Strawberries with sugar for the winter: the best recipes with photos. Strawberries grated with sugar for the winter (with sugar cork)

13.10.2019 Grill menu

Strawberries grated with sugar for the winter is an easy way to prepare this delicious berry for the winter. The whole process excludes any cooking jam on the stove, evaporation of cans and lids and other manipulations that have to be done when preparing classic strawberry jam for the winter. Thanks to such nuances, you need very little time for cooking, so without spending energy and in just half an hour, you will be able to prepare a delicious and aromatic delicacy for the winter.

To prepare today's dish, you only need two products: fresh strawberries and granulated sugar. Also, the whole cooking process will be much easier if you have a blender on your farm. Grinding strawberries using this technique is much easier and faster than using the manual method, but in extreme cases, you can do with an ordinary metal sieve and a wooden mortar.

To give the finished mass a richer taste, some hostesses add lemon juice, citric acid, mint, lemon balm or other ingredients to the grated strawberries. Personally, I have not tried to use such additions yet, therefore I will not advise anything on this matter.

Once your sugar-grated strawberries are ready, they can be poured into glass jars or plastic bowls. In the first case, it can be stored in the refrigerator, in the second - in the freezer.


  • 500 g strawberries
  • 1 kg sugar

Cooking a dish step by step with a photo:

Enjoy your meal!

Strawberries with sugar for the winter in the freezer

One of the most practical ways to store sugar-grated strawberries is in the freezer. Such procurement does not take up very much space, and if, in addition to everything, it is rational to use the available space, then you can prepare in this way not only strawberries, but also other berries and fruits.


  • 250 g strawberries
  • 500 g sugar

Cooking method:

  1. We sort out the strawberries, remove the roots and rinse the berries in water.
  2. Put the strawberries dried with a paper towel in a deep bowl and cover with granulated sugar.
  3. We put the appropriate attachment on the blender and chop the strawberries with sugar until a homogeneous gruel.
  4. Rinse disposable plastic cups with water and fill with grated strawberries.
  5. You can use other containers, but it is most convenient to store in glasses, and in terms of portions, it is very practical.
  6. Each of the cups is carefully wrapped in food foam and placed in one of the trays of the freezer.
  7. In winter, this grated strawberry can be used for making desserts, baking, etc.

Now you know how to cook grated strawberries with sugar. Enjoy your meal!

Strawberries, grated with sugar, can be whipped up even by a child. You do not need to have culinary experience and special knowledge in order to prepare strawberries for yourself and your family in this way for the winter. Finally, I want to give some tips so that your strawberries, grated with sugar, turn out delicious the first time:
  • For cooking, try to choose juicy, fresh strawberries without damage;
  • To enhance the taste effect, you can add lemon balm, mint or citric acid to the strawberry mass;
  • There are two ways to store grated strawberries: in the refrigerator or freezer;
  • The shelf life of mashed strawberries depends on the amount of sugar you used. The more sugar, the longer your billet will last. But at the same time, try to manipulate so that strawberries are stored in the refrigerator for no more than 6 months - this shelf life is maximum.

Strawberries are everyone's favorite delicious berry! Almost everyone is waiting for it to ripen, but the problem is that the strawberry season is very short. To preserve the delicacy until the next harvest, many make attempts at canning, making various kinds of preserves and jams. And below we will discuss a recipe for strawberries with sugar for the winter, which does not even require cooking.

Preliminary information on strawberries

An excellent berry and raw material for delicious desserts, strawberries are also a great remedy. Among other things, the use of this red berry helps to improve appetite, stabilize the work of the gastrointestinal tract. It can also be used as an effective diaphoretic and diuretic. Moderate regular consumption of strawberries contributes to the speedy normalization of salt metabolism and hematopoiesis. And on a hot summer day, she is able to quench her thirst as well as any cool drink. In traditional folk medicine, this berry is used in cases of anemia and childhood diarrhea.

In view of all this, there is no doubt about whether you need frozen strawberries with sugar in the refrigerator. The recipes below assume the strawberries will be ground with granulated sugar and not boiled. An additional huge plus of this particular method of harvesting is that the berry that has not undergone heat treatment retains the maximum of its beneficial qualities, properties and trace elements. Whereas jam, for example, largely loses the original healing properties of the berry. And the workpieces proposed below are much less hassle. In short, if you do not know what to do with your strawberries, then we definitely declare that the ideal option is pureed strawberries with sugar. The recipe, despite the seemingly simple principle, may differ for different housewives. And various subtleties of preparation also play a significant role. As a result, the resulting products may differ slightly from each other. This variety is characteristic of frozen strawberries with sugar. The recipes below will help demonstrate this.

Fresh strawberries with sugar: recipe number 1

The first option is very, very simple, since it does not require many ingredients and culinary wisdom. Nevertheless, while cooking, you will need to show accuracy, patience and perseverance.

To make the strawberries tasty, it is important to maintain the correct proportions. Without observing this rule, mashed strawberries with sugar, the recipe for which we describe below, may not turn out very tasty. Therefore, remember: you should never spare sugar. The ideal ratio in this case is 1: 1. That is, 1 kilogram of berries requires 1 kilogram of granulated sugar.


As in all such cases, the mashed strawberries with sugar, the recipe for which we describe, will turn out to be tasty only if clean, washed and sorted berries are used. Therefore, you need to start with this. After you have dealt with the berry, cleaned it of leaves, earth, and other debris, you need to dry it. The dried strawberries then need to be cranked through a meat grinder. The recipe for strawberries with sugar without cooking also allows the use of a blender instead of a meat grinder - in this case it does not matter. When the berry is ready, you need to pour sugar into it. When using this winter sugar strawberry recipe, remember that it is very important to thoroughly mix the ground berry with the sugar. When this is done, you just have to put the resulting product in the jars and roll up the lids hermetically.


So that during the storage time your product does not spoil, and the grated strawberries with sugar, the recipe for which we have described, does not disappear, it is important to observe one condition. It lies in the fact that both the cans themselves and the lids with which you will roll them up must be thoroughly sterilized. Otherwise, expect your product to become moldy and unusable. Natural steam from a kettle or pot can be used for sterilization, as many do. But it is best to use special sterilizers.

Recipe number 2

Another way that fresh strawberries with sugar can be cooked for the winter. The recipe, ingredients and their proportions here do not differ from the previous method. And in general, everything is done in exactly the same way. The only but very significant difference is that you need to grind strawberries not in a meat grinder and without the help of other special equipment, but by hand, with a wooden mortar in a wooden bowl. This method of processing will allow the berry to retain some of its properties, and its taste will be slightly different. The finished strawberries, again, need to be distributed in sterile jars and rolled up with lids.

In both cases, the prepared fresh strawberries with sugar for the winter (recipe # 1 and recipe # 2 assume that they will be stored in the refrigerator or other cool place in the dark) are suitable for consumption for about five to six months.

Increased shelf life

Perhaps you want the strawberries, grated with sugar, the recipe for which you read above, to keep longer. This can be achieved by increasing the proportion of sugar by about 50%. That is, for 1 kilogram of berries, use not 1, but 1.5 kilograms of granulated sugar. In this case, your berry will last several months longer. It is even possible that until the next harvest.

Plastic lids

Let's say that, for one reason or another, you decided to use not metal, but ordinary plastic covers for seaming. In this case, you will not get strawberries, grated with sugar, the recipes of which were offered to your attention. It's all about proportions. Remember that using plastic lids will automatically double your sugar consumption. That is, in this situation, for 1 kilogram of berries you should spend 2 kilograms of granulated sugar. Plus, when your mixture is distributed among the jars, it again needs to be covered with a thick sugar crust on top with a layer of at least 1 centimeter. Otherwise, you risk losing the fruits of your efforts.

Storage options

In addition to the refrigerator and cellar, you can store grated strawberries in the freezer. In this case, it can last much longer, although it will acquire a specific aftertaste of freezing. In addition, exposure to very low temperatures reduces the medicinal qualities of the product. But the freezer version does not require sterilization. The finished strawberries can be wrapped in plastic cups, containers or plastic bags and placed neatly in the camera. It is important to remember that during the freezing process the mass will increase in volume, therefore, you do not need to fill your containers completely.

Forest strawberries mashed with sugar: recipe

Let's say you did not grow strawberries yourself, but collected the wild ones in the forest. And now we want you to have strawberries rubbed with sugar in your refrigerator. The recipe for its preparation can be used similar to the cultivated varieties. But in this case, it is better to take additional precautions. Namely, first, add more sugar. And secondly, when your berry is placed in jars, pour a tablespoon of vodka into each of them from above. This spat the berry from fermentation, which is more susceptible to forest strawberries.

Strawberries are perhaps the world's favorite of gourmets. Beautiful, with a delicate juicy taste and aroma, it is good both as a separate dish and in culinary experiments and preparations. Strawberry desserts and drinks create a special festive mood; it is not for nothing that they are so popular at romantic and gala dinners. To prolong the joy of summer and the holiday, many culinary specialists make preparations from strawberries for the winter. The berry is boiled, frozen, insisted and simply twisted with sugar. Strawberries harvested for future use do not lose their aroma and trace elements necessary for health. Housewives willingly exchange advice on how best to preserve this natural delicacy for the whole year. Time-tested step-by-step recipes promise fun, quick and easy preparation of this delicious berry at home.

The best recipes with photos

The last notes

Strawberries are one of the most delicious and aromatic berries. You can make various sweet preparations from it, but candied strawberry fruits have become especially popular recently. In this article, we have collected for you the best recipes for making this delicacy at home. Cook and choose for yourself the recipe that suits you.

Hello my dears!

Summer is the time of the year when we gladly run to the river to swim, and also go to the forest for mushrooms. And to pick berries on the field.

Today I propose to grind strawberries or victoria with sugar. But the storage methods can be different. It will be possible to pack such mashed potatoes in jars, or you can shove it into the freezer in plastic containers or use ice molds. There are many options, and you will find out about all right now.

At the end of the post, you will see the most intriguing way, it is unusual, but at the same time quite simple, and strawberry jam comes out very tasty and beautiful, and the most delicious is kept in the jar for a long time.

If you have never made such a delicacy, then I advise you to make it, charge yourself and your loved ones with vitamins for a whole year. It's so great! And what taste - savory and aromatic, lick your fingers. I am ready to eat with spoons without stopping, the trouble is that you don't eat much, all the same there must be a measure. Children can also be given, but in limited quantities, because this dessert contains a lot of granulated sugar.

Best consumed with bread or soft and fluffy. Drink with tea or cocoa, and of course you can't do without a cheerful company. Call your friends and have a get-together.

Everyone knows that it is in fresh berries that a large amount of vitamins is contained, which means that it charges our body with a good mood and gives vigor. Since a person is inventive, he came up with an option in which you can save strawberries in this form for the winter.

And I will not say in vain, because such charm is better than anyone, although it also occupies a favorite place in our cellar. It, too, if you have not yet prepared it, go in for this business in order to drink aromatic tea on a winter evening and spread on this delicacy.

Alternatively, use this guide and make this strawberry jam from ripe and fresh berries. After all, this method does not require cooking. Cool!

We need:


1. Wash all the gifts of nature in running water, dry. If you see mold or rot, then discard such berries, they are not suitable. Remove the stalks from each piece.

2. Place 2 kg of strawberries in a saucepan and grind them with a blender into a gruel, then add granulated sugar and mix again.

For 1 kg of berries, put 1,250 kg of sugar. You can reduce it a little, take 1 to 1 (I cook this way and nothing ever turns sour or sugar).

4. Cover with nylon caps and refrigerate. Such a miracle can be stored for 5-6 months, and you will be able to remember the summer and wonderful sunny days every time. Use it in or fruit drinks, and also eat it just like a healthy treat!

The recipe for grated strawberries without cooking

Berries can be prepared for the winter fresh without subjecting them to heat treatment. It's a pretty simple yet cool method that any budding chef will love. After all, it does not require any special effort.

We need:

  • garden strawberry (victoria) - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • citric acid - 0.2 tsp


1. Well washed berries and after removing the tails from them, crush them with a potato grinder, so that the blender can easily cope with this work. Grind with a blender until smooth so that there are no lumps.

2. Then add sugar and citric acid to the resulting liquid and mix again. It turns out the consistency of jam. Leave to stand for a couple of hours to melt the sugar completely, stir every 20 minutes with a ladle.

Interesting! Citric acid will help this wonderful culinary masterpiece not to ferment, it acts as a preservative.

Then sterilize the jars along with the lids and pour in the finished treat. It is best to take screw caps, they are easy to screw on, or use nylon caps.

3. Store in a cool place such as a cellar. Happy discoveries! Please your loved ones and your beloved family with such a treat!

How to grind berries for storage in the refrigerator

Good question. Do you do that? Yes, those who have huge refrigerators can use this method, but those who do not have them, then take note of the first two recipes and you will be happy too.

But, nevertheless, let's extend the pleasure of eating red strawberries with a little sourness or wild strawberries. What do I propose to do? Read the description of all the steps and also do such a template with me.

We need:

  • strawberries or strawberries - 1 kg
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg
  • ice bags


1. Thoroughly rinse the berries and sort, remove all the stalks. Then place in a blender bowl and beat until smooth. After you get such a liquid consistency, add 1 kg of sugar and mix again with a spoon or blender.

2. Prepare ice packs and then fill them with a watering can or funnel. It turns out very nice and bright. Roll up according to the instructions. Tie the upper ends tight.

3. Place bags of strawberries (strawberries) in the freezer. And after a while you can open it and see, the mass will freeze. Use for dessert purposes. After all, you can make milkshakes, fruit drinks from them or add to tea. Good luck!

A simple and delicious recipe for grated strawberries for freezing in the freezer

Well, now let's look at one more method, or rather, I suggest watching one of the videos from the YouTube channel with your own eyes. And to take on board, ordinary plastic containers will be used. Just take them of course food.

Thick strawberry and sugar jam

Well, in conclusion, I found a recipe, one might even say an unusual option, with a twinkle. To be honest, I have not seen it yet, but once I found it, I show it. I tried it myself, to be honest it was scary to cover the lid, but I did it).

And the secret here is in one ingredient, namely, an alcoholic drink, such as vodka, is taken. This jam turns out "raw". Suitable for everyone who does not have the opportunity to freeze the berries in the refrigerator or for those who want to use this "beauty" with benefit. It turns out to be very tasty and bright, that's what you need!

We need:

  • strawberries - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • vodka or alcohol - 1 tbsp per can


1. Sterilize jars and lids. Rinse Victoria and shake in a colander, then remove the sepals. Dry.

2. Take the right amount of sugar, that is, everything you need should be on the desktop.

3. And use the hand blender to puree the strawberries. Then add sugar and go over the jam with a blender. After half an hour, beat again with a blender. Thus, the sugar should all melt.

4. Using a funnel, pour the jam into the jars.

5. Then pour one tablespoon of alcohol into each jar.

This is done so that the delicacy does not wind up, ferment and mold.

6. Light the surface of the alcohol with a match and let it burn for half a minute. And to put out the "fire", cover with a metal lid. Good luck, these are the miracles that happen in the kitchen, not just in the circus.

On this I want to end my story, I hope all the proposed recipes hooked you or surprised you and you will definitely rub strawberries (victoria or strawberries) over them. And thus close the jars for the winter, or make blanks in the freezer. After all, it is very useful, and most importantly delicious.

Best regards, Ekaterina Mantsurova

I think that for most sweets, grated strawberries with sugar, harvested for the winter, are the best delicacy. By the way, I recommend cooking it right now for pancakes. However, we are used to stocking up on our favorite berry not only for enjoyment, but primarily for the treatment and prevention of colds. After all, everyone knows that the red beauty contains a huge amount of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system. I consider this preparation very important and useful in every home. Therefore, we make the most of the season of the queen of berries, and we make more useful preparations from strawberries for a long period of cold weather and raw bad weather. In a similar way, you can also use it to alleviate the symptoms of respiratory diseases and replenish the vitamin reserve.

Recipe Information

Cooking method: purée.

Total cooking time: 15 minutes.

Servings: 1 can 0.7-1 l.


  • sugar - 500 g
  • strawberries - 500 g

Cooking method

On a note

  • The grated strawberries with sugar are stored in the refrigerator all winter. So that it does not ferment, you should observe the proportions during the cooking process. Sugar plays an important role here, but the berries must also be fresh and clean without a trace of rot. After all, any speck on the strawberry can ruin the entire workpiece. It will ferment and taste bad.