Homemade strawberry liqueur - the best recipes. Strawberry liqueur

I confess to you honestly, I do not drink alcoholic beverages, even of light strength, but I love to cook them. After all, it is better to treat your friends with homemade wine or liqueur, since you are sure of the quality of the ingredients used. And in supermarkets, expensive wine and liquor can be of dubious quality. Now is summer, berry season - it's time to prepare various wines, liqueurs and liqueurs, for example, strawberry liqueur. There are only three ingredients - strawberries, "living water" with degrees, sugar, and the result is an unusually tasty drink with a divine aroma and pleasant sweetness. Homemade liqueur from a wonderful berry is intended for the beautiful half of humanity and not only. A glass of red drink, shimmering in the rays of the summer sun with an ice cube, in moderation is luxurious and noble. For the summer, sun and beautiful ladies!

Recipe Information

Cooking method: infusion.

Total cooking time: 1 month h

Servings: 1.5 liters.


  • fresh strawberries - 600 g
  • vodka 40% - 0.5 l
  • granulated sugar - 400 g.


  1. Wash the strawberries, dry, remove the stalks and place in a 1.5 liter clean jar.
  2. Pour vodka into a jar of strawberries, so that all the berries are covered with vodka.
  3. Close the jar of strawberries filled with vodka with a tightly clean lid and put on the windowsill for 7 days (it is desirable that the window is on the sunny side).
  4. After a week, gently drain the liquid through cheesecloth into another clean jar, without squeezing the strawberries. Close the jar with strawberry vodka infusion and place in a dark place.
  5. Add ½ part of the required amount of sugar to a jar with strawberries, close the jar tightly, shake well several times. Put the jar with berries and sugar on the windowsill again for 2 days. During these days, the sugar should completely dissolve, and you get a syrup.
  6. Drain the resulting strawberry syrup through cheesecloth and add to the strawberry vodka infusion.
  7. And add the remaining portion of sugar to the jar with strawberries and follow the same procedure to obtain syrup.
  8. The resulting syrup is also added to the strawberry vodka infusion, tightly closed and put in a dark place for 14 days. During this time, the liquor will clear up, it can be filtered from the sediment that appears.
  9. Pour the prepared strawberry liqueur into bottles and cork tightly.

Note to the hostess:

  • Drinking strawberry liqueur is better chilled;
  • Strawberry liqueur can be used to impregnate cake layers intended for adults;
  • Using this recipe, you can make liqueur from other summer berries, such as cherries or cherries;
  • For the preparation of strawberry liqueur, you can use not only fresh, but also frozen berries.

XuXu liqueur was created especially for those who cannot resist a fragrant fruit and berry alcoholic drink. The German company that produces this liqueur is responsible for the high quality of its products, made from exclusively natural ingredients. That is why its popularity is growing every year and expands its distribution area.

In the article:

"XuXu" - what does the name mean

The very name of the liqueur attracts attention. "XuXu" (ksuksu) in German means the same as "kiss kiss" in English, that is, a kiss. Perhaps this is what played a role in the rapid expansion of the target audience of the drink, because its popularity spread throughout Europe in just ten years. Today, the company produces about five million bottles every year.

Official estimates also speak about the quality of the liqueur. Thus, within the framework of the international competition called the World-Spirits Award, held in Austria, XuXu won the Double Gold award, gaining ninety-six points out of a hundred possible.

Features of making liquor

The production of XuXu strawberry liqueur is currently handled by a company called Georg Hemmeter GmbH, whose main building is located in Germany. A peculiarity of the production is the unusual base that is used to create this drink - strawberry puree with a small amount of lime juice. Due to this, the liqueur has not only an unusual sour-strawberry taste, but also a special bright red color. To achieve the latter characteristic, food coloring E129 is added to a high concentration of berries.

By the way, in the manufacture of XuXu liqueur, sugar is not used at all, since at the output the bottle of liqueur consists of sixty-six percent fruit, which already gives a pleasant taste and sweetness.

This drink is not often found in a regular supermarket, so some experimenters try to make XuXu strawberry vodka at home. In theory, this is not at all difficult if you follow the technology and follow the following recipe:

  1. Good, juicy strawberries are mixed with quality vodka in a ratio of two to one in a liter glass container. It is important that the liquid completely covers the berries. The juice of half a lime is also added there for taste.
  2. The bank is sent to a sunny place, for example, on a windowsill, for a week. After this time, the tincture is carefully filtered through cheesecloth, and granulated sugar is added to the jar with the remaining strawberries. Next, the container is gently shaken several times and left for another couple of days until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. Next, the syrup is drained and mixed with two hundred milliliters of water. A filtered tincture is added to it and sent to settle for about five more days. During this time, the liquid should become light.

The final step is the final filtration of the tincture.

The result is a fresh, aromatic drink with a liquid consistency and a sweet aroma, which is popularly called XuXu vodka. You can use it either neat or as a dressing for fruit or ice cream.

How to Drink XuXu - Several Recipes

If cocktails are not your favorite way of drinking sweet alcoholic beverages, then the question of what to drink with strawberry XuXu liqueur is very easy to solve. The main condition for a pleasant pastime in his company is to cool the liquor to ten degrees. If there is a need to reduce the strength of the drink, although it occurs extremely rarely, because 15% is very little, you can dilute the liquor with a small amount of strawberry juice. In order not to spoil the impression of high-quality alcohol, it is better to make juice yourself from juicy fresh strawberries or choose a packaged one, but of high quality.

To diversify the taste of sweet liquor, we recommend that you try different cocktails with XuXu. The simplest option is strawberry vodka combined with sparkling wine (champagne)... In order to achieve the perfect taste, you should observe a two to one ratio, where the first is sparkling wine and the second is liqueur.

Here are some more simple recipes that you might find useful at a party or dinner for your guests.

Banana-strawberry cocktail

Recipe: Mix banana and mint until puree and add banana juice, low-fat cream (11%) and XuXu liqueur to this mass in an amount depending on what strength of the drink you want to get the final result. Mix all ingredients thoroughly with a blender and pour into cocktail glasses.

"Pineapple Ksu-Ksu"

To prepare this exotic version of an alcoholic cocktail, you need to combine champagne and pineapple juice in equal proportions, and then add liqueur and ice to them. The amount of liquor depends on the sweetness of the finished drink.

"Ksu-Ksu Margarita"

As you know, the classic drink Margarita is made on the basis of tequila. Therefore, to get a strawberry variety of this cocktail, you need to combine it with Ksu-Ksu liqueur and lemon juice. It is recommended to decorate the rim of the cocktail glass with sugar before serving. As a decoration, you can also use a strawberry, planted on the side of the vessel.

"Ksu-Ksu Mojito"

The main component of the favorite Mojito cocktail is mint. Combined with sweet strawberries, it can sparkle in a whole new way, so don't miss out on this recipe. To make a cocktail at home, you need to combine liqueur and tequila in a shaker and shake well. Serve in a cocktail glass with ice and a few fresh mint leaves and soda. You can also use a ripe large strawberry for decoration.

The manufacturer of the popular KsuKsu liqueur is a company that strictly controls all stages of the production of a sweet alcoholic drink, and also uses only high-quality alcohol and ripe berries for its production. A confirmation of the naturalness of the liqueur is the fact that sometimes even small strawberry grains can be found in the bottle.

Step-by-step recipes for strawberry liqueur at home with vodka and cognac, lemon, cream, mint

2018-08-04 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams of finished dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


22 gr.

88 kcal.

Option 1: Classic strawberry liqueur at home

Strawberry liqueur is a great drink on its own, but also a wonderful ingredient in a variety of desserts, cocktails and other drinks. Liqueur is very easy and simple to make at home. This is best done in summer, when there is an abundance of fresh berries. Frozen strawberries will make the liqueur not so tasty, the aroma will change. The drink is based on vodka and sugar. To reduce the strength of the liquor and achieve acceptable values, we use purified water. Chlorine should not be in it.


  • 300 g strawberries;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 250 ml of vodka;
  • 100 ml of water.

A step-by-step recipe for a classic strawberry liqueur

We wash the strawberries, put them on a napkin and leave to dry. Then we pinch off the ponytails. We cut large berries into four parts, all other copies in half.

Pour strawberries into a glass jar, fill with vodka, close and put in the refrigerator. We insist for exactly five days, shake it periodically. Gradually, the strawberries will give color to the vodka, and the berries themselves will become noticeably paler than they were.

After five days, pour the vodka through a strainer into another jar, close it, put it in the refrigerator. Add granulated sugar to the strawberries, shake, leave to melt and dissolve for another two or three days. Then we discard the berries and drain the syrup through cheesecloth, squeeze the strawberries. We throw away the leftovers, we don't need more berries.

All that remains is to mix the strawberry vodka with the resulting sugar syrup. Next, dilute the liquor with purified water, shake vigorously and you're done! We use the liquor right away, but it is better to put it in a cool and dark place, after a week the taste will be much better. Do not forget to use a tight lid so that alcohol vapors do not escape.

All the granulated sugar in the strawberries should dissolve, so it is advisable to shake the jar of berries several times a day.

Option 2: A quick homemade strawberry liqueur recipe

There is not always time to insist the berries in vodka, then strain, sprinkle with sugar and wait again. Here is a simplified liquor preparation technology. The recipe is for a whole bottle of vodka, but if necessary, you can cut it in half, make less liquor.


  • 700 g strawberries;
  • 500 ml of vodka;
  • glass of water;
  • 320 g sugar.

How to quickly make strawberry liqueur at home

We sort out the strawberries, pour into a colander and rinse under a tap or shower. If the berries are very ripe and soft, then just dip the colander into a bowl of water several times, and then let stand for a while and dry.

Since we have a shortened technology for making strawberry liqueur, we chop the berries finely. Pour into a jar, pour vodka. We leave it in the sun, you can put it on the windowsill, shake it periodically so that the taste and color come out of the pieces. We keep it for three days.

As soon as the vodka turns pink, you can strain, squeeze the berries well, since they will not be reused.

Mix water with sugar, put on the stove and let it boil well. If there is a gray foam on the syrup, then remove it. We leave to cool.

Combine our strawberry vodka with cooked sugar syrup. Shake well and use the liquor as directed. Or we send it to the refrigerator for a while. It is believed that any alcohol should be infused after mixing.

If you do not need a very sweet liquor, then the amount of sugar can be reduced by about 25-30%, but not more. Still, this drink should have a slightly sugary taste.

Option 3: Homemade Strawberry Liqueur with Lemon

Another of the most popular varieties of strawberry liqueur, which is prepared with the addition of lemon. The recipe uses not only juice, but also zest. After all, it is she who gives that unique aroma.


  • 1 lemon;
  • 300 g strawberries;
  • 300 ml of vodka;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 90 ml of purified water.

How to cook

We wash the lemon and strawberries. Remove the yellow crust from the citrus in a circle, which is the zest. Throw in a jar, add whole berries, but remove the tails. Cut the citrus in half, squeeze out the juice, pour it into a jar.

Add vodka to lemon and strawberries, put on a tight lid, send it to the refrigerator for a week. Let the alcohol infuse, absorb the aroma and flavor of the strawberries, and take the essential oils from the zest.

Add water to sugar, stir, put on a small fire and melt. After dissolving the sand, add a little fire, bring the syrup to a boil, cool.

We drain the vodka from the can, it is better to immediately do it in a strainer. Squeeze the berries to extract all the juice. If the tincture turns out to be cloudy, then it is advisable to strain it again. Or we leave it alone, then we drain it from the formed sediment.

Pour the infused vodka into the syrup or vice versa. We mix the liquids, send them to a bottle or to a decanter with a sealed lid. We put the liquor in a cool place.

It is important to use good berries for the preparation of liqueurs without traces of rot, mold. Otherwise, the alcohol will absorb them, and the drink will have an unpleasant aftertaste.

Option 4: Homemade Strawberry Liqueur with Cream

Strawberries with cream are the perfect combination that can be used not only in desserts. To your attention the recipe of a gentle and aromatic liqueur. We take cream for cooking 20 or 25% fat. Whiskey is used here for fixing, but you can also take good vodka.


  • 200 g strawberries;
  • 250 ml of whiskey;
  • 150 g icing sugar;
  • 250 ml cream;
  • 1 g vanillin.

Step by step recipe

Pour whiskey strawberries cut into cubes or slices, let it brew for three days, or better for a whole week, so that the liqueur has a more pronounced aroma. Then we filter, carefully squeeze the berries, but do not add the pulp.

Combine cream with vanilla and powdered sugar. Beat for a few seconds and in the process add whiskey infused with strawberries or just vodka. We mix well so that no separations form.

Pour cream liqueur with strawberries into sealed bottles, let stand in the cold for a week. After that, the drink can be consumed. If suddenly the sweetness seems a little, then you can add a little more powdered sugar, but dissolve thoroughly.

Very often, such cream liqueurs are prepared in a simplified way based on condensed milk, sometimes it is diluted with whole milk or low-fat cream. After adding the tincture, a rich and sweet drink is obtained, additional sugar is usually not required.

Option 5: Homemade Strawberry Liqueur with Lemon Juice and Mint

Another summer version of strawberry liqueur with lemon, but with the addition of mint leaves. The drink has a very pleasant sweet taste, while it has a slight refreshing aftertaste. You can use lemon balm instead of mint. Quite large proportions of products are given, if necessary we reduce.


  • 2 liters of vodka or brandy;
  • 2 kg of sugar;
  • 100 ml lemon juice;
  • 25 g mint;
  • 1 liter of filtered water;
  • 2 kg of strawberries.

How to cook

Wash, sort out all the strawberries. If the berries are large, then cut in half or into four parts. Transfer the berries to a large jar, periodically throw in mint leaves. We squeeze the juice from the lemons, add to the berries and fill it all with vodka on top. We leave it for 14-16 days, seal it tightly. Can be kept at room temperature, even better put on a windowsill.

We mix sugar and water, put on the stove and cook the most common syrup. Let it boil for a few minutes, then filter it.

While the syrup is cooling down, we take out our strawberries. Put cheesecloth in a colander, set it over a bowl or saucepan, filter the berries. Raise the ends of the gauze, wring it out.

Combine sugar syrup and tincture, stir, pour the finished liquor into bottles. Now it is better to put it in a dark place.

It is very easy to change the flavor of homemade liqueurs by adding or removing certain ingredients. Cinnamon will fit perfectly into the drink, but we use sticks, not powder, we insist all together. You can also pour in a little cut zest, it gives more taste and aroma than the juice itself. Optionally, throw in a vanilla pod, a clove star, star anise or a piece of ginger root.

Strawberry liqueur is a strong drink that exudes an amazing aroma of summer and warm sunny days. In order to prepare this type of alcohol in ordinary home conditions, you only need the presence of berries, some kind of strong alcohol and a small amount of sugar.

Homemade Divine Liqueur

Naturally, liqueur can also be bought in a liquor store, where the Ksyu-Ksyu brand is considered the leader. However, if you decide to make it yourself at home, then you will only win, since the homemade drink will not differ in any way from the branded one, and the cost of preparation will be in the ranks cheaper than the original. In this case, you can use frozen or fresh strawberries for cooking.

To make an original strawberry liqueur at home, you just have to stock up on berries and choose the right recipe. In addition, strawberries should be the best - fully ripe, but absolutely free from damage.

If we consider the classic method, as a result of which you can get 15% alcohol, then the following ingredients will be required:

  • half a kilogram of strawberries;
  • a bottle of vodka (diluted alcohol can be used);
  • about 300 grams of sugar;
  • half a lemon;
  • glass of water.

First of all, you need to wash the strawberries and cut them into 2 parts. Then place the berries in a container, pour vodka and leave for 10 days. Then pour through a funnel with a gauze filter into another container, and pour half a liter of water into the berries and let it brew. After that, sugar must be added to the mixture and the syrup is cooked, where the infused vodka is poured. Cool, let it brew and pour into bottles and seal well.

As you know, such a drink is considered to be female. It is distinguished by its aroma and taste, and also has an unusually beautiful color. To make such a lady's masterpiece even better, you can take into account several manufacturing recommendations:

  • it is necessary to use only the best berries;
  • after filtering, it is better to pour the drink into containers and seal it well;
  • store alcohol only in a dark place and open only if consumed;
  • alcohol is drunk only chilled;
  • for production it is best to use pure high quality vodka.

Of course, in order to enjoy the liqueur, it is necessary to drink it in moderation from small special glasses, since such a drink can only be enjoyed.

How to make strawberry liqueur at home

To make a good strawberry liqueur at home, first of all, you need to make sure that the base is only of high quality. It is not necessary to use cognac, gin or rum. Ordinary plain vodka of good quality will do. In addition, poorly refined moonshine is not recommended for use, as this can affect the aroma of such a unique drink.

Already finished liquor must be distributed into bottles, and put on aging to improve the taste. You can leave the dishes with the contents in a dark place at room temperature. Typically, a homemade beverage has a shelf life of about 2 years. In this case, it is better to avoid direct sunlight. The alcohol strength is about 16%. In case of turbidity or sediment, it is necessary to filter through cotton wool.

As you know, the strength of such a drink can be up to 70%. Despite this, it is quite easy to drink. And all this thanks to the use of sugar and the bright taste of strawberries.

Often ingredients such as condensed milk, chocolate or dairy products are added to this aromatic liqueur. Such a product cannot be stored for a long time, and it must be consumed almost immediately.

Homemade liquor Ksyu-Ksyu

Branded liqueur in a specialty store costs a lot of money. However, its counterpart can be made under normal conditions at home. The entire technology for making strawberry liqueur is similar to other recipes, regardless of the ingredients.

So, Ksyu-Ksyu recipe:

  • half a kilogram of fresh or frozen strawberries;
  • half a kilogram of coarse sugar;
  • a little citric acid;
  • a bottle of vodka.

There is another equally attractive and original recipe for strawberry liqueur with the addition of bananas, as the banana flavor wonderfully complements the lightness of the berry one. This will require the use of components such as:

  • half a kilogram of fresh berries;
  • a few bananas;
  • about 300 grams of sugar;
  • half a liter of alcohol;
  • glass of water.

After making, the drink will need to be placed in a suitable container and put in a dark place for a week. After that, the liquor is ready to drink. It can be drunk as a separate drink or added to various cocktails. Plus, it goes well with any desserts and delicious homemade cakes.

Unusual recipes for a unique strawberry liqueur

A distinctive feature of making strawberry liqueur is the incomparable aroma of the drink, a pleasant taste, as well as an amazing bright color. Also, it does not have a cloying taste and an unpleasant alcoholic smell. You can add various citrus fruits and other components to it, but strawberries with cream are considered the most successful combination.

If desired, the creamy base can be replaced with condensed milk. The recipe for an incredibly tasty drink consists of the following components:

  • half a kilogram of strawberries;
  • half a bottle of vodka;
  • can of condensed milk.

Or, for example, strawberry yogurt liqueur, which transports your taste buds somewhere in the recent past and reminds of the beautiful short strawberry season.

To prepare the liqueur, you will need half a liter of brandy or grappa (you can also vodka), strawberries, a vanilla pod, and two glasses of creamy yogurt syrup, for the manufacture of which you will need a bag of heavy cream, about 300 grams of cane sugar, and a bag of vanilla yogurt.

It is better to store a ready-made drink in the refrigerator. The shelf life is no more than a month. Shake well before use, and serve chilled or with pieces of ice. You can also accompany the delicious liqueur with dipping cookies.


An extraordinary liqueur with a great strawberry flavor can be served at the end of a dinner party or for a light dessert with ice cream or cake. Also, the drink is impressed by carbonated ice water, and with champagne the liqueur is simply obtained with unforgettable taste and an unusual aroma. Don't miss this great opportunity to enjoy the perfect drink, and don't forget to treat your friends and family.

Attention, only TODAY!

Strawberry liqueur is well known to alcohol connoisseurs. Many people love it as an independent drink, but cocktails with its use are no less popular. This drink is not bypassed by culinary experts either; it is used for desserts, as impregnations for cakes and as a component in fillings.

The strawberry liqueur-soaked cake is best made with a self-made drink

Such a delicacy is quite expensive in supermarkets, but it will cost significantly less if it is made at home. Strawberry liqueur at home comes out fragrant, tasty even for those who have not made it before, and the cost of the drink is several times lower than those offered by supermarkets.

Strong enough (15–75%), strawberry liqueur does not always cost long. Its shelf life depends on which additional components were used.

Features of the drink

Let's name the main characteristics of the drink:

  • This alcohol is based on strawberries, sugar and vodka; instead of vodka, moonshine, alcohol, cognac, brandy or whiskey can also be used.
  • Many additions are added to the main ingredients, but they can all be divided into three types:
  1. fruits: bananas, berries, lime, etc.;
  2. dairy products: condensed milk, cream, milk chocolate;
  3. spices: cloves, vanilla, mint.

Liquors prepared with the addition of raw fruits, dairy products, and other perishable ingredients cannot be stored for a long time.

Strawberry is a common berry, and therefore you can experiment when preparing liqueur

Basic Strawberry Liqueur Recipe

To prepare a drink according to a traditional recipe, it takes at least 2 weeks and you will need:

  • Vodka - 500 ml;
  • Strawberries - 500 g;
  • Lemon (large) - ½;
  • Sugar - 300 g;
  • Water - 200 ml.

Before making strawberry liqueur, berries are prepared at home: they are sorted out, rejecting all spoiled, rotten and unripe ones. Then washed and dried completely.

Berries cut in half are put in a clean jar (suitable for 3 liters), they can be kneaded a little, poured with vodka.

Juice from half a lemon is added to the resulting mixture, the contents of the jar are carefully mixed.

The jar is closed, sent to the windowsill (in the sun), where it stands for 7-10 days. During this time, the vodka will get a rich strawberry color. Then it is poured into a separate container, and sugar is added to the jar.

The container is again sent to the windowsill, shaking occasionally. This is necessary so that the sugar is completely dissolved.

After 2-3 days, there will be no sugar crystals, and there will be a lot of juice in the jar. The prescribed amount of water at room temperature is poured into it, everything is well stirred, and then the juice is drained, and the berries are squeezed (also into juice).

Alcohol from the refrigerator is added to the treated liquid and everything is mixed. The prepared drink is insisted for another 5 days on a sunny windowsill, and then the sediment is drained.

The strawberry homemade liqueur is left to strain through several layers of cheesecloth, and it is ready to use.

Such a drink can be made with vodka, purified moonshine of the desired strength, or with alcohol, however, you can also use rum or cognac.

You can store the liquor made according to this recipe for up to 2 years in a dark, cool place (up to +16).

Popular "Xu-Xu" at home

This is a well-known German drink "Xu-Xu" or "Xu-Xu", if you buy it in a supermarket, you will have to pay a big sum.

Homemade "Ksyu-Ksyu" can turn out better than the purchased one - everything is in your hands

But by cooking at home, you can save a lot. For cooking you will need:

  • Fresh, but also frozen, strawberries - 500 g
  • Quality vodka - 750 ml;
  • Lime - 1 pc. (100g);
  • Granulated sugar (coarse) - 400 g.

This is a very quick recipe, making the drink in 20 minutes.

The washed berries, sugar and lime juice are ground in a blender, and then the resulting puree is rubbed through a sieve to get rid of the strawberry seeds.

Then the mass is again poured into a blender and alcohol is added. Beat the mixture again.

After that, it is advisable to bottle it, let it stand for 2-3 days. The liqueur will get the desired taste, but you can immediately pour it into glasses and drink.

Strawberry liqueur with several types of alcohol

Strawberry liqueur is one of the ingredients of the popular Daiquiri cocktail, but the drink itself can be prepared with several types of alcohol. This will take 2 months of time and the following products:

  • Fresh berries - 1 kg;
  • Vodka - 500 ml;
  • Rum - 350 ml;
  • Sugar - 500 g.

The preparation is very simple, so it will not be possible to spoil the product.

  1. Rum and vodka are mixed in a separate container.
  2. Pour into a blender, add sugar. Stir everything.
  3. The berries are washed and dried. Then cut into several pieces, put in a glass container.
  4. Pour the prepared berry with a mixture of alcohol and sugar, cover with a lid.
  5. Place the container in a cool place for 2 months, remembering to shake after 2-3 days.
  6. Having taken it out of the cellar after the allotted time, the liqueur is strained and bottled.
  7. You can store it for up to 6 months, but in the refrigerator.

Dairy Drink

This quick strawberry liqueur recipe allows you to taste a delicious, aromatic drink immediately after preparation, but it cannot be stored for long.

For milk and strawberry you will need:

  • Condensed milk - 150 g;
  • Fresh or frozen strawberries - 500 g;
  • Good quality vodka - 200 ml.

You just need to rinse the berries, add condensed milk to them and beat everything in a blender.

Then pour in alcohol to the resulting mass and beat everything again.

Advice: you cannot take condensed milk with the addition of vegetable fats, an ugly film will appear on the liqueur.

The drink is ready, you can treat your guests with it.

Strawberry liqueurs with spices

Spices are often added to fragrant strawberries; lemon is always added to balance the taste.

  • Berries - 500 g;
  • Vodka - 500 ml;
  • Sugar-sand - 400g;
  • Lemon - ¼ (zest and juice);
  • Mint - 1 branch;
  • Vanilla - 1/3 pod;
  • Water - 1 glass (250 ml).

Before making strawberry liqueur at home according to this recipe, you need to find the right spices, you need pods of vanilla - this will make the taste rich, but not cloying. If not, you can try with 2-3 carnation buds, or tea rose petals, cherry leaves.

The finished berries are placed in a glass container and vodka is added, everything is shaken well. Send the jar to a dark, warm place, after covering it with a lid and then shake it periodically.

After 3 weeks, the container is taken out of the back room, the liquid is filtered.

Separately boil a syrup from water and sugar, put spices, lemon zest in it, let it boil for 3 minutes, and then insist for 4 hours under the lid.

The infusion is filtered and mixed with strawberry alcohol from a jar of berries, lemon juice is added to the resulting mixture, everything is mixed again.

If the liquor is allowed to brew for 2 days, it will be even tastier.