How to cook mutton shurpa soup. Lamb shurpa - rich Asian-style soup

31.08.2019 Healthy eating

Shurpa is a very popular dish in Uzbekistan. It is prepared both at home and in all cafes and restaurants, even in large ones, even in the smallest ones. And everywhere it is not just tasty, but very tasty! And it is no coincidence that at all big celebrations, for example, weddings, this thick, rich soup is always served as the first course.

This dish is loved for the fact that it is prepared quite simply, but it turns out to be so tasty that you want to cook and eat it as often as possible. This soup is so nutritious and satisfying that having eaten only it at lunch, you won't want to eat the second one. Therefore, we can safely say that it replaces both the first and the second.

When we lived in Uzbekistan, we prepared it not only as a dinner, but also as a remedy. Yes, yes, don't be surprised! As soon as someone in the house began to cough, they immediately went to the market for lamb, all the other ingredients were always available. And they cooked shurpa. She not only eliminated a slight malaise, but invariably gave strength and good mood.

We cooked this rich soup mainly in two versions - with lamb and vegetables, and with lamb, vegetables and chickpeas. Sometimes lamb was not available to us, and then it was cooked from beef. In general, you can cook from it, but, of course, it cannot be compared with the same dish made from lamb.

It is the lamb that gives the soup a unique taste and aroma that are difficult to describe in words. But today I will give you both recipes, and one more recipe is a variation on the first two. And if you cook at least one of them, you yourself will understand what I mean.

Uzbek shurpa made from lamb and vegetables according to the classic recipe

We need (for 5 servings):

  • lamb (ribs and pulp) - 600 gr
  • onion - 1 pc (300 gr)
  • carrots - 1 pc (200 gr)
  • tomato - 1 pc (150 gr)
  • bell pepper - 1 pc (100 gr)
  • potatoes - 2-3 pieces (300 gr)
  • turnips - 1 pc (optional) (200 gr)
  • hot pepper - to taste
  • spices - cumin, ground coriander, basil, paprika - 1 tsp (or just a pinch)
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste


1. When buying lamb, try to purchase fresh, not weathered meat. Sometimes in the meat section you can see how on the display case in the refrigerator lie lamb ribs so windy that there will be no sense from such meat during cooking. Choose meat that has a natural color and appearance.

2. Wash the meat in cool water. Cut the ribs into portions, cut the pulp into 6-8 cm pieces. Put the meat in a cauldron or saucepan with a thick bottom and pour cold water. Put on fire and bring to a boil. Do not forget to remove the foam during boiling.

There are different types of meat, from one a lot of dark foam, from the other less. In the first case, as soon as the water boils, wait 3 minutes, then remove the meat and pour out the water. Rinse the saucepan to remove plaque on the walls and pour cold water again, put the meat and bring to a boil. Remove the foam again, it will be quite a bit. And cook the meat as usual.

If you bought fresh lamb, and not very much foam is formed during cooking and it is not too dark, then let the meat boil for 10 minutes (remove the foam with a special spoon) and add a pinch of salt. The salt will draw the foam out of the meat more quickly and the broth will be light.

3. Cook the meat for 1 hour. Do not try to let it boil very much. In this case, we can get a cloudy broth, moreover, the water will quickly boil away, and we will have to add it. What is not desirable to do! Try to calculate the amount of liquid at the very beginning, and do not add more water. But if it didn't work out, then add only boiled hot water!

4. During this time, clean and cut the onion into very thin half rings. Peel the carrots and potatoes, and if they are not very large, leave them whole, or cut them into 2-4 pieces.

Shurpa is distinguished by the fact that all vegetables in it must be large. In this case, the taste is preserved in the vegetables themselves, which are additionally saturated with meat broth, and also the broth itself is saturated with vegetable taste!

5. When they lived in Uzbekistan, they bought turnips especially for cooking, they called it galangal there, and added it by cutting them into small cubes 3-4 cm thick.

Already living in Russia I tried to add our turnips, it turns out well. But if there is no turnip, then nothing terrible will happen without it. If I cook this dish, then I don't run around specifically looking for turnips. Yes - I put it, no - no, and there is no trial!

6. Cut the bell pepper into 4-6 pieces with feathers, or rings.

7. Cut out the stalk of the tomato and make a cruciform incision in the upper part.

8. How do I lay vegetables? After an hour of cooking meat, put chopped onions, turnips, if any. Dip the whole tomato into the broth, after a couple of minutes we take it out and remove the skin. Then we dip it again into the broth, also whole.

Sometimes fat tail fat is added to the shurpa. He gives the very useful broth that removes colds. If you are lucky enough to buy some fat tail fat with lamb, store it in the freezer and add a little to meat dishes, even if you are cooking beef.

All fat is digested, becomes invisible, and everything that you cook with it will be incredibly tasty and healthy. If you have such luxury, then take a little, 30 grams, chop finely, and send it to the broth along with vegetables.

9. Cook vegetables and meat until the meat is fully cooked. It should be easily detached from the bone.

10. Once this has happened, add all the remaining vegetables, namely potatoes, carrots and bell peppers. Also add a small hot pod of hot red pepper, or cut only a slice. But you need to add at least a little for taste and aroma. Do not be afraid that the taste of shurpa will not be bitter.

Just remember to remove it after cooking. Not that such happiness will come across to someone!

When cooking broths with vegetables, you must not completely close the lid of the pan. Also, the contents should not be allowed to boil too much. In this case, the taste of vegetables is lost, and the broth becomes cloudy and not tasty!

Therefore, we reduce the heat to a minimum so that the contents only slightly gurgle. Cover with a lid, but leave an impressive gap.

11. Together with the second line of vegetables, add all the spices, you can take a pinch of all. Feel what flavor has gone - this is zira! Uzbek cuisine is unthinkable without it!

12. As soon as the broth with vegetables has boiled, season with salt to taste. Don't add too much salt at once. It is better to add a little more salt afterwards than to allow it to turn out too salty.

13. Cook the soup now until the vegetables are ready. Try not to digest them! 5 minutes before cooking, do not forget to add black ground pepper. As soon as cooked, immediately turn off the heat.

14. Now the lid can be closed completely and let it stand for 10-15 minutes, so that it rests and is even better saturated with taste.

15. Serve it in a deep bowl with fresh herbs - dill, parsley and green onions. Chop it into smaller pieces and sprinkle the soup on top. The soup is thick.

Well, now it remains to enjoy the taste! And take my word for it - it will be just an unforgettable feeling, right from the very first spoon! You won't even have to try to taste it. Here, only one aroma is ready to hit on the spot, and together with the taste - so it cannot be described in words at all!

It only remains to add that in the summer you can add fresh sour apples to such a soup, and in the fall you can replace the potatoes with quince. Of course, quince is now an expensive pleasure, but on this occasion, you can buy one quince. It's worth it! In addition, the soup will turn out to be more dietary, light and aromatic without potatoes.

The following recipe is no less popular in Uzbekistan than the first one. And they cook on it at least as often as in the first version. And the main difference is. that such an option is being prepared with chickpeas.

Uzbek soup with vegetables and chickpeas

We need (for 7 servings):

  • lamb with bones - 800 gr -1 kg (ribs or hip part)
  • fat tail fat (if any) - 30-50 gr
  • chickpeas -200-250 gr
  • onions - 500 gr
  • carrots - 200 gr
  • tomatoes - 250 gr
  • bell pepper - 250 gr
  • potatoes -300 gr
  • cumin, coriander - 0.5 tsp each
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • fresh herbs - for sprinkling


1. Peas chickpeas should be sorted out, thoroughly rinsed and soaked in warm water for at least 12 hours, or better for a day. Peas will increase in volume several times, so you need to take more water. So, if you take a glass of peas, then you need to take four glasses of water.

2. Cut the meat into portions into 7-8 pieces, it will turn out quite large.

3. Peel the onion and cut into very thin half rings.

4. Dice the carrots and bell peppers. We will cut the vegetables into 1x1 cm cubes so that they are the same size as the peas

5. Make a cross-shaped cut on the tomatoes and pour boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Then drain the water and peel the tomato. Cut it into the same small cubes.

6. In a cauldron, heat the vegetable oil until a gray haze and fry the meat over high heat until golden brown.

7. Add the onion and without reducing the heat, fry it until soft.

8. When the onion is lightly browned, add the carrots and fry everything together for 5-6 minutes.

9. Now it's the turn of the tomatoes and bell peppers. Add them together and fry for 3-4 minutes. Then reduce heat to medium and simmer for 10 minutes.

10. Rinse the peas in several waters or in a colander.

11. Pour the contents with two liters of cold water and add the washed peas. Add fat tail fat, cut into small cubes, if available. Let it boil. After that, the fire must be reduced to the smallest.

Do not cover the lid completely, leave a large gap. The contents should not boil too much, otherwise the broth will be cloudy, and the vegetables are not tasty.

12. Cook for 1-1.5 hours, until the peas are tender. Cook over low heat, but make sure that boiling is present.

13. Cut the potatoes into 1 x 1 cm cubes and add to the broth. Salt to taste, do not forget to add spices. Cook for 15-20 minutes until the potatoes are cooked. 5 minutes before readiness, do not forget to pepper to taste. You can also put bay leaves.

14. Then close the lid tightly and leave the rich soup to rest, be saturated with juices and gain strength.

15. Then we pour it into deep plates, in Uzbekistan they are called spit. Sprinkle with chopped herbs and enjoy the taste.

And the taste of such a shurpa is also very special - rich, rich, the soup turns out to be appetizing, satisfying and nutritious. With this, you will definitely not want any second course. It should be recalled that if you added fat tail fat, then you will no longer find it in the soup. It boiled all over into broth and filled it with taste and usefulness.

Shurpa in Uzbek with vegetables and chickpeas - recipe number 2

Sometimes, for a change, I combine the two previous recipes into one, and a new taste is obtained, and no less tasty shurpa. The advantage of this recipe is that the meat is not fried and requires less oil to cook. That is, the recipe is both nutritious and satisfying, with a minimum amount of oil.

Of course, if there is fat tail fat, then it should be added a little. Do not forget about its therapeutic and preventive effect.

We need (for 5-6 servings):

  • lamb meat on bones - 600 gr
  • fat tail fat -30 gr (if any)
  • chickpeas - 200 gr (about 1 glass)
  • onion - 1 piece
  • carrots - 1 pc
  • tomato - 1 pc
  • bell pepper - 1 piece
  • hot red pepper - pod (small)
  • potatoes -2-3 pieces
  • spices - zira, coriander
  • salt, pepper - to taste
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons


1. Rinse peas and soak in plenty of warm water, if you take a glass of peas, then pour four glasses of water. Peas should be soaked for at least 12 hours, and preferably 24 hours. During this time, it will greatly increase in volume. Don't let this scare you. The soup should turn out in such a way that there is literally a spoon in it.

2. Rinse the lamb, cover with cold water and put on fire. As mentioned above, try to get fresh or chilled lamb. Tasty shurpa will not work from heavily windy, and incomprehensibly frozen lamb.

We buy a whole ram every autumn, fresh. We ourselves cut it into portioned pieces, and then we cook and cook from it until spring. After all, it is known that real, or, or is best cooked from lamb.

And it is very convenient for me to buy a whole ram, firstly, I freeze it myself, and I know for sure that my meat is the freshest frozen. Secondly, I immediately cook the minced meat, separately put the ribs in the bags, separately the pulp.

Many believe that lamb meat has a specific smell and refuse to purchase it, let alone cook it. Let me disagree with such people. If the meat is fresh, or properly frozen, it does not have an unpleasant odor.

Sorry for deviating from the topic, but choosing the right product is always the key to the success of the dish as a whole! Therefore, this information, I think, will be very useful to someone.

3. And so they set the meat to cook. Foam will appear, it must be removed. After it boils, reduce heat and let it simmer for 2-3 minutes. Then remove the meat and drain the water, rinse the pan from the foam and pour water again, about 2.5 - 3 liters. Place meat in a saucepan.

4. Put the pan on the fire again, bring to a boil over high heat. If foam appears, then it will also need to be removed. Although it will already be quite a bit, and the broth will already be light.

As soon as it boils, reduce the heat to minimum. Cook for an hour.

5. Shortly before this, you need to prepare all the vegetables. Cut the onion into thin half rings, or into small cubes. In Uzbekistan, slicing of onions in the form of half rings is usually always used.

6. Make a cross-shaped cut on the tomato, pour boiling water over it for 2-3 minutes, then drain the water. Remove the skin and cut the tomato into small cubes.

This time I have a lot of small tomatoes, remnants of the former luxury of the garden season. Therefore, I decided not to use purchased greenhouse tomatoes, but use my own small ones. Although small, but their own, grown without any chemistry.

I do not remove the peel from them, but simply cut it into 4 parts.

7. We put a small cauldron on the fire, you can also use a frying pan. Pour in vegetable oil, warm a little and put onions in it, lightly fry. It is not necessary to bring it to a brown color, the onion should become rather translucent. And you don't need a lot of fire for that.

Fry everything together for 4-5 minutes. If there is fat tail fat, cut it into small cubes. And put the roast and fat in the meat broth. We also send the washed peas there.

9. Cook the meat until it begins to freely move away from the bone. The peas should also be completely cooked.

But we are not removing the bones yet. And just add carrots, potatoes and bell peppers, peeled and cut into rather large pieces.

It is allowed to add vegetables as a whole, and cut into two parts, especially if they are young and not yet very large.

10. Put a pod of red hot pepper. I have small pods, although very sharp, and I put them in 2 pieces. Peppers grow on our windowsill. First, the bush grew in the garden, and then I transplanted it into a pot, and now I have enough fresh peppers for a long time. And you don't have to run to the store every time.

Do not be afraid to put pepper, the soup will not be very spicy. Most importantly, do not forget to remove it later. He will give all his taste and aroma to the broth and will no longer be needed.

11. We also add spices, it will be enough to put them one or two in a whisper. In this case, Zira can be rubbed in the palms. The scent will be just magical. The coriander must be ground. Salt should also be done now, but pepper at the very end, 5 minutes before cooking.

12. If the meat was not on the ribs, as I have today, then we take it out and clean it from the bones. We cut it into pieces and send it back to the pan. We throw out the bones.

13. Cook vegetables at low heat and with minimal boil. The lid can be closed, but at the same time leave an impressive gap so that the steam can calmly escape.

14. Cook until vegetables are fully cooked, but do not overcook them to preserve the taste. Pepper for 5 minutes until fully cooked, you can also add bay leaves.

15. Turn off the heat and close the lid, let it brew for 15 minutes.

16. Then pour into deep cups, sprinkle with chopped herbs if desired and serve hot on the table.

It should be said that all three recipes are incredibly delicious. And therefore, you can't go wrong if you choose any of them. There is no such thing that one recipe is tastier, and the other is not - feel free to choose any!

Video on how to cook shurpa at home

Recently, Uzbek cuisine has become more and more popular. I can judge this from those comments. which I receive. People are cooking, different, and writing rave reviews. They are glad that they succeed and they are also surprised by the taste of the prepared dishes.

Shurpa is no less tasty than all these listed dishes, and therefore I decided to write this article. And we also made a video specially for her. So that everyone can see that there is nothing difficult in cooking.

This is our homemade recipe, according to which I have been preparing Uzbek soup since the days when we lived in Uzbekistan. And although I know several ways to prepare it. This is the recipe I love the most.

Its advantages are that there is not a drop of oil here, vegetables and meat are not fried, and everything is prepared in its own juice on lamb broth. The soup turns out to be nutritious, appetizing and in part even medicinal.

If someone has a cold in our house, I cook this soup. And it helps, not to be cured of course, but to relieve the symptoms, and alleviate the patient's condition. Try it !!!

In conclusion, I want to say where you can buy chickpeas. Well, firstly, it is sold in any large supermarket, in packs of 450 - 500 grams. For example, you can buy such chic large peas from Turkey. The only drawback is that it is not very cheap.

But if you do not cook chickpeas from peas so often, then you can spend money on such an occasion.

I cook quite often, I add chickpeas to pilaf, I often cook this dish, I recently cooked a very tasty African one. Therefore, I buy peas at the market in the vegetable departments, where people from Central Asia trade. Even if they do not have it on sale, I order 2-3 kg each, and they bring it to me from the wholesale vegetable market. It turns out about half the price of buying in the supermarket.

It is certainly not as large as in the store. But when soaked, it will increase in size by 2-3 times and will already be quite large.

So, in order to find peas on sale, there should be no problems. And all that remains is to take and cook a delicious shurpa.

Follow the recipe step by step and you will succeed. And don't look that so much has been written. I just tried to describe in great detail all the nuances so that you will certainly succeed.

In fact, preparing is not easy, but very simple. May be long! But don't let that bother you. While the shurpa is cooking, you can redo a bunch of different things, or do whatever you want. You are engaged in extraneous matters, and in the meantime a delicious soup is being cooked for yourself on the sly, and the taste and aroma, as well as all usefulness, are gaining.

So, cook and eat to your health!

And if you like the recipes, then take them to yourself, and also share them on social networks, social buttons. networks are located at the top and bottom of the article.

If you have questions or wishes, or just want to say “Thank you!”, Then write in the comments. It is always extremely pleasant for me! Plus I will know that the recipes have been helpful to you!

Oriental cuisine is attractive and mysterious. Each recipe here is a separate story that reveals a small corner of this mysterious world. Today we will talk about shurpa. Lamb shurpa is a soup that is national in many countries and regions: Tatarstan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Egypt, Moldova, Altai - the list is far from complete. And in each country this dish is called differently: shurbo, chorba, shulpa, shorpo. There are other names as well. We will cook a soup called shurpa.

Shurpa: soup ingredients

Following the tradition, the dish should be prepared from mutton, but you can find a recipe in which the main ingredient is game and even fish. Their variations vary, as do the names of this soup. Each area has its own nuances and characteristics.

In addition to lamb, the classic version is sure to have a lot of onions, potatoes and carrots. All vegetables are coarsely chopped, which is also a feature of this dish. There are two ways to cook shurpa. The first is with frying meat and vegetables, it is called kovurma. This version of the soup is very high in calories, but also more rich and fatty. A more dietary way - without frying, vegetables and meat are sent to a cauldron or pan without pre-processing. This method allows you to maximize the preservation of the beneficial properties and nutrients of the products. This method is called kainatma.

In addition to the listed lamb and vegetables, quince, plums, dried apricots are traditionally placed in shurpa. These ingredients are optional, but this soup, of course, will be even more memorable and extraordinary.

Herbs and spices are always abundant in oriental cuisine. Lamb shurpa is no exception. Feel free to put a lot of fresh greens in the soup and season with mixtures of herbs and spices.

The benefits of shurpa

Lamb broth is very useful and rich in trace elements such as potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron, there are also many B vitamins, and vitamins D, E and K help the proper absorption of trace elements, are responsible for comfortable digestion and control blood clotting.

Shurpa is prescribed to be taken as a medicine for many diseases. Here are just some examples of diseases that shurpa treats: pneumonia, ulcers, rheumatism, tuberculosis.

There is more than one lamb soup recipe that stimulates potency in men and helps to establish the process of breastfeeding in lactating women.

Of course, the beneficial effect of shurpa does not preclude taking additional medications.

Recipe according to all the rules

Making shurpa is a process that requires slowness and even mystery. Each ingredient carries a lot of useful microelements, which are the task of the cook to preserve. Cook the soup correctly, which means that the meat must certainly be cooked with a whole head of onion, over low heat. The longer the soup is cooked, the more rich and aromatic it will turn out.

Cooking time - 3 hours.

Servings Per Container - 4.

The recipe will require you to prepare the necessary foods:

Seasonings: for shurpa (if any) or coriander, cumin, red pepper, salt - to taste.Lamb shurpa will be cooked using the low-calorie method, without roasting.

  1. We wash the lamb and, as the classic recipe prescribes, put it in a large saucepan along with a whole onion without husks. Cook the meat for about 2 hours. Remove the foam from time to time if necessary.
  2. We separate the bones from the boiled meat, we no longer need them, and cut the lamb into large pieces.
  3. Put coarsely chopped potatoes and carrots into large rings into the broth. We also cut two onions coarsely (you can use large half rings).
  4. Vegetables should be boiled for about half an hour.
  5. Let's start preparing the tomatoes for cooking: scald, remove the skin and cut into large slices. We send to the soup.
  6. To add spice, add finely chopped hot peppers to the soup along with the grains. This will make the recipe really oriental.
  7. It's time to cook herbs and spices. We send the cooked to the shurpa. She's almost ready. Cook everything together for another 10 minutes. Then let the soup brew for about an hour so that it reveals the taste and aroma of seasonings and vegetables.

An unusual oriental soup is ready - feel free to invite your family members who will be surprised at the restaurant's taste of the dish. The taste is fully developed, and you can enjoy the benefits of meat and vegetables, richly flavored with seasonings and herbs. Lamb shurpa is a truly unique dish. Indulge your loved ones with this simple, yet very complex and unique soup. Preparing shurpa according to the given recipe is a task that any novice chef can master.

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Greetings, dear friends! Today the menu of the Home Restaurant has a real Uzbek lamb shurpa. To be honest, previously I only had to try mutton shurpa soup, but on the eve of the picnic season, I decided to try my hand at making lamb shurpa at home.

My debut turned out to be very successful, and the lamb shurpa turned out to be incredibly tasty and aromatic. The only drawback of the recipe is that lamb on the bone is cooked for a very long time. But the reward for your patience will be the most tender soft meat that melts in your mouth.

In the warm season, the recipe for lamb shurpa at home will become a real find - you just need to buy food, take a cauldron with you, and go to the forest to cook delicious shurpa over a fire. I consider the combination of lamb with spices to be the main trump card in this dish, all other ingredients are secondary. Therefore, without lamb and spices, alas, shurpa is not the same.

Cooking lamb shurpa is not at all such a complicated process as it might seem at first glance, but you still have to hurry up and buy selected mutton, or better, lamb meat on the bone. So, welcome - mutton shurpa - a step-by-step recipe with a photo at your service!


  • 1 kg. lamb on the bone (ribs or shoulder blade)
  • 50 gr. lard
  • 2 l. water
  • 1 PC. carrots
  • 1 PC. bulb
  • 1 PC. bell pepper
  • 1 PC. a tomato
  • 3-4 pcs. potatoes
  • 1 head of garlic
  • 2 allspice peas
  • 1 tsp hops suneli
  • 1 tsp ground paprika
  • 1 tsp black pepper
  • 1 tsp coriander
  • 1 tsp thyme
  • salt to taste
  • greens for serving

How to cook lamb shurpa:

We start the preparation of lamb shurpa with meat: wash the lamb (it is sold with the remnants of wool) and cut it into pieces.

In a saucepan with a thick bottom, or in a frying pan, melt the bacon to the state of cracklings. Ideally, a lamb shurpa recipe at home involves the use of lamb lard, but you can also use lard lard, as in my case.

We remove the greaves from the pan - we will no longer need them. We send pieces of lamb to the hot fat.

And fry the lamb meat on the bone over maximum heat until golden brown. During the frying process, you will need to turn the meat several times.

Then fill the lamb with water, cover and cook until cooked for 2-3 hours over low heat. The exact time depends on the age of the mutton - the lamb will cook faster, the meat of an adult animal will cook longer.

When the lamb meat lags behind the bone, it means it's time to continue cooking our mutton shurpa.

We clean vegetables. Cut the potatoes into small cubes, carrots into long cubes, as in my photo, leave the onion whole.

We send potatoes, onions and carrots to broth with meat. Cover with a lid and cook for 20-25 minutes until vegetables are ready.

Add the tomato and pepper to the pot with the future shurpa and cook for another 10 minutes.

Prepare all the spices indicated in the recipe and chop the head of garlic.

Add salt to the lamb shurpa.

And at the very end, fill in all the spices, mix, cover with a lid, and remove from the stove. The flavors in the kitchen ... incredible! Be prepared that neighbors will come to visit you with a plate and a spoon.

Uzbek cuisine is always simply prepared without any frills and culinary delights, but this does not prevent them from being amazingly tasty, incredibly aromatic and rich. One of these is Uzbek-style mutton shurpa, the recipes for which we will offer below in our material.

How to cook lamb shurpa in Uzbek - recipe


  • young lamb ribs - 530 g;
  • potatoes - 530 g;
  • bulbs - 265 g;
  • fresh carrots - 220 g;
  • fresh tomatoes - 220 g;
  • ground black pepper;
  • salt;
  • twigs.


Starting to prepare the shurpa, wash the lamb ribs, cut into portioned slices, fill with water and set to cook until tender. During this time, we will properly prepare all the necessary vegetables. Wash the potatoes, peel and cut into four or six parts, chop the peeled carrots into circles, and the onions into half rings. Scald fresh tomatoes with boiling water, having made a cross-shaped incision in the center, remove the skin easily after that and cut the flesh into small cubes. Rinse the Bulgarian peppers, remove the stalk with seeds and cut into rings. We do the same with chili pepper (if it will be added to the dish).

Put potato, carrot and tomato slices, sweet pepper and chili in the broth with soft lamb, and after fifteen minutes we throw in the onion and fresh herbs, which we will also rinse and grind in advance.

A few minutes before the end of the cooking process, season the shurpa with salt and, if desired, add spices to your taste.

How to properly cook Uzbek lamb shurpa in a cauldron - recipe


  • lamb - 1.7 kg;
  • potatoes - 1.7 kg;
  • bell peppers - 220 g;
  • hot red pepper - 1 pod;
  • onions - 950 g;
  • red onion - 950 g;
  • fresh carrots - 950 g;
  • fresh tomatoes - 950 g;
  • fresh greens (cilantro, basil, parsley, dill) - 0.5 large bunch;
  • garlic head - 1 pc .;
  • ground coriander - 15 g;
  • - 15 g;
  • zira - 15 g;
  • ground black pepper - 5 g;
  • salt.


First of all, we cut fresh lamb, separating the fillet from the bones. The latter are filled with clean water in a cauldron and placed over the fire to boil. After half an hour, add the chopped lamb pulp, and after another twenty minutes, large rings of red onion. We cook the contents of the cauldron for another fifteen to twenty minutes, after which we lay carrots cut into cubes and tomatoes without skin.

After twenty minutes, we throw into the shurpa a Bulgarian pepper, chopped into rings, after having rid it of the stalk with seeds and potato tubers, peeled and cut into large oblong slices. At the same stage, we introduce ordinary onions into the dish. It must be peeled and cut into thin rings or half rings.

Cook the shurpa over the fire for another ten minutes, and then throw in the chopped fresh herbs. It must be taken half of the total, and use the rest for serving. At this moment, add some salt to the dish, and add spices for lamb shurpa, namely: ground coriander, pepper, cumin and suneli hops, and also throw in finely chopped peeled garlic cloves. Fresh garlic can be replaced with dried garlic, if necessary, this will practically not affect the taste.

Now let the dish simmer over the smoldering coals until the potatoes and all other vegetables are soft, let it brew for a few more minutes, and can serve, seasoning with sprigs of your favorite greens and adding fresh sour cream.

A piece of meat, fresh vegetables, herbs, spices - everything you need to make shurpa in Uzbek.

Let's get started?

Shurpa in Uzbek - general principles of cooking

Prepare a cauldron or a thick-walled pan right away, shurpa is prepared only in such a dish. You can use a multicooker.

Ideally, shurpa is prepared from young lamb, but using other types of meat will not worsen the taste of the dish, it will just slightly change it, so you can safely replace lamb with veal, homemade chicken, pork, or duck. The main thing is that the pieces are with fat and on the bone, brisket or loin is best suited.

From vegetables, potatoes, carrots, onions, tomatoes, cabbage, zucchini and more are used. It is not uncommon to add legumes, mainly chickpeas, or cereals - rice.

The spices and herbs used also affect the taste of the dish: coriander, white, black and red pepper, cumin, basil, cilantro, dill, laurel, cumin are suitable.

Shurpa in Uzbek can be prepared in two ways: by boiling or frying all the ingredients. Boiled shurpa is the one where the meat broth is first cooked, into which the chopped vegetables are then placed. Fried - one where, first, meat and vegetables are separately fried in oil in pans, then mixed in a cauldron and poured with boiling water, brought to readiness.

Shurpa in Uzbek is especially good if you let it brew for 10-30 minutes after cooking.

1. Shurpa in Uzbek


300 g lamb;

5 small pieces of fat tail fat;

6 potato tubers;

Carrots - 1 pc.;

Tomato - 1 pc.;

Onion head;

Black and red pepper powder, salt - 10 g each;

2 laurel leaves;

Half a bunch of any greenery.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the lamb into a medium cube, cover with water, add bacon, put laurel leaves and let the water boil over high heat.

2. When the water boils, reduce the heat and cook the meat for 1 hour and 20 minutes, removing the foam.

3. Add to the pan carrots, cut into thin strips, onions - in small crumbs, chopped tomatoes without skin, potatoes - in cubes, pepper, season with spices, salt, cook until all products are completely softened over moderate heat.

4. Pour the shurpa on plates, sprinkle with dill.

2. Kaurma-shurpa in Uzbek


Fillet of beef - 0.5 kg;

A couple of onion heads;

A couple of carrots;

4 potatoes;

Fresh paprika - 2 pcs.;

A couple of cloves of garlic;

Frying oils - 3 tbsp spoons;

A little tomato paste;

Lavrushka - a couple of leaves;

Salt, black pepper - a pinch;

Cilantro, basil, cumin (dry) - 20 g each;

Parsley - 3 sprigs.

Cooking method:

1. Put the prepared (thoroughly washed and dried) piece of beef in a metal container, add water, bring to a boil over high heat.

2. Put a whole onion and lavrushka in a saucepan, reduce heat and cook for a little less than half an hour with the lid closed.

3. Put the second head of onion in a hot frying pan with butter, cut it into half rings, fry over low heat until transparent, transfer temporarily to a plate.

4. Remove the cooked meat from the broth with a slotted spoon, cut into cubes and fry until crusty on a low flame.

5. Add previously fried onions to the meat in a frying pan, carrots - diced, tomato paste, stirring, fry.

6. In a saucepan with strained broth, put potatoes, cut into large wedges, let the broth boil.

7. Add seasoning, cilantro, basil, cumin, salt and pepper to a saucepan, cook for 15 minutes.

8. Remove seeds from sweet pepper, cut into strips.

9. After 15 minutes of boiling, add bell pepper and garlic, passed through the garlic, to the soup. Cook for 2 minutes, remove from heat and leave for half an hour.

10. When serving on a plate, put some meat with carrots and onions, cover with soup, sprinkle with chopped parsley.

3. Uzbek fried shurpa


Several of any lamb bones;

A piece of lamb pulp (from the neck);

A small piece of fat tail fat;

Onion - 3 heads;

A couple of carrots;

Fresh paprika - 4 pcs .;

3 tomatoes (you can in your own juice);

4 potatoes;

Several cloves of garlic;

Salt, hot pepper powder, turmeric, cumin, basil powder - pinch each.

Cooking method:

1. Put a piece of bacon in a frying pan with a thick bottom, melt out the fat, remove the fat with a slotted spoon.

2. Put the quince, cut into slices, into the fat, add salt, add cumin, fry a little, transfer to another dish.

3. In a frying pan, put the carrots, chopped into circles, fry until golden brown.

4. Put the bones to the carrots, fry a little and add pieces of lamb pulp, fry for 1 minute.

5. Put bell pepper to meat and carrots - in large cubes, fry and add onions - in half rings and garlic - in large slices.

6. When the onion is golden, add the diced peeled tomatoes.

7. Add hot pepper, turmeric, salt.

8. Put the potatoes in a frying pan - in slices, cover everything with water until completely covered and cook over moderate heat for a little over an hour.

9. At the very end, try on salt, add basil, and fried quince, cook for another 15 minutes, remove from the stove and leave for half an hour.

10. Pour into bowls.

4. Uzbek shurpa with peas and rice


4 potato tubers;

A small piece of lamb pulp;

A pinch of rice cereal;

A piece of margarine;

A pinch of dry peas;

Onions - 1 pc.;

Carrots - 1 pc.;

A couple of tomatoes;

Allspice powder, salt - half a teaspoon.

Cooking method:

1. Scroll the lamb fillet several times through a meat grinder.

2. Add an egg to the resulting minced meat, salt and pepper.

3. Boil rice groats in water until half cooked, put in minced meat, stir well.

4. Form sausage-like sticks from minced meat.

5. Put the minced meat sticks in boiling water, cook until they rise.

6. Put the sausages in a plate, and put the potatoes in the broth - dice, cook for 15 minutes.

7. In a frying pan, fry the onion - in half rings, carrots - in strips, put in the soup.

8. Boil peas in broth or water, transfer to soup, cook until softened.

9. On a plate when serving, put 1 sausages, a ladle of soup, sprinkle with herbs.

5. Spicy shurpa in Uzbek


Lamb ribs with meat - 5 pcs.;

5 potato tubers;

Peas (chickpeas) - 1 glass;

1 fresh paprika;

1 carrot;

Onion head;

A little fat tail fat and frying oil;

2 tomatoes;

Several cloves of garlic;

Coriander, cumin, black and red pepper, salt - 40 g each;

Half a bunch of greens.

Cooking method:

1. Soak the chickpeas in hot water for 2 hours.

2. Pour fat tail fat and sunflower oil into a cast iron, heat, fry the ribs in fat until golden brown over low heat.

3. Place the onion, cut into half rings, over the ribs. Fry, stirring occasionally, until golden.

4. Peel the carrots, cut into strips and put in a cast iron pot, fry a little.

5. Pour hot water into the cast iron until the food is completely covered, cook for 10-14 minutes.

6. Add the swollen chickpeas, adjust the heat to the highest, bring the shurpa to a boil.

7. Cook for another hour on low flame.

8. Put the potatoes in the shurpa - in cubes, boil a little.

10. Hold the tomatoes in boiling water to make it easier to remove the skin, chop and put in a cast iron pot.

11. Lastly, squeeze the garlic through the garlic, add coriander, cumin, sprinkle with pepper, salt, remove from the stove and leave for 40 minutes.

12. When serving, pour shurpa into portioned plates, put a little sour cream in each and sprinkle with herbs.

6. Uzbek shurpa with sour apple


A large piece of lamb;

Fat tail fat - several pieces;

5 onions;

Fresh paprika pod;

Potatoes - 5 tubers;

1 green sour apple;

4 tomatoes;

2 carrots;

Fresh cilantro, dill - 3 sprigs each;

Several cloves of garlic;

Lavrushka leaf;

Seasoning cumin powder, black pepper, salt - pinch at a time.

Cooking method:

1. Put pieces of bacon in a cast iron pot, melt a little and add lamb pulp, cut into pieces, fry until golden brown.

2. In the meat, add the onion, cut into strips, fry until the onion softens.

3. Put the tomatoes - cut into large pieces, the paprika - in slices, fry for 5 minutes.

4. Add carrot slices, fry a little over low heat until softened.

5. Pour hot water into the cast iron, simmer for 15 minutes.

6. Arrange the potatoes in large pieces, cook for a few minutes.

7. Pour more water into the pot, add seasoning, toss the lavrushka, salt and pepper, cook for 20 minutes.

8. Add the apple - diced, simmer until the potatoes are tender.

9. Leave the prepared shurpa to brew for 30 minutes.

10. Serve on a plate sprinkled with cilantro and dill.

Shurpa is tastier and broth is richer if the meat is pre-fried before cooking.

Shurpa is eaten only freshly prepared, the reheated dish loses its taste.

Serve shurpa with various sauces: this will diversify and emphasize the taste of the dish. Use adjika, mayonnaise, mustard, sour cream, tomato sauce.

To make the taste more intense, put a couple of laurel leaves, branches and roots of parsley and dill in a bag of gauze, release the bag for half an hour into the languishing shurpa, then remove and discard.

Add spices at the end of cooking, 10-15 minutes.

Do not lose sight of another important ingredient of the dish - greens. Shurpa with parsley, basil, dill, green onions, tarragon, dzhusai is especially good.