. Moreover, the causes of nausea are not always obvious at first glance. Rarely when this condition quickly passes by itself, and it is completely unpleasant when nausea follows a person constantly.

We will talk with you about what factors cause nausea, its causes (except pregnancy, including), and how to get rid of it.

If nausea haunts you constantly, the reasons for this most often lie in diseases of the digestive system, although, of course, there are cases of neurological disorders, endocrine system disorders and heart functioning, in which, along with other symptoms, a feeling of nausea appears.

Nausea - causes

As you know, you can get rid of any symptom if you act on the cause of its appearance. Nausea is no exception.

Ulcer and gastritis

If you are haunted by nausea after eating, the reasons for this lie in these inflammatory ...

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Sick of sweets

It would seem that there is nothing more pleasant than eating a variety of sweets and enjoying their unsurpassed taste. Only sometimes there is a situation when you feel sick of sweets and sweets and pastries disappear from the diet for a long time. First of all, you need to find out what is the provocateur of such a condition and how to cope with the problem.

Can you feel sick from sweets?

This is a rhetorical question. After all, it all depends on the portion of sweets and on the frequency of eating them. For people who monitor their health and practice moderation in food, the question is: "Can you feel sick from sweets?" becomes relevant after eating a piece of cake. Unusual products immediately have an active effect on the body. As a result, a feeling of nausea and vomiting.

For those who are used to celebrating themselves with plentiful portions of sweets, this feeling is familiar. Significant volumes of sweets and chocolate have already negatively affected their health and to process the next portion of muffin or cake, for him ...

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Nausea as a symptom: possible causes and treatment

Nausea is a sign of many pathologies of completely different genesis. It is an unpleasant feeling of discomfort in the epigastric region - the upper abdomen, which can also spread to the esophagus and oral cavity. The origin of this symptom is multifactorial. Nausea results from irritation of the nerves (celiac and vagus), which transmit signals to the vomiting center located in the brain. Very often, in parallel with nausea, patients complain of excessive salivation, that is, salivation, tachycardia, weakness in the body, pallor of the skin, hypotension, cold extremities.

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If a person is an inveterate sweet tooth, then for sure he is often sick of sweets.

How does it happen that the reverse peristalsis of the stomach is triggered from a tasty product, and it tries to push the contents back?

Causes of nausea from sweets

There may be several answers to the question of why you feel sick from sweets. It all depends on the diet and on the lifestyle in general.

The reasons for this uncomfortable condition may be:

Too much food taken at one time. In this case, you may feel sick not from a sweet dish, but from a full stomach; pancreatitis and other diseases associated with the pancreas; cholecystitis; fatty liver disease.

The causes of nausea from sweets can be associated with various medical conditions. Most often, this is how diabetes is manifested.

What happens in the human body when there is an excess intake of sweet foods in the stomach, why is a person sick of sweets?

Sweets are a source of carbohydrates that carry cells ...

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Discomfort in the region of the stomach and esophagus is called nausea, which gives a person a lot of inconvenience. Situations are common when you feel sick after eating, which means that the intake of your favorite dishes is overshadowed by a physiological disorder. Having studied the causes of the appearance of vomiting, a citizen is able to identify the initiator that affects the appearance of nausea after eating.

Nausea as a Sign of Disease

The improper functioning of some organs provokes the appearance of discomfort conditions. Disorders of the digestive tract are most often pushing the onset of nausea, but neurological and endocrine disorders can also be the initiators.

Ulcerative lesions. The inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract leads to the appearance of heaviness in the stomach and a feeling of fullness. Actively nausea with an ulcer manifests itself after a violation of the dietary regimen.

Pancreatitis The affected pancreas is not able to fully digest food, and the resulting poisoning and bloating ...

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Everyone dreams of eating whatever they want. But, unfortunately, this does not always go unnoticed for the body. In most cases, after excessive consumption of fatty and heavy foods, unpleasant sensations occur. One of the common symptoms is nausea. The reasons for its appearance can be different. Sometimes it appears against the background of full health. In this case, the only reason for nausea is overeating or eating foods that are difficult to digest. In other cases, this symptom indicates various diseases, most often pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Most people have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to get rid of nausea, because everyone has encountered this condition. However, some measures not only do not help to cope with the symptom, but, on the contrary, aggravate it.

The causes of nausea are normal

This symptom refers to dyspeptic disorders, which are known to everyone, from childhood ...

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Since nausea is not a disease, but is considered a consequence of any ailment, you need to pay attention during attacks, what exactly causes it, at what time of day it happens, and what accompanying symptoms accompany it, for example, vomiting or dizziness.

Types of nausea

The main symptom of nausea is a sucking and unpleasant condition that rises from the belly to the throat, causing the urge to vomit.

She can "come" alone, but she is often accompanied by:

Diarrhea; vomiting; temperature; sweating; pallor; dizziness; cooling of the legs and arms; darkening in the eyes; increased breathing and heart rate; drowsiness; weight loss.

Doctors identify the following types of nausea:

If it is caused by poisons, chemicals or spoiled food, then it is toxic. Reflex nausea is called nausea, which is caused by disorders in the mucous membrane of the digestive organ and is most often manifested after eating and taking certain foods. Doctors call brainworm ...

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It is very unpleasant when, after a hearty tasty meal, there is a strange feeling of discomfort with the urge to vomit. Many take enzyme preparations for digestion and, embarrassedly, say that they have overeat.

However, this is not always the case. Frequent nausea after eating, the cause of which has not been established, may indicate a large number of problems. You just haven't paid attention to them yet.

Possible causes of nausea

If a person repeatedly encounters similar sensations, then it is imperative to find out why he feels sick after eating. Most likely, the body sends an alarm call and asks for help. First of all, you need to listen to yourself and determine what other unpleasant symptoms are felt after eating.

It is necessary to tell the doctor about all your observations, since the cause of nausea can be not only overeating, but also diseases such as:

Pancreatitis, gastritis, duodenitis and ulcers are common causes of nausea that occurs regardless of ...

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Even developed willpower does not help to completely eliminate sweets from the diet. Sometimes the hand itself pulls for a candy, chocolate or cake. These products should be eaten with caution: excessive enthusiasm for them can cause the development of serious diseases. An unpleasant symptom of such ailments is the feeling that you are sick of sweets, a decrease in vigor and a deterioration in general well-being. Find out why it occurs and how to deal with nausea in this article.

If you are sick of sweets, it's time to think about the reasons

Why are you sick of sweets?

Doctors identify several reasons for the occurrence of nausea, tremors and discomfort in the stomach after consuming sweets:

Excessive confectionery: Overeating contributes to nausea and heaviness in the stomach. Development of diabetes mellitus - if the alarming symptom is persistent, do not postpone the examination with the doctor. Pancreas Problems - Sick ...

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Sick of sweets - reasons

If you love eating sweets, you must be prepared for health problems. One of these troubles is that you feel sick from eating sweets. Why does this happen, why are sweets so dangerous, and their use does not go unnoticed?

The body's reaction to an invading infection, alcohol poisoning, leads to profuse vomiting and nausea. This can be said to be the manifestation of bacteria that release toxins into the human body during infection - this is the main cause of nausea. Improper functioning of the kidneys and liver, as well as a violation of their functions, as mentioned above, also leads to poisoning.

Nausea in children due to intoxication with worms


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It's nice to slowly enjoy your favorite dessert after hard working days. Sweet foods, especially chocolate, are responsible for positive emotions and help to cope with heavy mental stress. The daily recommended intake of sugar is 50 grams. It is taken into account in confectionery, fruits, berries, juices, and other sweet food products.

Excessive consumption of sweets can cause various ailments and diseases. The first sign is nausea from sweets, which appears after taking various foods. Below will be considered the reasons that provoke the body's reaction, ways to deal with the appearance of nausea after sweets.

Factors contributing to nausea after sweets

Nausea from sweets occurs for various reasons, directly dependent on the lifestyle, quantity, and quality of food consumed.

The main reason for the development of the symptom is the excessive consumption of sugary foods. Sugar is absorbed into the bloodstream in a short time. After that, there is a sharp jump in insulin - the primary reason for the appearance of a bad condition in a person. A large amount of food eaten at a time can vomit - a symptom contributes to a full stomach.

Factors that can cause nausea:

Most patients experience sugar nausea harmless, short-term. There is a risk of developing a serious illness. With a systematic manifestation of nausea, it is recommended to seek medical help, undergo a full examination, and competent treatment.

Nausea from sweets during pregnancy

Pregnancy affects habitual addictions, taste preferences. If a girl could eat a lot of chocolate earlier, she starts to feel sick during pregnancy. The process is facilitated by hormonal changes in the body.

Overeating a variety of sweet dishes, desserts provokes the activation of the production of bile, which is an irritating factor in the pancreas. Most women vomit uncontrollably from chocolate and sweets during pregnancy. If the condition is observed several times a day, there is no appetite, weight loss, it is recommended to consult a therapist and undergo full treatment.

Nausea from sweets in children

If a child is sick after chocolate, desserts, it is more likely caused by excessive overeating. Parents should control the amount of sweets consumed. Until the age of three, pediatricians recommend refusing, minimizing the amount of sweet food - it provokes the development of diabetes. Diabetes mellitus is worse than the usual diathesis, allergic reaction.

Methods for dealing with nausea from sweets

If sweetness affects the development of nausea, promotes the gag reflex, it is recommended to conduct a diagnostic examination of the endocrine system. A large amount of sugary foods consumed by humans is the cause of the development of pancreatitis.

The presence of signs: acute pain in the right hypochondrium, metal taste in the mouth, burning sensation, frequent diarrhea, constipation, indicates the presence of cholecystitis. It is treated with drugs, strict dietary nutrition.

If a person is addicted to sweets, chocolate, invigorating, improving mood, it is recommended to try the methods described below.

You should not be deprived of your favorite sweet foods, desserts, drinks, sweets. A sweet diet is essential for energy, muscles, and the body. Understand what is useful and what is harmful. Carbohydrates are classified into simple and complex carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates include: sugar, juices, desserts, sweets, confectionery, honey. When ingested, simple carbohydrates are absorbed faster and release glucose into the bloodstream. The process provokes the development of versatile diseases, nausea, and other problems. Complex carbohydrates are absorbed for a long time, releasing glucose into the blood in stages, maintaining a constant level of insulin in the blood. Found in vegetables, legumes, fruits.

In order not to exclude fast-digesting carbohydrates from the menu, it is recommended to follow a sparing dietary diet consisting of the following products:

  • Fresh fruits, vegetables;
  • Natural honey, not exceeding two tablespoons per knock;
  • Prunes, dried apricots, other dried fruits;
  • Zephyr, marmalade, not exceeding 250 grams per day.

The above sweet food products are quickly absorbed by the body, do not create unnecessary stress on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. The body is supported by the necessary energy, the person is not tormented by nausea, heaviness, depression. To get rid of nausea or get rid of the unpleasant feeling after vomiting, doctors recommend drinking a glass of pure mineral water.

Favorite desserts are allowed to be eaten in moderation. You can indulge in your favorite chocolate, you need to. It is not worth eating sweets every day in a single quantity - chocolate affects the violation of human biological rhythms. Associated with the increased calorie content of chocolate dessert. In large doses, it is able to bring down the normal metabolic process, greatly adding to body weight. For good health, it is recommended to use exclusively plant-based products in the daily diet - this also applies to sweets.