Delicious easy baking recipes. Baking recipes with photos: simple and delicious

30.09.2019 Fish dishes

I love baking so much that there are the most baking recipes on my site. I tried to collect the best baking recipes with photos, simple and delicious. These are a variety of pies, muffins, muffins, buns, cookies, buns and biscuits. I can imagine what a joy it is: to bake something according to a good recipe, try it and ... Well, you know what usually happens next. The recipes are quite suitable for novice cooks who are just taking their first steps in homemade baking. But if you are going to bake something for the first time, then I advise you to choose recipes for muffins or small cookies, recipes from ready-made puff pastry are also suitable. The next step is chopped dough pies, yeast dough buns. Then you can move on to cooking buns. And you won't have time to gasp and move on to cakes, biscuits and cheesecakes. I want to wish you the best of luck in mastering such an exciting activity as homemade baking.

Yeast dough apple pie

The main rule of an excellent apple pie is: the more tender and fluffy the dough, the tastier the pie. Therefore, we will knead the dough on milk and yolks, it simply cannot be softer! And to make the cake elegant, we will learn how to make a simple lattice lid. This skill will come in handy for any other sweet cakes.

Pie with potatoes and onions in the oven

Potato pie - the cheapest pie - can be turned into a culinary masterpiece with this recipe. It is important - the potatoes are put in the filling raw and therefore it must be cut as thin as possible. You can choose different dough for the pie, but potato pie with yeast milk is the most delicious.

Buns with boiled condensed milk

Looking for cool yeast baking ideas? Try these wonderful buns. Unusual dough recipe - on a mixture of milk and kefir, an interesting way of molding. Such buns can be prepared with any dense filling that does not spread, does not crumble and is well distributed over the surface of the dough.

Fried pies with cabbage

A successful recipe for fried pies with cabbage, which is a must-try for those who love pastries of this kind and are looking for a recipe to choose from. Soft, fluffy yeast dough on kefir and specially prepared cabbage filling with a bright taste and rich aroma.

Buns with jam

The perfect recipe for buns and jam. Lush dough, thick filling that won't run out or dry out. You will learn how to make such from any jam by opening the recipe.

Rye tortillas

If you saw a bag of rye flour in the store and wondered what you can bake from it so simple, then here is a reliable recipe for delicious, delicious cakes with kefir. Very simple dough, no yeast, no added wheat flour.

Puffs with jam

The simplest pastries made from ready-made puff pastry and homemade jam. How to bake puffs with jam so that the filling does not leak out, and the puffs turn out to be lush and crispy - the answer to this question is in a simple step-by-step recipe.

Kefir cakes

Simple and delicious homemade baked goods. These cakes do not need an oven - they are baked in a regular frying pan. The dough is airy, tender, does not stick and rolls freely. Any filling to your taste.

Lush donuts on condensed milk

Delicious donuts made from yeast-free dough. A simple recipe. The dough is not runny, so donuts can be shaped to any shape you like. When fried, donuts become airy and the crust is extremely crispy.

Delicious buns with poppy seeds

A simple and straightforward recipe for delicious, airy poppy seed buns. The recipe is so convenient and easy that you can bake these buns not only on big holidays, but when your heart desires. It is important that the poppy filling is prepared without fuss - you do not need a meat grinder or gauze to dry the boiled poppy. You will be surprised how simple it really is.

Envelopes with apples from curd dough

Cute and easy-to-prepare curd dough envelopes with fresh apple and aromatic spices. An ingenious and very simple way of molding, and the result is like from a good bakery.

Lemon cookies

A recipe for those who are fond of baking, have tried many different cookies and are looking for new, interesting tastes.

Lush charlotte with apples in the oven

A step-by-step master class for those who want to learn how to bake an excellent charlotte with apples. Detailed instructions and analysis of possible errors.

Apricot pie

The simplest pie with apricots, soft sweet dough, juicy sour fruits. You can use the recipe to bake any fruit or berry tarts.

Strawberry pie

Delicious soft pie that can be baked with any juicy berries. It bakes well even under a thick layer of strawberries.

Sand rings with nuts

If you recall the assortment of the school buffet with nostalgia, and the purchased pastries taste not at all the same, try to bake these wonderful sand rings at home. The recipe is very simple, the rings look very impressive due to the nut dusting.

Royal cheesecake

One of the most popular curd pies. It's easy to make and if you haven't added it to your favorite recipes collection yet, then it's time to fill that gap.

Puffs with apples

This recipe is so simple that even a first grader can handle it. Apples are cut either into cubes or just in half, sprinkled with sugar, laid out on a square of ready-made puff pastry, closed with a second square on top, and pinched into the oven.

French cake "Frezier"

Quite easy to prepare and very effective-looking cake based on an authentic French recipe. Biscuit base, custard and, without fail, fresh strawberries, from which the characteristic pattern for this cake is laid out on the sides.

Jellied cabbage pie with sour cream and mayonnaise

One of the easiest cabbage pie recipes is a remarkably soft dough. You don't have to knead and roll anything - the dough is poured into a mold, the filling is laid out, the dough is again on top - and into the oven.

The lightest rhubarb pie

A wonderful example of simple and delicious summer pastries is rhubarb pie. Sponge dough and a lot of juicy filling.

Pizza with sausage, tomato and cheese

Very tasty pizza with the most popular filling and a very successful dough, from which it turns out to roll out a thin flat cake, which after baking will crunch pleasantly and emphasize the taste of the filling.

Milk cookies

The mega-budget cookie recipe inherited by the author from his grandmother. A small amount of food makes a whole mountain of tender and tasty cookies.

Shanezhki with potatoes

A simple option for savory yeast baked goods. Shanezhki do not require sculpting. I just rolled out the cakes - put the filling on top and into the oven.

Classic Napoleon cake from Soviet times

If you have come across recipes for cakes from the Soviet era, then you probably noticed that most of them include the simplest and cheapest products available to everyone in an era of scarcity and low salaries. No culinary tricks were required from home confectioners either, it just took time and a little patience ...

Sponge roll with sour cream and strawberries

A simple and tasty biscuit roll with sour cream and fresh strawberry pieces, which can be paired with blueberries, raspberries, skinless peaches and any other berries and fruits of your choice.

Kystyby with potatoes in Tatar style

To cook these incredibly tasty and absolutely easy-to-prepare Tatar cakes, you don't even need an oven - they are baked in an ordinary frying pan. Budget recipe. A whole mountain of kystybai is obtained from a small amount of products.

Universal curd dough

A successful recipe for a yeast-free dough in a hurry. Suitable for both baked and fried pies. The baked goods are remarkably soft and airy.

Curd buns in 5 minutes

The fastest homemade baking recipe is curd buns. The dough is kneaded without yeast, in just five minutes. The buns are fluffy, round, rosy.

Cake "Prague"

The classic recipe for a cake familiar from childhood is what a real Prague cake really should be. The products are simple, culinary processes are available to any person who is already well-versed in the kitchen, but the cake will take time.

Kurabiye recipe

Everyone knows kurabye - this is such a delicate, crumbly and literally melting in the mouth shortbread cookies in the form of flowers with a fruit core. It seems that the preparation is so complicated that it is unrealistic to reproduce these cookies at home. But nothing of the kind! Walk to your nearest store and buy a set of cheap confectionery attachments. You don't even need a syringe. Pull a tight plastic bag over the nozzle, cut it along the contour - and you get an excellent device for jigging cookies.

Lean oatmeal cookies with honey

A sample of simple and delicious lean baked goods without yeast. In the composition - ordinary oatmeal. Honey and spices give the cookies a bright gingerbread flavor.

Perfect apple pie

Simple and delicious apple pie. The dough is kneaded in five minutes. It is yeast-free, so the cake can be put into the oven right away. The recipe is suitable for beginners. The pie turns out to be soft, juicy with an appetizing crunchy crust. Delight!

Sesame cookies

Exceptionally tasty and very simple biscuits. The recipe is based on classic shortbread dough, which, thanks to the addition of sesame seeds, acquires an extraordinarily crunchy texture.

Coconut Cream Pie

A successful recipe for very simple, cheap baked goods. The cake melts in your mouth and has a fantastic coconut flavor. Try it.

Curd curls

This baking recipe is very popular now. Ranked # 1 among culinary hits. Many people speak of curd curls as the most delicious pastries they have ever tried. And when you bake them, you will understand why there is such a stir around these simple curlicues.

Everyone knows that homemade baked goods are much tastier than store-bought muffins, pies and waffles. But the real talent of home keepers is revealed when you need to prepare a chic table with a fairly modest budget. And not everyone can do it. But it is possible, just take a few economical recipes and learn some tricks.

What if a recipe requires one ingredient and is out of stock? Replace it. And we will show you how to do this without compromising quality.

  • Butter is analogous to margarine.
  • Brown sugar is duplicated with white, taken in the same amount.
  • Treacle is not found in every home. But it doesn't matter. Liquid honey, as well as sugar syrup, are in no way inferior to her in taste.
  • Lemon can be an analogue of lime.
  • Almost no baking is complete without baking powder. If not, then soda in tandem with citric acid will correct the situation.
  • Jam can be used interchangeably with jam, canned or fresh fruit, confiture, jam.

There are a lot of such little culinary tricks. Experience comes with time. You will learn to improvise and your pastries will only taste better.

This is a very economical cake, as it requires a minimum of food to prepare it.

  1. Dissolve yeast (2 dessert spoons) and sugar (2-3 spoons) in warm water (2 cups). And leave it for 15 minutes. The mass should start playing.
  2. Stir in vegetable oil (half a cup), add a pinch of salt, more sugar if desired (if the cake is sweet) and enough flour to make the dough not too tight.
  3. Leave it on for an hour. Then you can make any pastry, be it pies or rolls.

This yeast dough recipe is basic. Any filling can be: jam, cottage cheese, potatoes, cabbage, meat, apples.

Cookies "Lick your fingers"

This baking recipe also belongs to the category of super economical.

  1. Beat the egg with sugar (1 tbsp.).
  2. In order for the dough to rise evenly, you need soda (half a spoon), as well as soft margarine (200 g).
  3. Stir in flour (2-3 cups). Place 1/3 of the dough in the freezer immediately.
  4. Spread the rest of the mixture over a baking sheet and brush with jam or thick jam.
  5. Grate the dough from the freezer on top.

After 25 minutes in a hot oven (180 degrees), the baked goods are ready. It remains only to cut it into squares, cookies and serve with tea.

Manna recipe

Jam adds piquancy to this manna, which gives the finished baked goods an unusual color. Blueberry will make it emerald, raspberry red, currant blue-violet.

  1. Mix a glass of sugar, flour and semolina.
  2. Drive in the egg and milk (1 tbsp.) There.
  3. Stir in vegetable oil (half a cup) and baking soda (half a spoon).
  4. The final touch: any jam (2 large spoons).

Bake in a pan at 180 degrees. It will take about 40 minutes.

This pastry tastes really delicate. It can be served both for a festive and everyday table.
In a deep container, mix:

  • half a glass of tea and sugar,
  • eggs (2 pcs.),
  • jam (3 large spoons),
  • vegetable oil (2 large spoons),
  • slaked soda (1 dessert spoon).

You can do all this with a mixer.

Pour the dough into special muffin tins. But not completely, but half, since the mass will still rise.

We put in the oven (200 degrees). 15 minutes - and you're done.

This type of baking is extremely popular. The main rule is to use a thick (not liquid) jam or jam as a filling. But besides them, you can put nuts, cottage cheese, marmalade, raisins in bagels.

  1. Take margarine (200 g) at room temperature (not melted). Mash it with sugar (half a cup).
  2. Now stir in sour cream (200 g) and soda (half a teaspoon).
  3. Add flour (2.5 cups) and knead the dough.
  4. Divide it into equal lumps (about 4-5) and roll each of them.
  5. Cut the circles into equal triangles. Lay in the filling and roll up the bagels, starting at the wide edge.

It is better to heat it in the oven to 200 degrees. And only then place a baking sheet with baked goods for 25 minutes.

Diversify cooled baked goods with powdered sugar.

Cottage cheese pie recipe

You do not need to knead the dough as such. It will be in the form of a crumb, but this will not make it taste worse.

  1. Pour flour (3 cups) onto a large cutting board. Add margarine or butter (250 g) chopped with a knife. Do not forget to pre-hold them in the freezer.
  2. Add sugar (almost a glass full) and baking soda (1 small spoon). You should have a crumb-like dough. Move to a cold place.
  3. For the filling, cottage cheese (half a kilogram), sugar (0.5-1 tbsp.), Eggs (2 pcs.), Mix vanillin. You can also add raisins.
  4. We take out the crumb dough from the refrigerator and distribute most of it on a baking sheet. We spread the filling and distribute the rest of the dough on top.
  5. We put in the oven for 45-50 minutes at 180 degrees.

Delicious pastries are the secret of the success of a good housewife, who can create culinary masterpieces from a small amount of ingredients and simple recipes.

Any dish created on the basis of flour by baking in the oven, in a pan, etc. can be called baking. There are a lot of types of baked goods. These include pies, pancakes, cheesecakes, cakes, pizza, khachapuri, cookies, pies, etc. The very process of making these treats is also called baking. How cozy it becomes in the house when the whole family gathers at the table with homemade cakes!

Of course, it is much easier to run to the nearest store and buy whatever your heart desires. Fortunately - today you will not surprise anyone with store-bought baked goods, they are in abundance. However, fresh, aromatic, delicious homemade baked goods are more than just a product made from dough, they please, create a mood and aura in the house. When you made this dish yourself, especially from products whose origin and quality you know, you guaranteed the absolute safety and freshness of your cooking. The baked goods will be perfect! True, you need to spend a little more time than a simple trip to the store, but it's worth it. Moreover, there are recipes for quick baking, simple baking, or, as they say, quick baking. In the oven, all these simple recipes come out great. Baking in a hurry will help you out in the most unexpected situations when there is no time to ponder with a treat.

Baking recipes are varied and plentiful. It all depends on which dough products you like more: there are sweet pastries, rich pastries, yeast, yeast-free, puff pastries, etc. Simple baking recipes can be found from any of these types of dough. But keep in mind that the best baked goods are not always easy. The best baking recipes involve a lot of effort in making the dough, shaping the product, decorating it and making it. They usually use a large number of ingredients, the proportions of which are very important for success.

Many novice housewives try to learn how to bake recipes with photos of finished products. This is the correct and easy way. Baking recipes with photos are clearer. This is how homemade baking turns out to be simple and tasty, recipes with photos do their job. Prepare your favorite homemade cakes too, recipes are on our website, look carefully. Our best quick baking recipes, homemade baking recipes, simple baking recipes, baking recipes with photos are simple and easy you will love.

An important condition for the preparation of very tasty pastries, recipes should be taken as a basis, and you need to put your soul and imagination into their production. To begin with, you can apply simple baking recipes for every day, but if you want the holiday at home more often, learn how to cook real festive delicious pastries, recipes with photos are at your service. Such homemade cakes, recipes with a photo of which you have chosen, will appeal to your loved ones, they will constantly ask you to cook this dish.

In general, recipes for delicious pastries, as well as simple baking recipes, should be in the arsenal of every housewife. After all, it is fast pastries for tea, homemade sweet pastries that will help you out in case of unexpected, but pleasant guests for you.

Be sure to learn how to cook baked goods, simple recipes contain a minimum of products and take a little time.

How to cook any, for example, sweet pastries, recipes with photos will tell you in detail, and we will only give a few useful tips:

The quickest way to make a shortbread dough is. Its base is butter or margarine;

Quick baked goods can be made from ready-made dough. There is always yeast, puff pastry on sale. Dishes from it require a minimum of time;

It is easy to prepare the so-called liquid pies, the filling in them, as a rule, does not require any special heat treatment;

Regular baked goods are whipped up in the oven or on the stove, usually with a lot of oil;

Read the recipe carefully before baking. Make sure the required foods are prepared;

First, try new recipes for you on a small amount of products, and it is better first for yourself, and not for guests;

Most oven baked items require oven preheating. This will make the baking process more efficient and faster;

When baking simple baked goods in a hurry, stick to simple, affordable foods, not gourmet foods;

All ingredients for preparing the dough should not be cold. After removing them from the refrigerator, it is advisable to heat the food a little, for example, using a microwave oven.

Ingredients: flour, butter, egg, salt, raspberries, sour cream, sugar, vanillin

I love shortbread pies. Because they are delicious and easy to prepare. Today I will show you how to make one of my favorite shortcrust pastry pies with raspberry filling.


- 225 grams of wheat flour;
- 150 grams of butter;
- 5 eggs;
- salt;
- 150 grams of raspberries;
- 305 grams of sour cream;
- 150 grams of sugar;
- vanilla extract.


Dukan cake

Ingredients: cottage cheese, oat bran, starch, turmeric, sesame seeds, egg, baking powder, milk powder

If you are on the Ducan diet, I suggest you prepare a delicious and easy-to-prepare Easter cake for Easter. The recipe is quite simple.


- 200 grams of cottage cheese;
- 35 grams of oat bran;
- 30 grams of corn starch;
- 5 grams of ground turmeric;
- 10 grams of black sesame;
- 1 egg;
- 5 grams of baking powder;
- sugar substitute;
- powdered milk.


Diet Easter cake

Ingredients: cottage cheese, honey, egg, starch, cut, baking powder, raisins, nuts, candied fruit


210 grams of cottage cheese 2%;
- 3 tbsp. honey;
- 2 eggs;
- 2 tbsp. potato starch;
- 4 tbsp. bran;
- 1 tsp baking powder;
- raisins;
- hazelnuts;
- candied fruits.


Wafer rolls "Zavarnye" in an electric waffle iron

Ingredients: egg, sugar, butter, vanillin, salt, vegetable oil, flour

Wafer rolls are a delicacy from childhood! Surely you still have Mom's old electric waffle iron at home. So why not indulge yourself and seven of these homemade straws? It's very easy to do with our recipe!
- 5 pieces of chicken eggs;
- 150-200 grams of sugar;
- 200 grams of butter or margarine;
- 1 pinch of salt;
- 1.3 cups flour;
- vegetable oil for lubricating the electric waffle iron (if necessary).


Bagels with poppy seeds

Ingredients: flour, water, yeast, margarine, sugar, salt, poppy seeds

It is quite simple to please the homemade with excellent pastries: bake bagels with poppy seeds for them, according to the recipe of GOST USSR. You can rest assured of a great result!

For dough:

- 100 grams of wheat flour;
- 150 ml of purified water;
- 7-8 grams of compressed yeast (0.5 tsp granular).

For the test:
- 350 grams of wheat flour;
- 135 ml of water;
- 40 gr butter margarine;
- 60 grams of sugar;
- 7-8 grams of salt.

For the top:

- 3-4 tbsp. confectionery poppy.


Rotten stump cake with jam

Ingredients: butter, cocoa, sugar, milk, meringue, sour cream, vanillin, rusk, flour, jam, egg, kefir, soda, salt

I cook this delicious and beautiful cake for almost every holiday. Of course, you have to sweat in the kitchen, but it's worth it. Absolutely every housewife can cook this cake.


- 300 grams of flour,
- 1 cup + 2 tablespoons Sahara,
- a cup of seedless jam,
- 2 eggs,
- a cup of kefir or sour milk,
- one and a half tsp. soda,
- a pinch of salt,
- 500 ml. sour cream,
- 2 tbsp. icing sugar
- vanillin on the tip of a knife,
- 2 tbsp. bread crumbs,
- 50 grams of butter,
- 2 tbsp. cocoa powder
- 50 ml. milk,
- 3 meringues.


Lavash achma with cheese and cottage cheese

Ingredients: lavash, egg, kefir, cottage cheese, cheese, garlic, salt, pepper, herbs, oil

Achma is a very tasty dish. which you can cook yourself. How to do this, I described in detail for you.


- 3 pita bread,
- 2 eggs,
- 100 ml. kefir,
- 300 grams of cottage cheese,
- 250 grams of Adyghe cheese,
- dry garlic,
- salt,
- pepper,
- greens,
- 1 tbsp. vegetable oil.


Charlotte with melon

Ingredients: flour, egg, starch, sugar, melon, salt

In the summertime, I suggest you cook delicious pastries - charlotte with melon. The recipe is very simple. Such pastries are perfect for both tea and coffee.


- 200 grams of flour,
- 3 eggs,
- 1 tbsp. starch,
- 100 grams of sugar,
- 150 grams of melon,
- a pinch of salt.


Lingonberry pie

Ingredients: lingonberry, starch, salt, flour, butter, baking powder, sugar, egg

Lingonberry - the berry is not very tasty, slightly sour with bitterness, completely nondescript. Today I will tell you how to make the most delicious pie with this delicious berry.


- 300 grams of lingonberries,
- 1-2 tbsp. starch,
- a pinch of salt,
- 2 cups of flour,
- 75 grams of butter,
- 2 tsp baking powder,
- 150 grams of sugar
- 1 egg.


Blueberry pies in the oven

Ingredients: blueberries, sugar, starch, yeast, sugar, starch, egg, sour cream, butter, flour, salt

You will make blueberry patties very quickly. The recipe is very simple and quick. Absolutely everyone will like this pastry, it goes well with a cup of tea.


Vanilla sugar - 15 grams
- yeast - 40 grams,
- sugar - 0.5 cups,
- starch - 1 tablespoon,
- eggs - 1 piece + 1 yolk,
- sour cream - 2 tablespoons,
- butter - 50 grams,
- flour - 2 -2.5 cups,
- salt - a whisper,
- blueberries - 1 glass,
- sugar - 1.5 tablespoons,
- starch - 1.5 tablespoons.


Tatar pie with meat and potatoes

Ingredients: sour cream, salt, flour, sugar, butter, egg, water, onion, spice, meat broth, meat, potatoes

This Tatar pie with meat and potatoes will become a real decoration of any table. The recipe is very simple and quick enough.


- 120 ml. sour cream;
- a couple of pinches of salt;
- 500 grams of flour;
- a pinch of sugar;
- 50 grams of butter;
- 1 egg;
- 100 ml. water;
- 2 onions;
- spices;
- 300 ml. meat broth;
- 350 grams of meat;
- 1 kg. potatoes.


Plum pie

Ingredients: plum, butter, flour, egg, sugar, cinnamon, baking powder, salt, ice cream, mint

Today I will tell you how to cook a delicious and easy to prepare plum pie in the oven.


- 600-700 grams of plums,
- 100 grams of butter,
- 30 grams of vegetable oil,
- 250 grams of flour,
- 2 eggs,
- a glass of sugar,
- 1 tbsp. cinnamon,
- one and a half tsp. baking powder,
- a pinch of salt,
- 30 grams of creamy ice cream,
- 2-3 mint leaves,
- a little powdered sugar.


Rhubarb pie

Ingredients: flour, semolina, sugar, egg, kefir, butter, rhubarb, salt, soda, baking powder

You can make this rhubarb pie very simply and quickly. The baked goods are lush and delicious.


- 150 grams of flour;
- 120 grams of semolina;
- 200 grams of sugar;
- 3 eggs;
- 200 ml. kefir or yogurt;
- 60 grams of butter;
- 300 grams of rhubarb;
- salt;
- soda;
- baking powder.


Charlotte with apples in a multicooker Polaris

Ingredients: egg, sugar, flour, vanillin, cinnamon, soda, apple

I recently bought myself a Polaris multicooker and it has become my indispensable assistant in the kitchen. This charlotte with apples turns out the most delicious in it.


- 3-4 eggs,
- a glass of sugar,
- a glass of flour,
- 1 gram of vanillin,
- half a tsp cinnamon,
- 1 tsp soda,
- 1-2 apples.


Shortcrust Raspberry Pie

Ingredients: butter, egg, sugar, flour, salt, baking powder, raspberries

I suggest you make a delicious raspberry pie from shortcrust pastry. It is not difficult to prepare these delicious pastries, it turns out insanely delicious.


- 250 grams of butter,
- 1 egg,
- 180 grams of sugar
- 450 grams of flour,
- a pinch of salt,
- half a tsp baking powder for dough,
- 300 grams of raspberries.


9 kopeck buns

Ingredients: flour, milk, yeast, sugar, salt, egg, vanillin, butter, raisins, water

In the Soviet Union, there were very tasty buns that cost only 9 kopecks. I described in detail for you how to prepare them.


- 500 grams of flour,
- 100 ml. milk,
- 15 grams of dry yeast,
- 125 grams of sugar
- a third tsp. salt,
- 2 eggs,
- a bag of vanilla sugar,
- 90 grams of butter,
- 1 tbsp. raisins,
- 75 ml. water.

Julienne with chicken and mushrooms An excellent recipe for making julienne with chicken, mushrooms, onions, cheese and cream. Save πŸ“Œ Ingredients: Chicken breast - 0.5 pcs. Mushrooms (champignons or forest) - 150 g Onions (large) - 1 pc. Suluguni or semi-hard cheese - 250 g Cream - 0.5 stack. Butter - 1 tbsp. l. Wheat flour - 1 tbsp. l. Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l. Ground black pepper - 0.5 tsp. Paprika - 1 pinch Salt - 1 tsp Preparation: 1. To prepare julienne, preheat the oven to 180 ΒΊC. 2. Boil half of the chicken breast in salted water for 15 minutes, cool and chop. 3. The washed mushrooms are thoroughly dried with a towel and cut into small pieces. 4. Suluguni is grated. You can use any other semi-hard cheese to taste. 5. Cut the onions into half rings. 6. Lightly fry the prepared onion. 7. Put prepared chicken pieces and mushrooms to the onion. Salt, pepper and fry the mixture for 5-8 minutes. 8. Put 1 tablespoon of flour in a small dry frying pan and heat. 9. As soon as the flour turns yellow, add the butter and melt, stirring constantly. 10. Lightly beat the cream and pour into the flour and butter mixture. The sauce should not turn out too thick, if this happens, then add a little milk. We mix. 11. We spread the prepared mixture of chicken, mushrooms and onions in 3 portion forms. 12. Add an equal amount of the prepared cream sauce. 13. Sprinkle with grated suluguni. 14. Put the prepared forms on a baking sheet, sprinkle the cheese with paprika and send to bake for 14-16 minutes, until the cheese is covered with a golden brown crust. 15. Serve julienne with chicken and mushrooms hot. Enjoy your meal!

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Classes 11

Potato cake with sour cream Ingredients 3 medium potatoes 6 eggs 180 g brown sugar 50 g shelled walnuts 50 g raisins zest 1 lemon 2 tbsp. l. candied lemon or orange peels 4 tbsp. l. dark rum 1 tsp vanilla sugar a pinch of salt butter for greasing For cream and decoration: 1 cup of the fattest sour cream 5 tbsp. l. powdered sugar 1 tsp vanilla extract 100 g of walnuts Wash the potatoes with a brush, put in a saucepan with cold salted water, bring to a boil, cover and cook for 30 minutes. Then drain the water, let the potatoes cool slightly and peel them while still hot. Place the potatoes in a bowl, cover and leave at room temperature for 12 hours. Soak the raisins in the rum at the same time. Grate the potatoes on a fine grater. Rub the entire zest off the lemon with a fine grater. Separate the yolks from the whites. Chop candied fruits and nuts with a knife. Dry the raisins. Beat the yolks with sugar until fluffy, add salt, grated lemon zest, vanilla sugar, candied fruits, potatoes, raisins and nuts and knead the dough thoroughly. Beat the whites into a stiff foam and gently add them into the dough using a spatula, using gentle but intense movements from top to bottom. Place the dough in a greased, buttered, 22–24 cm diameter springform pan. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 Β° C for 1 hour. Cool the finished cake in a mold, 10 minutes, then put it on a dish and cool. For the cream, beat the sour cream with a mixer until fluffy, add the vanilla and, continuing to beat, in small portions the powdered sugar. Chop the walnuts with a knife or in a blender. Cut the cake in half, coat the halves with cream, assemble the cake, coat with the remaining cream, sprinkle with nuts, leave for at least 6 hours in the refrigerator to soak.

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Classes 10

6 Peking Cabbage Salads πŸ“Œ Be sure to keep this selection for yourself! ⚑Salad "Fast and tasty" Ingredients: cabbage fresh cucumber onion sausage (who likes what) mayonnaise spices Preparation: 1. Chop cabbage (we have Peking cabbage, it tastes better with it) 2. Cut the cucumber into strips (I like the straws to be the largest ) 3. Cut the sausage into strips 4. Cut the onion into half rings 5. Add mayonnaise, salt, pepper and mix everything! Our salad is ready! ⚑ "Caesar" salad Ingredients: chicken breast (fillet) salad "Peking" hard cheese to your taste croutons tomatoes (1-2 pcs). For the sauce: mayonnaise, garlic, greens, lemon Preparation: Cooking the chicken. Here, according to your taste - you can just cook, you can, already boiled, lightly fry until golden brown ... Whoever likes it. While the chicken is cooking, cut the cabbage into thin strips. Cut the tomatoes into slices. Grate the cheese on a fine grater. By this time, the chicken was cooked. Disassemble it into small pieces (along the fibers). Sauce: In a blender, grind mayonnaise with a couple of garlic cloves, herbs and a few drops of lemon until smooth. Try it - someone loves more or less garlic or lemon. All this can be done manually. Attention: we do not season the salad, we serve the sauce separately so that guests can pour the salad on their plate. So the salad will retain its original appearance even during a long feast. Well that's it! Stir and the salad is ready! Let's try. ⚑Salad "Cupid's Arrows" is just a bomb, not a salad! Super light, fresh, airy. Everyone who has tried it is absolutely delighted! Ingredients: 1/2 head of Peking cabbage 300 g peeled cocktail shrimp (king prawns will not work!) 12-15 crab sticks 1 can of canned pineapple large ripe pomegranate mayonnaise salt Chop the cabbage (no white part), finely chop the sticks (almost into dust), finely chop pineapples. Combine shrimp, sticks, cabbage, pineapple and pomegranate. Season with mayonnaise and eat without swallowing a fork! ⚑Peking cabbage salad This salad turns out to be very tasty and light, and most importantly, 10 minutes - and you have a gorgeous dish ready. Ingredients: Peking cabbage 300 g tomato 2 pcs smoked sausage 100 g boiled eggs 2 pcs corn 100g dill mayonnaise salt and pepper to taste loaf 4 pieces Preparation: Wash the cabbage, dry it, cut it, mash it with salt. Cut tomatoes, eggs, sausage, greens. Add corn. Cut the loaf into cubes, dry in a pan. Stir all the ingredients, except the croutons, salt and pepper, season with mayonnaise. Sprinkle with croutons when serving. Enjoy your meal! ⚑ Peking cabbage salad with chicken Ingredients: βœ” Peking cabbage - 300 gr (half a head) βœ” Chicken fillet - 1 piece βœ” Cucumber - 1 piece βœ” Egg - 4 pieces βœ” Green onion - 1 bunch βœ” Salt, pepper, mayonnaise Preparation: 1. We put the chicken fillet to boil (add carrots, onions and bay leaves for flavor. We then used the broth for the soup) 2. Chop the Peking cabbage 3. Finely chop the green onion 4. Cut the cucumber into strips 5. After our chicken fillet has opened, cut small cube. And also boil the eggs and chop them finely 6. Put everything in a salad bowl, mix, salt and pepper 7. Season with mayonnaise and serve in portions. ⚑Salad with Peking cabbage, chicken and croutons Ingredients for the salad Peking cabbage eggs hard pepper bulgarian tomatoes slices of white bread chicken fillet dill salt, pepper mayonnaise Preparation: 1. First, prepare the croutons. Cut the white bread slices into small cubes and dry in the oven. Cool down. 2. Boil chicken fillet and eggs. To cut in cubes. 3. Cut the tomatoes, peppers and cheese into cubes too. Tear the cabbage with your hands. 4. Mix all the ingredients, except the croutons, lightly salt, pepper and season with mayonnaise. 5. Before serving, add the croutons, mix again and sprinkle with chopped herbs. 6. Eat immediately so that the crackers do not get wet.

Comments 5

Classes 176

Chebureks with meat. Very good crunchy dough! Ingredients: Dough: ● Flour - 8 cups, ● Water - 3 cups, ● Salt - 2 tsp, ● Sugar - 2 tsp, ● Vegetable oil - 150 ml. ● Vodka - 1 tablespoon Yes, and never add eggs to the dough! Eggs make the dough tough! Preparation: 1. Sift the flour into a large bowl. 2. Dissolve salt and sugar in water. 3. Make a hole in flour, pour in a water solution, vodka, vegetable oil. 4. Knead the dough thoroughly, wrap it with cling film, and leave at room temperature for about an hour. 5. While the dough is resting, you can prepare the filling. For the filling, beef or lamb is perfect, or you can make a mix of these two types of meat. 6. Roll out the finished dough with a rolling pin so that its thickness does not exceed 3 mm. Using a saucer, cut out circles with a diameter of 15-20 centimeters from the dough. 7.Fold the dough in half and pinch the edges as carefully as possible so that they do not come apart during frying and do not allow the filling to flow out. 8. Blind the pasties and fry in a large amount of oil.

Comments 1

Classes 52

Lavash Step 1 Pour the sifted flour on the table and make a depression in it. I pour water, vegetable oil into it, add salt and gently mix with a fork. Step 2 Knead for 3-4 minutes and wrap in plastic, leave for 20-30 minutes. Step 3 Divide the dough into 10 pieces, roll each piece in flour. Step 4 I roll out the cake 2 mm thick. Step 5 I heat the pan well and put the dough on it. I bake pita bread on each side for 20-30 seconds. Step 6 I spread the finished pita bread in a pile and cover with a wet towel. Enjoy your meal!

Comments 1

Classes 19

Meat in a Pot with Potatoes and Cheese😘 Meat in a Pot is an easy-to-prepare dish. Your family and friends will definitely be glad if you cook meat in a pot with potatoes and cheese for dinner. Believe me, this is very, very tasty! Dishes in pots are easy, fast and healthy! Ingredients: Pork - 400 g Onions - 2 onions Cheese - 100 g Mushrooms (champignons) - about 15-16 medium pieces Potatoes - 3-4 medium tubers Butter - 50 g Sunflower oil Mayonnaise Salt to taste Preparation: 1. Cut the pork into pieces of medium size. Fry the pork pieces in vegetable oil over high heat for 5-6 minutes, and another 10 minutes over low heat. 2. Cut the onion into medium pieces. Slice the mushrooms lengthwise into pieces. Simmer in a frying pan in vegetable oil with onions and butter for 10 minutes. 3. Grate cheese on a coarse grater. 4. Wash potatoes, peel, boil in salted water. Cut into medium sized pieces. 5. Put food in pots in the following order: potatoes, pork, mayonnaise, mushrooms and onions, cheese. 6. Place the covered pots in a cold oven (do not preheat the oven). Cook for 20 minutes at 180 C. I hope you enjoy the recipe for meat in pots with potatoes and cheese.

Comments 1

Classes 29

PREPARING CHICKEN STOMACH: TOP - 6 RECIPES 🍴 1. Fast chicken stomachs INGREDIENTS: ● 500 g of chicken stomachs, ● 2 onions, ● 3 tbsp. vegetable oil, ● Β½ tsp. soda, ● spices to taste, ● salt. PREPARATION: Rinse and dry the navels, finely chop the onion, put it in a cauldron with heated oil, fry until browned. Add stomachs to the onion, fry until juice is released, add soda - the sauce will foam when the foam comes off, add spices, salt and mix the mass, cover the cauldron with a lid and simmer the dish over low heat, stirring occasionally and pouring boiling water so that it constantly covers the ventricles ... Cook the dish until the ventricles are soft. Many chicken stomachs taste like mushrooms, if you combine them with mushrooms, then this feature of perception, if any, will increase even more, and it will be even tastier. 2. Chicken ventricles stewed with mushrooms and potatoes INGREDIENTS: ● 650g of chicken stomachs, ● 400g of potatoes, ● 300g of any fresh mushrooms, ● 50g of sour cream, ● 1 egg, ● bay leaf, ● salt, ● pepper. PREPARATION: Coarsely chop the mushrooms, cut the potatoes into 2cm cubes. Rinse the stomachs, remove the bilious films, rinse again, cut, if large, into 2-3 parts, add water, put the laurel and boil for 2 hours until soft. Add mushrooms to ready-made stomachs, salt, bring to a boil, reduce heat and boil for 15 minutes, put potatoes and cook until cooked. Stir the sour cream with the egg, pour the mixture into a saucepan, stir, remove it from the stove. Chicken stomachs cooked in sour cream are very tasty. 3. Chicken ventricles stewed in sour cream INGREDIENTS: ● 1kg of chicken stomachs, ● 50g of butter, ● 2 carrots and onions, ● 4 tbsp. mayonnaise and sour cream, ● vegetable oil, ● black pepper, ● herbs, ● salt. PREPARATION: Boil the stomachs until soft, let cool and chop. Grate the carrots on a grater, chop the onion, fry the vegetables in oil until half cooked. Add stomachs to vegetables, stew for 5 minutes, pour in sour cream, put mayonnaise, pepper and salt, season with butter, simmer for 5 minutes, add chopped greens, stir, remove from the stove.The next recipe is interesting because the ventricles are not prepared just in sour cream , but in a very original sour cream sauce. 4. Chicken ventricles in original sour cream sauce INGREDIENTS: ● 500g chicken stomachs, ● 150g sour cream, ● 2 pickled cucumbers, ● 1 onion each, ● carrots and a clove of garlic, ● 0.5 cm of fresh ginger root, ● 2 tbsp. horseradish, black pepper, ● vegetable oil, ● salt. PREPARATION: Boil stomachs in salted water for 40 minutes, let cool, chop finely. Peel and dice the carrots and onions into small cubes. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, put chopped ginger and fry together with crushed garlic, then remove them from the oil, put stomachs, carrots and onions in it, fry for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Pour sour cream to the ventricles, add horseradish and finely chopped cucumbers, mix, pepper and salt, simmer over medium heat for another 10 minutes. With stomachs you can cook a variety of dishes, including a kind of pilaf. 5. Pilaf with chicken ventricles INGREDIENTS: ● 300g chicken stomachs, ● 2 cloves of garlic, ● 1.5 cups of long grain rice, ● 1 tomato each, ● bell pepper, ● small eggplant and onion, ● black pepper, ● oil, ● salt ... PREPARATION: Boil the stomachs with plenty of water, salt the broth to taste, remove them from the broth and chop. Chop the garlic and fry in oil until a fragrant smell, add grated carrots, chopped onions, eggplant, bell peppers, fry for 3 minutes, put a medium-sized chopped tomato, ventricles, pepper and salt, pour in the broth left over from the stomachs, add washed rice, cover with a lid and cook the dish for 3 minutes over high heat, then 7 minutes on medium, then on a minimum until the rice is cooked. Add broth if necessary. The last recipe in our selection of main courses from chicken stomachs is the most unusual one, we use it to prepare navels in beer. 6. Chicken stomachs in beer INGREDIENTS: ● 500 g of chicken stomachs, ● 2 onions, ● 1 glass of chicken broth and light beer, ● 1 tbsp. Dijon mustard, ● wine vinegar, vegetable and butter, ● 1 tsp. sugar, ● flour, ● black pepper, ● salt. PREPARATION: Heat vegetable oil in a deep frying pan, add butter, melt and fry chopped onion in half rings in a mixture of oils, add peeled and washed stomachs, cut them into slices, fry for 10 minutes, pepper and salt, pour in beer and part of the broth with constant stirring, add sugar , add vinegar, cover and simmer the dish for half an hour, adding broth, if necessary, and stirring occasionally. When the ventricles are soft, add a little flour, stir, simmer for 2 minutes, add mustard and stir the dish.