Plum and apple jam. Apple-plum jam for the winter

31.07.2019 Healthy eating

Every year, after harvesting, every summer resident asks how to preserve their fruits, and what dishes can be prepared from them. In this case, you should pay attention to garden apple jam and plums. This easy-to-prepare, but very tasty dessert is ideal for a tea table and on winter evenings will again give a feeling of summer and a charge of vivacity and vitamins.

Many housewives fell in love with apple and plum jam due to its unusual taste. Indeed, on the one hand, the dessert has a sour hue, which is given by apples, and on the other hand, it is sweet and juicy, which is given by plums. Therefore, you need to take a responsible approach to the choice of fruit for making jam.

Better to use sour apple varieties (for example, White filling, Antonovka, Sharapay or Granny Smith). They will add a tart taste to the finished dish. The plums used for cooking must be sweet, large and ripe.

For cooking, it is advisable to use a large enamel dish - it does not allow the ingredients to oxidize. If not, then a regular copper saucepan will do.

Preparation of the main ingredients

Before you start making the jam, the fruit is prepared. To do this, the apples need to be washed well, the peel and all wormy areas must be removed. Then cut the fruit into quarters (if the apples are small, you can use the halves) and remove the core.

Plums must also be thoroughly washed, cut out with a knife all decaying or damaged areas and divided in half. Remove the bones.

Ways to make apple jam with plums

Today there are a large number of recipes for making apple and plum jam. They differ from each other in the products to be used, in their quantity and cooking time. But, no matter what recipe the hostess chooses, the result is a delicious and juicy dessert.

Simple recipe

This method uses a minimum of ingredients, but the taste remains the same soft and pleasant.

Required components:

  • peeled apples - 900 grams;
  • plums - 500 grams;
  • sugar - 1 kilogram.

Cooking steps:

  1. Cut the apple quarters into small slices.
  2. Combine ingredients and stir.
  3. Leave the mixture for four hours. During this time, the fruit will release its juice, and a small amount of sugar will dissolve.
  4. Put the container on low heat, and bring the fruit and sugar to a boil.
  5. Increase heat and simmer for ten minutes with an intense boil.
  6. Remove the jam from the stove and leave to cool for 12 hours.
  7. After a break, bring the dish to a boil again, hold it on high heat for ten minutes and turn it off.
  8. Cool the jam.
  9. Pour into sterilized jars. To sterilize jars, you need to either boil them or heat them in the microwave at maximum power for seven minutes.

Jam in a slow cooker

The method of cooking in a multicooker is remarkable in that it takes a small amount of time and uses a minimum of effort on the part of the hostess. But the taste, as before, remains the same rich and expressive.

You will need:

  • peeled apples - 500 grams;
  • plums - 500 grams;
  • sugar - 800 grams.
  1. Combine the prepared fruits in one container.
  2. Add sugar to them and stir.
  3. Leave the mixture for two hours.
  4. Place it in a slow cooker and turn on the "Stew" mode for 30-40 minutes.
  5. Cool and pour into sterilized jars.

Apple and plum jam with cinnamon

Although little cinnamon is used in the recipe, this spice will give the finished dessert an unusual spicy taste. Cinnamon jam is most often used as a filling for baked goods - thus, the product becomes astringent.

Required Ingredients:

  • water - 100 milliliters;
  • peeled apples - 900 grams;
  • plums - 800 grams;
  • sugar - 700 grams;
  • ground cinnamon - 5 grams.

Cooking steps:

  1. Put the fruits in a saucepan and cover with water, and then cover with sugar.
  2. Put the prepared mixture on low heat and cook for about an hour, stirring occasionally. The end of cooking signal will be that the mixture has acquired a bright red color.
  3. Remove the saucepan from the stove and leave to cool for 12 hours.
  4. After a break, boil the mixture again for about an hour, then add cinnamon and keep on fire for another ten minutes.
  5. Remove from the stove, cool and pour into prepared jars.

The recipe "Five minutes"

The advantage of this recipe is that it cooks quickly but retains the flavor. It is also suitable for those who do not have a multicooker at hand, but want to quickly make tasty and healthy jam.


  • peeled apples - 500 grams;
  • plums - 500 grams;
  • sugar - 900 grams.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Mix the fruits and cover them with sugar.
  2. Put the mixture on high heat.
  3. Bring to a boil and cook for five minutes.
  4. Remove the jam from the stove, cool.
  5. Repeat the entire process described above 5 more times.
  6. Cook the mixture for about thirty minutes last time.
  7. Remove from stove, cool and pour into jars.

Storage of the finished product

Usually jam is prepared in the summer, and stored for the distant winter. And therefore, so that the product does not deteriorate in a few months, you need to adhere to the storage rules. It is best to keep ready-made canned food in a cool, dark place, for example, in the refrigerator or cellar.

Fruits and berries


Jam from apples and plums very easy to cook with your own hands at home. This amazing sweetness will be a wonderful preparation for the winter. Everyone will like such a healthy delicacy, and any tea drinking with it will easily turn into a holiday. The beautiful color and attractive texture will surely attract the attention of your household, while still standing on the pantry shelves. An uncorked jar will not stand on the table for a long time, therefore, without hesitation, cook several servings of this delicious jam at once.

Apples will give the jam a delicate consistency that will perfectly hold its shape on a piece of loaf or in an open pie with a shortcrust pastry base. A large amount of granulated sugar will allow the ingredients to keep their nutrients almost unchanged, because this jam needs very little to be cooked. Plum will add a zest of color and saturate the apple flavor with pleasant southern notes. All components are familiar and familiar to us. They are often found in recipes for sweet preparations for future use and go very well together.

If you are reading this recipe now, it means that you are looking for the most successful and easiest way to make apple and plum blanks, or you are prudently replenishing your collection of golden recipes. Rest assured, this is exactly the recipe!

So what makes this jam awesome? The secret of its preparation and excellent storage is in the method of heat treatment of fruits. We are almost sure that you didn’t make any jam this way!



    Prepare plums. To prepare this delicacy, use blue fruits. Go through them, remove the stalks, and also set aside the crushed fruit. Rinse the plums with plenty of lukewarm water and then wipe each fruit with a paper or cotton towel.

    Select apples suitable for harvesting. The best choice would be apples with a sour green color, which have a fairly crumbly pulp. Just like the plums, sort them out and rinse them in warm water. Remove leaves and stalks along the way. Wipe each washed fruit with a towel.

    Measure out the amount of granulated sugar indicated in the recipe. Remove the seeds from the plums, and peel the apples.

    Cut the apples into slices as shown in the photo.

    Place the fruit in a large stainless steel pot and fill it with 150 ml of clean, cold water. Stir the workpiece and place the container on low heat. Cook the fruit for 25 minutes. Remember to stir them.

    After ten minutes, add granulated sugar to the fruit.

    Stir it slowly.

    Sugar completely dissolved in the fruit mass will look like in the photo.

    During the remaining cooking time, most of the sugar will sink and mix with the fruit juice. The foam characteristic of thick jam and jams should appear on the surface.

    Check product readiness. To do this, drip a small amount onto a clean, dry saucer. Tilt the plate in different directions. A sufficiently boiled jam will behave exactly like the product in the photo: it will spread a little, but at the same time it will have a jelly-like consistency.

    Stir well and set aside from heat. Leave the pot on the table for ten minutes.

    Prepare jars and lids for them. Be sure to rinse the dishes in warm water with the addition of baking soda, and then rinse. Dry the clean container. Place the jars on a baking sheet, and then place them in an oven preheated to 180 degrees Celsius. Sterilize them for fifteen minutes.

    Pour jam into prepared jars.

    Air-cool the jam. The formation of a crust, as in the photo, on the surface of the treat guarantees the absence of fungus in the future. Roll up the apple and plum jam with prepared lids.

    Jam from plums and apples is ready! Treat your loved ones to them. Get the praise and compliments you deserve! Store the finished sweetness throughout the calendar year in a dry and well-ventilated basement or cool pantry.

    Enjoy your meal!

I must admit that for the first time in my life I came across canning, and in particular with jam. However, after my mother left for my grandmother's treatment, the entire burden of the harvest fell on my shoulders. And these are three plums and a giant apple tree ...

Every weekend we brought 5 - 6 buckets of fruit. At first I went to the Internet and looked for interesting recipes, but it turned out that there was no time for this. I had to pour and interfere with everything. Three weeks later, I just started to feel what and how much to add. This is my favorite and most delicious recipe! Suffered!)))


  • 50% fruit (apples and plums in equal parts);
  • 50% sugar.


First of all, we prepare the ingredients. In our case, these are blue plums and apples with beautiful red pulp (sort of something like "Glory to the Champion", but more juicy with less pulp). I had to make jam from padanka and unripe apples. In the latter case, it is necessary to vary the amount of sugar. But I understood the basic principle as follows: the more acidic, the less sugar you can add. This also applies to plums and apples. And this, as you know, reduces calorie content and food consumption. You can reduce sugar as much as possible to this ratio: 60 - 65% (fruit): 40 - 45% sugar.

My plums, remove the pit.

Wash the apples, cut out the insides and cut them into small pieces of any shape. You can leave the skin on, as it becomes soft with a long boil.

Then put apples, plums and sugar in layers in a multicooker pan. I have about 1, 1 - 1, 2 kg of fruit and, accordingly, as much sugar.

We turn on the multicooker in the "Cooking" or "Stewing" mode and set the time for 1.5 - 2 hours. Depending on the density of the apples. 20 minutes before the end, use an immersion blender to grind the jam until smooth. It is important that the jam boils again after removing the blender.

In any recipe for making jam or candied fruits, it is indicated that the fruits should be slightly unripe, healthy and have a firm, crunchy flesh. What to do with fruits that have already managed to gain juice or are slightly spoiled by worms? You can make jam from them. In order for it to turn out thick, it must contain fruits with strong gelling properties. It can be quince, currant or apples. By pairing them with other fruits and berries, you can experiment with the flavor of the jam. Modify sweetness, astringency, or add sourness. Apple and plum jam has an interesting and harmonious flavor.


  • apples 500 g
  • plums 500 g
  • granulated sugar 750 g
  • water 200 ml

How to make apple and plum jam

  1. For cooking apple and plum jam, you can take fruits of different varieties. Also, their size does not matter. It is better to combine sweet apples and sour plums in one serving, or vice versa. All fruits must be washed and dried.

  2. Peel the apples off. You can use a kitchen knife or vegetable peeler to do this.

  3. Immediately after that, the apples must be cut into slices so that the core remains intact. It is especially necessary to take care that rough transparent membranes do not remain on the separated pulp. Then the apple wedges should be cut into cubes. Do not throw away cleaners.

  4. There is no need to peel off the plum. The fruit must be cut in half along the groove and the seed removed. Cut the plums into cubes.

  5. Place apples and plums in an enamel pot. You should get 2 layers of each type of fruit. Each of them should be poured 3-4 tbsp. tablespoons of granulated sugar.

  6. Let the fruit stand warm for about 20 minutes. This is done so that they let the juice out. Then, for cooking the jam, you need a minimum amount of water, and it will have a richer taste. In the meantime, you need to prepare the syrup. Mix the remaining sugar with water and bring to a boil. This should be done over low heat. Stir the sugar until it is completely dissolved so that it does not burn.

  7. Pour the pieces of fruit with hot syrup and cook.

  8. After 15 minutes, the apples and plums will boil well, and the syrup thickens enough.

  9. After that, the whole mass must be whipped with a blender or rubbed through a sieve. Then it should be brought to a boil again. In this case, the fire under the pan should be minimal, and the jam must be constantly stirring from the bottom.

  10. Ready apple jam and plums should be spread hot in clean, dry jars and corked.

I'll tell you the story of how I learned how to cook apple-plum jam for the winter. I have heard a lot of cooking recipes and for some reason they always indicated that you need to cut off the peel. At first, I also did not want to bother so much and when I got married, in the first year of family life, I made jam from plums and apples for the winter, according to my mother-in-law's simple recipe. In winter I tried it at home, and then tasted it with my mother-in-law, realized that I had made a mistake. My mother-in-law, Elena Vasilievna, told me that the rind should be cut off. But this is a young thing, and I was too lazy to do it. Here in the winter and blundered. Now, despite the fatigue, I always cut off the peel. But the jam comes out tender and uniform in consistency.

Required products:

- 500 grams of sweet and sour apples;
- 500 grams of yellow plums, like "mead";
- 800 grams of granulated sugar;
- 300 grams of water.


My apples and cut off all the peels. This process takes a lot of time, but it's worth it. Apples have a tough peel that does not become soft even after cooking the jam. Therefore, if you do not want to ruin everything, it is better to do this process. But the result will exceed all your expectations.

Peeled apples, cut into medium slices. They will all the same boil and become smaller in size.

Having taken out the stone from the middle, I cut the plums into medium-sized slices to the size of apples.

I transfer the fruits that I cut into a separate container.

I cook syrup from water and granulated sugar.

Then pour apples and plums with ready-made syrup.

After 40 minutes of slow simmering, the jam is ready.

I spread it with a spoon into well-washed and dried jars.

I plug with caps: screw with twists or turnkey iron. It doesn't really matter. Jam under any lid will stand well and store in winter. It turns out very fragrant, which is also easy to prepare according to our recipe.

Transparent, sweet and aromatic jam from plums and apples is ready for the winter!

Bon Appetite!