Coffee bat. The world's most expensive coffee is made from the excrement of the luwak animal

17.08.2019 Fish dishes

Now money plays a big role in human life. I would even say that we spend most of our time looking for the most profitable business. Everyone is especially interested in the business that will bring money in a short time.

Most people think little about the ways to achieve wealth, and this sometimes brings problems. Any business is built not only on fast and cheap ways. Much depends on quality, and it cannot be achieved with readily available methods.

An incredible way to make money

In our modern age, we have learned to make money on everything, not only on large and small production. The availability of the Internet made it possible to earn even on pets. To sell absolutely everything, there would be a desire, but there will always be a buyer.

Returning to the topic of pets, not all owners keep them out of the kindness of their soul. Many people make money on them, you have often seen advertisements for the sale of puppies or kittens, a rare breed with an ancient pedigree. And how many such scammers are there among sellers.

The Internet greatly facilitated access to information, communication at a distance, but also made it possible for fraudulent schemes to flourish unhindered. Therefore, when buying something online, work only with trusted sites, protect yourself.

The latest innovative way to improve your financial situation at the expense of a pet is the maintenance of a musang, or better several. Ask who is this? Otherwise, it is called a luwak animal that produces.

I'm sure you're wondering what the little animal has to do with coffee production? Let's start in order.

Who is Luwak?

Musang is a small animal, dark gray in color with thick and coarse hair, with black stripes along the body. He loves warm tropical climates because he lives on palm trees. She has many names:

  • Malay marten;
  • Palm civet.

But most often she is known in the world as Luwak.

Places where animals live are:

  • Islands of Java and Borneo;
  • South.

They live on palm trees, and do not create flocks. They intersect with their relatives only during the mating season. Since males and females have testicular-shaped scent glands, it is sometimes said that these animals are hermaphrodites. For a long time, they were considered pests in their homeland.

Despite the fact that these mammals are omnivores, they eat a variety of foods:

  • Various fruits;
  • Small insects;
  • The bats;
  • Small birds and their eggs;
  • Also worms;
  • Small rodents like squirrels and their babies;
  • Snakes;
  • Lizards.

Luwak's favorite delicacy is coffee beans.

For some time they tried to exterminate them by all available means. The fact is that the animals lead an active life at night, and it is rather difficult to catch them. Making their way to coffee plantations, they choose only the most delicious and ripe beans. During the day, the animal sleeps, laying in an interweaving of vines and small branches.

Unfortunately, it is not known who this original was. The main thing is that, having tasted this coffee, gourmets found it the most amazing. The coffee taste is reminiscent of vanilla and chocolate, without being bitter.

In addition to the production of an expensive type of unusual coffee, musangs bring other benefits to people. By settling not far from people, in stables and other outbuildings, they help to get rid of small rodent pests. So these are quite pleasant neighbors, and even with the opportunity to earn money on them.

The scheme of production of the most expensive coffee

How does this unusual taste of coffee come about? According to the observations of scientists, coffee beans, passing through the intestines of luwaka, are processed by a special enzyme - "cebitin". Thanks to him, the bitterness that is inherent in coffee leaves, while leaving the rest of the special taste, plus vanilla complements it.

Under natural conditions, luwak, or in Latin paradoxurus hermaphroditus, produces only a few kilograms of such coffee per year. So residents and manufacturers make a lot of effort to carefully collect the resulting product and send it for further processing. That is why its cost starts from $ 400 to $ 1500.

Despite the fact that Kopi Luwak coffee is produced in such an unusual and perhaps even unpleasant way for many. Few people enjoyed watching the entire production and processing process.

Most people prefer not to think about where the coffee comes from, but simply enjoy the unusual taste of the final product. Hence the great popularity of coffee only all over the world. Therefore, many coffee companies try to produce it artificially.

Whole Luwak farms are kept in Asian countries

Only a captive animal of the civerrids family produces less aromatic and tasty coffee. After all, the food of the animal in captivity is different from the usual, it eats what is given, without choosing the best, as in freedom.

The closest in taste characteristics to wild is the Vietnamese coffee "Chon". This is all thanks to the technology of manual selection of coffee beans, only the best are fed to martens.

Some manufacturers tried to recreate rare coffee in laboratory conditions, but nothing came out synthetically processed with civet, and in the end did not give the desired result. Most likely, other enzymes found in the intestines of the little marten also affect coffee.

Unusual "manufacturer"

Wikipedia gives a detailed description of the animal's life. And below you can see a photo of this cute creature. Luwak is quickly tamed, even lives with people, on roofs or near growing trees. And you don't have to put him in a cage.

Earning thousands of dollars with an exotic animal

Recently, it has become popular to breed Luwak, many entrepreneurs earn hundreds of thousands of coffee martens. In content, this is not a whimsical creature, and omnivorous. Although he chooses only the best from food.

But if you want to get the best coffee in the end, then it is worth building the conditions closest to natural wild nature, then the demand will only increase.

The best part is that it is quite easy to breed musangs, the pregnancy in females is short only two months and it brings from two to four cubs. Therefore, it will not be difficult to develop an extensive production of exotic coffee. But if you want to be unmatched in your production, put more effort into creating comfortable conditions for the habitat of palm martens.

Interesting story

After living in other climatic conditions, their body is differently arranged, and it is not known what viruses they carry. And it is quite difficult to legally obtain permission to import such an animal. So many certificates and permits need to be collected that in the end many simply abandon the idea of \u200b\u200bestablishing such an animal.

Therefore, the smuggling business is so flourishing. People do not understand that getting a crocodile without knowing how to keep it can result in a lot of problems. It was just such problems that my friend got, who decided to bypass the law to buy an exotic kitty, to be more precise, a “Velvet wild cat”.

But they brought her a completely different animal. Instead of the chosen little cat, she was delivered "Bornean cat", it turned out later. In general, she paid a decent amount of money for this fluffy miracle.

Problems started literally in a couple of days

How to care for her was not really explained to her, and on the Internet she was looking for information about a completely different kind of feline. And no one explained to her that both the owner and the animal needed to be vaccinated against various infections, most of which are transmitted through a bite or cut from the claws.

Believe me, wild cats are different from domestic cats, especially those that were forcibly pulled out of their familiar environment and were not tamed to humans. So my friend suffered from her lack of information.

This story ended rather sadly, firstly, the animal got sick due to improper care. Secondly, his mistress became seriously ill with a severe fever due to a cut on her arm left by a wild cat.

Of course, they managed to cure both of them, but after being discharged from the hospital, the acquaintance was dragged to various authorities for a long time and was fined a serious amount for illegal import of an animal.

I can say one thing: you shouldn't chase the exotic, the result may not please you

If you admire wild animals so much, then go to the zoo or visit the tourist Safari, where you can safely enjoy the wild nature.

Hope my advice helps you. Thanks to all my subscribers, your opinion is important to me, so write your questions, I will be happy to answer them. Share useful interesting articles with your friends and subscribe to. See you.

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Every day on our planet, people consume over two billion cups of coffee. Therefore, this drink can rightfully be called a leader among others sold in stores. And it gained popularity not only because it has a noble aroma and taste, but also because today there are many recipes and methods for its preparation. True coffee lovers are ready to spend a lot of money and purchase elite varieties. And the fact that they end up paying several hundred dollars for one hundred grams of the divine drink does not stop them at all. In this article, we will tell you what is the most expensive coffee in the world.

Even despite the fact that coffee does not grow everywhere on our planet, its harvest directly depends on weather conditions, and coffee plantings are vulnerable, the prices for its beans are only going up. Especially when it comes to a decent product of good quality. What is the most expensive coffee in the world?

Surely, if you type in the phrase "what is the most expensive type of coffee in the world?", You will see the answer that it is the Indonesian Kopi Luwak. Yes, it is really popular on our planet, and gained increased demand after it was named the most expensive in the film with Robert De Niro. But the reality is completely different, and we will prove it to you.

The most expensive coffee in the world, the price of which today is up to 85 thousand rubles per kilogram of beans, is the Black Ivory variety from Thailand. It is he who takes the lead in our list. It is produced in Thailand, according to a special method, which makes it truly divine and extremely tasty.

If we compare it with the Kopi Luvak variety, then the cost of the latter ranges from 23 to 35 thousand rubles per kilogram of coffee.

The most expensive coffee in the world and features of its production

The most expensive coffee in the world - what are the features of its production? Surely you want to know the answer to this question, as well as why some fans are willing to give a fabulous sum for it.

It goes without saying that such a high price for grains must be justified. What is the secret of making Black Ivory coffee?

  • The coffee farm that makes the most expensive coffee in the world, called Black Ivory Coffee, is located on the border with Laos, in the north of Thailand. Its owner is Blake Dinkin, a Canadian.
  • Here grow trees of the Thai Arabica species, which are suitable for a warm and humid climate.
  • Not only people work on the farm, but also four-legged helpers, elephants. It was they who took on the shoulders of the most important and responsible part of the work.
  • After ripening, the coffee berries are harvested. After that, they are fed to animals. Further, there is a partial fermentation of the fruit in the digestive tract of the elephant, and their output in a natural way.
  • The berries are picked, washed, dried and processed. At the exit you can see beans, the most expensive coffee in the world - Blake Ivory.

This type of coffee is surprisingly soft in taste. While the beans are fermented in the elephant's stomach, the bitterness familiar to other coffees completely evaporates. Thanks to this, while drinking the drink, you will get the opportunity to enjoy a bright and rich coffee bouquet, which contains notes of fruits, sweet caramel and spices with the aroma of flowers. This taste is considered the most ideal today, and it is absolutely impossible to achieve it in natural conditions.

The most expensive coffee in the world is so expensive not only because it undergoes special processing during production, but also because it comes to the coffee market in small quantities, and is considered rare. To get one kilogram of fermented grain, farmers have to feed an elephant about thirty kilograms of coffee berries. Therefore, only 300 to 400 kilograms of coffee can be produced here per year.

It is very difficult to find a real grade of such a product on the territory of the Russian Federation. According to official data, it is distributed only in hotels of the Anantara chain and in the reserve of the same name. All points of sale are located in Thailand. There, the price of such grains per kilogram reaches $ 1,100. It is much easier to buy such coffee to order; it is very rare in coffee boutiques in Russia. Now you know how much the most expensive coffee costs.

The owner of the farm donates eight percent of the profits to a special fund for the protection of elephants.

The most expensive coffee in the world - the top five

Black Tusk is a unique, rare and most expensive coffee in the world. It is very difficult to find it, let alone buy it. Counterfeits are more common on store shelves.

Want to know more about what is the most expensive coffee in the world after the above? Explore our list of the most elite varieties that can actually be purchased in our country. So, here are the five most expensive products, ranked as their cost increases.

Geisha coffee (Geisha)

Its price varies between 10-11 thousand rubles per thousand grams of fried product. The history of the origin of this variety is quite interesting, until now no one can say with certainty where it came from. According to some researchers, the seedlings of the plant were brought from Ethiopia, from the village of Geisha, due to which coffee is called that. But in modern Ethiopia, such a variety was never found.

Geisha began to actively gain popularity among coffee lovers in the twentieth century. It was then that farmers in South America decided that this variety is resistant to rust, which, at that moment, was the enemy of any coffee tree. But hopes were not justified, plus the plant turned out to be extremely capricious and did not intend to adapt to the climate of the plains at all. Therefore, their selection was stopped.

In 2003, the owner of the Panamanian coffee farm Hacienda La Esmeralda found several trees of the described variety on his land, and in the same year he won a prestigious coffee competition with these beans. Rumor has it that one of the experts tasted the prepared drink and found it divine, exclaiming "God in cup!"

After that, the victorious Geisha began to parade majestically around the world. This coffee differs from others in its pure and expressive bouquet, in which you can feel interspersed notes of citrus, lime, berries and lychee flowers. The drink has a soft enveloping taste and leaves a delicate, long aftertaste.

This type of coffee is grown not only in Panama. Today there are several Geisha plantations. The most expensive grains are Hacienda La Esmeralda, costing from 11-12 thousand rubles per kilogram. It can be found on store shelves under the name La Esmeralda.

You can also purchase a counterpart from Costa Rica. It is sold on the shelves under the TM Geisha, and costs up to 10,000 rubles per kilogram.

Although Geisha is not the most expensive coffee in the world, it is the winner of various competitions and has gone down in the history of coffee discoveries in the twenty-first century.

Jamaican Blue Mauntain Coffee

This coffee is called JBM for short. Its cost reaches 27 thousand rubles. for one kilogram of roasted grain.

The coffee plantation on which the plant is grown is located in the very center of Java, on the slopes of the mountain range. Its main peak is known as the Blue Mountain, which is where the name of the variety comes from.

Due to the fact that this area combines a special set of climatic factors, such as: height above the sea, soil composition and sea breeze, the coffee turns out to be extremely tasty. Its bouquet is considered the most exquisite on the planet. It combines three flavors: bitterness, sourness and sweetness. As for the aftertaste, it is famous for its long, nutty notes. In the bouquet you will feel the aroma of ripe nectarines.

Producers of the variety consider it very important that it has a stable quality. This is due to the constancy of the climate, the absence of a sharp drop in temperature and atmospheric pressure. As a result, it is possible to obtain grain with the planned flavor characteristics.

Jamaican Blue Mauntain is grown in limited quantities, the total mass of coffee beans is fifteen tons per year.

Be careful when purchasing this type of coffee. There are several other regions on the planet where it is also grown. But there are no such unique natural conditions as on the island of Java, and therefore, the flavoring bouquet of this product is completely different.

Remember that a genuine product is always accompanied by a special certificate of conformity issued by the Government of Jamaica to the purchaser.

In addition, original coffee is delivered to the coffee market not in bags, but in special barrels. The Jamaican drink is one of the most delicious, although it is not the most expensive coffee in the world.

Brazilian variety Jacques Bird

The cost of this coffee ranges from 28 to 30 thousand rubles per 1 kilogram of finished beans. The variety is rare and exotic, it grows in the south-eastern part of Brazil.

Since about the 60s of the last century, the coffee plantations at the Kamotsim Estate farm have been turned into sites for the recreation of the local natural landscape. Here trees are grown together with other forest and fruit species. Their care is carried out exclusively in organic ways.

Thanks to this, it was possible to achieve not only a high-quality restoration of the fertile soil layer, but also the development of local fauna. In this area, there is an active breeding of birds called Jacques. They are similar to Russian guinea fowls, even in plumage and color.

During the period when coffee berries ripen, birds willingly eat them, leaving some trees without fruit at all. At first, these birds were viewed as pests, and were considered arrogant invaders.

The current owner of the farm decided to approach the problem from a different angle. Now the birds have lost their status as pests, and have become collectors of precious berries. The bottom line is that birds digest the pulp, and the grains are removed naturally. Then the owner of the plantation collects them, rinses and dries them.

Jacques Bird has a very distinctive nutty flavor combined with a hint of rye bread. Drinking it, you will experience exotic notes of fruit and a pleasant scent of molasses. This type of coffee is considered one of the rarest, and therefore costs a lot of money. The plantations produce no more than two tons of grains per year.

Coffee Bat, Costa Rica

The cost of such coffee ranges from 30 to 32 thousand rubles per 1 kilogram of finished beans. It grows in the Southeast of Costa Rica, in the highlands. The production is carried out by a coffee farm called Cofea Deversa. Its owner calls his wealth a coffee garden.

The peculiarity of the area lies in the fact that a population of bats lives next to it. From generation to generation, she flies to the plantation to taste the ripe coffee berries.

In fact, the animal is not able to swallow a whole berry. He just bites the skin and sucks out the sweetest pulp. As a result, the trees are decorated with grains in the shell. They dry out on the branches, in natural conditions, for several days, then they are removed, cleaned and dried again. So it turns out a unique, although not the most expensive coffee in the world, called the Bat.

Due to the fact that two methods of drying are used in the production of coffee, dry and wet, and the beans are selected most accurately, it turns out to achieve an amazing, unique taste. The fact is that bats have very sensitive olfactory and sensory apparatus, and therefore they enjoy only the best fruits.

In the bouquet of this coffee you can feel the sweetish notes of nectarine and coconut milk, as well as the aroma of amazing spices. The multi-layered aftertaste has an accent of chocolate, nuts and exotic hints of fruit.

In just a year, about several hundred kilograms of this coffee are collected.

Indonesian variety Kopi Luwak

The cost of such coffee reaches 35 thousand rubles per kilogram of roasted grain. This variety is considered to be partially fermented. The fermentation process takes place in the digestive tract of the civet. After the grain undergoes such a peculiar processing, its taste becomes soft and chocolatey, the taste of peanuts is slightly felt. The fermentation process includes lactic acid bacteria that break down the proteins of coffee beans, thereby removing the usual bitterness.

Coffee is produced in several regions of the planet. Plantations are found in the Philippines, India, China. The most popular is the Indonesian variety Kopi Luwak, which grows in Java, Sulawesi and Sumatra.

You get Kopi Luwak in two ways. On special plantations where civets are kept, feeding them plucked coffee berries, or in the wild, in which the animals themselves choose what to eat.

The price of grains depends on where they were grown and how they were obtained. The most expensive is the wild type of coffee, which is of Indonesian origin. Small lots of one hundred grams will cost you a little more than a kilogram package.

Farmer Indonesian Kopi Luwak costs an order of magnitude cheaper, its price ranges from 23 to 25 thousand per kilogram of roasted grain. If the variety is grown not in Indonesia, but on a farm, you can buy it from 20,000 rubles per kilogram, but you will hardly find it cheaper. By the way, you can drink the most expensive coffee in the world with excellent!

Kopi Luwak is the most expensive coffee in the world, but not in general on the planet, but among those varieties that are available commercially.

The small animal luwak, also known as the musang or palm civet, belongs to the civet family. are the main habitat of the Musang, but the area of \u200b\u200btheir settlement is quite diverse. The main area of \u200b\u200bdistribution of luwaks is Africa, South and Southeast Asia, including the Philippines and Indonesia. An animal luwak with a body weight of 1 to 15 kg looks like a marten or a ferret, its body length varies from 30 cm to 1 meter. Luwaks are active mainly at night. Often, the animal luwak is the target of hunters who want to get not only the valuable civet fur, but also edible meat.


The animal luwak lives on trees and is a small predator, but the basis of its nutrition is not only meat, but also various insects, as well as fruits, nuts and other plant components, including coffee beans. Musangis carefully select the most ripe and undamaged coffee fruits for their scent, which allows them to find aromatic and tasty coffee beans.

Production of elite coffee

The animal luwak eats coffee beans in such quantities that it cannot digest them. When coffee beans enter the body of luwak, they ferment, which subsequently affects the taste of the beans. In the stomach of the animal, the process of digestion of the pulp of the coffee fruit takes place, and the coffee seeds are excreted naturally, taking on a slightly altered appearance. They are collected, thoroughly cleaned and washed from luvak droppings. After that, the workers of the coffee plantation dry the coffee beans in the sun - so they are lightly roasted. After such actions, the sale of coffee begins, which often depicts a luwak - an animal that "produces" an elite product.

Studies show that such coffee is safe for consumers, since after careful processing of the beans, pathogenic bacteria are practically absent in them, and subsequent roasting of the beans kills the rest.

The production of such coffee requires a lot of manual work, takes a lot of time and effort, so it turns out little. The rarity and high cost of coffee is a consequence of the destruction of the natural habitat of luvaks, which causes a decrease in their number.

Until some time, palm civets were considered dangerous pests that ate all ripe fruits, so they were exterminated by Indonesian farmers. However, as it turned out, in vain, since with the help of these small animals you can earn a lot of money in the production of elite coffee called "Kopi Luwak", which has become the most expensive today.

A bit of history

When Indonesia was the colonial possession of Holland, more and more taxes were demanded from local farmers in the form of coffee beans, which were highly valued by the local population. Then Indonesian farmers noticed that coffee beans from musang excrement were practically indigestible, so they began to thoroughly clean them and ship them to the Netherlands. However, coffee from these beans turned out to be so aromatic and tasty that it began to gain popularity outside Indonesia. This is how the original technology for the production of Kopi Luwak coffee, which today is considered the rarest and most unusual, was born. Many coffee lovers refer to it as an aromatic drink that has a caramel flavor with a chocolate hue. Whether to taste this coffee or not is up to you!

Luwak coffee is the most expensive and original coffee in the world. Such a drink is considered popular in Indonesia, and it is made on the islands of Java, Sulawesi and Sumatra. If you translate the name of this coffee literally, it means luwak coffee.

Luwak is such a predatory animal that loves to feast on ripe coffee berries. He loves these grains so much that he often overeats and most of the grains immediately enter the gastrointestinal tract, practically unchanged, only slightly processed with digestive enzymes.

The same animal boosted the economy of the islands well. Until recently, local residents sold ordinary coffee, which was not of very good quality, so their incomes were small. And also this luwak, which devoured all the coffee and was caught in order to exterminate it. One planter came up with a different method, to wash the grains that have passed through the animal's digestive system. This coffee has won the attention of gourmets, so the luwak has suddenly become appreciated by local planters.

The reason for the fame and popularity

At first, luwak coffee was appreciated in Japan, but after a while it spread throughout the world, despite the high price (400 euros per kilogram). Some people think that luwak coffee is popular for its caramel-chocolate flavor, but others believe that it is because of the origin of these beans.

Luwak coffee is the rarest and most expensive coffee in the world. This drink is supplied only from Indonesia and is the rarest and most original drink. Why is it rare? Because every year it is harvested in the world no more than 250 kg. And for its noble and unusual taste, this coffee is known for its unusual collection and unusual way of grain fermentation. As for the animal itself, the luwak is a small predatory animal that loves only the most ripe and. Until some time, the luwak was considered a pest, until they realized that it was possible to earn a lot of money on it. Luwak coffee is obtained, also has a chocolate smell and is a drink of the gods. The price of such a drink is high not only because Luwak coffee is very tasty, but also because its production is scanty.

Many start their own. Also, most people and natural coffee. But there are many varieties of them. What is the most expensive coffee drink? Luwak coffee, of course. For this coffee, coffee lovers all over the world give a lot of money.

Where do they produce

It grows, as already mentioned, in the islands of Sumatra, Java and Sulawesi. But it is not the growing zone that makes this drink so expensive, but the production technology. Only in this region lives a small predatory animal of the civerrids family. Until recently, such an animal was considered a pest that destroys the coffee crop and which was fought with all known methods. This animal feeds on coffee beans, and even worse, chooses the ripe and finest beans.

A little later, one person decided that it was possible to earn money on this pest. How did he do it? He saw that Luwak was consuming far more grains than it could over-etch. Thus, not over-pickled grains leave through the digestive system practically in their entirety, only processed with enzymes. These coffee beans come out of the animal naturally.

Now it is no longer known who was the first to taste Luwak coffee, but those who drink it claim that the coffee has a very unusual and amazing taste. The aroma of the drink after such processing is further enhanced. Due to the abundant leaching, the luwak coffee tastes less bitter, since proteins are washed out with water.

Although the process of processing the grains is quite natural, no one has yet succeeded in doing everything artificially. Therefore, the inhabitants of Indonesia are trying to collect more waste products of the luwak, from which they prepare the most expensive and delicious drink.

Luwak coffee is a coffee that has no equal both in rarity and in price. A kilogram of these grains is equal to 320-400 dollars. The real name of this coffee is "Kopi Luwak", which means luwak coffee from Indonesian. Despite the origin of the beans, its producers claim that Luwak coffee meets all quality standards. This way of processing coffee turns out to be even more aromatic and tastier. The taste of the drink is enhanced, and this coffee also smells like chocolate and has a caramel hue.

Where to taste real Luwak coffee

In Russia, there is a specialized online store - luvak.rf, you can buy luvak coffee in it with delivery throughout the country. The quality is really high. The biggest lovers of Luwak coffee are the Japanese. It is to Japan that the largest amount of this drink is sent annually. Only recently, a small batch of such coffee made it to the United States, where it simply excited local coffee lovers and professionals in the coffee market. At first, everyone laughed a little at this coffee, and did not take it seriously. But then, having tried it once, we realized what a delicious and unusual coffee it was.

Real coffee lovers have definitely heard about Luwak coffee at least once in their lives. In articles about coffee, this name or even a type of coffee appears as the most refined, best, most expensive coffee in the world. There are many different opinions about this coffee, but whole legends go about the chocolate-vanilla taste of the drink, which is made with the help of small predatory animals that live in Indonesia and feed on the best coffee beans. Luwak coffee cannot be of poor quality, as Luwak selects only the best, aromatic, ripe coffee beans. He eats them in such quantities that the grains do not have time to be digested and leave through the digestive tract as a whole. And such fermentation of coffee beans only improves the taste, enhances the aroma and removes the bitterness.

On the island of Bali, if you go along the road, you can come across an inscription - coffee luwak, agritourism. As a rule, there is a cafe near the road where you can taste a cup of coffee, at the same time listening to the story about the animal with which this wonderful drink is produced. To see everything clearly, an aviary with a couple of luwak cubs can stand nearby. The narrator can mainly tell about these animals in many languages, although he may not know the languages \u200b\u200bat all. Just memorized phrases that he repeats many, many times. The business is built on the fact that a tourist came, tasted coffee, listened to a story, bought coffee and left. Some guides don't even bother with the details, they know they'll buy coffee anyway.

Some tourists refuse to taste coffee, but only want to see the animals themselves and the process of making such coffee. Cafe owners are often surprised at such requests, but still show and talk about luwaks.

At the very beginning of the production of luwak coffee, the animals lived in the forest and came only to eat the best and ripe coffee beans on the plantation. The plantation owners themselves simply picked up the coffee beans processed by the luwaks and cleaned them. At that time, beans were very expensive, since you can't tell wild luwak where to go and leave the processed coffee beans in the intestines. Therefore, people went around the plantation and looked for them, and it was very difficult to find them. There is one more thing - luwak from other fruits, coffee beans - this is the last thing that the animal collected when it wanted to eat.

How Luwak coffee is made now

Nowadays, luwak coffee is made on special farms, where the animals are kept in special cages. Farmers also earn money by catching these predatory animals. If they see a hole, they smoke it with the smoke of a luwak and then sell it to the farm.

A farm is a backyard where cages with adult luwaks are located. They are fed bananas in the morning and go to bed during the day. At this time, sacks of coffee berries are brought to the farm and after sleep they are given to the animals. In such no longer wild conditions, it is not clear whether Luwak chooses the most ripe and delicious berries. Of course, he can leave bad berries not eaten, but he probably does not select the most ripe ones. Therefore, the myth that luwak is only ripe and the best coffee berries remains only a fairy tale. When the luwak eats berries, he constantly, in the process of chewing, spits out the skins and the owners are obliged to carefully select these skins from the trays, that the luwak ate only berries. Basically, luwak eats up to a kilogram of coffee berries at a time. From this kilogram, only 50 g of green beans are obtained. Three or four people are involved in feeding the animals, who then pick processed grains from trays, clean them, wash them and dry them. And already late in the evening, the luvaks are fed with the main meal - rice with chicken.

The grains themselves are washed out after processing and manually cleaned from the film. They sell grain in bags. Europeans buy luwak coffee, who sell this drink in their homeland at $ 300 per kilogram.

On the farms, the luwaks are very closely watched. The cells are clean and odorless, they are constantly washed and cleaned. In Indonesia, keeping luwaks at home can be legal. There are no clandestine farms, so it is possible to keep them clean and tidy. The animals themselves are not tamed, like dogs, they do not go to the hands and no contact with them occurs. After processing and before sale, coffee is also sent to the laboratory for certification and heavy metals content.

As for the yield, it is only 6 months - from April to September. During the rest of the year, Luwaks are only looked after in anticipation of the next profitable period. In Indonesia itself, a kilogram of green beans is $ 77, and roasted beans are $ 160.

In Bali, it is not difficult to taste Luwaka coffee. Almost everywhere along the road there are tents where you can taste this drink for $ 3 a cup. You can also buy this coffee in supermarkets, for only $ 10 per 100 grams. But for some reason it is sold in the "wine" section.

Coffee is considered a very popular drink in the world. After oil, it is the best-selling commodity. The number of coffee lovers is over 3 billion people. An aromatic morning drink made from coffee beans has long been considered a recognized attribute of a successful person. According to statistical surveys, people drink more than 2.3 billion cups of this delicious drink every day.

Experts have compiled a list of the 10 most expensive coffees in the world, which in many countries are famous as an exquisite drink with an exceptional aroma and taste. Below are the top ten, which includes the most expensive coffee in the world. An exotic animal is involved in the production, the favorite coffee of the Popes is also among the best and most expensive coffee. Like the best varieties of Arabica, they are rare and sometimes unique.

10th place - Coffee Yauco Selecto АА, $ 24

Coffee Yauco Selecto АА

One of the rarest varieties of Grand Cru arabica. Its place of origin is the Jauco Mountains in the Cordillera. In the 19th and 20th centuries, this place is considered to be one of the best for growing coffee. The shape of the grains is just perfect. The taste of coffee with a nutty chocolate aroma resembles a pleasant, harmonious and unobtrusive sweet mixture of cream and chocolate with malt. And the spice aftertaste surpasses all expectations. This coffee is considered the popes' favorite drink.

9th place - Starbucks Rwanda Blue Bourbon, $ 24

This coffee first became known in 2004. Starbucks-Rwanda became the world pioneer. And now the locals are paying special attention to this variety. The pleasant sour taste of the drink with the taste of spices makes this coffee unique.

8th place - Kona Coffee (Hawaii), $ 34

The birthplace of this coffee is the slopes of the Gualalai and Mauna Loa volcanoes in the Kona region of the Big Island of Hawaii. Today it is the most popular expensive coffee in the world. Only in this region with its rare weather conditions can the beans of this unique coffee be grown.

7th place - Los Plains, $ 40

The taste of this coffee is unforgettable - the base fruity notes are complemented by a pleasant floral finish. Having tasted this coffee, it's hard to forget its sweet, light floral scent with hints of cocoa. In 2006, this expensive drink received the highest award in the Quality Cup, gaining almost 95 points out of 100 possible.

6th place - Blue Mountain, $ 49

The softness of the taste beckons fans of quality coffee from the Blue Mountains. This variety has a pleasant aroma and lack of bitterness. Today the Blue Mountain drink is one of the most popular in the world. Almost all coffee is exported to eastern countries; expensive grains are in particular demand in Japan - local residents highly value high-quality coffee.

5th place - Fazenda Santa Ains, $ 50

Fazenda Santa Ains

This Brazilian drink is considered one of the best in the world and the most expensive and quality coffee in Brazil. The chocolate-flavored citrus aroma is very popular in the northern hemisphere - the USA and Canada are the main consumers of this precious aromatic coffee. In 2006 it was recognized as one of the best coffees in the world.

4th place - El Inerto, $ 50

The homeland of coffee is Guatemala, where it has been grown for more than two centuries. Perhaps that is why this delicious and expensive drink has received many prestigious awards.

3rd place - Coffee from St. Helena Island, $ 79

Coffee has been grown on a small plot of St. Helena for over 250 years. The area where the grains grow is only 47 square meters. m. Coffee from this island is an environmentally friendly drink, since only natural fertilizers are used for its growth.

2nd place - Hacienda La Esmeralda, $ 104

Near Mount Baru in Western Panama grow coffee beans, which are harvested exclusively by hand. All coffee is checked for damage and defects, each grain is weighed. Coffee beans are lightly roasted, which gives them a light spicy aroma with a chocolate-fruity taste, which is very much in demand among coffee lovers.

Hacienda La Esmeralda is a multiple winner of international quality assessment competitions. Its price has increased dramatically over the past few years. Twice took second place in the competition in the category "Coffee of the Year" (2008, 2009). The place where the grains are grown is located at a height of 1.4 - 1.7 meters. The good ecology of the local region makes Esmeralda coffee safe for health and environmentally friendly product.

In the struggle for high quality coffee, farmers manually select the ripe beans during the harvest. The harvested grains are washed, sorted for several hours, and excess impurities are removed. After two-stage drying, optimum humidity (12%) and temperature of coffee beans (up to 38 degrees) are achieved. These are very important indicators that affect the taste and quality of the drink. The caring attitude of the producers made Panama coffee a winner of the TOP-10 most expensive coffee beverages in the world.

1st place - Kopi Luwak, $ 600

This coffee is considered the most expensive in the world. Its place of origin is Indonesia. The plantations where coffee is grown are located on the islands of Sulawesi, Java, Sumatra. Translated from Indonesian, Kopi Luwak translates as "coffee", the second word of the name is due to a small animal, in appearance it resembles a squirrel. It is Luwak (another name - civet) that helps the world's most expensive coffee to be born: by eating the beans of the coffee tree, they leave the animal's body undigested.

How is the most expensive coffee made?

After harvesting the coffee berries from the plantations, the farmers feed the civet with beans. When the beans leave the animal's gastrointestinal tract, the coffee is cleaned, dried and roasted. Then the coffee beans are sorted, the unsuitable ones are selected. The residue produces Indonesian coffee, which is famous for its pleasant aroma. Thanks to the enzymes found in the body of the civet, the coffee taste becomes very soft. The average cost of this coffee is from $ 200 to $ 600 per 400 grams.

Not everyone can try Kopi Luwak. Its production is limited - Indonesians can produce only 453.6 kg of this coffee annually. In European and American coffee shops, one cup of the drink starts at $ 35.