How much semolina is cooked. Cooking semolina porridge in milk: exact proportions

Delicious semolina porridge without creepy lumps is the pride of every housewife. To cook this popular porridge in milk properly, the following tips and a recipe proven over many generations will come in handy.

6 secrets of the perfect semolina porridge with milk

If you are just on the way to gaining experience in the culinary art, it is better to start preparing semolina porridge by studying the features of the technological process. At times, these details are often overlooked, so the porridge is not very tasty.

  • Secret number 1: For a dish to be tender and aromatic, with a subtle creamy aftertaste, milk must be included in its recipe. If you are trying to limit this product, it is quite possible to dilute it with water. Even the ratio of milk to water 1: 3 will improve the taste of porridge several times.
  • Secret # 2: While semolina may seem like a simple dish that doesn’t require a strict dosage, it’s not entirely true. So that its consistency is not too liquid and moderately thick, a certain ratio of products will have to be adhered to. The ideal combination is 6 tbsp. l. cereals per 1 liter of liquid.
  • Secret number 3: You need to be able to put semolina in milk in time. The groats are always dipped only in boiled milk, this must be done very slowly and be sure to stir the porridge. This will prevent the appearance of tasteless lumps. You can do this in another way: moisten the porridge with a small amount of cool water, then pour the boiled milk into it and cook until tender.
  • Secret # 4: Improve the taste of semolina. Salt and sweetener should only be added when the milk is boiling. And butter, dried fruits, berries and other additives are sent to the porridge after it is ready.
  • Secret # 5: Boil milk properly. It tends to burn during the cooking process. To prevent this from happening, rinse it with very cold water before pouring it into the pot. After that, the porridge will not burn.
  • Secret # 6: Don't cook the porridge for too long. It will be ready in 5-7 minutes. After that, you can add oil and beat the semolina porridge with a whisk. Believe me, its delicate taste will seem excellent to you.

Step-by-step recipe for semolina in milk

Now you can start cooking semolina. What you need for this:

  • Milk - 500 ml.
  • Semolina - 3 tbsp. l. with the top.
  • Granulated sugar - 2.5 tsp
  • Salt is a small pinch.
  • Butter - 1.5-2 tbsp. l.
  • Berries, jam, cocoa or other filler - to taste.

So, how to cook delicious semolina porridge:

  • Rinse the container with ice water, pour in the milk, bring to a boil. At this stage, if desired, you can dilute it with water.
  • Add salt and sweeten the milk.
  • In a thin stream, begin to introduce semolina, remembering to stir the porridge.
  • Cook the dish for 5-6 minutes over medium heat. During this time, the semolina will swell well.
  • Now you just have to put in the butter, beat the porridge and pour it into plates.

Semolina porridge with milk can be served with your favorite jam, aromatic jam, or melted chocolate. In the summer season, you can add fresh berries or grated with sugar to the porridge, and in the winter - dried fruits. Enjoy your meal!

Cook semolina porridge for 1-2 minutes, depending on the type of semolina and the desired degree of porridge density. The cooking fire should be small, sufficient for a slight boil.

In a skillet: heat semolina in a deep enamel skillet until yellowing, pour over milk. Stir, cook for 2-3 minutes, cover and stand for 3-5 minutes.

Semolina porridge with milk

Products for 1 serving
Semolina - 2 soup spoons (30 grams) for medium consistency and 1.5 tablespoons for liquid semolina
Liquid - cook semolina porridge in milk and water in the same way, therefore, either 1 glass (300 milliliters) of milk, or 1 glass of water, or a mixture of them in an arbitrary ratio
Water to prevent milk from burning at the beginning of cooking - 1 tablespoon (20 milliliters)
Sugar or honey - 1-2 teaspoons to taste
Salt - on the tip of a knife
Butter - 1 cube 15 grams.

How to cook semolina porridge

Original ways to cook semolina porridge

Semolina porridge in a slow cooker
Pour milk into the multicooker bowl, add semolina, butter and sugar, stir a little and cook for 8 minutes with the lid open with constant stirring, then, when the water boils, close the multicooker with the lid and cook for 2 minutes on the "Porridge" mode. At the end of cooking, mix the semolina well.

Method of cooking porridge with semolina swelling
The method is good when it is inconvenient to pour cereals and stir the porridge at the same time or when it is inconvenient to wait for the liquid to boil
1. Pour semolina, salt and sugar into cold water, mix thoroughly.
2. Wait 10 minutes for the semolina to absorb the liquid and swell.
3. Put the pan on the fire and stir after boiling for 2-3 minutes.

How to cook semolina porridge in a pan
1. Measure out semolina and liquid.
2. Heat a frying pan over medium heat.
3. Put a piece of butter in a skillet.
4. Sprinkle the semolina evenly, fry for 2-3 minutes until yellowing with active stirring.
5. Add liquid (water and / or milk), diluting sugar and salt in it, cook the porridge with active stirring for 2 minutes.
6. Turn off the heat, leave for 3 minutes under the lid.


How to make porridge of the desired consistency and without lumps

The proportions for cooking semolina porridge: for 10 parts of liquid (water or milk) 1 part semolina. For example, for 300 milliliters of milk - 30 grams of semolina. In tablespoons of 300 milliliters of liquid - 3 tablespoons of semolina.

To make the semolina porridge free of lumps, pour the semolina into the hot liquid (water or milk) in a thin stream with active stirring. In this case, the fire should be minimal, so that in a fairly short cooking time you can have time to stir all the cereals in the boiling liquid. Another option is to pour the semolina into cold water, so that there will be more time for stirring and for the boil jumping, even if there were lumps, they will be stirred.

If you pour cereal into liquid from a bag, there is a high probability of not keeping the proportions, and if from a spoon, a thin stream may not work. In order to observe the proportions and recipe, it is recommended to measure the semolina before cooking the porridge and pour it into a mug, and during cooking from the mug pour the cereal into a saucepan with water and / or milk in a thin stream.

How to make semolina more delicious

When cooking semolina porridge, you can add vanilla, cinnamon, honey, jam, fruits and fresh berries. Additionally, you can decorate with jam and a leaf of mint, and to make the liquid semolina more fluffy, after cooking it is recommended to whisk it with a whisk with the addition of a melted cube of butter.

You can mix water and milk in equal proportions, then the porridge will be milky and not very greasy. If the milk is more than 3% fat, then you can take more water.

Salt is added to semolina porridge so that the sweet taste is brighter.

And something else

Store semolina in an airtight container for no more than a year. The recommended shelf life is six months to a year.

The cost of semolina is from 36 rubles / kilogram of semolina (from the average in Moscow as of May 2016). A good semolina will be completely white, without impurities.

Semolina is also useful for adults with chronic fatigue, chronic renal failure, gastritis pain. Semolina is useful for enhancing immunity, the human digestive system. At the same time, it is not recommended to eat semolina after 45 years, so as not to cause bone destruction.

How to learn how to cook semolina porridge
The most important principle is not to leave the stove while cooking semolina. If semolina is cooked in milk, the milk may burn or run away without attention, and cooking the porridge will leave behind only inedible lumps. Therefore, devote all the time to your porridge - after the first cooking you will understand why it is necessary this way.
Principle # 2 - Don't make the semolina too thick. When measuring the amount of semolina for the first time, if you don't have scales, just take a regular soup spoon (not a large salad spoon, but a regular one for soup) and measure out 2 spoons with a small slide. It is always better to put less semolina, since the finished porridge can be infused for 10-15 minutes in the same saucepan under the lid, and it will become denser, but there is nothing to fix the lumpy porridge. Having tasted the cooked porridge, make a decision - whether you want to make it thicker or not, and the next time you cook, adjust the proportions to taste.

Proportions for cooking semolina
The proportions when cooking semolina porridge - for 300 milliliters of milk, 30 grams of semolina (2 heaped soup spoons). The result will be the consistency given in children's canteens.
It should be noted that, depending on the type of semolina, the hardness of the water and the fat content of the milk, the consistency of the finished porridge will change. So, from a glass of milk and 30 grams of semolina, porridge will turn out to be more liquid than from a glass of milk + water in a 1: 1 ratio and 30 grams of semolina, and the dense porridge itself will turn out from 300 milliliters of water and 30 grams of semolina.

How to serve ready-made semolina porridge
Vanilla, cinnamon, honey, cocoa, condensed milk, jam, juice, nuts, fruits and fresh berries are added to semolina porridge. Additionally, you can decorate with jam, dried fruits, mint leaf.

All about semolina

How to cook even tastier

Did you also read the poem "In the porridge there is an oil eye, in the porridge there is granulated sugar"? Not? Then you must have been an extremely obedient child, without objection, sweeping everything that was put in it from the plate. Or your mom is a top-notch cook who made an excellent lump-free treat out of capricious semolina. By the way, how are you doing with this? Do you know how much water to take to get the semolina of the right density? And how to cook properly and achieve a uniform consistency? And with what semolina is it better to serve? If not, don't worry, we'll sort it out for now.

Useful properties of semolina

Once upon a time, back in the days of the USSR, this thick white porridge was recommended to be eaten by everyone: children, ulcers, athletes, people engaged in heavy work and those who recovered after a serious illness. Time and scientists have debunked the myth about the unconditional usefulness of semolina porridge, but did not completely remove it from the pedestal. Do not dismiss the semolina and you. Believe me, small white cereal, obtained from wheat and retaining most of the beneficial properties of this grain, has something to offer you!

  • contains many vitamins of group B and E, although it loses in this respect to oatmeal or, say, rice;
  • filled with minerals - iron, potassium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine, zinc;
  • almost 70% consists of starch, which allows you to keep the feeling of fullness for a long time;
  • does not irritate the gastric mucosa and is easily absorbed, due to which it is really often recommended for people with various diseases of the digestive tract;
  • it has little protein in its composition and therefore is listed among the dishes allowed for use by patients with renal failure;
  • it is digested in the lower intestine and removes mucus from it along with decay products and toxins, which is useful for everyone, without exception.

Semolina is not as rich in vitamins and minerals as rice or buckwheat, but it benefits the body

At the same time, semolina has two unpleasant properties: it is very nutritious, and therefore is not suitable for those who are trying to lose weight, and it also makes our bones more fragile, interfering with the absorption of calcium. Therefore, you should not get carried away with semolina porridges, but it is reasonable to introduce them into your diet - say, 1-2 times a week - it will be both right and useful.

Cooking secrets from the chef

The main complaints that disgruntled eaters make about semolina porridge are its too dense, rubbery texture and an abundance of lumps. But to avoid the appearance of both is not difficult at all, just know a couple of tricks.

First, buy only a quality product. It is impossible to cook anything worthy from poorly ground or poorly stored cereals with all the desire. In order not to get into a mess, give preference to large manufacturers who can afford both newer equipment and better quality raw materials. In addition, when buying, do not be too lazy to make sure that there are no bugs, small pebbles and lumps in the bag with semolina, which indicate moisture has entered the bag. Fortunately, modern transparent packaging allows you to see what kind of product you are purchasing.

If you are concerned about the condition of your figure, look in supermarkets for bags of cereals marked "T". This semolina is obtained from durum wheat, which is known to be less hazardous to the waist and more beneficial to health than the derivatives of the "soft" varieties of the same grain.

Secondly, learn to calculate the proportions - the consistency and type of future porridge are largely determined by them. The optimal ratio of cereals and liquid is 1:10, that is, 1 g of semolina for every 10 ml of water, milk or a mixture of them. If you want to get a thicker meal, increase the proportion of cereals. But be prepared for the fact that, after standing a little, your porridge will turn into a hard, elastic and completely unappetizing pancake.

There are many secrets to making lump-free semolina

Thirdly, master the subtle art of pouring semolina into water so that it does not stick together into lumps. Each hostess achieves this in her own way:

  • some, armed with a spoon, stir the boiling milk or water so that a funnel forms in the center of the pan, and grits are poured into it in a thin stream;
  • others thoroughly mix semolina with granulated sugar before introducing it into the liquid;
  • still others first combine cereals with a small amount of cold water in a separate cup, and only then proceed to the actual cooking;
  • the fourth use a strainer as a divider - semolina neatly sifted into a pan is less likely to gather in lumps;
  • the fifth propose to roll a cone out of thick paper with a small hole at the bottom, put a cup in it and let that thin stream wake up into the pan.

In any case, remember: when cooking semolina porridge, stirring is your everything. It is forbidden to put the spoon aside for a long time or even move away from the saucepan, leaving the food to itself. It will either burn, or acquire placers of lumps, or thicken too much.

Semolina is cooked quickly, which contributes to the preservation of minerals and vitamins in it. Let the almost finished dish simmer a little - no more than 5-7 minutes - while continuously stirring the thickening mass with a spoon, remove from heat and leave to “rise” under the lid for another 10-12 minutes. Try not to overcook the semolina or cook it in advance. Boiled or overcooked, it is not nearly as tasty as fresh and cooked according to all the rules.

How to cook semolina porridge

Before proceeding with specific recipes, we will reveal a few more useful culinary secrets.

  1. To prevent the milk for porridge from burning and spoiling the taste of the whole dish, rinse the pan with cold water before cooking. Some even advise throwing an ice cube at it.
  2. For the same purpose, containers with a thick bottom should be chosen.
  3. You need to salt the future porridge at the time of boiling milk or water, before or immediately after pouring the cereal. By the way, sugar, cocoa, vanillin and other flavors are also better added at this stage.

Escaped milk will ruin the stove, the taste of porridge, and the mood

Now let's talk about more traditional cooking methods. So, how to cook semolina porridge ...


When preparing cereals, milk is always preferable to water. It gives the finished dish a pleasant creamy taste, makes it more satisfying and healthier. Little advice: if in your refrigerator suddenly there is a lack of milk, feel free to dilute it with water. You can do the same if this product turns out to be too greasy.

You will need:

  • 500 ml of milk, regular or baked;
  • 50 g semolina;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 20-25 g granulated sugar;
  • salt - about a third of a teaspoon.


  1. Pour cold water over a saucepan and pour milk into it.

    Use whole milk or milk mixed with water

  2. Wait for the liquid to begin to boil, add salt and sugar.

    Salt is needed even if you are cooking sweet porridge - it will brighten the taste of the dish.

  3. While stirring the milk with one hand, gently pour semolina into it with the other.

    Use a whisk, it's convenient

  4. Bring the porridge to a boil again without stopping stirring it with a spoon.

    Porridge will thicken quickly

  5. Wait 3-5 minutes, cover the pan with a lid and remove from heat.

    Porridge is especially tasty with butter and sugar.

    Let the semolina sit for 8-10 minutes, and then you can put it on plates, add the butter and serve.

If, after the butter, add a couple of yolks, ground with sugar, into the semolina, and then - with the help of a whisk - whipped whites into a strong foam, you get a classic bubert - a sweet and hearty dish of Western European cuisine. At the time of boiling, sugar in this case does not need to be added.

Video: a simple recipe for porridge without lumps

Powdered milk

If you do not have time to run into the store for milk, and you want porridge, do not worry, you can always use its dry equivalent.

You will need:

  • 100 g milk powder;
  • 300 g semolina;
  • 15-20 g of sugar;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • 20 g butter;
  • sugar to taste;
  • salt.


  1. Pour all bulk products into a saucepan: milk powder, semolina, sugar, salt.

    High-quality powdered milk can easily replace natural milk on occasion.

  2. Pour water here, stirring continuously in a saucepan with a whisk. Proceed carefully, without haste - the trickle of water should be thin.

    Stirring to prevent clumps

  3. Put a saucepan with the future porridge over medium heat, bring to a boil, and after 3-5 minutes add butter.

    A little more, and the porridge will be ready

  4. Cover the pot with a lid and remove from heat.

    Some housewives additionally insulate the saucepan.

  5. In 10-12 minutes the porridge will be ready.

    It remains to figure out what to serve the delicacy with

On the pages of cookbooks, you can often find advice to first lightly fry the semolina in a bowl with an enamel bottom to better reveal the taste, and only then fill it with water or another liquid. On occasion, you can check the effectiveness of this recipe in practice.

On the water

Milk is contraindicated for many people. So what can we do without semolina now ?! Never! We can do with plain water.

You will need:

  • 500 ml of water;
  • 60–70 g semolina;
  • 30-40 g butter;
  • sugar to taste;
  • salt.


  1. Pour water into a saucepan and place over medium heat. Wait until bubbles begin to appear on the surface.

    As soon as bubbles appear, you can take semolina

  2. Combine salt and sugar with semolina.

    Stir the bulk products until smooth

  3. Insert them gently into the pot.

    Sprinkle on the semolina gradually and do not stop stirring the water with a spoon so that no lumps form.

  4. Bring the porridge to a boil again, wait a few minutes and extinguish the heat.

    Do not leave the stove, or the porridge will run away

  5. Let the semolina stand for a while under the lid, remembering to throw a piece of butter into the pan.

    Enjoy your meal!

If you do not like milk, feel free to replace it with water, fruit juice or even broth, meat and vegetables. You will be surprised what a new palette of flavors will open to you in a dish familiar from childhood.

Video: recipe for a multicooker

Porridge for the little ones

We have already said that excessive consumption of semolina interferes with the absorption of calcium and has a negative effect on the health of the bones. In addition, the semolina contains a considerable amount of gluten, which can provoke the development of such an unpleasant disease as celiac disease (impaired absorption in the intestine), especially if a person has a hereditary predisposition to this. It is not surprising that doctors recommend that babies up to six months do without this hearty complementary food at all.

But upon reaching the age of 5-6 months, you can begin to acquaint the child with semolina - carefully, slowly and obeying certain rules.

  1. You should not cook for babies with whole cow's milk. Start with cereals in water, then switch to milk diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio, and only after 1 year you can completely exclude water from the list of ingredients.
  2. Change the usual proportions. The amount of semolina must be reduced to form a liquid porridge that can be poured into a bottle.
  3. Add butter and sugar only in consultation with your pediatrician.
  4. After the child turns one year old, you can add dried fruits, berries and fresh fruit or vegetable puree to the semolina. Many children like, for example, a bright orange semolina with carrots or pumpkin.
  5. You shouldn't be afraid of semolina porridge, but you don't need to part with it either. For babies, 1 serving per week will be more than enough, and for older children 1-2 servings. The exception is children with underweight, for whom semolina is often prescribed for medical reasons.

Video: the value of semolina for children's health

Feeding options

Porridge with butter and sugar is a classic familiar to everyone from childhood. But this is far from the only way to diversify the taste of a traditional dish with new notes! To make it richer, more enjoyable and more interesting, try boiling semolina:

  • with a couple of tablespoons of coconut flakes;
  • with frozen berries;
  • with pieces of your favorite fruits and vegetables, fresh or dried;
  • with chicken and broth;
  • with cinnamon, vanilla and turmeric. The last spice will not affect the taste much, but the porridge will acquire an attractive yellow color.

Well, boiled according to a traditional recipe, in water and milk, semolina can be served:

  • sprinkling it with grated chocolate;
  • whisking with a glass of creamy yogurt and a spoonful of honey;
  • adding candied fruits, chopped marmalade or nuts to the porridge;
  • sweetening it with jam or jam;
  • adding a little feta cheese or other curd cheese to the semolina - for originals and those who like to discover unusual flavor combinations.

In India, semolina is boiled with mustard, red hot peppers, curry, onions and salt.

Photo gallery: what to serve semolina porridge with?

Jam and jam will make the dish desirable even for the irreconcilable fussy Semolina with little will appeal to adherents of the classics Coconut and turmeric - for exotic lovers Porridge with egg - for those who need a thorough refreshment Fragrant bubert is a real tasty dessert Candied fruits - for sweets Semolina in meat broth with vegetables is already a whole lunch Raisins and cocoa - for little eaters Fresh berries for fruit lovers Porridge with berry juice has a bright color and a pleasant unusual taste

Although nowadays semolina has lost its former importance, we still cook porridge from it and goat them by both cheeks. And we are doing the right thing. If you know the sense of proportion and carefully use high-calorie additives such as butter and sugar, semolina will only benefit the body. Cook and eat it with pleasure, especially since now you know all the secrets of cooking this wayward, but tasty and nutritious cereal.

Contrary to the recent opinion about the uselessness and even harm of semolina for children, pediatricians very often still recommend introducing it into the baby's diet. In fact, semolina contains not so few useful elements and substances that will not be superfluous for your child's body. And if, say, the baby is weakened or he needs to gain weight, then there is no equal to semolina in this case. Of course, you should not abuse this product and give it to your child every day, because the food should be varied. But a couple of times a week for breakfast, semolina porridge will not be superfluous, but quite the opposite.

Semolina preparation time

The main advantage of semolina is that it does not take long to cook. The total duration will be 15 minutes:

  1. The first 2-3 minutes are required for milk to boil.
  2. The next 5 minutes are required in order to add the cereal and stir it all the time.
  3. When the porridge has boiled, then leave it on low heat for another 5 minutes.

It is important not to overexpose the porridge on the stove. When the butter has been added, cover the pan with a lid and keep it on the fire for another 3 minutes. Since semolina porridge cooks very quickly, it is possible to preserve all the useful elements and trace elements. Thanks to this, the dish has a positive effect on the body.

How much semolina porridge to boil in water

The method and time for cooking porridge in water does not fundamentally differ from the recipe for semolina porridge in milk. The only striking difference will be the calorie content of the dish, on water it will become much less - 80 kcal per 100 g. The ratio of liquid and cereals remains the same: 1 tbsp. you need to take 1 tbsp. l. decoys.

If you like thicker porridge, then take a little more cereal and vice versa. How much time to cook semolina porridge? To begin with, we take semolina and put it in a saucepan, then pour warm water (it should not be hot) and bring the porridge to a boil. Add sugar and salt. And then cook for another 5 minutes, while stirring constantly. As with semolina in milk, this more dietary option can be supplemented with a piece of butter, raisins, dried apricots, bananas, jam and other delicious ingredients.

Consider below how many minutes to cook semolina porridge in milk?

This dish is prepared instantly, and with all the manipulations it takes no more than 15 minutes:

  • the first 2-3 minutes milk boils;
  • for the next 5 minutes, cereal is poured in and stirred constantly;
  • after the porridge boils, it is left for 5 minutes over low heat.

Do not overexpose the dish on the stove, put a piece of butter, close the lid tightly and let it sweat for another three minutes.

Due to the fact that semolina is prepared very quickly, the beneficial trace elements and vitamins contained in it are practically not destroyed.

How and how much to cook semolina porridge for a child is interested in any mother who wants to feed not only tasty, but also healthy. Moreover, many even quite experienced mothers are simply sure that it is impossible to feed a child with semolina, however, this is far from the case. You just need to cook the porridge in such a way that it is not too liquid or thick, so that it is absolutely homogeneous, in which case you can feed your baby deliciously.
How to cook semolina porridge for a child who is one year old?

This recipe requires a minimum of products, for example, one of the simple recipes.


  • semolina - 2 teaspoons with a minimum slice;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • butter - a quarter teaspoon;
  • water - half a glass of boiling water;
  • salt and sugar to taste.

Cooking method

For a one-year-old child, you need to take a minimum of salt, sugar and oil, since adults have completely different tastes, a lot seems to them too bland. But we ourselves spoil the child, accustoming him to salted foods or too sweet. Semolina is delicious with a minimum of flavor-enhancing additives, and your little one will appreciate it.

First you need to sift the semolina, and then add the semolina in a very thin stream.

It is important to mix the mixture constantly, there should not be any lumps. Next, you have to cook everything for 10 minutes, and then add half a glass of milk there, which you have already brought to a boil. This porridge is not very thick, it can even be given to a child in a bottle. While hot, be sure to salt and add sugar and butter.

The question of how to cook semolina porridge is relevant for most women who care about a complete and healthy family diet. Many people love her since childhood and remember the taste of grandmother's breakfast. It seems that there is nothing easier than to cook it. But the process of cooking it has a number of features that you should familiarize yourself with before starting culinary work.

Semolina is popularly considered a democratic dish. Indeed, at any stage, you can adjust the degree of its density by adding liquid or increasing the cooking time. It seems almost impossible to spoil it.

No one even realizes that the correct semolina requires compliance with certain cooking features.

Before the Soviet period, this dish was considered a real delicacy and a festive meal. In the 12th century, it was prepared exclusively for feasts.

A small number of people knew the rules of cooking, since it was difficult to get cereals. The difficulty was in fine grinding of the wheat grain and passing the resulting mass through a sieve. Small particles made up flour, and large ones went to porridge. Labor is painstaking and long, hence the value of the product.

In Soviet times, when bread became available to the common people, semolina appeared on the tables.

The peculiarities of its preparation remained unknown. Some culinary experts claim that the usual cooking of semolina porridge kills all its taste and useful properties.

Ways to prepare semolina from experts

How to cook semolina porridge in milk to avoid burning? For the base, you can use not only milk, but also plain water.

Pour some water on the bottom of the dish, and then the main liquid. You can often find housewives preparing a dish using a mixture of milk (condensed milk can be used) and water in equal proportions. Choose cookware with a non-stick coating, thick sides and bottom.

Cooking the right semolina is a tricky business, but you can't call it art either.

To avoid unpleasant lumps and foam, familiar to everyone from early childhood, it is advisable to take into account several process criteria:

  1. Correct dry to liquid ratio. An average consistency can be obtained by taking 100 g of cereal for half a liter of water (or milk).
  2. Pouring the porridge into the water must be done through a sieve. This way, lumps can be avoided. Sift semolina over the boiling contents of the pan, stirring constantly.
  3. Stirring while boiling will help keep the grains from sticking and sticking to the bottom of the dishes.
  4. Fast cooking, or "steam bath". Professional chefs convince that semolina should not be cooked for more than 2 minutes. After the liquid boils, you need to wait this time, turn off the stove, cover and wrap it with warm clothes. It is under the steam that the porridge reaches the right state. After all, its temperature is higher than the boiling point of water, in such conditions the grains will swell in less time. Everyone's so unloved foam just appears after a long boil as a result of the destruction of protein and starch. In this case, the final product loses its useful properties, taste and becomes excessively dense.
  5. Eating semolina after proper cooking is worth about 10 minutes.
  6. All additional products (berries and fruits, jam and honey) should be added after they are fully cooked. Experts say that if semolina is cooked correctly, then it is unlikely that you will want to fill it with anything other than butter.
  7. Children's breakfast is a more responsible business. It is necessary for every mother to know how much to cook cereal for the baby. Usually, pediatricians advise to boil the contents of the pot for at least 10 minutes.

Quick recipes

You can cook semolina porridge on the gas stove and in the microwave. Porridge can be cooked in a slow cooker, in a variety of dishes and with many additives.

You can cook semolina in milk, or in water. The lightest is considered semolina, which is cooked in a multicooker. To do this, you need to take 40 g of cereals, 20 g of butter, 2 tsp for 0.5 liters of liquid. sugar and a pinch of salt.

Pour the base into a bowl, add liquid and all other products, mix everything until smooth, close the lid and turn on the "Porridge" mode. If there is no such function, use the "Fig" button. After the time has elapsed, the multicooker will turn itself off and notify that the dish is ready.

For the lazy, the microwave cooking method is suitable. The porridge comes out no worse than the one cooked in a multicooker. Add 2 tsp into a glass of cold liquid of your choice. sugar, a pinch of salt and 2 tbsp. l. semolina.

Put the mixture in the microwave for 1.5 minutes, after the time has elapsed, put butter on top and press the cooking again during the same time. If you don't know how to cook corn grits, you can use a similar method.

Cooking semolina in milk

In order to get a healthy dish with a rich taste, it is worth putting into practice the knowledge of culinary specialists. In most cases, semolina is boiled in milk. This is ideal for a child's breakfast.

AND ingredients:

  • 0.5 l of milk;
  • 100 g of cereals;
  • 20 g butter;
  • 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar.

How to cook semolina for babies correctly? The main stages of the process:

  1. Heat milk to a boil.
  2. Sift cereals into it, stirring it constantly. The proportion is shown above.
  3. Without stopping stirring, keep the boiling mixture on the stove for 2 minutes.
  4. Turn off the burner and cover the pan, wrap it with a towel.
  5. After 10 minutes, sprinkle with sugar, throw in a piece of butter and stir.

The water-based semolina cooking steps are identical to the above method. The finished product can not only be sprinkled with sugar, but also salted with the addition of fried onions... A similar dish was common in the old days in Russia.

Delicious recipes with banana and strawberries

Porridge with a banana will look great as a main and dessert dish.

With banana

Required products:

  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 200 g semolina;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 2 medium bananas;
  • 3 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Process steps:

  1. Take oil and knead it at room temperature.
  2. Boil milk and slowly add cereal. Stir the bubbling mixture for 2 minutes.
  3. Add sugar, stir, turn off the stove.
  4. Beat the butter and bananas with a mixer.
  5. Put the resulting fruit mixture into the semolina and mix well.

Banana is rich in vitamins and saturates the body for a long time. This delicious and healthy breakfast is ideal for a child.

With strawberry

How to cook semolina in milk with strawberries?


  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 200 g of cereals;
  • 0.5 kg of strawberries;
  • 200 g granulated sugar.
  1. As usual, add semolina to boiling milk, boil for 2 minutes and turn it off, wrapping it in a warm cloth.
  2. Beat the sugar and strawberries.
  3. When serving, pour into cups and pour over the berries. The abundance of sugar is intended to drown out the excess acidity of the gravy.

Baby feeding porridge

Semolina is well suited for complementary foods. It is rich in protein, minerals, vitamins and starch. Not all mothers know how to cook cereal for babies correctly.

The optimal time for introducing this product into the infant's diet is no earlier than 12 months.

It is better to cook it in water, since milk protein can aggressively affect the gastrointestinal tract of the crumbs.

It is important to know how much cereal to cook for the baby so that it does not harm him, and what proportions should be observed.

For bottle feeding, the consistency can be made thinner, or thickened when consumed with a spoon.

Required products:

  • 0.5 cups of milk;
  • 0.5 cups of water;
  • 2 tsp cereals;
  • 1 tsp Sahara.

Cooking process:

  1. To boil water.
  2. Slowly add the cereal, stirring the contents of the pan.
  3. Boil for 10 minutes.
  4. Add sugar and milk, bring the mixture to a boil again.

Knowing how to properly prepare semolina porridge and various variations with additives, you can turn it into one of the favorite dishes for families and children.

The method does not involve any complex actions. Whether it's food that is cooked in a slow cooker or semolina cooked in a steam bath. Everything is accessible and easy even for a beginner.