Pie from a pita with minced rumble. Lavash cake with minced meat

11.07.2020 Healthy nutrition

For me, the discovery that you can make such pies from the pita - quickly and simple. It is possible to play with fillings - meat, vegetable and even sweet. Today I have a pair of pita with minced meat and potatoes. Juicy, tasty and satisfying, it is quite possible to replace dinner if you serve with milk.


  • 1 Packaging Lavash (2 sheets),
  • 400 g of meat minced
  • 150-200 g cheese,
  • 2 bulbs,
  • 2 pcs. raw potatoes
  • mayonnaise (or sour cream) - for Lavash lubrication,
  • 3-4 tbsp. sour cream
  • 3 eggs,
  • salt to taste
  • vegetable oil - for Luke Pashers.

How to cook:

  1. Onions clean, cut into cubes and spasserize in vegetable oil. Put to mince, salt, mix.
  2. Clear potatoes, put into the water so as not to darke.
  3. Grate cheese on a large grater.
  • Collect the cake:
  • Lavash sheets decompose on the table and lubricate the entire surface of sour cream or mayonnaise.
  • Top to put a mixture of minced meat with a bow, to dissolve evenly on the surface.
  • Potatoes grasp and put on top of minced meat. You can leave slightly, pepper.
  • Sprinkle grated cheese on potatoes.
  • Twit the pita with a filling roll.
  • Baking the baking shape.
  • To lay the rolls - you can spiral if the form is round. I have a rectangular form, I put a row.
  • Now we make a sauce: beat eggs with sour cream, salute a little.
  • With this sauce, pour from the top of the rolls from the pita. Fill all the loose places, you can move a little rushes for a fork so that the mixture filled emptiness. Along with the mixture and on the edges.
  • Sprinkle with grated cheese from above.
  • Put the cake from the pita in a warm oven. Bake at a temperature of 180-200 degrees from 45-60 minutes.
  • Oven turn off. The shape with the cake can be left for another 15-20 minutes. Then pull out.
  • Share on the dish, cut into portion and serve.
  • Tasty and hot, and in the cooled form.
  • Helpful advice:

    Bon Appetit!!!

    Lavash is the perfect base for fast treats. In a short time, you can cook a tasty snack that will decorate the festive table. The meat pie from the pita from the first minute will conquer all satisfying filling and a thin layer of dough.

    Flashing Pie Cake with Minced

    Fast fragrant pie will have to taste the whole family. Thanks to the fill, the filling will succeed in tender and juicy. For cooking suitable any minced meat.


    • pork - 850 g;
    • dill - 15 g;
    • black pepper - 2 g;
    • seasoning for minced meat - 7 g;
    • armenian Lavash - 2 sheets;
    • onions - 130 g;
    • sea salt - 3 g;
    • sour cream - 75 ml;
    • egg - 1 pc;
    • cheese - 65. Solid.


    • sour cream - 160 ml.;
    • cheese - 65 g;
    • egg - 2 pcs.


    So that the cake in the process of baking does not bubble, after the fill, give him to stand a quarter of an hour. The billet will absorb moisture, so that the surface will remain smooth and beautiful.

    Pie from a pita with minced kefir

    Gentle and fragrant fast food snack will become excellent dinner. Kefir will help stuffing to acquire a juiciness and softness.


    • lavash - 2 sheets;
    • carrot - 150 g;
    • chicken fillet - 750 g;
    • bow - 230 g;
    • vegetable oil;
    • creamy oil - 50 g;
    • greens - 25 g;
    • spice;
    • salt;
    • kefir - 50 ml.


    1. Chopping onions. Grasp carrots. Pour oil into a frying pan and fry vegetables.
    2. Chop up. Grind in a meat grinder. Sprinkle with spices. Salt. Mix.
    3. Child chop. You can use kinse, dill, parsley or mixture thereof. Send to minced me together with roasted. Pour kefir. Mix.
    4. On babysitter to unbelieve Lavash. Place the filling. Hold the second layer. Cream butter cut. Pieces put on the surface of the cake.
    5. Bake 45 minutes. Armchair Stove Mode 180 °

    Comprehension of filling will give vegetables. For the diversity of taste, tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage, mushrooms, zucchini are added.

    Pie "Snail" from pita with minced meat

    Parehomas especially like children. Ruddy baking in the form of a snail is ideal for breakfast.


    • cabbage - 1 forks;
    • olive oil;
    • lavash - 2 sheets;
    • sour cream - 220 ml.;
    • cheese - 160 g;
    • egg - 2 pcs;
    • water - 50 ml.;
    • minced meat - 650 g;
    • pepper;
    • garlic - 3 teeth;
    • salt;
    • tomatoes - 2 pcs.


    1. Chopping cabbage forks. Cut tomatoes. Cubes should be small.
    2. Skip through press garlic cloves and mix with minced meat. Sweet. Sprinkle with pepper. Stir. Move into a frying pan with a heated oil. Extinguish 12 minutes.
    3. Pour water. Add cabbage chips. Separate 12 minutes. Take tomatoes. Stew 5 minutes.
    4. Sour cream mixed with eggs. Salt and sprinkle with pepper. Grasp cheese. Add to liquid mixture. Mix.
    5. Starting cool and put on the sheets of footwash. Two rolls twist.
    6. Wrap the blanks in a round form in the form of a snail. Pour sour cream mass.
    7. Bake up golden. Mode of the brass cabinet 180 °.

    Pie from a pita with minced meat and mushrooms

    The dish will appreciate lovers of forest gifts. For cooking, champignons, boroviki, chanterelles, boosions, butter are suitable for cooking.


    • lavash - 2 sheets;
    • pepper;
    • salt;
    • onions - 320 g;
    • champignons - 320 g;
    • minced meat - 550 g;
    • olive oil;
    • sour cream - 55 ml.;
    • tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • eggs - 3 pcs.;
    • cheese - 170 g.


    1. Choise champignons. Chopping onions. Grate cheese.
    2. Put onion cubes in the pan with oil. When the vegetable becomes a golden shade, add mushrooms. Roar
    3. Place mince. Tomorrow. Pour tomato paste. Salt. Pour pepper. Stir. Stew 3 minutes.
    4. Split into two parts a cheese chips and mince.
    5. Distribute roasted on the surface of the pita. Sprinkle with cheese. Roll in shape. Repeat the process with the remaining products.
    6. Sour cream mix with eggs. Sweet. Mix. Pour the workpiece.
    7. Bake in a warm ovens (180 °). Time - 35 minutes.

    To decorate the delicacy 10 minutes before the end of the preparation, you can sprinkle with a cheese chips or sesame surface.

    Lavash Pie with minced meat and potatoes

    Baking will delight with an abundant filling and a thin dough.


    • minced meat - 570 g;
    • spice;
    • onions - 360 g;
    • salt;
    • potato - 750 g;
    • mayonnaise - 20 ml.;
    • egg - 1 pc.


    1. Crail potatoes. Cubes should be small. Place boiling water and boil. It will take 10 minutes. Liquid merge.
    2. Purified bulbs chop. Potatoes mix with minced meat and onion cubes. Salt. Spice spices. Stir.
    3. In the round shape to place Lavash. At the edges there should be a wall. Lay a third of the filling.
    4. From the remaining pita, cut three circles equal to the diameter of the form. One put on the filling. Place the minced layer. Hold the pita. Follow the filling. Edges wrap. Lay a circle.
    5. Mayonnaise mix with egg. Loose a blank.
    6. Bake 45 minutes in the oven stove 180 °.
    1. For cooking use pitaash any shape. It must be fresh and soft. Furious specimens are not suitable. When buying pay attention to the packaging. If integrity is broken, it is not worth purchasing. This is a sure sign that the product dried.
    2. Using one recipe, you can change the appearance of baking. Cooking the cake open, closed, puff, roll.
    3. Stuffing your own preparation will make baking more delicious and gentle.
    4. Ferry pita can also be used for cooking, but only for puff pie. The roll does not work out of it.
    5. Mince makes chicken, pork, turkey, beef. You can use mixed from different types of meat. Also delicious pies are obtained from rabbit and even from fish.

    Any pie from the proposed options can be prepared in a slow cooker. For this, following the recommendations specified in the recipe, all the necessary products are placed in the appliance bowl instead of the baked form. For preparation, the "Baking" mode is chosen. Timer exhibit for 45 minutes. If the baking surface was not painted in a beautiful golden tint time increases for 10 minutes.

    I will say honestly, I liked this meat cake from Lavash from the first bite, the taste is simply unforgettable, and the most interesting thing is that this taste is simply impossible to convey words, the cake must be trying and enjoy.

    Lavash - 2 sheets;
    Minced meat - 200 grams;
    Onions - 150 grams;
    Cheese - 100 grams;
    Eggs - 3 pieces;
    Tomato paste - 3 tablespoons;
    Sour cream - 250 grams;
    Oil - for frying (vegetable);
    Salt to taste;
    Black pepper - to taste;

    Cooking meat cake from pita

    First, we will deal with the filling for our cake, one of its components is onions. Onions we can clean from the husks, slightly rolling and finely apply either by cubes, or somehow, most importantly, to be finely. Now our cutting onion must be fasten, for this we take a pan, pour some vegetable oil into it and put it on the slab to heal. When the oil was heated, we send the onions into the pan and slightly roast to "transparency".

    Further, add mince to the grilled bow. Frying mince is needed for fifteen - twenty minutes, take care that it fresher from all sides evenly. With frying, do not forget to mix mince from time to time so that it is not burnt.

    When you notice that the minced meat is almost ready, it must be salted, pepper, you can add any more your favorite spices. Now, after the minced salted and sparkled to it, it is necessary to add tomato paste and stir well so that it completely spread throughout the meat.

    Another component of our filling for a cake will be cheese, we need to grate it on the grater, it will be large, it will be small, to solve you.

    Next begins the most interesting, we will start our meat cake from the pita. Since we have two pita, we need to divide our filling in half. Distributing the pita, on top of it with a thin uniform layer laying the roasted mince with onions, on the stuffing on top we sprinkle with grated cheese, and the top of all this is squeezed by a little mayonnaise or sour cream. Now neatly turn the lava tightly, all the same is necessary to do with the second leg.

    Then we will make the preparation of fill, in a small deep bowl we drive eggs, add sour cream, slightly salt and beat all this to uniformity.

    In a lubricated form, we lay out our rolls from the footwash pour the sauce and send to the heated oven to a temperature of 200º, about twenty-thirty minutes. Finished pie when the fill will completely grab, then you can get it out of the oven.

    That's all, now and you know how the meat cake is preparing from the pita, I am sure of you just like I really like it. When the cake is slightly cool, you can cut it into small pieces and enjoy yummy. All the best to you and be happy !!!

    All sorts of pita pies are the perfect solution, for those who want to regularly pour home pastries, but does not like to mess with the dough. Such a basis is perfectly combined with any fillings - both with sweet, and salty. It is best to choose for pies with a filling thin pita.

    • 1 Packaging pita for 2 sheets;
    • a full glass of mediamade sour cream;
    • salt;
    • 650 - 670 g of minced meat;
    • potato shelves;
    • 3 large eggs;
    • 2 bulbs.


    1. Potatoes cook until soft. Onions fry with minced meat. Mix and salt the components of the filling.
    2. Eggs slightly beat with sour cream. Also add salt to taste.
    3. Each sheet of footwash is cut into 2 parts. In turn, laying the "cakes" into the shape, wrapping the egg-sour cream mixture and covering the layers of the meat filling.
    4. The last leaf of the pita must be without a filling. It only widespread the remaining sour cream with eggs.

    Such a cake from the pita with minced meat must be baked at 170 - 180 ° C until shutting. It usually goes about half an hour.


    • 2 large pita;
    • garlic;
    • 1 egg;
    • 650 g chicken fillet;
    • 1 big tomato;
    • 1 tbsp. fat kefir;
    • salt;
    • sweet paprika and other seasonings to taste;
    • gram 100 Mozarella and twice the "Dutch" cheese.


    1. Chicken finely chop and fry to rosy. Add onion pieces to it and continue to prepare products before softening the vegetable.
    2. Put into the pan grated tomato without skins. Add salt, crushed garlic and selected seasonings together with sweet paprika. Shattering 3 - 4 minutes.
    3. To fill mix the milk product with salt and egg.
    4. Cheese two types of rubbing.
    5. The first Lavash is to lay in a small form unevenly so that large folds formed on the bottom. Lubricate the fill, cover chicken with a bow and spray with two types of cheese.
    6. Cover the remaining part of the pita and repeat the stuff layers again. From above, in the same way to put the second base.
    7. Pour the remaining kefir mixture for future pie. The last layer of the pita must be without a stuffing on top.

    The furnace is a treat with chicken and cheese at 180 ° C until readiness.


    • 1 Packaging of the Armenian Lavash (3 pcs.);
    • gram 400 "Russian" cheese;
    • 2 eggs;
    • 1 tbsp. milk;
    • 1 tbsp. l. mayonnaise;
    • ½ h. L. salts;
    • a piece of butter.


    1. Each of the three boys cut into 2 parts. Choose a form in the size of the obtained halves and generously losing it with melted creamy oil.
    2. Lavash sheets in shape, missing each mayonnaise and sprinkled with grated cheese. The top layer should be empty pita.
    3. Pour the future baking with a mixture of whipped eggs and milk (pressed).

    Bake the pair of pita with cheese about half an hour at 200 ° C.

    Sweet baking with jam


    • 2 sheets of thin fresh pitaway;
    • 3 chicken eggs;
    • ½ cup of any liquid jam;
    • 1.5 tbsp. fruit dense yogurt.


    1. Eggs to share the components: whiskers beat foam and mix with jam, joy connect with fruit yogurt.
    2. Lavash sheets cut in pressure. Each piece to lubricate a mixture of a protein with jam, turn the roll and put in the form of a snail for each other in a round washes.
    3. Top to pour the yoghurt mixture.

    Bake slightly longer than half an hour at 220 ° C.

    Lavash cake with cottage cheese


    • 3 pcs. pitaway;
    • up to 400 grams of medigarian cottage cheese;
    • 2/3 of Art. Sugara sand;
    • 2 chicken eggs;
    • 3 tbsp. l. butter cream;
    • 1 tbsp. medigarian kefir;
    • vanillin at the tip of the knife;
    • 1 Large chopping cinnamon.


    1. Cottage cheese with sugar (except 3 art. L.) To the state of a homogeneous paste. Add melted butter, vanillin and cinnamon.
    2. Each pita labby to lubricate the filling part and roll the roll. Stay in a deep bail all the blanks in the form of a snail. It is not enough if some of the rolls be bored, all the flaws will hide the fill.
    3. The remaining sugar beat with eggs and kefir. The resulting mixture to fill the future baking.

    Prepare a pair of pita with cottage cheese in the oven at 190 ° C about half an hour.

    Lazy apple strudel


    • 1 sheet of base;
    • 4 sweet apples;
    • cinnamon to taste;
    • 1/3 of Art. white sugar;
    • 25 g of butter.


    1. Apples cleaned, get rid of seed boxes, and cut into small cubes.
    2. Pour pieces of fruit into a frying pan with sugar and cinnamon.
    3. When apples boil, cover them with a lid and stew on slow heat 8 - 9 minutes before softness.
    4. Lavash leaf lubricate by melted cream oil and covered with a sweet filling filling. Collapse with a roll and shifting on a baking sheet.

    Bake strudel 25 minutes at 185 ° C.

    Georgian Pie "Achma" from Lavash


    • 250 g of Armenian lava (thin round);
    • up to 200 grams of mozzarella;
    • twice the suluguna;
    • ½ st. fatty milk;
    • 1 egg;
    • 1 handy of light sesame.


    1. Both types of cheese are big to lose and mix in the overall dishes.
    2. Milk beat with egg and lubricate each sheet of pita lava.
    3. All them is filled with raw stuffing and roll up tight tougher rolls. Put them in a round shape in the form of a snail.
    4. From above to pour the residues of milk.
    5. Sprinkle achma sesame.

    The furnace is a treat 40 - 45 minutes at 170 - 175 ° C.

    Cooking with mushroom stuffing


    • shelved raw champignons;
    • up to 200 grams of "Dutch" cheese;
    • 1 big egg;
    • 1 bulb;
    • 3 pita;
    • 1 carrot;
    • 1 tbsp. kefir;
    • 1 bunch of fresh greenery;
    • salt and spices.


    1. Mushrooms cleaned, chop cubes and fry with crushed vegetables until readiness.
    2. Mix the resulting mass with grated cheese, salt, chopped greens and spices.
    3. The halves of the footwash lay out in a rectangular shape on each other, covering every part of the filling.
    4. From above to pour the salted mixture from kefir and eggs.

    Bake such a cheese pita cake with mushrooms to ruddy crust.

    Beef Pogwash

    Ingredients on 700 grams of beef:

    • 2 Armenian lavasha;
    • 1 bulb;
    • salt;
    • 1 bunch of parsley;
    • 1 egg;
    • full cabinet sour cream;
    • 25 g of butter;
    • 70 g of melted cheese.


    1. Skip the bow and meat slices through a meat grinder and add a crushed parsley and salt.
    2. On each Lavash, lay out half the filling and distribute the smooth layer. Collapse billets with rolls and lay out in the form of a snail in a round shape. It is pre-needed generously to squint with butter.
    3. Egg beat with sour cream and pour the future cake to this mixture. From above to distribute finely chopped fused cheese.

    Bake food in a hot oven 50 - 55 minutes. Serve cooled.

    How to cook lazy lasagna

    Ingredients on the shelf minced meat from any meat:

    • 3 sheets of base;
    • 1 PC. Luke;
    • 7 tomatoes;
    • 1 tbsp. milk;
    • 70 g of butter;
    • 7 - 8 garlic teeth;
    • 2 tbsp. l. sifted flour;
    • 150 g of parmesan and as much mozzarella.


    1. Tomatoes grate in a small grater in such a way that the skin does not get into the future dish. Add crushing garlic to improvised tomato mass.
    2. Fry flour on a dry frying pan to light rosy, add butter to it and mix. When there will be no lumps in the mass, pour the non-fat milk and, stirring the wedge, bring the composition to thickening. Salt.
    3. Mozzarella thinly cut, parmesan is finely lost.
    4. Minced fry with onions until ready.
    5. Lavash cut into parts in the size of the selected shape. Each embodiment, first missing the paste of tomatoes, then covering meat and watering white sauce.
    6. Also in layers alternately add two types of cheese. The last leaf of the pita is only asking for tomato paste and falls asleep by the residues of parmesan.

    Baked "lazy" lasagna in the oven under the foil quarter of an hour at 180 ° C. Then it is prepared as much as no coating.

    Bay Pie from Lavash

    Ingredients at 800 grams of chicken minced:

    • 6 Lavash sheets;
    • 5 potatoes;
    • 2 bulbs;
    • 4 eggs;
    • ground pepper;
    • 5 tbsp. l. sour cream;
    • salt.


    1. Crumpled mushrooms until ready to fry with onions and mix with grated potatoes. Add salt and ground pepper.
    2. Minced stuffing in a separate skillet, salt and twisted with your favorite spices. It is convenient to use special mixtures for chicken meat for this purpose. Mix chicken with vegetables and mushrooms.
    3. Each sheet of footwash is coated with stuffing and roll up a tight roll. Tightly put all the blanks on the washed baking tray with high sides.
    4. Eggs beat to foam, salt and mix with sour cream. Pour the resulting mass of the future cake.

    Bake treats about 60 minutes at 200 ° C.

    With filling from eggs and onions


    • 2 pita leaf (thin);
    • 60 g of green onions;
    • 100 g sour cream;
    • 10 eggs;
    • ½ st. milk;
    • salt, spices.


    1. Nine eggs to cook, cool and lose big. Mix with chopped green onions.
    2. Add sour cream, spices and salt ready-made stuffing.
    3. Each pitaash cut into 4 parts. Billets fill with stuffing, roll rolls and put into the form next to each other.
    4. Pour a fared snack with a salted mixture of milk and eggs.

    Bake to rosy at 190 - 200 ° C.

    Fast pita cake in a slow cooker

    Ingredients on the sheathed minced meat:

    • 3 thin large pita leaf;
    • 2 bulbs;
    • spice;
    • 3 eggs;
    • 5 tbsp. l. classic mayonnaise;
    • 2 tbsp. l. ketchup;
    • small salt.

    Cooking in a slow cooker:

    1. To prepare such a cake in a slow cooker, first of all, you need to mix mince with a very finely chopped onion, spices and salt.
    2. Lubricate the bowl of the device with any fat.
    3. Each sheet of footwash is covered with meat stuffing, turn the roll and put a spiral into a smart pan.
    4. Pour the cake with a mixture of mayonnaise, ketchup and whipped eggs.

    Prepare a treat in baking mode 50 minutes on the one hand and another quarter of an hour on the other.

    So, ordinary pita solves the problem of kneading test, allowing literally in a few minutes to bake wonderful pies - even sweet, even though meat. Be sure to take into service such a way of baking, and you always have rosy pies on the table, which is called, without hassle and worries.

    Such a dish like a pair of pita with minced meat in the oven is a nontrivial and tasty alternative to the classic recipe for meat cake. At the same time, the cooking time takes significantly less time than in the case of the manufacture of the original dish.

    "Snail" - Classic Pie Lavash

    The list of the following elements will be needed to prepare the following elements:

    • 3 pellets of thin pita.
    • 250 grams of pork and 250 grams of beef minor.
    • 200 grams of solid cheese.
    • 2 Main bulbs.
    • A pair of tablespoons of tomato paste or ketchup.
    • Greens and spices at will.

    For sauce:

    • 300 grams of high fatty sour cream.
    • A pair of large eggs.
    • 50 grams of cheese.

    The minced membrane recipe in the panel baked in the oven may contain not only the meat minced meat presented in this variation, but also chicken, turkey, independently pork or beefing stuffing. The meat product is sent to the pan and fry, constantly stirring, so that it turns out to be crumbly.

    In parallel to this process, chopping onions and fry to a golden shade. Then the onions are mixed with meat and add tomato paste or ketchup, leave to steal for about 7 minutes at low power of fire.

    Upon completion of the extinguishing process, the meat must cool, and during this time the sauce should be prepared. For this, the eggs need to be driven into a bowl and shake the wedge, then attach sour cream and cheese, as well as spices if necessary and beat the wedge again. Lavash with minced meat, baked under sauce, it turns out to be juicy and gentle.

    Tomatoes cut into rings and split together with meat mass on three equal portions.

    Each pellet boil to one portion of the minced meat, then sprinkle with cheese and lay out tomatoes on top, then wrap the foot roll. As a result, it turns out 3 rolls. A baking sheet to be cooled with oil and spray with breadcrumbs or put out the bakery paper and lay out three rolls in a circle in the shape of a snail, while it is important that the pita fell firmly to each other. Heat cabinet to warm up to 200 degrees, and at this time pour the sauce on top of the foot and graze cheese.

    Bake the lavash with minced meat in the oven for about 20 minutes, you can decorate with greens before serving.

    Lavash with chopped meat cake

    Lavash with minced meat, baked in the oven using chopped meat, will require a longer time for cooking, since in this case it should be pre-manually cut into the meat component of the dishes. Pie from a lavas with minced meat is made of the following components:

    • 400 grams of any meat.
    • 3 Lavash thin sheet.
    • Carrot and bow in one thing.
    • A pair of medium diameter tomatoes.
    • 100 grams of solid cheese grade.
    • Seasonings and greens to taste.

    For sauce:

    • 300 grams of fatty sour cream.
    • 50 grams of cheese.
    • 2 chicken eggs.

    Initial action on the way to cooking designated Kushan will be the cutting of meat. In order to facilitate such a lesson, the reserved amount of the meat product is necessary to put in a freezer in the freezer, in such a state it will be better to succumb to cutting.

    After completion of this stage, you can proceed to the immediate cooking.

    Lavash with minced ovens baked: step-by-step instruction

    In a frying pan, chopped onions and carrots and carrots are roasted over 5 minutes, then chopped meat and tomatoes are sent to them, which are dried with boiling water before that, they are cleaned with a cube. Fire make the minimum, cover the ingredients with a lid and extinguish for 7 minutes.

    After the last time, stewed components must be cooled. After cooling, the cheese is rubbed to them, and the ingredients are thoroughly mixed.

    In parallel, the pour is harvested - it is necessary to beat eggs with sour cream and grated cheese. On a baking sheet, lubricated with oil and covered with breadcrumbs, laid out one sheet of pawwash, which is covered with minced meat, the next pellet of the pita is put on top of it, which is similarly squeezed with minced meat and all this is covered with the last sheet.

    From above, the cake is watering sauce and goes into the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees for 20 minutes.