How to make a delicious rice side dish. How to Boil Klug-Grain Rice Loose: A Chinese Cooking Recipe

24.07.2019 Meat Dishes

Rice is a very useful source of energy. It is not for nothing that it is popular in Asian countries, because it includes many minerals and nutrients. But for some reason, cooking delicious rice for some housewives is a big problem. We will explain now how to cook rice for a side dish step by step with a photo.

Many people think that this is an easy thing for any housewife. But this is not what it seems at first glance. In fact, in order to cook perfect rice without getting sticky, you need to know the characteristics of this grain.
What is the advice for making the perfect side dish and?

It is important to accurately determine proportions water to rice. Usually, it is advised to pour 1 cup of rice cereal with 2 cups of water, but in practice this ratio does not make the rice ideal. Practice has shown that it is necessary to pour a little more water than rice. For example, for 400 grams of rice, you need to take 600 ml of water.
It is also very important not to neglect rinsing the rice groats under water until the water becomes clear. If this is not done, then you should not expect the structure of the rice to be perfect.

Another thing to observe when cooking rice garnish is that you don't need to stir it! Only then will it turn out not as porridge, but grain to grain.
It should be noted that a cauldron or container with a thick layer is best suited for such a side dish. So that the cereal does not stick in this container, and after cooking it can be infused and finally cooked.

We suggest you cook a side dish of rice according to the following recipe: 200 rice, 250 grams of water, salt (amount of your choice).

  1. First you need to thoroughly rinse the rice grits so that all the gluten is gone.
  2. We spread the cereals in a cooking container, salt and pour water.
  3. Close the container with a lid on top and put it on the stove. But when the water boils, we immediately reduce the power and start cooking for about 15 minutes.
  4. When the rice has absorbed all the liquid, remove it from the heat and cover it with a warm towel or other cloth that retains heat and leave it for half an hour.
  5. After the side dish is finally ready, mix it and throw in a piece of butter. This method is universal and its use is possible when boiling any of the varieties of rice.

When there is a multicooker in the kitchen, then making rice crumbly is even easier with this assistant. Here is a recipe for the housewives in the recipe box for preparing a side dish of rice in a multicooker: rice cereal and water in proportions 1 to 2, respectively, salt, butter.

Parboiled rice is the same rice as regular rice, but it has been heat-treated and from this it has acquired an amber color. It is even easier to prepare such a side dish from it than from the usual one, which is why most housewives choose this particular type. Giving preference to this rice, you need to know that after heat treatment, it loses about 20% of its useful characteristics.

We tell how to cook parboiled rice.
To parboiled rice has become crumbly, like other types of rice, it should be washed and soaked for half an hour. Next, you need to drain the liquid, take a container with a thick layer, put the cereal there and pour. The proportions are approximately 1 glass of cereal to 1.25 glass of water. Place the container on the stove, and as the water begins to boil, reduce the power to the smallest. Then add salt and toss in the butter to your liking. The rice should now be cooked for half an hour until fully cooked.
If you cook steamed rice without soaking, then you need to boil the water and only then add rice groats there. The ratio of rice to water is 1.5 cups of cereal to 1 liter of water. You need to cook the cereal for half an hour, while covering it with a lid. And then remove from heat and wait 10 minutes so that the rice is completely cooked.

Round rice has its own characteristics. It contains more starch than other types of rice. Therefore, it is actively used in the preparation of rolls, cereals, casseroles and other dishes.

If you want to cook it so that it becomes crumbly, then you need to carefully rid it of excess starch under water before cooking and dry it. For drying, you can take a sieve, spread the cereal on it and dry it for an hour.

Now you can send the cereal into a saucepan or other cooking container and pour water on top in a ratio of 1 to 1.5. For example, if you take 200 grams of rice, then you need 300 ml of water. The fire should be medium when cooking, and after boiling, reduce to a minimum. From this point, it usually takes about 15 minutes to cook the rice. Note that the pan must be covered with a lid. And you can't stir the cereals, because this will provoke the production of excess starch, which will prevent friability. When the rice has taken in all the liquid, you can remove it from the stove, salt it, put oil in it and leave it to infuse until tender.

For garnish, you can also use round grain rice.To prepare it, pour water into a container and put it on fire to warm up. Please note that for 100 grams of rice, you should take 300 ml of water. While the water is heating, rinse it well. And then, when it comes to a boil, salt it and put the rice grits in a container. Then you can add a tablespoon of sunflower oil to the rice. Rice is usually fully cooked within 25 minutes.

Rice garnish can also be cook in the oven. But with this method, the proportions of rice and water are different. For 200 grams of rice, you need to take 100 grams of water. Put the rice with water in a pot, season with spices and put in the oven, cook at 180 degrees. In 20 minutes your side dish is ready!

When cooking long grain rice in a saucepanyou need to prepare 200 grams of rice, 300 ml of water, a pinch of salt and butter or vegetable oil. Of all the dishes, a saucepan with dense walls and a tightly covering lid is most suitable.

We start to cook rice: you need to put it in a saucepan and rinse until the water stops cloudy. After that, pour it with cold water so that the water level is 2 cm higher than the rice. If you doubt whether enough water is poured, you can find out its level with your thumb. Dip your finger in the water on the rice and see if it covers the phalanx halfway, then you did everything right.

Then you need to lightly salt the rice. But if you are making for a salad or for a side dish, then do not forget about the sauce, which also contains salt. The main thing is not to overdo it with salt. Now you need to cover the pan with a lid. This is very important, because the tightly closed lid helps to make the rice grains flavorful, and so as not to stick together.

Turn on the stove, set the heat to the highest possible and place the pan on it for 5 minutes. Now reduce heat and simmer for about 15 minutes. Then remove the pan from the stove, let the rice sit in it for another 5 minutes, and then remove the lid. Add oil and cover again for 2-3 minutes. That's all!

If you have an electric stove, it is better to cook rice on two burners. Set one to the highest and the other to the lowest power. On the first one, cook for 5 minutes, and then move the pan to a low heat burner and cook for 15 minutes.

Long grain rice comes in a variety of colors, brown and white. The first contains more useful vitamins and minerals, but quickly deteriorates. It is cooked in the same way as ordinary rice, but after boiling it is cooked not for 15, but for 20 minutes. This type of rice does not require oil, because it is contained in the rice itself.

White rice comes in two varieties: "jasmine" and "basmati". The first is very often used in casseroles and puddings. The second is a very self-sufficient variety with an exquisite aroma, so it can be consumed as a separate dish.

Do you now understand how to properly cook rice for a side dish? Did you help with the photo step by step? What rice do you use ruby \u200b\u200bor jasmine, what proportions do you keep? Leave your opinion or feedback for everyone on the forum.

Not all housewives can cook boiled and tasty rice. It is necessary to observe certain proportions, then your side dish will always work out. Our recommendations will help you prepare this cereal correctly.

Choosing the type of rice

When choosing rice for cooking a particular dish, you should take into account its appearance.

  • The round variety has good absorbency and sticks easily. Good for making rolls, sushi, cereals, casseroles.
  • The middle grain is represented by small oval grains about half a centimeter long. It is used for making pilaf, soup or pickle.
  • Long grain is characterized by long, thin grains up to a centimeter long. Such cereals do not stick together. It is an ideal side dish for fish and meat. It goes well with vegetables. Used as an ingredient in salads.

Cooking rules

Boiled rice is a simple dish. However, in order for it to be successful, there are certain tricks to know.

  • Initially, you should choose the right cookware, it should be deep, have thick walls and a bottom. It can be a saucepan or a cast iron. The main thing is that the grains are evenly heated from all sides. First, the shell of the grain should soften, then the core undergoes heat treatment. The use of aluminum and enameled containers for these purposes is not recommended, since they do not provide uniform heating. For this reason, the cereal may burn.
  • The rice is sorted out, specks, dark grains (if any) are removed.
  • The groats are repeatedly washed in running water until the white and cloudy liquid becomes a transparent and clean substance. It should not be forgotten that rinsing water is used without fail cold. This is due to the fact that using hot or warm water for washing, you can brew the starch contained in the outer shell of the grains.

  • The washed rice is placed in a cooking container and filled with water, which is salted and supplemented with spices (according to individual taste preferences). Chicken or mushroom broth can be used as a base. In order to prevent grains from sticking together, add vegetable oil before cooking (a spoon is enough).
  • Next, the container is sent to the stove.
  • First, the flame of the fire must be large. After boiling, the pan is covered with a tight-fitting lid to create a greenhouse effect. At the same moment, the fire decreases to a small flame, the rice should reach readiness.
  • The duration of the process from the beginning of cooking to the end of cooking is determined by the type of rice.


The ratios of water and cereals, depending on the type of rice, are as follows:

  • round grain - 2.5: 1;
  • medium grain - 2.25: 1;
  • long-grain - 2: 1.

If you take a glass of cereal, then in the first case, you should take two and a half glasses of water for cooking, in the second - two glasses and a quarter, and in the third two glasses will be enough.

Time for preparing

Cooking time also depends on the shape and size of the grain:

  • round grain is cooked for 20 minutes;
  • the middle grain is boiled for a quarter of an hour and infused for a quarter of an hour;
  • long grain will be ready in a third of an hour.


Universal side dish

Take a glass of water for 200 g of cereal. Rinse the rice thoroughly to remove gluten. Put the rice grains in a saucepan, cover with water, add salt to taste. Put the saucepan covered with a lid on the fire. At the time of boiling, reduce the power of the stove. The cooking process will take about 15 minutes. At the moment when the liquid is absorbed by the rice, remove the container from the heat. For the next half hour, it is required to keep warm in the pan, for this purpose, cover it with a warm cloth. After the above time has passed, stir the garnish, add a piece of butter.

Loose rice using a multicooker

A multicooker home assistant will help you make a crumbly side dish without any problems. This will require:

  • one part of rice cereal;
  • two parts of water;
  • a small piece of butter;
  • a handful of salt.

Well washed rice is immersed in the bowl of the appliance. Water is poured from above. Salt and oil are added. The device closes. The "Rice" (or "Milk porridge") mode is set. After the end of the program, let it stand for some time so that the rice is completely steamed and tastes even better.

Parboiled rice

This product undergoes a special heat treatment, which, however, takes away one fifth of its useful properties. You can prepare crumbly parboiled rice as follows. Add 1 cup of parboiled rice to 1 and a quarter cup of water. After washing, soak the cereals for 30 minutes. Put the cooking container with cereals and water on the stove. After boiling water, reduce the fire. Season with salt, add oil to taste. Then cook the garnish for about 20-30 minutes until it's finished cooking.

Another option for preparing parboiled rice is without soaking. In this case, you need to take a liter of water for 1 and a half glass of cereal. Rice grains are placed in boiling water. It is cooked for 30 minutes in a saucepan covered with a lid. After the end of cooking, you need to remove the dish from the stove and stand for 10 minutes.

Uzbek pilaf

Cooking Uzbek pilaf is associated with knowledge of the intricacies of the cooking process and requires certain skills. Getting down to business, you should prepare the necessary dishes. Ideally, this is a round cauldron with a convex bottom (cast iron or aluminum with thick walls). At the preparatory stage, you should stock up on provisions:

  • ½ kg of fatty lamb (preferably a ham);
  • ½ kg of premium long grain rice;
  • ½ kg of carrots (the sweeter the better);
  • ½ kg of onions;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • 4 teaspoons of a mixture of ground spices, which includes paprika, black ground pepper, cumin, barberry;
  • mutton fat in the classic version of the dish can be replaced with vegetable oil, respectively, 75 grams of fat should be taken, sunflower oil - a glass.

Initially, the cauldron is placed on fire and warmed up. Oil is carefully poured into a heated bowl, which should flow along the walls of the cauldron (or the fat is heated). The fire at this moment should not be great. The oil or fat is not brought to a boil, as vegetables and meat are to be roasted, not stewed. The lamb is cut into pieces of the same size, freeform (but not too small). The meat is fried until it acquires a brown hue over maximum heat.

Wash peeled onions and dry them with a paper towel. Cut into half rings and add to meat for frying. Peeled carrots are also cut, but in the form of long sticks (you should not use a grater: in this case, a lot of carrot juice is released and the vegetable will be stewed). The resulting blank is added to the cauldron at the moment when the color of the onion turns golden. The mass is mixed and fried for five minutes.

All this mass should be slightly salted, because after placing the rice in the cauldron, the dish will not be salted. Add the prepared spice mixture.

Thoroughly washed rice is given a place on top of an impromptu pillow (do not mix cereals with the components of the pillow). A saucer is placed on top of the rice, onto which boiling water is carefully poured from the kettle until the rice is covered with liquid by 1-1.5 cm. The saucer is removed with care, since it is important not to break the monolithic layer of rice. The final preparation process is carried out over high heat, without covering.It turns out that the rice is steamed over a pillow of meat and vegetables, resulting in a crumbly dish.

After the water boils off, the rice is pierced in several places to the bottom, a little hot water is poured into these holes. Quartered garlic cloves are carefully distributed. The container is closed with a lid, the flame is reduced to a minimum, the dish is soaked for a quarter of an hour. After turning off the stove, you should not open the lid for another quarter of an hour in order for the dish to reach the desired condition. Before serving, turn the contents of the cauldron onto a large flat dish: there will be rice at the bottom, a pillow of vegetables and meat on top.

It will not hurt to serve lavash, fresh cucumbers and tomatoes with pilaf.

Vegetable rice in a pan

The side dish is attractive, tasty, and easy to prepare. For cooking, you need to take:

  • ¾ glasses of long rice;
  • larger onion;
  • bigger carrots;
  • ½ cans of green peas;
  • ½ cans of dessert corn;
  • a teaspoon of turmeric powder;
  • sunflower (sesame can be) oil.

Oil is poured into a frying pan with high sides, which is heated to a hot state. Diced onions and carrots are fried in it for 5 minutes. During the frying process, stirring occasionally, add turmeric powder. After the onions and carrots are sufficiently fried, the cereal, peeled from the starch, is laid out on top, leveled in an even layer and poured with boiling water.

The liquid should cover it by 1 cm. Add salt. After boiling, the pan is covered with a lid: the dish is simmering on minimal heat. After a third of an hour, green peas and corn are laid out on top of the steamed rice. And in this combination, the dish languishes under a tightly closed lid for several more minutes. Stir everything before eating.

Mushroom risotto

A gourmet dish with Italian roots is best made from round rice. To prepare it, you should stock up:

  • ⅔ glasses of round rice;
  • 100 g parmesan;
  • ½ chili pepper;
  • a couple of garlic cloves;
  • medium onion;
  • 300 g of champignons;
  • 1½ cups mushroom broth
  • olive oil;
  • parsley.

In order to prepare such a risotto, you should go through the following steps. Heat a couple of tablespoons of oil well in a frying pan. Onions, chili, garlic are chopped very finely and fried in oil. This is done carefully: the onion should just become transparent, but not change color. Mushrooms, pre-cut into large pieces, are laid out in vegetables. All ingredients are fried for 5-8 minutes. In another skillet, dry rice is fried in olive oil over medium heat until it becomes transparent.

The groats are transferred to the first pan, where vegetables and mushrooms are located. Next comes the gradual introduction of mushroom broth: first, 50 milliliters are poured into a mixture of rice and vegetables, which is periodically mixed. After the rice has absorbed the liquid, the process is repeated several times until the rice is completely cooked (it should be soft, but not soft). A mixture is made of grated cheese and finely chopped parsley, which is laid out in rice. The melted cheese gives the dish a delicate and unique taste.

It was previously noted that the characteristics of rice grains, expressed in shape and size, affect the cooking time and the characteristics of the cooking process itself. Below are some guidelines for preparing different types of rice grits.

Round shaped rice

  • Such raw materials are characterized by the presence of a greater amount of starch in comparison with other types of rice cereals.
  • To obtain a friable state in finished form, such a product must be thoroughly washed and dried before cooking. You can dry it by spreading it out on a sieve.
  • Cooking fire is used medium before the water boils and small after it boils.
  • The cooking container must be covered with a lid.
  • You should not stir the rice as this will cause the production of excess starch, which prevents the formation of a crumbly structure.
  • After the rice has absorbed all the liquid, it can be removed from heat and insisted until cooked.

Long rice

  • It is advisable to cook long seeds in pots with thick walls and a tight-fitting lid.
  • The preparation of such cereals for cooking consists in rinsing it until the cloudy shade of the liquid disappears.
  • You can use this trick to check if there is enough water to cook the rice. Immerse your thumb in the water while touching the rice: if the phalanx is half-covered, then enough liquid has been poured.
  • It is important not to oversalt, because when using rice as a side dish or as part of a salad, do not forget that sauce can be used when preparing a dish.
  • A lid that fits tightly over the pot will help make the grains more crumbly and prevent them from sticking together.
  • Before the water boils, the fire is made as large as possible, after boiling - the slowest.
  • After turning off the heat, it does not hurt to hold the rice under the lid for a couple of minutes.

You should know that long-grain rice is white, brown, black.

Brown rice

  • In terms of the composition and content of trace elements, it is healthier than white.
  • It is cooked like white, but the cooking time after boiling should be longer (5-10 minutes).
  • Its disadvantage is that it deteriorates faster.
  • You do not need to use oil to cook this rice as brown rice contains it.

Wild black rice

  • It has a considerable cost, therefore it is not as common as white rice.
  • The taste is sweetish, has a nutty flavor.
  • As a rule, in the store you can find packaging where black is combined with brown or white rice.
  • It should be soaked for a long time before use (12 hours), which is done to cleanse and preserve the nutritional properties of the product. After such an operation, the cereal softens and will cook well.
  • Since it greatly increases in size during cooking (almost four times), water should be taken 3 times more than cereals.
  • The cooking time for black rice is longer than brown rice - up to three quarters of an hour.

For information on how to cook rice for a side dish, see the next video.

If you are tired of the usual side dishes, you can experiment a little. The rice side dish is the very field for experimentation where you can let your imagination run wild. With the help of simple manipulations and spicy herbs, a very ordinary rice side dish can be turned into an unusual tasty dish. Not so long ago I laid out a recipe for simple rice for a side dish, in which the white hour with jasmine gives a delicious taste to the dish. As I discovered, rice goes very well with different teas and herbal brews. Thyme is also used in cooking as a spice for many dishes, and as a component of herbal tea. And it perfectly sets off the taste of rice. Now about everything in more detail.


  • 1 tbsp. long grain rice;
  • 2 tbsp. cold water;
  • 10 g of ginger root or a pinch of ground ginger;
  • 20 g thyme;
  • 2 tsp vegetable oil;
  • zest of 1 lemon + a few rings for garnish decoration;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Rice recipe with thyme and ginger for garnish

1. Cut off a small piece of gauze or bandage about 30 x 15 cm. Fold in 2 layers. We spread the thyme on cheesecloth. To give it more flavor, you can pre-knead it with your fingers. Here we add the ginger root and lemon zest, grated on a fine grater. We fold the bag and tie it on top with threads so that all the spices remain inside.

2. Rice is thoroughly washed in cold running water until the drained water becomes clear. Then pour into a frying pan or a saucepan. Place a bag of spices in the center of the pan. Fill with two glasses of water, add 1-2 pinches of salt and pepper (this is to taste) and 2 tsp. vegetable oil. Cover and simmer over medium heat.

3. When the rice boils, let it boil for another 3-5 minutes. In order for the aroma of the seasonings to be distributed throughout the dish, during the cooking process, the rice must be stirred a couple more times without damaging the bag. After all, if the thyme roots are in the finished garnish, it will not taste very pleasant. So, after the rice has boiled a little, turn off the heat and let it steam for another 5-10 minutes under the lid.

Delicious aromatic rice for a side dish is ready! Decorate with a slice of lemon and sprinkle with any herbs to taste. I served rice as a side dish with fish cakes, but it goes well with any main course of fish or meat. Enjoy your meal!

While preparing a side dish may seem like a trivial task, it can sometimes puzzle even experienced chefs. How to cook rice properly to get crumbly grains, and not a sticky mushy mass? But nothing is impossible. To properly cook crumbly rice will help to know some culinary subtleties: the use of a certain amount of water, moderate temperature, a saucepan with a tight-fitting lid. You also need to remember to let the side dish stand for some time after cooking. By the way, don't skip the last step by any means. When you remove the rice from the heat, the moisture inside the pot will begin to redistribute, making the mixture more homogeneous. For a crumbly side dish, Basmati is the best choice. It has thin, elongated grains and excellent taste, although the price is significantly higher than other varieties. Let's get started! How to cook rice correctly, if you have made your choice?

How much fluid is needed?

It is best to measure rice by volume, not by weight: it is optimal to take 65 ml per serving. The liquid should be twice as much as the grain of rice. It is best to rinse the cereals in a sink, in cold running water, until the water is completely clear. There are two reasons why rice should be washed. Firstly, some factories use talcum powder in the production process, and secondly, this way you remove starch from the grains, which is the main culprit for the fact that sometimes an unsightly sticky mass is obtained instead of tasty porridge.

How to cook rice for a side dish: soaking

For most everyday meals, you don't have to soak the rice to get a good result. If you are using a fairly old cereal, leave it in the water for about 30 minutes; this will make it less prone to breaking. Basmati rice is traditionally soaked to maximize its length.

How to cook rice properly: temperature and time

Place the cereals in a saucepan of a suitable size, cover with water. Try not to add salt as this will make the grains brittle. Bring rice to a simmer over high heat without opening the tight-fitting lid. Then set a low temperature: the grains will swell, absorbing water. If the fire is too high, the rice at the bottom can burn, while the top is left with undercooked cereals. Set a timer for 20 minutes. At the end of the set time, remove the pan from the heat and let the rice "come" for an additional 5 minutes. To prevent steam from escaping, do not look under the lid.

How to cook rice for a side dish - culinary tricks

Stir the rice with a fork, but only when it's done. Do not open the pan during the entire cooking process! You can serve the rice right away, or you can leave it covered while you cook the rest of the dishes. If you need to cool the rice for the salad, place it on a baking sheet to cool quickly. Also, do not store boiled rice at room temperature for more than two hours.

Rice groats are known and loved on all continents. It is impossible to find a kitchen that does not have rice in one form or another.

In the countries of the Far East, this dish is so popular that, for example, in China as a greeting they ask: "Have you eaten rice today?"

In Europe, rice groats appeared relatively recently, during the late Middle Ages and the great geographical discoveries. When people began to actively explore space. Having gained popularity very quickly, rice has become a national dish in almost all European countries.

Rice groats do not contain gluten, the most allergenic plant protein. That is why it is included in the children's menu as the first porridge.

In addition, rice is actively used for the preparation of mucous and creamy soups for various therapeutic diets.

Types of rice groats

There are incredibly many varieties of rice. In total, botanists distinguish 20 cultivars and several hundred varieties.

Rice is distinguished by the appearance of the grain:

  • Long-grain - narrow and long, up to 2 cm, during cooking these grains practically do not stick together - they are ideal for a crumbly side dish;
  • Medium grain - semicircular, short cereal of medium gluten content, for example, the "risotto" variety, ideal for the dish of the same name, this also includes the famous devzira rice for making pilaf;
  • Kruglozerny - the rice is round and short, it contains a lot of gluten, ideal puddings, casseroles, pureed and slimy soups are obtained from such cereals.

Rice can be distinguished by the processing method:

  • Sanded.Grinding is the most common way of processing rice groats, the grains are white, practically devoid of vegetable fiber and vitamins, but such rice is very nutritious and cooks quickly;
  • Unpolished or brown. The grains undergo minimal processing, preserving the maximum of vitamins and fiber, but they take much longer to cook and the finished garnish turns out to be too "coarse" in taste;
  • Steamed.The most optimal variant of rice - the grains are treated with steam before grinding, due to which a rather large part of the nutrients from the shell enters.

Methods for preparing loose rice

Depending on the desired result, the most optimal way of preparing rice groats is selected. You can cook:

  • In water;
  • For a couple;
  • Mixed method (Chinese).

Any type of rice absorbs water quite strongly, this must be taken into account when preparing it, but the thicker the grain, the stronger its hygroscopicity. Before cooking, it is recommended to rinse the cereals thoroughly by rubbing them with your hands, and at the end rinse them under running water.

In order to get a crumbly porridge in a saucepan, the rice is washed, thrown onto a sieve and poured over with boiling water. Then fall asleep in boiling salt water in a ratio of one to one and reduce the heating to a minimum.

During cooking, the grain is not stirred, but pierced in several places for better steaming. If all the water has already evaporated, and the cereal is not yet ready, carefully add a little boiling water. If desired, the finished rice can be washed, but only with boiled water.

Steamed rice is the easiest way to cook. The result is an invariably crumbly side dish. The grains must be washed and poured into the bowl of a double boiler, salt, pour water one to one. Steam until tender for about half an hour.

The Chinese cook rice in very large quantities. Several kilograms are cooked at once - it is the basis for many other dishes.

The groats are boiled in a large container with a ratio of one to five to water. Having brought it to half-readiness, they are thrown onto a large sieve, and then they are steamed in it.

We present you with a video showing the Asian way of cooking rice:

How to cook crumbly rice for a side dish in a saucepan

Round-grain - the most difficult thing to cook is a crumbly porridge from such grain. It contains a lot of gluten and absorbs liquid very strongly.

This variety should be washed only under running water, otherwise it will swell and stick together even before cooking. And be sure to rinse the finished garnish.

Long grain milled rice is perfect for making crumbly side dishes.

The varieties "jasmine" and "Thai" are especially different. They have a delicate delicate taste and a pleasant creamy texture, while the finished grains do not stick together into an unpleasant lump.

Brown (brown) or unpolished rice is preferred by health-conscious people and adherents of proper nutrition. It cooks much longer than polished, it must be soaked beforehand.

But such a side dish will definitely be crumbly and healthy.

Parboiled rice cooks slightly faster than unpolished rice. Almost any dish can be prepared from it: both semi-liquid risotto and crumbly Chinese rice. It is also ideal for pilaf if you could not find a devzira.

Regardless of which type of rice you choose, certain rules must be followed to obtain a crumbly side dish:

  • Keep track of the expiration date of the cereal. This is especially true for unpolished rice - it is stored for a very short time. Grains that are stored for a long time become brittle and stick together during cooking;
  • To obtain a crumbly side dish, observe the ratio of water / cereal - 1/1;
  • Rinse the rice before laying, so you will wash off grain dust, which also contributes to the sticking of the finished dish;
  • Choose the right cooking utensils. A steel saucepan with a thick, layered bottom is ideal. In them, the heating is evenly distributed and the cereal does not stick to the bottom;
  • Observe the optimal temperature regime - first we cook on strong heat, then we reduce it to a minimum, and be sure to let the porridge infuse, already without heating.

Steps for Cooking Loose Rice:

In the next video, you will learn how to cook rice so that it is crumbly in just 60 seconds!

The most common mistakes that cause croup to stick together

  • Unsuitable type of grain - it is rather difficult to cook a crumbly side dish from round grain;
  • Too much heat - in this case, it is very likely that your side dish will burn and not cook evenly;
  • Unsuitable cooking utensils;
  • Too much water - rice, regardless of the variety, absorbs liquid very strongly, and as a result, it boils and sticks together.

Very often, rice porridge is served with gravy. Knowing these recipes, your rice will never be dry!

Read about the beneficial properties of balsamic vinegar and how it is used.In the same article, you will find a lot of other informative information about this essence.

If you are looking for recipes for festive appetizers, then you need Quick Recipes and a detailed description of the preparation.

Choose a type of rice depending on whether you want a viscous or crumbly porridge. Long grain, unpolished and parboiled rice varieties do not stick together during cooking.

Purchase a thick-bottomed steel pan, it is much easier to cook crumbly rice porridge in it.

Rice strongly absorbs not only water, but also the sauce, so they should not be mixed for further storage in the refrigerator.

Making a crumbly rice side dish is easy, you just need to practice a little and follow the rules.

Let's take a look at a method of cooking crumbly rice cereal in a frying pan: