Fried potatoes in lard. Fried potatoes with bacon in a pan

19.09.2019 Lenten dishes

Today I offer you recipes for cooking potatoes with bacon in foil. We will bake in the oven, but the site also has methods for cooking bacon in foil over a fire, so if you plan to cook this dish outdoors, be sure to read and.

There are a great many ways of cooking potatoes with lard, which is not surprising, because this is a classic, tasty and inexpensive. Potatoes baked in the oven with bacon retains all vitamins and beneficial properties. There are many recipes, I have painted the most interesting ones for you. I hope you choose one of the recipes, and the dish will turn out to be juicy and aromatic.

I hope you understand that the most delicious dish will come from young potatoes.

General recommendations for all recipes: young potatoes do not need to be peeled - wash them thoroughly enough; if the potatoes are old, then, of course, peel them. It is better to use salted lard. Bake the dish at 220.

Recipe 1. Potatoes with lard and garlic in foil.

For cooking, take:

  • potatoes;
  • salted lard;
  • garlic;
  • pepper;
  • coriander;
  • sunflower or olive oil.


Rinse / peel potatoes. Let dry. Meanwhile, remove the skin from the bacon and cut into thin slices. Peel the garlic and cut horizontally into thin slices.

Make cuts in the potatoes. Insert a piece of bacon and a piece of garlic into each cut. Put the potatoes stuffed with bacon and garlic on the foil, add a little salt, pepper and sprinkle with coriander. Drizzle with vegetable oil, wrap and bake for 40 minutes in a preheated oven.

You can serve directly in foil with all juices. Delicious with Borodino bread and green salad.

Recipe 2. Potatoes with bacon in foil on skewers.

- large potatoes,

- salted lard with meat layers,

- sunflower or olive oil,

- seasoning for potatoes,

Cooking method.

Peel potatoes, cut into slices 1 - 1.5 cm thick. Slice the bacon into thin slices. String potatoes on skewers, alternating with bacon. Sprinkle with seasoning and salt. Brush with vegetable oil. Wrap in foil. Bake for 30 minutes.

If you like crispy baked potatoes, skip the foil and increase the cooking time to 45 minutes. Sprinkle the finished dish with fresh herbs.

Recipe 3. Potatoes with bacon and chicken in the oven.

This is a very tasty, in my opinion, even the most delicious recipe for potatoes with lard in foil. We all know that chicken breast is a little dry, but with lard it becomes juicy.

You will need.

- potatoes,

- chicken breast,

- salted bacon (it is possible with a meat streak),

- a tomato,

- garlic,

- fresh herbs,

- mayonnaise,

- spices to taste.

Cooking method:

Rinse the chicken breast, remove the cling film and slice thinly. Peel and cut the potatoes.

Cut the tomato into thin rings, after removing the peel.

Place a slab of bacon, a slab of chicken, and a slice of tomato into each cut.

Prepare the sauce by mixing mayonnaise, chopped fresh herbs, minced garlic, salt and spices.

Place each potato on foil and brush over the prepared sauce. Wrap up. Bake in a preheated oven for 40 minutes.

Recipe 4. Fragrant accordion.

A simple, tasty and very aromatic recipe for baked potatoes with bacon.

You will need:

- potatoes, preferably young.

- salted bacon - 80 g;

- garlic

- thyme (dried, but better fresh)

- a tomato

How to cook?

Wash, dry and cut the potatoes across, but not through. As in the previous recipe, you will end up with something that resembles an accordion.

Mash the garlic, salt and thyme. Fill the cuts with this mixture, as well as a layer of bacon and a tomato ring. Wrap the accordion potatoes in foil and bake for 30 minutes, or until tender. Young potatoes are baked faster - in 20 minutes.

Recipe 5. Potatoes with lard and onions in foil.

To prepare the dish you will need:

- Potatoes,

- Lard with veins,

- Onion,

- Seasoning for potatoes.

- Vegetable oil,

- Grated cheese,

- Fresh herbs.


Wash the potatoes thoroughly, but do not peel them. Cut the potatoes in half. Rub the halves with oil, pepper, and seasoning. Put a piece of bacon on one half, and a thin ring of onions on the other. Fold the halves and wrap in foil, cook for 40 minutes. Sprinkle the finished potatoes with grated cheese and fresh herbs.

Potatoes with bacon in the oven is a hearty and very tasty dish that often helps us out. Such potatoes can be baked not only in the oven, but also on a fire if you are going to a picnic. The dish is very simple and will require a minimum of time and effort from you, and the result will conquer everyone. Perhaps the main condition for a tasty and quick second course of potatoes is beautiful and even tubers without dirt and damage and the presence of fresh or salted lard in the refrigerator. As for lard, it can be smoked, then the taste of the potatoes will be much more refined, with a pleasant smoked aroma and smoke. In addition to potatoes and lard, you will need very little flour, salt and pepper. Additionally, you can use fresh herbs in the form of parsley or dill, and a couple of cloves of garlic will also deliciously complement the dish.

Required Ingredients:

  • Potato 1200 g
  • Lard 150 g
  • Wheat flour 5 tbsp.
  • Salt 2 tablespoons
  • Ground black pepper 1 tsp.

Recipe for baked potatoes with lard.

1. For cooking, use medium-sized potato tubers. The potatoes should be of high quality, even, with a minimum number of eyes. Rinse under cold running water. Use a kitchen brush to remove any dirt.

2. Still wet potato tubers need to be breaded in a flour mixture. To do this, take a thick plastic bag. Add wheat flour, salt, ground black pepper. Stir all ingredients. At this step, you can add your favorite spices that you use to cook potatoes.

3. Dip the damp potatoes into a bag, close it and shake well so that the potatoes are breaded on all sides. If there are a lot of potatoes, do this step in several steps.

4. Use fresh, salted or smoked lard. To make it easy to chop, lightly freeze it in the freezer. Cut into thin slices. The less meat in lard pieces, the tastier there will be. From lard, fat is needed, thanks to which the potatoes will be juicy and appetizing.

5. With dry hands, take a potato and make a deep cut all over the vegetable. Do not cut to the bottom to keep the potatoes intact. Add 1-2 slices of chopped bacon to the cut.

6.Place the prepared potatoes with lard on a metal sheet or baking dish. The mold does not need to be oiled. Preheat the oven to 180-190 degrees. Send the baking sheet of potatoes to the oven. Bake for up to 60 minutes. Roasting time depends on the power of your oven. It is better to put potatoes in the lower part of the oven so that they do not burn on top. Check readiness with a skewer. The finished tubers become soft and pierce easily.

7. Baked potatoes with bacon in the oven is ready! Do not cook such a dish for future use. It is delicious to consume immediately after baking.

Fresh or pickled vegetable salads, salted fish, second meat dishes are in perfect harmony with potatoes. As a sauce, the dish will perfectly complement sour cream or sour cream sauces, béchamel-based sauces, as well as a simple ketchup recipe. Enjoy your meal!

If men are hungry, and I have no time to bother with long cooking, fried potatoes with lard and onions can help me out. However, if you are on a diet, it should be borne in mind that this dish, although simple, is very high in calories.

Hearty and tasty potatoes with toasted fries will be ready in 20-30 minutes. And if you serve herring to her, then it will already be a full meal.

Today I will show you how I cook Fried Potatoes with Lard and Onions. And you will appreciate and write how you yourself prepare this simple and tasty dish.

In this article:

Fried potatoes on lard with onions - a step by step recipe with a photo

It is better to take lard with streaks of meat, but, in the absence of, any will do. Add spices to your liking.

I peel, wash and dry the potatoes with napkins. Then I cut it into large pieces. I mix flour with salt and pepper in a separate bowl. Sprinkle chopped potatoes with this mixture and mix thoroughly.

The bacon has already fried well enough. I pour the potatoes into a saucepan for bacon. Mix thoroughly. For 5-7 minutes I cover with a lid so that it is well fried, since I cut the potatoes large. At this time, I peel the onion and cut it coarsely too.

I mix potatoes in a pan. Appetizing frills have already formed on it.

I add the onion to the fried potatoes, stir and fry without closing the lid for another 5 - 7 minutes, so that the large pieces are well fried.

Now coarsely cut a bunch of greens and sprinkle on the dish.

Fried potatoes on lard with onions are completely ready! And on the smell, all the household members ran to the table) You can serve potatoes with any meat or fish. Fresh or pickled vegetables are also a must for such a fatty dish. Enjoy your meal!

Write in the comments if you liked my recipe and what would you like to add to it?

Video recipe for fried potatoes on lard with layers

This video from Oksana Valerievna's channel shows in detail the preparation of potatoes in lard. And her lard is real bacon with layers of meat.

I have nothing more to add about cooking potatoes with bacon. Thank you to everyone who cooked with me today!

Fried potatoes with bacon, how to cook fried potatoes

Probably easier than fried potatoes with bacon, there is no dish. This is a truly popular and everyone's favorite dish. Everyone prepares it in their own way, but the principle of preparation always remains the same. Of course, gradually fried potatoes with bacon are cooked less and less by modern people, but nevertheless, sometimes you want so badly to feel the taste of this magnificent dish that you cannot deny yourself this! At this moment, you ask yourself the question, but how to cook fried potatoes ?! We spied this recipe in one of the distant Siberian villages, this is how this dish is prepared there, and the recipe is passed on from one generation to another and there is something a little mysterious and respectful about it. In this recipe, you will learn how to cook fried potatoes as deliciously as our grandparents can do, those fried potatoes with bacon, which we all love so much, but we do not deserve to forget about it!


  • Potatoes - 5 - 6 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Salt pepper

How to cook fried potatoes with bacon

Now we will tell you in detail and show how to cook fried potatoes with bacon:

Step 1

Thoroughly wash the potatoes and peel them, do the same with onions.

Step 2

Cut the potatoes into long strips

Step 3

Cut the onion into half rings

Step 4

The bacon must be cut into small pieces, put in a pan and fry until a weak crust appears.

Step 5

Add the potatoes to the bacon. Fry lightly until light golden brown. Add half of the chopped onion, salt a little (attention! We will salt again, so count to taste!), Pepper and mix. At this time, you should reduce the heat to medium. While the potatoes are fried, you should not forget about them and stir occasionally! Fry for 5-7 minutes.

Step 6

The potatoes are getting more crispy, it's time to add the remaining half of the onion and salt again. Stir and fry for another 5 minutes. After all this, mix gently, cover with a lid and fry for another 5 minutes. Open the lid, mix gently without damaging the potatoes, and fry over low heat until tender.

Surely everyone loves potatoes. Someone prefers to fry it, someone to cook it, but for someone the highlight of the table is baked potatoes in the oven. And it doesn't matter at all for a festive table or for a dinner for the whole family. Every hostess wants to surprise and delight with new dishes.

However, almost all the nutrients in potatoes are water soluble. Therefore, when boiling potatoes, it is better not to add a large amount of water to the pan, as this will lead to the fact that all the vitamins from the potatoes will simply go into the water. By the way, it is better not to drain the liquid in which the potatoes were cooked, but to leave it for cooking.

It is also best not to keep the peeled potatoes in cool water, as this will dissolve and lose vitamins. Of course, everyone loves fries or fries and knows they don't do any good. And baked potatoes are many times healthier than fried ones.

Surprisingly, the chefs say that potatoes never get bored. After all, it is she who is one of the popular ingredients for many dishes of Ukrainian and Russian cuisines. A delicious dish of baked potatoes with bacon in the oven is very easy to cook.

Baked potatoes with bacon

To prepare this dish, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Medium potatoes
  • Smoked or salted lard
  • Fresh herbs or condiments

The potatoes must be peeled and washed thoroughly. Then let it dry, and after cuts several times deep, but not until the very end. In each slot it is necessary to place a thinly chopped slice of bacon, and then sprinkle with seasoning or finely chopped herbs.

Put in the oven and bake over medium heat for 50 minutes.

In order to determine the readiness of the potato, you can pierce it with a toothpick or fork. It is best to serve hot potatoes with bacon.

So that the fat remains firmly fixed on the potato, it can be fixed with a toothpick.

Potatoes baked with bacon and garlic

There is also a spicy way to bake potatoes with bacon and garlic. It tastes amazing!

In order to prepare this you will need:

  • 700 grams of potatoes
  • 150 grams fresh or salted pork lard
  • 2 tablespoons mayonnaise or sunflower oil
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • Salt to taste

Wash and dry the potatoes well, and then cut them in half. Grease a baking sheet with mayonnaise or vegetable oil and place the halves of the potatoes with the skin to the bottom.

Cut the bacon into very small slices and put on top of the potatoes. Then we put the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees. We bake in the oven for up to thirty minutes. Then take out the baking sheet and turn the potatoes over. Bake again for about fifteen minutes.

The next step is to squeeze the garlic through a garlic press and sprinkle it on our potatoes. Finely chopped greens, which can be sprinkled on top of the potatoes, can be an excellent decoration option.

Young potatoes baked with bacon and green garlic

There is another option for cooking potatoes in combination with green garlic. Cooking should be the same as the recipe above, but using the following ingredients:

  • Young potatoes
  • Condiments: dill, paprika and origano
  • Pepper
  • Green garlic

Cut the young potatoes in half and put them on a baking sheet, greased in advance. Salt, pepper and season the potatoes. Then cut the bacon into thin slices and place on top of the seasonings.

It is necessary to bake young potatoes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Cooking time is about 30 minutes.

During this time, you need to prepare green garlic. To do this, wash it and be sure to cut off the feathers and clean the heads.

We take out the potatoes with bacon from the oven and serve along with green garlic. Enjoy your meal!

Baked potatoes with bacon in foil

If you are going for a picnic or decide to sit in the evening with friends, then you should try to bake potatoes with bacon in foil.

For cooking you need the following ingredients:

  • Potatoes - 10 pieces
  • Lard - 200 grams
  • Onions - 1 piece
  • Seasonings to taste (thyme or nutmeg)

We clean and wash the potatoes, and then cut them into small plates. Between these plates we put our thinly sliced \u200b\u200bbacon and onions, which we cut into rings. Next, pepper, salt to taste and add seasonings. Then we wrap everything in foil and put it in the oven for 30-40 minutes.

You can also cook with lard in a multicooker according to the video recipe:

With such simple meals that can be prepared very quickly, you can always delight your family with new and amazing dishes.