Filling in an application to the traffic police for registering a car. Form, sample application for car registration

29.04.2019 Egg dishes

Many Russians want to buy or already have, but want to replace the existing car. But there is a problem of registration with the traffic police, due to the consequences caused by the constant turnover of vehicles and the change of owners of the car.

Often, the car owner is forced to apply to the traffic police several times, due to the unavailability of the car for registration. A large number of citizens with such problems leads to an extraordinary workload of units.
What to do to avoid these problems when registering a car with the traffic police?

You can download the application form to the traffic police for registering the car at this link

The first thing to do is to prepare a document that confirms your right to property (sale and purchase agreement, or other documents provided for in the law).

If you buy a car in a car dealership, the contract will be drawn up for you right there, if not, then with the help of an entrepreneur. And you can also draw up a contract yourself, taking into account all the requirements of civil law.
With the signed contract, the new car owner must register the car at the nearest traffic police department within 10 days (after signing the sales contract, or the validity period of the transit number).
Next, you need to submit an application to the traffic police for registration of the car, a compilation sample, which you can find on the Internet. The inspector will need it when inspecting the car, in it he will make notes about the technical condition of the car and its compliance with the factory configuration.

So if the design of the car has undergone any changes (toning dripped, replaced steering wheel ("non-native"), bumper from another car, etc.), you will not be able to register it until all violations are eliminated, but changes can be made in full compliance with the requirements Russian laws.

After checking the vehicle and eliminating all claims by the inspector, you need to insure your newly purchased car and get an OCAGO policy - an important document for registration. It is not necessary to immediately enter the license plate in the policy, you can do this later, after registration or assignment. To do all this, you need to contact any insurance agent, of which there are many now.

Having taken out insurance, you will need to pay the state fees charged for registering a car at a Sberbank branch or at another financial institution. The size of the state duty can be different, for example: if you decide to leave the license plate of the previous owner of the car, you will pay 500 rubles; when buying a new car or if the former car owner has removed the car from the traffic police register, the amount will already be 2,000 rubles.

However, there is one condition for registering with an old license plate, the symbols must be clearly visible, not crumpled or repainted (which sometimes happens). The car is automatically deregistered from the previous owner after registration for the new owner, which means that in order to sell a car it is not at all necessary to deregister it in your region.

When buying a used or new car, the owner is obliged to register it with the traffic police. Registration takes some time, so you need to plan a specific day for this procedure.

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There are several ways to make an appointment for a specific date and time:

  • website of the State Service;
  • terminal in the traffic police department.

The best option is. By choosing this option, you can also pay the required state fee there with a 30% discount.

In addition, you can prepare and submit an application for vehicle registration online. This process will take very little time, we will consider in detail an example of filling out a form in this article.

Required package of documents

When planning a visit to the MREO of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate for the purpose of registering the vehicle, it is recommended to prepare the necessary package of documents in advance. Anyone will not be very pleased to receive a refusal after having stood in line with other applicants.

Of course, a sample of filling out forms is necessarily available in the department, however, more and more car owners prefer to fill out an application in advance.

Let's figure out how to fill out the form correctly in order to avoid identifying errors at the most inopportune moment:

  1. We indicate the name of the traffic police department in which the documents are submitted. The correct name can be found at the stand in the department, or on the website of the State Traffic Inspectorate.

  2. We select the required action in relation to the car from the proposed list. If carried out, then we emphasize as in the sample. We also select from the list the reason for the changes. In the sample, this is a change in ownership.

  3. We indicate the data of the car from the PTS (brand, year, VIN, state number) and our data (passport, registration, etc.).

  4. We enter information about the vehicle in the left column, each line must be filled in. The right column is filled in by a traffic police officer.

    The rest of the fields are filled in by a traffic police officer. The "Owner's representative" field is filled in if the applicant is not the owner of the vehicle. In this case, the applicant will be required to provide a certified power of attorney from the owner of the car.

    Instruction for a legal entity

    Terms of registration

    Delaying registration is fraught with bad consequences. The operation of vehicles that are not registered with the traffic police is considered illegal and will entail an administrative penalty.

    According to clause 3, the new owner is obliged to register the car within 10 days from the date of purchase specified in the DCT.

    When contacting the traffic police to register a car after a 10-day period, the inspector has the right to fine the offender, provides for the following administrative penalties:

    Moreover, it provides for a fine in the amount of from 500 to 800 rubles for driving a vehicle that is not registered in accordance with the established procedure. In case of repeated violation, a fine is provided. up to 5000 rubles or deprivation of VU for a period of one to three months.

    What can be the problems with registration

    Buying and selling cars on the secondary market in most cases takes place under a purchase and sale agreement. This option is much more convenient for the seller, since there is no need to waste your time on removing the car from the register.

    When the owner changes, the parties sign an agreement on the spot, the buyer himself makes the re-registration of documents in the traffic police. However, this method also has possible Negative consequences.

    When submitting documents for a car and verifying the unit numbers, it may suddenly turn out that the vehicle is hijacked or has restrictions on the performance of registration actions.

    If everything is clear with the theft and falsification of numbers, then what kind of restrictions are imposed on the car? There are several options here, depending on who imposed the restrictions:

    In such cases, as a rule, it is almost impossible to win back the deal and get your money back, unscrupulous sellers do not get in touch after receiving the money.

    To avoid such unpleasant situations, you should adhere to the following rules:

    • Careful inspection of the car, whether there are traces of falsification of unit numbers;
    • Purchase from a trusted seller;
    • Purchase of a car, taken off the register;
    • Checking the VIN number of the vehicle against the databases.

    There are several resources that allow you to check the history of a car by VIN number, for example, and gbdd.rf.

    In addition to the presence and absence of restrictions, the check will show reliable information about the number of owners, recorded during technical inspections, the mileage, imposed fines and registered accidents.

    How to write a request to suspend registration

    Selling a vehicle under monetary policy may have negative consequences for the other party. If new owner does not put the car on record, then the transport tax and fines for traffic violations will come to the seller.

    If you have a DCT and a scan of the buyer's passport, fines and taxes can be challenged, but it is better to protect yourself from unpleasant situations in advance.

    After 10 days after the transaction, you can check the fact of re-registration of ownership in 2 ways:

    • apply to the MREO traffic police with a sale and purchase agreement;
    • check the database using the VIN number.

    Every person who has bought or acquired a car must submit an application for vehicle registration as soon as possible. This is a fairly simple operation if you know where to start. Today we will find out how to draw up an appropriate request and submit it to a particular authority.

    Recently, new rules for accounting for cars have been in effect in Russia. And about them will also be told. The changes facilitated the mentioned procedure to the maximum.

    Briefly about the statement

    What is a Vehicle Registration Application? This is paper, without which it will not be possible to register a car with the traffic police. Usually the document is printed on A4 sheet. The form is filled in, after which it is given to the registering authority. It is the basis for registering a vehicle and has no special differences.

    Where to get

    Many are interested in where to get the vehicle registration form. There are several options for the development of events. You can get the appropriate shape like this:

    • write / print yourself;
    • download from Internet resources;
    • take to the traffic police.

    The latter alignment is most welcome. Only in this case it will be possible to say with confidence that the request will be accepted on further processing... In addition, it is allowed to submit an application for registration electronically. This technique is becoming more and more common. There is no need to download or download the request form - upon receiving the service, the user will be prompted to fill in the appropriate paper.

    What you need to fill

    Of course, without preliminary preparation it will not be possible to correctly enter the data into the application. As a rule, the driver is required to:

    • PTS for cars;
    • identification.

    This is enough to successfully complete the vehicle registration request. What specific data does the applicant have to face?

    A sample vehicle registration application will be presented below. You may notice that no specific information is required from the driver. With the help of the documents listed above, it will be possible to correctly fill out the request. The owner of the car will be confronted with the following information:

    • Full name of the applicant;
    • link to action;
    • place and year of birth;
    • passport data;
    • information from the military ID (if any);
    • citizenship;
    • place of residence (preferably with registration);
    • gender;
    • vehicle data (model, make, VIN and so on);
    • cost (approximate);
    • information about the representative (if the owner entrusted the registration to the representative);
    • date of submission of the request;
    • applicant's signature.

    There is nothing incomprehensible or difficult in this. As a rule, when a citizen sees the form in front of him, he does not have any questions about filling out the paper.

    Fundamental rules

    How to enter data correctly in the vehicle registration application? There are a number of simple rules that every driver who owns a car must remember.

    So, in order for the traffic police to accept the registration request, you will need:

    • write only reliable information;
    • not to allow blots, corrections, mistakes;
    • do not make changes to a ready-made request yourself;
    • enjoy suitable form form (otherwise the document may not be accepted);
    • write legibly, capital letters are encouraged;
    • do not use abbreviations and abbreviations.

    Perhaps all these rules apply to any request. And car registration is no exception. If, while filling out the application for registration, a citizen made a mistake, it is better to ask new form and start all over again.

    Registration authorities

    Now let's consider the procedure for registering vehicles. New rules make it possible to register and deregister cars at the same time. That is, now the new owner of the vehicle is freed from unnecessary paperwork. And the old owner of the car as well. Where can you register a vehicle in Russia? It is proposed to contact the local traffic police or the MFC. In addition, it is allowed to submit an electronic request through the "Gosuslugi" portal. In this case, the citizen not only asks for a service, but also signs up with the traffic police to obtain a certificate of registration of the vehicle. Each owner decides for himself how to act.

    The documents

    What documents will be useful to bring your idea to life? Their exact list directly depends on the method of purchasing a car. In general, a citizen is required to:

    • identification;
    • application of the established form;
    • receipts for payment of the duty;
    • car inspection report;
    • OSAGO insurance.

    In addition, this list in mandatory included documents of title to transport. This can be a contract of sale, exchange or a certificate of acceptance of a gift / inheritance. It is necessary to present only originals of papers.


    Vehicle registration can be carried out different ways... Let's start with a personal appeal to the registration authority. In this case, it is necessary:

    • Collect documents.
    • Pay the fee.
    • Fill out an application for registration.
    • Contact the registration authority with a request.
    • Pass a checkup at the traffic police.
    • Obtain a vehicle registration certificate and related papers and items (for example, numbers).

    Ready! As a rule, the service is rendered in about an hour. Sometimes you have to wait a long time, but not more than a day.

    Through "Gosuslugi"

    Otherwise, it is necessary to act if the citizen has decided. In this case, the owner must have an active profile on the portal. Otherwise, you will not be able to order the service. Otherwise, an application for registration of a vehicle is submitted as follows:

    • Go to under your own name.
    • Open "Public services" - "Individuals" - "Traffic police" - "Car registration".
    • Select "Registration" or "Entering new data into the TCP", depending on the situation.
    • Fill out the electronic form following the prompts on the screen.
    • Indicate the traffic police for the inspection of the car.
    • Select the time and date of the visit.
    • Confirm the operation.
    • Pay for the service.

    A few days before the visit, the citizen will need to confirm his intentions. After that, it remains to collect the documents listed earlier and appear at the traffic police.

    Cost and terms

    The owner must register the car within 10 days from the moment of acquiring ownership of the car. Otherwise, it is impossible to drive a car until the idea is brought to life.

    How much is the state duty for filing an application for registration of a vehicle? It all depends on the circumstances. You can focus on the following prices:

    • issue of signs - 2,000 rubles;
    • vehicle registration certificate - 500 rubles;
    • new TCP - 800 rubles;
    • entering information into the old TCP - 350 rubles.

    Accordingly, in one case or another, you will have to pay in different ways.

    By purchasing vehicle, the newly made car owner must register it. To accomplish this, a 10-day period is allotted. Based on the documents submitted to the traffic police, an appropriate procedure will be carried out.

    A sample application for filing with the MREO traffic police can be downloaded on our website. In some departments, this document is filled out knowledgeable people for a certain financial reward.

    What documents are required

    To re-register the vehicle, it is necessary to prepare a certain list of documents. It includes:

    • Application of the appropriate form for making the necessary adjustments.
    • Proof of identity of the applicant.
    • Available.
    • Papers confirming the ownership of this vehicle.
    • Civil liability insurance policy of the new owner of the vehicle (OSAGO).
    • Papers confirming the payment of the due duty.

    Of course, the vehicle must also be present at the paperwork procedure.

    How to fill out the form

    Having received the required form, it should be filled out correctly. The first line of the form contains the name of the document, in this case it is a statement. On the second line, the name of the registration department of the traffic police should be indicated.

    The next item is to enter the name of the applicant. Next, you need to select by underlining the category of the vehicle that is subject to registration. Initially, the following options were proposed:

    • New, bought in the Russian Federation.
    • Imported into the Russian Federation from abroad.
    • Purchased as released military property.
    • Custom-made in the Russian Federation.
    • Temporarily delivered to the Russian Federation for a period of more than six months.

    The next item is to indicate the reason for the change. Then you need to choose whether to deregister the car or stop registering the vehicle. For each of the proposed options, there is a list of reasons that should also be indicated.

    In a specially designated column, it is required to mark the data brand and model of the vehicle, the year of manufacture and the Vin code. If so, the registration mark is also to be mentioned.

    This side of the document ends with a block of information about the owner of the car:

    • Full name or name of the organization.
    • Date of birth or date of registration of the legal entity.
    • Identification.
    • TIN (relevant for individuals).
    • The residential address of an individual or the registration address of a legal entity.
    • The final line is an indication of the phone number and e-mail (if available).

    The second sheet of the application begins with a block of personal data of the owner's representative (if any).

    There is also a table of information about the vehicle (filled in in case it is necessary to inspect the car by a traffic police officer).

    Blocks of information about:

    1. changes made to the existing design;
    2. checks on automated accounting;
    3. the decision taken on this application.

    On the last page of the application for registration in special columns, information about the applicant is recorded.

    To save time and effort, it is advisable to fill out this application form in advance, and contact the traffic police department with ready-made documents.