Twister cfs at home. Twister like in KFC: preparing a famous quick dish yourself

02.11.2019 Fish dishes

The chef of the KFC restaurant chain Alexander Garagaty suggests making sandwiches for dinner: it's fast, tasty and not troublesome.

A simple recipe for a Twister sandwich for home cooking step by step with a photo. Easy to cook at home in 15 min. Contains only 282 kilocalories. Author's recipe for home cooking.

  • Prep time: 11 minutes
  • Time for preparing: 15 minutes
  • Calorie count: 282 kcal
  • Servings: 2 servings
  • Complexity: Simple recipe
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Type of dish: miscellanea

Ingredients for two servings

  • chicken fillet - 200 g
  • mayonnaise
  • thin cakes made from wheat flour - 2 pcs.
  • iceberg salad - 50-70 g
  • medium tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • For breading
  • salt to taste
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • flour - 2 tbsp. l.

Step by step cooking

  1. Cut the chicken fillet in half. If desired, breaded by dipping in a beaten egg and then in flour, seasoned to taste with spices and salt. Fry the fillets in vegetable oil over high heat in a skillet for about 3-4 minutes on each side until golden brown. Or deep-fry.
  2. Wash vegetables and dry thoroughly. Cut the tomatoes into cubes. Chop lettuce leaves or tear gently.
  3. Assemble the sandwich. Grease each tortilla with mayonnaise, put chopped lettuce and tomatoes, and on top - chicken fillet. Roll up the cake with an envelope or straw.
  4. Grill the sandwich or bake it in a toaster, if desired, until it is browned and crispy.

Chicken fillet is a versatile product. It can be boiled, fried, stewed, baked, breaded, stuffed. To prevent the chicken fillet from becoming dry during cooking, cover it with fatty bacon or put a slice of lemon inside. Slice chicken breasts across the grain to make the fillet more tender. Do not be afraid to experiment with Petelinka, use spices and seasonings. They give the chicken fillet a special flavor and aroma. For example, in the East, they prefer to season chicken abundantly with ginger. In India, chicken is stewed with cardamom. The world's popular chicken curry dish requires turmeric.

Twister rules.

Twister is a game that ties you into knots. The one who stands last wins.

A step-by-step guide on how to make a twister game yourself, the rules of the twister game, a photo of the twister game, and tips for buying a twister game for the lazy.

What is Twister?

The twister is played on a large plastic mat that is spread on the floor or ground. The size of the mat is 150x180. This checkmate is like a board game. It has four rows of six large colored circles: red, yellow, blue, and green. The roulette is attached to a square board and serves as a dice in the game. The tape is divided into four marked sections: right foot, left foot, right hand, and left hand. Each of these sections is divided into four colors (red, yellow, blue, and green). After the spin, a combination is called (for example: right hand to yellow) and the players must move their corresponding arm or leg to the point of the correct color. In a two-player game, both people cannot place an arm or a leg in the same circle at the same time. The rules are different for more people. Due to the lack of colored circles, players will often be required to place themselves in awkward or unstable positions, which will ultimately lead to someone falling. A person is eliminated if they fall or when their elbow or knee touches the mat. There is no limit on the number of players playing at the same time, but more than four are barely included.

The history of the game twister

The twister was proposed for patent to Charles F. Foley and Neil Rabens in 1966, but this was not successful until Eva Gabor played it with Johnny Carson on the Tonight Show on May 3, 1966. Although Twister was patented by Charles F. Foley and Neil Rabens, sources also mention a man named Reyn Guyer. He claimed to have come up with Twister's idea while working for Johnson's Shoe Polish promotion at his father's company. Guyer is said to have originally named this idea for a new game Pretzel, but that Milton Bradley changed the name to Twister before they launched the game to market. However, the claim that Reyn invented the Twister appears to be a lie. According to the US Patent Office, there is no connection between the twister and the Guyer name. Foley and Rabens are considered the inventors and are the only names associated with this patent. Their only connection with Guyer is that they were employees in his father's company.

A step-by-step guide to making a DIY game

To make the Twister game we need:

2 sheets of Whatman paper,

Self-adhesive film in four colors - red, yellow, green, blue (you can use colored paper and glue or paints and a large piece of transparent polyethylene).





Cardboard size 30x30 cm,

Flat hat button,

A thin wooden stick (this device is necessary if there is nowhere to take a ready-made arrow).

Making the game

From whatman paper, you will need to glue the base for the game with a twister approximately 1x1.5 m in size using adhesive tape.

The finished base needs to be drawn into cells: for 4 circles horizontally, you need to draw 5 cells, for 6 circles vertically, you need to draw 7 cells. This will give us the centers of our circles.

Next, you need to cut out the circles themselves from self-adhesive colored film (or colored paper). The diameter of the circles should be about 20 cm, but in order to save material, you can make 15-18 cm each. Glue the cut circles to the base, aligning the hole from the compass on the circle with the corner of the cage. If we use paint for the circles, then first they need to be drawn with a compass on the base. After painting, you need to stick polyethylene on the game, otherwise the mugs will get dirty.

Figure: 1 Base for playing a twister.

Figure: 2 The basis for playing a twister.

4) Now you need to make a dial by which the presenter will determine the actions of the players. The cardboard needs to be divided into 4 parts and each part also into 4. From the scraps you need to cut and paste, alternating, colored triangles on the cardboard (or paint with paints). On 4 pieces of cardboard you need to write: right hand, right leg, left hand, left leg.

Or if you are too lazy to draw, you can type a twister in Microsoft Word, for this we make 4 files with a paper size of 15 x 15 cm.Insert circles with a diameter of 5 cm.

Fig. 3 Making a dial for a twister. Inserting circles

We fill the circles of the dial for the twister game.

Fig. 4 Making a dial for a twister. Filling circles.

Insert a picture of an arm and a leg, and write using a Word Art object: "Left hand", "Right arm", "Left leg", "Right leg"

Fig. 5 Making a dial for a twister. Left hand.

Fig. 6 Making a dial for a twister. Right hand.

Fig. 7 Making a dial for a twister. Left leg.

Fig. 8 Making a dial for a twister. Right leg.

We print pictures on a color printer, and cutoffs.

Fig. 9 Making a dial for a twister. We print and crop the pictures of the dial.

We take the cardboard base for the twister dial.

Fig. 10 Making a dial for a twister. Cardboard base of the dial.

We glue the cropped pictures to the cardboard base of the twister dial.

Fig. 11 Making a dial for a twister. We glue the pictures to the cardboard base.

We get, here is such a square, which can be cut exactly according to the pictures, or you can leave it as it is

Fig. 12 The dial for the twister is almost complete.

5) Now the most difficult thing is the arrow. With the button on the back side in the cardboard we pierce a hole, so that the button does not interfere with the cardboard standing, without staggering. You need to make a hole in the wooden stick (you can use the leg of a compass), while you need to constantly "try on" the arrow on the button so that it is suspended, but does not fall and rotate freely. If the arrow is tilted, then you need to stick a little tape at its end for balance.

You can make an arrow using Japanese food chopsticks and a button, and if they are not at hand, take a regular pencil.

Figure: 13 Hand for the twister dial.

That's all! The game is ready! :)

You can also use a dice for playing Twister and a rug (can be printed on a plotter), which were kindly provided by our reader Ksenia Plakhotnyuk, from Karaganda, Kazakhstan.

(save cuts, print and glue) -

Mat for printing on a plotter (resolution 16489 x 19774 pixels) (Downloads: 2194)

Twister rules

Spread the base of the twister on the floor, and place the dial on a flat surface.

Initial positions

2 players: Stand opposite each other, on the small side of the base, on the blue and yellow circles.

3 players: 2 players stand opposite each other, on the small side of the base, on the blue and yellow circles. The third player stands in the middle on 2 red or 2 green circles.

4 players: 2 players stand opposite each other from the small side of the base on the blue and yellow circles. The third player stands in the middle on 2 red, player 4 opposite him on green circles.

It is also advisable to have an additional player, the leader, who will turn the dial, and the players on the base will take turns to move, or immediately who will have time (depending on the type of game you choose)

For example, if there are 5 people in your company, 4 people can participate on the basis of the game, and the 5th will turn the dial, the last one who resists on the basis will be the leader in the next round.

How to play

2 players: Take turns to announce the move without using the dial. If you want to arrange a game of picking spots - arrange it.

More than 2 players: Select a leader to twirl the dial and announce the movements of the players, Stand in the starting positions.

More than 4 players: Squeeze additional players where you can or split into teams and play the Twister Championship.


The presenter turns the dial, announces the color and which arm or leg a certain player needs to move .. For example: Sasha - his left hand is red.

All players must complete this move as quickly as possible.

Rules of the game

Only one arm or leg for 1 circle. The first player to reach takes a circle. If you cannot agree on who reached first, the leader decides. The leader's decision is not subject to excuse.

Once you have made your move, you can no longer move, except for cases when the presenter gives you permission to do so in order to miss the arm or leg of another player.

If all 6 circles of the same color are occupied, the presenter turns the dial again.

If the host announces a hand / foot and color combination that you are doing, you must move your arm or leg to another circle of the same color (If all 6 are occupied, the host turns the dial again).

If a knee or elbow is placed on the base, or you can't hold, you are out.

Photo game of homemade twister

Other ways to play twister

Twist queue

Try in turn to perform the movements announced by the leader, for example, for the first time the dial is believed for the first player, the second for the second player, etc. so you will twist everything in different ways and you can weave so that it does not seem a little.

Division into teams

Lots of people wanting to play twister? No problem. Divide into teams (preferably in pairs). Members of the same team can share the same circle. As soon as one player falls, or touches the base with his knee or elbow, the other team wins.

Twister Championship

In this game, teams play against each other. Keep track of wins and losses to find out which team won.

Twister for departure

Try playing the fly-out twister. The winning team stays on the base and gravitates towards new opponents until all teams have played. The last standing team wins.

If you want to play Twister, but for some reason you don't want to do it yourself, you can buy the game.

The purchased box version is more convenient to use, it can be transported over distances, taken to friends or relatives. For example: play set Hasbro Twister "

Alexander Borisov, Samara

Thursday, July 12, 2018 13:49 + in the quote pad

Sometimes you really want to pamper yourself with fast food. Well-known companies offer many quick dishes, but not all of them are healthy, although they have a very rich and pleasant taste. That is why many began to cook fast food at home with their own hands in order to be completely confident in the naturalness of the finished products. One such product is the KFC twister. It is very easy to make in your own kitchen from the simplest ingredients. The calorie content of this dish is about 215 kcal per 100 g, so you should not eat it too often. Let's look at how to make a twister like in kfc step by step with a photo.


Simple homemade twister recipe
For cooking, the most common products that can be found in all stores are used.

Ingredient List:

4 Armenian yeast-free lavash;
200 g of Chinese cabbage;
2 tomatoes;
400 g chicken fillet;
100 g of hard cheese;
Spices to taste.

Cooking scheme:

Cut poultry into slices, rub with spices and lightly fry;
Cut the tomatoes into slices, separate 4 cabbage leaves from the fork;
We form our appetizer: put the chicken on the pita bread, then a leaf of Peking cabbage, on top of tomato slices. We finish the composition with grated cheese;
We fold the product in the form of an envelope.

On this homemade fast food is ready. You can use it as it is, or you can put it in the oven for a couple of minutes to melt the cheese. You can also use the microwave for this or lightly fry the twister in a pan.

Hello Country! Many people love fast food, but sometimes it is simply not clear from what products and with what hands it is made in a cafe. Once my husband and I tried a twister at KFC, he really liked it, and I decided to cook this twister for him at home. It turned out even tastier (as my husband said) than in a cafe!

We need:

Mexican tortillas (tortilla) - 4 pcs; (there are 6 pcs in a package, I indicate 4, because a package of nuggets is enough for 4 pcs).

Chicken nuggets - 1 pack.; (14pcs in a package), (there were not nuggets in the cafe, but strips, you can cook them yourself, however, like nuggets, or buy, they are also sold, but I did not find them this time).

Tomatoes - 2-3 pcs.; (depending on their size).

Leaf lettuce - 1 bunch;

Mayonnaise, mustard (who likes it sharper).

Heat nuggets in the microwave or in a frying pan (I fry in a frying pan). Wash the tomatoes, cut into cubes. Wash the salad, cut. Warm up the cakes (it is written on the back on the packaging, in what ways this can be done), I heat them in the microwave for 15 seconds. at 650W

Next, we begin to collect our twister in a bunch)))
We grease the cake with mayonnaise, you can add mustard (this is for those who like it sharper, I put more mayonnaise and mustard-mustard for my husband), put a strip of tomatoes in the middle, but not until the end of the cake (we leave a place at the bottom to wrap it up), put it on the tomatoes salad, and put nuggets on the sides of the tomato. (I put 4 nuggets in a twister for my husband, 3 for myself (because there are 14 nuggets in a package)).

And we wrap our twister .... first one side, then bend the bottom, and then the other side.

The twister is ready!
In general, the filling can be any, your imagination will help you)) I showed how they are made in KFC, and how I make them. At the expense of the tortilla ... it is better to take just such a tortilla than the usual pita bread, the pita bread is quickly saturated with mayonnaise and tomato juice, and then begins to fall apart. With a flat cake it is much better, it does not fall apart, even after a day.

Before preparing the twister, you need to marinate the chicken fillet in advance and rinse the lettuce leaf and dry them.
Before wrapping the lavash itself, you need to prepare the ingredients. Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces.

Add salt and spices. You can add any spices of your choice.

You can add a little water or just stir the fillet with the spices. And let it brew.

In the meantime, we make crumbs from crackers.

Add flour to a separate plate.

And add egg whites to a separate container.

During this time, the chicken fillet was infused a little. We begin to do everything in this sequence. First, dip each piece in egg white.

Then into flour.

Then again into egg white. After that, into crumbs. It will stick well.

Then, in this way, put it on a baking sheet greased with sunflower oil and put it in the oven preheated to 200-220 degrees. Fry on one side for 10 minutes, then you can turn each piece over and fry on the other side. If you can eat fried, then you can do it in a pan.

If there are too many fillets, it will be much faster if cooked on a large baking sheet.

So our twister strips are ready. They are so delicious. And what are delicious. The main thing is not to eat them before making the twister.

Then we do it to taste. You can grease lavash with mayonnaise only.

Or mayonnaise and ketchup.

We grease the whole pita bread well.

Then put a leaf of lettuce in the middle.

Then we put the tomatoes, cut into thin slices as shown in the photo.

And, of course, our chicken fillet strips.

And then we wrap it up. So one twister is ready. And how many more can you make if you mark about 10 pieces of chicken fillet. This makes about 5 servings (5 twisters).

It turns out very appetizing, tasty, and I hope it's useful.

You can make a very large twister.

It certainly tastes good. Moreover, all the ingredients are known: what freshness and composition.

Cooking time is mostly up to you and your dexterity. At the cost per serving, I write the average price, it will vary between 40 and 50 rubles (but it can be even cheaper). Still, it is twice as cheap as in a restaurant chain.
For a family snack, it is quite possible to cook this dish together with the children. Children will be interested in it, besides, it will also be very tasty.
Enjoy your meal!

Time for preparing: PT00H50M 50 min.

Estimated Serving Cost: RUB 45