Cupcake "Insatiable nun. Recipe: Insatiable Nun Cupcake Insatiable Cake

07.07.2020 Meat Dishes

I recently saw a recipe, all on the same site:
I liked the name, then I read the recipe and realized that I didn't need to buy anything and just wanted to cook something tasty.
I have already cooked it twice. The recipe will be under the cut, with photos. The cupcake turns out to be FIRM! I haven’t cooked or eaten such things yet ... Delicious !!! the first one ate in a day :) and then, because we went to work :))) and so - in a couple of hours they probably would have grunted :))) He's so ineffectual ... It melts in your mouth ... mmm ...

Nothing complicated, but awesome delicious!

What you need:
For the test
1) 5 eggs
2) half a glass of sugar (I took 100 grams)
3) 5 tablespoons of refined vegetable oil
4) 1.5 cups flour (checked by consistency :))
5) baking powder (10 grams)

For syrup:
1) 1 glass of water (or more - depending on raising the cake :))
2) half a glass of sugar (I took 100 grams)
3) 2 tablespoons of cocoa (I took 3-4, it tastes better :))
4) 100 grams of butter

How to cook:
1) Beat the eggs with a mixer prepared for the dough (I beat at high speed for 3-4 minutes) until the resulting mixture turns white and becomes fluffy

Eggs in a bowl :)

Sugar - in the dough used half of the poured into a measuring cup

Beat with a mixer - I get such a fluffy whipped mass

2) Set aside the mixer - we won't need it anymore!
3) Add vegetable oil to the dough and mix (the process of pouring oil was not photographed, but I think you will understand :) I just poured oil into a spoon and poured it into the dough :))
4) Add baking powder with flour to the dough little by little, sifting to make it more luxuriant and tender, stirring the dough with a spoon! Carefully, not like a mixer at high speed :) If you sift the flour, it does not form lumps even when mixed with a spoon, which makes me madly happy!

That's how much flour I took (but then I added a little more, because it turned out thinly)

This is what the dough looks like with neatly mixed flour

5) Pour the dough into a greased multicooker bowl. I spread it with a spoon from a multicooker - so, it seems to me, the dough "settles" less and rises better when baking, but even if you pour it out, everything will be fine.

Lined dough

6) Put on baking mode for 65 minutes.

:) I put it on 80 minutes (I just didn't take a picture right away), but I realized when I cooked for the second time that 65 was just right. Why, see below :)

7) After 65 minutes, turn off the multicooker, hold it for 5 minutes with the lid closed and then remove it using a steaming bowl.

This is what the first cupcake looked like

But on a plate (the edge crunches, most likely due to vegetable oil such an effect)

8) While our cake is cooling, prepare the syrup: pour a glass of water into a saucepan, put it on the stove, add sugar and stir. Leave to simmer for 5 minutes.
9) It will be completely liquid, but it's not scary. Add cocoa, stir until the lumps disappear
10) Add butter, stir until it melts - or it will burn ... (I didn't burn, but I guess ...)
11) After the butter has melted, leave the syrup to cool for 10-15 minutes.

Ready syrup - 3 tablespoons of cocoa was

12) After 15 minutes, when the syrup has cooled down a little, pour this syrup on the cake. My cupcake is very porous, so I don't even pierce it with anything. If you suddenly get tight, then poke holes in the cupcake and pour the syrup. (But if it turns out to be dense, then something is wrong ... Because both times I had very porous and insanely tender!)

Poured first with syrup :)

Here's a cutaway

again and again in a cut (when they ate, it dripped directly ... But awesomely delicious! and not oversweetened)

And this is the second - the same ingredients, but the cooking time is 65 minutes! I was stunned when I opened ...

And again - I was just very surprised :)

Size compared to sugar bowl :)

This syrup contained 4 tablespoons of cocoa and it turned out to be thick, it did not pour well ... I need more water, as it turned out)

Drenched in syrup

Once again flooded :) Closer! True, I did not take a photo in the context, but since the syrup was thick and there was not much of it, then it turned out to be half filled ... But still awesomely tasty!

13) Leave at least another 10 minutes to soak (or better for an hour) - and bon appetit!

It turns out to be a funky thing!
Tip: Prepare the syrup for watering after the cupcake has already been taken out, so that you know how much syrup you need.
Another tip: I also watered the second one with cognac (right on top, but it is better to add it to the syrup) - it turns out very, very tasty too! Because alcohol is not felt, and a pleasant shade of cognac - mmm ...

Anyone who is drooling after taking pictures of my cupcake should try making a cupcake! I'm sure you will fall in love with him as much as I do!

Bon Appetit everyone!

P.S. If you have any questions, ask.

Why do we love cupcakes? For the simplicity of preparation and wonderful taste. And here's another masterpiece. This cake with an interesting name came to us from the Bulgarian cuisine. She is called an "insatiable" nun, because she absorbs a lot of impregnation, and she is not enough and not enough)). Even those who don't like chocolate baked goods love this unusual chocolate-soaked cupcake. The cupcake turns out to be lush, tall, very tender and fragrant. Chocolate impregnation gives it an amazing taste, beautiful appearance, the cake just melts in your mouth. Make the holes larger and deeper so that the cake is soaked to the very bottom. I am sure that this one will become one of your favorites.


  • 5 eggs
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 tbsp baking powder (10 g)
  • 5 tbsp. l. vegetable oil (odorless)
  • 1.5 cups flour

for syrup:

  • 1 glass of water
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 2 tbsp. l. cocoa
  • 100 g butter

Insatiable nun cupcake in a multicooker:

Beat eggs with a glass of sugar (beat with a mixer for 7 - 10 minutes), add vegetable oil, baking powder, gradually add flour, stir the dough with a spoon (!) And pour into a greased bowl.

Set the baking mode for 65 minutes. While the cake is baking, prepare the syrup.

For syrup, mix sugar and water and bring the mixture to a boil over low heat and simmer for about 5 minutes. Then add cocoa, stir well with a whisk so that there are no lumps. Then add butter, stir and remove from heat.

Chop the cooled muffin with a stick (or pencil) and pour over the syrup.

I got acquainted with this cake thanks to Natalia Bosechka. I was attracted to it by an interesting method of impregnation. As a result, the cake turned out to be juicy, very juicy due to the chocolate cream. Baked in Panasonic 10.

We need:

On a biscuit

150 g sugar or ¾ faceted glass

1 tsp baking powder

5 tbsp refined vegetable oil

1.5 faceted glasses of flour.

On the cream:

1 glass of water

1 cup of sugar

2 tbsp cocoa powder

100 g butter

Decoration cream:

1 packet of dry cream "Doctor Otter"

150 ml milk

dye pink

Making a biscuit.

Beat the eggs with sugar in a strong foam, I beat it with a mixer for 5 minutes. Then she added vegetable oil, baking powder and sifted flour there.

I greased the pan of the multicooker with vegetable oil using a silicone brush and poured out the dough. I set the "Baking" mode for 50 minutes, baked in a multicooker "Panasonic 10" (power 490 watts).

After the timer beep, I took out the biscuit, look how high it turned out:

Now you need to make holes in the biscuit along its entire height, a sushi stick came to my aid.

And I poured cream into these holes using a pastry syringe. After all, the cream is liquid, so it quickly poured into the biscuit:

All that remained was to decorate the cake. To do this quickly, I used Dr. Otcher dry cream, which I whipped together with milk in a mixer, however, the preparation method is indicated on the package. And again I needed a pastry syringe. Here is the second part of the cream added pink food coloring.

Date: 2015-09-15

Hello dear readers of the site. The recipe for the Insatiable Nun cupcake is quite common on the Internet, I propose to cook it in a slow cooker. As a base, bake a tall biscuit and saturate it with chocolate syrup. It turns out an original cut, very juicy and tasty cake, besides it is very simple and quick to prepare. I also recommend looking at the recipe for making tender and airy.

Insatiable nun pie

Ingredients for the dough:

  • Flour - 1.5 cups (ordinary glasses)
  • Sugar - 0.5 cups (or to taste)
  • Vegetable oil - 5 tbsp. l.
  • Eggs - 5 pcs.
  • Baking powder - 10 gr.

Ingredients for the chocolate soak:

  • Cocoa powder - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Water - 1 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Butter - 80 gr.

How to make a chocolate-soaked muffin in a multicooker:

I was making the Insatiable Nun pie in a Panasonic 18 multicooker (4.5L bowl, 670 W power).

Beat eggs with sugar using a mixer (I beat for at least 7 minutes, until the volume increases several times).

Add vegetable oil, in portions add flour with baking powder (preferably sifted), gently stirring with a spoon. Pour the resulting dough into a greased multicooker bowl.

Cook on Bake for 60 minutes.

While our cake is baking, we will prepare the chocolate impregnation. To do this, heat water with sugar in a saucepan, simmer for about 5 minutes, then add butter and cocoa, dissolve and remove from heat.

Remove the finished cake from the multicooker bowl using a steamer container.

Now we will saturate our pie with prepared syrup. To do this, we make frequent vertical cuts with a thin knife and pour in the chocolate impregnation.

Leave the cake to steep and soak a little.

This is the name of a delicious biscuit. I got hooked on him, and how. Now it is already impossible to say for sure which of us is more insatiable. As I understand it, the recipe for Bulgarian cuisine. Ooo, insidious, because of them I ruined my figure even more. And he must have caught my eye. Well, okay, I'll share with you the secrets of cooking, maybe someone will sit down the same way and I won't be so offended ...

Ingredients for the biscuit:
. 6 eggs (I grade);
... 250 g (1 cup) granulated sugar
... 75 ml (4 tablespoons) of any refined vegetable oil;
... 215 gr. (one and a half glasses) wheat flour;
... a pinch of salt;
... a bag of vanillin;
... 1 sachet (2 rounded teaspoons) baking powder.

Ingredients for pouring:
. 125 gr. (half a glass) sugar;
... 3 table. spoons with a slide of cocoa powder;
... 250 ml (1 glass) water;
... 100 g (half a standard pack) of butter.

To decorate half a glass of walnuts.

As you can see, the ingredients are more than available. So, break all the eggs into the container, add sugar, salt, vanillin and beat with a mixer at high speed. It is necessary to achieve some elasticity of the mass and its volume increase by three times. I have a powerful mixer, so I spend only three minutes on this process, but you look at the capabilities of your device, some have to work even ten minutes.

Add vegetable oil and beat a little again. Now we put the mixer aside, we will no longer need it. Sift the flour through a sieve, add baking powder to it and mix. Next, pour it in parts into the total mass and knead it gently clockwise with a spoon. It is not advisable to use a mixer, so as not to get a "clogged" biscuit. We need an air one, right?

We grease the multicooker bowl with vegetable oil, while capturing about half the height of the sides, because the biscuit will turn out to be high. Pour out the dough and send it to bake in a multicooker-pressure cooker for 50 minutes or in a regular multicooker for 1 hour 20 minutes. In the oven, set the temperature to 170 ° C, this procedure will take about 35-40 minutes.

At this time, let's prepare the fill. In a small saucepan, mix granulated sugar with cocoa powder and fill with water. We put on a small fire and, stirring constantly, bring the mass to a boil. Remove from the stove and add butter. While the biscuit is baked, it will completely melt. If the cupcake is not for children, then you can add 1-2 tables. spoons of rum.

Put the finished biscuit on a plate and admire its porosity and airiness. There is no need to wait for complete cooling, we will immediately proceed to the next stage. We make holes in the cake with some long and sharp object to the very bottom. I have an old thick plastic knitting needle, some use a pencil or ballpoint pen. Gently pour a tablespoon on top of our biscuit. We try to do it evenly. My "nun" literally swallows the impregnation, on this score they also say "it went like a dry land." When the filling is gone, sprinkle the muffin with lightly microwaved walnuts on top. You can eat right away, but if the night stands, it will be tastier and more humid.

Some do not pour the cake on top, but give it internal injections with a large disposable syringe without a needle. Then not the upper half of the cake will be wet, but its middle. See how you like it best.

Recently, on a local channel, a woman shared her taste experience after visiting South Africa. He says there they bake large biscuits, cut into large cubes and serve with a wide variety of fruit sauces. The guest has a biscuit on his plate, and he himself is already deciding which sauce to pour over it. Mmm, lucky for them, all year round mountains of a wide variety of fruits.

Especially for you, I dug up a recipe for strawberry filling, which can also be applied to this biscuit. Not all nuns eat chocolate, they also need variety.

Ingredients for Strawberry Pouring:
. 300 gr. fresh (defrosted) strawberries;
... 125 gr. (half a glass) granulated sugar.

Pour strawberries, sugar into the blender bowl and interrupt until a liquid of a uniform consistency is obtained. The sugar should melt completely. Next, you need to warm up the filling a little until it is warm. After baking, let the biscuit stand for five minutes. With a disposable syringe without a needle, we make private punctures on top of the cake, through which we inject 4-5 ml of filling. At the end, brush a small amount of chopped strawberries over the top of the cake. Eat, nun, eat ...