Contraindications and harm of kvass. Useful properties of kvass for humans

26.09.2019 Healthy eating

The history of this delicious invigorating drink dates back to ancient times, when kvass had a high percentage of alcohol. The extant word “ferment” in the meaning of “drink alcoholic beverages” is still used in common parlance.

After vodka was created, they began to make kvass with a small amount of alcohol; in industrial volumes, it was produced as a low-alcohol, and often non-alcoholic drink, allowed for use by people of all ages. Kvass is a refreshing drink that perfectly quenches thirst and has a pleasant taste and nutritional value.

It is easy to prepare it at home, but it may not always be safe for drivers. Kvass, prepared according to recipes in domestic conditions, turns out to be of various strengths, and it can be both low-alcoholic and alcoholic. It all depends on the ingredients that will be used in its preparation. If yeast, malt and sugar were used to make kvass, then the prepared drink will have alcohol, and after taking it, you cannot drive.

The definition of "kvass" includes drinks of various strengths, made both at food factories in accordance with GOST, and according to home recipes.

Kvass is used mostly in summer, when it is very hot and does not feel like eating. The lactic acid present in the drink has a beneficial effect on the digestive system. Sugar substances have energy value and give strength. As a refreshing drink, it can replace beer and other stronger drinks that men abuse to quench their thirst. It should be borne in mind that commercially available kvass is often a product of falsification and is called “kvass drink”.

If a traditional Russian drink was made in domestic conditions, then you should find out before use whether yeast was used for fermentation. This need is due to the fact that often after drinking kvass the alcometer shows that the permitted dose of alcohol is exceeded.

How is kvass prepared?

There are a lot of recipes for its preparation. It is necessary to separate kvass made in accordance with GOST in an industrial production, and a drink made in a domestic environment.

Under domestic conditions, it, like beer, is made from malt, which is diluted in warm water with sugar, and yeast is added to all this to speed up fermentation. At home, in addition to malt, bread crusts are used. Fermentation in this case occurs due to the fact that flour products contain starch, a sugar-containing substance that is actively fermented. This process produces lactic acid and alcohol molecules.

Sometimes, when preparing a soft drink at home, housewives abandon yeast in order to lower the level of alcohol, sometimes, on the contrary, they are added just for this. To give the drink special shades of taste, you can use berries, herbs, hops, apples, pears, raisins. All of these additives increase the amount of alcohol in your homemade beverage.

This traditional Russian drink can be obtained by fermenting only fruits and vegetables that contain fructose and starch. On the peel of all vegetables and fruits, wild yeast is found, which interacts with sugars, and the fermentation process begins, as a result of which esters, ethanol and fusel oils are produced. Such kvass, when monitored, will certainly give an unacceptably high percentage of alcohol in the blood in the first hour after consumption.

Hops, this natural yeast component, are not added to industrially produced malt kvass, so the fermentation process goes through the production of lactic acid bacteria, and alcoholic fermentation is stopped by transferring the prepared drink to a cold place.

The traditional ready-made kvass contains water, sugar, lactic acid, carbon dioxide, which are formed when acids combine with alcohol. They give the drink a peculiar taste. If the fermentation process is stopped on time and the drink is made according to all the rules, then it contains from 0.7 to 2.6 percent alcohol. Alcohol is found in almost all types of bread kvass. Commercial kvass is safe for drivers because it contains a minimal amount of ethanol.

To obtain non-alcoholic kvass, any plant product filled with water is used. For example, to get it from a radish, it is grated and poured with water, left where it is warm for three days, then filtered and put in the refrigerator. Non-alcoholic kvass is prepared from birch sap, beetroot and carrot sap, leaving them warm. Everyone can drink it without fear.

The beneficial effects of kvass on the body

In the past, it was a common drink and its properties are well studied. The drink has a beneficial effect on the body, increasing tone and improving digestion.

Pathogenic bacteria do not develop in kvass, and when they get into it, they quickly die. This product of lactic acid fermentation is similar in effect on the body to kefir, yogurt, acidophilus, kumys. It improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system, metabolism. This drink can be used as a staple food. Its calorie content is able to support the body during forced fasting.

Kvass improves metabolism, contains vitamins, free amino acids, sugars and trace elements. It contains many vitamins B1 and E, which explains its beneficial properties, valuable enzymes.

Can i drink kvass before driving?

Many people whose life is connected with driving a car ask whether or not they can drink kvass before getting behind the wheel. If the drink had a high alcohol content, then troubles may arise on the road. It should be remembered that the alcohol content in this drink, while it is being prepared at home, increases every day, and in a mature product it can reach 8%. The best way to avoid problems after drinking kvass is to wait for a while so that the alcohol has time to disappear.

Naturally fermented kvass, bought in a store or made by yourself using a yeast-free method, contains a small percentage of alcohol. If the alcohol content in it is not more than 1.5%, then after drinking only a liter, a person will receive a dose equivalent to a 0.33 liter jar of 4.5% beer. Within half an hour after being drunk, the alcometer will determine a slight intoxication. It is better not to drive in this state, but to wait until the alcohol disappears from the body.

Can i drink kvass after coding?

If during the preparation of kvass there were no violations of technology and there is no more alcohol in it than it should be according to GOST, then such a drink will only be useful, and nothing terrible will happen to a person encoded from alcoholism. Whether it is possible to drink kvass after a person has stopped drinking should be decided depending on the conditions under which the drink was produced and how many degrees it is.

Homemade kvass that is well fermented and fully matured can have the same alcohol content as beer. For this reason, alcoholism and kvass are often incompatible. If the coding was carried out with the help of drugs based on disulfiram or another substance used in the treatment of alcohol dependence, then such a drink can lead to an attack of suffocation and other symptoms that the doctor warned about.

Drinking kvass after coding, if it was not medication, but psychotherapeutic, is also not recommended, so as not to cause unnecessary associations and return the insatiable desire to drink.

The subconscious of people with alcoholism often triggers on minimal doses of alcohol and forces them to break all prohibitions. For this reason, alcoholic tinctures, drinks with a low alcohol content are prohibited for a coded person. Kvass is not recommended for use with cirrhosis of the liver, gastritis and hypertension, which often suffer from people who abuse alcohol and have passed the coding.

Since kvass is the name for drinks made under different conditions and according to different recipes, then before drinking them, you should understand what exactly you are being offered and whether it can be consumed.

Thank you for your feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Did anyone manage to save your husband from alcoholism? Mine drinks without drying out, I don't know what to do ((I thought about getting a divorce, but I don't want to leave the child without a father, and I feel sorry for my husband, so he's a great person when he doesn't drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things, and only after reading this article, I managed to wean my husband from alcohol, now he does not drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, so I wrote in my first comment) I will duplicate just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a divorce? Why are they selling on the Internet?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell it on the Internet, because shops and pharmacies set their marginal markup. In addition, payment only after receipt, that is, first looked, checked and only then paid. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes to televisions and furniture.

    Editorial response 10 days ago

    Sonia, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is really not sold through the pharmacy chain and retail stores in order to avoid overpricing. Today you can order only on official website... Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    I apologize, did not notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Then everything is fine for sure if the payment is on receipt.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried folk methods to get rid of alcoholism? My father drinks, I just can't influence him ((

    Andrey () A week ago

    What folk remedies have not tried, the father-in-law both drank and drinks

Olya Smirnova wrote that her mother makes it all year round and they drink it all the time, and not only in the hot season. I thought, times change, taste preferences too, but kvass has remained one of the favorite drinks since ancient times. What is the secret of such popularity, let's figure it out.

Let's start with the history, when this drink appeared, why the people loved it and how it was made.

Historical facts about bread kvass

Despite the fact that even the ancient Egyptians had a drink similar to kvass, it is still considered Russian, in Egypt it was prepared differently and it was more of an alcoholic drink. In Greece, similar drinks were also made, but based on fruits.

It was bread kvass that appeared in Russia and, as they say, quite by accident. Somehow, water got into the barrel where the grain was lying, it began to sour and even sprouted. The owner of this grain decided to revive it in order to avoid losses. He began to dry it, grind it, but, naturally, it didn’t work with high-quality flour, but it turned out to be malt. He poured boiling water over it, left it to ferment, thought at least it would be useful for cattle for feed, but as a result of fermentation, a pleasant drink was obtained. This was the first bread kvass.

Later it was improved by thinking of making wort - the basis for real kvass. That is why kvass is considered Russian, since wort is our exclusive Russian technology.

As historians say, they made kvass before, but for the first time they mentioned it in the annals of 989, at the time of an important event for Russia - the adoption of Christianity. At the behest of Prince Vladimir in honor of this event, food, honey and kvass were distributed to the people.

Previously, the preparation of kvass was a rather lengthy process, almost a ritual action, and guests were invited to try a new kvass. Each hostess had her own special recipe and she did not disclose it, but passed it on by inheritance. In the villages, the most delicious kvass was named after its mistress - "Dar'in kvass", "Maryin kvass". To give a special taste and aroma, honey, raisins and various herbs were added.

In Russia, kvass was very popular, there were a huge number of types of kvass and it was made not only from bread, but also from fruits, berries, herbs and roots. There was even such a profession - kvassnik and people of this profession were treated with honor and respect.

For what, Peter I, a lover of everything Western, was not averse to drinking another mug of kvass, he even invented his own recipe - kvass with horseradish and improved his health with it after the feasts.

Alexander Suvorov revered bread kvass because it protected from scurvy, helped to recover faster from wounds. The Russian army always carried barrels of kvass with it and drank it not only by ordinary soldiers, but also by high officials.

Appreciated Russian kvass and the notorious Italian Casanova, and he wrote about kvass:

"The Russians have a delicious drink ... it is far superior to the Constantinople sherbet ... and it is also quite cheap, since a large barrel is sold for a ruble."

He was happy to restore his strength, wasted in amorous affairs, with our kvass.

Indeed, in Russia kvass was considered not just a tasty drink, but a healing one. On the wedding day, the groom was sure to drink kvass for the birth of healthy offspring. In hospitals, there were always containers with kvass and it was mandatory to give it to patients. So what is kvass useful for?

Bread kvass - benefits and harms

Speaking about the benefits of this drink for our body, we will talk about homemade kvass, since I strongly doubt that store kvass can be classified as medicinal drinks.

Although this drink is many years old, and folk healers and scientists are still in the stage of thinking, which makes it curative. Some say that thanks to the fermentation effect, as a result of which it is enriched with useful substances and microorganisms. Others, that due to the beneficial properties of the cereals from which it is made. Probably, the combination of both gives a useful and even therapeutic effect to this drink and its composition speaks about the same.

Bread kvass contains vitamins A, groups B, E, C, PP, such useful minerals as fluorine, phosphorus, cobalt, copper, zinc, molybdenum and iron, it also contains organic acids, amino acids, yeast, enzymes.

Thanks to this vitamin and mineral composition, kvass really has a beneficial effect on our body.

Useful properties of bread kvass

  1. Natural bread kvass in terms of its effect on our body can be equated to kefir or yogurt, it has a positive effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, suppressing the growth of harmful microflora, thereby helping to get rid of dysbiosis.
  2. It normalizes metabolism, helps the body to get rid of toxins, thanks to kvass, better food splitting occurs.
  3. It is useful for the cardiovascular system, in violation of cerebral circulation, it cleans blood vessels well.
  4. It has a positive effect on the endocrine system of our body.
  5. It soothes the nerves, therefore it is useful for fatigue, insomnia, neuroses and depression.
  6. Good for the condition of hair, skin, nails. The famous surgeon N.I. Pirogov recommended bread kvass as a means of accelerating the fusion of bones in fractures.
  7. Increases the body's resistance to colds and infectious diseases. The bactericidal properties of kvass were proved by the scientist V.S.Sotnikov, his research showed that typhoid and paratyphoid microorganisms die in kvass.
  8. The enzymes that make up kvass make it useful even for eye diseases - glaucoma, optic nerve atrophy, retinal detachment, myopia.
  9. Useful for people with kidney and liver diseases. NV Sklifosovsky argued that kvass is an excellent prophylactic agent for liver cirrhosis and peptic ulcer disease.
  10. And finally, for what most people use it - it perfectly quenches thirst, prevents dehydration, helps with overheating, relieving heat in the body.

Yes, our ancestors knew a lot about drinks and homemade bread kvass is really healthy. And most importantly, making it is not at all difficult, the composition of the ingredients is simple and accessible to everyone.

Contraindications to the use of kvass

Of course, kvass can cause us harm, if you do not know what are the contraindications to its use. And in the case of chronic diseases, it will not be superfluous to ask the doctor whether you can drink this drink or not.

  • It is not recommended to drink, especially sour varieties of kvass for people with acute inflammatory diseases of the digestive system and gastritis with high acidity.
  • Bread kvass can cause an allergic reaction in people who are sensitive to gluten.
  • Care should be taken to drink kvass for nursing mothers, as it can cause bloating and colic in the child.
  • Specialists in baby food do not recommend giving kvass to children under 3 years old.

As you can see, there are not so many contraindications to the use of homemade kvass. There is one more nuance - homemade kvass can be made without yeast and using yeast. Which one is more useful?

Kvass with or without yeast - which is better

I reviewed a lot of information, but I found the answer only in the book by Tatyana Litvinova "Kvass - a healer for 100 diseases."

So this book says that yeast in kvass is a useful and necessary ingredient, since it is they that saturate kvass with B, PP vitamins, organic acids, help retain moisture in the body and therefore kvass quenches thirst so well.

In kvass without yeast, yeast is also present, which is obtained in a natural way, it is just that there is perhaps less of it. Therefore, bread kvass is useful both with yeast and prepared without yeast.

But there is an important point and this applies to contraindications - yeast contains purines that inhibit the excretion of uric acid from the body, and this can lead to inflammatory processes in the joints.

You can not drink kvass with yeast for people with chronic renal failure and with such a disease as gout.

If you do not have such diseases, then you can safely drink yeast kvass, if you like it better.

I hope the information about the benefits and dangers of bread kvass was useful for you. Personally, I learned a lot about this delicious drink. So make homemade kvass (I talked about the recipes last time) and please yourself and your loved ones with a delicious and healthy drink.

If you do not like home-made kvass or do not want to make it, then watch the video on how to choose the right store-bought kvass.

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

Kvass is a traditional drink, whose history begins in ancient times. Its useful properties, good taste are the reason for its popularity among the general population.

But you should be aware of how much alcohol is in kvass and whether there are any restrictions on its use in some cases.

The beneficial effects of kvass on the body

Kvass is an alcoholic drink with a small amount of ethyl alcohol. It is widespread, thirst quencher and nutritious and beneficial for the human body. Due to its properties, it has a beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, improves the metabolism of nutrients. Pathogenic microorganisms are unstable to the components that make up the drink. Regular use has a positive effect on the work of the human cardiovascular system.

All the beneficial properties of the drink are the result of fermentation. Therefore, it contains a large number of bacteria that are useful for human life. They promote digestion and help in the treatment and prevention of dysbiosis. Thanks to them, the necessary vitamins are produced, which strengthen the body's defenses. Those who have gastritis with low acidity are advised to drink it before meals.

Regular consumption is also recommended for people with nervous system disorders. Alcohol in kvass helps relieve stress, improves emotional background. The acids contained in the composition contribute to accelerated cellular metabolism, tooth enamel is strengthened and ulcers are healed.

In some cases, this drink is also used as a weight loss aid. Regular consumption of high-quality kvass protects the body and reduces the likelihood of various diseases. It contains many valuable enzymes.

How many degrees in purchased kvass

Kvass, depending on the cooking technology, can be of different strength, and before using it, you need to know about the alcohol content in it. National standards provide different requirements for these drinks, taking into account the method of preparation and the products used for the wort.

The recipe for some types of industrial preparation provides for the addition of vodka. The result is a low-alcohol hop drink.

The fermentation process in the food industry is forced to stop by cooling the drink. The alcohol content in kvass is in the range of 0.7-2.6%.

How many turns in homemade kvass

Homemade kvass also contains ethyl alcohol, as it is obtained by natural fermentation. By tradition, malt, sugar and water are used for its preparation.

The use of yeast in this case leads to an increase in the alcohol content of the drink. As the amount of yeast in the recipe increases, the strength increases. When mature, the percentage of alcohol in a homemade drink can reach 8%. You can measure how many degrees of alcohol are in the composition of kvass using an alcohol meter.

It is possible to prepare a completely non-alcoholic drink at home. There are special recipes for this.

Is it possible to drink kvass before driving

When using kvass by drivers, before driving a car, you need to make sure that it is non-alcoholic, or know about the concentration of alcohol in the drink.

If it is non-alcoholic, then you can drink without fear, since the alcohol content does not change during storage. In a homemade drink, the strength increases over time and can reach the same level as in a strong beer. It is difficult to keep the degree under control, if it is homemade kvass. The consumption of such a drink while driving a vehicle can lead to undesirable consequences.

If you buy in a store, you should study the specifics of manufacturing. If this was a technology that used natural fermentation, then the drink would contain ethanol. Strength must be indicated on the product label.

Even a minimal alcohol content can dull reactions, change a person's consciousness and make him an irresponsible and hazardous road user. This behavior is unacceptable while driving. Only in the case when yeast was not used in the preparation process, the use of this drink is allowed for the driver. The alcohol level in it is 1.5%, which is an acceptable indicator.

Even if kvass does not lead to alcohol intoxication, when checking on the road by traffic police officers using an alcohol meter, the alcohol content in the driver's blood may be higher than the permissible values. The maximum alcohol concentration is reached within an hour after consumption. In this regard, it is recommended to wait 2-3 hours after drinking the drink so that it wears off, since drunk driving is punishable by law.

Can i drink kvass after coding

If there were no technological violations during the preparation process, and the percentage of alcohol meets the standard (0.7-0.8%), then the use of kvass after the coding from is not only allowed, but also recommended, based on how useful this product is.

But each time the issue is resolved individually, taking into account the conditions in which the drink was produced and the alcohol content in it. In the treatment of alcohol dependence, people suffer from depression, and if it is not caused by the desire to drink alcohol, the use will benefit the patient.

If the drink is homemade and it went through the fermentation process correctly and is fully ripe, then the percentage of alcohol in it is the same as in beer. Therefore, alcoholic patients are not recommended to drink such a drink. When coding with the help of drugs used to overcome alcohol dependence, the use of kvass with a high ethanol content can lead to serious consequences (suffocation, etc.).

If the coding was psychotherapeutic, then one should be careful and try to avoid consuming kvass, as this can break down established barriers and provoke the desire to drink alcohol. In people suffering from alcoholism, the subconscious mind can react even to a minimal dose of alcohol. The risk of disruption of the coding mode increases.

Also, people who have been drinking alcohol immoderately for a long time suffer from various cardiovascular diseases, cirrhosis of the liver, and gastritis. Therefore, if the percentage of alcohol content is high, then you should refrain from drinking the drink.


Diets and healthy eating 10.07.2017

Dear readers, today I propose to talk about the good old kvass - a drink that has been known in Russia for over a thousand years. In the old days, kvass was indispensable at festivals and in everyday life for its taste, the ability to well quench thirst and cause a feeling of satiety.

It is kvass, the benefits and harms of which cause so many discussions and questions, that will become the subject of our today's conversation. What is it made of and how is it made? Is kvass good for our body or should we limit ourselves? These questions bother me too, because with the arrival of summer we are increasingly eating it. And we make okroshka and just drink it.

The benefits and harms of kvass

Today on the Internet there is a lot of information about the benefits and value of this drink, but I do not really trust unfounded statements, especially when it comes to health, so I decided to figure it out on my own.

To find out the properties and effects of kvass on our body, let's take a closer look at its composition.

Kvass composition

Main Ingredients:

  • water,
  • malt,
  • yeast,
  • sugar,
  • flavoring additives.

It is these components that will determine the effect of the product on the human body. Therefore, we will analyze them in more detail.


The quality of the water affects both the quality of kvass and its taste. Pay attention to this, if you decide to make a drink yourself, then it is better to use boiled spring water, and not the one that flows from your tap. The industry usually uses well-purified, but so-called "dead" water, it is safe, but does not carry any value to the body.


For the production of kvass, rye and barley malt, sometimes wheat malt, is most often used. Malt refers to soaked and germinated cereal seeds that are dried in warm air after fermentation.

We have already talked about the benefits and how rich it is in vitamins and various microelements. Similar information can be found on rye and barley seedlings.

So, rye malt is rich in the following elements:

  • calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, chromium and other trace elements;
  • vitamins A, E, B vitamins;
  • enzymes that help break down starch.

Useful properties of rye malt:

  • Restores and strengthens the body after surgery, physical exertion and exhaustion, promotes the formation of muscle mass due to its energy value (high calorie content, protein, low fat);
  • Normalizes blood sugar levels, helps to regulate insulin production;
  • Slows down the absorption of carbohydrates and fats, activates metabolism;
  • Helps cleanse the body of harmful substances;
  • Supports the health of hair, nails, teeth;
  • It can be used in the treatment of problems with the gastrointestinal tract and liver (but not during an exacerbation).

Barley malt also has a rich composition and the ability to have a positive effect on our entire body. Its useful properties include:

  • Anti-inflammatory action;
  • Favorable effect on the work of the digestive tract, restoration of the mucous membrane;
  • Reducing the risk of gallstone formation;
  • Reducing the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system, blood cholesterol levels;
  • Therapeutic effects in diabetes;
  • Maintain joint and skin health.


Analyzing the question of the benefits and harms of kvass for the human body, it is worth paying special attention to the presence of yeast in modern kvass. Indeed, despite the beneficial properties, their negative impact raises serious concerns. Recent research shows that yeast:

  • Increase appetite;
  • May cause disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys;
  • With frequent use, they suppress the beneficial intestinal microflora;
  • Contributes to the reduction of immune forces and body fatigue;
  • May cause cancer.

Today, microbiologists have found that baker's yeast, which we usually use in everyday life and which is used in the production of bakery products, carries a latent danger, promoting the reproduction of pathogenic microflora and creating a favorable environment for the development of cancer cells. We all need to know about this. This information was a great discovery for me as well. Now I will pay special attention to this.


Here is another unhealthy ingredient in the composition. I'm sure you know enough about the dangers of this carbohydrate. And in kvass it contains a fairly large amount. Although his presence is not necessary. In Russia, the drink was made without sugar and yeast.

We examined the main components in the manufacture of kvass, in addition to them there are also various additives, natural or not so - it depends on the production technology.

In store kvass, you are unlikely to find useful natural additives. These are usually chemicals that improve taste or increase shelf life and should be avoided.

Fruits, vegetables, dried fruits, herbs, spices, honey can be added to natural kvass. These additives improve the taste and healthiness of the beverage.

And for our research to be completed, it is also worth considering the nutritional and energy value of kvass.

Nutritional and energy value of kvass

As well as the exact composition, the value of the drink can vary depending on the method of manufacture and the availability of additives. We will consider approximate figures for the simplest home and store kvass.

The calorie content of store kvass is 27-30 kcal per 100 g of product.

The nutritional value:

  • carbohydrates - 5 g / 100 g,
  • proteins - 0.2 g / 100 g,
  • fats - 0 g / 100 g.

The calorie content of homemade kvass is slightly less - 20-27 kcal, the nutritional value roughly corresponds to a store product.

What conclusion can be drawn by looking at this data? Both store and homemade kvass contain a lot of carbohydrates with a low calorie content. This determines its ability to quickly induce feelings of fullness, but then it also quickly induces hunger.

The parsing turned out to be difficult to find out whether kvass is good for health. But for me personally, the answer to this question has become more or less clear: only fresh homemade kvass made without the use of yeast is really beneficial for health. It is better to refuse from the store or use it only in very small quantities.

But even if you use homemade kvass, do not forget that ethyl alcohol is released during the fermentation process, which also has a negative effect on the human body. Summarize.

Homemade kvass - benefits and harms

Since we found out that it is difficult to call a store drink useful, then speaking about the benefits and harms, we will mean homemade bread kvass.

Why homemade bread kvass is useful:

  • Contains vitamins, minerals and enzymes;
  • Contributes to the normalization of the digestive tract;
  • Accelerates metabolism;
  • It has a positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • Has anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Increases the body's resistance and gives strength;
  • Strengthens hair and nails, gives skin health;
  • Promotes better digestion of hard-to-digest foods.

These useful properties of kvass are determined by the natural ingredients included in its composition.

Harm of homemade kvass:

  • Contains small amounts of alcohol;
  • Contains a lot of carbohydrates with a low calorie content, which leads to quick satiety and then quick hunger;
  • May provoke swelling;
  • Contraindicated in case of cereal allergy.

If yeast was used in the manufacture of the drink, then the disadvantages can be added to the harm from the influence of this culture on our body.

I also suggest you watch a video about contraindications when using kvass:

Separately, I would like to consider the use of this product during pregnancy.

Kvass during pregnancy

Can pregnant women drink kvass? Doctors unambiguously agree that the use of ethyl alcohol, even in small quantities, negatively affects the development of the fetus. But the harm from consuming kvass during pregnancy also lies in the fact that it can cause bloating and even intestinal upset, causing discomfort to mom and baby.

Store kvass should definitely be excluded during pregnancy. And if you really want kvass, then it is better to cook it at home, and afford it a little.

Be sure to consult with your doctor about nutrition. If there is no allergy, then you can make a healthier beet, birch or honey kvass.

Can kvass be given to children and at what age?

What other kvass is there?

When we say the word "kvass", we usually mean a bread drink made by fermentation from water, malt, bread (or flour) and other components.

But kvass can be different: birch, beetroot, honey, mint, oat, etc. In these drinks, instead of malt, birch sap, beets and honey and other components are used as the main ingredient, respectively. Fermentation takes place with the participation of sugar, dried fruits or fruits. Also, some recipes involve the addition of yeast, but you can do without it.

I propose to say a few words about each type of kvass.

The benefits and harms of birch kvass

Miraculous ones have been known since ancient times. This is a real storehouse of useful substances, therefore, kvass based on it is distinguished by its exceptional usefulness. The main thing is to correctly collect the juice itself.

Birch kvass has a beneficial effect on the health of the whole organism, normalizes digestion, has a diuretic effect, removes toxins and helps with diseases. Raisins, honey, fruits, mint are often added to it.

The history of Russian kvass goes back several hundred years. This delicious invigorating drink, before the advent of vodka, had a high alcohol content. The common people still use the word "ferment", that is, "drink alcoholic beverages."

Kvass types

Now the production produces a non-alcoholic or low-alcohol, pleasant-tasting tonic cocktail under the same name - kvass. Homemade kvass can be a strong or weak cocktail. The strength of a homemade drink depends on the ingredients it contains. If kvass is prepared using malt, yeast and sugar, it will be an alcoholic cocktail and after drinking it, it is better not to drive.

Kvass is especially popular in summer, it perfectly quenches thirst and can serve as an excellent alternative to beer, which is so popular among men in the hot season. The sucrose contained in the drink tones the body and gives it strength. Lactic acid has a beneficial effect on the digestive system. But not all the kvass that is now sold in stores is real. Very often it is a falsified product called "kvass cocktail".

How is the drink prepared?

There are a lot of recipes for preparing this tonic, traditionally Russian drink. Each province, parish and even a small village had its own "secrets" of its manufacture. But they all have one thing in common: the use of yeast and malt. Therefore, the village homemade kvass is by definition alcoholic. Sometimes housewives, in order to lower the level of alcohol, prepare a tonic drink without adding yeast. And sometimes they are used to make weak alcoholic cocktails.

The volume of alcohol contained in a drink increases if, in addition to the main ingredients, various herbs, berries, pears, apples, hops, and raisins are added. Each of these additives gives kvass an amazing and unique flavor.

Fruits and vegetables, which contain starch and fructose, can also serve as a basis for making Russian kvass. When checked, such a cocktail will show an increased level of alcohol contained in it, since it is also prepared with yeast, only natural. The fact is that there is wild yeast on the peel of vegetables and fruits, which, interacting with sugars, begin the fermentation process, and as a result, ethanol, esters and fusel oils are formed. In the first 60 minutes after drinking the cocktail, the alcohol level will simply go off scale.

The process of making Russian kvass in production is somewhat different from the homemade one: there is no natural yeast element - hops, and therefore the fermentation of the drink occurs due to the production of lactic acid bacteria. Alcoholic fermentation is artificially stopped by placing the drink in a cool place.

Bread kvass almost always contains alcohol. Subject to the recipe and preparation technology, the drink at the outlet contains a minimum amount of alcohol - from 0.7% to 2.6%. A refreshing cocktail made in production does not pose absolutely any danger to drivers, since the percentage of ethanol in it is very low and it is almost impossible to get drunk from it. It is absolutely safe and its use is not limited even at a very young age.

A non-alcoholic drink is obtained by mixing ordinary water with any herbal product.

Can be made with radish:

  • grate the vegetable;
  • pour water and put in a warm place for 3-4 days;
  • strain and put in the cold.

You can also use birch or any vegetable juice.

Is it possible to drink kvass while driving and how much?

With the onset of summer heat, kvass becomes the most popular drink. But what should the drivers, exhausted from the heat, do, can they "miss" at the wheel at least some of this refreshing tonic cocktail? Alcohol in kvass: how much will it show in ppm and how long does it last? Here is a sample table showing the level of alcohol in the blood of a man of average build after drinking 1 liter.

Kvass alcohol evaporates from the body almost immediately, no matter how much you use it (provided that a bucket of kvass was not drunk). The alcohol content in three cups of yeast kvass is only 0.2 ppm, and even those after 15 minutes turn into 0.0 ppm.

As you can see, while driving, it is undesirable to drink a refreshing cocktail, but if you stopped somewhere to rest for 15-20 minutes, then you can drink a little of this drink.