Fortune-telling moon meaning. How to read tea leaves? Figures of animals and other living things

28.10.2019 Fish dishes

It is imperative to brew your coffee properly. Well-ground coffee is mixed with sugar, poured over with cold water and brought to a boil over low heat, but not boiled. In this case, a layer of thick foam forms on top.

Shake the coffee residue along the bottom so that it covers the bottom. Tip the cup over onto the saucer, letting the coffee spread and predict your destiny. In a few minutes, when the water drains and only a semi-dry thick layer remains on the walls, fortune telling can begin.

Patterns " to myself"Is what it was; at the bottom of the cup - today; "From myself" - what will happen. If you look closely at the drawing of abstract lines, you will see images. But keep in mind that the symbolic interpretation of the drawings is an extremely individual matter, and each advisor who is guessing for another may have his own interpretation of the patterns.

The choice of the cup is also important. On white - coffee residues are better visible.

The prediction must be sent mentally to a person who is waiting for his destiny. The drawing may not always be recognizable, it is enough for the sediment to hint at it.

Intuition and imagination play an important role in prediction. Reading from a cup, there is no need to rush, study the full picture, giving more importance to those symbols that are clearer and clearer.

Often the outlines in the cup are blurry and shapeless, perhaps this is the influence of the person's condition.

Time - this is the place of sediment. If the pattern has formed close to the edge of the cup, it is given to you to see the events of the near future.

Cup handle - this is the house where you live. The proximity and distance from home depends on the position of the sediment in relation to the cup handle. The pattern to the left of the handle is past events or unused opportunities. Right - future or present, usually good, unless this side is covered with an obscure thick layer.

In what order to look into the cup:

1. First look at the edge of the cup towards the bottom towards the center.

2. From left to right horizontally.

3. Right to left horizontally.

4. Bottom and center.

The meaning of the symbols seen


The head of a man without a body - a young friend who has a beneficial effect on your destiny.

Face in profile - strong defense.

Two faces in a circle - imminent marriage.

Face in a circle - someone loves you.

Two faces separated by a line - divorce, betrayal in love.

Male head in crown - the help of high-ranking people. Success awaits you in the circle where you communicate. Cheerfulness, activity, perseverance in business. Favorable changes.

A male head with a beard and mustache in the center of the cup - profit in the house. Pleasant leisure and entertainment. Advantageous acquaintances.

Female head with high hairstyle - the desire to advance. One of your friends will help you with money, introduce you to useful people.

Head with long hair - a long road, a long journey.

Head drooping or head down - a serious illness.

Head with protruding ears - you are at a crossroads and must make a decision, but fate favors you.

Two heads turned towards each other - you love and are loved; a flower between two heads - a happy marriage.

Face with a long nose - your deeds and lifestyle will attract the attention of some envious person. He will try to harm you.

Face with a hunchback nose - do not lose vigilance, they want to set you up.

Face with a damaged nose - beware, troubles await you, serious financial losses are possible.


Man with animal - someone is trying to help you.

Young man- to separation.

Old woman - a strong and reliable love relationship.

Angel - speedy recovery, getting rid of misfortunes. You are protected by higher powers.

Mother of God - auspicious sign. Happy, serene times are coming. You are ready to help your friends both financially and with strength of mind, the disadvantaged and the weak will find your protection.

Rider- unexpected news, news, meeting. Receiving long-awaited information. Fluke. A rider holding a rod in his hand - diseases will bypass you, a surge of fresh strength awaits you. A rider with a sword - risky actions, an attempt to play roulette with fate. Others will try to prevent you, unreliable friends - substitute their legs, but the desire to win will help you succeed. A rider with a gun - quarrels, squabbles, provocations.

For the military - promotion. Rider with a flag - a successful career, a great future, good luck.

Devil- all kinds of troubles, illnesses, fate tests you, attraction to the forbidden, treason.

Girl- declaration of love, sincere love.

Crowned female figure sitting in a chair (royal personage) - changes for the better, profit, new profitable projects, profit, profitable purchases.

Woman in black scarf - funeral of loved ones, tears. There is a falling out between two human figures.

Woman holding vessel in hand - promotion, lucrative contracts, connections. For people of art, creativity - success in endeavors.

Woman holding a rod - you get a true friend.

Priestess - characterizes the feminine principle, which carries peace and harmony. Keeper of family happiness, protecting the warmth of the family hearth. Intuition, the gift of clairvoyance, internal energy that attracts people to itself, the ability to influence and control them. Achievements in work. For doctors - advances in medicine. The priestess holding the bright moon in her hand is a symbol of motherhood, the birth of a child. A priestess against a dark background holding a dark moon - for young women - difficult childbirth; for an older age - illness, for men - troubles with relatives.

The lady of the court - gossip, power struggle.

Female statue with a wreath on her head - freedom, salvation, peace.

The man in the dungeon - imprisonment in a state house, but friends and influential persons will help to find freedom.

Man wearing a robe - justice, moral principles. If you are principled in your judgments, then your actions will be appreciated. Excellent service career, material well-being. You will acquire contacts with a rich partner. A good lawyer can help you in legal matters.

Viking or any other warrior - success with someone's help, perhaps for the sake of success you will sacrifice a friend, go to treason. You will seize the initiative, try to outshine someone. Threatening Viking figure - morbid pride, outbursts of rage. Open enemies, quarrels, revenge.

Sage- you gush with new original ideas, agility, dexterity and ingenuity will help to achieve success. Extraordinary abilities will find their use and help to establish beneficial contacts. Soon your intellectual endeavors will pay off and begin to generate income, success in trading is possible. Sage on a dark background - "Do not be too strict and do not make yourself too wise: why should you destroy yourself?"

Man in a dark mask - news of a serious illness or death of loved ones.

A man with long arms - practical, mercantile attitude to life. Discretion, hard work, frugality. A strong position awaits you, good earnings.

Man with short arms - lazy, careless attitude to life. You try to live at someone else's expense, lead an idle lifestyle. Ill-earned money.

Body parts

Mouth - modesty, hard work; good friends on the sides of the cup; in the middle - good news.

Hand - disappointment.

Eyes - a change in life. Be careful in business, before accepting offers, research it very carefully. Sad eyes - despondency, sadness, loneliness. Unpleasant news. You are deprived of the opportunity to show your abilities, opportunities.

Big eyes - the patronage of the powerful. Good energy distribution. Ingenuity, dexterity.

Almond-shaped, elongated eyes - you are restrained in actions, conservative, secretive, do not like to let others into your secrets.


Stork - a lucky sign. Successful changes, peace in the family. Success in business, profitable acquisitions awaits you. The image on the bottom of the cup is imminent motherhood. Stork on the roof of a house - exchange of living space, purchase of an apartment, house, estate. Stork in the nest - success at work. Stork in flight - moving.

Raven - unhappiness in the house.

Crow- rash actions, despondency, troubles, illness. Problems due to rash words. A crow sitting on a tree devoid of foliage is a serious illness of relatives. A crow with open wings is a nuisance because of slander.

Sparrow- deals, negotiations, intense mental activity. A happy solution to many problems.

Dove - peace, harmony, a messenger of love, acquaintance with a future marriage partner. Two cooing doves - marriage, happy marital relationship.

Goose - good news from relatives and friends. Goose with spread wings - receiving a gift. A flock of geese - voluntary losses, barriers to the fulfillment of desires. But soon your losses will be reimbursed a hundredfold.

Thrush- funny arguments, sincere conversations, promising proposals. New acquaintances.

Woodpecker- perseverance in business, critical introspection. Promotion, promotion. A woodpecker gouging a hollow is persistence in overcoming difficulties. Endurance, success through personal qualities.

Crane- you are destined to live to old age, reach a high position, many will envy you, but in your soul you will be alone.

Canary - lover, if this sign is at the edge of the cup, then the lover is very close; canary in a clean place - love affair in the near future; at the bottom of the cup - a loved one in sorrow.

Chicken - a service to a stranger. Troubles, striving for home comfort.

Swallow- peace in the family, well-being in the house. All your wishes will come true.

Swan - favorable changes, luck, lover, do not forget to see if there is a letter nearby - the beginning of his name.

Eagle - victory after a hard struggle, good health, a surge of strength. High position in the intellectual and spiritual spheres, elevation through money, fame thanks to talents and professionalism. This sign at the bottom of the cup predicts the achievement of great heights, while on their own, without the help of friends.

Peacock - luxury, vanity, splendor. A peacock with an open tail in a clean place means the acquisition of an estate; a sign surrounded by dots promises a luxurious life. If there is a ring next to him, a rich marriage awaits you. The peacock symbol at the bottom of the cup, in a blurry environment, speaks of vanity, you pay too much attention to ostentatious luxury, which will sooner or later lead to disaster. The sign at the edge of the cup promises a holiday and success.

Parrot - scandal, quarrel, this sign brings trouble.

Cock - family harmony, well-being, new news. Rooster on a hill - happiness, marriage.

Rooster at the top of the cup - amazing, very good news. Rooster at the bottom of the cup - someone is trying to harm you. A rooster upside down is a dramatic change for the better.

Owl - a bad sign. If you are about to enter a new venture, then you will face failure, big losses and business problems if you do not take precautions. An owl at the bottom of the cup - disease and poverty; at the edge of the cup is a deception in love.

Duck - increased income, trade by water; duckling - your spouse is faithful to you.

Heron - unexpected support. Do not reject the help of influential persons, your future may depend on it.


Butterfly- indicates frivolity and innocent pleasures. The sign in the center of the cup - be on your guard and don't get too much fun; at the edge of the cup, a butterfly indicates pleasure, and if you are sincere and open, you will become a useful person in society. This symbol, surrounded by dots, portends a careless extravagance and, as a result, problems.

Ant- ingenuity, work, insight, frugality; anthill - you will have loyal and reliable friends.

Fly - great wealth, inheritance.

Wasp- enmity, hostility, insult, humiliating situation.

bug - troubles, illnesses.

Spider - cunning, secrecy, diplomacy, evasion. A spider in a clean place says that favor can be achieved with diplomacy and caution. At the bottom of the cup - you are too secretive, and it would be wise to ask for advice from a trusted person and not listen to the promises of a subtle flatterer. On the handle of the cup - there is someone secretly trying to undermine the honor of your family, at the edge of the cup - a sign of protection from those who try to set traps for careless and reckless people.

Scorpio- a period of struggle, disagreements. Potential trouble with friends. You will be more sensitive and irritable than ever. Don't be discouraged. This period is short, the streak of good luck will soon come. A dark scorpion next to a tree is a disagreement with relatives.

Bee- hard work, ingenuity, frugality. If the bee is visible on the handle of the cup - expect excitement in the house, social gatherings are possible, at the bottom of the cup - domestic troubles, a lot of work and disorder. At the edge of the cup - relaxation or social entertainment.


Deciphering the capabilities of an animal, one must take into account its capabilities and qualities inherent in it.

Squirrel- cunning, ingenuity, the desire to exalt oneself among others. The instinct of self-preservation. A squirrel on a tree is a manifestation of creativity, receiving a reward.

Bull- the appearance of profit, acquaintance with the opposite sex. Furious tank - incompatibility with a partner, petty grievances, jealousy, an accident caused by quarrels. Complication of relations with a person born in the year of the Ox. The bull at the top is profit, a well-paid job, at the bottom is good health.

Wolf - intrigue. A wolf means enmity and greed of envious people in business, the danger of being robbed.

Camel- wealth, thanks to endurance and endurance, overcomes life obstacles and will achieve great success. You will visit many countries. Fascinating and interesting travels await you.

The Dragon- pleasant changes, promotion, improvement of business, raising the emotional and living standards.

Hare- shyness, myopia, cowardice, melancholy. A hare in a clean place indicates that your interlocutor must have courage, since his modesty will lead to a fall. The sign at the bottom of the cup is a warning that your absent friend is in anxiety and needs help.

Kangaroo - be careful, people from your inner circle tend to use your name for personal gain. A kangaroo with a cub is guardianship, the desire to provide the future for their children. Self-sacrifice for the sake of loved ones.

Goat - well-being, improvement of material life, perseverance in achieving goals. Unexpected success, good luck in business. Surrounded by small curved lines - hectic life, constant discontent, dissatisfaction.

Cat- deceit, poverty and dirt, betrayal, but if a cat at rest is visible next to the handle at the edge of the cup - home comfort. Your conservative friends are silent about their deeds, plans, trying to find out yours. They are cunning, envious, trying to gain trust. You should take a closer look at your surroundings, otherwise troubles will occur in the near future, large losses are possible.

Crocodile - danger, violence, serious illness.

Rat - gossip, nervousness, conflicts, interference in your life. A rat near a man in a mantle - troubles with the law, bullying, long-unresolved court cases, loss in court.

a lion - energetic activity, the opportunity to rise above the vicissitudes of fate, reasonable organization of business, patronage of influential and dignitaries. A lion with a proudly raised head in the middle of the cup is a victory over oneself, achieving popularity, fame, and a high position. Life in comfort, material well-being.

Horse- you will take up work that will bring moral, intellectual satisfaction. Success in sports. Financial profit.

Fox - losses, theft, treachery, selfish friends, lies, robbery, cunning, deception. A fox for the length of a cup someone wants to offend you, but he fails. A fox surrounded by human figures or faces - you are surrounded by envious, greedy people, do not trust them.

Bear - difficult life; a hazard that can be eliminated. The bear below is great happiness; above - beware of failure. A trip to foreign countries, unrealistic projects, danger due to stupidity, meeting with obstacles created by some brute force.

A monkey- in the center of the cup - deception, bragging on the part of a partner, friends. The threat of a major scandal. Revenge, struggle, fits of rage. Dissatisfaction with work, careerism. Whims and resentments of the opposite sex. Marital problems.

Deer - honesty and intelligence, you will enjoy success, proud, but good-natured, overcome all the obstacles that stand in your way. Caring for a marriage partner, a loved one, a secured family life.

Donkey- patience, satisfaction. At the edge of the cup is a good sign of success and happiness. In the middle of the cup is satisfaction. At the bottom of the cup is patience, perseverance, perseverance, overcoming all difficulties.

Elephant- strength and condition, power, recognition of personality, reward for work, long life.

Dog- unexpected happiness, success will come to you. A friend will appear you can rely on. Attachment to a craft, profession. You will devote a lot of time to your work. Several dots in the shape of a dog's head are a good friend, if there is a letter next to the head - this means news from a friend with a name in this letter.


Snake - secret enemies, cunning, vicious attacks, meanness. A snake coiled into a ring - there is no freedom of action, dependence on people who suppress any aspirations.

Several snakes - secret enemies become apparent. Envy and hatred turns friends into enemies. You should not be frank and trust anyone. Count on yourself only.

Frog - you are being watched, followed, collecting information about your personal life. The big dark frog is a natural disaster. A croaking frog is a sign of happiness, good luck and great love, good news. Frog on the top - fall in love with a rich widow or widower; near the road - someone will come from afar and will be useful to you; near the cell - getting rid of a serious illness.

Lizard- surprise, speed and agility in the implementation of necessary matters. Luck and success will be with you. You will live the rest of your life in communion with nature and the earth.

Turtle- a long journey, a long, secure life.

Inhabitants of the sea

Shark - a dangerous enemy, illness, misfortune.

Cancer- excessive, sensitive perception of surrounding events. Nice trip, but with excitement.

Fish- material well-being, profit, gain. Big fish - big events, big deal.

Trees and shrubs

Wood - a symbol of good health, prosperity, exaltation. The power of creative thought, public recognition, support.

Tree with branches down - loss of strength, headaches, weakness. Delay in business.

Tree without leaves, dry - troubles with relatives, illness, failure.

Broken tree - losses, mental suffering.

Oak- victory over the enemy, your health will recover, vitality will appear, a surge of strength, wishes will come true.

Spruce- disposition to longevity. Knowledge and experience gained over the years. Achieving what you want.

Willow - sadness, tears, melancholy.

Bush - failure in business, unpleasant surprises, unforeseen obstacles.

Forest- a mistake on the path of life.

Leaves - good luck in business, help from others, profit.

Walnut - a person will enjoy authority and respect, although he will not always be loved.

Apple tree - life will be in full swing, many interesting events, adventures.


Lily - hope, passion.

rose flower- love, infatuation, betrothal. A wreath of roses - glory, honor.

Tulip - good news, joy.

Violet - a rich marriage.

Chrysanthemum - late love.

Lines and circles

Two parallel straight lines - trip for a long time.

Two parallel short lines - a trip for a short period of time.

Straight long line - happiness, carefree life, longevity, good health.

Many straight lines - health and longevity.

Oblique line - disease.

Many curved lines - you are surrounded by enemies who want to hurt you.

Many short lines - Difficulties in business, and not dependent on the person himself.

Wavy or continuous linelocated in the district all over the cup is a long trip abroad.

Many oblique lines - your affairs are unimportant, be vigilant and careful.

Broken, broken lines - obstacles, financial problems.

Mugs - betrothal, children.

Points- good omen, cash gain, good deal.

Dark circle - illness, trouble.

Many circles connected to each other, large family, birth of a child.

Straight lines, and between them a point - the beginning of new business, there will be a choice.


Car - to the road.

Harp- important events in life, ceremonies, receptions.

Dome tower - good luck, success in business, stability.

Dish - surprise, amazing discovery.

Bottle- crash, alcoholism, troubles.

Vase - regret, sadness.

Mitten- old love.

Bike - a difficult journey.

Libra - poise, harmony in family relationships, restoration of justice. Overweight - loss of strength, monetary troubles.

Fork - wealth, a life of luxury.

Coffin - sadness, sorrow, grief. The coffin with the cross is the news of death. The coffin downstairs by the bed is a serious illness.

Door- success in a new venture.

House - with a beautiful roof - family happiness. A house next to the circle - to purchase your own home. A house at the top is a turnaround for the better. Little house - need, tightness. There are black dots around the house - money, profit, security.

A toy - disappointment, empty promises, frivolous approaches to solving important issues.

Castle- bad luck, obstacles, delay in the implementation of the plans.

Star - a favorable period in life, good luck in business, love, longevity.

Kalach - joy, luck, unexpected profit.

Hood- sea travel, illness. A man in a hood near a boat or in it is the danger of a storm, sea travel.

Coach - a carriage with horses - a successful journey, a manifestation of activity, a breakthrough, overcoming obstacles. A carriage without horses - a streak of failures, stagnation, obstacles in business, an unsuccessful journey.

Trap - troubles, losses, violence, accidents, conclusion.

Bell - unpleasant news, alarming events.

Stroller - long-awaited pregnancy, childbirth. An inverted stroller - empty hopes, troubles for children.

Ship - open spaces of the unknown open before a person, new chances, the creation of favors. Characterizes movement, change, movement.

Ship with a mast - promotion, improvement, achievement of goals, receiving an award. In bad terms, it symbolizes anger, disappointment, empty hopes, promises. There is no constancy, stability, obstacles for reasons independent of a person.

Key - disappointment.

Wheel - adventure.

Box - joy, success.

Cross- symbolizes fate, relationships with other people, a sign of karma, debt.

Big cross on the mountain - a person will engage in self-realization, self-improvement, development of abilities. He will receive satisfaction from his own business, creativity. Firm service to ideals, ideas. Achievement of goals, elevation. The correct cross, similar to the Orthodox one, is a happy fate, unexpected help, social uplift. Two winding lines parallel to each other, leading to the dais, on which the correct cross stands - some obstacles in achievement await a person, but fate will not leave him, he will reach heights and be happy. Cross near the face - you will meet a person with whom you will be connected all your life.

Oblique cross - defenselessness, vulnerability, limitation of freedom, a person himself is not able to come to the right decision, arrange his life the way he wants. An oblique cross near the kite - failures, dangerous enemies, a manifestation of violence, the danger of injury.

Doll - refusal of responsibility, the desire for a carefree life, the desire to arrange things by others.

Lamp- perseverance, perseverance, a person will prove himself in some area. A lamp with a shade - the desire to retire, hide from other people.

Stairs - new life, all kinds of changes, global processes, the ability to transform situations, overcoming obstacles.

A boat - travel, the opportunity to escape, change the place of residence, work.

With poor performance - doom, loss of home, wandering, emigration.

Shovel - at the top of the cup - finding the lost. A shovel in the hands of a woman is an inheritance. Shovel near a cross or square - the news of the loss of a loved one.

The spoon- gastrointestinal diseases, danger of poisoning.

Bow and arrow - sure success with recognition, social uplift. Fate develops for a person in such a way that he can change his position, correct mistakes, restore health, create a family. This sign symbolizes recovery, balance, achievement of a high position, a person finds himself in life.

Mask - false friends, deception, hypocrisy, pretense, superficial friendship.

Pendulum- a manifestation of inconsistency, negligence. Search for new adventures. Without completing one thing, you take on another. Enmity, jealousy, intrigue. Restless life.

Medallion - affection, love for many years, worship of an idol. Family comfort.

Broom- conflict, quarrel with friends, discord in the family. Bad publicity, libel.

Sword- a manifestation of willpower, power, victory. Poor performance is a danger.

Bag - restoration of health, strength. Wealth, successful commerce, well-paid work.

Bridge - life's failures and troubles are left behind, there is help and support from friends ahead. For the sick - a return to life. The person will follow the intended path and achieve the desired goal.

Handcuffs- conflicts with the law, the danger of imprisonment.

Knife - decisive action, entrepreneurial spirit, a person takes the initiative into his own hands. Pressuring, insistent demands. Finding ways to implement plans. With poor indicators - danger, surgical interventions. The desire to suppress, subjugate, blackmail.

Scissors - practicality, doing useful, necessary things. Dexterity in work, independent paving of life paths. With bad indicators - a break in relations, all kinds of obstacles.

Footwear - meeting, danger.

Weapon - to a quarrel.

Isle - change of place of residence. An island with trees is a favorable change accompanying material wealth and success in business.

Glasses - suspicion, increased interest in the life and affairs of other people.

Monument- observance of traditions, inheritance.

Folder with papers - good, successful plans.

A loop- the danger of violent death, secret obstacles.

Pyramid- promotion, victory over oneself, overcoming fears, difficulties, a way out will be found from any dangerous situation.

Dishes - a sudden meeting.

Airplane - rise, new projects. In a clean place - elevation, promotion.

Near the handle of the cup - new projects. At the bottom - unsuccessful projects.

Crashed plane - to trouble. Smudged outlines surrounded by spots - danger, loss of position, many obstacles. If there is Auspicious sign - anchor or horseshoe, - a chance to overcome obstacles with perseverance and perseverance.

Candle - a happy accident that changes life. Material well-being, marriage, union.

Table - intellectual activity. Success in writing and research. Release of the long-awaited book, magazine.

Chair - greatness and a sign of success, promotion, getting a profitable place, inheritance.

Ax - danger, injury, illness.

Trident - a manifestation of activity, strong will, firmness of character. The desire to create, to create. You will resist life's problems, achieve honor, power.

Trumpet - meetings, gatherings, news of hostilities, disasters.

Lattice - obstacles, disasters, illnesses, the danger of imprisonment.

Torch - the news of death.

Flag - a symbol of victory, fulfillment of desire, achievement of a goal.

Church - improvement in family life, family creation. Revival period, good start. Spiritual and material satisfaction. Acquaintance with the clergyman. Connection with religion, purification, consolation, way out of difficulties.

Suitcase - luck in business, very soon you will receive financial profit. Successful trip, rest. Near the face - be careful, you may be robbed on the way.

Hat - big honor.

Shield- protection, getting rid of enemies strong and hating. Salvation from disasters.

Anchor - travel, rest. At the bottom of the cup is success on the water. At the edge of the cup is constant love.

In the middle of the cup, surrounded by dots, is a journey that brings success, successful business and commerce, money on the water. Anchor with links at the top - well-deserved rest, abundance. A sign in a blurry environment, incomprehensible lines around it - dangerous enterprises, distant success.

Geometric figures

Triangle - unexpected luck.

Open triangle - you are safe.

Two touching triangles - your position is unstable.

Three intersecting triangles - good luck in love, success with women.

Quadrangle - unexpected luck, success in love.

Regular quadrangle (square) is the best sign. Your life will be happy and well-off, and big profits are expected.

Star- freedom, release from unnecessary attachments.

A circle - pleasant environment.

Oval- to marriage. Many oval mounds - good luck in business.


1 - you are loved.

2 - failure, illness.

3 - a good deal.

4 - hope for luck.

5 - gossip, empty talk.

6 - marriage.

7 - family happiness, success in love.

8 - a quarrel with a loved one.

9 - Meeting new people.

10 - luck, you're in luck.

100 - happy life.


AND - to victory over enemies.

B - to power.

IN- Unfortunately.

D - put a candle to St. George.

D - to a loss.

E - you feel remorse.

TO - buy a cross.

H- to anxiety, anxiety.

P - to deception.

R - for a drink.

FROM - to acquaintance.

X - to marriage.

YU - anxieties and fears.

I - a change for the better.

Fortune-telling on coffee grounds - stands in one of the first places among fortune-telling among those people who like the unknown. The method consists in the correct identification of the symbols that form the thick, and then correctly interpret them. For accurate fortune-telling on the coffee grounds, you should use natural strong ground coffee. In order to obtain the required consistency, coffee should be mixed in a certain proportion. To prepare one cup, you will need coarse and finely ground coffee. Two large spoons of coffee of the first kind, and one spoon of the second.

First of all, you need to accurately determine the question. To brew thick coffee, take a white cup, on which there are no patterns. It will take about five minutes for the coffee to cool down. After that, the coffee mixture must be drunk. It is necessary to calculate so that the coffee grounds remain in the cup, about a tablespoon.

For those who decide to tell fortunes on the thick, you need to take a cup of coffee with your left hand, focus all your thoughts on the question, the answer to which is very interesting, and with the cup perform three movements in a circle in the direction of the clockwise movement. When rotating, you need to make sure that the thick reaches the edge of the cup. This is done to evenly distribute coffee sediment on the walls of the cup. Then, after the circular motions have been made, the cup is quickly turned over on a saucer that has been prepared in advance. Then you need to count to seven and raise the cup. After that, you can calmly and leisurely study the shapes and stains that remained on the walls of the cup.

The same thick that remained on the saucer shows the events that happened in the past. Those stains that remain in the cup speak of the future. The thick, which is located not on the edge of the dish, but closer to the center, predicts events that will occur in the distant future. The spots that form from the thicket should be studied according to certain rules: first from left to right, then - vice versa, then - symbols on the bottom, and then - from the edge of the wall to the center.

The meaning of coffee grounds as lines

  • Long straight line - says that life is being lived careless and useless;
  • Oblique line - the onset of the disease;
  • Many oblique lines - unsuccessful endings;
  • There are many broken lines - the possibility of a difficult financial situation;
  • A short and long straight line is the onset of happiness;
  • There is a separate line in the middle of the bottom of the cup - the possibility of a good trip;
  • There are many straight lines - many years of healthy life;
  • Oblique line - the possibility of illness;
  • A straight line bends - the appearance of illness or adventure;
  • Curved line - the presence of an enemy with whom you should not have a close relationship;
  • There are many curved lines - the presence of a large number of enemies with evil intentions;
  • Wavy line - making a circuit trip;
  • The line is crossed by other lines, curved lines - the heart can be broken.

The meaning of coffee grounds in the form of digital signs

  • 0 - You are under the protection of a lucky star since childhood;
  • 1 - You will occupy someone's heart and thoughts;
  • 2 - there will be many diseases in the future;
  • 3 - making a profitable deal;
  • 4 - no need to indulge hopes;
  • 5 - you should beware of gossip;
  • 6 - problems with marriage;
  • 7 - the family will be happy;
  • 8 - a quarrel with one of the relatives;
  • 9 - a pleasant acquaintance awaits in the future;
  • 10 - life will be happy;
  • 101 - life will be long and of high quality.

The meaning of coffee grounds in the form of letter characters

  • A - you will win;
  • B - you will be empowered;
  • B - the arrival of grief;
  • D - you need to put a candle of St. George;
  • D - financial problems;
  • E - the conscience will remain clear;
  • F - conspiracies are woven around;
  • Z - life will be full of entertainment and pleasure;
  • And - after rash actions, consequences are possible;
  • K - before the upcoming tests, you should buy a cross;
  • L - there will be love and great happiness;
  • M - life will pass in abundance;
  • N - you have to worry;
  • O - to go on a journey;
  • P - beware of insincerity;
  • R - you prefer to drink;
  • S - you will have to argue;
  • T - there are many acquaintances ahead;
  • U - you will quarrel;
  • F - hope must remain;
  • X - a wedding is coming up in the near future;
  • C - the career will start growing soon;
  • H - a loved one will pass away;
  • Ш - after a quarrel, there is peace;
  • B - have to flirt;
  • Kommersant - guests should be expected;
  • E - things will be lost;
  • Yu - the disease will be unsuccessful;
  • I - in life everything will get better.

The meaning of coffee grounds in the form of a human figure

  • Two faces with a rose in the middle - soon marriage and a long happy life
  • Two faces separated by a line - to go through a divorce
  • Two faces in one circle - in the future there is a wedding
  • Two people against each other - speaks of mutual love
  • A person's head without a body - a friend makes life better
  • The head of a person looking in profile - there is a defender
  • Human head - you are aware of someone's love for you
  • Head of a person looking down - minor danger possible
  • Human head looking up - defender will offer help
  • Woman's head - meeting with love
  • Man's head - parting with a loved one
  • Several heads - close people will help to cope with adversity
  • Girl - meeting with huge love
  • Elderly woman - family life will be happy
  • Guy - separation is ahead
  • Old Woman - Hot Love Encounter
  • Eye - life will change a lot
  • Lips - friends will support
  • Hand - life will bring disappointment
  • Human mouth - life will bear fruit
  • A man with a four-legged animal - the chores of a respected person

The meaning of coffee grounds in the form of animals

  • Ox - you need to be wary
  • The bull is below - to be treated
  • Bull below - health will be in perfect order
  • A bull at the top - a change in financial situation for the better
  • Buffalo - an encounter with a lot of misery
  • Camel - meeting with financial success and prosperity
  • Raven - grief will visit the house
  • Dove - near - a good person
  • Hare - cowardice
  • Snake - the presence of an ill-wisher, deceit and evil
  • Cow - good luck smile soon
  • The cat - facing financial decline and poverty
  • Chicken - a stranger needs your help
  • Swan - unexpected receipt of a sum of money
  • Leo - gaining power and power
  • Fox - surrounded by lies and fraud
  • The frog is good news
  • A frog near a cage - healing from a disease
  • Frog - meeting unexpected guests
  • Frog - the appearance of a depressive state
  • Bear - in danger
  • The bear below is a life of failure
  • Fly - approaching financial success
  • Ant - a lot of anxiety and fuss
  • Deer - wise and honest
  • Eagle - the end of the fight and victory
  • Rooster head down - there will be many good changes in life
  • Rooster - receiving the desired news
  • Rooster at the top of the cup - news about a person who is dear
  • Rooster - for a wedding in the future
  • Rooster at the bottom of the cup - the presence of a conspiracy
  • Spider - prepare for a surprise
  • Bird - you are surrounded by good people
  • Fish - to travel
  • Elephant - the presence of wealth and authority, the emergence of power and influence
  • Dog - you have good friends
  • Owl - possibly a disease that will lead to death
  • Tiger - soon something will be very angry
  • Lizard - an event will happen that will be unexpected

The meaning of coffee grounds in the form of shapes and lines

  • St. Andrew's cross - marriage is coming soon
  • Star - solving the situation in your favor
  • A vicious circle - you know how to find in common with people
  • Not a vicious circle - you have to meet an interesting person
  • Arc - there are enemies in the immediate environment
  • Slanting lines - the probability of danger
  • Solid cross - bad news should be expected
  • The cross inside is white and with a black outline - there will be happiness in the family
  • Broken lines - troubles that are associated with money
  • Zigzag line - it's worth thinking about fun
  • A line crossed by others - family life and communication will darken trouble
  • The line is straight and long - life will be good
  • Broken line - there will be many losses
  • Closed triangle - all things will be successful
  • The triangle is not closed - meeting with the patron saint
  • Dots - the meaning of this auspicious sign - success in everything
  • Strokes - there will be luck
  • Quadrangle - there will be a lot of love in life
  • Dashes - there will be new development at work

The meaning of coffee grounds in the form of building figures

  • House on top - business success
  • House next to the circle - buying your own home
  • House with windows and a roof - the family will be happy
  • Window with a cross - beware of fire
  • Window - beware of theft

The value of coffee grounds in the form of a scapula shape

  • One woman holds a dark shoulder blade - widowhood and inheritance from her spouse
  • Spatula near a cross or square - a loved one will die
  • A scapula surrounded by human faces - the envy of envious people is so great that insults appear at work because of this
  • Spatula on top of the cup - the lost will be found

The meaning of the figures

  • If the car is clearly visible, then this is for the journey, if not, then for some alarms ahead
  • Angel for good news and happy events. Help from a well-wisher
  • Arch for gifts or money as a gift
  • Diamond to happy love
  • Harp in the family will reign harmony
  • Luggage needs to make dreams come true and travel
  • Bank's all-round support from friends
  • Butterfly a person much younger in age has a great impact
  • The butterfly on the top of the cup speaks of interesting events that will bring happiness to life.
  • Butterfly with dots life can be spent aimlessly
  • The drum appearance of such a sign indicates a person's giftedness. If he has not yet become successful, he will soon become
  • A squirrel does not need to do many things at the same time, as a result, strength and energy will be spent
  • The boot is badly traced the dislike of neighbors and friends
  • A boot torn to shame and failure
  • Tambourine relationships are often fickle.
  • The boot is clearly visible in the cup of love of friends and neighbors
  • A tambourine at the bottom of the cup, despite the refusal of love, thoughts about it remained
  • A tambourine in the middle of the cup indicates readiness for a crazy romance.
  • A tambourine at the top of the cup meeting a new love
  • Buffalo, the presence of this sign tells of suffering
  • A bottle of possible illness
  • A bouquet of flowers means happiness, especially when there is a triangle nearby.
  • Bull sign of danger. You need to find out the identity of the enemy and try to avoid collisions
  • Bull at the top and clear work will be well rewarded
  • Bull underneath and clear deterioration in your health
  • The bull in the lowlands will be strong and good health
  • Bull on the hill making a profit
  • Vase sign promising money
  • A vase standing straight means you are a generous person.
  • Vase bent over money can be lost
  • Wreath all business will be successful
  • The bucket is worth the business will be successful
  • The bucket lies on its side not worth making deals
  • Bike the chosen road - the right one, will lead to the achievement of all goals
  • Broom and you and those around you, change
  • The rope is tied to something, possibly, the appearance of problems with well-being
  • The rope is folded in the future, the likelihood of financial difficulties
  • Libra balanced, justice will prevail
  • Libra most often - to litigation
  • Libra unbalanced towards injustice towards you
  • Camel happiness faces difficulties and worries
  • Camel is possible the emergence of wealth
  • Paddle you waste everything
  • Windmill your desire to work and talent will lead to success
  • Fork upside down teeth life will be luxurious and rich
  • Fork down teeth should get ready for trial
  • A wolf, the appearance of such a sign tells about a past illness or the commission of some act
  • Hair mystery must remain a mystery
  • Kite plans and ideas must be executed
  • Balloon speaks of travel and possible change of residence
  • A question mark speaks of doubt, to make a decision you need to pay attention to the signs in the neighborhood
  • Raven house will visit misfortune
  • A volcano in life will have many passions, you will have to deal with personal problems
  • The rider will solve problems thanks to the influencer
  • Business eyes require attention and care
  • The viper speaks of success and honors
  • The nail speaks of the gift of persuasion. But you will be treated unfairly
  • The eye in the middle of the cup, lady luck accompanies, life will give everything you want
  • Eyes need to go to visit loved ones who live abroad
  • The nest is usually marked with such a sign for people whose work is related to the children's team. In addition, it can appear in people with a large number of animals in the house.
  • Head too many thoughts visit
  • The head of a person without a body indicates a friend who has a good impact.
  • The head of a man in profile protects you
  • The head of a person looks up at a defender and patron who has strength, there is a desire to help you
  • A person's head looking down says a little danger
  • Garland a harbinger of your or someone else's wedding
  • The head and figure of the dog the spouse is faithful to you
  • Head with one eye receiving false promises
  • Dove symbol of pure soul
  • The mountain is not clear you should think about the way to achieve your goals
  • The mountain you strive to be on top
  • Mountain highlighted all peaks will be reached
  • Gore means a lot of targets.
  • Rake business must be in order, life must be adjusted
  • Rake at the bottom of the cup, time to reap the benefits
  • Rake in the middle of the cup thanks to talent and hard work the barn will become a palace
  • Rake at the top of the cup the arrival of a lot of finance
  • The coffin next to the bed is a symbol of a serious illness
  • Coffin the appearance of sorrow and grief
  • Mushrooms family will be replenished
  • Lips meeting love
  • The pear family will live in abundance and comfort
  • Lady's bag will unexpectedly win, buy a lottery ticket
  • Two persons in a circle wedding
  • Two faces looking at each other a sign of mutual love
  • Two faces separated by a line means treason, quarrel and divorce.
  • Two faces with a rose in the middle, a symbol of a long marriage
  • Girl symbol of love
  • The door of the new venture will be successful
  • Money in coins the more significant the number of coins, the more money will be received
  • Tree strength and hard work will lead to success and glory
  • Paper money waiting for a large enough amount
  • The airship can get what you want through a creative approach. The fulfillment of desires is possible due to the timely completion of all matters
  • House sign, difficult to interpret. A strong home is a symbol of prosperity in business and family
  • A poorly drawn house speaks of possible family problems
  • House next to the circle getting your own home
  • House with a crooked roof problems with people who live next door
  • House with roofs and windows the family will live happily
  • A house at the top in business is waiting for success
  • Road you will soon take a trip or journey
  • Oak tree you will be a triumphant and a winner
  • Hedgehog warning sign. People do not value a good attitude towards themselves, and only use it for their own purposes
  • Toad for those planning to create a family, it is good to see this sign, but do not fall for flattery.
  • A woman near a flower talks about having a sincere friend
  • Woman near tulip danger from girlfriend
  • A woman near a rose the appearance of a mistress in a young man
  • The woman holding the stick in your man may have another woman, which will bring a lot of problems to the family.
  • Woman galloping a horse getting trouble from a woman
  • Acorn speaks of love for outdoor recreation
  • An animal other than a dog and a horse means there is an enemy nearby
  • Crane is a sign of strength and endurance, a sign of longevity
  • A castle means strong character. It is necessary to break away from work and communicate with others
  • Fence you suffer from stubbornness, which often interferes
  • Keyhole path will be clouded by obstacles
  • The hare talks about shyness and cowardice
  • Zebra finding a common language with people is difficult
  • Star fulfillment of all desires
  • The five-pointed star, despite the arrival of success, there will be no joy
  • Six-pointed star you will be lucky
  • The star of seven points means sadness
  • Eight-pointed star beware of accident
  • Zebra is bad to be like someone
  • The snake can act decisively. In addition, treason or someone's intrigues is possible.
  • The umbrella of troubles and adversity will not touch you
  • The umbrella is open you have complete protection from trouble
  • The umbrella is closed despite the presence of protection nearby, you will have to make your own efforts
  • Zodiac signs meeting with a representative of the depicted zodiac sign
  • Willow sadness and tears
  • Cabbage has a lot of problems in life because of jealousy
  • Drops getting easy money
  • Cards play a role in the value of the suit of the cards:
  • Trefa - good money
  • Cherva - friends will help
  • Pica - a quick luck
  • Tambourine - intelligence will help you become luckier
  • Card at the bottom of the cup receiving money related to the past
  • The card in the middle of the cup you have the support of luck and fortune
  • The map at the top of the cup indicates a major undertaking.
  • A swing will have to work hard to maintain a relationship. But if they are not needed, then do not worry, they will soon disappear.
  • Kangaroo you have a lot of romance, only very careless
  • The future life of the square will be secure and happy
  • Brush opposite the pen opening a secret by a guest
  • Brush guests on the doorstep
  • Whale work will be successful, making a small profit
  • Dagger the beginning of enmity and conspiracies
  • Keys sign means that a person has talent.
  • Clover speaks of a person's luck. Also resolving all problems
  • The key to your ability is to open many doors.
  • The book is getting new information, you need to tackle the increase of intelligence
  • Book open face difficulties during the trial
  • Closed book the beginning of a difficult search
  • Bucket you are loved by children and animals. People are drawn to you because of your hospitality and kindness.
  • A goat should take a break from work and think about health.
  • The wheel will soon be a lot of adventure
  • Column all undertakings will be successful
  • Bell fast wedding
  • The bell rings important news will be received
  • The bell stands right there will be a lot of good news
  • Comet visiting by a guest who has come from afar, troubles with people who live in the neighborhood
  • Spear information about enemies will help you emerge victorious
  • The spear points up the future will be good
  • The spear points down the expected will happen, but not as planned.
  • Ring whole for the wedding
  • Ring torn the likelihood of divorce or difficulties between spouses
  • Rings a lot the same number of marriages
  • The ring is solid and bright chic wedding
  • The ring is poorly traced the wedding will face difficulties
  • Two rings fulfillment of all plans
  • The basket should not go ahead, you need to get rid of all obstacles and obstacles. The basket can be full or overturned, so you should save what it stores
  • Ship luck is on your side, so life will change
  • Box is a sign of joy. You will not be disappointed with the gift. Speaks of success, joy and luck
  • The rocker is obstructed in order to manifest
  • Cow you meet an old lover or friend. There will be happiness ahead
  • Bone having good energy that attracts others
  • If there is a secret, then you shouldn't tell anyone about it, then there will be no harm to you
  • The crown most often symbolizes inheritance. It is not necessary to receive money, it is quite possible that the gift will be a talent or priceless gift
  • Coffee pot you have an ability in the occult sciences
  • The cat is one of the friends - insincere, enjoys spreading gossip. Symbol of poverty and ruin
  • The cross is white from the inside, family life will be happy
  • A black cross from the inside sign speaks of bad news
  • Cross X-shaped marriage
  • The bed is more likely to have an accident
  • The bed is taken away death
  • The bed is not cleaned indicates indiscipline
  • Rabbit has creativity, but not necessarily associated with art. Indicates that creative thought is developing
  • Crocodile in doing business should be careful
  • A crocodile at the top of the cup symbolizes a serious decision soon
  • The circle of life will soon change, there will be many new opportunities
  • The circle is closed - having good relationships with the people around you
  • The circle is not closed acquaintance with a new person
  • Rats are a sign of betrayal. Friends are more likely to be unreliable.
  • Pitcher symbol of good health
  • Chicken news from a loved one
  • The bush needs to really look at its own capabilities
  • Swallow the fast journey will have an unexpected end
  • Lamp you can feel well what mood people are in and what they want
  • A swan's life will pass in tranquility, without shocks. Getting random money
  • Leo speaks of your nobility, good nature, power and pride. Inner strength allows you to achieve a lot in life.
  • Les speaks of a serious mistake in life
  • Ladder in the near future to be promoted
  • The bat symbol means longevity and friendship. Often it symbolizes that a stranger will appear in life who will help. you should be careful with enemies
  • Lemon is a sign that you are jealous of someone.
  • Lily friendship and constancy
  • A lily at the bottom of the cup will lead to a quarrel
  • A broken line indicates uncertainty, illness and indecision. In some cases - about losses
  • The wavy line is about to go on a long journey
  • The line is straight and long life will be carefree, more often - useless and careless
  • The zigzag line speaks of illness and adventure.
  • The line crosses the bottom of the cup soon you'll be on a pleasant journey
  • The line is curved or arched, you need to treat enemies with caution
  • The line is crossed by curves and broken personal life will be clouded by difficulties
  • Oblique line of the arrival of the disease
  • Lines are many oblique things need to be handled with care
  • Lots of broken lines financial problems
  • A separate line in the middle of the cup indicates good short-distance travel.
  • Many straight lines symbolize health and longevity
  • Fox people are drawn to you thanks to your wit
  • A fox for a cup-length sign speaks of cunning, fraud and deceit. Someone really wants to mislead you, but so far unsuccessfully
  • The boat your romantic person is in search of a life path. If times are tough, shelter will be quickly found.
  • Face in profile you have sufficient protection
  • Whole health sheet in good condition
  • Torn leaf in the future, disease is possible
  • Horse the emergence of a new friend in life
  • The shovel is not worth the risk. Success is related to problems
  • A shovel surrounded by human faces, colleagues spread gossip as they grow jealous of your position
  • A shovel at the top of the cup will find what was thought to be lost forever. Also symbolizes the emergence of financial difficulties
  • A black shovel in the hands of one woman soon enough to receive an inheritance
  • The moon is full, your feelings are visible to others
  • Moon crescent you are very secretive
  • The moon is in the upper part in the near future, a change in family life, for a more accurate interpretation, you need to interpret the symbols located in the neighborhood
  • Moon with dots around marriage of convenience
  • The frog near the cage the disease will soon be defeated
  • Frog is a sign of good luck, love and kindness. Means happiness
  • A frog near the road, a person who comes from a distance will be useful
  • Beacon you are a leader for those around you. Small obstacles can be easily dealt with
  • The medal predicts a promotion, otherwise - making an important life decision
  • Bear's irritation makes it difficult to mend relationships with people around you. Life will be difficult, but you can handle it all.
  • Bear downstairs a lot of failures are due to your stupidity
  • Mill should save his face and not try to make himself a copy of someone else.
  • Jellyfish warning sign. Everything should be treated with caution, since dirty tricks are possible from someone
  • Lightning is good that you have your own point of view. Everything that is in your thoughts needs to be brought to life, especially since you are very talented
  • Hammer success will be achieved through strength and courage. However, there will be many mistakes. There is a tendency to be violent
  • Young man the distance will divide you with love
  • Bridge life will change after your decision. It should be remembered that only one step is enough for destruction.
  • The easel speaks of the presence of talent, for its manifestation, it is enough to pick up the brushes
  • An ant must be persistent in order to succeed. Speaks of worry and hassle
  • Man holding a stick meeting a dangerous female seducer
  • Fly symbol is lit about wealth. It is possible to receive inheritance, and maybe problems
  • The ball is all going well
  • Mouse at the bottom of the cup business must be handled carefully, loss is possible
  • The mouse in the middle should do business improvement
  • Mice at the top of the cup should reconsider your plans, problems arise with business partners
  • Insects should be aware of caution, as strangers have a very adverse effect on you
  • Several people around you will help you
  • The thread is wound into a ball, but the end is visible you are doing too many things at the same time
  • The thread is wound into a ball, but the long end is visible, you should rest
  • The thread at the top has long-term work and huge income
  • The knife is about to face treason, deception, damage, loss. Revelation should not be with everyone. Often this symbol indicates that a loved one will change
  • Nails strangers cannot control you
  • The scissors will have to move soon. You should talk with your neighbors more carefully, as everyone around will find out about your problems.
  • Rhino all wildest dreams will come true
  • Music notes are a symbol of lovers of fun and life. If there is a symbol next to it with the image of a musical instrument, it means that a person owns it
  • Dream cloud will lead to luck and fame. Soaring in the clouds will be of great benefit
  • The shoes are very close to the danger
  • Monkey business must be handled with caution, as you are surrounded by scammers and enemies
  • Oval wedding is coming soon
  • Sheep's coveted plan will soon be completed. Now is a fairly successful period in order to make financial investments.
  • Vegetables in the future life will be prosperous and prosperous
  • You will meet a loved one on fire, but you should not lose your head at the same time. Try not to be hasty or angry.
  • Blanket you find it difficult to understand people who have wealth, but they do nothing. You provide assistance to your family and friends and hope for the return of good in the future.
  • Necklace you will meet an influential person or relative
  • Torn necklace love will end in failure and separation
  • The necklace at the bottom of the cup should be engaged in forging a bond with the person
  • A window with a cross should beware of fire
  • Window you face theft
  • Walnut, you are a person who, after collecting some things, resells them. Now is the best moment for that.
  • Deer speaks of wisdom and honesty
  • Eagle strong fight will end in victory. The future will be beautiful
  • Weapon symbol of quarrel and scandal
  • The island symbol speaks of loneliness, which you cannot get rid of. If you have associations with a place, you will soon visit it.
  • Glasses speaks of the danger in the future. You do not need to sign papers, you should definitely look at how others behave, otherwise in the end you can be very sorry
  • The wasp speaks of the madness of the brave. We'll have to interfere with something. it doesn’t matter what conversations are around, they just don’t need to be paid attention to
  • The peacock symbol appears in people whose profession requires increased attention: directors, actors, models
  • The palm tree symbolizes happiness. In the future, you will meet prosperity and happiness. You are loved by others, they need you
  • The folder symbolizes good luck in business
  • Fern need to spend more time outdoors. Your main ally will soon have a big victory
  • Sail at the bottom of the cup news from a friend from afar
  • You love the sail so that everything in life is good, you are distinguished by high intelligence. Also you have great taste
  • Parachute time to jump into the unknown
  • The parachute is not at the bottom of the cup, you will most likely find yourself in a whirlwind that will drag you into the abyss
  • Spider at the top of the cup, you're guaranteed to get paid
  • Spider receiving an unexpected gift or the arrival of financial success
  • The spider at the bottom of the cup is a long-term investment
  • The spider at the top when buying a lottery ticket is quite possible to win
  • The spider in the middle of the cup you use different opportunities in order to invest money
  • Cobweb you have to deal with all your problems. Fall of all enemies
  • Glove awakening old feelings
  • The pen speaks of wit and ingenuity
  • The cockerel on top of the cup speaks of amazing good news.
  • The cockerel in the family will have harmony and well-being, new news will be received
  • The cock at the bottom of the cup should expect good luck in the future, but before that there will be harm from someone
  • Cock upside down changes will only be good
  • The cockerel on the hill talks about marriage and happiness
  • Sawing is not a good sign. Talks about future problems
  • The loop sign speaks only of problems, and sometimes also of death
  • The gun should be used with caution as you are in danger
  • The pyramid can be accurately told that all dreams will come true
  • Two pyramids, superimposed on each other, you dream of two completely different things, and they can become reality. The presence of some kind of sign near the pyramid is an indicator of what you were busy with not so long ago.
  • A letter surrounded by dots symbolizes receiving a business message
  • A letter awaits receiving news. If there are initials near the signs, you can guess the name of the one from whom they will be. Blurred sign means bad news
  • The dress should be decided in which area you would like to be successful.
  • A gift you are loved by friends and neighbors, and they will want to please you in the very near future
  • Spyglass accomplishment of the impossible
  • Horseshoe everything will turn out well
  • Horseshoe at the top of the cup embark on a journey longer than planned
  • The pillow can call you a lazy person, there is a direct connection between laziness and your well-being.
  • The crescent moon speaks of the futility of dreams and hopes
  • Parrot you have a big disappointment. Scandals and gossip are coming
  • The dishes symbolize tears and regret. Possibility of an unexpected meeting
  • Profile friendship after dating will be short-lived
  • A bird caught in the net will face litigation soon
  • The bird speaks of good news
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{!LANG-20335de6c1e5851df152cd6d1adc307f!} {!LANG-80c977e8ca1a4720ae5d57de34b98f05!}{!LANG-a67b25c016e6bd933d6a78c56cda15e6!}





























































































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