Salt in production. Formula and properties of table salt

03.05.2019 Healthy eating

Mining and chemical raw materials in the form of salt belong to the non-metallic group of minerals. Rock salt is characterized by the lowest content of impurities, low humidity and the highest sodium chloride content - up to 99%.

If we consider the breed in its pure form, then it is colorless and water-transparent. Salt that is not refined can be mixed with clay rocks, organic substances, iron oxide, and accordingly, the color of the salt can be gray, brown, red and even blue. Let's easily dissolve in water. In terms of transparency, halite has an amazing faint glassy luster. The world resources of rock salt are practically inexhaustible, since almost every country has deposits of this mineral.

Characteristics and types

Rock salt is formed as a result of the compaction of halite sediments that arose in past geological eras. It occurs in large crystalline masses between rock strata. It is a natural crystalline mineral and an environmentally friendly product. The rock salt contains a natural complex of biologically active macro and microelements. We can say with confidence that this type of salt is the most popular and massively sold. Subdivided into coarse and fine grinding. To increase iodine, iodized rock salt is produced.

Field and production

Solid salt deposits are found in many regions of the world, where they occur at depths ranging from several hundred to over a thousand meters. Salt layers are cut with special harvesters underground, then the rock is transported to the surface of the earth by conveyors. Then, getting to the mills, it crumbles to obtain particles (crystals) of various sizes.

It is mined in more than a hundred countries. The largest producer is the USA (21%), followed by Japan (14%). In Russia, the breed is mined in the Urals and Eastern Siberia. Ukraine and Belarus also have large reserves.

The use of rock salt

Rock salt is a treasure trove of our planet. Most of the salt mined is used in the chemical, leather and food industries. For the human body, rock salt is an essential mineral. Humanity consumes about seven million tons of salt per year.

It is widely used in medicine. There are many methods that are popular and help to cure many diseases with the use of rock salt.

The use of salt in modern lamps is no longer considered a wonder. The developers have proven that salt evaporates under the influence of heat, which is what allows you to effectively ionize the air in the room.

Table salt is an inorganic compound composed of sodium and chlorine ions. When crushed, it is white crystals of various sizes. In most cases, it contains impurities that can change the color of the salt from light brown to gray.

Types of table salt

By genesis and method of production, table salt is divided into:

  • Stone;
  • Evaporated;
  • Ozernaya;
  • Basin.

Rock salt, or halite, is a mineral that is composed of cubic crystals and is the main source of table salt, as well as a raw material for the production of chlorine, sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid. It is located in sedimentary rocks, the thickness of halite deposits reaches 350 meters. It differs from other types of salt in a relatively small amount of impurities.

Evaporated salt is obtained in the process of evaporation of natural brines, which are extracted from the bowels of the earth, or artificial brines, which are made by dissolving halite in water, which is pumped into the wells. After the brines are cleaned, they are evaporated in vacuum apparatus.

Lake, or self-precipitated salt, is mined from the bottom of lakes. It is called sedimentary because it precipitates due to an excess of salt in the water. This type of table salt is distinguished by its high hygroscopicity and humidity.

Basin, or garden salt, is obtained from ocean or sea water, which is transferred to artificial large-area pools in the southern regions. The water evaporates and the salt precipitates.

By type of processing, table salt is divided into: fine-crystalline, ground, unmilled and iodized; by quality: extra, premium, first and second grade.

Deposits and production

Natural reserves of table salt on Earth are almost inexhaustible.

The main types of table salt deposits: strata of rock salt deposits, ocean, sea and lake waters, brines and groundwater, salt marshes. The largest Russian and Ukrainian deposits are Verkhnekamskoe, Seryogovskoe, Astrakhanskoe and Artemovskoe.

Nowadays, table salt is mined by the mine method (the most common), crystallization, freezing, evaporation.

The use of table salt

Salt is of primary importance in the food industry as a seasoning. In its pure form, it is used in metallurgy for roasting ores and cleaning metals. It is used even in transport - sprinkling the bottom of wagons to protect coke or manganese ore during transportation. Also, table salt is used to treat leather products in order to prevent rotting.

Rock salt is a sedimentary mineral composed primarily of sodium chloride. The composition of impurities depends on the characteristics of the deposits. Why is it rock salt, and not just, for example, sodium or chloride? This name reflects the state of the mineral and the attitude of a person towards it. As a natural deposit, these are truly salty stones. This then, after processing, halite, as this salt is also called, becomes just a former salty powder. It is in this form that it acquires the name of table salt.

Rock salt is a sedimentary mineral composed primarily of sodium chloride

Halite stone belongs to natural minerals of the halogen class of the sodium chloride subclass. However, most people on the planet know this stone as simply salt.

The mineral halite got its scientific name in Ancient Greece. The translation of this word is ambiguous, but its meaning is with two concepts - sea and salt. The chemical formula of rock salt is simple - it is NaCl as the main substance and other elements as impurities. Pure rock salt contains 61% chlorine and 39% sodium.

In its pure form, this mineral can be:

  • transparent;
  • opaque, but translucent;
  • colorless or white with signs of glass luster.

However, pure NaCl is rare in nature. Its deposits can have shades of colors:

  • yellow and red (presence of iron oxide);
  • dark - from brown to black (impurities of decomposed organic matter, for example, humus);
  • gray (clay impurities);
  • blue and lilac (presence of potassium chloride).

The mineral halite is fragile, hygroscopic and, of course, salty. It dissolves well in water at any temperature, but melts only at high temperatures - at least 800 ° C. When the fire melts, it turns yellow.

The crystalline structure of rock salt is a dense cube, in the nodes of which there are negative chlorine ions. Octahedral voids between chlorine atoms are filled with positively charged sodium ions. The structure of the crystal lattice is a sample of ideal order - in it, each chlorine atom is surrounded by six sodium atoms, and each sodium atom is adjacent to the same number of chlorine ions.

Ideal cubic crystals in some deposits are replaced by octahedral ones. In salt lakes, crusts and drusen can form on the bottom.

Gallery: rock salt (25 photos)

Rock salt massage (video)

The origin of salt deposits

Rock salt is a mineral of exogenous origin. Salt deposits were formed during sedimentary processes in a dry and hot climate. The origin of salt deposits is associated with the slow drying out of closed-drain salt lakes, sea bays and shallow waters.

In small quantities, halite salt is formed during soil salinization, during volcanic activity. Soil salinization occurs in arid regions. This process can develop in natural or anthropogenic conditions. Natural salinization occurs where groundwater with increased salinity approaches the surface. This water evaporates and a salt crust forms on the soil surface. In addition, the soil can also become saline from above, for example, during storm surges or tsunamis. In this case, a large amount of salty sea water penetrates into the lower horizons of the soil, and then evaporates, and salt deposits on the surface.

A person brines the soil with abundant watering in an arid climate. In regions where the evaporation of water from the lower soil layers in aggregate exceeds the inflow of water with precipitation, the soil is highly mineralized. If it is watered, then evaporation also increases. As a result, minerals deposited in different soil layers come to the surface. On such soil, a salt crust forms, which prevents any manifestation of life.

Rock salt is classified according to its origin into the following categories.

  1. Self-settling, which forms in evaporite basins, deposited with granular crusts and drusen.
  2. Stone, lying in large layers between different rocks.
  3. Volcanic salt rock that is deposited in fumaroles, craters and lavas.
  4. Salt marshes, which represent salt crusts on the soil surface in an arid climate.

Geography of the main deposits

Halite is concentrated mainly in the deposits of the Permian period. This was about 250 - 300 million years ago. Then a dry and hot climate was formed almost everywhere in Eurasia and North America. Salt water ponds dried out quickly, and the salt layers were gradually covered by other sedimentary rocks.

On the territory of Russia, the largest halite deposits are located in the Urals (Solikamskoye and Iletskoye deposits), in Eastern Siberia near Irkutsk (Usolye-Sibirskoye deposit). Halite is mined on an industrial scale in the lower Volga, as well as on the shores of the famous salt lake Baskunchak.

Significant halite deposits are located:

  • in the region of Donetsk (Artemovskoye field);
  • in Crimea (Sivash region);
  • in the north of India in the state of Punjab;
  • in the USA - the states of New Mexico, Louisiana, Kansas, Utah;
  • in Iran - the Urmia deposit;
  • in Poland - the Bochnia and Wieliczka salt mines;
  • in Germany near Bernburg, where halite has blue and lilac hues;
  • large salt lakes are located in the western part of South America.

Using rock salt

No matter how scolded the use of rock salt in the food industry and in everyday life, a person cannot do without this “white death”. These are not just compounds of minerals, although the complex composition of rock salt in some deposits is highly valued in medicine. Salt dissolved in water or in food is an increase in the number of ions, that is, positively and negatively charged particles, which activates all processes in the body.

However, halite has found its use in the chemical industry. For example, the production of hydrochloric acid, sodium peroxide and other compounds that are in demand in various industries cannot do without NaCl. The use of halite, in addition to its consumption, provides more than 10,000 different production and final consumption processes.

This mineral is still the most popular and cheapest preservative that helps people live from one harvest to another, transport food over long distances, and stock up on food for future use. The function of salt as a preservative has saved and is now saving people around the world from hunger.

In our time, sodium chloride has become one of the cheapest foods. And once there were salt riots. The wagons with this product moved under heavy guard. This product was part of the soldiers' rations. Perhaps the consonance of the words of the soldiers and the salt is not accidental.

How rock and extra salt is produced (video)

Salt mining methods

How is halite mined in our time? Modern mining is carried out using several methods.

  1. Mass production of large quantities of rock salt is carried out by the mine method, which consists in extracting rock salt from sedimentary rocks. Since halite is a solid solid monolith, it must be softened at high temperature and pressure. To raise salt to the surface, special salt combines are used.
  2. The vacuum method is to digest minerals from water with a high concentration of dissolved salt. To obtain brine, a well is drilled, reaching the rock salt deposit. After that, clean fresh water is pumped into the bowels. The mineral quickly dissolves in it, forming a saturated solution. The brine is then pumped out to the surface. Usually, salt is mined in this way for food and medical needs, since the brine does not contain impurities of other rocks.
  3. The lake method is based on the extraction of salt from open salt reservoirs. This method does not require the construction of boreholes or the construction of mines. However, the product obtained in this way needs to be thoroughly cleaned, which affects the cost.
  4. The method of evaporating sea water has been practiced for about 2,000 years. It was popular in countries with dry and hot climates. To obtain salt from sea water, energy sources were not needed here, since the sun itself perfectly coped with the process of water evaporation. However, this process was very slow, therefore, with a large concentration of the population thirsty for salt, special heating was used.

The antipode of evaporation is a method practiced in cold climates. The fact is that fresh water freezes faster than salt water. For this reason, the early ice in the vessel, when melted, was practically fresh water. In the remaining water, the salt concentration increases. Thus, fresh water and saturated brine could be simultaneously obtained from sea water. Salt was boiled out of late ice water quickly and with lower energy costs.

Nowadays, NaCl is a product that has become familiar, and the sign that spilled salt leads to a quarrel is puzzling. The use of sodium chloride in food has the character of bringing its taste to the state of sea water. This is the need of all organisms living on land.

The point is that life originated in sea water. Not surprisingly, the internal environment of the human body corresponds to the parameters of salty sea water. So by consuming salt we restore the mineral balance established by evolution. Just do not make a saturated solution from a weak saline solution and eat a lot of salt.

Table salt Is a surprisingly widespread product, but at the same time so many customs and beliefs are associated with it, its history is very eventful and even military operations.

Humanity has been using this seasoning for over ten thousand years. But, since our planet was practically unexplored, in ancient times salt deposits were very rare and were under the jurisdiction of only the royal people. Particularly privileged individuals and eminent soldiers received salaries in salt rations.

The methods of obtaining salt have changed over the eras. First, people learned to burn plants soaked in sea water and sprinkle ashes on food. Then the salt began to be "digested" - on the Black Sea coast, on the territory of modern Bulgaria, salt works were discovered that had been operating in the 6th millennium BC. e .. Moreover, the scale of their work reached industrial volumes. This method of extraction gave the name "cooking" salt. The product was obtained by evaporation of a salt spring from water in special furnaces.

Table (rock) salt is a simple compound of sodium and chlorine and is a white crystal. The presence of other shades (gray, brown) may indicate the presence of mineral impurities.

Today, there are several ways to obtain this food additive:

  • natural evaporation of water from salt sources and sea water;
  • sedimentary salt mined in the depths of lakes;
  • development of mines, in which the product is not subjected to water and heat treatment;
  • industrial cleaning of halite - rock salt deposits in the dried-up seas.

It is believed that it was the extraction of salt in the American city of Louisiana that led to the formation of the famous Louisiana Failure. By the way, it is the USA that is the leader in the production of this food additive.

No matter what modern researchers say, there are ancient folk traditions associated with table salt. For example, dear guests were always greeted with bread and salt. And on Holy Thursday, they prepared Thursday salt, which was then used in church rituals. For a long time there has been an unshakable rule in the taiga: when leaving the shelter, it is imperative to leave matches and salt for casual travelers.

In the composition of table salt, 97% is sodium chloride. The remaining 3% are various additives in the form of iodides, fluorides and carbonates, with which the product is enriched to prevent various diseases (thyroid gland, teeth, etc.).

On sale you can find several varieties of the product: refined or unrefined table salt of various degrees of grinding. All this affects the taste of the product and its properties.

Beneficial features

In the human body, salt cannot be formed on its own, the only option for saturation with it is with food.

Salt is not considered a food product, but only a flavoring agent. Therefore, there is a lot of debate about the reasons for the use and the need to do it. One of the common ideas is the theory of lack of sodium in the body.

According to the theory of biochemists, there was a natural balance of potassium and sodium salts on the planet in prehistoric times. However, global climate change and prolonged rains have led to the leaching of sodium salts from the soil. Accordingly, there was a lack of them in plants, which caused a natural craving to compensate for the excess of potassium salts and the lack of sodium chloride in the organisms of animals and humans.

Sodium and chlorine ions are very important for human life, their role is key in such processes:

  • maintenance of water and electrolyte balance, especially among people leading an active lifestyle, and athletes, they even create special isotonic drinks;
  • conduction of nerve impulses and nerve contractions;
  • the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which is involved in digestion;
  • regulation of blood pressure, heart rate;
  • normalization of the growth of muscle and bone tissue.

In the case of severe dehydration, doctors inject saline through droppers to restore balance in the body.

People have long begun to notice an improvement in their well-being if a certain amount of salt is present in food. However, this does not mean that salt should be eaten with spoons.There is a certain consumption rate, and it is approximately 11 grams, or 1 teaspoon per day. Keep in mind that many products (canned food, sausages, cheeses, etc.) already contain table salt. Therefore, most people unknowingly exceed the physiological norm by 2-3 times, which can even lead to poisoning with table salt.

Cooking applications

Table salt is one of the most important food additives, without which all cooked food will be bland. Its taste is quite characteristic, although exotic varieties with "impurities" can also be found. However, the taste of salt will differ not only depending on the geography and method of extraction, but also on the method of processing the resulting product.

There are different types of salt according to the quality of grinding. Coarse salt is considered the tastiest, since most of the elements and minerals are preserved in it. But refined small seasoning has only an attractive appearance. It is devoid of all the beneficial elements and has undergone numerous chemical treatments for bleaching and grinding.

Salt is used in all areas of cooking, a rare dish will do without its use. True, you need to use the product correctly to get the most out of it. For instance, iodized salt should be added after cooking, and only coarse salt is suitable for preservation.

By the way, for a long and simple preservation of products, a more effective way has not yet been found than salting. Thanks to the antiseptic properties of salt, the development of rotting and multiplication of bacteria in all organic tissues is prevented.

Those wishing to switch to a salt-free diet should be under the close supervision of doctors. This regimen is usually prescribed only for medicinal purposes for a limited time.

In domestic and warehouse conditions, salt should be stored in dry rooms in a closed container. If iodine is added to its composition, then it is desirable to protect the salt from light as well.

The benefits of table salt and treatment

The components of table salt have a very beneficial effect on the human body. Sodium and chlorine ions are involved in many processes in the body; they are present in the gastric juice, central nervous system, bone and muscle tissues, in blood and intercellular fluid. Residents of hot regions especially need to replenish them, since they have more active sweating and accelerate water-salt metabolism. That is why the peoples of the North do not need such an amount of salt and can do without it for a long time.

Also, the level of salt intake can increase with high physical activity. In such cases, it is better to drink mineral water saturated with the necessary salts, rather than "empty" distilled water.

The craving of pregnant women for salty foods is quite justified, because the volume of blood begins to increase, respectively, the amount of water retained in the cells will also increase, which causes slight edema. Drinking diuretics is not worth it, because they remove many useful substances from the body, and you also do not need to limit yourself in salt, however, within the normal range, of course. By the way, brine is a universal remedy for hangovers and toxicosis: it relieves vomiting.

Losing weight on a salt-free diet will most often be a useless and painful business. Not only will you lose a lot of nutrients washed out from the body, but you will also return all the lost weight quickly enough. Losing weight in this regime occurs only due to the removal of a certain amount of water, and it is very quickly restored.

But baths with table salt will help cleanse the skin and tone it, which will significantly improve your appearance. It is necessary to conduct a course of 15 procedures for a quarter of an hour daily.

Table salt can be used to treat many diseases. There are a lot of ways, because you can use it both for external use and as a solution for internal use.

We offer you several recipes that you can easily make and apply at home:

As you can see, salt in moderation and when used correctly can be a good friend and helper.

The harm of table salt and contraindications

The harm of table salt is manifested when it is consumed in excess. It is better to undersalt the dishes, because you can always add seasoning to taste.

There are several diseases that are contraindications for the use of table salt in its pure form:

  • cardiovascular disorders;
  • renal failure;
  • inflammatory processes.

Usually, in such cases, a salt-free diet is recommended, from which it is necessary to exclude not only salting of food, but also foods with an initially high content of table salt. In the event of an uncontrolled violation of the regime, the result can even be fatal.

According to the conducted experiments, 3 grams of salt per 1 kg of weight can become a lethal dose even for a healthy person, especially in the absence of water. Such an amount of salt can significantly change the composition of the blood and lead to dehydration of its cells and, as a result, to disruption of the work of erythrocytes and the nervous system. And this, in turn, leads to a violation of oxygen saturation and to the death of the cell and the body as a whole.

You can to some extent eliminate the excess of table salt, replacing the additive with natural spices and herbs, which will also add flavor and piquancy to the dish. Avoid marinades, smoked meats, sauces and ready-made spices as much as possible. Pay attention to the composition, where the salt content should be indicated.

For nails in household chores, we have already figured out. It was the turn of the salt. What can ordinary table salt do in the right hands?

Remove plaque from a vase or freshen up artificial flowers

If there is a sediment from flowers on your favorite vase, rub this plaque with salt. Then wash it off with warm soapy water - the deposits will disappear. The same trick helps to deal with plaque on the leaves of artificial plants: soak them in a saline solution and hold for a while.

Extend the life of a broom

If you arrange a bath for a new broom by holding its working part in hot salty water, then it will last much longer. Soak the broom for 20 minutes and then let it dry thoroughly.

Wash off red wine stains

If wine spills on carpet or clothing, apply wet salt gruel on top. Leave it on for 20-30 minutes, then wash with hot water. By the way, salt works well with greasy stains if you don't have time to wash them thoroughly. Just sprinkle the greasy grease with salt, then, at least, the grease will not spread further through the clothes.

Wash off water stains from a wooden surface

If there are sloppy marks from glasses or water bottles on wooden furniture, salt will come to the rescue again. Mix it with water to make a mushy mixture, and gently, without scratching, wipe the surface with it with a sponge or soft cloth.

Reanimate the sponge

After a short use, the sponges acquire a well-worn look, although in fact they can still serve in the household. Soak the sponges overnight in a saline solution: 1/4 cup salt per liter of water.

Remove frost from windows and frames

Salt reduces the temperature threshold at which water freezes. This property can be used effectively. Wipe the glass near the frames with salt water, let it dry. To prevent the windows from sweating, place a rag bag of salt between the glass panes. The same bag is useful for motorists: wipe wet windows with it from time to time during the cold season.

Fight the ants

If your house is suddenly attacked by ants and there is no special remedy at hand, use salt. Place it near doors, windows, or right on the ant path. This will help stop the invasion for a while.

Remove burnt milk from the stove

Salt is generally a good thing for cleaning dishes and some kitchen utensils. For example, salt can be used to clean a coffee pot, tea or coffee rims on dishes. She copes well with burnt milk. Soak the stain with water and then sprinkle generously with salt. Wait 10 minutes, then try to remove the stain - the process will go much easier.

Remove lipstick marks

Not every dishwasher will handle modern lipstick stains on a glass, for example. Apply salt to the edge of the dish and then put it in the dishwasher. And a mixture of vinegar and salt added to the water will help to deal with yellow stains on the glass: just soak the faded glass in this solution.

Peeling pecans

Peeling and coreing a pecan can be tricky. Try soaking the nuts in salt water for an hour or two. It will be easier to clean, and the body of the nut itself can be removed from the shell without problems.

Give the apple a fresh look

If the apple is slightly withered and wrinkled, bathe it in a mild saline solution. The skin will be smoothed and firmer.

Prepare a body scrub

Salt can be used to exfoliate old skin particles before showering. There are many recipes for homemade scrubs, although they usually involve sea salt. But the same effect will be achieved if you simply apply salt to a sponge or washcloth and properly treat the skin before bathing. Such rubbing, by the way, is very invigorating and helps to get rid of morning sleepiness.

Freshen breath

There is an old grandmother's way: how to get rid of bad breath. Nowadays he is forgotten by many, but in vain. A mixture of baking soda (1 teaspoon), salt (the same amount) and water (half a cup) still perfectly cleanses the oral cavity.

Clean the refrigerator

Don't like chemicals when cleaning the inside of your refrigerator? Brine will do a pretty good job of tackling this problem too, as long as your refrigerator doesn't have old deposits. A handful of salt for 3.5-4 liters of warm water will be enough. The main thing is to dissolve it properly so as not to scratch the surface.

Boil the eggs right

Add some salt to the water where you boil the eggs. This will strengthen the shell and prevent the egg white from spilling out even if the egg cracks. In addition, it will be much easier to clean the eggs.

Fry food without splashing oil

If you are afraid of splashing the boiling oil, add a little salt to the skillet before placing the food. Excess moisture will be absorbed, and there will be much less splashing.

Fight mold

A mixture of salt and lemon juice is excellent at removing mold. Relevant when cleaning tiles or bathroom. Salt can also keep cheese from mold: soak a napkin with brine and wrap the cheese in it.

Clean piano keys

Dipping half a lemon in salt creates a natural bleach and cleaner for old piano keys. After application, all that remains is to gently wipe the surface with a dry cloth.

Keep water hot

Water in a heating pad or bottle will keep it warm longer if it is salted.

Remove sweat marks

Fresh traces of sweat on clothes are removed with a solution of table salt (1 tablespoon per glass of water).

As you can see, salt can be useful not only as a flavoring agent. We are used to buying a separate bottle with a special product for every small household item in the supermarket. But salt will cope with many household problems just as well.