Moli Hua jasmine tea is a delicate delicacy. Chihuahua: characteristics of the breed Chinese tea moth hua cha in the package

07.07.2020 Seafood dishes

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Without a doubt, the most famous flavored tea in China is straight from Fujian province. Luxurious alpine green tea with jasmine, with a sweetish taste and delicate, exquisite aroma. AND made by technology inheritedfrom tea mastersdynasty Song (960-1279), when tea with jasmine was intended only for the imperial court.

Home of green jasmine tea (Moli Hua Cha) by whale. 茉莉花 茶 is considered the north of Fujian province - mountain plantations of Anxi County. The basis is taken young selective leaves, which are harvested in early spring. The raw material is dried and stored until the end of summer, when the jasmine blooms. Jasmine flowers are harvested at the end of the day, at which time the petals are tightly closed. In the evening, when the flowers begin to open, green tea is mixed with jasmine and stored overnight. At night, jasmine flowers open and release their scent into the tea. The natural aromatization process takes more than four hours and is repeated up to 6-7 times so that the tea fully absorbs the aroma and taste of the jasmine flowers. Tea leaves absorb not only aroma, but also moisture from fresh jasmine flowers, therefore, after aromatization, the raw materials are dried again.
In Chinese traditional medicine, jasmine is used as a medicinal plant due to its beneficial properties. Thus, green jasmine tea has absorbed all the valuable qualities of green tea and jasmine. For special popularity Moli Hua Cha in China, it is revered as a folk drink. The main consumer is the north and northeast: Beijing, Tianjin, Jinan, Chengdu. In the Celestial Empire there is a saying “when you drink green jasmine tea, you invariably feel the aroma of spring”.
Taste and aroma:
Moli Hua Cha has a floral-spicy taste with a light jasmine aroma.
Infusion color:
Light yellow transparent.

Brewing method:

Beneficial features:
Cleans the circulatory system and liver.
It has an anti-inflammatory effect.
Strengthens the immune system.
Removes toxins from the body.
Used as an antispasmodic.
Strengthens tooth enamel (you can brush your teeth with tea grounds).
Green tea strengthens the heart, accelerates the cure of hepatitis (A, B.).
When consumed regularly, Green Jasmine Tea lowers blood pressure, removes salts, and prevents fatty liver. Helps with chronic fatigue and stress.

Read other articles on jasmine tea:

Article: 01734


500 g



How to brew

It should be brewed for 2-3 minutes at a temperature of 80-85 ° C, 3 g (2-2.5 teaspoons) for a 450 ml teapot or 7 g for a 120-150 ml teapot when brewing using the quick drain method (10-15 seconds).

Article: 01734


500 g


Moli Hua Cha, a jasmine tea from Fujian province, also known as the "Scent of Spring". It is the most recognized jasmine flavored Chinese tea with a 1,500 year history. It was known even during the Sunn dynasty (960-1279), however, at that time jasmine tea did not yet have a commercial status and was mainly in demand only by tea connoisseurs.

Its popularity peaked during the reign of the Great Empress Cixi. The classic Moli Hua Cha was her favorite tea and quickly became fashionable. At the same time, the tea province of Fuzhou, noted by the empress, began its long journey of gaining experience and improving the traditions of producing green jasmine tea.

In 1903, at the greatest Japanese tea exhibition in Osaka, jasmine tea received the highest award in the category of flavored teas - Crescent.

The taste is soft, full-bodied with a jasmine aroma.

In the 21st century, Chihuahuas have become incredibly popular as miniature tame dogs. Loyal pets with a cheerful and light disposition fell in love with both glamorous divas and lonely old women. However, this breed has its own characteristics. Before you make a pocket friend, be sure to study the characteristics of the Chihuahua breed, the pros and cons of the breed. We will now introduce you to these and many other details of the Chihuahua content.

The history of the Chihuahua dates back to ancient times. Mexico is considered the birthplace of dwarf babies, and the name of this unique breed is dedicated to the northwestern state of Chihuahua. In ancient times, these animals were called a little differently - techichi.

Tame pets were common even among the ancient tribes of the Maya and Aztecs. They were started by wealthy Indians and priests. There are suggestions that Chihuahuas were considered sacred animals and served as a totem to protect the house from evil spirits. After the death of the owner, the pet was buried with him. Ancient people believed that the animal would protect its owner in the afterlife.

This is evidenced by statuettes and mummies of small dogs found during excavations of ancient temples next to the remains of ancient Mexicans. Archaeologists have also found numerous images of Chihuahuas on ancient dishes, temple walls and tombs.

Image of techichi - ancient Aztec relatives of Chihuahuas

Foreign invaders

In the 16th century, the breed was on the verge of extinction. The Spanish conquistadors, who seized the homelands of the Aztecs, began to eat the meat of dwarf dogs, forced the kids to catch rats and mice on their ships.

In the early 19th century, the Americans tried to restore the breed. Several purebred animals have been found in the vicinity of the ruins of the dwelling of the last Aztec ruler. The attempts were successful, and in the 20th century, pocket pets began to spread again around the world.

Recognition of the breed and its distribution

In 1904, in the United States of America, the Chihuahua was recorded in the herd book, and in 1923 a club of owners of this breed was opened. By 1954, already 24 thousand representatives were registered in it.

The tiny dogs came to Russia in 1959 when Fidel Castro brought the tiny pet as a gift to Nikita Khrushchev. Now they are included in the 20 most popular breeds and are considered a fashion accessory among modern world stars.

Description and characteristics of the breed

The Chihuahua gained its fame as the smallest dog in the world, bred not by selection, but by natural means. Some consider it a living toy that will sit in a bag without a murmur.

However, at first glance, affectionate babies have a hot Mexican disposition. They obey only their master, whom they will give their tiny faithful heart. From the first day, the Chihuahua chooses one person who will become his undisputed leader and authority. The dog is wary of other family members.

5 facts about Chihuahuas:

  1. Chihuahuas do not need long walks;
  2. Chihuahuas get along well with cats and other small animals;
  3. Chihuahuas are in good health;
  4. Due to its tiny size, Chihuahuas can be kept in small apartments, travel with the owner;
  5. Chihuahuas have a keen sense of hearing, so they warn the owner about the approach of strangers.


Each Chihuahua has its own unique personality: curious, playful, stubborn, or even stubborn. Much depends on genetics and upbringing. However, there are a number of features that are common to all members of the breed.

Chihuahuas are stubborn and wayward animals. They behave very emotionally, mobile and rather intrusive, as they cannot stand loneliness. Sometimes representatives of this breed are too playful and uncontrollable. However, they are extremely touchy. It takes a lot of patience and effort to raise an obedient dog.

Chihuahua is considered an ornamental breed. These dogs are not very smart, difficult to train. However, they are loyal and courageous, are good companions and can accompany their owner everywhere.

By nature, Chihuahuas are very brave and endowed with protective abilities. Despite their tiny size, they desperately stand up to protect their owner and his property, raise barking, rush to the intruder without hesitation and may even bite him. Often, a pet's loyalty to its owner borders on intense jealousy.

Despite the complex temperament, the Chihuahua makes good contact and subtly feels the mood of its owner. He will lie quietly when the owner is busy with business, but if you pay attention to him, the pet will turn into an energetic ringleader. Watching his games will be a real pleasure. The crumbs' energy quickly ends, so she spends a lot of time in sound sleep.


In the middle of the 20th century, standards for this breed were developed and approved. The adult looks like a very miniature, graceful dog with a playful expression on the muzzle and an energetic gait. She has light, elegant and free movements.

Exterior standards are strictly regulated by weight. Chihuahua weighs from 500 grams to 3 kilograms. Height to withers varies from 15 to 23 cm.

The peculiarities of the breed suggest certain standards of appearance according to the fci system.

Table 1. Exterior Chihuahua

BodyCompact torso with a harmoniously folded and balanced body and a toned abdomen. Males are characterized by square proportions: the height of the paws to the withers is practically equal to the length of the body. In females, the body is slightly elongated, taking into account the need for bearing puppies.
HeadA broad, round skull that resembles an apple. The short, straight and wide muzzle tapers to a short nose. The presence of a "fontanelle" is acceptable, which does not overgrow throughout life
BackWide, strong and straight croup without slope with a straight back, poor withers and muscular loins
BreastA large chest with rounded ribs reaches the level of the elbows
LimbsSmooth, long legs with springy pads and curved claws. The hind limbs have stronger and more pronounced muscles.
TailAnimals of this breed have an even tail of medium length.
WoolSmooth-haired dogs have a thick undercoat. Together with the coat, it adheres tightly to the skin. At the same time, the hairline on the withers, head and tail is much longer compared to other parts of the body.
Long-haired Chihuahuas have a thinner undercoat. Hair is soft, wavy and covers the entire body, but is especially long on the tail, paws and ears

Chihuahua wool does not have an unpleasant, specific canine odor. This breed practically does not cause allergic reactions, therefore it is ideal for allergy sufferers who really want to have a dog.

Chihuahua color

A variety of color options and combinations are allowed, including:


Black and white

Black and tan


Sable (beige or light brown color)

Tiger (combination of red, chocolate, black and white)




Care and maintenance

Those who decide to have a small companionable dog ask themselves the question: how to care for a Chihuahua? In general, dwarf dogs do not cause much trouble to their owners, since they are unpretentious in everyday life. Due to their compact size, Chihuahuas adapt well to any conditions. They can easily exist even in a small one-room apartment.

Caring for a pet requires adherence to standard rules for handling a dog. Ensuring correct content involves a few simple conditions that will be covered in the following sections.

Daily walks

Chihuahuas do not need too frequent walks. It is easy to train him to cope with his needs on a diaper or in a cat litter box. Like any animal, the Chihuahua needs to breathe fresh air and run in the open air. But he does not like to spend a lot of time outside, as the energy of a small animal quickly ends.

Representatives of this breed do not tolerate cold well, so at low temperatures they feel more comfortable in warm overalls. In outdoor conditions, the owner should be attentive to the dog and protect him from potential dangers: pick him up when climbing stairs, carry him over obstacles and not allow him to jump from a height, make sure that he is not slammed by doors.

Despite the fact that Chihuahuas look very funny in these overalls, delighting the owners, pets are often not happy with such clothes. Therefore, it is advised not to abuse it and use it only for walks in the cold months. Find out how to deal with the protest of your four-legged friend and let him get used to the overalls below.


After a walk, be sure to wash your pet's paws. It is recommended to bathe a full Chihuahua twice a month using a special dog shampoo. In order to prevent colds, after bath procedures, the dog must be well dried with a towel and hairdryer.

Ears and eyes are cleaned regularly with a damp cotton pad. The claws are shortened with special nippers and filed every 2-3 months as they grow.

Chihuahua's wet eyes - a norm or a disease?

Oftentimes, Chihuahua owners may think that their pet is crying, but this is not so. Tearfulness of representatives of this breed is quite common. Their large eyes need constant hydration. Nature is so arranged that the Chihuahua's eyeball is protected from drying out, so tear fluid is released often and in sufficient quantities.

If the emitted liquid is colorless and odorless, then there is no reason for unnecessary concern. It is enough to use a clean and damp cotton swab to remove the tear paths on the pet's face.

Hair care

Representatives of this breed do not molt very often - 1-2 times a year. They do not require a haircut, and it is enough to comb out a Chihuahua 3-4 times a month. During moulting, the amount of combing should be increased.

The Chihuahua breed has a strange feature - frequent intense tremors. This physiological phenomenon is not caused by fear at all. The reason is the fast metabolic process in the miniature canine body.


Feeding a Chihuahua is not expensive, since he eats very little. But it is important to take care of the correct composition of the diet. With improper feeding, various diseases develop.

The younger the dog, the more often it should be fed. Up to seven months, the puppy needs to eat about 4 times a day, then he is transferred to 2 meals a day.

It is important to provide your puppy with a balanced diet, including vitamins and protein, in order to develop good health and full skeleton.

When choosing food for an adult pet, you should monitor the calorie content - it should be low in order to avoid problems with excess weight.

Table 2. Permitted and prohibited foods for Chihuahua

Chihuahuas are more likely than other breeds to encounter diseases of the oral cavity: tartar and inflammation of the gums, therefore they require special dental care. Buy special bones and other dental health products for your dog. To prevent serious problems, examine the baby's mouth more often, and regularly show it to the veterinarian.

Chihuahua training

Representatives of this breed do not have a highly developed intellect, but they may well master the elementary commands needed in everyday life. A pet should be trained from the very appearance in your house. Due to the not very good memory of the Chihuahua, it will be necessary to regularly repeat the course passed. You can find more details on our portal.

Sometimes they can be stubborn to the point of arrogance. With strong disobedience, the strict tone of the owner will help the pet to recover. However, it should be borne in mind that some dogs are very touchy and may be offended by raising their voices.

Who are dogs of this breed suitable for?

Chihuahuas cannot stand loneliness. If you leave them alone for more than 4 hours, it will be fraught with the development of bad habits:

  • constant howl;
  • grunt;
  • neglect of the tray;
  • damage to things in the house.

For this reason, the breed is ideal for lonely people in need of a companion and companion.

Thanks to its good hearing, the Chihuahua is able to report phone calls to hearing impaired owners. He can bring small items to the owner, so he will be an excellent helper for an elderly person.

How do Chihuahuas treat children?

Miniature dogs are friendly to other family members, but it is not recommended to have them in homes with children under 5-8 years old. The reason is not even the complex nature of the dog, but its fragility and tiny physique. A small child who does not yet give an account of his actions, through negligence, can injure a Chihuahua: step on him or accidentally pinch him by the door.

This pet requires extremely delicate handling, as it can easily get a fracture due to fragile bones. To cripple a doggie, you just need to push it off a high bed.

In addition, Chihuahuas are not known for being particularly fond of children. They are suspicious and wary of noisy restless babies, and if they are severely frightened, they may even wet themselves.

Chihuahuas are very touchy by nature. If the owner shouts at this baby, the dog can sit for several hours in one place until he decides to forgive his offender.

Pros and cons of the breed

Few can resist the charm of a cute and curious baby. But before you get a Chihuahua, you should check your compatibility, weigh the pros and cons of this breed, taking into account the lifestyle and personal preferences.


  1. Small size. Due to their compactness, these dogs can accompany their owner on travels;
  2. Endurance, stable psyche;
  3. Curiosity and interest in what is happening around;
  4. High dedication to the owner;
  5. No need for long walks. Easy litter box training;
  6. Brave character. With sincere zeal, Chihuahuas stand up to protect the owner and are ready to break up all his offenders.


  1. Weather sensitivity. Many Chihuahuas cannot stand rainy or snowy weather, so they need special warm clothing for walking. Their small size does not allow them to keep warm for a long time, and the presence of a fontanel is the reason for their pronounced meteosensitivity. In hot weather, the pet can quickly overheat in the sun and get sunstroke;

  2. Uncontrolled urination. Dogs of this breed are very emotional and react sharply to everything unusual: loud noise, strangers, smells. Because of this, they have poor control over themselves under stress and can make puddles;

  3. The need for a gentle approach. Due to their fragility, Chihuahuas can easily get injured, therefore it is very important to provide them with careful handling and care, to show attention to their well-being;

  4. Complexity of character. Stubborn, quick-tempered, jealous, touchy, aggressive Chihuahuas, in the absence of proper upbringing, can fray a lot of nerves to their owner;

  5. Fearlessness. This dog is not familiar with cowardice, so it will protect its owner even from huge dogs, which can lead to bad consequences;

  6. Mole syndrome. Representatives of the breed often burrow into clothing, bedspread and other fabrics, creating a kind of nest. Cynologists explain this habit by the desire to keep warm.

Where to buy a Chihuahua?

Recently, miniature dog breeds have been in great demand, since you can get them even with modest living conditions. To acquire a Chihuahua, you do not need to conduct a long search - there are nurseries specializing in this breed in almost every Russian region.

Nurseries in Russia

  • Irlita;
  • Royal charm;
  • From a favorite fairy tale ";
  • Best Chihua;
  • Exotic Line;
  • Montezuma;
  • Arms Layen;
  • Victory Love;
  • Grand Classik, and others.

The cost of a puppy, due to the popularity of this breed, is quite high. Animals with excellent health, corresponding to all parameters, are offered at a price of 40-50 thousand rubles. Cheaper - from 10-20 thousand rubles, you can buy discarded individuals, with weaker health and deviations from breed standards.


Choosing a Chihuahua as a pet should only be made if you are ready to devote a lot of attention and time to your pet, as well as his upbringing. The complex character, willfulness and stubbornness of the Chihuahua require patience, systematic training. Sometimes they are too capricious and touchy. However, the energy and charm of this playful baby negates all his weaknesses.

In Fujian province, jasmine flowers are harvested four times a year. It is from them that the popular tea is made. Moli Hua, which in a unique way combines a floral aroma with a luxurious taste of green tea. Tea leaves, which will subsequently be flavored with jasmine, are harvested only in early spring, when they have a special flavor value. It is noteworthy that the taste of the tea is set off by the floral aroma, but is not drowned out by it.

For the production of Moli Hua Cha tea, tea leaves grown at an altitude of almost a thousand meters above sea level are used. Before jasmine blooms, tea is stored in special rooms that can be hermetically closed. There are two ways to make jasmine tea. For quick production within one day, jasmine and tea are cooked together. This method is often used in large factories, but the taste of the tea becomes somewhat less intense. The second method is considered traditional; it is used by farmers in their small factories. The tea and jasmine are kept together for a hundred days, and then the flowers are manually removed from the mixture. With this method of production, all properties and taste of tea remain unchanged, therefore, its cost increases significantly. It is with such tea that our company works, which values ​​the quality of the goods sold above all.

It should be mentioned that Moli Hua jasmine tea can have a beneficial effect on the physical and emotional state of a person. Drinking this tea improves vision, cleanses the blood and liver, removes toxic substances from the body and normalizes various physiological processes. And in the cold season, jasmine tea is great for keeping you warm.

Moli Hua tea brewing rules

Learn how to brew jasmine tea correctly Moli Hua It is not difficult at all, it is only important to know and follow a few simple rules. A glass teapot, flask or gaiwan is suitable for brewing; before starting the process, the dishes must be warmed up. To do this, it is enough to pour boiling water over it. 5-7 g of tea leaves are placed in a heated vessel (this rate is calculated for a volume of 100-120 ml), poured with water having a temperature of 80-90 g and left for 30-40 seconds. The first infusion must be drained, it only serves to rinse the tea leaves and force them to open. In the future, tea can be brewed no more than 5-6 times, each time pouring out the tea leaves after 30 seconds. If you put too much tea leaves or overexpose it for too long, the tea will start to taste bitter and no trace of its exquisite taste will remain.