Whole grain breads are healthy homemade baked goods. Homemade Whole Grain Bread Recipes

25.08.2019 Fish dishes

The recipe for making the healthiest wholegrain bread in the oven. What is whole grain flour - it is a product of a single grinding of grain without further sifting and sorting, that is, in its entirety with all grains and particles. Bakers, more often, use the popular term - wholemeal flour. In such flour, all fiber, vitamins, minerals and trace elements remain completely - therefore, it is considered the most useful flour. What can not be said about the highest quality flour, only starch remains in it.

Today, on the Internet, you can find a huge number of recipes for making bread from this flour. All of them are interesting and diverse in their own way. But our recipe is the simplest and most versatile, it is suitable for both a bread machine and an oven. Well, you can choose the shape and type of your bread yourself - round or shaped loaves, oval or long loaves, you can even bake it in the form of portioned buns.

Required Ingredients:

500 g + 2 tbsp. whole grain flour;

1 tsp dry yeast;

10 g of salt;

1 tbsp. a spoon with a slide of brown sugar (simple);

300 ml. warm water;

2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil (vegetable);

How to cook:

In a large bowl for kneading the dough, pour warm water and dissolve dry yeast and brown sugar in it. If you don't have brown sugar, use simple sugar.

Then start kneading the dough. It is most convenient to knead the dough in a food processor, but with your hands it turns out just as well. Whisk the egg, add to the cup and stir. Now add flour in small portions.

Knead the dough with a large wooden spoon. It will be a little sticky at first, keep stirring it for another 5 to 10 minutes. The dough, over time, will become more elastic and you can already knead it with your hands.

Add a couple more spoons of flour and continue stirring by hand. Gather the finished dough into a tight ball. Grease a large, clean container with vegetable oil and transfer the dough into it.

Cover with cling film or a damp towel and store in a warm place for 2 hours. I insist the dough in a lukewarm oven.

During this time, the dough will rise approximately three times.

Next, knead the dough again and decide how you will bake it. For example, in the form of two small loaves. Grease baking dishes with vegetable oil. Divide the dough into two parts and transfer to molds.

Cover with cellophane and store in a warm place for another 30 to 40 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.

Place the baking tins in a preheated oven for 10 minutes, then lower the temperature to 170 and continue baking for another 20 minutes. Whole wheat bread, after baking, does not rise as high as wheat bread. It turns out to be less airy, but more dense.

Cool the finished bread on a wire rack and serve.

Whole grain breads can be baked with any kind of additives - seeds, sesame seeds, oatmeal, flaxseed, nuts, etc. This will make the bread even more interesting, exclusive and healthy.

Homemade wholemeal bread brings invaluable benefits to the human body. It is high in fiber, vitamins, minerals and complex carbohydrates. Even a small piece of such pastries for a long time creates a feeling of satiety in the one who ate it. Therefore, it is ideal for supporters of proper nutrition. After reading today's post, you will learn how to bake wholegrain bread in the oven.

Classic version

This recipe produces incredibly tasty and aromatic bread with a beautiful crispy crust. It will be a pleasant addition to a family lunch or dinner. It can also be used to make delicious breakfast sandwiches. To get soft and airy homemade wholegrain bread in the oven, you need to prepare all the required ingredients in advance. To prepare the dough, you will need:

  • A glass of whole wheat flour.
  • A tablespoon of yeast and granulated sugar.
  • A glass of premium wheat flour.
  • ½ teaspoon of salt.
  • Incomplete glass of drinking water.
  • 3 tablespoons of sunflower oil.

Process description

Sugar, salt and yeast are combined in a suitable container. All this is poured with slightly warmed up water and stirred well until all components are completely dissolved. Pour both types of flour into the resulting liquid. Then sunflower oil is sent there and the dough is kneaded. This should be done for at least five minutes.

The resulting very soft and elastic dough is divided into seven approximately equal parts, balls are formed from them, which are laid out in a heat-resistant container and removed to a warm place. After an hour, the dough will almost triple in volume. After that, it can be sent to the oven. Bread is prepared from whole wheat flour in an oven heated to two hundred degrees for twenty-five minutes. This time is quite enough for it to be properly baked and covered with a crispy brown crust.

Barley malt variant

This recipe will surely appeal to adherents of proper nutrition. It involves the use of very useful and at the same time fairly simple ingredients. To bake soft and flavorful wholegrain bread in the oven, you need to check in advance if your home has everything you need. To prepare the dough, you will need:

  • A couple of tablespoons of dry yeast.
  • 900 milliliters of filtered water.
  • 1.5 kilograms of whole grain rye flour.
  • 3 tablespoons barley malt syrup.
  • 50 milliliters of vegetable oil.
  • tablespoons of sea salt.

If you don't have the last ingredient on hand, don't give up on your plans. You can even bake delicious wholegrain rye bread in the oven without it. In this case, sea salt is simply replaced with table salt.

Cooking technology

Heated water and dry yeast are combined in one container. Mix everything well and put it in a warm place. After ten minutes, barley malt syrup, vegetable oil and half of the total flour are added to the resulting liquid. Knead everything thoroughly, cover with a lid and leave for half an hour.

Thirty minutes later, salt and the remaining flour are poured into the resulting mass. Knead everything again and put it in the heat for forty-five minutes. After this time, the risen dough is gently kneaded to get rid of large air bubbles, and divided into two approximately equal parts. Loaves are made from each piece, put in molds, oiled with vegetable oil, and left to rise. Wholegrain bread is baked in an oven heated to 230 degrees. After fifteen minutes, the temperature is reduced to 190 ° C and wait another hour. Before serving, the pastries are cooled slightly. This is because hot bread is harder to digest.

Option with mayonnaise

The following recipe for wholegrain bread in the oven involves the use of a not quite standard set of ingredients. Therefore, make sure in advance that you have everything you need at your disposal. You should have in your kitchen:

  • 400 grams of whole grain flour.
  • Egg.
  • 200 grams of wheat flour.
  • A couple of teaspoons of dry yeast.
  • 100 grams of fatty mayonnaise.
  • Incomplete tablespoon of granulated sugar.
  • 250 milliliters of milk.
  • A teaspoon of salt.

All of the above products are required to prepare the dough. In addition, you will need some olive oil, peeled seeds, sesame seeds, and wheat seeds.


In one bowl, combine half of the warmed milk, salt and sugar. The resulting liquid is poured into a bowl with yeast and sifted white flour. Mix everything well, cover with a lid and leave on the kitchen table for twenty minutes.

In a separate container, combine a raw chicken egg and mayonnaise. Everything is slightly shaken and the remaining milk is poured into the resulting liquid. The resulting mass is added to the risen dough. Flour is gradually added there, a homogeneous dough is kneaded, covered with cling film and left to rise. An hour later, it is divided into two halves, loaves are made of them and put aside. After forty minutes, their surface is greased with olive oil and sprinkled with a mixture of seeds, sesame and wheat grains. Whole grain bread is baked in an oven heated to one hundred and eighty degrees for half an hour.

Sourdough option

This recipe is interesting in that it assumes the complete absence of yeast. It can be used to bake soft and porous homemade bread relatively quickly. To prepare the dough, you will need:

  • 200 milliliters of warm boiled water.
  • 700 grams of whole wheat flour.
  • A couple of teaspoons of salt.
  • 700 milliliters of wheat sourdough.

Step by step technology

The starter culture is taken out of the refrigerator in advance so that it warms up slightly at room temperature. After about an hour, it is combined with pre-sifted flour and salt. Warm water is poured into the same bowl, a sufficiently dense dough is kneaded and laid out in a baking dish, the bottom and walls of which are greased with vegetable oil. The top of the loaf is gently smoothed out with a wet spoon. After that, the container is covered with a clean towel and removed to a warm place.

When the dough has doubled in size, it can be sent to the oven. Bread is prepared from whole grain flour in an oven heated to two hundred and ten degrees. After half an hour, the temperature in the oven is reduced to 100 ° C and wait forty minutes. The doneness of the loaf is checked with an ordinary toothpick. If there are no lumps of dough left on it, then the bread is removed from the oven, cooled and served on the table.

An ancient folk wisdom says: "Bread is the head of everything!" And indeed it is. Not one of the most banal meals and not one of the most luxurious feasts can do without it. Various sandwiches, crunchy croutons, unusual canapes, original salads - this is just a modest list of dishes in the preparation of which bread is the main ingredient. And how delicious it smells when just out of the oven! You can also just cut off a crusty crust, rub with garlic and salt - and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy ...

Did you know that 15 years ago the best cake was a piece of bread, spread with butter and sprinkled with sugar?

Originally from antiquity

Bread appeared a very long time ago at the dawn of mankind - almost 8000 years ago. Each community had its own, special way of preparing it. Initially, the bread was a simple rounded tortilla, but over time it took on a familiar shape to all of us. Now every nation has its own branded national bread recipe, which can be safely called a visiting card of the country's culinary side. For example, the French cannot imagine their life without a long loaf - a baguette, and the people of Armenia are crazy about lavash.

Variations on the theme of bread

Bread is different in taste and color: black, gray, white, salty, spicy, sweet ... It is baked from different types of flour: wheat, oatmeal, rice, corn. There are recipes according to which various additives are put into it to improve the taste, for example, Provencal herbs or raisins and even lard! But the most delicious and healthy of all types is whole grain bread.

Continuous benefit

Whole grain bread is considered to be the most beneficial for health. It is unique in its composition of useful substances, and also has an extraordinary, indescribable taste. Such bread is baked from whole grain flour, which is ground whole grains of various whole grains, such as wheat, oats, corn, rye, rice, millet, buckwheat.

Whole grains and flours from it contain a huge amount of substances useful for the body, for example, B vitamins, fiber, minerals, a large amount of protein and complex carbohydrates.

Whole grain bread has a very beneficial effect on human health. It is especially useful for people with a disease such as diabetes, as it has the magical property of negating the risk of high blood sugar levels.

Also, whole grain flour bread lowers the level of bad cholesterol and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. For those who want to lose those extra pounds or just maintain their shape, whole grain bread is a must! It is lower in calories than its counterparts, and complex carbohydrates and fiber satisfy hunger faster and more harmlessly than buns, loaves or regular white bread.

Bake at home

Now the most healthy bread can be bought without any problems in any supermarket. However, if you like to tinker with baked goods and have a bread maker in your home, whole wheat bread can be made easily at home. It's not difficult at all, the main thing is to strictly follow the instructions. Experienced housewives say that homemade whole grain bread in a bread maker turns out to be much tastier and healthier than one bought in a store. Try it and see for yourself.

Classics of the genre

So, you are in a great mood and inspiration, and you have decided to bake whole grain bread. It is not easy to find a recipe for a truly delicious bread - you can try a lot of options, but you still cannot find the very "own" bread that will please not only you, but also your household. Therefore, we advise you to start with the simplest and offer a classic recipe for bread made from whole wheat flour.

So, for one loaf of magic bread, you will need:

  • whole wheat flour - 560 grams;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoon;
  • water - 350 milliliters;
  • dry yeast - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • honey - 2 tablespoons.

In a saucepan, heat the water to 37-40 degrees so that it is warm, but not hot, and dissolve the honey in it. Then lay out all the ingredients as described in the instructions for your bread maker and select the main program + medium crust color + medium loaf size. Turn on the bread maker.

5-7 minutes after the start of kneading, look under the lid and check how the dough is formed. If it's runny, add a little flour. If, on the contrary, the dough is hard, crumbles and disintegrates, add a few tablespoons of water. When you like the type of dough, close the lid of the bread machine and wait until the end of the program, then carefully remove the bread and leave to cool.

That's all - whole grain bread, the recipe of which even a preschooler can master, is ready and fragrant for the whole house. The aroma of fresh baked goods will surely bring the whole family to the table, and your culinary skills will receive many praises.

Without rye - nowhere

It would seem that there is nothing more useful than whole grain bread. But no! The most useful of whole grains is bread made from whole grain rye flour. It is full of health: vitamins of the B and PP groups, fiber, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, as well as fructan, which contributes to the growth and development of favorable intestinal microflora.

Whole grain rye bread can be easily and simply prepared at home, because, as you know, homemade bread is triple tastier.

So, you will need:

  • whole grain rye flour - 250 grams;
  • whole wheat flour - 225 grams;
  • milk - 380 grams;
  • sugar - 1.5 tablespoon;
  • salt - 1.5 tablespoon;
  • dry yeast - 2 teaspoon;
  • cilantro seeds (if you like it) - 1 teaspoon;
  • cumin - 1 teaspoon.

At the bottom of the container of the bread machine, you must first pour yeast, then sift wheat and rye flour on top. Then add salt, sugar, spices and butter, then pour the milk. It remains only to set the program for rye bread and wait until the end of baking. That's all - fragrant bread is ready!

If there is no yeast in the house

Whole grain flour yeast free bread recipe is very useful for those who follow a diet and preserve their figure. Making such a diet bread is no more difficult than usual, except that you need a little more ingredients than usual.

Products for yeast-free whole grain breads:

  • whole grain flour - 1 cup;
  • wheat flour - 1 glass;
  • oatmeal - 3/4 cup;
  • nuts, seeds or dried fruits;
  • kefir - 1.5 cups;
  • olive oil - 4 tablespoon;
  • bran, flax and sesame seeds - 3 tablespoons each;
  • honey - 1 tablespoon;
  • soda - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • baking powder - 0.5 tablespoon.
  1. In a dry skillet, fry the flax seeds, sesame seeds, bran, seeds and nuts until golden brown.
  2. Take a bowl and combine all the dry ingredients except the flour.
  3. In a separate container, mix butter, kefir and honey, transfer to a bowl with dry ingredients.
  4. Add flour and mix thoroughly.
  5. Since everything is already mixed, the bread maker must be set to the "baking" or "muffin" mode so that no additional time is wasted on kneading.

The bread will be ready in an hour! All that remains is to give it time to cool down - and you can serve it to the table!

From the heat, from the heat, from the oven

A decade ago, people had no idea about homemade bread makers and baked bread in a conventional oven. And our grandmothers and great-grandmothers found the times when an ordinary stone stove served as an oven. And the baked goods turned out to be no worse, on the contrary - much tastier and better. True, the efforts had to be made much more.

If you still haven't got a bread maker, it is broken, or you just want to plunge into those days and bake bread in the oven or oven - use the recipe for baking whole grain bread without a bread machine.


  • dry yeast - 1 teaspoon;
  • whole grain flour - 360 grams;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • water - 280 milliliters.

Combine all ingredients and knead the dough thoroughly. It should be tight and sticky. Then form a ball and place it on a baking sheet lined with parchment and cover with a saucepan or bowl to keep the dough from losing its round shape. Wrap everything up with a terry towel so that the dough "breathes" and "comes out." Leave it on for an hour and a half.

After this time, the bread is ready for baking. If desired, you can grease it with an egg and sprinkle with sesame seeds and oat bran or seeds.

It is imperative to bake our bread in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 30 - 40 minutes until golden brown.

Let's say "Yes!"

Any whole grain bread can be made tastier and more interesting in taste. For example, you can add sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds to it, or add sesame seeds, flax seeds, dried apricots, prunes, raisins or a variety of nuts to the dough. Spice lovers will surely enjoy bread with Provencal or Italian herbs and caraway seeds, while originals will enjoy bread with sun-dried tomatoes or garlic.

Try, experiment - and you will surely come up with your own signature, unique whole grain bread that family members and friends will enjoy, and friends will definitely ask for a recipe.

Bon appetit and good health!

Bread is a favorite food product at all times. From several ingredients, a lush, tasty, and most importantly healthy dish is obtained - whole grain bread, the recipe and preparation methods for which are described in detail in the article.

A huge advantage of this type of baking is the use of whole grain flour, which contains an increased amount of fiber. This not only adds richness, spice to taste and aroma, but also fortifies and mineralizes the human body.

How to bake whole grain bread

Achieving the desired result is not difficult at all - just follow these instructions:

By adhering to the rules given, whole grain bread at home will come out lush, tasty and beautiful.

Basic recipes

Popular include cooking in a bread maker, multicooker and oven.

Note that the yeast has been replaced with baking powder, which will provide less calories.


  • 1 cup wheat flour
  • 1 cup whole grain flour
  • 1 cup dried fruit;
  • 3/4 cup oatmeal
  • 3 tbsp sesame;
  • 1 tbsp honey;
  • 2 tbsp sunflower oil;
  • 3 tbsp flax seeds;
  • 2 tbsp olive oil;
  • 3 tbsp bran;
  • 0.5 tsp baking powder;
  • 0.5 cups of kefir (or low-fat yogurt);
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 1 tsp soda.

Interesting! The sourdough is perfect as a substitute for kefir.

How to cook:

  1. It is necessary to grind the flax seeds.
  2. Fry bran, flax and sesame seeds in a pan without adding oil.
  3. Stir dry ingredients in a bowl.
  4. Mix olive oil and sunflower oil, honey and kefir (yogurt).
  5. Combine mixture with flour and toasted ingredients.
  6. We bake in a bread maker in the "Baking" mode. Cooking time is approximately 20 minutes.
  7. After finishing cooking, give the bread a “rest” for a while.

Simple and tasty, bon appetit.

Multicooker recipe

This method is suitable for everyone who does not own a bread maker. Whole grain bread in a multicooker is not very distinctive in taste, but it is just as easy to prepare.



This method allows you to get a fragrant, soft, porous bread with minimal action.

However, if you do not use a bread maker and multicooker, then whole grain bread in the oven will be just as good.

Oven recipe:

A simple, time-tested method of cooking can be done even by inexperienced "chefs".



  1. Sift both flours, combine in a bowl.
  2. Add sugar, salt, yeast, mix.
  3. Heat water to the temperature of a human body, pour into the mixture.
  4. Mix the ingredients with a mixer, after adding vegetable oil.
  5. We spread the dough on a board, sprinkle with flour, make a ball out of it.
  6. Cover with a deep plate (bowl), leave for 15 minutes.
  7. Shake the dough with your hands, place on a plate, grease it with butter.
  8. Place the plate in a dark, warm place for 2 hours.
  9. Make a ball out of the dough again, flatten it slightly.
  10. Grease a baking sheet with oil, place the dough, cover with a cloth (towel) and leave for half an hour.
  11. Remove the cloth, bake for 30-35 minutes at 200-210 degrees Celsius.

Whole grain bread at home turns out to be so tasty, fresh, fragrant that you do not want to buy a similar one in the store.


Diversifying the flavor of whole grain bread is quite simple. If you want to get a sweet aromatic bread - you can add cinnamon, chocolate, dried apricots, nuts or whatever you like to taste. For connoisseurs of a spicy aroma, as well as a rich taste, the addition of caraway seeds, garlic, Mediterranean herbs and spices is suitable.

This whole grain rye bread is perfect for sandwiches - adding a little greens, fresh vegetables, red fish, you get a wonderful light snack with great taste. And given its benefits, such a snack can be made daily.

Here is a delicious recipe that can be attributed to sweet pastries:

Sweet bread in the oven.



  1. Stir honey, butter, cinnamon, cocoa until smooth, pour in milk and mix.
  2. Add baking powder, flour, oatmeal, mix until the state of "tough" dough, sculpt bread in the shape of a ball.
  3. We spread the dough on a baking sheet, sprinkle a little with sesame seeds for beauty, bake at 210 degrees Celsius for half an hour.
  4. After cooking, leave the bread to cool. You can eat.

This recipe goes well with tea, especially if you grease the bread with sour cream, chocolate butter or nut butter - a great option for children.

Let's talk about the benefits

The beneficial properties of whole grains are due to the composition:

  • a water-soluble form of glucan, which lowers blood cholesterol by binding residues of fatty acids;
  • amino acids, vitamins A-C-D-T-K - strengthen the body in all aspects;
  • having a positive effect on vision, zeaxanthin and lutein;
  • antioxidant lycopene - reduces the chance of prostate cancer, strengthens the cardiovascular system, accelerates the digestive process, normalizes cholesterol metabolism;
  • the most important fiber for the gastrointestinal tract, cleansing from negative accumulations of food debris inside the intestines, lowers cholesterol, prevents the appearance of gallbladder stones, gives a feeling of satiety, inhibits carbohydrate absorption;
  • macroelements of minerals - C, Mg, K, Fe, I and others.

We also note that due to the content of solid dietary fiber and fiber, it is recommended to use the product for constipation. Regular consumption of whole grain bread for diabetes evens out the glycemic index... Of course, the most important factor, using it for weight loss, creates a feeling of satiety, accelerates intestinal motility.

Whole grains are an ideal source of fiber, vitamins of the most important groups for the body, large amounts of sulfur, phosphorus, copper, zinc, iodine and a number of other useful elements. The main challenge for eating whole grains is improving digestion, general improvement, cleansing the gastrointestinal tract... They are often prescribed to reduce the risk of cancer. Daily use strengthens the heart system, blood vessels, lowers cholesterol levels, slows down the absorption of carbohydrates, which inhibits an increase in blood sugar (for patients with diabetes). For men, eating foods that include whole grains restores and maintains potency (improves blood circulation). However, in order to maintain a healthy daily intake of substances and maintain a balance of calcium in the body, it is necessary to limit the maximum intake of grains to 6 tablespoons.

Very tasty, healthy whole grain bread is prepared as simply and quickly as possible, perfect for people on a diet, diversifies the daily diet, and helps to improve the gastrointestinal tract. Bon appetit and all the best!

When I saw it, at first I did not believe that it could work out. How can he bake normally when there is essentially only flour and water in it? It contains neither yeast, nor dairy products and eggs, even vegetable oil is not needed.

Since I am wary of store-bought bread and prefer homemade bread to it, I decided to try it. I did not find whole grain rye flour, but I bought wheat flour (in a large hypermarket, a bag with this flour was on the same shelf as an ordinary one).

For bread, I needed:

  • 2 cups of flour
  • 2 handfuls of oatmeal
  • 1/4 spoon of baking soda, slaked with 5% vinegar
  • 1 cup warm water
  • 1 teaspoon without a slide of salt (you can even slightly less)

According to the recipe, nuts and dried fruits were added to the bread, but since my children cannot do this, I decided to put some oatmeal instead of them and did not regret it. I will add that this amount of ingredients is enough for a small bun. So that the whole family of 4 would have enough bread for 2-3 days, I tripled everything.

Making whole grain bread without yeast

Put flour, oatmeal in a container convenient for kneading dough, add salt and mix. This will distribute the salt evenly in the flour. Next, put the required amount of soda in a glass, quench it with vinegar (you can use citric acid or even better with lemon juice). Pour warm water into the flour and stir with a spoon. The dough is kneaded very easily, a fairly neat lump is obtained even without kneading by hand. Next, we wet our hands with water and put our lump of dough into a mold. It practically does not stick to wet hands.

Separately about the form. I tried the oven in a non-stick baking pan and it got a very thick crust. In general, I must say that the crust of this bread turns out to be very tough. The next time I took a metal mold, but the bread was fried to it. Then I purchased baking paper and put it in a metal mold. As a result, the paper stuck to the bread. I got out of the situation: I wrapped hot bread with adhering paper in a wet kitchen towel and left to cool. When the bread cooled down, the paper peeled off beautifully and the tough crust became soft.

Let's go back to cooking. I baked the bread in the oven at about 200 degrees for about 1.5 hours, and the recipe needed 40 minutes. If you bake less, then it was not baked in my oven. I think the question here is exactly what kind of oven you have. Maybe I put less baking soda, because I don't like it when the baking soda tastes strongly.

After the bread has been prepared, as I wrote above, it is better to wrap it with a wet towel until it cools completely.

Me and my loved ones like this bread very much. No yeast, no oil, no eggs or dairy products. This is just a godsend in fasting, because you can fill up with such bread very quickly.

Angela at the meal!

Ekaterina Solovieva