Scrub for face and body from coffee. A nutritious dessert for aging skin

05.08.2019 Healthy eating

An attractive appearance is often the key to normal self-esteem, success in today's cruel society, good mood and even an active life position. Cosmetology and specialists in this field offer a wide variety of procedures for rejuvenation and transformation. Their cost starts from the lowest (for daily skin care products) and has no restrictions. In the latter case, we are talking about solving specific problems: eliminating wrinkles using various injections, all kinds of anti-cellulite sessions, rejuvenating masks, wraps, baths, etc.

However, no one has proven that such newfangled expensive procedures are more effective than reasonable home alternatives. The use of coffee grounds, for example, has proven itself so well that it is imperative to consider how the product is used and what effect it has.

How to use a coffee scrub?

Only ground natural coffee can be considered as the basis for such a cosmetic product. But the statement that only the thick from the prepared drink should be used is only a myth. Many recipes are based on dry powder.

The thermally processed product has a peculiar softness and has a gentle effect. Powder that has not gone through the brewing stage is more aggressive and has higher exfoliating properties.

Another important aspect is the degree of grind. This indicator affects the "imagery" of the funds received. By adjusting this property, various results can be achieved.

Fine grinding has a gentle effect. It is well suited for the face, décolleté, sensitive and thin skin. Coarse grinding removes a larger layer of dead cells, cleans pores better, but its effect is more aggressive.

  • Moisturize the skin before the procedure.
  • Moderation in the frequency of procedures is the key to a positive result. The optimal frequency is once every three days. However, first of all, it is necessary to be guided by the influence exerted and the reaction to the procedure. With hypersensitivity of the skin, three-day intervals may not be enough.
  • The final stage (regardless of the treated area) is nutrition and hydration with creams or regular baby oil.

A preliminary warming massage significantly increases the effectiveness of the measures. Normal massage movements with your fingers (when it comes to the face) or palms (when the area of \u200b\u200buse is the body) will be sufficient. You can use all kinds of massage brushes and other devices of a similar orientation.

Effect of coffee scrubs

This homemade "beauty product" has an exfoliating effect. As a result of exposure to the smallest hard particles, the skin becomes softer and more tender. This property is obvious and noticeable after the first session. However, it is not the only one, let alone the main thing.

The main active ingredient is caffeine. He has such an effect:

  • promotes the elimination of excess fluid that accumulates under the epidermis;
  • activates the processes of burning body fat;
  • reduces the appearance of cellulite;
  • makes the appearance more even.

The effect of caffeine is based on the following: under the action of this substance, the lumen of the subcutaneous vessels increases, as a result of which blood flow and turnover of substances increase in the tissues.

The antioxidants also play an important role. They increase the elimination of toxins. The result of this influence is a slowdown in the aging process.

However, the manifestation of the described effects (as opposed to instant exfoliating) requires a regular approach.


There are a large number of use cases. Several of them:

Ground coffee face scrub

Combines coffee grounds, oil (olive, sunflower or any other vegetable), sour cream. They are stirred and brought to body temperature in a water bath. Natural honey is added to the heated composition. All ingredients are taken in equal proportions. The resulting scrub mask is applied, kept for no more than a quarter of an hour, washed off with water at a comfortable temperature.

The main indication for use is a tendency to increased dryness. The composition perfectly exhibits moisturizing and nourishing qualities.

Ground coffee, oil (any vegetable), sea salt are combined. The proportions are 2: 1: 2. The composition is complemented by citrus essential oil. A small amount (a few drops) will be enough. This mixture of components has powerful anti-cellulite properties.

The resulting product can be used as a scrub or wrap. In the first case, it is applied by imitating a massage on the body (special emphasis should be placed on the most problematic areas) and immediately washed off with water at a comfortable temperature. When wrapped, the mixture is applied in the same way, wrapped in polyethylene (cling film) and a towel, kept for half an hour, washed off in the shower.

Wrapping provides a more pronounced result, but it takes more time and may not work with increased sensitivity.

"Quick" ground coffee body scrub

Ground coffee, olive oil and grape seed essential oil are added to the shower gel used. Recommended proportions for 0.1 l of gel: 2 tbsp. coffee, 1 tsp each each oil.

Effects: exfoliation, cleansing, nutrition, hydration.

Ground coffee and body cream scrub

Coffee and cream are combined in a 1: 1.5 ratio. In this recipe, it is possible to use both the grounds from the prepared drink and the ground product. Fatty yogurt is an alternative to cream.

An important aspect is the quality and freshness of dairy products. You should not experiment with budget weight options, the naturalness of which is in question, and even more so with expired products.

The ready-made mixture is massaged onto the body and washed off. It is better to refuse a towel. This will allow the remaining moisture to additionally moisturize the cells, and the light fatty film - to continue to have a nutritional effect.

Ground coffee body scrub for oily skin

It takes two tablespoons to combine. thick, the same amount of cottage cheese of minimum fat content, the protein of one chicken egg. After thorough mixing, the mixture is ready to use. It is applied by simulating a massage for about 10 minutes, for the same time it is left as a mask (this stage can be excluded), washed off with water. Such a remedy:

  • cleans well;
  • narrows the pores;
  • fights against the presence of sebum.

Our appearance is not always a reflection of financial capabilities. For the skin, it does not matter where the cosmetic procedures are carried out: in a fashion salon or at home. In the latter case, it is important to carefully approach the choice of products and recipes, taking into account the individual characteristics of the skin (sometimes a preliminary one-time consultation with a beautician is useful). Coffee is one of the universal and frequently used paths to external perfection.

If you need an excellent home remedy for skin care, you can safely choose a coffee scrub. It will make your body soft and smooth in just 1-2 uses per week, and the effect will appear after the first use! The most important thing when preparing this type of peeling is to use ground unroasted coffee beans. Many girls, when preparing it, simply use the sleeping mass. But this is wrong!!! It contains no nutrients at all.

Another important rule when preparing a peeling with your own hands: in no case should you use coarse coffee, only fine, which will effectively and painlessly cleanse the pores from grease and dirt. The caffeine contained in this scrub fights swelling and fading skin.

How to make a coffee body scrub at home

Home peeling recipe very simple, but first you need to decide what type of skin you have and learn about the rules for using the scrub in order to avoid burning and irritation to provide maximum care.

  • The product is applied only to clean steamed skin.
  • If she damaged, refuse to use it.
  • Work well elbows, feet and knees.
  • Do not use it more often than two to three times a week.
  • Watch carefully to see if you have allergies for coffee peeling. If redness appears when testing on the hand, then you should use another recipe.
  • As with any cosmetic procedure, apply cream with a thick layer on the treated areas.

Homemade coffee grounds scrub - step by step recipe

There are tons of instructions, but the quickest and easiest one is: mix coffee grounds with water until creamy and rub in in a circular motion, paying special attention to problem areas.
Also, coffee can be mixed with shower gel, having received two in one - both a scrub and a shower gel.

Coffee face scrub - recipe and application

A home scrub can be made in less than 10 minutes! The main thing is to grind the coffee well, because the thin and delicate skin on the face requires special attention.

If you have dry skin then mix coffee and nourishing cream 1: 2, add a pinch of cinnamon and any essential oil.

Whitening : you need to take coffee and mix with lemon juice and cream.

For greasy the same recipe as above will do, just replace the cream with kefir or natural yogurt.

Toning mask - peeling for the face is made from any clay that can be bought at the pharmacy, diluted in water and a small amount of thick. Keep the mask on for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Important!!! Do not scrub the eye area or hair roots.

How to make a coffee scrub for cellulite at home

Best anti-cellulite peeling for the body from coffee grounds at home, prepare as follows: two tablespoons ground coffee and sea \u200b\u200bcoarse salt mix with vegetable and any essential oil... Treat areas prone to cellulite and wrap the area with cling film to enhance the effect.

Weightloss remedy - hot coffee scrub... Mix coffee beans, spicy pepper and olive oil and leave to infuse for about 7 days. After the expiration of time, apply to problem areas. Wash off with warm water.

Important!!! First try the mass for an allergic reaction on the hand !!!

Coffee scrub for stretch marks

It's very easy to do: coffee is mixed with water until the consistency of sour cream and infused for twenty minutes. Massage dry skin for best results. This is a wonderful way to combat stretch marks.

DIY scrub coffee soap: photo

This safe and environmentally friendly product very easy to do, the main thing is to observe all the proportions and follow the recipe.


  • Two baby soaps
  • 1 teaspoon glycerin
  • 30 g ground coffee
  • Essential oil

Cut the soap into small cubes. To make it dissolve faster, heat it up in a water bath.

When it becomes liquid, you can remove it from heat and add all the other ingredients and mix.

Pour the liquid into the soap mold and wait for it to harden. If it is difficult to remove it from the mold, you can help it a little - put it in the freezer or refrigerator for a few minutes. As you can see, this soap is very easy to make yourself. And most importantly - everything is natural and made at home.

From coffee and honey

Honey take more twice than coffee grounds... Apply to the body and massage over the desired area. Duration of rubbing in: about 10 minutes. You will love this natural recipe and will be beneficial.

How to make a ground coffee bath scrub

You need to start using such a scrub after the second visit to the steam room. It should be applied with massage movements, especially carefully on the thighs, elbows, buttocks and abdomen. The coffee grounds will gently exfoliate dead cells that have not yet been steamed, giving your body a golden hue.

The most popular and effective recipe for a do-it-yourself coffee scrub for a bath:

1.Mix coffee grounds with sour cream in a ratio of one to two. Add a few drops for a pleasant scent essential oil... Here sour cream can be replaced with yogurt or cream.

2.In shower gel add thick and enjoy excellent exfoliating action. Such a simple composition, and what an effect!

Coffee scrub: photo before and after application

Photos after and before applying the coffee peel are noticeably different from each other. There is only one rule that must be followed: to do such procedures constantly so that the effect is noticeable. After one or two times, you will hardly notice an improvement, so we recommend you a complex application.

Reviews on the use of coffee for face and body

There are tons of body scrubs from companies such as "Black Pearl", "Organic Shop" other. But the product received the best reviews Riche coffee bean scrub ... It contains ground Robusta beans, which is natural coffee. It also contains nutritious unrefined oils.

The price of such a scrub is about 1,500 rubles. You can also buy a massage brush, shampoo and body oil for it.

In addition to toning as a drink, coffee is used to tighten, strengthen, saturate the skin as a scrub. Sleeping coffee grounds are suitable for peeling, which will saturate the epidermis with oils, improve color and help in the fight against cellulite. A scrub based on it is an affordable home remedy.

The benefits of a coffee scrub

Ground remedies are very helpful. They provide:

  1. Removing toxins from the body - coffee contains active organic substances that contribute to this.
  2. Absolute harmlessness and safety - can be used even during pregnancy to keep the skin of the face and body in good shape.
  3. Reducing the risk of skin diseases - Caffeine in the form of a wrap prevents the development of malignant tumors.
  4. Cleansing, rejuvenating, exfoliating, smoothing - ground coffee beans have antibacterial properties and fight certain types of bacteria.
  5. Fight against fatty deposits, cellulite - means relieve puffiness, improve blood circulation.
  6. Immediate effect - after just one application of the peeling, the skin becomes taut, healthy, and acquires a slight tan.
  7. Increasing the effectiveness of other products - if you apply anti-cellulite creams or lotions after the scrub, this will enhance their effect.

How to make a coffee scrub at home

Good coffee is used to make a coffee scrub. Cooking conditions:

  1. As a basis, they take coffee of the Arabica or Robusta varieties - ready-made ground or for self-grinding.
  2. An alternative to ground coffee is the coffee grounds after brewing.
  3. To enhance the main ingredient, you can add honey, sour cream, yogurt, sea salt, essential oils.
  4. Mix the ingredients on the scrub exactly once. If they need to be stored, then the dry components are poured into a plastic bag, tightly closing to prevent moisture from entering. The scrub is stored in a dry place.


Homemade coffee grounds scrub with an anti-cellulite effect is easy to prepare. Algorithm of actions:

  1. Mix thoroughly 2 tbsp. l. coffee, 2 tbsp. fine sea salt (if the skin is sensitive - replace with sugar), 3-4 tbsp. kefir.
  2. Add 5 drops of orange essential oil and 1 tsp to the mixture. grape seed oil.
  3. Apply the mass evenly to problem areas (thighs, abdomen), rub in, do a light massage for 10 minutes (until redness). Try to use circular motions to avoid scratching your skin.
  4. Wash off the mass with warm water, pat dry with a towel.
  5. To enhance the effect, apply an anti-cellulite lotion.

For stretch marks

To get rid of stretch marks on the abdomen and thighs, take a coffee scrub with yogurt. How to prepare and use:

  1. Mix 3-4 tablespoons. yogurt or heavy cream with 2-3 tbsp. coffee grounds.
  2. Apply the scrub to the body, rub with light massage movements, paying attention to problem areas.
  3. Wash off the mass with warm water, do not dry off with a towel, wait for natural drying.

With depilation effect

To get rid of uneven sunburn or make your skin smoother without excess hair, you need a coffee scrub with a depilatory effect. How to prepare it:

  1. Combine 2 tbsp. thick, 2 tbsp. cosmetic blue clay, 1 tbsp. grape seed oil, 3-4 tablespoons apple juice (cucumber, strawberry, cherry, lemon, tomato, cranberry are also suitable).
  2. If the peel is too thick, you can add warm water.
  3. Apply the mass to the body, massage, leave for 15–20 minutes, rinse under the shower.

For facial cleansing

A homemade coffee scrub can also be done for your face. Preparation of a cosmetic product:

  1. Combine 1 tsp each. freshly brewed grounds, honey, sour cream, add a well-beaten raw egg.
  2. Apply to cleansed steamed face, neck, décolleté, massage, leave for 20 minutes (it is better to lie down for this time).
  3. Wash off with plenty of water. Apply a nourishing cream.

In order for the effect of a scrub based on coffee grounds to last for a long time, you must follow the recommendations for its use. Useful rules:

  1. The scrub is applied with wet fingers to damp skin. This will help prevent injury and sensitivity. The sensations during the massage should be enjoyable - no need to rub until it hurts.
  2. After a light massage, the product can act as a mask. To do this, leave it on the skin for 5-10 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.
  3. To enhance the lifting effect, wash under a contrast shower.
  4. Use the products 1-2 times a week. This speeds up the renewal of skin cells. For oily skin, scrubs are done at least every day.
  5. You can use the scrub without restrictions. The only contraindication is component intolerance.


Home coffee therapy starts early in the morning

A cup of coffee in the morning not only energizes your body and gives you a great mood. The coffee grounds left over after "coffee drinking" will serve you well as an excellent home peeling. Delicate, clear skin, radiant, healthy complexion are just a small result that can be achieved with the help of miraculous coffee scrubs. We will tell you all about the benefits, rules of use and preparation of one of the most effective and popular home cosmetics.

The benefits of a coffee scrub and the result of its use

Let's start with the chemical composition, which determines the beneficial properties of natural coffee for the skin. Fresh, freshly brewed coffee contains over 1200 components, half of which are aromas. We will not list everything, we will mention only those that will help us in caring for the skin of the face and body:

Coffee beans have a unique composition
  • Caffeine is the main substance that invigorates and gives a good mood. It has the same effect on the skin. Penetrating into it, it enhances blood circulation and, accordingly, the saturation of cells with oxygen. In addition, it protects it from adverse influences and cleans well.
  • Carotenoids improve complexion, especially on gray, tired skin.
  • Polyphenols are what promotes the formation of collagen and elastin in cells and resists the damaging effects of free radicals.
  • B vitamins help moisturize and nourish the skin, relieve inflammation, get rid of acne, and increase blood flow in the skin.
  • Vitamin D promotes calcium absorption.
  • Vitamin E stimulates cell proliferation.
  • Essential amino acids, not formed in our body, restore intracellular mechanisms.

Thanks to all these wonders, as a result of the use of a coffee scrub, we have: elastic toned skin; good complexion; no cellulite "orange peel". Who can say that this is not enough ?!

The best coffee scrub recipes

Of course, it is impractical to use pure coffee grounds. For the scrub to be truly effective, additional components are included in it. They depend on the type of skin, the presence or absence of allergies and, in fact, the goal that you want to achieve.

If your skin is normal and you want to "invigorate" it, please. coffee scrub with honey and olive oil... The proportions are 1: 1: 2. The result is excellent cleansing and firmness.

Problem skin can be treated scrub mask of coffee, cinnamon and cane sugar... For it, they use both coffee grounds and just ground coffee. The same amount of coffee, sugar and cinnamon is added to the container, and then slightly diluted with mineral water. Clean skin is covered with a scrubbing compound and lightly massaged. After the massage, it can be left for another 10 minutes as a mask. After this procedure, pimples and blackheads disappear.

Cinnamon coffee scrub suitable for problem skin

Suitable for dry and sensitive skin scrub with the addition of almond oil... Mix a tablespoon each of coffee grounds and brown sugar and pour in 100 ml of almond oil. As a result, the skin will receive not only all the benefits of coffee, but also almond oil - cleansing, nutrition, hydration and a good complexion.

Almond oil will make your scrub even more beneficial

For combination to oily skin, it is good to prepare a scrub consisting of coffee, sea salt, white clay, yogurt and fir oil... Mix a teaspoon of ground coffee with the same amount of white clay and curdled milk. Add 2-3 drops of fir oil essential oil to the mixture: the texture of your homemade scrub will be very pleasant, and the aroma is truly magical! Apply in a thick layer and leave for 5 minutes to nourish the skin. Then massage your face and body in smooth circular motions and rinse off with warm water.

The multi-component scrub is very effective

The constant fight against cellulite will be more successful if you use a special coffee and orange scrub. Here is one of the recipes. In the composition - coffee (thick or dry ground - 100 g), cognac (30 ml), honey (4 tablespoons), sea salt (50 g), sweet orange essential oil (10 drops). Apply to the problem area with massage movements and leave on for no more than 5 minutes. If you feel a burning sensation and your skin is slightly red, then the product is working. Rinse off with shower gel.

Coffee and orange scrub to help fight cellulite

With the help of coffee scrubbing of the skin of the body, you can get rid of not only cellulite, but also keratosis, roughness and stretch marks.

Subtleties of application

Like any cosmetic care product, a coffee scrub requires knowledge of some of the intricacies of its use:

  1. Use fresh coffee. Better to buy it in whole grains and grind it before making a scrub. The finer the grind, the less chance of injury to the skin.
  2. If using brewed grounds, allow to cool before use.
  3. Only roasted coffee is good for a scrub. If you buy ground coffee for cosmetic purposes, make sure that it is free of aromatic and other additives and that it is finely ground.
  4. Instant coffee is categorically not suitable for a scrub.
  5. Apply the mixture only to dry, clean skin. The exception is sugar scrubs. They are more aggressive and can only be used on damp skin.
  6. Use a face scrub regularly 1-2 times a week, for a body no more than 1 time in 7-10 days. A body scrub is not suitable for delicate facial skin. Also, when using it, it is necessary to avoid getting the mixture on the neck and décolleté.

Coffee scrub transforms your skin

Indications and contraindications

Thanks to the tonic effect and the content of a large amount of nutrients, the coffee scrub is universal. And as an excellent cleanser, it is suitable for everyone, at any age. You can not use a coffee scrub only for those who are allergic to coffee in any form, complex and severe skin diseases. It is not recommended for owners of thin sensitive skin. Experiment, use every opportunity to always look young and attractive.

It is known that coffee is not only a pleasant invigorating drink, without which some people cannot imagine their morning. In addition to the refreshing effect, coffee also has the miraculous property of breaking down subcutaneous fat. That is why it is often added to the anti-cellulite products that we buy in stores - lotions, wraps, scrubs ...

However, at home, we can prepare a product from it to combat cellulite by making coffee scrub or coffee grounds scrub.

The easiest way to cook coffee body scrub - take a shower gel and add ground coffee to it at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 100 milliliters of gel or cream gel. The grind should be medium (coarse coffee can damage the skin) - you can grind it yourself in a coffee grinder or use ready-made ground. Use this coffee body scrub with shower gel two to three times a week. The skin becomes soft and satin.

It is better to use this coffee scrub in the morning to get an additional boost of vivacity from the aroma of coffee by stimulating your olfactory receptors. It is worth mixing the scrub either with an odorless shower gel, or with aromas combined with coffee - vanilla, citrus, cinnamon. The smell of coffee is quite specific, so the result of mixing it with other flavors can be unpleasant.

Remember to shake the coffee scrub bottle well before use to distribute the exfoliating coffee particles evenly inside. After a while, you will see that cellulite recedes, especially if you simultaneously fight with it in other ways - diets, gymnastics ...

A more difficult option for making a coffee scrub is to mix ground coffee beans or coffee grounds with other ingredients useful for the skin - honey, sour cream, cream in a ratio of one to three.

Coffee Body Scrub Recipes

Depending on the ingredients you add, a coffee scrub will remove cellulite, firm or moisturize your skin.

Anti-cellulite coffee scrub with essential oils

Pour boiling water over 100 grams of ground coffee so that you get a thick gruel. Leave it to sweat for 15 minutes. Then mix the resulting coffee grounds with 1 tablespoon of oil (olive, almond, apricot kernels) and add 8-10 drops (orange, lemon, grapefruit, juniper, cinnamon, tangerine, cypress, rosemary) there. Mix everything thoroughly. Store the resulting coffee scrub in the refrigerator. It should be applied 2-3 times a week, applying to the skin steamed after a bath for 5-10 minutes.

Coffee and salt scrub

Coffee scrub with honey

This coffee and honey scrub will nourish and firm your skin. To prepare this homemade scrub, take: 2 tablespoons of ground coffee and 2 tablespoons of honey. Stir thoroughly, massage into body. You can also add essential oils to this scrub, for example, an anti-cellulite mixture.

Coffee and sugar body scrub

To make this scrub, you will need: two tablespoons of ground coffee, 1 tablespoon of brown or white sugar, and 3 tablespoons of olive oil or low-fat yogurt, depending on preference.

Facial coffee scrubs

The skin of the face is more delicate, so for cooking face scrub it is better to use coffee grounds. We offer you several recipes for coffee grounds scrubs at home.

Facial scrub with coffee grounds for oily skin- Mix half a tablespoon of coffee grounds with one tablespoon of fat-free, unflavored yogurt. Apply the scrub to the face, massage for about two minutes and rinse with cool water.

A gentle facial coffee scrub for all skin types- mix 1 teaspoon of coffee goose with 2 teaspoons of oatmeal and add 1 tablespoon of yogurt for oily skin and sour cream or cream for other skin types. Mix thoroughly, apply on a wet face and massage for 2 minutes. Wash off the scrub with cool water.