Who came up with the buffet. Buffet

03.11.2019 Healthy eating

Buffet (buffet) - a way of serving food, in which many dishes are displayed side by side, and the food is sorted into plates by the guests themselves (for example, at a buffet table). In many countries, this type of service is called a buffet service. The name buffet is used in Russian and several other languages \u200b\u200bfrom the origin of the tradition.
In the Scandinavian countries, there is a tradition to set a cold snack table (smörgåsbord, sandwich table, snack table) in a separate room, from which, after eating, guests move to the dining room, where they already eat a traditional lunch. What is called a buffet in Russian is called a buffet in many other languages, due to the change in the meaning of the word buffet in Russian, the term buffet took its place.

The buffet is a Scandinavian tradition adopted over time all over the world. Its history is rooted in the distant past. Centuries ago, Scandinavians made preparations for the future from shelf-stable products - salted fish, root crops and vegetables, smoked meat. When guests arrived, all the food was served at once, in large bowls. Thus, the owners saved themselves from unnecessary ceremonies, freeing up time for communication. In the 20th century, this method of collective meals was adopted by the whole world.
In the case of self-service on the principle of a buffet, there is one or several counters in the hall, on which appetizers, first and second courses of fish and meat, vegetables, cheeses, desserts are displayed in order. The guest, walking along the counter, can choose those dishes that he likes best. He can put food on the plates himself, or the waiter does it.

There are two main types of buffet organization in terms of meal payment. The first one is the most democratic option, in which you can choose a plate of any size and come “repeatedly” to the serving table. The price in this case is fixed and does not depend on the number of products taken. According to the second option, payment is made depending on the size of the plate (the so-called system of plates), on which ready-made dishes are placed: on a small plate, medium or large. And besides, payment is made for each approach.

History claims that some Russian innkeepers organized a service in their establishments similar in concept to the present buffet: a visitor to the inn for a fixed fee could choose something from the dishes on the table. In the 18th century, an innovative service technology in Sweden acquired the name "sandwich table" and then spread throughout the world. Nowadays, the buffet is one of the most common forms of serving breakfast in hotels, a favorite way of holding brunches and banquets.

The history of the buffet (in Swedish it sounds like "smergasbrod", literally - "sandwich table") is as follows: once Sweden was a sparsely populated country, the villages were located far from each other, and if the owner invited many guests, he had to make sure that no one arriving has to wait long for a treat.
Therefore, dishes were displayed on the table that could be stored for several days: salted herring, potato and boiled vegetable salads, hard-boiled eggs, cold meat and sandwiches.

The buffet was convenient not only for incoming guests, but also for the owners, who did not have to climb over the heads of those sitting in order to replace an empty dish with meat or pour glasses. There was a free approach to the tables. So the guests did not interfere with the hosts, but the hosts did not disturb the guests.
By the way, not only eggs and herring are served at the table. An unconditional decoration of a traditional buffet - smoked, boiled, fried and dried fish, omelet with shrimps, mushrooms, blood sausage with berry compote, jellied meat, leberwurst (special ham sausage made from pieces of pork meat), mettwurst (the same, but made from beef) , chops, ham, potato pancakes, basturma, sweet rice porridge, cheeses, apple cake, jams, whipped salted cream with caraway seeds, pancakes with lingonberries, rye bread, buns and homemade bread.

Our shop equipment factory produces Buffet food lines:

The Swedish line is a technological equipment for public enterprisescatering for sanatorium-resort areas.
It consists of three elements:
Hoarfrost Buffetcooling - table for serving and short-term storage of chilled products.
Hoarfrost Buffetsteam table - a table for the distribution and short-term storage of the first, second courses and other culinary products in a hot state.
Hoarfrost Buffetneutral - a table for serving and demonstrating dishes that do not require maintaining the set temperature.

Buffet baths are made of food grade stainless mirror steel. Natural stone (granite) shelves. Tables are faced with natural wood. An illuminating lamp is located at the top of the tables.
At the request of the customer, the tables are equipped with gastronorm containers.
The line is economical and easy to use and is 1.5-2 times cheaper than foreign and domestic analogues.


The history of the buffet

The term "buffet" exists only in Russian. In Europe and the USA (where democratic food formats spread from), as well as in Asia (where they have successfully taken root), this type of service has long been called buffet ("buffet"). However, the “buffet” option is prettier to the Russian ear, and in support of this version there are enough arguments, historical and not so much, to attribute this invention to the nation of northern sailors.

Legend has it that even in ancient times the Scandinavians prepared a lot of simple but varied food for long storage from salted and smoked fish and meat, boiled eggs, vegetables, mushrooms and berries for big feasts, so that when new guests arrived, they would not think about what to feed them. ... It is clear that it is easier to realize this idea in a cold climate and in that national cuisine that is adapted to various kinds of preparations. Few opponents of the “Swedish theory”, however, argue that this most democratic way of serving food originates from the traditional Russian meal “vodka is a snack”. But this hypothesis does not stand up to historical criticism: democracy was not born in Russia, and the meaning of the buffet is not in strong drinks.

In Sweden itself, this format of serving food is called smorgasbord, that is, "sandwich table". Sandwiches here mean any hearty food that can be prepared from anything. The presence of bread is not as important as the principle: serving dishes that are easy to use and, unlike, for example, pasta with tomato and cheese, do not lose their taste for a long time.

Another idea, also closely related to the national characteristics of the inhabitants of Scandinavia, is the principle of reasonable self-restraint in the absence of control. It was he who once so impressed our compatriots who traveled abroad. The Russian historian and journalist of the second half of the 19th century, Konstantin Skalkovsky, in his book "Traveling Impressions" in the chapter about the Scandinavians and Flemings, described a meal in a local inn: “Everyone demands both, the maids barely have time to open the bottles. There is no consumption metering here; there is a book on the table, a pencil is tied to it on a pink ribbon, and the guest himself is obliged to write down what he ate and drank in the book. Upon departure, he also sums up his account himself. It is clear that all mistakes remain on the conscience of the passenger, but the Swedes prefer to lose something rather than subject the traveler to humiliating control. "

The writer Alexander Kuprin, who visited Finland at the beginning of the 20th century, spoke even more touchingly about the northern self-assembled tablecloth: “The long table was lined with hot meals and cold snacks. All this was unusually clean, appetizing and elegant. There was fresh salmon, fried trout, cold roast beef, some kind of game, small, very tasty meatballs and the like. Each one approached, chose what he liked, ate as much as he wanted, then went to the sideboard and, of his own free will, paid exactly one mark thirty-seven kopecks for dinner. No supervision, no mistrust. Our Russian hearts, so deeply accustomed to the passport, the station, to the general fraud and suspicion, were completely suppressed by this broad mutual faith. " For the sake of fairness, it should be said that apart from the noble impulses of the organizers of the "Swedish" and "Finnish" tables, which were observed by our travelers, they were also driven by practical considerations. The most widespread such form of service was in restaurants and taverns located on the train route. The visitor might not have time to pay for what he had eaten or hesitated whether to pay at all for the order if there was no time for food. For the convenience of both guests and hosts, a wise decision was found - travelers were offered to immediately pay a fixed amount and take any number of dishes from the pantry.

Many people are familiar with the concept of "buffet". Usually tourists who decide to stay at a hotel come across such a lunch or breakfast. For many, this power system still raises questions, to which we will try to give answers.

The very procedure of eating can be characterized as follows: for a certain price, guests are offered a wide selection of food. It is allowed to take different food from the table in moderation. There are no waiters here, you have to be content with self-service. Various dishes are displayed on large tables. There are salads, fruits, desserts, pastries, etc. Most often, for hotel guests and passengers on tourist liners, a buffet is already included in the ticket price.

For the owners of establishments, the buffet is much cheaper than the portions. These savings come from the fact that many dishes are prepared with the same ingredients. Hotel guests are "greedy" for the first few days. Then everything returns to the usual norms of food.

The buffet allows hotel guests to dine in a variety of ways. There are several types of payment for such meals. For a certain amount, everyone can come to the table several times and put the dishes they like on their plate. For the second option, payment depends on the size of the plate. Small, medium and large plates have different prices. And yet, you will have to pay separately for each approach to the table.

It is this kind of payment that prompts many tourists to trick. If everything has already been paid for, then the guests try to put a large mountain of food into small plates. This behavior in Europe causes resentment among hotel owners. It is also forbidden to take food out of the dining room. If you bring an apple or banana with you, comments may not be made. But if you are going to take out food in plastic bags, then an unpleasant situation will not keep you waiting long.

In many European countries, the menu depends on the star rating of the hotel. In three-star boarding houses, guests are offered scrambled eggs, sandwiches, coffee, milk, light salad. And five-star hotels already have meat dishes, vegetables, fruits, cheeses.

There are certain rules according to which the table should be served. All snacks should be next to each other. For drinks, you will have to go to another table. In the immediate vicinity of desserts (jam, honey, hot chocolate), there are special cups. There must be clean glasses near the juices. There are special spoons or clamps for each dish or snack that you can use to place the dish on your plate.

Buffet (buffet) - a way of serving food, in which many dishes are displayed side by side, and the food is sorted into plates by the guests themselves (for example, at a buffet table). In many countries, this service is called pantry... Name buffet used in Russian and several other languages \u200b\u200b(for example, Belarusian: buffet, Ukrainian: swedish style, Polish: szwedzki stół, Hungarian: svédasztal, Croatian: švedski stol).

In the Scandinavian countries, however, there is a tradition of setting a cold snack table (Swedish. smörgåsbord, sandwich table, snack table) in a separate room, from which, after having eaten, the guests move to the dining room, where they already eat a traditional lunch. What is called in Russian buffet, in many other languages \u200b\u200bis called buffet, due to a change in the meaning of the word buffet in Russian, term buffet took his place.


The buffet is a Scandinavian tradition adopted over time all over the world. Its history is rooted in the distant past. Centuries ago, Scandinavians made preparations for the future from shelf-stable products - salted fish, root crops and vegetables, smoked meat. When guests arrived, all the food was served at once, in large bowls. Thus, the owners saved themselves from unnecessary ceremonies, freeing up time for communication. In the 20th century, this method of collective meals was adopted by the whole world.

In the case of self-service on the principle of a buffet, there is one or several counters in the hall, on which appetizers, first and second courses of fish and meat, vegetables, cheeses, desserts are displayed in order. The guest, walking along the counter, can choose those dishes that he likes best. He can put food on the plates himself, or the waiter does it.


There are two main types of buffet organization in terms of meal payment. The first one is the most democratic option, in which you can choose a plate of any size and come “repeatedly” to the serving table. The price in this case is fixed and does not depend on the number of products taken. According to the second option, payment is made depending on the size of the plate (the so-called system of plates), on which ready-made dishes are placed: on a small plate, medium or large. And besides, payment is made for each approach.

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Excerpt from the Buffet

- Yes, let's go ourselves. I only came in to ask Denisov about yesterday's order. Got it, Denisov?
- Not yet. Where are you going?
“I want to teach a young man how to forge a horse,” said Telyanin.
They went out onto the porch and into the stable. The lieutenant showed how to make a rivet and went to his room.
When Rostov returned, there was a bottle of vodka and a sausage on the table. Denisov was sitting in front of the table and cracking his pen on paper. He looked gloomily into Rostov's face.
“I’m writing to her,” he said.
He leaned his elbows on the table with a feather in his hand, and, obviously delighted with the opportunity to quickly say everything he wanted to write in a word, expressed his letter to Rostov.
- You see, dg "yog," he said. "We sleep until we love. We are children of pg`axa ... but fell in love - and you are God, you are pure as on the day of creation ... Who is this? Drive him to the chog "that. No time!" He shouted at Lavrushka, who, not at all shy, approached him.
- Who can be? They ordered it themselves. The sergeant came for the money.
Denisov frowned, wanted to shout something, and fell silent.
“Squag, but business,” he said to himself. “How much money is left in the wallet?” He asked Rostov.
- Seven new and three old.
- Ah, squag "but! Well, what are you standing there, stuffed animals, let's go to the Wahmist," Denisov shouted at Lavrushka.
“Please, Denisov, take the money from me, because I have it,” said Rostov, blushing.
“I don’t like to borrow from my own people, I don’t like it,” Denisov grumbled.
“And if you don’t take money from me in a comradely manner, you will offend me. Really, I have, ”Rostov repeated.
- No.
And Denisov went to the bed to get a wallet from under the pillow.
- Where did you put it, Rostov?
- Under the bottom pillow.
- No, no.
Denisov threw both pillows on the floor. There was no wallet.
- What a miracle!
- Wait, did you drop it? - said Rostov, lifting the pillows one by one and shaking them out.
He kicked off and brushed off the covers. There was no wallet.
- Have I forgotten? No, I also thought that you were definitely putting a treasure under your head, ”said Rostov. - I put my wallet here. Where is he? - he turned to Lavrushka.
- I didn’t come in. Where they put it, there it should be.
- Well no…
- You are all right, throw it where, and you will forget. Look in your pockets.
“No, if I hadn't thought of the treasure,” said Rostov, “otherwise I remember what I put.
Lavrushka ransacked the entire bed, looked under it, under the table, ransacked the whole room and stopped in the middle of the room. Denisov silently watched Lavrushka's movements, and when Lavrushka threw up his hands in surprise, saying that he was nowhere, he looked back at Rostov.
- G "skeleton, you are not a schoolboy ...
Rostov felt Denisov's gaze on him, raised his eyes, and at the same instant lowered them. All his blood, which had been trapped somewhere below his throat, gushed into his face and eyes. He couldn't catch his breath.

Dishes served according to the "Buffet" principle

Buffet (buffet) - a way of serving food, in which many dishes are displayed side by side, and the food is sorted into plates by the guests themselves (for example, at a buffet table). In many countries, this service is called pantry... Name buffet used in Russian and several other languages \u200b\u200b(for example, Belarusian: buffet, Ukrainian: swedish style, Polish: szwedzki stół, Hungarian: svédasztal, Croatian: švedski stol).

In the Scandinavian countries, however, there is a tradition of setting a cold snack table (Swedish smörgåsbord, sandwich table, snack table) in a separate room, from which, after having eaten, the guests move to the dining room, where they already eat a traditional lunch. What is called in Russian buffet, in many other languages \u200b\u200bis called buffet, due to a change in the meaning of the word buffet in Russian, term buffet took his place.

Another, more democratic way of serving dishes according to the same principle

Features: [ | ]

The buffet is a Scandinavian tradition adopted over time all over the world. Its history is rooted in the distant past. Centuries ago, Scandinavians made preparations for the future from shelf-stable products - salted fish, root crops and vegetables, smoked meat. When guests arrived, all the food was served at once, in large bowls. Thus, the owners saved themselves from unnecessary ceremonies, freeing up time for communication. In the 20th century, this method of collective meals was adopted by the whole world.

In the case of self-service on the principle of a buffet, there is one or several counters in the hall, on which appetizers, first and second courses of fish and meat, vegetables, cheeses, desserts are displayed in order. The guest, walking along the counter, can choose those dishes that he likes best. He can put food on the plates himself, or the waiter does it.

A feature of the buffet is the fact that the staff eats up the dishes that were not taken by the visitors at the buffet (when serving by the waiters, it is prepared separately, even according to a different menu). Precisely not taken by anyone, what is left on the plates is thrown away.

Varieties [ | ]

There are two main types of buffet organization in terms of meal payment. The first one is the most democratic option, in which you can choose a plate of any size and come “repeatedly” to the serving table. The price in this case is fixed and does not depend on the number of products taken. According to the second option, payment is made depending on the size of the plate (the so-called system of plates), on which ready-made dishes are placed: on a small plate, medium or large. And besides, payment is made for each approach.