Indian Sea Rice: Benefits. Indian rice: what is useful, what heals, how to prepare and apply the infusion

In size and shape, Indian sea rice ( ) resembles translucent grains of boiled rice. It is also called "sea mushroom", "live rice" or "rice mushroom".

Let's talk about the medicinal properties of Indian sea rice. Rice infusion (drink) is considered curative. Keep in mind that this is not a panacea, although it has a number of useful properties:

  • reduces blood sugar levels;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • contributes to the destruction of microbes that cause pneumonia, bronchitis, tonsillitis and other diseases.

Taking infusion of rice mushroom, you activate the activity of the heart muscle. It contains live bacteria that have a beneficial effect on all digestive organs without exception.

Indian sea rice rejuvenates the skin, promotes health and prevents the growth of malignant tumors. Since it clears the mucous membrane, it can be used for a cold.

Reception of an infusion based on sea mushroom frees from salts in the kidneys and bladder. This drink is also useful for those who suffer from migraines, allergic reactions, high blood pressure and insomnia.

In cosmetology

Indian sea rice is widely used in cosmetology. The infusion cleanses the skin of impurities, nourishes it with vitamins and minerals, and tones it up. On the basis of this amazing product, cosmetics are increasingly being produced: conditioners, shampoos, creams, face masks.

How to prepare the infusion

You will need 10-15 raisins (best pitted), 4 tablespoons of sea rice (must be rinsed), and a clean liter jar. Pour raisins and rice with a liter of boiled cold water. Before that, 3 tablespoons of sugar should be dissolved in it. Cover the jar with cheesecloth. For a couple of days in the light, it must be infused at room temperature. Then strain, and the healing infusion is ready.

For medicinal purposes, 300 ml of infusion should be consumed per day. You must definitely drink it fresh. For some diseases, a drink infused with Indian sea rice is used for external use. However, it cannot be used for insulin-dependent diabetics, as well as for exacerbations of certain diseases.

Indian sea rice belongs to the group of beneficial zoogles (living organisms glued together by sticky substances secreted by bacteria). Other famous zooglei are Kombucha (Kombucha) and Tibetan Milk Mushroom.

The healing properties of this sea rice are amazing... There is ample evidence that it is capable of curing many diseases.

It is not for nothing that this microorganism is called "living medicine": it actively removes salts and toxins from the body, stimulates metabolism, restores the work of the heart after a heart attack and stroke, and relieves inflammatory processes in internal organs. Indian rice cultivation is available to everyone: caring for it does not require much time, effort and material costs.

Sea and Indian rice can be used in the treatment of many diseases, as an additional treatment (not forgetting about the full treatment). A complete list of diseases for which you should eat sea and Indian rice.

Common diseases

  • Meteosensitivity.

Diseases of the central and autonomic nervous systems

  • Hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood.
  • Cerebral palsy.
  • Neurosis-like states.
  • Consequences of the postponed ischemic stroke and transient disorders of cerebral circulation.
  • Post-concussion syndrome.
  • Psychoorganic syndrome.
  • Psychopathic conditions.
  • Tics of organic origin in neurological diseases.
  • Epileptic syndrome of residual organic genesis.

Diseases of the immune system

  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Vasculitis.
  • Glomerulonephritis.
  • Immunocomplex diseases.
  • Multiple sclerosis.

Diseases of the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems

  • Inflammation of the superficial and deep venous system.
  • Cardiac dystrophy.
  • Lymphadenitis.
  • Lymphadenosis.
  • Lymphatic edema.
  • Violations of the rheological properties of blood.
  • Neurocirculatory (vegetative-vascular) dystonia.
  • Post-hemorrhagic anemia.
  • Post-thrombotic syndrome.
  • Angina pectoris with traumatic damage to the heart and blood vessels (contusion thrombosis).
  • Transmural myocardial infarction.

Respiratory system diseases

  • Asbestosis.
  • Bronchoadenitis.
  • Colds (ARVI).

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

  • Diabetes mellitus in mild to moderate form.
  • Cholangitis.
  • Chronic active hepatitis (including those caused by viruses B and C).
  • Chronic gastritis.
  • Duodenal ulcer.

Diseases of the genitourinary system

  • Adnexitis.
  • Recovery and potency increase.
  • Compensation for renal failure.
  • Nephrosis.
  • Nephropathy.
  • Pyelonephritis.
  • Prehydronephrosis.

Neoplasms (tumors)

  • Benign brain tumors.
  • Malignant tumors of the stomach and food water.
  • Lymphogranulomatosis.
  • Enlargement of the thyroid gland.


Diseases of the musculoskeletal system


  • Concussion (post-traumatic rehabilitation).

In addition, sea rice relieves fatigue; restores metabolism; rejuvenates the cells of the body; improves well-being; increases efficiency; reduces weight; defeats disease-causing microbes; replaces antibiotics for diseases of the upper respiratory tract; lowers blood sugar levels; inhibits the development of cancer cells; cleanses the mucous membrane gastrointestinal tract; removes plaque in case of purulent skin diseases; lowers blood pressure; cleans blood vessels; relieves nervous headaches; normalizes the acidity of the stomach; restores and strengthens nervous system; dissolves salts in the joints; dissolves sand and stones in the gallbladder and kidneys; has an analgesic effect; has a beneficial effect on sciatica; helps with insomnia by restoring normal sleep patterns; restores and strengthens "masculine strength" (potency); has a diuretic effect; eliminates a runny nose; relieves weakness in the legs.

To this, perhaps, it should be added that the fantastic, at first glance, the effectiveness of sea rice is confirmed by centuries of practice of its use, clinical and laboratory medical research.

This "healing rice" is used for lupus and multiple sclerosis. Heals the infusion of this mushroom and a whole bunch of endocrine diseases.

Indian rice in comparison with its "relatives" - kombucha and Tibetan - is the most healing.

Infusion of Indian rice is an irreplaceable remedy for arthritis, osteoporosis, sciatica.

Noteworthy is the wide range of therapeutic effects and the extremely high efficiency of the infusion obtained with the help of sea rice. This means that sea rice, as a natural remedy, is able to replace large quantities of synthetic drugs and pharmaceuticals, which sometimes cause colossal damage to our health by clogging up the human body.

Clinical and laboratory medical research has established that the infusion of sea rice is completely harmless to the human body, which is especially important to know when choosing what to treat: "live medicine" or synthetic pharmaceuticals, or a combination of both.


Apply undiluted Indian rice to the affected area (pouring directly from the bottle) 4 times a day and 3 times at night (if you wake up). A few minutes after the application of Indian rice, the itching and burning sensation of the skin disappears. With this treatment, lichens heal quickly.

Night sweats

Night sweats can be prevented by rubbing the body with an infusion of Indian rice before bed.


Treatment of the burned surface of the skin with undiluted infusion of Indian rice relieves burning pain and soreness.

Varicose veins

This is a means of traditional medicine in many countries, for example, Scotland, Germany. Infusion of Indian rice is poured from a bottle and rubbed on the area of ​​varicose veins at night and in the morning. After about a month, there will be compression of the varicose veins. Along with rubbing twice a day, drink half a glass of Indian rice infusion.

Skin rash (impetigo)

Impetigo is a staphylococcal or streptococcal skin infection. A person is susceptible to this disease at any age, but children are especially prone to it. If a person who has this disease touches the sore skin with his hands, he will constantly become infected. With careful handling of the affected skin, impetigo can be cured in two weeks.

The finger is dipped in undiluted infusion of Indian rice and applied to the lesions on the skin 6 times a day. In this case, impetigo disappears after 2-4 days.

Ringworm (trichophytosis)

Fungal disease of the skin, hair and nails. Superficial lesion of smooth skin has the appearance of sharply limited, round, slightly swollen spots, in which, in most cases, two zones can be distinguished: a peripheral spotty-vesicular-crusted roller and a flaky center. Most often they appear on the back of the head and in any hairy part of the body.

Method of treatment: applying undiluted infusion of Indian rice to the affected areas 6 times a day. Indian rice is an excellent antiseptic.

Weakness or chronic fatigue

Taking 2 teaspoons of Indian rice infusion at night, you will fall asleep soundly in 30 minutes. If this is not enough, drink 2 teaspoons again, and if you wake up at night, repeat.

It is advisable to rub your hands with diluted Indian rice. For half a glass of warm water, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of Indian rice. Pour into the palm of a glass about 1 teaspoon of the solution. First, rub one arm and shoulder with this solution and then gradually with the same amount of solution on the chest, abdomen, back, thighs, lower legs and, finally, feet. No towel required. Instead, you need to grind the surface well with both hands until the solution is completely absorbed, and it is absorbed very quickly.

Chronic headache

Certain types of severe chronic headaches are considered migraines by doctors. The actual or classic symptoms, however, are quite specific. Before the headache begins, the person develops preliminary symptoms. These are spots or flashes of light in front of the eyes. One side of the head hurts — the word migraine means half of the head — and nausea and other digestive upsets are common.

It is necessary to increase the daily intake of acid by using Indian rice, which has a positive effect.

Traditional medicine considers another way to use Indian rice to treat migraines is effective. These are poultices (steam bath). Put on the fire a basin with equal amounts of Indian rice and water; let the water boil slowly. When steam begins to rise from its surface, tilt your head over the pelvis and hold it until the steam is more or less strong. Inhale 75 times. The headache usually stops after that. If it reappears, it will be about half as weak. This steam bath can replace headache tablets.

High blood pressure (hypertension)

Hypertension is one of the most serious medical problems. This is a fairly common occurrence and at the same time a very serious condition of the body. There is an almost definite relationship between increased blood pressure and human adaptability to the environment.

It is recommended that you increase your daily intake of acid in an organic form, such as apples. Eat the equivalent of four glasses of juice every day. They can be eaten at any time convenient for you. If you are using Indian rice, drink 2 glasses a day.


The prerequisite for dizziness is an alkaline urine reaction. When the reaction changes to acidic, the dizziness diminishes or disappears altogether. In order to prevent dizziness, traditional medicine uses treatment with Indian rice, the dosage and duration of which are similar to those used in the treatment of other ailments.

However, do not think that if you take an infusion of Indian rice once or twice, you will get rid of dizziness tomorrow and in the future. You will have a slight decrease in dizziness by the end of the second week (if you strictly follow the prescriptions of traditional medicine for taking Indian rice) and further improvement by the end of the month.

Angina (tonsillitis)

The most common remedy in folk medicine for treating angina is gargling with Indian rice infusion. It is recommended to rinse every hour, while taking a full mouth of the solution, rinse and swallow the solution.

Traditional medicine believes that when swallowing, the solution washes the back of the throat, to which it does not reach when rinsing. As the pain sensation decreases, the interval between rinsing can be increased to 2 hours.

Thus, streptococcal sore throat can be cured in 24 hours. It happened that the patient's symptoms disappeared during the period while he was waiting for the results of the analysis of microflora in a throat swab for the presence of streptococci.

Plaque on the tonsils disappears within 12 hours.

Internal use

Atherosclerosis. Hypertension. Headache. Appear in people over 35-40 years old.


  • with hypertension, drink infusion of rice 200 g 3 times a day after meals;
  • with a severe headache, moisten a towel with infusion, put it on your head, lie down. The room must be well ventilated;
  • a warm bath with infusion will help relieve fatigue. Pour 3 liters of infusion into a bath of warm water.

Metabolic disease. Diabetes

Regular intake of rice infusion helps to lower blood sugar.

To lose weight, you need to take an infusion of at least 1-1.5 liters per day.

Psychoneurological diseases

Gastrointestinal diseases (heartburn, gastritis, stomach ulcer, colitis, diarrhea)


  • in the treatment of stomach diseases, take 200 ml infusion of rice (children 10-20 ml) 3 times a day 1 hour before meals;
  • in case of dysentery, take an infusion of 7-8 days old, 100 ml (for children, 10-20 ml) 3 times a day, 1 hour before meals, followed by lying on the right side for an hour.

External use of Indian sea rice infusion

Infusion of Indian rice is used to treat various diseases.

With radiculitis, it should be drunk and lubricated with the "occipital part" of the spine, lower back, pelvis along the sciatic nerve; for insomnia - wipe your ears; with weakness in the legs - lubricate the feet and popliteal notches once a day; with a runny nose - rinse the nose.

Stomach upset

If you wake up in the morning from diarrhea and vomiting, you need to try to improve the work of the stomach and intestines, take Indian rice diluted with water during the day. For dinner, you need to eat some easily digestible food. For two or three days, you should drink a glass of the mixture with each meal to regulate the digestive tract.

Arthritis. Radiculitis


  • with arthritis, you can make compresses with a slightly warmed infusion on sore joints;
  • for radiculitis, mix a small amount of infusion with raw egg white and rub the painful areas. After half an hour, wipe off with a damp cotton swab.

A positive result will be obtained if the instructions are followed.

The healing effect of Indian rice in milk

One of his most important abilities is the ability to remove and smooth out allergic diseases.

The use of fermented milk, by this mysterious alien, not only alleviates cardiovascular diseases, but cures them. Drinking this mushroom kefir with increased pressure means recovering from a rather serious hypertension in 2-3 years.

This infusion perfectly helps with atherosclerosis - it stops the liming of the walls of the capillaries, heals diseases of the liver and gallbladder, dissolves stones in the gallbladder, heals stomach and duodenal ulcers. After serious illnesses with taking antibiotics, it is advisable to use mushroom kefir immediately, since it not only intensively removes antibiotics from the body, but also protects the intestinal flora from the death of beneficial bacteria.

The constant intake of mushroom kefir helps to maintain a state of vigor and efficiency. It undoubtedly contributes to the rejuvenation of the body. This infusion is also useful for any inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity.

There are many scientific, historical studies on this topic that support the health benefits of rice.

Remember that Indian sea rice is not a panacea and in each case it is advisable to consult with your doctor, as there may be contraindications to taking the infusion of Indian sea rice.

Zooglea "Indian sea rice", as a natural living medicine, is known to us under various names. For example, Mexicans call sea rice infusion "chibi". The ancient Romans called the infusion of the Indian fungus "posca". Indian sea rice, the excellent qualities of its infusion have been used for a long time. The many acids contained in the infusion of sea rice, obtained as a result of the fermentation of sugars, make the drink from the microorganism Indian sea rice extremely useful. Sea rice mushroom relieves fatigue, helps restore metabolism in the body, rejuvenates body cells, eliminating the affected and dead, improves overall health, increases efficiency, lowers blood sugar, normalizes stomach acidity, lowers blood pressure, restores and strengthens the nervous system, and also helps with insomnia, helps to restore and strengthen potency, has diuretic properties, helps dissolve salt in the joints, removes sand and stones from the gallbladder and kidneys, and even slows down the development of cancer cells. Indian rice replaces the use of antibiotics in the presence of inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract, helps to cleanse the mucous membrane, helps with skin diseases, with a cold and, most importantly, Indian sea rice dissolves salts in the joints, kidney stones, liver, and in the bladder.

We are currently aware of two varieties of Indian sea rice - large and small. Although the medicinal properties of both varieties are the same, since they produce the same infusion in composition, there are still differences.
Large Indian rice has a more "calm" disposition, starts up more slowly than small rice. At the same time, it gives an infusion of a milder, milky-fruity taste.
Small sea rice is more active - it starts working almost immediately after being placed in a jar with a sugar solution. The infusion obtained with its help is more carbonated and has a more pronounced, sharp taste, similar to kvass.

Indian Sea Rice Cooking Guide in Photos.

To prepare an infusion of Indian rice, you will need:
- clean water (filtered, unboiled),
- glass jar,
- gauze on the neck of the can,
- sugar,
- raisins, dried apricots, figs, prunes or other dried fruits (optional) in small quantities.

1. Checking the readiness of the infusion

Everyone can determine the readiness of the sea rice infusion for himself in accordance with his taste preferences. If you like more acidic drinks, let the sea rice run for a longer time. In three days, the infusion will acquire a more intense and sour taste. Two days of infusion will give a softer, more delicate and sweetish taste.

2. Removal of spent raisins and dead "rice"

Using a slotted jar of a suitable size, carefully collect the spent raisins from the infusion surface and those "rice grains" that have flared up and do not drown (these are dead grains) and remove them.

3. Drain the ready-made sea rice infusion

We prepare a suitable container in which the drained infusion will be stored. We put a strainer or funnel on the neck of this dish, on top of which we put cheesecloth folded in several layers. This is done in order to prevent small "rice" or raisin particles from getting into the finished infusion. The infusion intended for drinking is stored in a refrigerator in a glass container under a lid for no more than three days.

4. We wash sea rice

The sea rice remaining in the jar after draining the finished infusion is placed in a fine-mesh sieve or in a colander and thoroughly rinsed under a stream of running clean water at room temperature. This removes excess acids from Indian sea rice. Use your hands to remove the remaining particles of raisins or other dried fruits in the sea rice. If you use croutons in the preparation of the infusion, do not forget to carefully remove them.

5. Rinse the jar in which the sea rice infusion was prepared

When rinsing the can, it is enough to rinse it with hot water. Use any cans for washing detergents is prohibited.

6. Preparing the sugar solution

We take 2 (or better 3) tbsp for a liter jar. tablespoons of sugar per 1 liter of filtered cold unboiled (!) water.
For a three-liter jar, respectively, take 6-9 tablespoons of sugar.
The use of "brown" cane sugar gives very good results. Although this sugar is more expensive, it turns out to be much tastier with its help.
Make sure that the sugar is completely dissolved in the water: if grains of sugar get on the "rice", the sea fungus will get sick.

7. Putting Indian Sea Rice in a Jar

Place 3-4 tablespoons of Indian sea rice in a liter jar. We take 9 tablespoons of sea rice in a three-liter jar.
Overgrown - excess - sea rice is placed in a glass dish, without water, under the lid. In this form, it can be stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time.

8. Add raisins to the jar of sea rice

You need 5-10 raisins per liter jar. for a three-liter one, we take 15-30 raisins, respectively. Instead of raisins (but it's still better to take dark, cheap, seedless raisins), you can use apples, apricots, figs, prunes and other dried fruits.

9. We put the jar in a bright place for insisting

Insist for three days (in the summer - two days). It is best to put a jar of Indian sea rice in a bright place, where it is dry enough, moderately warm and there is no direct sunlight.
After 2-3 days, the process is repeated.

Attention: The most favorable temperature for the life of sea rice is 23-25-27 degrees Celsius. Moreover, the higher the ambient temperature, the faster the infusion is prepared and the faster the amount of sea rice increases. When the temperature drops to 18-20 degrees Celsius, Indian sea rice practically stops multiplying, growing in the size of "grains". When the temperature drops below 16-18 degrees Celsius, sea rice begins to shrink in size and may even die in the future! Please do not let your Indian rice freeze.
Usually, to prevent a drop in temperature, it is sufficient to place a jar of sea rice near your electric kettle or stove.

The infusion of rice mushroom obtained in a liter jar is enough for one person for 2 days. If you want to make an infusion of sea rice for the whole family, it is better to use a three-liter jar. In this case, the dosage of the ingredients will be as follows:
* 9-10 st. spoons of Indian sea rice;
* 8-9 Art. tablespoons of sugar;
* dried fruits.
* 2 crackers (optional) - 1 black, 1 white (fry the crackers until black, so that they burn a little, then the color of the infusion will be brown);

If you use croutons for "feeding", do not forget to remove them when the drink is ready (by filtering the infusion into a drinking container).

Healing infusion of sea rice should be consumed regularly at least 3 times a day, 10-20 minutes before meals. You can drink a healing drink at will, between meals, just instead of water, kvass and unhealthy drinks like "Fanta", "Cola" and the like. You will feel changes in your condition in 3-4 weeks.

... Take an infusion of sea rice

You need to drink about 10-15 minutes before meals, at least three times a day, about 100-150 ml, for a long time, but you will feel the first changes in your health even after 3-4 weeks. You can also use the healing infusion of Indian rice and at will, regardless of meals. For the purpose of treatment, we recommend drinking at least 200-300 ml of infusion per day.
The most optimal single dose of sea rice infusion:
- for adults - 100-150 ml 2-3 times a day, depending on the state of health and desire;
- for children over 3 years old - 50-100 ml 2-3 times a day, depending on the state of health and desire;
- for children under 3 years old - no more than 50 ml, 2-3 times a day, depending on the state of health and desire.
If a person, including a child, has no desire to drink an infusion of sea rice, then the amount already consumed is enough for him.
It is not recommended to drink the infusion against your own desire.

... Duration of taking sea mushroom infusion

is determined individually: each person feels his body and can understand better than anyone what exactly he needs at this time. Feel the needs of your body. Experience shows that for the intake of sea rice infusion, the shortest course of intake is 3 months, and the longest is several years.

... Initially when consuming sea rice infusion

its rather strong diuretic effect can sometimes appear. Therefore, in the first days of taking the infusion, we recommend limiting yourself to small doses (for example, drinking 50 ml of infusion 2-3 times a day). After about a week, the dose of the medicinal infusion can be increased to 100 ml 2-3 times a day, and after about a week - up to 150 ml 2-3 times a day.

... A drink made with Indian rice seasoned for the first time in your home

Infused for 2 days, it is still weak in saturation and carbonation, but in order to prevent diseases, it is already ready to perfectly cope with its task. In the event that you are going to raise a family "doctor" who will help you in the treatment of various diseases, you need to wait, be patient and grow rice longer.

... We would like to draw your attention:

infusion of sea rice, prepared on the basis of dry sour apples, has much less healing power than infusion, which is prepared with the addition of dried apricots, raisins or figs.

... Storage of ready-made sea rice infusion.

You need to store the finished infusion in the refrigerator, no more than two to four days. With further storage of the infusion, it may over-oxidize, because an excess amount of acids is formed in it, and the acetic acid bacteria contained in the infusion continue to work and process sugar.

... Draw your attention to:

for all the harmlessness of Indian rice, there are still some minor contraindications for its use. Usually, doctors prohibit diabetics from using sea rice infusion in the presence of an insulin-dependent form of this disease.
There are also, for example, minor discomfort in the lungs and other respiratory organs. They usually occur in those people who initially suffer from diseases of the respiratory system (bronchitis, asthma, etc.). Nevertheless, after a few days, these unpleasant sensations completely disappear, the lungs and other respiratory organs begin to work with renewed vigor.
In some, extremely rare cases, in sensitive people in the first days of taking sea rice, symptoms of restructuring of the body's work may appear. They can be expressed in the fact that the work of the intestines is lost.
You don't need to pay attention to this. This only means that the sea mushroom infusion is engaged in the restoration and normalization of the functioning of internal organs. If this happens, then you can slightly reduce the one-time dose of taking the infusion of sea rice, and the restructuring of the body will not feel so. After some time, a single dose of sea rice infusion can be gradually increased, gradually bringing it to the optimal amount.

... Storing Indian sea rice while you are away:

We open secrets.))
You, obviously, have already read in various sources that Indian sea rice is not stored, or rather, is stored no more than five days?
So: this is not true! If you need to go on vacation, for example, then:
Drain the infusion from the jar. Rinse the sea rice well and strain it from the water so that it is practically dry. Place your sea rice in a food container (glass jar, food grade plastic container) and cover with a lid. Place in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. In this form, sea rice WITHOUT DAMAGE TO IT can be stored for a whole month. Upon arrival, rinse the sea rice to remove the acetic acid that has formed in it and season as usual. We hope we have made you happy.

Dear readers, just recently a friend of mine shared with me that a very unusual and very useful inhabitant appeared in her kitchen. And do you know who he is? Indian sea rice. Have you heard of him? I heard, but was not familiar with it. I asked my friend to tell about him on the pages of my blog.

Why should we pay attention to this product? It is used as a remedy for various diseases, as a prophylaxis for viral infections and to improve well-being. And taking care of him is simple, fast and inexpensive.

Are you interested? And I am with you. My friend Irina Kuzenkova will talk about sea rice. She will tell us about this unusual inhabitant and share her experience in growing and using it for the purpose of general health improvement. I give her the floor.

Indian sea rice - what it is and where to buy it

Indian sea rice (also called "sea mushroom", "Indian mushroom", "Chinese sea rice") is a relative of kombucha, it is a co-living and developing group of bacteria and microorganisms of the genus Zooglea. Outwardly, it resembles translucent grains of rice, which is why it got its name, although it seemed to me more like small grains. Sea rice was brought to Russia from India in the 19th century, therefore it is also called Indian and sea rice (that is, overseas - brought from overseas, foreign).

Today, many housewives have heard about Indian sea rice, but so far only a few people breed it at home. And it’s in vain, because a drink prepared using these organisms has a pleasant refreshing taste and has a healing effect, which I will talk about further.

I was lucky to get a portion of these translucent, elastic and crunchy to the touch "grains" from a friend, but if you do not have such an opportunity, then sea rice is not difficult to get. Today there are many online stores offering this mushroom and guaranteeing the quality and safety of living organisms during transportation. Also, some shops send sea rice in dried form, which does not complicate its further use.

The cost of the mushroom is very small, about 100-300 rubles, and it will delight and heal you for many years.

Be careful not to run into scammers! Order sea rice through trusted stores, pay attention to the reviews of real people!

If you have not found reviews for the store, it is better to choose another supplier. If you want to order from this particular seller, buy minimal amount to make sure it is the same mushroom and will grow and multiply in your home.

How to Know You've Bought the "Right" Sea Rice

First of all, this will be indicated by the color and taste of the drink obtained from it. The liquid should be only slightly cloudy, similar to unstrained birch sap. The taste of the rice drink is soft, pleasant, refreshing, with sourness, without a pronounced aftertaste of fermentation, the smell is barely noticeable. The rice itself is pure white, slightly transparent, elastic to the touch.

Healthy living organisms, with proper care, should begin to multiply within a month.

Indian Sea Rice and Its Benefits

Sea rice has many beneficial properties, and its long-term use has a positive effect on the body, although official medicine does not perceive such methods of treatment as any effective.

The benefits of drinking a mushroom drink are related to its composition. During fermentation, fungal microorganisms synthesize various organic acids, such as folic, lactic, acetic, citric, oxalic, as well as enzymes, polysaccharides, aldehydes, tannins, vitamins C and D, coenzyme Q10.

All these elements are in a natural, easily assimilated form and, with regular use, affect the human body, participating in metabolic processes.

I have read many rave reviews about the positive changes that have occurred in terms of health in people who have taken rice infusion for a long time. They talk about the cure of complex ulcers, the passage of pulmonary diseases, increased immunity, weight loss, a surge of strength and excellent health, rejuvenation.

I think that when taking this infusion, you should largely rely on your own well-being and the needs of your body.

How to eat sea rice

There are several options for using sea rice infusion:

  • as a natural summer drink that quenches thirst well and has a pleasant sweetish-sour taste;
  • as a prophylactic agent for improving the general condition of the body, strengthening health, slowing down the aging process;
  • as part of general therapy for the treatment of certain diseases: cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive organs, arthritis, obesity, as a diuretic, a remedy for headaches, increased blood pressure, skin problems;
  • as an external remedy for improving the condition of the skin, hair, activating metabolic processes, rejuvenation.

To use the infusion of sea rice as a refreshing drink, it is infused for a short time (1-2 days), any top dressing is used: dried fruits, fruits, crackers. They drink at will, like lemonade, without adhering to a special schedule.

To feel the positive effect, you need to drink the infusion regularly and for quite a long time (maybe all year round). It is also necessary to follow a certain scheme - take mushroom infusion in small portions, for children 30 ml, for adults 100 ml 3 times a day half an hour before meals. The maximum dose for children is 200 ml, for adults - 500 ml per day. For medicinal purposes, only raisins, dried apricots or figs are used as top dressing.

Indian sea rice will not harm you if you follow a few simple rules:

  • you should start using it in small portions to assess the body's response to the drink;
  • do not exceed the maximum dose of the medicinal infusion - everything is fine in moderation;
  • do not drink the infusion if you do not feel like it at all or you can hardly tolerate its taste, this may mean that your body does not need it;
  • infusion of rice mushroom should be taken with great care and under the supervision of a doctor for diabetes.

Sea rice as an external remedy

Infusion of rice mushroom, and the mushroom itself is also used as a cosmetic product. So a strong infusion (more than a week) will become an excellent tonic for the skin of the face, décolleté and hands. It refreshes, tones, smoothes wrinkles, brightens the skin, accelerating local metabolic processes and rejuvenating. Women who regularly wipe their skin with such a product note its freshness and elasticity.

Rice infusion is added to bathing water to relieve fatigue and feel a surge of vivacity and strength. They also rinse their hair and even the mouth.

To get the maximum effect from external procedures, various masks and lotions are made on the basis of rice mushroom: for the skin of the face and hands, body, hair. I offer you some simple and affordable mask recipes.

Simple face mask

Mix half a cup of strong rice infusion and 3 tbsp. l. honey. Apply evenly to cleansed face skin, hold for 5-10 minutes and rinse with cool water. Use the mask 1-2 times a week.

Glycerin is sometimes added to this recipe in equal proportions, vegetable oil or water. Try to find the consistency of the mask that suits you.

Rice mushroom mask for dry hands

  • ½ glass of rice infusion;
  • ½ cup of cream;
  • 1 tsp glycerin.

Mix, apply to skin and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse warm water.

Hair Mask

  • 1 part sea rice infusion;
  • 1 part honey;
  • ½ part aloe juice;
  • ½ part castor oil.

Apply the resulting mixture to damp, washed hair and leave for half an hour. After the time has elapsed, rinse with warm water. You can additionally add a tablespoon of rice infusion to the water.

Indian sea rice - how to grow?

Growing and maintaining Indian sea rice is a snap. But do not forget that these are living organisms, and they need timely proper care, otherwise they may die.

As a top dressing for the mushroom, you can use raisins, dried apricots, prunes, dried apples, figs and other fruits, berries, as well as crackers. The taste of the finished drink depends on this filling. You can try different options and choose your ideal taste.

For the first experiment, I used only dark raisins as a top dressing. I will tell and show you what I did.

To prepare a drink, I have prepared:

  • 2 liter jar;
  • purified not boiled water (you can use filtered, spring water, but not from the tap and not boiled);
  • about 10 pieces of seedless raisins;
  • 3 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 4 tbsp. l. sea ​​rice (not dried).

The jar was washed well with hot water without the use of detergents - they are harmful to the fungus. The raisins are also washed. I put the sea rice in a colander and washed it well under running water.

Now an important point - sugar must be well dissolved so that not a single grain remains, otherwise your "pet" may get burned.

A day later, the water in the jar became a little cloudy and bubbles appeared - the fermentation process began.

Two days later, we got an interesting sweet and sour drink with a faint smell, similar to kvass, which can be drunk.

When the drink is ready, we open the can, take out the raisins and floating rice, pour the liquid into a separate jar, filter through cheesecloth, and you can drink. I really liked the taste - light, thirst quenching.

Such a drink is stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

It is also worth trying to make an infusion with various dried fruits.

We wash the remaining sea rice well again - this is a very important point, prepare a fresh sweet solution with dried fruits and add rice there. We leave for 2 days.

For further use, it is better to divide the existing rice into 2 portions - send one to the sugar solution, and rinse the second well, put it in a glass dish and leave it in the refrigerator to rest. After two days, the portions are reversed.

It also makes sense to divide the rice into separate portions for the preparation of a drink for drinking and a solution for external use. The latter will take much longer.

As you can see, sea rice is quite simple to care for, it does not require special conditions or hard-to-find products. The main thing is not to forget to take care of him in time.

Finally, I suggest you watch a video on how to care for sea rice.

I thank Irina for all the information. She was very interested in the sea guest herself. And I immediately remembered those times when we grew kombucha in almost every house. But it was so tasty, yes. Probably useful!

And for the mood we will listen today to a wonderful song performed by the group "KVATRO" - Volare. I hope you relax and get positive emotions.

your feedback

Reviews (5)

Irina, I once had such rice and I really liked this water, I knew it was very useful, but now it was very interesting to read.

Have not tried such a magical drink, and I have no doubt that it is healthy. But here I have not come across sea rice, I will have to look. We love trying new things, especially when it's useful.

I have never even heard of such a product before! Thank you for opening up new horizons. It is very interesting!

I have never tasted sea rice. Probably, I would have liked it.

Who constantly drink - live for 200 years?


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Many people associate sea rice with a type of cereal. Seeing in the picture a product with large or small grains (2-5 millimeters long), they order it, boil it and then leave negative reviews about Indian sea rice. This stems from confusion in terminology. We will try to tell you in detail about such a strange rice, its origin and recipes.

What is sea rice?

In another way, Indian rice is called zoogley. In appearance, it is somewhat similar to the white grain crop or grains of ice that we are accustomed to, but in fact it is a sticky, gluey substance of animal origin. It is formed during the life of aquatic bacteria from the genus zoogloea (zoogloea ramigera), these are small slimy capsules (they are just compared to rice). This mass also contains the bacteria themselves, which are glued together.

Microorganisms need mucus to absorb micronutrients from the water. Therefore, they contain a lot of nitrogenous compounds, polysaccharides. Indian sea rice is not the only form of zoogley. They also distinguish kefir mushrooms. And although these forms look different, but the result of their life is the same. People are getting a health drink.

Therefore, this rice is also called sea mushroom. Although he has a lot of names: the Mexicans call him Tibi, the Romans - Posca. The Chinese, Japanese, Slavs called this form of zoogley rice: only some have it Chinese, others Japanese, and still others have Indian seafood.

Where did zooglea come from?

But now these microorganisms are more often called rice or sea fungus. The name of the rice among the Slavs was fixed with its import in the nineteenth century from India. Although for the first time mankind learned about the properties of the sea fungus in ancient China and India.

But how zooglea appeared on Earth, scientists still argue. Biologist Bachinskaya L.A. claims that the fungus appeared naturally during the fermentation of drinks. Its development is similar to the formation of mucus. Spores are transmitted by insects, which carry microorganisms to drinks.

But there is another hypothesis of Bolshich Yu, which appeared in 1978. The scientist talks about artificial spread That is, according to this view, these bacteria have come down to the present day from ancient civilizations. But then the question remains about how the fungus appeared in ancient civilizations. Therefore, most scientists are inclined to the first theory - the natural origin of the rice mushroom.

Indian sea rice: beneficial properties

It is believed that this mushroom has many medicinal properties. Drink from it is drunk from obesity, colds, aging, hypertension, headaches, intestinal, pulmonary and heart diseases, arthritis. Although many doctors believe that the miraculous cure stories of sea rice are nothing more than a manifestation of the placebo effect.

However, homeopathy offers a mushroom drink for the prevention of a particular disease. This is due to the chemical composition of microorganisms. In it, the researchers found gluconic, lactic, acetic, folic, oxalic, citric acids, caffeine, alcohol, alkaloids, polysaccharides, choline, vitamin C, glucosides, tannins, aldehydes.

Women and the elderly use Indian sea rice to prolong their beauty, youthfulness, and slow down the aging process of the skin. Many clients have noticed an improvement in their general condition, a decrease in colds after drinking the medicinal sea drink.

People drink it to lower blood pressure, get rid of joint pain and extra pounds by normalizing the metabolic process, slow down the growth of tumor cells, cure ulcers of the digestive system, restore memory and brain performance. Those who have been drinking the drink for several years get sick less, take stressful situations more calmly, and sleep well. They feel energetic, active, and efficient.

Many people lose weight by using the mushroom. This is due to the lipase in its composition, which speeds up metabolism, burns already accumulated fat reserves. Those who lose weight prefer to combine the drink with seafood (for example, they prepare sea salad with rice), but on the recommendation they drink it before meals, and not during it.

Through research, it has been proven that infusions from this mushroom can be used for cosmetic purposes. Thanks to it, the number of wrinkles on the skin decreases, acne disappears, the hair becomes shiny, and you can even whiten your face with a concentrated infusion.

The effectiveness of the mushroom drink based on reviews

You can buy a tablespoon of sea rice at a price of 50 rubles. Such a price attracts scammers who can sell a dry substance of gray color to the average person. When you make a drink, you will immediately realize that this is not Indian sea rice. The properties of the resulting liquid will be completely different: a cloudy color, a pungent fermentation odor and an unpleasant taste. Real rice has white grains, the taste is softer, the smell is barely noticeable, and in color it resembles an untreated one. And most importantly, a poor-quality fungus will not multiply even in a month.

A properly prepared drink allows you to get rid of the symptoms of thrush, food allergies, fatigue, nervousness, and normalizes blood pressure. Even non-systematic use of the drink allows you to normalize the intestines, activates metabolism, and relieves heartburn. With a two-day solution (meaning Indian sea rice, the beneficial properties of which are enhanced on the second day), rinse the nose, due to which the runny nose disappears in a day.

The result of external use of rice

Judging by the reviews, the infusion is used for cosmetic purposes, especially if it will stand for 4-10 days. If you systematically rinse your hair with rice infusion, then soon you will see the shine of the hair, you will feel their softness, silkiness. Washing your face every morning, you can cleanse the skin of acne, get rid of wrinkles. A ten-day liquid can whiten your face.

But most people do it not with the aim of rejuvenating, improving their health, but in order to simply drink a delicious drink reminiscent of champagne, kvass, fizzy, beer. Taste shades are given by dried fruits, crackers, which are added to rice. The drink perfectly removes thirst in extreme heat.

Negative reviews are more often associated with low-quality rice or improper cooking. There are individuals who boil it, fry it ... But even rice with seaweed cannot be made from this mushroom. People just confuse it with regular Indian cereal. Someone makes a dressing from ordinary water without dried fruits, some "feed" the mushroom with anything (pastry baked goods, tea leaves), and therefore get a brew or an unpleasant infusion.

The Right Sea Rice Recipe

For a drink, you will need water, sugar, dried fruits, crackers, if desired. Water can be distilled, spring water, but not raw (from the tap), not boiled. You need to insist the mushroom only in a glass jar, the top of which is covered with gauze (not a lid). Rice loves warmth and light, but not direct sunlight.

Dried fruits also give their own shade, you need to experiment with them to find your own recipe. For tincture, you need to take several pieces of raisins, dried apricots, prunes, apples, pears, figs or a compote mixture. In terms of the variety of flavors, the drink resembles rice from which it contains several types of seafood.

Almost everyone uses regular sugar for the drink. But some “chefs” have noticed that the drink infused with brown has a mild and sweet taste. Rusks are used to feed the mushroom, which gives the drink the taste of bread rye kvass. Although this is not necessary - for the rice to regain its strength, it is enough to put it in the refrigerator for a week without a sugar solution.

Foods and infusion times alter the taste of the beverage, making it harsh or soft. You can infuse sea rice in different ways, recipes suggest using different ingredients. Prepare several options in different banks. This will become possible when the fungus multiplies.

So, we make an infusion:

  • pour water;
  • put 90 grams of sugar per liter of water;
  • dissolve sugar;
  • rinse the fungus;
  • put 90 grams of sea rice on a liter of sugar solution;
  • add 10 pieces of pitted dark washed raisins (per liter);
  • cover with gauze;
  • put sea rice in a bright place (not in the sun) (the properties of microorganisms depend on light, heat, humidity);
  • insist at least 2 days;
  • remove the gauze;
  • collect floating dried fruits from above, dead microorganisms;
  • drain the resulting solution through a sieve;
  • strain it separately through cheesecloth;
  • keep the drink in the refrigerator for three days;
  • rinse Indian sea rice with water at room temperature in a colander (the properties of which depend on the thoroughness of this process);
  • clean the jar where the mushroom "lives" without detergents in hot water;
  • prepare a new sugar solution.

A liter of liquid is enough for one person for two days.

How to care for a sea mushroom?

A fungus is a living microorganism. For its effective reproduction, a positive temperature is required - from twenty-three degrees. Reducing it by three degrees already leads to a stop of reproductive function. And if the temperature is eighteen degrees Celsius, then the fungus may die. Those who grow sea mushroom keep it near a gas stove or an electric kettle during the heating shutdown period.

To improve the taste of sea rice, it is initially divided into two parts: the first is placed in a sugar solution, and the second is placed in the refrigerator, "to gain strength." Then the spent mushroom is removed "to rest", and taken out of the refrigerator is put into water. Before removing, wash the rice, squeeze dry from the water. And then put it in a glass container on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, covered with a lid.

Many people write that rice is stored for five days in the refrigerator. However, in this form, it can stand for a month (this is in case you need to leave). And in order for the properties of the mushroom to work, it must be washed and seasoned with a sugar solution.

Some “feed” sea rice with bread crumbs to maintain strength. To do this, a slice of white and black bread is dried in the oven until black and immersed in a jar of mushroom. If you bought rice, then you must first increase it, insist in the solution for a longer time. As soon as it multiplies, carry out the above steps to prepare a drink (and use a strong infusion for washing). Healthy microorganisms multiply quickly, but lack of attention to them can lead to death. This is why many people find that kind words affect the growth of the mushroom and its taste.

Application and contraindications to the use of sea infusion

A liter capacity is enough for one person for two days. The properties of the drink will then become medicinal if you drink it daily in a glass (150 milliliters) no more than three times a day, before meals (20 minutes). You will feel the effect of the mushroom on yourself in a month. People drink the drink for the purpose of healing.

Despite the safety of the mushroom, there are certain restrictions on its use:

  • adult daily allowance is not less than 300 ml and not more than 500 ml;
  • children over three years old are allowed to drink 100-200 ml per day;
  • babies up to three years old can drink 100 ml per day.

You should not drink the mushroom by force. Sea rice has a diuretic effect, therefore, at first, do not exceed the daily intake of 150 ml, monitor your health and increase the dose gradually (after a week).

For the purpose of treatment, make a starter culture of dark raisins, figs and dried apricots. The rest of the dried fruits suppress the medicinal effect of the mushroom.

Doctors forbid diabetics to use sea infusion. Sometimes the infusion can cause diarrhea or constipation, but this also indicates the "inclusion" of the fungus in the work.

Cosmetic recipes

The beneficial properties of sea rice work even through masks, making the skin smooth, supple and shiny hair. For washing, wiping and preparing masks, a special solution is needed. Therefore, it is better to breed the mushroom in two jars - for drinking and for cosmetic procedures. For masks, insist rice for 7 days or more. Then you decant it, mix it with other ingredients.

The following recipes are suitable for the face:

  • mix one hundred grams of honey with half a glass of rice infusion;
  • mix a glass of cream with a raw egg, half a glass of rice infusion and water, a teaspoon of glycerin.

Apply these masks for about fifteen minutes, and then rinse off with water. Rice mushroom masks can also be applied to the décolleté area. Girls who grow sea rice do not make special masks, but simply wipe their skin with infusion every day. It becomes smooth, fresh, elastic.

Sea mushroom drink can be used on hands. For this purpose, mix half a glass of zoogley infusion, fifteen grams of honey, ninety grams of glycerin. This mixture can be stored for five days in the refrigerator and should be shaken well before use.

Brief conclusions

Indian rice is not a grain crop. So do not try to make, for example, a sole with rice, because zooglea is a living microorganism. He belongs to the same genus as which is more familiar to Russians. It is easy to take care of it; if stored properly, it can retain its useful qualities for a month in your absence. The mushroom has so many useful and healing properties that it is drunk by children, adults, the elderly (except for diabetics).

Thanks to the variety of ingredients, you can make a wide variety of drinks from apples, prunes, raisins, pears, figs, rye crackers, cane sugar, and if you put just a little bit, you get a kind of rice with a "sea" cocktail. The recipe for a healing infusion involves the use of dark raisins, dried apricots or figs. All other dried fruits drown out the medicinal properties of the mushroom, but it turns out to be a cool, thirst-quenching drink.

Zooglea infusion is used to restore hair shine, cleanse the skin, and get rid of acne. The mushroom has a lot of positive beneficial properties, suitable for all people, except for diabetics. However, official medicine does not use rice to treat any disease. Therefore, draw your own conclusions.