Lean cherry sponge cake. Lenten open cherry pie

14.05.2019 Lenten dishes

Cherry pies

Looking for inexpensive sweet pastries? Delicious and simple lean cherry pie - check out the family recipe with photo and video descriptions.

45 minutes

300 kcal

5/5 (1)

Often there are such non-standard situations when for baking a full-fledged, classic fruit pie, there is simply not enough necessary ingredients, such as eggs or milk, and you really don't want to run to the store.

Sound familiar? I, too, thought for a long time that there was no way out, until I found a recipe for lean chocolate cake with cherries in my grandmother's old notebook. It attracted my attention not only by its simplicity of preparation, but also by the fact that for it, apart from berries, you do not need to buy anything extra. I tried to bake it - it turned out just right!

Kitchen appliances

Get the tools and utensils you need to bake your lean cherry and cocoa pie:

  • a form for a pie or cake, silicone (or metal, but certainly detachable) with a diameter of 20 cm or a baking sheet with a non-stick coating with a diagonal of 22 cm,
  • deep bowls (several pieces) with a volume of 200 to 800 ml,
  • a saucepan with a capacity of 400 ml,
  • tea and tablespoons,
  • medium sieve,
  • cutting board,
  • kitchen scale or measuring cup,
  • a wooden spatula and a steel whisk,
  • in addition to the above, I would suggest preparing your blender or mixer to be able to perfectly knead the pie dough.

You need


The baking powder can be easily replaced with half a teaspoon of baking soda quenched with regular vinegar. Just do this not over a bowl of flour, but in a separate bowl so as not to accidentally add too much vinegar to the dough.


  • 300-400 g of frozen or fresh cherries;
  • 50 g of viscous honey;
  • 5 g vanilla sugar;
  • 100 g granulated sugar.

Important! The more cherries, the juicier the pie - I have known this folk wisdom since childhood. So if you still have a few berries left after weighing, feel free to add them to the cake. Just do not try to add a whole kilogram - in this case, it is better to increase the amount of the remaining components of the pie accordingly.


  • 10 g icing sugar;
  • 10 g cinnamon powder;
  • 10 g butter or margarine.

Cooking sequence





Bakery products

That's all! Your Quick Lean Cherry Pie is completely ready-to-eat as a stand-alone meal or as a light and enjoyable dessert.

For additional decoration, I have a great idea - knead store-bought cherry jelly according to the instructions on the pack, only adding less water, and then cover the warm surface of your cake with more liquid mixture. When I did this for the first time, my friends who came to visit did not believe that the pie was lean!

Video recipe for making lean cherry pie

Step by step preparation of a delicate and very aromatic lean cherry pie - pay attention to the detailed recipe video.

Finally, I would like to remind chefs and beginners that after trying the lean cherry pie, you still need to try the more familiar famous options, the dough for which is made with the addition of fats. For example, a puff pastry pie, widely known in our area, with cherries - I assure you, having prepared it yourself, you will not only gain a very valuable experience, but also definitely get an inexpressibly tasty product.

In addition, the pie with cherries and sour cream is simply delicious, and the most delicate is nice to eat with hot tea in the fierce winter, when one can only dream of fresh cherries and other berries. Also, do not be lazy and grab a crumbly shortbread cherry pie, famous for a truly unique way of cooking and alluring aroma.

Scented cherry pies can be made with simple, affordable ingredients. Lean yeast dough in vegetable oil and dry yeast does not require many ingredients, however, pies from it simply melt in your mouth. A juicy and spicy filling of ripe cherries perfectly complements sweet pastries. The cherries in this recipe can be used fresh or frozen. Lean dough is very easy and pleasant to work with. It contains a lot of vegetable oil and is easy to roll out, does not dry out during baking and does not stale during storage.

Absolutely everyone will like the bright taste of melting and juicy cherry pies. Sweet tooth will also appreciate the dish by adding the required amount of sugar to the filling. Lovers of proper nutrition also will not pass by, because the pies do not contain animal fats and eggs. These pastries will support you on difficult days of fasting, complementing your diet with a delicious dish.


for the test:

  • flour 600 g
  • water 250 ml
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil
  • dry yeast 1 teaspoon
  • 6 teaspoons sugar
  • 1/3 teaspoon salt
  • vanillin to taste

for filling:

  • cherry 1 glass (with a slide)
  • sugar 2-3 tablespoons
  • flour 1 tablespoon

How to make cherry pies

  1. Pour yeast and sugar into a deep salad bowl. Stir lightly and fill with warm water. Observe the main condition: the water temperature should not be hot. After 8-10 minutes, high-quality yeast "wakes up" and forms a stable foam on the surface of the solution.

  2. Pour vegetable oil into the yeast mixture. Do not reduce the amount of oil to prevent your baked goods from getting dry and hard on storage.

  3. Add half the sifted flour, vanillin to the dough and stir until a thick cream is homogeneous. Leave the dough warm for 20 minutes. Cover the bowl with a towel or plastic wrap.

  4. Stir in remaining flour and salt. Well-kneaded dough should not "stick" to the hands and table surface. Form a bun out of the dough and place it in a deep bowl, which is covered with a film or a towel sprinkled with flour. Let the dough now sit for 40-60 minutes.

  5. Get a pie filling. Pour boiling water over frozen cherries. If you have fresh berries available, then feel free to skip this step.

  6. Remove the seeds from the cherry and drain the juice from it. Sprinkle the berries with sugar and flour to taste. Stir the filling evenly. The cherry filling should not be watery.

  7. The whitened, fairly grown dough is ready for use.

  8. Roll out the dough on a table, lightly sprinkled with flour, into a layer not thinner than 1 cm. For fluffy pies, a layer thickness of 1.5 cm is suitable. Cut out dough circles with a wide cup. Place a cherry to taste in the middle of each piece. 3-4 large cherries are enough for one pie.

  9. Connect the opposite sides of the circle by pressing them tightly with your fingers and slightly working out the center.

  10. Blind the next sides of the patty together, running your fingers in both directions, from the center to the edges, forming a tight seam. Place the patties on a baking sheet lined with baking paper, seam down. Lubricate the products with vegetable oil or strong black tea.

  11. Heat the oven to 220 degrees. During this time, the pies should increase in size, having passed the stage of the final proofing. Bake the pies in a hot oven at 200 degrees for about 20-25 minutes. Pre-moisten the oven. To do this, place a refractory container with water in it. A small frying pan is also suitable. The amount of water in it should be enough for the entire baking process. As a last resort, water can be added.

  12. Remove hot and brown cakes from the oven and leave on a baking sheet for a few minutes. Then remove the treat from the paper, cool and serve.



500g pitted cherries, 1/4 cup + 2 ~ 3 tablespoons sugar, 1 heaped tablespoon of starch


1 + 1/4 cup flour, 4 tsp cocoa spoons, 50g icing sugar, 2 tsp baking powder, 4 tablespoons of refined vegetable oil, ~ 12 h spoons of water

In a bowl, combine flour, cocoa, powdered sugar and baking powder.
Pour in refined oil.

Stir to distribute the oil evenly.
The flour will take on the appearance of a greasy grain.

Pour in 10 teaspoons of water and stir.
Add one teaspoon of water at a time and stir until a soft dough forms.
Put the dough in the refrigerator while the filling is cooking.

Put the cherries in a bowl. If the cherries are frozen, defrost them (to speed up the process - in the microwave).
Cover the cherries with a quarter cup of sugar, stir and leave for 15 minutes.

Strain the cherries through a colander.
(You don't need cherry juice in this recipe. You can use it in other dishes or dilute with water and drink.)

Assembling the cake
Remove the dough from the refrigerator.
Place on a piece of baking paper.
Flatten with your palm, and then roll into a thin circle.
The thickness of the dough should be small, otherwise you will feel stickiness.

Sprinkle the dough with starch through a fine sieve in an even layer.

Place the strained cherries and fold the edges of the pie over the filling. To prevent the edges from puckering, they can be pinched in several places.

If the cherry was frozen, then sprinkle it with a little sugar on top.
If the cherries are fresh, no additional sugar is needed.
Transfer the cake with the paper to a baking sheet.
Preheat the oven to t \u003d 200 ~ 220 ° C and put the pie in it for 20 minutes.

Yeast dough, in my opinion, is just a lifesaver! I kneaded the dough, but more, and bake yourself)) If you want - buns, if you want - rolls, if you want - sweet pies, if you want - salty!

I almost always make yeast doughs unsweetened. In recent years, I have not put sugar in it at all! Even a teaspoon, which is usually presented as absolutely essential for raising the yeast. I don't know ... my dough rises well without her. With the fact that yeast does not like salt, I also disagree вы And you? ..

I chose cherries as the filling. In my opinion, the most delicious berry pies are obtained with her and with currants! With us, they always go with a bang, regardless of the type of dough and other ingredients 🙂 I took fresh cherries, since they had already begun to ripen in our area. But you can also use frozen, if this is more convenient for you.

Let's get started? 😉


For the test:

  • wheat flour - 1000 g
  • dry yeast - 11 g
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • sunflower oil - 50 ml
  • filtered water - 400 ml

For filling:

  • fresh cherries - 700 g
  • sugar - 1 glass
  • starch - 4 tablespoons


I started with a dough, as it takes time not only to knead, but also to rise.
So, all the flour was sifted into a convenient spacious container at once.

Then I added fast-acting yeast and salt.
Mix dry ingredients thoroughly.

She poured in filtered water and began to knead the dough.

I poured in sunflower oil.
Which one to use? To your taste. I added fragrant, or you can take refined.

After distributing the butter in the dough, I kneaded it for about 10 minutes until smooth.

I covered it with a lid and put it in a warm place. Now there is no problem with this - even in cooler weather it is still warm on my balcony. The main thing is that there are no drafts. Therefore, you do not need to put in front of an open window;)

I waited for the dough to rise.

I crumpled it, covered it again and returned it to the warmth until the next rise.
In principle, you can do without this if there is no time at all. However, I would recommend that you still be patient and wait for the dough to rise again. In this case, baked goods are softer and tastier, especially lean ones.

I started stuffing.
I rinsed the cherry with cool water and squeezed the seeds out of it.

The dough that had risen a second time was divided into two parts - one made a little larger than the other.

The most part was rolled out to the size of the mold, but with an allowance for the sides.
And my shape is big!)) 35x26 cm!
I transferred the dough with a rolling pin into a mold greased with sunflower oil.
Sprinkled with two tablespoons of starch.

I laid out some of the cherries, sprinkled with sugar.

Then I laid out the remaining berries and again covered them with sugar.

Sprinkled with starch on top.

Now the turn has come to the smaller part of the test. You can simply roll it to the size of the mold or a little smaller, stick it with a fork (so that steam comes out during baking) and cover the pie with filling with it.
I went the other way - rolled it out and cut it into strips.

Do not make the stripes too thin, otherwise they will be harsh.
In any case, be careful not to overdry the cake on top!

I placed some of the strips along the cake, some across, making a "mesh".

I sent it to bake at a temperature of 180 "C for 45 minutes.
If you are baking a smaller cake, then the baking time can be reduced by 10-15 minutes by checking the readiness with a wooden skewer.

She took the cake out of the oven, covered its entire surface with foil, and on top of it with a towel. I let the cake cool down. Thanks to this procedure, the top will be soft.

That's all! Delicious, aromatic, juicy and lean pie is ready! ;)

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Lean baked goods can be just as tasty and healthy as regular baked goods. Today I invite you to make an incomparable lean cherry pie. This pastry is an amazing combination of the delicate taste of cherries and a thin, slightly crumbly dough. Such pastries are a great occasion to gather your whole family over a cup of tea. Lean cherry pie turns out to be very tasty, it can be served both warm and cold.


To make lean cherry pie you will need:
For the test:
warm water - 130 ml;
vegetable oil - 80 ml;
sugar - 1 tbsp. l .;
salt - a pinch;
flour - 350 g.
For filling:
frozen pitted cherries - 300-400 g;
sugar - 2 tbsp. l .;
corn starch - 3 tbsp l.
For sprinkling:
icing sugar - 1-2 tsp

Cooking steps

Add warm water and vegetable oil to the flour mixture, stir and knead the dough.

Separate a small piece from the dough (as in the photo). You will need this small piece to decorate the cake.

Grease a baking dish (I used a 26 cm cast iron pan) with butter or cover with parchment. Roll out most of the dough a little, put it in the mold, stretch the dough in the mold with your hands, forming the sides. In order to make the sides more beautiful, you can press down on the sides with a fork (as in the photo).

Sprinkle 1 tablespoon of cornstarch on top of the dough.

To prepare the filling, combine the frozen cherries (you do not need to defrost the cherries), sugar and 2 tablespoons of cornstarch, stir gently with a rotating motion.

Place the filling on top of the dough over the starch.

Bake the pie in a preheated oven for 45-50 minutes at a temperature of 170-180 degrees (until the dough is golden brown).

Let the baked goods cool completely, then remove from the mold.

The lean cherry pie is ready and can be served warm or cold, sprinkled with powdered sugar. Thanks to the amazing combination of filling and dough, the pie is delicious. When baked, the cherry gives off part of the juice, the juice is mixed with sugar and starch, forming a light jelly. Tasty is not the right word!