What determines the sequence of laying products in soups. Introduction of eggs and egg products

11.05.2019 Healthy eating

I often observed the same picture, when completely different soups were prepared from the same set of vegetables. What could be the secret here? And, as I later found out, there are a lot of secrets. In this article, you will read all these secrets for making delicious soups that I have put together. So, let's move on to learning the secrets of making delicious soups!

1. Put vegetables in soup in boiling water

The first secret tells us that vegetables need to be added to the soup only when the water has already boiled. Otherwise, cold water contains enzymes that oxidize vitamin C and other substances. It follows from this that vegetables cannot be poured with cold water.

2. Don't put all vegetables in the pot at once

When preparing soup, you cannot put all the vegetables at once, otherwise you risk getting either overcooked or undercooked vegetables as a result.

3. The correct sequence of filling the soup

In order for the soup to be cooked correctly, it is necessary to put food in a certain sequence: at the beginning, put the potatoes, boil it for 15-20 minutes, then the cabbage for five minutes, and at the end the sautéed vegetables. After all the ingredients are in the soup, it should boil.

4. We pass vegetables and tomatoes correctly

Saute tomatoes and vegetables in a bowl with a thick bottom. Stir with a wooden spoon or spatula. Tomatoes and carrots secrete carotene, which is useful for the human body, because it turns into vitamin A. Substances from carrots and tomatoes have a red-orange color, which beautifully colors the soup or borscht itself.

5. Beetroot secret

Stew the beets with the addition of fat, vinegar and a small amount of liquid. The whole process of stewing beets must be carried out separately. Beet dye is better preserved in the presence of vinegar, and this will help you achieve a beautiful brown color in borscht.

6. Sauerkraut in cabbage soup

Before putting sauerkraut in cabbage soup, it needs to be stewed for a long time in a small amount of liquid and fat. This will soften its structure and acquire a pleasant aroma of the cabbage itself.

7. How to help vegetables to prove themselves in soup

When preparing a soup, potatoes must be boiled until they are not fully cooked, and then only products that contain acid can be laid: beets stewed with vinegar, sauerkraut, pickled cucumbers, and so on. If you don't follow this advice, you risk getting tough and undercooked potatoes. Pickled cucumbers should be peeled and seeds removed, and only then put into the soup.

8. When should you put sautéed vegetables?

Sauteed vegetables need to be put in soup or borscht only at the end of cooking, then black pepper and bay leaves should be thrown. If you do not follow this advice, you risk losing the pleasant aroma of the added products.

9. Chop vegetables for soup correctly

The vegetables and other foods in the soup must be cut into the same size and shape.

10. Cut vegetables according to pasta

If you plan to make soup with noodles, then vegetables must be cut into strips, if with pasta - cubes, with pasta in the form of figures - circles and stars.
By applying the secrets of soup making, you can easily become a soup expert. And, as you have already seen personally, for this you do not need to have a special culinary talent and great experience in cooking, just knowing your secrets is enough to make a unique soup.
On our site you will also find an article with culinary secrets - this. I really hope that by learning the culinary secrets with my help, you will be able to raise the level of your culinary skills. I wish you good luck and bon appetit!

Soup must be present on every table for proper digestion and metabolic balance. To prepare this, at first glance, a simple dish, it is tedious to know the subtleties. Every housewife knows that when cooking the same soup, the tastes are different every time. Despite the fact that at first glance it may seem that making soup is easy, there are certain tricks in the order of laying the products, in cooking the broth.

How to properly lay food

You only need to add food to boiling water. It is advisable to use pure mineral water without gas.

Do not put all foods in the broth at the same time. Each product has its own time to add to the soup. And if you suddenly looked at the foam, then you can simply pour a glass of cold water and the foam will rise to the surface of the broth, and you can easily remove it.

It is better to pre-fry carrots, beets, peppers, tomatoes and onions; when sautéing, the carotenes contained in carrots dissolve in oil, which will subsequently give the soup a beautiful color.

Boil potatoes in soup until half cooked, and only then add acidic foods, as acidic foods give the potatoes firmness and the potatoes take a very long time to cook.

You should not add seasonings and sautéed vegetables at the beginning of cooking, they are usually added at the end, otherwise they will lose their aroma when boiling.

By the way, you don't need to put any seasonings in the chicken broth, onions and carrots are enough. With seasonings, it will lose its taste. Remember that cereals don't boil well in milk.

If you are going to cook milk soup, pasta or rice, you need to boil for 5 minutes in usually water and only then add milk.

Soups, in vegetable broth without cereals and potatoes, season with lightly fried flour, it will add thickness to the soup. This soup will be more satisfying if you add sour cream, cream or milk to it. If you are used to adding pearl barley to soups, then you should know that the soup does not acquire a bluish tint, boil the pearl barley separately until cooked, then just add to the soup.

All ingenious is simple. Cook with passion and your meals will be the most delicious!

Borsch is not only the most important soup that almost everyone loves, it is also an indicator of the hostess's skill. Borscht, like any popular dish, can be prepared in a million different ways: it is made from pork and beef, from various smoked meats and on the basis of lard, potatoes, cabbage and other vegetables are added or not, lard is added, meat is generally abandoned ...

There are a lot of variations, and every housewife knows how to cook borscht properly: only the way she does it. Therefore, perhaps no other dish causes so much controversy.

But whatever the recipe, there are little tricks that will help make borscht irresistible, impress your family, impress your friends, and boast of an ingenious soup on the forums.

Borscht is a meat soup, although it has many vegetarian options, and it is also cooked in poultry meat, in fish broth. Still, the classics are meat. Pork, as in the south of Russia and Ukraine, or beef, as in the middle lane.

The duet of these two types of meat looks great: the broth turns out to be rich and moderately fat.


It should be rich and of high quality - then the soup will be excellent. Therefore, we do not regret meat. And if you intended to cook borscht only on bones, then it would be better to change the plans and add a piece of meat to the bone.
Before cooking, the meat must be thoroughly rinsed and filled with cold (!) Water. It is cold, since in this case the meat will give all its taste and aroma to the broth. We fill the meat with hot water when the main thing is to get boiled meat, not broth.

Boil the broth slowly, immediately bring to a boil, remove the foam and cook over low heat for at least 2 hours.

After the meat is cooked, it must be removed, removed from the bones, freed from the veins and cut. How - depends on the desire of the hostess. You can - in portions, and then put them in each plate, or you can finely crumble.

The order of laying vegetables

The order is as follows: potatoes, cabbage, then stewed vegetables (sautéed, stewed beets). If the cabbage is sour, then it must be boiled for just a minute and immediately put in the sauté. If a white-headed winter one is used, then it needs more time, 10 minutes - even if it is not cooked right away, then it will come in hot soup. Cabbage should be pawned when the potatoes are half cooked.

If you cook the beets directly in the borscht, then it should be laid after the cabbage. And do not cook for a long time - 10 minutes will be enough for it, unless, of course, you cut it into thin strips.


It is necessary to cut the potatoes coarsely enough, and it is better to choose the one that does not boil over.

If the potatoes are fried a little before laying, then the soup will turn out to be even more rich, its taste will be full, voluminous, rich and tender.

Everyone cooks borscht differently, there is no single law. Some housewives hate boiled, not fried vegetables, someone loves to fry them, and someone just has a sick stomach, and fried is contraindicated.

So there are a lot of options. If you need to boil vegetables, then add the onion to the potatoes, cook, extract when laying the potatoes. Cut the carrots into strips and put at the same time as the potatoes. Put the tomatoes before the potatoes, cook until they become soft, remove and rub through a sieve. Return to soup at end of cooking.

The most successful option is not to fry the vegetables, but to caramelize them - simmer over very low heat, achieving transparency from onions, and softness from carrots. This way the carrots will retain their color and flavor.


This is the most interesting thing. Beets for borscht are boiled in soup - this is the worst option. This is how the beets lose their color. It is best to pre-cook it: bake it in the oven or steam it. And then cut into strips and put into borscht. If you make borscht with bacon, then you can additionally fry it in bacon.

To prevent the beets from losing color, sprinkle them with lemon juice before adding them to the soup. And here we smoothly move on to the topic of borsch acidification.

How to acidify

Many people use vinegar to acidify their soup. It has two functions: it acidifies and preserves the rich color of the beets.

But vinegar is not the most useful additive in soup, so many replace it with other acidifiers: lemon juice, tomatoes added to frying, even sauerkraut or a spoonful of pickle from it.


They are put after turning off. The set is standard: black and allspice peas, bay leaves. Grind the pepper well in a mortar.


The classic of the genre is crushed bacon with garlic. This is more of a Ukrainian variation, but the borscht with it turns out to be just fine. In principle, the fat can be removed. But garlic - in no case. Without it, borscht will not work.
It is best not to cut the garlic or pass it through a press - but pour it in a mortar with salt.

After this operation, you need to wait a few minutes, try the soup and add more salt, if necessary.

If you have ripe vegetarian borscht or meat does not seem rich enough, then you can add a piece of butter at this stage.

After the soup has been cooked, the borscht must be allowed to stand, soaked in its own aromas. Wrap the pot of soup with a warm blanket and leave it alone for at least half an hour.

Then they are served with sour cream, herbs, donuts ...

All puree soups are based on white broth, which, as stated in the general broth article, is cooked without roots and onions so that the flavor of the product from which the puree is made prevails in the soup. For the same reason, you should not use strong broth (consomme) for puree soups. If chicken is added to the broth intended for a puree soup to give a better taste, then the proportion of meat must be reduced, namely, for each person, take not 200 g, but 100 g of meat.

Puree soups there are only three genera, namely:

1. From vegetables or herbs.

2. From flour products.

3. From living creatures.


Prepare white broth; separately from it, prepare mashed potatoes in an appropriate way from the product, the taste of which is required for this soup.

Fill the resulting mashed potatoes with a sauté or helmet, dilute with cooked broth or leison, then boil the soup or just boil, depending on the product from which the mashed potatoes are made. Then strain the soup through a sieve or a rare napkin, put on steam and season with a lezon, if the latter was not added to the puree before the broth. Before serving, fill the soup with a piece of butter and put the cooked side dish, if required for this soup, and then pour it into a bowl


Greens, vegetables and roots, intended for mashed potatoes, peel, wash, finely chop, so that they are easier and sooner quenched (become soft). If the vegetables have a bitter aftertaste (turnips), then peel them and then simmer, if they do not have an extraneous aftertaste, then immediately put them to stew after cutting.

Method for stewing vegetables. Put vegetables, herbs or roots prepared in this way together with a small piece of oil in a saucepan or in a saucepan so that they lie freely, then pour in strained broth so that the bottom of the dish is covered with it, close the lid and put to simmer on the edge of the stove or in the oven bake. While stewing, stir more often with a spatula; otherwise, if they are burnt, they will get a bitter taste, which will impart to the soup. In the event that there is no free time for stirring, you can put the pan with vegetables or roots on steam, that is, in a large frying pan filled with hot water in order to weaken the effect of the heat on the bottom of the pan; You can also put bricks in the oven and place a saucepan on top of them. When the pieces of vegetables are soft, which is recognized by piercing with a fork, then rub them through a sieve.

Rubbing vegetables, roots and herbs should be done through a fine sieve, as large pieces can pass through a sparse sieve, and the puree will not have the proper smoothness. It is necessary to wipe it as soon as possible, while the food is still warm, otherwise they will stick to the sieve, will not wipe, and will need to be heated again.

Passer. Season the mashed potatoes obtained in this way with a sauerkraut, which is prepared as follows: dissolve the oil in a saucepan, add there in twice the amount of flour by weight and, stirring, fry to such an extent that it burns your fingers when touched. Moreover, both the smoothness of the soup and the elimination of the flour taste depend on the quality of the flour. Therefore, it is better to take premium flour, soft, “French”. Sauteing is necessary so that the puree is combined with the broth into a homogeneous mass and does not separate from it; you should only observe that the sautéing is thoroughly mixed with the puree.

Dilution of mashed potatoes with broth. Before combining the mashed potatoes with the broth, you need to transfer it to a saucepan of such a size that all the broth, previously filtered through a muslin or a rare napkin, can fit in it. If the broth is not strained, then the soup will be greasy, dirty in color. During the connection itself, the following conditions must be observed:

a) The broth is poured into the puree, and not vice versa, on the basis of the general rule according to which, when combined, a more liquid product is always poured into a thicker one.

c) The broth should be poured into the puree not immediately, but gradually, stirring all the time with a spatula or, even better, with a hard metal broom, with which the whites are whipped. After breeding, the soup should be boiled again so that everything turns into a homogeneous mass.

Boiling puree soup consists only in slowly heating it and stirring it with a spatula; this is necessary so that the puree does not settle to the bottom of the pan.

The soup should thicken slightly from boiling. If the soup is not smooth enough, then strain it through a fine sieve, muslin or, best of all, through a rare napkin; filtering is done as follows: pouring a little soup-puree into a napkin, twist its ends in different directions, which is why the liquid, shrinking, will flow out through the napkin. After boiling, so that the soup does not cool down, as well as to prevent boiling in the event that it will stand on the stove, you need to put it on steam. Pureed soups from those vegetables that are wiped whole, without residues on a sieve, such as cauliflower, turnips, carrots, etc., should not be boiled, but can only be boiled.

Boiling. Pureed soups from those vegetables that, when rubbed, give only juice, the fibers do not rub, but remain on the sieve, you can boil, such as: mashed tomatoes, asparagus, fresh cucumbers, etc. It should be noted that you can boil the soup only until the lezon is added; after the addition of the latter, the soup should not boil.

After boiling or boiling, the puree soup is seasoned with a lezon.

Lieson prepared as follows: beat off the yolks in a deep saucepan, diluting them gradually with thick or ordinary cream, then boil this mixture over low heat until the first steam. When, in this way, the ice is ready, then pour it into the soup, stirring the latter with a spatula. After adding the lezon, the soup should not boil, otherwise the yolks will brew and float in it in the form of yellow lumps.

Before serving, the soup should be stretched out with butter to add a mild, delicate flavor. However, you cannot add butter in melted form, since then it will float to the surface and give the soup a fatty flavor. Therefore, the butter is always put in a piece. Directly then vegetables, cut into figures, are dipped into the ready-made puree soup. For a side dish, those vegetables are usually taken from which the most mashed potatoes are prepared; in order for the side dishes to retain their taste and shape, you need to cook them separately or in a small amount of broth, or stew them in your own juice. Side dish trimmings should not be thrown away, as they may be consumed along with the roots, vegetables, or herbs used in the soup purée.


The most common soups-puree from mealy products are considered to be puree soups: from pearl barley and rice puree. In addition to the fact that independent soups are prepared from pearl barley and rice (potage creme d'orge and potage creme d'ori), these products, boiled and mashed, serve as a substitute for sautéing for soups-mashed potatoes from vegetables and animals, and in this case are called "Helmet", that is, a connection.

Pearl helmet - they take the best varieties of pearl barley: Dutch or Royal, since the lower varieties contain a lot of flour, as a result of which the soup itself gets a flour aftertaste. Then you should rinse the cereal several times, changing the water until the water is completely transparent, and soak it in cold water for several hours to boil it faster, then put it on a sieve, pour it into a saucepan and pour it with cold water in such an amount that all the cereal is covered with it; add a little oil, cover and put on a hot stove until it boils; then put on the edge of the plate, stirring all the time with a spatula so that the groats do not burn. As the water boils, top up with strained broth. When the cereal is boiled soft, immediately rub it through a sieve, not allowing it to cool. In this case, only the upper shell of the cereal is wiped; the remaining black grains on the sieve do not pass through the sieve, because they never boil until soft. Both pearl barley and rice to obtain mashed potatoes must be boiled in a large amount of liquid so that a liquid gruel is formed, and not crumbly cereal.

Rice helmet - take Caroline rice, wash it several times, changing the water until it is completely transparent; then proceed as follows: put the rice in a saucepan, oil it, that is, pour boiling water over it, put it on a hot stove and let it boil once, drain the boiling water, put a little butter, pour boiling water again, in the same amount as the pearl barley grits, and cook over low heat until tender. Wipe hot rice through a sieve without fail, as, when cooled down, it is wiped with great difficulty. Rice is wiped clean. Rice prepared in this way can be combined with any mashed vegetables or livestock.

The main purpose of pearl barley and rice helmets is to facilitate the preparation of pureed soups from those vegetables (such as asparagus, cucumbers, tomatoes), which, when rubbed, give only juice. This juice should be combined with the helmet, which, in addition to the bond, gives the soup a delicate flavor and smoothness. It is helpful to have a helmet in stock at all times, keeping it cool.

Pureed soups made from other mealy substances, such as peas, beans, oatmeal, potatoes, etc., are prepared in the same way as described above.

To obtain an independent pearl barley or rice soup, ready-made white broth is poured into the cooked puree, after which the soup is boiled until it thickens. Straining the soup through a Chinese sieve, fill it with a lleison, dip a piece of butter (draw out with butter), add a little separately cooked friable rice or pearl barley to the side dish and serve. All soups-puree from flour products can be boiled before combining with a lleison.


A bird or living creature intended for mashed potatoes must certainly be boiled, fried, or its meat stewed, otherwise the soup will taste damp, since after combining the mashed potatoes with broth, it cannot be boiled, but you can only boil it. Finely chop the boneless and cooked or fried meat of chicken, game or other living creatures and even grind it in a mortar with a small amount of butter - 50 g per 3 people, which is always added in a piece due to the fact that in a loose state it would dilute the puree and give it greasy taste. Rub the crushed puree through a fine sieve to make it completely smooth, and combine with a helmet or fill with a sautéer. Then combine all this with a lezon and then dilute the prepared mass with white broth. After that, strain the soup through a fine sieve or muslin (if it is not smooth enough) and put on steam, and in order to achieve the best possible connection, stir with a spatula and, thus, do not let it boil, as this can completely ruin the soup.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that when preparing soups-puree from roots and vegetables, as well as from mealy substances, the ice cream is poured after combining the puree with broth, while in puree soups from poultry and livestock, the ice is combined with the cooked puree before diluting the broth. In general, the preparation of mashed soups requires special attention. Failure to comply with any of the listed rules or sequence of instructions, or even worse, negligence, leads to spoilage of the soup.


Soup-puree fix. If the puree soup turns out to be unsuccessful, then you can fix it like this: strain it through a muslin or a rare napkin, in which all the lumps and curdled parts would remain, and since after filtering the soup will become liquid, then fill it with a lioness again. When combining the soup with a lison, put it on steam and stir all the time with a spatula, which will restore the thickness of the soup to some extent and it will get tenderness and smoothness.

Food proportion although it is indicated in the description of individual puree soups, it is nevertheless useful to learn also some indications in this regard.

Meat taken 200 g per person, but if chicken bones are added to the soup, then the proportion of meat should be slightly reduced, and if whole chicken, then the decrease is equal to half the proportion, otherwise the taste of meat broth will prevail over the taste of chicken.

If chicken broth is cooked with veal shank, then one chicken relies on three persons.

Grouse for two persons, black grouse - for four or five persons.

Greens, roots and vegetables for each person, 150 g of the product from which the soup is prepared, with 100 g for mashed potatoes, and 50 for a side dish. If the side dish is not put in the soup, then 100 g is enough, of course, in a peeled form.

Passerivka difficult to do for less than three persons. This requires 50 g of flour and 25 g of butter.

Helmet for one person it is prepared from one full tablespoon of rice or pearl barley; oil for a helmet you need one tablespoon for 10-12 tablespoons of rice or pearl barley.

Lieson also prepared for at least three persons, you need one yolk and ¾ cup of cream.


a) for stewing food - a teaspoon for three persons and

b) for dressing before serving, in ready-made soup - 50 g for three persons.

Note. All puree soups are served with some kind of pies or croutons; boiled meat is never served with puree soups.

Soups include borscht, light dietary soups, pea, mushroom and chicken soup, as well as green cabbage soup with sorrel, and kharcho. With all the variety of types of hot first, liquid dishes, there is a single technology for how to cook soup.

If you are a chef, then this article will not interest you. But it will be interesting and informative for young, novice housewives to read about the general rules and principles of cooking a variety of soups, soups, borscht, cabbage soup and soup - the main thing is to understand the system.

How to make soup?

Any soup, borscht, okroshka consists of two main parts - liquid and ingredients.

If you remove the liquid from the soup and leave only the ingredients, it will no longer be the first, liquid dish, but the second - meat or side dish.

If you remove the ingredients from the soup, then one broth or other liquid (kefir, water, whey, mineral water with mayonnaise, or even beer) will remain.

Those. any recipe for preparing a first course involves the formula:

Liquid + Ingredients \u003d Soup

Depending on what we put in our variables Liquid and Ingredients, we will get the corresponding result. If we want to get a certain result, for example, green borscht, then both the liquid and the ingredients must be selected according to the recipe.

However, a good cook is an experimental cook who is not limited by the scope of recipes and dances 1) from the set of those products that are at hand at the moment, 2) soberly knows how to assess his culinary abilities and experience.

How to make broth or other liquid for soup

So, to prepare any soup, you need to prepare a liquid. It can be chicken, beef, pork or lamb or any other meat broth (for example, from turtle or venison).

Meat broths are very simple to prepare. Buy chicken (chicken back or thigh) or pork with a bone, beef, lamb - preferably with a bone, so that the broth is not empty, but rich.

And it is good to choose lean meat so that later the fat does not have to be caught out of the broth with a spoon. But, in any case, excess fat can be cut from a piece of meat before boiling it, and then used, for example, for frying potatoes.

Thoroughly wash the meat under cold water, use the handles to check that there are no small residues from the chopped bones on its surface, put it in the saucepan that you have outlined for making the soup, fill it with water in the amount in which you plan to get the broth.

Please note that during the cooking of the broth, the water usually evaporates by 50% or 30% (depending on the degree of cooking intensity, the strength of the fire and whether you covered the pan or not).

But also keep in mind that adding ingredients for soups to the broth will raise the water level by about 30-40%.

Therefore, if you want to cook a whole pot of borscht, pour pork or beef meat with bone to the very top of the pan, some of the water will boil away, but adding vegetables to the broth later will end up with a whole pan of borscht somewhere.

So, when you have filled fresh meat with water, put the pan on the fire. I usually put the broth on high heat right away to bring it to a boil faster. As soon as the water boils, I screw it tightly, so that only a little bit small bubbles of "gurgle".

Boil the broth over very low heat, so that in the end it turns out beautiful - transparent.

In this case, when foam forms on its surface, carefully remove it with a spoon and throw it away. If this is not done, then the broth, firstly, will not be transparent, and secondly, it will have a slightly bitter taste.

It is necessary to cook broth from pork, beef or lamb for an average of 3 hours - over low heat with a covered, but not tightly closed, lid. Chicken broth is cooked for about 40 minutes - 1 hour.

As soon as the broth has boiled from the very beginning, salt it to taste - depending on the amount of water and the degree of cooking intensity. Each housewife has her own amount of salt for 3 liters of broth, but I usually throw about 1 tablespoon of salt with a small top into such a pan.

In any case, when the soup broth is ready and you add the ingredients to it, you should definitely try the resulting liquid and add salt if necessary.

About half an hour before the end of cooking the broth, you can add black peppercorns (things 3-5), a couple of bay leaves and other seasonings to your taste. Or, seasonings can be added to the soup when the main ingredients have already been added to it or when the recipe recommends it.

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Also, a simple liquid can act as water with Maggi bouillon cubes dissolved in it - this broth is suitable for ladies who love quick quick soups. But they are quite unhealthy.

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For making lean soups, use as a liquid plain water.

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There are also vegetable, mushroom, fish broths, which are prepared very simply - pre-peeled, washed and chopped vegetables, mushrooms or fish, salt, spices are added to clean water and boiled until boiled (about half an hour or an hour, depending on the amount of products and their degree of hardness).

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To prepare okroshka and other summer light, fruit and vegetable soups, the following liquid is used as a liquid:

1) mineral water with mayonnaise or sour cream;

2) serum;

3) water and kefir;

6) pomegranate or other juice;

How to prepare the ingredients for the soup

The ingredients for making soups and borscht, okroshka and cabbage soup can be very different - boiled vegetables - potatoes, carrots, beets, peas, beans, meat, chicken, mushrooms, fish, sausages, sausages, cereals - rice, buckwheat, yachka, grain, greens - dill, parsley, green onions and garlic, sorrel, lettuce, various cabbage, eggs, sauces ...

In any case, the products for the soup should be fresh, of high quality, with a minimum of chemicals, preservatives, additives and flavorings.

Vegetables and fruits, herbs for making soups must be thoroughly washed, peeled, dirt, rot and other damage. They must be cut according to the technology for preparing a particular dish.

Canned beans, yellow peas, corn, canned fish and meat, which are used for soup, must be inspected visually in advance so that the cans are not bombed (crumpled), are well closed, and under the lid (when you open the can) there is no rot, mold, bad smell, otherwise there is a risk of getting sick with botulism.

The skill of the hostess consists in either knowing perfectly the cooking and preparing soups according to recipes that have already been personally tested, or in feeling the harmony between the products and skillfully combining them to prepare one or another soup.

It is impossible to give unambiguous advice on the arrangement of products for the soup, because Everyone has different tastes, habits and preferences. You have to try making different soups with different ingredients and broths yourself to gradually find your favorite recipe.

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As for the question of how to make soup from ready-made liquid and prepared ingredients, if we are preparing a hot first course, then gradually add pre-prepared and chopped foods to boiling water, boil them, add salt, add seasonings to taste and ... eat!

When preparing cold first courses, they usually do the opposite - first, mix the finished ingredients in a saucepan or in a plate, salt them, pepper, if necessary, and pour the prepared liquid.

The most important thing when cooking soup is not to oversalt it, not to over-pepper it, not to overdo it with seasonings, not to cook it very liquid or, conversely, too thick.
