The recipe for crispy potatoes in a pan. Roast potatoes

10.10.2019 Meat Dishes

Fried potatoes in a pan - how delicious it is! I know you will say that it is very harmful, and you will be right a thousand times over, but ... I still cannot give it up completely and sometimes I allow myself to eat a little of such delicious and appetizing fried potatoes. It seems to me that occasionally you can pamper yourself with such a dish - after all, a good mood from delicious food is also of great importance. I’ll tell you how to fry potatoes in a frying pan with a crispy crust, my dad taught me this.

Actually, it was the only dish that he knew how to cook. But he did it just fine! I don’t know, for some reason - either because I loved fried potatoes, or because during my student years there was no other option to dine normally in the hostel ... But the fact is, my father’s fried potatoes were always very tasty. And he taught me and my brother all the intricacies of its preparation. Now I, too, sometimes spoil homemade fried potatoes in a pan with a crispy crust. Do you want, and I will share this recipe with you?

Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • 4-5 potato tubers (500 - 600 g);
  • 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • salt to taste.


Wash and clean the potatoes. Rinse the peeled potatoes thoroughly with running cold water again. Cut the potatoes into strips. The thickness of the straws is to your taste: if you like thinly sliced \u200b\u200bpieces, cut into about 5mm, if thick - 1cm.

We transfer the potatoes to a large container - a bowl or saucepan and fill with plenty of cold water. During soaking, excess starch and nitrates are removed. Soak the potatoes in water for about 1 hour, then drain the water. After such a procedure, most of the nitrates from the potatoes will be removed.

Dry the potatoes well with paper towels or kitchen napkins.

Heat the vegetable oil well in a frying pan. A prerequisite for obtaining crispy potatoes is that there should not be too much of it in the pan, it should be fried in a thin layer. Therefore, it is best to fry the potatoes in two pans simultaneously.

Dip the potatoes in oil and fry over medium-high for 5-8 minutes, until golden brown.

Then gently turn the potatoes over and continue frying, also until golden brown. The frying time may be different - it depends on the type of potato and the thickness of the cutting of the tubers.

Reduce the fire to below average, cover the pan with a lid and fry the potatoes for another 5 minutes, until they are almost ready.

Then salt the potatoes, mix gently, trying not to damage the pieces.

Fry potatoes without a lid over low heat until tender, another 3-5 minutes. We check the readiness of the potatoes with a wooden stick.

We immediately serve the finished potatoes to the table. We decorate to taste.

Enjoy your meal!

I want to dwell separately on how to choose the right potatoes for frying. It is best if the tubers are medium in size, not too large, but not too small - then it will be more convenient to cut the potatoes. If there are any flaws on the surface - cracks, depressions, humps, then it is better to leave such a potato for mashed potatoes - all these defects will not be visible in the crush potato.


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Fried potatoes are a classic of Russian cuisine. How delicious it is to eat it, washed down with milk or a bite with a vegetable salad. You can simply fry it with onions or together with mushrooms or meat. And these are not all possible combinations for this dish.

The main secret of delicious crispy potatoes is that you definitely need to put them in boiling oil. For the entire frying time, it is recommended to turn it over no more than 2 times. It is usually cooked over high or medium heat. It is better to add salt at the end, then the slices will not stick together. Such potatoes will turn out to be incredibly tasty, the pieces will keep their shape and will not turn into porridge.

Today I have prepared delicious recipes for this dish for you. Here you will find the classic way and the most unusual combinations.

The classic fried potato recipe

It would seem that it could be easier than frying potatoes. This dish was in great demand at all times. To this day, it is considered a quick lunch. But even here there are subtleties and nuances. Consider them in this recipe.


  • 4-5 large potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • a tablespoon of butter;
  • salt and pepper taste.


1. Peel potatoes, cut into slices, about 3 millimeters thick. Cover with cold water and leave for 20 minutes. Thus, excess starch will come out. 1-2 times during this time, you need to drain and change the water.

2. Finely chop the onion, fry it in vegetable oil until golden brown.

3. Drain the water from the potatoes, dry them on a paper towel. Melt the butter in another skillet. As soon as it is hot, put the potatoes. Fry without a lid over high heat without turning for about 5 minutes. Then you can turn it over. For the entire frying time, turn it over no more than 2-3 times. Fry under the lid.

4. 5 minutes until ready, salt and season the potatoes. Add the sautéed onions and stir. Stir gently, but carefully so that the onion is evenly distributed.

Serve with finely chopped herbs, pickles, or other dishes of your choice.

Fried potato recipe with meat and tomatoes

Potatoes and meat are always tasty and satisfying. Especially when fried. According to this recipe, the dish turns out to be very tasty. It is very simple to prepare from the minimum list of products.


  • 600 grams of pork pulp (neck);
  • one medium tomato;
  • 600 grams of potatoes;
  • a couple of medium onions;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • greens taste;
  • salt and spices to taste;
  • vegetable oil.


1. Wash and dry the meat. If it has been frozen, then you need to completely defrost it. Cut into large squares, about 3 centimeters long.

2. Cut the peeled onion into half rings of medium thickness.

3. Peel the potatoes, cut them in half. Now cut each half into 3-4 more pieces, depending on its size.

4. Cut the tomato like potatoes.

5. Finely chop the herbs and garlic.

6. Heat vegetable oil in a deep frying pan. Add meat, fry on high power, stirring occasionally, until golden brown.

7. In another frying pan, also heat the vegetable oil. As soon as it is hot, lay out the potato slices, preferably in one layer. On high heat, without a lid, fry it without turning for 3-5 minutes. Then gently turn over. Fry until tender, stirring occasionally.

8. Add onion to the fried meat and add a little salt. Stir, fry the onion until golden brown.

9. Add potatoes, garlic and tomatoes to the meat. Salt a little and mix gently. Reduce fire. Now you just need to warm up the tomatoes, because all other products are ready. You don't need to cook the tomatoes, just make them warm.

10. Add finely chopped greens, stir, cover, hold on low heat for just a couple of minutes.

Delicious potatoes fried with sour cream and mushrooms

Delicious potatoes will be even more tender thanks to mushrooms and sour cream. Try this recipe. You will certainly like it.


  • a pound of fresh champignons;
  • 600 grams of potatoes;
  • one medium onion;
  • 3 tablespoons full of sour cream
  • salt and crushed pepper to taste.


1. Wash the mushrooms, dry and cut into slices.

2. Cut the onion into half rings. Heat some vegetable oil in a frying pan and send the onions there. Fry over medium, closer to high, heat for 2 minutes.

3. Meanwhile, peel the potatoes and cut them into strips like French fries.

4. Add mushrooms to the onion, fry for another 5 minutes. Season with salt and pepper.

5. Add potatoes to the pan. Stir gently and without changing the power, fry the potatoes under the lid for 10 minutes. During this time, you can turn it over no more than 3 times and very carefully so that the potatoes do not break.

6. Add sour cream and stir well. Cover, cook for about 7-9 minutes.

The dish is ready! Enjoy your meal!

How to properly fry potatoes with bacon

Earlier, in the days of our ancestors, sunflower and butter were a huge luxury. Therefore, they fried potatoes and other products in lard. But even now, when the choice of oils is simply huge and they are all available to everyone, many families still like to fry potatoes in lard. Take a nice piece with a layer of meat and melt it. Some leave the greaves in the dish, and some take away. One thing is clear, such a potato turns out to be very aromatic and tasty.


  • a small piece of bacon with a layer of meat;
  • a few potatoes;
  • bulb;
  • salt and pepper taste.


1. Cut lard into medium cubes. Put it on a preheated frying pan, fry until golden brown on a strong stove power.

2. Meanwhile, peel and cut the potatoes into medium pieces.

3. When the fat is melted and the lard is browned, add the potatoes to it. Stir and fry over medium heat, close to high, without a lid. It needs to be mixed periodically, after 3-5 minutes. This is often not worth doing.

4. Meanwhile, cut the onion into half rings. After the third stirring, add salt to the potatoes, pepper and add the onion. Stir, fry until the onion is soft and translucent.

Ready potatoes can be served immediately.

Delicious fried potatoes with stew

Do you want to cook something fast and tasty? There is very little time for cooking, and your loved ones demand a delicious dinner? Fry them potatoes with stew. Men have known this dish since the army. It is able to quickly saturate and energize until the next meal. Therefore, please your loved one by preparing this dish for him.


  • a kilogram of potatoes;
  • one onion;
  • can of stew;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt and pepper taste.


1. Peel the potatoes, cut into strips or medium pieces.

2. Cut the onion into small pieces.

3. Put potatoes in a frying pan with hot oil. Fry over medium heat without stirring for 5 minutes. During this time, the potatoes will "grab". This will allow her to keep in shape in the future. At the same time, do not close the lid.

4. Turn the potatoes over. Fry on the same power for 10 minutes, turning over infrequently. This will give the slices a good browning and will not turn into porridge.

5. Add onion, stir and fry until blush.

6. Add the stew, fry until the bulk of the liquid from the stew evaporates. Season with salt and pepper.

A simple and quick recipe for fried potatoes with an egg

If you come home from work and there is nothing edible in the fridge, prepare this quick recipe. He helps out perfectly when you need a hearty and tasty meal, but there is no time for cooking. Try it!


  • a pound of potatoes;
  • 2 eggs;
  • one onion;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • some vegetable oil;
  • salt, pepper and seasonings to taste.


1. Wash the potatoes, peel, cut into large slices. Salt them and season to taste. Pour in 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and mix. Heat some more vegetable oil in a frying pan and send the potatoes there. Fry over high heat for 5 minutes without turning.

2. Cut the onion into half rings, divide it into feathers. Mix the potatoes, fry in the same way, without turning for another 4-5 minutes. Then add the onion and stir.

3. Chop the garlic finely. Add it to the pan.

4. Fry under the lid for about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally (but not often).

5. Break eggs into potatoes. Stir the yolk lightly, add salt and season to taste. Cover, fry until eggs are done.

Great option for both dinner and breakfast.

Enjoy your meal!

How to fry potatoes - a classic recipe (video)

How easy is it to fry potatoes and onions? So that the pieces remain whole, ruddy and crispy? The answers to these questions and not only you will find in this video clip. Try cooking potatoes with the author.

Enjoy watching!

Fried potatoes are perhaps the very dish that has been and will be relevant at all times. It's delicious, satisfying and easy to cook. Even a novice hostess can handle such a dish.

Fried potatoes are also called a bachelor's dish. Although in fact, it is in demand in almost every family. Take the article to your wall so that it is always at hand.

Potatoes can be cooked in the oven, it also turns out very tasty, a few recipes in the article ""

Today, fried potatoes are a favorite dish for many; both children and adults adore it, despite the calorie content. This dish can be served as a side dish, or eaten as a main dish, without adding anything or fried potatoes with mushrooms, meat or just onions. So, let's prepare delicious fried potatoes.

It is not known exactly when the fried potatoes were invented, but the fact that potatoes prepared in this way are a relative of french fries is indisputable, so their history is inextricably linked, and the creators of the dish can be safely called the Belgians.

In our country, fried potatoes in a pan or oven with a small amount of oil is considered an everyday dish, but many housewives cook it for the holidays, garnishing various fish, meat and poultry dishes with ruddy fragrant potato pieces.

The secret to delicious fried potatoes is their crispy golden crust. And this is what often becomes a problem for many chefs - to make potatoes, especially when they are fried in large quantities in a pan, crisp, but at the same time it is not so easy to bring them to readiness. To achieve this result, you need to choose the right potatoes, prepare them and observe certain nuances when frying - we will tell you about this.

Choosing potatoes - which one will crunch best?

The best option for frying is medium-boiling potatoes with a pinkish peel, firm and well-retaining their shape.

You can fry both pre-boiled potatoes and raw, the latter is tastier and juicier, but it will take more time to bring it to readiness. The boiled potatoes are cut into slices and fried in a skillet with butter until browning, making it easier to achieve a crisp crust than frying raw potatoes, which can be called an art.

Oil selection - which one is right?

Most often, potatoes are fried in refined vegetable oil, but you can also use butter, but in this case there is a higher risk that the potatoes will burn - you will need to closely monitor them, but the potatoes will turn out to be more fragrant and tender. You can also use a mixture of vegetable and butter ghee - this mixture will not burn, and the potatoes will be very fragrant. Another option is frying on bacon, animal fat - the crust is very ruddy, but the calorie content of such a dish is literally prohibitive.

Preparing potatoes before frying

It is best to cut the potatoes as thinly as possible, into slices, cubes, sticks, strips or wedges. If you soak it in cold water for half an hour before frying, and then dry it, it is more likely that it will turn out crispy and not stick together in the process, but soaking will lead to the loss of most of the nutrients.

You can fry potatoes without additional ingredients, or by adding onions, mushrooms or any meat products to it - any type of meat will do. To ensure that potatoes always turn out well when frying, take note of these tips:

  • Always place potatoes on hot oil only;
  • The layer of potatoes in the pan should be no more than 5 cm for even frying;
  • Do not salt potatoes before frying - they will absorb a lot of fat, it is better to do this before serving;
  • To keep the potatoes crispy, fry them first over high, then over moderate heat, never cover them, otherwise they will turn out to be stewed, not fried;
  • If you dip the potatoes in hot water before frying and dry them after that, then they will fry faster;
  • For good browning, the potatoes can be lightly sprinkled with flour;
  • Raw potatoes fried in a pan can be brought to readiness in the oven;
  • When frying, potatoes should not be stirred too often, it is better to do this with a wooden or plastic spatula, dipping it from the edge and lifting the lowest layer of potatoes up in one light movement.

Crispy fried potato recipe

You will need: 4 potato tubers, 6 tbsp. vegetable oil, salt.

How to cook fried potatoes. Peel, cut the potatoes into thin circles about 3 mm thick, spread in portions in a pan with hot oil in one layer, fry for about 10-15 minutes until cooked, turning once, when it is browned on one side, put on a paper towel after frying. Sprinkle the potatoes with salt and chopped dill or green onions before serving.

Fried potato recipe with mushrooms and onions

You will need: 500 g of potatoes, 300 g of fresh champignons, 3-4 cloves of garlic, 1 onion, herbs, black pepper, salt.

Cooking fried potatoes with mushrooms. Cut the potatoes into strips, the onion into cubes, chop the garlic. Fry the onion and garlic in vegetable oil or its mixture with butter, remove them from the pan. Put in a frying pan, where the onions and garlic were fried (the oil should be hot), stirring, fry until browned, add salt, reduce heat and continue frying. Separately in oil, fry the mushrooms cut into plastics until browning, chop the herbs. Add mushrooms with previously fried onions and garlic, herbs to almost finished potatoes, mix, turn off the heat.

Fried potatoes in wedges in the oven

You will need: 900 g of potatoes, 4 tablespoons. olive oil, 1 tablespoon flour, salt.

How to roast potatoes in the oven. Heat the oven to 220 degrees. Peel small potatoes, cut into quarters, put them in boiling salted water and boil for 15 minutes without covering, put in a colander and dry. Then pour the potatoes with oil, sprinkle with flour and mix gently with your hands so that they are evenly covered with butter and flour. Pour oil into a baking dish or on a sheet, put in the oven, heat the oil, gently take out the sheet, put the potatoes, put them in the oven and bake for 20-30 minutes until browning. These potatoes are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.

Fried potato with meat recipe

You will need: 600 g of potatoes, 200 g of pork tenderloin, 10 g of herbs, salt, pepper.

Cooking fried potatoes with meat. Cut the meat into small pieces, fry in a pan with heated oil. Cut the potatoes into strips, add to the meat browned on both sides, fry for 10 minutes, season with pepper and salt, add spices to taste, reduce heat and fry until tender, stirring every 5 minutes, sprinkle the potatoes with herbs with herbs before serving.

For men, crispy fried potatoes with meat will be a real delight, it is very appetizing and satisfying. Always delight your loved ones with delicious dishes with!

Fried potato recipe video

They prepared it. See what happened

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I don't know why, but people are usually divided into two categories - those who succumb to and obey fried potatoes, and those who, no matter how they puff, cannot learn how to cook this simple dish. Fortunately, for a long time and reliably (hopefully, reliably) I belong to the first group - I know how to fry potatoes, I love and create in every possible way. Would you like to tell your secrets?

Fried potatoes: the classic way

If you still dream of mastering the really simple science of frying potatoes, you will have to start somewhere. Let's talk about this first. Step by step and in great detail.


  • large potatoes - 3-4 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil, salt.
  1. Peel the potatoes and immediately put them in a bowl of water, while the vegetables should be completely covered with liquid. Cut into cubes, which are then also put in a bowl.
  2. After all the potatoes are cut, put a frying pan with a thick bottom on the stove (ideally - cast iron, well - steel with a thickened bottom). Pour in a few tablespoons of vegetable oil and turn on medium heat.
  3. At this time, drain the water from the potatoes and put it on a paper towel (you can use a cloth towel) to dry it from excess water.
  4. When the pan with butter is completely warmed up, put the potatoes. And we do not touch it, at least for the next 5-7 minutes, while the gas is slightly reduced - to a little weaker than average. Do not stir, do not stir, do not remember. This is one of the main rules of a successfully fried potato.
  5. After the indicated time, we take a wide spatula and turn over the layers of potatoes with several movements. Not flickering, not small - briskly, broadly, confidently. If you find the right moment, then the potato bars will turn over in layers. On the reverse side, an appetizing golden brown crust should be waiting for you. Done? Everything, go about your business, do not touch dinner now for a slightly less time - about 3-4 minutes.
  6. So, turn over the second time and go to rest. After a while, we turn it over for the third time, wait a couple of minutes, choose the thickest block and check it for readiness. If the potatoes are a little damp, mix again and fry until tender.
  7. Salt, lightly and gently mix and place on plates. Delicious!

Fried potatoes with mushrooms


  • potatoes - 2-3 tubers;
  • mushrooms - 100 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • salt, pepper, vegetable oil.
  1. Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes, dry them and put them in a well-heated frying pan. Fry over medium heat until tender.
  2. At the same time, put finely chopped mushrooms on another pan (heated and oiled). If we are talking about mushrooms - raw, if the farm has forest mushrooms - boiled. Fry until golden brown, at the end add the onion cut into half rings and fry until the onion is tender.
  3. We spread the mushrooms in the potatoes, stir, fry for about a minute, salt and serve immediately.

On a note. I recommend not neglecting the second frying pan - both potatoes and mushrooms give up quite a lot of water when frying, so if you want to get not a stew, but a ruddy and crispy dinner, do not be too lazy to get another frying pan.

Country style potatoes

How delicious! This is how my grandmother cooked - and, it seems to me, I can still, closing my eyes, remember that magnificent combination of aromas, sounds and pictures that accompanied country-style potatoes. Incredibly yellow potato tubers, orange eggs, snow-white onions, dazzlingly bright greens - I would give half the world now for dinner cooked with gentle wrinkled hands ... Alas, for lack of the opportunity to taste my grandmother's treat, I go to the kitchen myself.


  • potatoes - 2-3 tubers;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • parsley - several branches;
  • lard - 3-4 slices;
  • salt.
  1. We peel the potatoes, cut them into "skibochki" - first along in half, and then into slices: we get crescents.
  2. Put the bacon on a preheated frying pan, melt the fat on minimal heat. The greaves can be removed (or you can leave them), put the dried potatoes in a frying pan.
  3. Fry until tender, salt at the end and fill with slightly loosened eggs. We cover with a lid and bring to readiness - just a couple of minutes. Serve sprinkled with finely chopped herbs.

Young fried potatoes

Contrary to popular belief, young potatoes can be very fried. To avoid the nuisance of falling apart and sprawling, here's a little trick that turns your dinner into a feast.


  • small young potatoes - about 1 kg;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • a bunch of dill, salt.

The potato should actually be small - about the size of a walnut, no more. In addition, tubers of the same size must be selected. In order not to waste time and not feel like Cinderella, go to the market: grandmothers in the season of young potatoes sell exactly what you need. Digging the harvest in the garden, they immediately sort it by size, wash it, put it in bags and bring everything to the market in the hope that there will be a buyer for each product. And he still exists - you! Let them look at you strangely, it doesn't matter. Do not hesitate and take the cheapest potatoes - the smallest. Yes, and don't worry, you don't need to clean it.

  1. Take out a large bowl, put the trophy in it, pour in a few handfuls of coarse rock salt, close the lid, turn on your favorite music loudly and, hugging the bowl, dance. Vigorously, strongly and plentifully, it is important to shake the bowl, shake and shake. After about five minutes you will get peeled potatoes (you just have to wash them), good mood, lost calories and toned muscles.
  2. So, wash and put in a saucepan, fill with water. Bring to a boil, boil it almost until tender, turn it off and immediately drain the water.
  3. Dry (you can put the pan on the fire and wait a minute or two). Heat the butter in a frying pan, put the potatoes and, stirring occasionally, fry until cooked. Salt and serve, sprinkle with finely chopped dill.

French fries

Once upon a time there was a Belgian named Frite. Once he came up with a wonderful thing - to sell take-away potatoes, moreover, not ordinary, but fried sticks in a large amount of oil. The dish quickly became popular, and now, in my opinion, everyone knows what fries are and how they taste.


  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • vegetable oil - about 0.5 liters;
  • salt.
  1. Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes of the same thickness. We dry it.
  2. Pour the oil into a small-diameter ladle (saucepan) and heat well. You can fry potatoes only after the oil is completely calcined.
  3. Gently place the potatoes in small portions in a ladle, fry until a weak, even golden color and immediately remove with a slotted spoon.
  4. We spread the finished potatoes on paper napkins, salt before serving.

Deep-fried potatoes

Another option for deep-fried potatoes is roses. Such "flowers" can be a decoration of salads, and act as a separate dish, and simply serve as a decor for serving the above-described fries.


  • large potato tubers - 3-4 pcs;
  • salt, vegetable oil.
  1. Peel the potatoes, cut them in half lengthwise, and then into thin, thin semicircles. Select the first "petal", roll it up into a tube. We wrap the second "petal" around the first, trying to firmly press the base, and, on the contrary, leave the top free. Thus, we form a "rose" from 10-15 petals, fasten the "stalk" with a toothpick.
  2. Dip for a few seconds in a large amount of hot vegetable oil (all potatoes should be covered with oil), remove as soon as the vegetable acquires a light golden hue.
  3. We spread it on a paper towel. After cooling down (small, or better complete), remove the toothpick. Salt before serving.

Fried potatoes "Khvorost"

Have you seen what bundles of brushwood the men carry from the forest? These are about the same and we will cook - well, perhaps a little shallower, but the difference is not particularly striking.

In general, the recipe shamelessly resembles potato pancakes and pancakes, and the essence is the same, but still it turns out not potato pancakes, but fried potatoes.


  • large potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • medium carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • salt, vegetable oil.
  1. My potatoes, peel and cut into strips. This is important - we just cut, and not be lazy and rub. At the same time, if you want to get the perfect version of edible "brushwood", you should strive to ensure that all the straws are relatively the same thickness (and preferably not very large).
  2. We clean the carrots and also cut them into strips, moreover, at times thinner than potato ones.
  3. Mix, salt, add eggs and flour. Let stand for a couple of minutes, then fry under the lid, spreading small pancakes, on fire, slightly less than medium, until golden brown.
  4. Turn over and fry again - until tender. Do not rush - the potatoes are in cubes, they may not have time to fry, so it is better not to make a big fire. We serve immediately.


The easiest and most boring option is a plate with a heap of fried potatoes on it in an appetizing slide. At best, sprinkled with finely chopped dill. Let's get away from this?

You can serve potatoes in a hot frying pan very effectively: the fat is still sizzling, vegetables are almost bouncing in the oil, and you are carrying a frying pan that will keep the heat for a long time and not let the food cool down. Carry and sip sweetly with your nose - the aromas tickle and seduce, the picture pleases the eye and the soul, and a sharp thought comes the feeling of the beauty of life!

Try not to serve potatoes alone. Garnish with fresh vegetables, pickles, a few balls of green peas, a scanty parsley leaf - it doesn't matter, just to dilute the potato aria with something.

Oh, and don't forget the sauces! Ketchup directly asks for potatoes, and banal sour cream mixed with garlic is also not very bad. Aioli, satsebeli, adjika, mushroom sauce - in this case, almost everything will be appropriate.

Announcing that today, for example, you have fried potatoes for dinner, you should understand that there will be… potatoes on the table. Confused? I mean, the key when choosing a product for this dish is its taste. Varietal properties are also important, but they are secondary, but the savory fillings are essential as never before. If you buy potatoes that are watery, with an unpleasant aftertaste or indistinct consistency (ready-made), it is better not to waste your time: you will fail. In this case, candy will not come out of nonsense, therefore, having found and noticed a suitable potato once or twice, mentally put a tick next to it: it is worth buying this particular variety for frying.

Nevertheless, certain rules can still be deduced. It is best to choose medium-boiling potatoes with a dense skin and low starch content. If, after heat treatment, the tubers keep their shape well, this suits you, take it. Experts say that it is better to prefer yellow and pink potatoes - I will not give a justification, since everything is much simpler for me: I take what I grow in the garden. Perhaps you should look for “your” grandma on the market, who will sell you the best proven product?

Oil and fat

Fry potatoes on anything. Most often and, I think, healthier - on refined oil, which is specially refined for use in a frying pan. Nevertheless, I will say from experience that the most delicious potatoes are those that are cooked in lard or lard. Yes, yes, you can close your eyes in horror and sigh defiantly, imagining how much the calorie content of dinner will increase when using such fat. However, since we initially decided that occasionally we can afford a small celebration of the belly, then let's spend it so that it is actually a holiday, and not a miserable semblance of a matinee in kindergarten. So, potatoes with cracklings, ruddy and crispy, crispy and aromatic - that's what is the standard for me!

By the way, you can also fry in butter, however, there is a big risk of having dinner with a frying pan: it is easy to miss the moment, and then the potatoes will hopelessly stick to the bottom. Delicious, not uncomfortable. The way out is to add a small amount of butter to the main amount of vegetable oil.

1. For frying potatoes, it is better to take a large-diameter frying pan: let the frying area be solid and the layer of potatoes insignificant. This way you will get a ready-made dish faster and will cost less stirring, which will significantly affect the integrity of the potato and its crispness.

2. When cutting potatoes, housewives usually put them in a bowl of water (so as not to darken). Make sure that you put the pieces in the frying pan, from which the excess liquid is very, very good.

3. Another reason to put potatoes in a container of water before frying is starch. After half an hour spent in the "bath", the vegetable will lose most of this substance, which will have a very positive effect during frying: the potatoes will not fall apart.

4. Frying pan - perfectly and fully preheated!

5. During frying, try not to stir the potatoes very often, and when you do this, take a spatula with a wide "blade", which will turn a large layer over at one time. Start at the edge, gently bring to the center, flip over to the same place with a sharp, precise movement.

6. Salt potatoes at the very end of frying - otherwise it will soften and absorb excess fat.

7. Onions should be fried along with potatoes - they add aroma and sweetness to the main vegetable. In addition, carrots, celery and parsley root, finely chopped cabbage are good for this dish. Any meat products - bacon, ham, boiled pork and even sausages-sausages - fit perfectly into the picture.

Calorie content, benefits and harms

I think it's not worth talking about why fried potatoes do not belong to the representatives of healthy food - the words about carcinogens, cholesterol and other nasty things have long made everyone sore. In general, I do not want to raise this topic, it is not interesting. I'd better say a couple of phrases in defense. Of course, most of the vitamins and nutrients contained in potatoes are lost after heat treatment, however, something remains - and therefore we can say that this vegetable is a rich carrier of vitamins C, B, K, E, PP , it contains quite a lot of folic acid, magnesium salts, phosphorus and potassium. In addition, potatoes are considered to be beneficial for cardiovascular diseases, problems with stools, and swelling.

Calorie content ... well, yes, the figure is not very pleasant. In 100 g of fried potatoes, an average of 300 kcal is hidden. However, everything is fine in moderation - and if you do not eat a bucket of potatoes at a time, I think that such a dinner will bring more benefits than harm, while I suggest not to forget about the incredible gastronomic pleasure and consider it a weighty argument “for”.

It would seem that anyone is interested in how to properly fry potatoes in a pan? Of course! Novice culinary specialists often look for various recipes for preparing this popular vegetable, choosing not only the simplest, but also the most delicious interpretations. Moreover, few people know how to really quickly and easily achieve an appetizing golden brown crust. And yet it is quite simple. The main thing is to know some tricks. In addition, the proposed selection of fried potato recipes is presented with versions with onions, lard, mushrooms.

Potatoes with mushrooms in a creamy sauce

In fact, pan-fried potatoes are made in a variety of ways. Someone is used to just chopping it and bringing it to readiness, while other chefs are ready for delicious experiments. If you belong to the second category, then this recipe for frying potatoes in a pan will be a real godsend for you, since there is still not only mouth-watering mushrooms, but also a delicious sauce.

Cooking time - 45 minutes.

Servings Per Container - 6.


This recipe for fried potatoes in a pan involves using the following foods on the list:

  • potatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • fresh champignons (best small) - 220 g;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • sweet ground paprika - 1 tsp;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • dill - ½ bunch;
  • cream - 235 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • ground pepper and salt to taste.

Cooking method

If you do not know how to deliciously fry potatoes in a pan, then read the step-by-step recipe with a photo. Each step is described here "from" to ", and is also accompanied by a visual picture. So making a mistake in preparing a new dish is simply unrealistic.

  1. So, let's start making fried potatoes in a pan according to this recipe by preparing onions. Peel the vegetable. Cut into small cubes or whatever is convenient for you.

  1. Put a large, spacious frying pan on the stove. Put a piece of butter in it. Pour in some refined sunflower oil. Melt the mixture.

  1. Send a chopped onion into this oil mixture. With systematic stirring, fry it until golden brown.

  1. In the meantime, get busy with potatoes. Peel the vegetables. Rinse the tubers thoroughly in tap water. Cut off all dark areas, remove the “eyes”. Cut vegetables into slices.

On a note! To prevent the potatoes from darkening, send the slices to a separate bowl and cover with water.

  1. Rinse the mushrooms. Send champignons to fried onions. Mix. Fry everything together for about 7-8 minutes.

  1. Transfer the potato slices from which the liquid was previously drained to the champignons with onions. Mix. Fry for about 5 minutes more.

  1. Pour in ground sweet paprika. Salt. Add ground black pepper. Stir the food.

  1. Pour in some drinking water. Make sure the liquid covers all food. Cover the pan with a lid. Simmer for 20 minutes.

  1. Add cream to the products (fat content does not matter, you can use any product). Stir and simmer vegetables and mushrooms under the lid for another 5 minutes.

  1. It remains to add bright colors to delicious and aromatic food. To do this, rinse fresh dill in water, dry it on a towel. Chop finely. Sprinkle the prepared dish with herbs.

All! As you yourself may have noticed, frying potatoes in a pan with onions according to the recipe with mushrooms and sauce is a snap. However, the dish turns out to be incredibly tasty and satisfying. So it is definitely worth adding to your collection for housewives who rely on delicacies from the category “simple, fast, delicious”.

Fried potatoes with onions on lard

Probably, every housewife knows how to properly fry potatoes in a pan, and she does it in her own way. That is why even the most ordinary and familiar dishes acquire their own unique taste for each culinary specialist. Below is an example of how to cook fried potatoes and onions in a pan. It is proposed to fry it in lard, as our grandmothers often used to do.

Cooking time - 35 minutes.

Servings Per Container - 7.


The list of foods that make up this step-by-step recipe is surprisingly simple and budget-friendly. So the dish will become a real "magic wand" when the finances are a little tough. So, here's what you need:

  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • lard - 200 g;
  • onion - 3 heads;
  • salt to taste.

On a note! The above recipe for frying potatoes in a pan does not involve the use of additional seasonings and spices. But if you wish, you can add them: dried dill, curry, turmeric, rosemary, sweet ground paprika, oregano, etc.

Cooking method

Not sure how to fry potatoes in a pan with onions in lard? Toga follow this detailed recipe with a photo. As a result, you will have an appetizing golden potato on your table, which can be served with pickled cucumbers, pieces of herring, and fresh vegetables. Mmm ... how easy it is and how delicious it is!

  1. So, in order to get a delicious crispy potato in a pan, you first need to prepare all the products indicated in the recipe.

  1. If we fry potatoes in a pan according to a step-by-step recipe, then the first thing to do is cut the bacon into pieces (it can be salty or not - this is not so important). Each slice should not be more than 1 cm thick. Otherwise, it will not heat for a long time. Send lard to a preheated frying pan. Wait until the fat is melted from the lard.

  1. Peel the potatoes. Rinse thoroughly in running water. Cut into slices and place in a skillet.

  1. Now it is worth solving another important question, how much to fry potatoes in a pan? On a fire slightly stronger than medium, let the vegetables stand for 10 minutes and turn over. Peel the onion. Cut it in random order. Send to potatoes. Close the lid and fry for another 7-10 minutes. Turn over.

  1. Close the container again with the lid and bring to readiness.

On a note! There is an important point to make about salt. Do not add it right away at the very beginning of frying. It is recommended to do this little by little, but in several passes with each stirring of the potatoes. Then the vegetables will be salted better and will be tastier.

Now you understand how to fry potatoes in a pan with a crust? Fine! From now on, an appetizing dish of the most inexpensive products can always appear on your table.

Fried potatoes with onions

There is another great recipe for making delicious crispy potatoes and onions in a pan. It's incredibly simple. So even a teenager can handle it!

Cooking time - 40 minutes.

Servings Per Container - 4.


To fry potatoes in a pan deliciously with a crust, we will need the following products on the list:

  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • garlic - 1 slice;
  • large onion - 1 head;
  • pepper and salt to taste;
  • vegetable oil.

Cooking method

So that you understand how to fry potatoes in a frying pan with a crust, you should strictly follow the instructions provided and do not deviate from all the recommendations. Then the dish will be great!

  1. Fry until the bottom of the vegetables is golden brown, that is, 6-8 minutes.

  1. Salt. Turn vegetables with a spatula. Wait until golden brown appears again. Add garlic and onion. Fry for another 8-10 minutes under a closed lid.

  1. Adjust the taste of the finished dish. Add a little salt if necessary. Spice up. Fry for just a minute - and you're done!

Now you also know how to cook potatoes in a pan is very simple, but fantastically delicious! If you serve pickled or pickled cucumbers with such a dish, then it will fly off the table in the blink of an eye, faster than the most expensive delicacies and exotic dishes.

Video recipes

Perhaps everyone knows how to fry potatoes in a pan according to recipes with mushrooms, lard and onions, but nevertheless, such tips can be useful for novice cooks. To learn how to make an appetizing dish with such an affordable vegetable, you should get acquainted with several variations presented here in the format of video recipes: