How to cook eggs in a slow cooker. Eggs in a slow cooker

11.07.2020 Grill menu

Time: 10 minutes

Servings: 5

Difficulty: 1 out of 5

How to Boil Eggs with a Redmond Slow Cooker

Boiled eggs are needed for many salads, they can also be eaten as an independent dish with a side dish of cereals, vegetables or pasta. How to cook eggs in a multi-cooker Redmond, once in the village or in the country without a gas stove? You will learn several cooking options, and you can cook your favorite salads quickly and tasty.

A few words about the wonderful appliance in which you want to cook. Redmond multicookers are not only beautiful in appearance and reliable in operation. Almost all models are equipped with three-dimensional bowl heating technology. This feature ensures the quality and speed of cooking. If the liquid in the multicooker boils out, the multicooker will automatically turn off. Manufacturers took care of this, providing the device with an automatic shutdown of the heating element.

You can combine the preparation of steamed eggs and potatoes for salad in a multi-cooker bowl at the same time.

You can choose what is more convenient for you to cook - in a multi-cooker bowl in water or steamed together with jacket potatoes. These two methods are not much different. The first option will be described in the recipe, and for the second, you need to place the washed potatoes in the multicooker bowl and pour water. Wash the eggs and put in a double boiler. Turn on “Steam cooking” for 20 minutes. Remove the testicles from the boiler after disabling the program. Try boiled potatoes, if it is still raw, you need to continue cooking in the "Cooking" mode for another 20 minutes.

It is not advisable to boil eggs in a slow cooker for more than twenty minutes, so that their nutritional value does not decrease, and a useful digestible protein does not become difficult to digest. This does not apply to the Multipovar program. There is no timer in this program, the countdown starts immediately, even if there is cold water in the multicooker bowl. Therefore, time must be set taking into account the boiling of water. Hard-boiled cooking will take about 20 minutes, for the soft-boiled version - 15 minutes.

For cooking, you need to choose, of course, fresh eggs. To determine the freshness when buying, you can shake a little testicle near the ear, if you do not hear any sound, it is fresh. When inside the egg, with shaking, you hear how its contents are pounding on the shell, which means it is stale.

To make fresh boiled eggs easily peeled, a little salt is added to the water during cooking. The boiled testicles are placed in cold water for three minutes. After such actions, the protein will not stick to the peel being cleaned, it will remain beautiful and even.

At first, boiling water is poured cold so that the testicles are completely closed. The countdown timer is set for 10-12 minutes when they want to get a hard-boiled dish, and for 5 minutes if you need to boil soft-boiled eggs. The timer will start when the liquid reaches the boiling point. Therefore, the time for such a preparation will take a little longer than in a ladle on the stove.

Start cooking

The number of testicles in the recipe is not indicated. You can weld as much as you need at the moment. This product is not recommended to be stored in a boiled form for a long time.


Cooking process

Step 1

Wash the testicles well, put in a multi-cooker bowl, add a pinch of salt. Pour cold water. To make cooking faster, you can pour hot water into the multicooker, but then the eggs may crack.

Step 2

Close the lid, and choose the right time for cooking. Hard-boiled - 12 minutes, soft-boiled - 5 minutes. Set the mode "Steaming". Ready eggs are dipped in cold water.

Enjoy your meal!

Time: 30 minutes

Servings: 5-8

Difficulty: 1 out of 5

How to cook eggs in the Polaris multicooker

Eggs is a well-known product that is famous for its beneficial properties and excellent taste. Today, the advantages of chicken eggs can be listed for hours, since this ingredient, which is part of many dishes, is indeed very useful and important for the body. How to cook eggs in the Polaris slow cooker?

This question interests many people who do not want, or cannot, for certain reasons, cook them on a stove. It is not surprising, because the eggs boiled in the multicooker do not require monitoring, and also quickly cook without assistance.

It is important to note that the protein found in chicken eggs is one of the few animal components or proteins that is easily absorbed by the human body. Therefore, it should be regularly present in the diet of everyone, especially for children.

The yolk also conceals a host of beneficial properties and vitamins that any growing body needs. These include vitamin A, E, B, as well as trace elements such as calcium, iodine, copper and iron. Thanks to this composition, chicken eggs are often present on many tables and in many recipes.

Today, boiled eggs can be cooked, which a double boiler can easily cope with, and kitchen appliances. In a slow cooker, for example, this is done in two ways: using steam and a basket for a double boiler or boiled in a bowl.

You can cook a lot of dishes from boiled eggs. For example, this well-known product is included in such recipes, salads, sandwiches, snacks, aspic, some types of soups and so on. Therefore, a properly boiled product (hard boiled) is the key to the success of many dishes.

Also, often hot boiled eggs are served as breakfast, because they have the necessary substances and elements that the body needs to awaken and charge with energy.

Previously, everyone believed that you can’t eat more than 2 eggs per week, as this adversely affects health. However, today scientists have come to the conclusion that this product should be included in the diet every day for 1-2 pieces. It is advisable to eat them in the morning, as they hide a lot of properties that give the body energy.

Children also need to be given eggs in order to improve brain function, because this product contains lecithin, which stimulates and develops cells.

As mentioned earlier, there are two ways to cook eggs in the Polaris multicooker. If you have time, you can boil the product for a couple - it will take 10-15 minutes. If there is no time, you can boil them directly in the bowl, which will take half the time.


At the request of the ingredient, you can take as much as fit in the multicooker bowl.

Step 1

The first step is to rinse the eggs gently, as they may burst during cooking. Rinse them in cool water.

Step 2

Gently spread the product in the multicooker bowl and fill it with water so that it is completely covered. A lot of water should not be poured, as it will boil longer. At this time, you must not forget to salt the water - then the shell does not burst during cooking.

Step 3

We turn on the device for the “Steam” or “Multipovar” program and close the lid. Cooking time is calculated from the moment the water boils. On average, you need to cook the product for 5-10 minutes.

After cooking, we take out the ingredient in a bowl and fill it with cold water.

As you can see, boiling eggs in a slow cooker is quite easy and simple. Moreover, this will not take you much time and effort.

To clean such a boiled ingredient from the shell is after complete cooling - then it will be easily removed and will not break the egg.

Time: 10 minutes

Servings: 4

Difficulty: 1 out of 5

Cooking boiled eggs in a slow cooker

Truly, this is a unique product. With them, any pastries become tastier, excellent sauces are obtained, and you can make just an excellent breakfast of boiled eggs, cheese and fresh bread.

According to statistics, a person eats at least one such product per week. And you can count all the eggs for the year that hens carry around the world, and you get a very solid number - 600 billion eggs.

Nevertheless, sometimes they cannot be found on store shelves, which testifies to the high popularity of the product.

And their usefulness can hardly be overestimated - after all, this is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals necessary for the proper functioning of our body, and the choline contained in the egg yolk is absolutely necessary for brain cells and the formation of new neural connections.

Egg white is the most highly digestible type of animal protein. Today we show how to cook eggs in a slow cooker in two ways.

There is nothing complicated in either one or the other, so you can cook such a simple breakfast right in the morning, while the family sleeps.

You can find out the freshness of the product in the following way: pour water into a deep bowl and add a tablespoon of salt.

Now you can drop the testicle - and see if it pops up. If the product remains at the bottom, it is fresh, and accordingly, the closer to the surface, the less chance of fresh eggs.

Do not cook eggs in a slow cooker for more than 20 minutes - all the useful trace elements in them will no longer be so well absorbed.

The cleaning process can be facilitated: when cooking, add a little salt to the water, and when you take out the product, immediately place a bowl with it under cold running water for a couple of minutes.

Method one

Steamed eggs in a slow cooker. Of course, this process will take a little more time than cooking in an ordinary pan, and the product intended for cooking must be washed well and all impurities removed from it before boiling it.

And while not managing to break. However, in this case, you can even use testicles with cracks and be sure that they turn out delicious. It doesn’t matter what color you choose the product, it will not affect the taste.


Eggs - 4 things.
Boiling water - 700 gr.

Step 1

Pour hot water in the amount of two or three glasses to the bottom of the multicooker bowl. In principle, you can also pour cold water for lack of boiling water, but this will increase the cooking time, since the steamer mode is activated when the water reaches a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius. And before that, the slow cooker will spend precious time heating water.

Step 2

We set the container for steaming on top, and lay the testicles.

We close the lid of the multicooker, select the function "Steam cooker" or "Steam cooking", and based on our own preferences, set the time for preparing the eggs. For example, to cook a soft-boiled product, you need exactly three minutes.

To get the product in the bag, we will cook them for 5-7 minutes. And the hard-boiled testicles will be prepared the longest: about 10-12 minutes. The time report when choosing a steaming mode starts from the moment of boiling water.

A separate advantage of cooking in a multi-cooker is that you can cook all three types of breakfast at the same time - hard-boiled, soft-boiled, and in a bag. Just take the product out of the bowl early if, for example, you need a soft-boiled egg.

On a note: similarly, you can cook quail eggs in a slow cooker. But then their cooking time will be reduced by half.

Second way

  • Eggs in a slow cooker on the water. By analogy with the previous recipe, we need:
  • Chicken eggs - 4 pieces.
  • Cold water - 2-3 multi-glasses.
  • Salt to taste.

Step 1

Fill the bowl with cold water (it may crack from the hot product), add salt to your taste - if they are cracked during the cooking process, then the salt will not allow egg white to spread throughout the multi-bowl.

The desired products are thoroughly washed and preferably with soda or soap, and put in a bowl of a multicooker.

Step 2

We select the “Steaming” mode, and the time for preparing the eggs is the same as if we were boiling them in a container. That's all. We hope you have received an exhaustive answer to the question of how to cook eggs in a slow cooker.

See another version of this dish:

Cooking time is 25 minutes.

Chicken egg is a rather healthy and very tasty product. Here you can add the fact that it is very easy to cook. All this makes him so popular.

Eggs can be made in many ways. Someone prefers to fry them in a skillet, others who like them like omelettes, many eat the product in a cooked state. Surprisingly, all recipes are easily implemented with the help of the Redmond multicooker. These devices are extremely versatile.

We want to introduce you to an interesting way to cook boiled eggs in a multi-cooker Redmond. With a little effort and a little time - and the dish is ready. The kitchen appliance will use the Redmond RMC-SM1000 models. It is convenient in that it has the "Multipovar" program with manual settings.

Ingredients for Cooking Boiled Eggs in a Redmond Slow Cooker

  • Chicken egg - 20 pieces.
  • Water - 3 liters.
  • Salt.

The method of cooking boiled eggs in a slow cooker Redmond

1) Put the eggs in the multicooker bowl, then pour water into the bowl and add salt.

2) Close the lid of the device, select the “Multipovar” program through the menu, set the time to 25 minutes, and the temperature to 100 degrees.

3) Press the "Start" button on the kitchen appliance and wait until the program ends.

This recipe allows you to cook hard boiled eggs. To get boiled soft-boiled eggs in a multi-cooker Redmond, you can put less time.

Boiled eggs - a product that can act as an independent dish, as well as be part of snacks, first and second courses. At the same time, cooking in a container of water on a stove is considered to be a traditional way of cooking boiled eggs. Modern technologies offer to replace it with another, more convenient option - cooking in a slow cooker. How to do this, read our article.

Method number 1 - cooking eggs in a slow cooker in water. This method is most similar in its technology to the traditional one. To cook eggs in this way, put the right amount into the bowl of our kitchen multi-assistants and fill them with water. Regarding the required amount of fluid - be guided so that it covers the eggs. Although there are recipes that indicate that it is not necessary to cover the eggs with water completely. Now close the lid and select the “Steam cooking” mode on the multicooker panel, press “Start”. In this way, you will get hard-boiled eggs in 10-12 minutes, “in the bag” - in 7-9 minutes, soft-boiled - in 4-5 minutes. Method number 2 - boiling eggs in a slow cooker for a couple. In this case, the eggs are not laid in a bowl, but in a special steamer basket. Pour water into the bowl (at least 2 multi-glasses), set the basket with eggs, close the multicooker lid and cook “Steam cooking” in the same mode, but for longer - 15-20 minutes. In this case, you will get eggs into a steep one, in which the shell separates perfectly, and the yolk does not have a grayish rim. For “in the bag” eggs, reduce the cooking time to 8-10 minutes, for soft-boiled eggs - to 5-7 minutes.

Method number 3 - poached eggs in a slow cooker. To prepare such an original dish, we need silicone molds, sunflower oil and the eggs themselves. Lubricate the molds with oil, pour eggs into them (it is better to break them not over the mold itself, but in a cup), add salt, spices, herbs if desired and set on a removable steamer basket. We heat the water to a hot state and pour into the multicooker bowl, set the basket with molds, close and boil the eggs in the “Steaming” mode for about 3 minutes. Periodically check the exact cooking time visually: in ready poached eggs, the protein should be boiled, and the yolk should remain liquid.

A few practical tips for cooking boiled eggs in a slow cooker. Firstly, do not forget to properly prepare the eggs for cooking, that is, thoroughly wash under running water. Secondly, after the end of the cooking process, it is advisable to lay them in cold water (especially in the case of soft-boiled eggs), as with the traditional cooking method. Thirdly, keep in mind that the “Steaming” mode has its own peculiarities: the countdown of cooking time does not begin immediately, but from the moment of boiling water in the multicooker bowl.

Also note that the dates for cooking boiled eggs in the multicooker indicated by us are approximate, since they largely depend on the model of the kitchen appliance, the temperature and volume of water poured into its bowl, and also the size of the eggs. To learn how to cook eggs in Redmond multicookers, see the video below.