Insatiable nun. Recipe: cupcake "insatiable nun" Cupcake insatiable nun in the oven

07.07.2020 Fish dishes

This is the name of the delicious biscuit. I hooked on him, and even how. Now it is already impossible to say for sure who of us is an incometer. As far as I understood, the recipe for Bulgarian cuisine. Wuu, insidious, because of them, I spoiled my figure even more. And it is necessary that he caught my eye. Well, okay, I will share with you the secrets of cooking, maybe someone will like the same and I will not be so insulting ...

Ingredients for Biscuit:
. 6 eggs (I grade);
. 250 gr. (1 cup) sugar sand;
. 75 ml (4 table spoons) of any refined vegetable oil;
. 215 gr. (a half cup) of wheat flour;
. a pinch of salt;
. Package Vanillina;
. 1 bag (2 chain. Spoons with a slide) baking powder.

Ingredients for fill:
. 125 gr. (half a compartment) sugar;
. 3 table. Spoons with a hill cocoa powder;
. 250 ml (1 cup) of water;
. 100 gr. (Half standard pack) butter.

To decorate a half-cook of walnuts.

As you can see more than affordable. So, we divide all eggs into the container, add sugar, salt, vanillin and beat a mixer at high speed. It is necessary to achieve some elasticity of mass and its increase in volumes of three times. I have a powerful mixer, so I spend only three minutes to this process, you look at the possibility of your device, some have to work ten minutes.

We add vegetable oil and beat a little again. Now lay the mixer to the side, it will no longer need it. The flour is sifted through a sieve, we add a baking powder into it and mix. Next, you suck it into a common mass and a spoon neatly clockwise smear. The mixer is not desirable to apply that the biscuit is not turned out. Do we need air, right?

The bowl of a multicooker is lubricated with vegetable oil, breathtaking about half the height of the side, because the biscuit is high. Pour the dough and send it to be baked in a multicooker-pressure cooker of 50 minutes or in a conventional multicooker 1 hour 20 minutes. In the oven you need to set the temperature of 170 ° C, takes this procedure approximately 35-40 minutes.

At this time, we prepare the fill. In a small saucepan, we mix sugar sand with cocoa powder and a boiler. We put on a small fire and, constantly stirring, bring the mass to a boil. Remove from the stove and add butter. While the biscuit will add it, it completely melts. If the cupcake is not for children, you can add 1-2 table. Spoons of Roma.

Ready biscuit lay out on a plate and admire its porosity and air industry. No need to wait for a complete cooling, immediately proceed to the next stage. Somehow long and sharp item in the attitude of the holes until the bottom. I have it an old thick plastic needle, some use a pencil or a ballpoint pen. Gently with a tablespoon from above, we water our biscuit. We try to do it evenly. My "Nurse" literally swallows the impregnation, they still say "went like in dry ground." When the fill will not remain, the cupcake is sprinkled from above slightly fasten in the microwave by walnuts. You can eat right away, but if the night stands, it will be tastier and more wet.

Some do not watered the biscuit on top, and make it inner injections with a large disposable syringe without a needle. Then the wet will be not the upper half of the look, but its middle. This is already seeing how you like it.

Recently, on the local channel, one woman shared his taste after visiting South Africa. He says, there they bake large biscuits, cut into large cubes and served with a variety of fruit sauces. The guest on the plate is biscuit, and he himself already decides, how his sauce is poured. Mmm, lucky to them, all year round mountains of a wide variety of fruits.

Especially for you, a recipe for strawberry fill, which can also be applied to this biscuit. Not yet a nun is chocolate, you need a variety.

Ingredients for strawberry fill:
. 300 gr. Fresh (drilled) strawberries;
. 125 gr. (Flatbed) Sugar Sand.

In the bowl of the blender, we snatch strawberries, sugar and interrupt to the production of a homogeneous consistency fluid. Sugar must completely melt. Next, it is necessary to heat the fill to the warm state. Biscuit after baking give to stand five minutes. Disposable syringe without a needle from above in the attitude, we make private punctures through which we introduce 4-5 ml of the fill. At the end, lubricate the top of the cupcake with a small amount of strawberry. Kushai, nun, eat ...

Why do we love cupcakes? For ease of preparation and wonderful taste. And here is another masterpiece. This cupcake with an interesting name came to us from Bulgarian cuisine. The "insatiable" monk is called, because it absorbs a lot of impregnation, and it is not enough for her)). Even those who do not like chocolate baking, like this unusual cupcake with chocolate impregnation. The cupcake turns out a lush, high, very gentle and fragrant. Chocolate impregnation gives him an amazing taste, beautiful view, the cupcake simply melts in the mouth. Do the holes more and deeper, so that the cupcake is soaked until the bottom. I am sure that this one will become one of the most beloved.


  • 5 eggs
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 tbsp. Busty (10 g)
  • 5 tbsp. l. vegetable oil (odorless)
  • 1.5 glasses of flour

for syrup:

  • 1 glass of water
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 2 tbsp. l. cocoa
  • 100 g of butter

Cupcake "insatiable nurse" in a slow cooker:

Eggs beat with a glass of sugar (a mixer whipping 7 - 10 minutes), add vegetable oil, baking powder, gradually pour flour, mix the dough with a spoon (!) And pour into a lubricated buttered bowl.

Install the "Baking" mode for 65 minutes. While the stove of the cupcake is preparing syrup.

For a syrup, mix sugar with water and bring the mixture to boil and peel it for about 5 minutes. Then add cocoa, the currency is well stirred so that there are no lumps. After that, add butter, stir and remove from the fire.

Having cooled cupcake with a chopper (or pencil) and pour syrup.

With this cake, I met Natalia Boschka. I was attracted to an interesting method of impregnation. As a result, the cake turned out to be juicy, very juicy due to a chocolate cream. Baked in Panasonic 10.

We need:

On biscuits

150 g of sugar or ¾ faceted glan

1 tsp. Basin

5 tbsp. Refined vegetable oil

1.5 faceted cup flour.

On cream:

1 glass of water

1 cup of sugar

2 tbsp. Cocoa powder

100 g of butter

Cream for decoration:

1 package of dry cream "Doctor Outdoor

150 ml of milk

pink dye

We make biscuits.

The eggs are whipped with sugar into a strong foam, I used the mixer with a mixer for 5 minutes. Then there was a vegetable oil, a baking powder and sifted flour.

The pan of the multicooker smeared with vegetable oil with a silicone bruster and poured the dough. I put up the "Baking" mode of 50 minutes, baked in the Multicooker "Panasonic 10" (Power 490 watts).

After the timer signal, the biscuit was taken out, see which high turned out:

Now in the biscuit you need to make holes at all of its height, I came to the rescue wand for sushi.

And in these holes I poured cream with a confectionery syringe. The cream is liquid, so quickly poured into the biscuit:

It remained only to decorate the cake. To make it quickly, used Dry Cream "Doctor Outdoor", which beat together with milk mixer, however, the preparation method is specified on the package. And again I needed a confectionery syringe. Here is the second part of the cream added a pink food dye.

Step 1: Prepare the egg-sugar mixture for the test.

We divide the eggshell with a knife, and yolk with a protein pour into the middle bowl. We add to the sugar tank and using a mixer or manual wedge, whipping the components until the Sugar crystalline appears on the bottom.

Step 2: Prepare flour.

In order for the dough to get light and air, and most importantly - without flour lumps, sift the component into a free middle bowl. Attention:for the preparation of the cupcake, we take flour just the highest grade, fine grinding and proven brands.

Step 3: Cooking the dough.

In the egg-sugar mixture, we pour vegetable oil and immediately mix with a grain inventory. After that, we pour the dough breakdler and add with a tablespoon with small portions of flour. When you pour dry ingredients, immediately whipped the wedge until uniformity, so that lumps are not formed in the test.

Step 4: Cooking the "insatiable nurse" cupcake is 1 stage.

Well lubricate with butter or margarine baking a baking dish, not forgetting about the walls of the container. The cupcake can be like a round in the form of a cake, and square, depending on which form your baking sheet. After that, we pour the dough into the coating container and put in advance the oven to the temperature 170 ° C. Cupcake to prepare 40 minutes. Upon expiration of the allotted time, turn off the oven and use the kitchen tapes with baking and retain to the side to cool to room temperature. Then, cover the baking sheet with a cutting board and the rapid movements of the hands turn the container upside down. After - we cover a cupcake with a dish for feed and also quickly turn pasting baking again upside down so that it stands on the plate face.

Step 5: Prepare syrup-fill.

Pour purified water into the middle pan and pour sugar. We put the container on fire less than average and waiting when the fluid starts to throw. After boiling, we make a small fire and, from time to time stirring all the tablespoon, cook syrup during 5-7 minutes. After that, we pour the cocoa powder into the pan and again we are well mixed with a grain inventory to homogeneity. At the end, we add butter and vanilla sugar and again we all interfere until the oil is molded, and the mixture will not become homogeneous. Immediately after that, turn off the burner, and we assign the pan to the side so that the syrup fill is cooled to room temperature.

Step 6: Cooking a "insatiable nurse" cupcake - 2 stage.

Attention: both cupcake and syrup-fill must be cooled to room temperature. So, when the components of the dishes become due temperature, with the help of a wooden stick or a clean, conventional, not sharpened pencil make holes over the entire surface of the cupcake. After - fill the syrup-fill to these test holes, but not immediately, but in 2 coming. At the end, at the request, baking sprinkled with sugar powder. Attention:when you do holes, piercing the cupcake not to the base. Otherwise, the fill partially be poured on the dish.

Step 7: Apply the "insatiable nun" cupcake.

After the "insatiable nurse" cupcake will be ready, we assign it to the side to be impregnated with chocolate syrup during 1 hour.After this time, the dish can be served to the table and treat friends with this juicy, soft, air baking with tea or coffee. And for this, simply cut the cupcake using a knife to pieces and, at the request of guests, we decorate them on the plates. Enjoy your meal!

- - In order to give Kekce an unforgettable fragrance, you can add 1 teaspoon of cognac in a cooled fill syrup.

- - If you do not like very sweet baking, then 200-240 grams of sugar, 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder, 250 milliliters of water and 100 grams of cream oil should be added to the fill syrup. In addition, such a quantity is enough for the cupcake to be soaked and become juicy.

- - If you have such an assistant in your kitchen, as a multicooker, I will definitely use it, as it is a pleasure to prepare the cupcake in such an inventory. To do this, it is simply necessary to pour the dough into a lubricated butter with a pot of the slow cooker and set the "Baking" mode for 80 minutes. After this time, without opening the lid, disable the program and open the valve. In this state, leave the cupcake for another 15 minutes. And only after getting baking and shifting it on the grille from the oven to cool to room temperature.

Delicious impregnated fluffy cupcake insatiable nun with chocolate syrup, baked in the oven or multicooker, the recipe for this biscuit cake is very simple and affordable. My step-by-step photo recipe will help you.

Honestly, saying, I do not know where the name of this delicious cupcox appeared. There are many disputes around him, some consider this name offensive. Each association with the title arise, probably in the measure of the corruption of his thoughts. I understand the name "Thirsty or insatiable" as experiencing and thickened thirst, because two glasses of impregnation This cupcake absorbs very well. That's all, most likely the prescription author also meant. I just prepared this gentle cupcake and sharing with you, so I don't change it. As they say, for which he bought, for that and sell and no insults in any address 😉

The insatiable nun in culinary books can be found called the thirsty nun, but no matter how it is called, it turns out to be high, equally tasty and gentle, magnificent dessert for a cup of tea or coffee.

For the recipe of Keksa, an insatiable nurse you will need:

  • Egg - 6 pieces,
  • Sugar sand - 1 cup,
  • Vegetable oil without smell (refined) - 6 tablespoons,
  • Wheat flour - 1.5 cups,
  • Dough dough - 10 g,
  • Vanillin is a pinch (optionally can be replaced with cinnamon).

For a chocolate syrup recipe - impregnation:

  • Sugar sand - 1 cup,
  • Water - 1 cup,
  • Cocoa powder - 3 tablespoons,
  • Creamy oil 110 g,
  • Optionally, you can add 3 tablespoons of liqueur, brandy or rum

How to make a cupcake insatiable nurse

Flour to sift and mix with a baking powder.

Eggs and sugar in deep dishes are good to beat a mixer, slightly smaller than you usually whip on the biscuit, but until the sugar is completely dissolved, something like this:

Continuing to beat, add vegetable oil and vanillin. Then the mixer turns off and slowly with the help of a blade, interfering with top down, with small portions to plug out flour with a tearful. Move the biscuit dough for cupcox to a homogeneous state.

Oven preheat to 180 degrees. Forms to lubricate with oil or margarine (more convenient, of course, use detachable) and lay out the dough. Bake a cupcake insatiable nun in a warm oven to a golden crust, baking time will be 35-40 minutes, cheese the pie to check with a wooden toothpick (it should be dry).

How to bake cupcake insatiable nun in a slow cooker

Multicooker's bowl with oil, shifting the dough for cupcake. Bake our cake in the "Baking" mode (for Multivarka Panasonic 18) 65 minutes,

after the signal, give a cupcake of 10 minutes to stand with a closed lid. Then remove it from the bowl with a cooking tray for a couple and shifting onto a wooden surface (so hot pie will die less).

While the cupcake cools, we will deal with preparation of a chocolate syrup - impregnation For an insatiable nun.

To do this, in a saucepan, we mix water, sugar and breathe them about 5 minutes before the dissolution of sugar. Next, add to sugar syrup cocoa and a pretty currency mix them to a homogeneous state. Add pieces of butter when it is mounted, remove our chocolate impregnation from the fire. At this moment, if you wish, you can add a liquor.

The most interesting stage of cooking Keksa is an insatiable nurse. We take a long thin wand, a knitting knitting or pencil (I use a wooden skeleton for kebabs) and piercing the pie from above down as much as possible. The more holes you make, the better it is soaked. Who wants, you can play, impregnate the cupcake from the usual medical syringe, maybe it will even be faster.

The impregnation on the cupcake is watering twice, after the first time we let it completely absorb and soak the biscuit with chocolate syrup again. The cupcake willingly absorb all the impregnation, so insatiable and called. Shoot a neatly impregnated cupcake on a clean dish.

To make this cupcake more wet, chocolate impregnation is boiled from:

  • 2 glasses of water and
  • 1.5 glasses of sugar

I watered my cake to hot syrup, I think when he cooled, it can be sprinkled with sugar powder or chocolate chips. Well, if you decorate with a cream from above, you will get a magnificent cake from the cupcake insatiable nurse, try, here is your piece:

Chocolate cupcake

by structure very similar to Brown's cake