The best advice on how to fry the cutlets. How to fry the cutlets in a pan and what is the key to success? How much fry cutlets in a pan: secrets of flawless cake

Fragrant, delicious cutlets with a crispy ruddy crude are far from all. To prepare them with such, you need to know how to fry the cutlets in a pan. To do this, it is necessary to comply with all the rules and disclose not one secret of making this simple dish.

Of great importance in the frying dish discussed has minced meat: its composition and quality of meat used. However, not only it affects the finished dish, but also adherence to the frying technology. If, when cooking, treat this stage is not serious enough, you can get dry tasteless cutlets with a weak odor, or beautiful and appetizing, but not roasted inside, or in general the shapeless mass sticking to the surface of the frying pan.

So, what to take into account to prevent such an outcome:

  • The frying pan should be hot so that the mince is immediately covered with a crust, which will hold the formed products from rupture. In insufficiently heated dishes, the cutlets will adhere.
  • Breading after lowering products in fat often crept. To prevent it, you need to put on a quarter of an hour in the refrigerator after challenge, and then fry.
  • Roasting products on vegetable oil or fat: on oil (for these purposes, purified, which does not spoil the taste and smell of a finished dish) Cutlets are less often burning, but they will not only be grown in large quantities, but they will be more fragrant and juicy.
  • Curls omit after the oil or fat will strongly split. For checking use bread, lowering a piece into fat: if it is twisted and "moving", you can send prepared products.

How to put it proper to be safe:

  1. Cutlet take in hand to hang a little on one side.
  2. In the preheated dishes, I first cut the providing edge of the product, and then turn your hand in the direction from myself, laying the remaining part - even if the oil splashes are flying, then in the opposite side of the side.
  3. A shovel slightly move the folds so that it does not adhere to the surface of the pan.
  4. Turning from ourselves, trying to make action smoothly, without spraying.

Several ways with frying kitlet:

  1. The products are well delivered on high heat alternately on both sides. After that, the fire is reduced, several spoons of water poured into the frying pan, covered and extinguished until readiness.
  2. Curls are roasted on a strong heat before the formation of a ruddy crust. After them turn over and fry already on slow fire. You can close the capacitance with the lid so that the finished dish is more juicy, but not necessarily.

Check the readiness of the kitlet can be pushing them. If a transparent liquid appeared, then they are ready, the juice is mutnicious - it means they need to be left for some more.

How much time to cook, depending on the meat?

When asked how much to fry the cutlets in a pan, you can not get an unequivocal answer.

This aspect depends on many circumstances: on the heating temperature of the frying pan, the moisture content of the cutlet mass, minced meat:

  • home cutlets are roasted on an open pan about 10 minutes, then a quarter of a glass of water is added, covered and extinguished as much as;
  • semi-finished products are adjusted 2 times longer, and after another 5 minutes.
  • chicken and fish cutlets are fastened faster - about 5 minutes on each side.

You can also bring the backup card readiness in the oven, steaming in your own juice, water or in a special sauce in a pan.

The exact time of cooking is depends not only on the form of minced me, but also from the size and thickness of the cutlets, the quality of the dishes. If the preparation of medium-sized products leaves about a third of the hour, it will take no less than half an hour to roast a large kitlet, while small and thin will prepare for 10 minutes.

How to fry frozen semi-finished cutlets

The preparation of semi-finished products is a cute business. Especially the need for them is felt when there is not enough time and strength, but you need to cook something. So come to the aid of previously manufactured, and now frozen cutlets that need to urgently fry, but how?

And there are 2 options for the development of events: waiting when they hide or fridge right away. In the first case, the fry technology is similar to the preparation of freshly prepared kitlet. However, the likelihood is the likely that most of the juice from the kitlet follows, and the finished products will turn out dry.

With frying frozen bugs, follow the same principles, but some advise the backs of laying immediately after the inclusion of fire is not yet warm the dishes.

Chicken cutlets in a pan

For the preparation of the minced meat, the chicken meat is messed through a meat grinder (0.5 kg), semolina (3-4 tbsp), 2 eggs, finely chopped bulb, crushed greens and spices (to taste).

Chicken bonds before cooking are panted in the semolina to keep them the shape and give a golden crust during the frying process. Therefore, you will need a tablespoon of mankey for breading.

You can solve this problem in three ways:

  1. Combining vegetable and butter.
  2. Using frying fled oil, in which there is no serum.
  3. Frying cutlets on an oil "substitute" - margarine or spread.

Fry will be the first way, so you prepare vegetable and butter.

How to cook:

  1. Of all the products (except for additional), thoroughly knead the minced meat.
  2. Remove it for half an hour in a cold place.
  3. After that, divided into equal parts, form the cutlets and cut them into the semolina.
  4. In the preheated dishes pour vegetable oil and fry from one side of 7-8 minutes.
  5. Turn over the cutlet, putting a piece of butter under it, which will give the finished back to the delicate taste and juiciness.
  6. Fry 7-8 minutes.

Finished backs are laid out on a plate and served on the table with any side dish.

How to cook without adding oil?

You can cook without oil any bonds. That's just the dishes for these purposes need to be selected with a non-stick coating: titanium, teflon or ceramic. The cast-iron container for these purposes is not suitable, because products will stick to the non-sauced fat surface.

How to fry:

  1. Eclay the container on fire.
  2. Lay out products.
  3. Fail cutlets on both sides to a ruddy crust.
  4. Pour some water, cover.
  5. Stew around a quarter of an hour.
  6. Remove the lid and fry for about 5 minutes.

Another way to prepare chicken boiler without adding oil:

  1. From chicken minced meal, small balls form and laid out into a deep pan or a pot with a thick bottom.
  2. Pour boiling water so that it is about a third or two-thirds coated products.
  3. On a small fire extinguished before evaporation of the liquid (about 15 minutes).

Readiness is checked, Curl terminals: If a transparent liquid flows, then they are taken out and prepared for the feed.

Proper frying fish boiler

Dietary dish - fish cutlets - you also need to be able to cook. The first stage is the formation of small flat-sized flat layers. For greater jucia, they need to be dipped into a whipped egg, and after cutting into breadcrumbs.

Fry fish cutlets in two ways:

  • Omitted in a hot mass and plotted on both sides to habit about 7-8 minutes;
  • On both sides, it is drawn to goldenness (about five minutes), and then extinguished on a slow fire, a quarter of a glass of water is burned. You can also extinguish on milk or sour cream until the liquid is completely bumping, then the cutlets will be softer and juicy.

  • You can check the decoration of the dishes using water: if the droplet is embarrassing, the products can be sent to the pan.
  • It is better to send the dishes to heat up before creating a meat, while it heats ups you can roll like a sufficient number of bikes.
  • For breading, not only crackers are used, but also a semolina or flour.
  • Lowned cutlets need to move a little so that they do not stick to the surface.
  • Switching the backs better with a spatula or special forceps, but not fork, otherwise they will fall apart.
  • After the first batch, you can fry the second oil on the remaining oil, but after cooling, this fat can not be used, since poisonous substances remain in it after frying.
  • If the folds are prepared with sauce, then it is poured 3 minutes before readiness.
  • The uncomfortable cutlets are returned to the pan, they pour about 60 ml of water, covered and extinguished about 5 minutes.
  • Remove the excess oil from the folds will help conventional napkins. To do this, they need to be displayed with a bottom flat plate and lay out with one layer fried cutlets. After 2-3 minutes, the washed paper is cleaned.
  • If you forgot to salt mince, then the omission is correcting, feeding the cutlets cut down on the portion pieces and salty sausage sauce.

Hi, my dear gourmets. I want to boast. I have a new assistant in the kitchen - the meat grinder 🙂 everything went and darling her husband that I want a kitlet. And the store stuffing can not buy, looked at how to prepare. Yes, and fat is added too much. The husband could not stand and dragged me to the store. Now I can cook anything: fish, chicken, vegetable and meat dishes made of minced meat. Even began to prepare delicious Belyashi and juicy chebureks. And today I will tell you how to fry the cutlets in a pan. I will also tell you about cooking semi-finished products - I even don't always have time to stand in the kitchen.

In general, home cutlets are a symbol of a happy family life. As practice shows, the wife usually does not prepare such goodies if the deposits and a quarrel reigns at home. This dish is frying only for the most beloved and expensive ... it is an old legend 😉

Do you know friends that you initially did the cutlets at all not even minced meat? These were pieces of meat on rib bones. Yes, and the word "cutlet" is like French Côte and Côtele - "edge" and "ribbed".

In our country, this Kushan appeared thanks to Peter I. He was famous for loved all sorts of foreign customs and dishes. So the cakes appeared in Russia. Only by the end of the last century, they were slightly modified. They became similar to the delicate pellet from chopped meat. And the meat ribs are better baked in the oven. They will so much more tender.

How to make minced houses

The modern version of the kitlet originated for the reason that they began to think how to prepare harsh meat. Well, indecent to make them out of good dear without fat. But grind harsh meat, add fat and make cutlets - it turns out luxuriously.

Minced is certainly better to make yourself at home than to buy in the store. Especially from the minced mell, you can still cook much more, or at least choose the store where it will be done with it.

So, in order to make a boiler mass correctly, take:

  • 500 gr meat;
  • 200 grams of water in water (or milk) of white bread;
  • 1 onion head of the bunk;
  • water;
  • salt;
  • freshly ground pepper.

Friends, the basic principle of preparation of delicious boiler consists in the correct proportions of meat and bread.

Add 40% of bread with respect to meat. For example, we take 1 kg of meat, it means that we take 400 g of the bread in water / milk. Measure the clumsy and slightly pressed bread

From bread cut the crust and pour the ball with water or milk. It is not necessary to dry it before, it will still be soaked. Pour in such a number of fluid so that the mistakes well spat.

Cut the meat with pieces to conveniently lay in the meat grinder. The pissed onions cut into several pieces and miss through the meat grinder. Finish grind the ingredients in the meat grinder of softened bread. To make pieces of meat left inside.

Then the finished minced meat and sprinkle. Add a glass of water (it will make mince even more). And mix it intensively so that water enters the meat proteins.

Homemade minced is ready. But there is one nuance on which I want to stop. Cutlets will come out much more tastier if minced 2 hours to withstand in the refrigerator. But if you do not have time, then prepare immediately.

How much to fry?

Dressing out of meat minced meat, I advise you to fry on medium fire in a skillet. Cook for 5-8 minutes each side before the appearance of a ruddy crust. Sudine should not be covered with a lid.

How to believe in two sides, reduce the fire flame to the small. Cover the frying pan with the lid and cook another quarter. The main thing is that they inside carefully spare. If you are not sure that they are delivered, put each thing on the side and root.

Recipes of delicious Cotlet

Well, and here and prepared for you, my dear, recipes with photos and videos. They are easy to prepare. And how awesomely delicious it turns out! But you yourself prepare, taste, and then write reviews in the comments.

How to fry cutlets in a frying pan

Take a flat plate or baking sheet with parchment paper. Moisten it with water. From all minced meat, roll the same balls. And lay them on paper. Then take each portion, cover in flour wheat or in breadcrumbs. Immediately lay out into the heated oil.

So you will reduce the time between the preparation of each portion and laying out them in a frying pan. So, the slab will spend much less time. I immediately prepare the part of the kitlet, and the remaining freeze on the board. Then we shift in the package

All cutlets do up for the same time (how many minutes to cook - see above). As they fit on the one hand, turn over to another, making it with two forks or spatula.

And here is the video of the cooking itself. We look and lick 🙂

This homemade dish does not compare even with the best restaurant. Serve ruddy snacks with heat heat with vegetables, boiled rice or other garnish.

How to cook without oil

Create we will be with dietary chicken. Such cakes cooked without a droplet of vegetable oil or other fat are considered dietary. Yes, and small kids this dish can be prepared.


  • 500 grams chicken flios;
  • a couple of small white bread slices;
  • 1 onion head of the bunk;
  • milk or water;
  • egg (optional);
  • salt;
  • freshly ground black pepper.

Bread and puffed with milk and water and leave soften. Fileka and onions crushed with a meat grinder. Drive here an egg. Solim mass, squeeze the pepper and kneadingly wash.

Forming small balls from chicken minced meat. We lay them on a deep pan or in a thick pan, and fill with just boiling water. Water should cover our cutlets on 1/3 or 2/3. I exhibit the fire a little less than the average, and the container is covering the lid. And they are ready enough.

On average, cooking time is 15-20 minutes. But, my dear, do not focus only on how much time to "frift" yummy. There are other signs of product readiness. How water will evaporate, carefully pinched the cake. If transparent juice is distinguished from them, they are ready.

How to fry frozen cutlets in a frying pan

Prepare purchased semi-finished products need so that they get juicy and appetizing. Before cooking, the store cutlets do not definitely. Because the flow of all juice meat and dish will come out dry.

The whole process of cooking can be represented by this:

  1. Fast roast - first to a golden crust (in time it is about 5-7 minutes) fry on the heated vegetable oil. After that, the cutlets look appetizing, but inside they will be still damp.
  2. Failure - the next stage. Put the dish in the thick pan, add some water and cover the lid. Prepare on fire just less than the average for approximately half an hour.

It turns out very gentle and tasty. If you try, homemade will not even guess that they eat a purchase option. Of course, if you do not talk 🙂

For those who do not want to fry in vegetable oil, you can do without the first point. I warm up the pattern, pouring water. How boils, put the cutlets. And carcass under a slightly closed lid. Prepares from 2 sides.

And if you do not want to dump the pan, pour water, and put the cutlet on the parchment paper. Turn over the cutlet once. So the caloric content will not increase and the pan does not have to wash 😉

How to cook from fish minced

And here is the recipe:

  • 400 grams fillights;
  • 1 garlic teeth;
  • milk or cream;
  • egg;
  • salt;
  • nutmeg to taste;
  • ½ CHL paprika sweet;
  • black fresh pepper;
  • ½ CHL Greens dry;
  • ½ st. breadcrumbs;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Make sure that there are no stones in the fillet. Then the prepared product skip through the meat grinder. Add an egg and crushed on garlic garlic. Mix the mass. Then salt and stick the minced meat. And also enter paprika, greens and nutmeg into the cutlet mixture. Pretty minced mince again.

Next, add 2 tbsp. Cream or milk and mix the mass. Continuing to mix, gradually add breadcrumbs in small portions into a cutlet mass. Mix the minced meat until he stops sticking to your hands. If the mass is obtained too dense and hit, add more 1-2 tbsp here. cream or milk.

Fish minced meal shape small flat cutlets. So that they get more juicy, I advise you to hide them in a whipped egg. And then you need to cut in breadcrumbs.

Put fish cutlets on a grid with hot oil and fry until readiness. Ready delicacy serve hot with a puree, vegetables or other suitable garnish.

Cutlets will be tastier and juicy if the meat is twice skipped through the meat grinder. This is especially important if the meat used is a housing. By the way, the eggs in the minced meat are completely optional to add. But in the cutlet mass of fish, you certainly need to drive the egg. It will connect a lot and cutlets will not break off during cooking.

Possing a juiciness will help bold ice or cold water. Yes, do not be afraid. The ice is melted during thermal processing. If you add an additional liquid into mince, during frying it will evaporate. But meat juice will remain. But then the main thing is not to overdo it with water, because the tastes just break off.

Well, you, my dear, how do you cook cutlets? Be sure to share corporate recipes. And I wish you a pleasant cutlets and say: so far!

Mainfast cutlets in a pan is perhaps the most desirable dish and on weekdays, and on holidays. Each hostess, no doubt, knows how to make minced meatballs in a pan so that they get juicy, lush, and most importantly, tasty. The owners of the secrets of cooking such a kitlet are simply notes, because minced meatballs in a frying pan - this is nothing more indispensable hit for all times and a chopper, adorning any table.

To prepare minced meatballs in a pan, you will need a minimum of ingredients. The main thing is that at hand there were any mince: pork, beef, chicken, fish or assorted, for example, pork + beef (this is who like as loves) - fresh, high-quality and preferably home. You can cook cutlets and minced meat purchased in the store, only to choose it to treat special care.

To give an additional juiciness, minor, alone hostesses add to it a finely sliced \u200b\u200bor squeezed on the shallow currice onions, operated white bread, other potatoes, washed on a fine grater, chopped cabbage and other ingredients, who are able to give the cutlets that the very highway making them uniquely original. Variants of additives set. So, the cutlets will be very juicy if it is inside each embedding a piece of frozen butter, and add chopped greens into it. Greens can be added and just into mince.

A few words about breading. Someone from the owners adheres to the opinion that minced meatballs in a frying pan must certainly panic, others cost without this procedure. Moreover, both of those and other cutlets are wonderful.

To fry the stuffing cutlets in a frying pan, you also need to be right: pour vegetation oil on the pan and distribute it all over the surface, warm up, reduce the fire to the middle, and then lay the cutlets. Frying about 10 minutes on each side before the formation of a ruddy crust, and then add some water to the pan and extinguish under the lid for another 10 minutes before readiness.

Want to surprise your seven delicious cutlets? Look at us and select the recipe that you have to do.

Mixed minced meatballs in a frying pan

500 g of pork minced
500 g beef minced
1 bulb,
1 egg,
150-200 g Baton or white bread,
2 -3 cloves of garlic,
2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise
vegetable oil,

Baton or cooking bread use not the most fresh, but slightly worn so that the cutlets do not get lush and not too sticky. Fill bread pulp with milk and leave for 15 minutes, then press. Add to the mince finely sliced \u200b\u200bor squeezed on fine grain and passed through the press garlic, mayonnaise bread, salt and pepper to taste and thoroughly mix. In order for the mince to become dense, and at the same time juicy, many cooks advise him to beat off well. You can simply raise a mass of minced meas and with a tangible effort to clap it about the table or a plate, and you can put the mince in the package, tie it up, leaving enough space and removing air, and clap this construction. In any case, your cutlets from such a massage will only benefit. Next, form the cutlets from the minced meat, cut every in breadcrumbs and fry in a frying pan with a heated vegetable oil from 2 sides to a ruddy crust. After that, in the pan quite a bit of water in the pan, cover it with a lid and give the cutlets to stretch for another 10 minutes.

Another advice that may be useful to you when you prepare minced meat on a pan. Add a little dried greenery, pre-crawled it into powder in breadcrumbs. Roasted in this mixture ready-made cutlets will be very fragrant.

Homemade pork minced meat

600-700 g of pork minced
2 bulbs,
3-4 cloves of garlic,
1 egg,
1-1.5 stack. milk
2 Slice of Baton (150-200 g),
vegetable oil,
Salt, black ground pepper - to taste.

In the warm milk, soak the pulp of the baton or white bread and leave for 15 minutes. In the meantime, grind onions and add it to the minced meat, frolite a lot of hands and, adding a squeezed pulp of the baton, smear the minced meat again. Add to the meat mass passed through the press garlic, egg, spray and pepper in taste. Mix mince to homogeneity and proceed to the formation of the kitlet. It is much easier to do with wet hands. The resulting cutlets cut into breadcrumbs and fry them on medium heat in a pan with a heated vegetable oil from two sides to a ruddy crust. When the cakes are tapped on the one hand, turn them over and cover the frying pan with a lid. After removing the lid, check the readiness of the kitlet as follows. Plot with a fork - if the juice appeared transparent, add fire and prepare the cutlets for another 2-3 minutes on each side. The cutlets are twisted - it means that the dish is ready.

Delicious beef stuffing cutlets

600-700 g beef minced
2 potatoes,
1 egg,
1 bulb,
Greens of dill, salt, black ground pepper - to taste,
Flour for breading.

Usually, the beef mince is passed through the meat grinder twice. So that the cutlets are tender. If you use the purchase of minced meat, do not be lazy, skip it through the meat grinder even time together with the crumpled potatoes peeled. Or, after add to the minced stuffing potatoes. In a word, act at your discretion. Finished minced meal, pepper, add to it the crushed greenery of dill, sliced \u200b\u200bfine onions and mix well. Form the cutlets, cut them in flour and roast in a preheated pan with vegetable oil from two sides to a beautiful appetizing crust. Follow in the pan. Some water, cover with a lid and put out the cutlets for 10 minutes. For the flavor you can add black pepper peas or bay leaf to the water.

Chicken minced chicketers in a frying pan

900 chicken minced
3 melted raw "Friendship",
1 egg,
1 bunch of green onions,
1 bunch of parsley or dill,
2 cloves of garlic,
3 tbsp. l. mayonnaise
vegetable oil,
Salt, spices - to taste.

Sattail on the grain melted raws, grind onions, garlic, greens and add all these ingredients into chicken minced chicken. Stir, lean the egg, add mayonnaise, salt and pepper to taste. Altime, it's a good one to mix and form small cutlets from the resulting mass. Cut them in breadcrumbs and fry in a frying pan with a heated vegetable oil from two sides to a ruddy crust.

Fisters of fish boiler, according to statistics, much less than those who prefer meat cutlets. However, the next recipe is able to make reconsider their views on fish cutlets of even the most desperate not lovers.

Fish stuffing cutlets in a pan

500 g of fish minced
200 g pumpkin meakty
1 egg,
3 tbsp. l. flour
1-2 clove of garlic (on an amateur),
Salt, pepper - to taste,
vegetable oil.

Couple with fish minced meat on a fine grater pumpkin, add a whipped egg with an egg passed through the press garlic and mix. After that, pumped into the mince flour, smear it, salt and pepper in taste. Wet hands form the cutlets and fry them in a frying pan with a heated vegetable oil for 3-4 minutes on each side.

Mainfast cutlets in a pan is a minimum of time and a maximum of pleasure!

Enjoy your appetite and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shufkaykin

Good afternoon dear friends. Let's talk today about the cutlets, more precisely we will analyze the recipes of the juicy meat cutlets of a different look. It would seem that there is a complex, mince, bread, egg all this and fry.

But it does not always work out as it is necessary. Especially serious young housewives. It is necessary to make a lot of time before it turned out to be lush and juicy cutlets, so that they like the whole family.

That's why we tried to collect not just recipes, but also to reveal the secrets of cooking delicious cutlets or bokings, as they are also called.

Also on the festive table almost always there are cutlets. Without them, it is sometimes no usual lunch or dinner. They can decorate any festive table. Each housewife wants to prepare anything interesting and unusual. And it's great. You can make your own recipe and tick the guests and so on.

But before you cook, you need to know a few simple rules. They were not invented simply so, it is the experience of many housewives of all time. Let's deal with more details.

How to cook juicy and delicious cutlets?

Cutlets must be very tasty, it does not dispute. But you need, just that they are not dry and lush. It depends on many factor. Such as the choice of minced meat, the mixing method of stuffing, the ingredients are additional and so on. And of course experience.

Now we will analyze the recipes of the juicy stuffing boiler, or rather first the preparation of minced meat.

By the way, it is best to make mince with your own hands. I never advise you to buy it in the store, as you never know what and how it is mixed. Usually from the purchase of minced meat, good home cutlets do not work.

Choose meat for the kitlet.

First of all, you need to decide what meat will make the cutlets. Usually I have this: what meat is, from that and I do. But not always because. If we want to surprise guests, or even just our family for dinner, then we think everything in advance.

On calorieness, the choice of meat also affects. This is how the meat can be stripped by calories:

  • The most juicy and calories are obtained precisely pork choletts. Calorie is located in the area of \u200b\u200b350 kcal / 100 g (290 kcal / 100 g during cooking per pair).
  • To do mix of pork and beef minorThe caloric content will be around 267 (190) Kcal / 100 g. Pork mince is better diluted on 2/3 beef minced meat.
  • When using clean beef minced meat Calorie and is less: 235 (172) Kcal / 100 g.
  • The dieties are cutlets from chicken. There is a calorie content of about 145-125 kcal / 100 g. But they are obtained dry. Therefore, in such cakes there are fat or other additives, which increase calories.
  • Minced Turkey - The most ideal option is not only for those who follow the figure, but also for the kids. The turkey meat itself is quite juicy and calories are not high: 180 kcal with frying in a pan and 140 when cooking for a pair.

No need to forget that such additives as breadfall, egg and oil with frying increase calorie. But without this, the cutlets are usually not obtained, and it all depends on what we want to prepare specifically.

How to choose the meat for minced meat.

Do not forget that the recipes of the juicy stuffing boiler will turn out with a bang only from homemade minced meat. You need to choose the right meat and make it yourself. Then the success is waiting for you unequivocally.

The main argument is fresh meat

  • When choosing meat, it is necessary to inspect it and sniff. Meat should smell fresh meat. No extraneous smells, acids or other odors pointing to old meat or sealing.
  • Meat should be elastic and elastic. If you press the meat with your finger, then the fossa should soon be aligned.
  • The color of meat should be pinkish red and wet. There should be no tanted sections or mucous surfaces.
  • The lamb is better to take the thigh or zelzok.
  • If you buy pork, beef or veal, then it is better to take: rear eyelid, neck, cutting or bladder part.
  • When choosing poultry meat, we pay attention to the ham (the shin and thigh). Then the cutlets are obtained more juicy. Breast is suitable - less high calorie part, but dry.

Subtleties of cooking meat.

First of all, I want to note that it is best to scroll through the meat through a small grid, preferably 2-3 times. So the cutlets will turn out more lush. Some recipes of juicy stuffing boiler directly indicate how many times you need to twist and not always through which mesh.

Many claim that it is better to scroll through a large grid. They are right, on the one hand. Then the meat is obtained by large pieces and gives less juice, which means less fat. But if you want to get lush cutlets, it is better to twist through a small grid, even better use a blender.

What you need to take into account when cooking a kitlet:

  • When adding the ball in the mince, you need to take bread wheat varieties. Desirable yesterday's bread, because the fresh will give not the necessary consistency and excess calorie.
    Also, for 1 kg of meat, approximately 150-200 g of the ball.
  • Mookat bread is needed in boiling water, and not in milk, as many believe. Milk deprives compatibility cutlets. But the meaksh sweep in water will give pomp and airiness.
  • Fragrance juits gives onions. It can be used 300 g per 1 kg of meat. The bow will not spoil the mince, only on the contrary, will be tastier and more.

    But the bow can not be scrolled through the meat grinder, all the juice lies. It is better to cut it with a knife and add to the mince.

  • If you want to get delicate gentle cutlets, then mayonnaise can be added to the mince, but a little bit, not more than 50 g.
  • So that the cutlets do not fall apart and were more lure, you can add potatoes, racing it on a shallow grater.
  • If you use eggs into mince, then you should not just add them to mince. First prepare the minced meat fully: add everything you need, spices too. Fuckly knead. And only at the end add eggs in this way:
    Separate proteins from yolks. Squirrels whip up to lush foam. And already in the finished mince slowly pour the protein, stirring upwards.
    Try and you are such a way and immediately mark how the cakes will take a magnificent shape right in your eyes.
  • Spices and salt add to your liking. There are no restrictions. A lot of greens are better in fish cutlets.

How to properly and how much do you need to fry chutters from minced me?

Catching out the recipes of juicy chickened mefax for its festive table, stumbled upon a little write in the recipe, how to fry the cutlets.

  1. It is necessary to form the cutlets, make enough thick and not very flattering. Hands are better to moisten with cold water to make it easier to sculpt.
  2. With proper frying, you can avoid loss of juits in the cutlets. But usually use breading. She is well holding back the juiciness inside. Sukhari or salted flour are usually used. But the manka, and Japanese cornflakes will fit well.
  3. The frying pan needs to warm up on medium heat. Pour oil for frying and then lay out our cutlets cut into breading.
  4. After 3-5 minutes, we turn our cakes, we remove the fire to the smallest, and cover the frying pan. So fry for 15 minutes. During this time, meat and onions are drawn, and it does not disappear.
  5. Now open the lid, we increase the fire to the average and bring to the appetizing crust.
  6. The oil is better to change with each frying.

On average, cooking one batch in a pan takes a decent 25 minutes. But it's worth it.

How else can you cook the cutlets.

In addition to the traditional ways, the recipes of juicy minced meat are offered to fry a couple and in the oven and in the microwave. That's how much time it takes:

  • In a slow cooker who fell in love of a housewife, in the "frying" or "baking" mode, the cooking of the kitlet also takes 20-25 minutes.
  • In a double boiler or multicooker with such a function, 25 minutes will be required. In this case, less calorie and also very tasty.
  • If you use a steam nozzle for the microwave, you can prepare cobblets in 15 minutes. Only first cook for 5 minutes, then we turn over and 7-10 minutes cook.
  • If you use an oven for baking, then at 180 ºС it will take 30 minutes.
  • In the 800 W microwave, you can cook cutlets in 7 minutes.
  • In the aerogrile, the cutlets are baked in 20 minutes.

Here look at the option of lush cakes:

The best recipes for juicy and lush meat cakes.

And now we consider with you various recipes of juicy meal. At the same time, do not forget about the subtleties described above. We will not repeat in recipes.

We will try to consider different recipes, with different types of meat.

Recipes of juicy stuffing meal - classic with bread.

Sometimes such cakes are called "home assorted". For such a recipe and the truth of the cutlet, more delicious and normal juits are obtained. We prepare such often for lunch or dinner.

We need:

  1. Pork meat - 300 g;
  2. Beef meat - 300 g;
  3. Bread meakish - 90-100 g;
  4. Egg - 1 pc;
  5. Onion - 2 pcs;
  6. Garlic (optional) - 2 teeth;
  7. Flour - 150 g;
  8. Vegetable oil;
  9. Salt to taste;
  10. Spices to taste.

Step 1.

We cook mince, twist meat pork and beef on a thin grid of a meat grinder 2 times and a blender. Onions immediately finely chinch. Add to mince.

Step 2.

Bread meaks We send in boiling water to be soaked. While squeezing garlic, salt and pepper to taste. We add bread to meat, skipping through the meat grinder and mix thoroughly.

Step 3.

Now the egg, separating proteins and beat. Add to mince, mix thoroughly.

Step 4.

Now I will form meat balls with my hands and slightly slightly. At the same time we wash in cold water so that the minced meat sticks to them.

Step 5.

Now we cut the cutlets in the flour or you can use any other breading.

Step 6.

Now everything is as described above. First, one side fry on medium heat, then we reduce the fire to the small, turn the cake and cover the lid. After bringing to readiness and ready.

Chicken minced chicketers in the oven.

As we said, such cakes are very dietary, perfectly suitable for those who are on a diet. The kids are so very loved by such cakes. Instead of chicken meat, you can use turkey. Then the cutlets will be more juicy.

We need:

  1. Chicken breast - 200 g;
  2. Wheat bread - 40-50 g;
  3. Egg - 1 pc;
  4. Onion - 1 pc;
  5. Garlic - 1 teeth;
  6. Salt to taste;
  7. Spices to taste.

Step 1.

We rinse the breast, wearing and separate from the bone. Fillet pass through a meat grinder or blender.

Step 2.

Bread scam in boiling water, after a couple of minutes, press a little and add to mince. Solim, Perchym to taste, squeeze garlic, finely shining onions, adding into mince and mix well everything.

Step 3.

Now the case is behind the egg, more precisely protein. We whip and add to the mince.

Step 4.

We put a heated oven at 180 ºС. Meanwhile, put the bastard on the baking sheet. We form out of the minced meat, not very thick pellets and put on the baking sheet.

Step 5.

Bake the cutlets in the oven for 30 minutes. Preparedness can be served on the table.

Cutlets made of beef minor.

Recipes of juicy meat cutlets made of beef or other meat simple enough. Almost everything is preparing for one recipe. Now consider the simplest recipe, the main thing is to choose meat correctly so that it is not dry.


  1. Beef meat (veal) - 800 g;
  2. Onions - 2 pcs;
  3. Bread - 140-150 g;
  4. Egg - 1 pc;
  5. Salt to taste;
  6. Spices to taste;
  7. Vegetable oil or butter cream.

Step 1.

We twist the meat. Onions finely shining and add to mince.

Step 2.

Wheat bread, yesterday, soaked in boiling water. Press and add to mince. PERSIM, Solim to taste and mix.

Step 3.

Separate protein in the egg, whipped and add to mince.

Step 4.

We form meat balls with wet hands, slightly and ship and send it to a preheated frying pan. I use vegetable oil, but you can fry on creamy oil. So the cutlets will be more juicy.

Fry technology described above. Preparedness can be served with a vegetable garnish.

Here is a beautiful recipe:

Another recipe for beef cakes, but with a lulled.

Usually, the cutlets are served with a vegetable side dish or pasta. So I always love to make a gravy to the cutlets. So tastier and more. Many recipes of juicy meal boiler allow you to make a filling right away, not separately from the kitlet and together .. Having tried one day, you will always do it.

We need:

  1. Beef - 500 g;
  2. Potatoes - 2 pcs;
  3. Egg - 1 pc;
  4. Bay leaf - 1 pc;
  5. Onion - 1 pc;
  6. Flour for breading;
  7. Salt and spices to taste;
  8. Greens.

Step 1.

Preparing mince. Meat omit 2-3 times through the meat grinder. Onions finely shining and add to meat. Three potatoes on a small grater and also add right away. Solim and Pepper. Greens of finely shlish and also in minced meat.

All thoroughly mix and then add whipped protein.

Step 2.

Now we form with wet hands. Beautiful bokings. Call them in flour or other breading.

Step 3.

Fry we will be a little different. Fry on a preheated pan from two sides to a golden crust.

Salmon himself. Pour the cutlets in a frying pan with water, but a little to the slightly covered the cutlets. Add a bay leaf, salt, spices to taste and simply close the lid, let it be stealing about 20 minutes on a small fire. Then the cakes will give their own taste and flavor, it will simply be awesome.

To the lulfasium turned out to be thick, it needs to add flour if you want. Then you need to add a couple of flour spoons in 1/2, stirring and pouring into the gravy. We will mix and let it be stretched a couple of minutes. Then you can remove our cakes with a dill aside.

Juicy chicken minced chickens with cheese filling.

Some recipes of juicy chicketer supplied stuffing. You can experiment with different fillings. We love more cheese stuffing, we present you such a recipe.

We need:

  1. Chicken meat - 550 g;
  2. A piece of baton - 120-130 g;
  3. Garlic - 4 teeth;
  4. Onion - 35-40 g;
  5. Egg - 3 pcs;
  6. Solid cheese - 120 g;
  7. Salt and spices to taste;
  8. Dill and parsley to taste;
  9. Vegetable oil.

Step 1.

I boil 2 eggs by screwing, cool, we clean and squeeze on a shallow grater.

Step 2.

Cheese apply a thin straw.

Step 3.

All the greens are well promoted, the dried and finely sash. Now egg, greens and cheese connect and mix. This is the filling turned out.

Step 4.

Making minced meat. Chicken meat pass through a meat grinder or blender.

Step 5.

We put breadfish in boiling water in boiling water and in a couple of minutes we will pull out, add to mince. Garlic squeeze through the press into mince.

Step 6.

Onions shining finely and also add to mince. Add salt and spices to taste. All thoroughly mix.

Step 7.

Separate egg protein, whipping and mixed with minced meat.

Step 8.

Now we make thin pellets from the minced meat, put our filling in the middle. After wrapped in mince, a little awesome. Give the shape of the cutlets. Do not forget your hands to wet so that the meat does not stick.

Step 9.

Now heat the frying pan and fry our cakes.

Cutlets in a batter with filling.

This recipe is a bit more complicated than those described earlier, but the taste of ignition and look very beautiful on the festive table. We continue to consider the recipes of juicy stuffing meat, now in the batter.


Step 1.

We make mince first. You can take any, you can assorted. I use 2/3 beef and part of the pork. It is best to take no fat meat, as there will be enough oil.

Ground meat through a meat grinder. Finely shining onions, add to meat. Salt and pepper add to the taste. Thoroughly mix everything. You can add a little water, if very dry meat it turned out.

Step 2.

Let's make a stuffing. We rub the cheese on the grater. Pineapples are finely cut and mix with cheese.

Step 3.

Now mince must be divided into equal parts. Rock balls from them - future cutlets.

Step 4.

Make a cake from the balls, put a spoonful of the filling and a piece of butter on the middle of the creamy oil. Close as pies. Now we make the shape of the cutlets, correct so to speak.

The resulting cutlets are still removed in the refrigerator. Making Clar.

Step 5.

In a deep bowl, drive eggs, mayonnaise, soda and salt. We whip well. Then gradually interfere with the flour stirring. It is necessary that the dough happens like on pancakes.

Step 6.

Give the cake. In the pan melts fat. You can simply fry on the vegetable oil. I lower the cakes first and then on a preheated frying pan. Leave the distance between the cutlets so that they do not stick.

When one side was twisted, turn over. Frying until all sides will be twisted.

Step 7.

After the frying, it is advisable to put the cutlets for a while on a paper towel to an excess fat stack. After you can serve with a side dish.

In fact, these are the same cutlets, but make them thin. Also the difference is that there is a lot of oil. You need to immerse completely cutlets there. Traditionally, the schnitzel is prepared from pork. But you can do from another meat. Let's look at the recipes of juicy minced meat in German.

We need:

  1. Pork - 1 kg;
  2. Cream - 2 tablespoons;
  3. Egg - 2 pcs;
  4. Onion - 1 pc;
  5. Breadcrumbs;
  6. Salt and pepper to taste;
  7. Coriander Ground and bay leaf to taste;

Step 1.

Washing meat pass through the meat grinder. Onions finely shining and add to meat.

Step 2.

Pour cream into mince, there are pepper and salt to taste. Drive eggs there entirely. Thoroughly mix mince, it is desirable to even repel it.

Step 3.

We form thin pellets with moistened hands, we take pain in breadcrumbs and leave on the table for a couple of minutes.

And here is an interesting recipe and very beautiful:

Fish cakes with a semolina.

In conclusion, consider a simple recipe for fish meat kitlet. For those who are tired of another meat - the recipes are suitable for juicy meat minced meat. It also turns delicious cutlets. In the rebell, there are a lot of useful substances, especially phosphorus. You can cook from any fish. We will prepare from Mixed.

We need:

  1. Fish any (Mixtai I) - 1 kg;
  2. Onion - 1-2 pieces;
  3. Bread or Baton - 150-200 g;
  4. Tomato paste - 2 tablespoons;
  5. Salt and pepper to taste;
  6. Manka for breading;
  7. Vegetable oil.

Fish clean, cut into small pieces. Bread scams in water and press. Onions finely shining and fry in a frying pan to a beautiful golden color. We definitely cool.

Step 2.

Now through the meat grinder I miss the fish fillet, bread and roasted bow. Solim and pepper minced taste. Mix everything thoroughly.

Step 3.

Wet hands form balls and slightly slightly. Heat the frying pan, cutlets collapse into the semoline and put on the pan. He fry on both sides, reducing the fire, cover the lid and let them shake a little.

Step 4.

After frying, we lay out the cutlets in the saucepan. We bring water to a boil, put a tomato paste there, a bay leaf. You can add more any spices to your taste. Cover the lid and cars for 2-3 minutes.

Then remove from the slab and slightly cool. You can serve on the table.

I have everything on this, I hope for you our advice and recipes. Enjoy your appetite, everyone is before the meeting. Do not forget to leave your comments and share posts on social networks.

Recipes of juicy minced meat and secrets of their cooking. Updated: December 8, 2017 by the author: Subbotina Maria

Many of our fellow citizens, born in the times of the Soviet Union, remember how their moms and grandmothers regularly prepared homemade cakes. This simplest dish was a frequent guest on almost any table, any family.

Years and modern hostesses were accustomed to semi-finished products, they learned to cook cutlets. The same few who tried it to do, most often refuse to continue this practice, since the finished "dish" was not pleased with loved ones.

In fact, there is nothing easier than frying a homemade kitlet, you just need to know several secrets of their proper cooking.


To cutlets are delicious and juicy need to buy correct meat. You can, of course, get ready-made mince. However, it is unlikely to be made from the highest grade meat. So it is better not to risk your reputation of a good mistress, but to purchase meat and make minced yourself.

For the kitlet should not take the most expensive pieces of beef pulp - tenderloin. It is quite suitable for such parts as a blade, neck, back or sneaker. True, for a good stuffing one beef is not enough. We'll have to "go broken" and on pork. Here the most acceptable option will be fat slices or pork fat generally. It is this supplement that makes the cutlets juicy and gentle.

Before you scroll through the meat grinder, it needs to be prepared. To do this, you will have to remove all the films from it, remove the veins, rods and small bones. As for the degree of grinding, then the cooks do not have a single point of view. However, the practice shows that the home cutlet is best scrolling the meat once, putting a medium-sized grille in the meat grinder.

And, of course, about proportions. The optimal option is considered to be 0.5 kg of pork per 1 kg of beef. But the sala on a kilogram of meat should be put on only 250 g. Otherwise, the cutlets will turn out too fat.


Now about bread. A number of owners for some reason consider it to be added solely for the sake of the forces, i.e. In order to save. And here is not! Bread is one of the most important ingredients of the cutlet minced. True, it also needs to be observed proportions. Cutlets are still a meat dish, not bread. But about it later.

For the kitlet it is best to suit the sirous bread. Do not buy a fresh bunch and shove it into mince. White Baton is desirable to buy the day before and give it to dry. From "prepared" in this way of bread it is necessary to cut crusts. After that, the Baton cuts into pieces and soaked in cold milk. You can soak in the water, on the taste qualities of the ready-made boiler, it is not very reflected. Wake-up bread should be squeezed and mixed with minced meat.

Returning to the proportions, you can say the following: It takes 250 g of bread to each kilogram of meat, clumsy 0.3-0.4 l of milk or water.

Does the eggs and bow and onions in the cutlets

In addition to meat and bread in the cutlets there are another ingredient, without which it is impossible to do without it - it is eggs. It is they who serve that cement that does not give home cutlets to fall apart in the cooking process. However, it also needs to be observed: 2-3 eggs are enough for 1 kg of initial meat. If you put more, the cutlets will get too hard.

And now about the optional components. Many are added to the cutlet puff onions. It is not prohibited. Experts believe that the onions are best scrolling through the meat grinder together with meat. You can simply cut it, but only very finely. Otherwise, he does not spare and the finished dishes will have a sharp and slightly bitter taste. As for the number of onions, then the opinions of experts coincide: it will require 200 grams for every kilogram of meat.

Even in the minced meat, you can add various spices. Perfectly shade the taste of ground black pepper, paprika or chili pepper. If you wish, you can put finely, to distort the greens, such as dill and parsley. Special charm of cakes can add mint or kinza. But this is already for gourmet lovers.

How to blind cutlets

Sculpt cutlets from freshly prepared minced meat. It is better to cover a bowl with it with food film and put in the fridge for half an hour. This will allow meat juices to absorb her bread, and the spices to give the spicy flavor to the entire semi-finished product.

After that, the minced meas need to prey a good way so that he is saturated with air. In some cookbooks, it is advised to additionally add a handful of chest of ice. It seems that it will make the cutlets juicle. However, if the above proportions of different meat varieties are observed, then you can do without ice.

Now it's time to get to the modeling of the kitlet. There are no special secrets here. Hands are wetted in cold water, some of the bowl is taken by a number of minced meat and rolls into the ball, which is then flattened from both sides. The resulting cutlet is put on the board waiting for frying. Although it is possible to immediately go in breading and put on the pan.

Panirov secrets

By the way, about breading. It is necessary for the cake covered with an appetizing crust and all the juices remained inside her. As a panion, bought breadcrumbs purchased in the supermarket are used. However, most chefs do this not recommended. It is better to prepare them yourself, grinding white bread in a blender.
You can cut the cutlets and in ordinary flour, adding a little salt into it. Some prefer to panic meat semi-finished products in a sesame or sesame, but these are controversial options.

But panicing in the leap is a normal restaurant practice. Under the strange word, the "flan" is hiding that our mistresses are used to calling "Klyar". The flan is done quite simple. It is necessary to beat 3 eggs with 2 tablespoons of milk (can be water) and a pinch of salt. I do not need to add flour into the spus. But the cutlets in it need to be oblivioned necessarily, and then plunge them into the mixture obtained and send to a split frying pan.

How to fry delicious juicy cutlets

Fry cutlets are needed exclusively on red oil. It is best to use fuel butter. However, it will fit vegetable. In principle, you can use even margarine - as it is more convenient.

Do not put a lot of cutlets in the pan. It is better to fry them in two or three right. At first, the cutlets need to fry from two sides on a strong fire so that the crust is formed. Then gas can be reduced and, cover the frying pan with a lid, fry until complete readiness. Often turning the cutlets not worth it. Enough to do it 2-3 times.

Cutlets can not fry. If you wish or on the recommendation of the doctor, they can be prepared for a couple or extinguish.
The finished dish can be served to the table with almost any garnish. If there is time, you can make any interesting sauce to them. Although the juicy homemade cakes are tasty and by themselves, without any additions. That's all the main secrets of the preparation of juicy delicious minced meat.