Ways to combat bitterness in chanterelles. Recipes on how to cook chanterelles so that they do not taste bitter when frozen and fried

16.10.2019 Egg dishes
  • Bitter fried chanterelles
  • Interesting to know
  • Proper storage and use

Many lovers of cooking delicious food are interested in the question of why fried chanterelles are bitter after defrosting. It is known that the preparation of mushrooms such as chanterelles can be varied. There are various recipes where they are pickled, fried, boiled, salted, or simply dried.

The dishes made from these mushrooms are quite aromatic, tasty and, on top of that, very healthy.

Chanterelles differ from other types of mushrooms in that they are not wormy.

Bitter fried chanterelles

Very often, hostesses are faced with the fact that after defrosting mushrooms, bitterness remains in them. To avoid this, it is recommended that before sending the chanterelles to the freezer, soak them in clean cold water for about three hours. Then you should boil the mushrooms in salt water, then drain it and repeat the procedure a second time. That's when the bitterness should go away.

There is another way to get rid of the unwanted bitter taste. If the chanterelles were simply frozen without preliminary processing, do not despair: everything is fixable. In this situation, after defrosting, it is recommended to rinse the mushrooms with cold water, boil a little, and then fry in oil until tender. At the end, an important element will be adding small amounts of vinegar along with spices. In this way, unpleasant bitterness can be neutralized.

Another option for the correct preparation of chanterelles is drying them.

Another option for the correct preparation of chanterelles is drying them. Freshly picked mushrooms must be thoroughly rinsed, carefully cleaned, cutting off all damaged areas. After that, it is recommended to place them in the oven and dry them over low heat, slightly opening the oven door. Thus, all moisture from the product will disappear, and the mushroom itself will become elastic, will not crumble and taste bitter.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the reason for the bitterness of chanterelles is improper processing before freezing mushrooms. If you adhere to the necessary technology, then everything will certainly work out and the unpleasant aftertaste will go away. It is important to remember that if the processing order and all recommendations have been followed, and the mushrooms are still bitter, you should not risk your health and eat them, because in this case it may be "false" chanterelles, which are quite common.

The climate can also cause bitterness in mushrooms.

So, for example, this product can give off bitterness if picked on the hottest summer days. And mushrooms growing in moss are strictly forbidden to eat.

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Mushrooms such as chanterelles do not absorb radioactive substances, but have the opposite effect: they remove radionuclides from the body. Vitamins B, C, D, folic acid, macro- and microelements - all these useful substances contain chanterelles. But there are also contraindications to their use. So, for example, it is not recommended for children under 7 years old to eat mushrooms. In addition, there are people who individually do not tolerate this type of mushroom.

    I haven't encountered your problem yet. Now is the season and every day I collect chanterelles to fry, stew and salt them. There is no bitterness, mushrooms are soft and tasty. Try to cook according to this recipe: first, simmer them in a frying pan in the water for half an hour, which they themselves also let, and then add butter, salt and fry for another 10 minutes.

    False chanterelles or chanterelles after defrosting are usually bitter.

    But try boiling them before frying anyway.

    Fried chanterelles can be bitter only because, or bitter oil, or picked the wrong mushrooms, or millet did not hold them in water a little. Chanterelles before frying them must either be held in water, or simply rinsed under running water. And only then fry them.

    To be honest, I have never encountered such a phenomenon, although I ate a lot of fried chanterelles in my life. After washing in running water, I scald any mushrooms, including chanterelles, with boiling water and in a frying pan. Perhaps the oil is just rancid or the wrong thing has been collected.

    A very interesting question. I myself ate fried chanterelles many times, and so, they do not taste at all bitter. I think there can be only 2 reasons here:

    1 - they are burnt (or spoiled oil).

    2 - you have not fried chanterelles.

    1.This happens often when fried chanterelle mushrooms are bitter. And not a single hostess was perplexed when she faced something like this for the first time. As one option, it got caught somewhere false chanterelles, and if there are doubts about who collected them and in what form (sometimes drunk people go to the forest), then it is better not to be tempted - just throw them out, not to poison themselves ?!

    2. Another option is method of cooking fried chanterelles (you need to soak). And if you are sure that you cooked them correctly, and they are still bitter, then in no case risk your health or the health of loved ones.

    3.The next option is if you took frozen chanterelles. This also happens after freezing.

    I already read it on another forum - if you freeze the chanterelles fresh (not boiled), then after defrosting they are bitter. Alternatively, boil, drain the water, and boil again. We faced this problem ourselves. a bucket of selected fresh chanterelles froze - and such a tragedy ..... ((

    I ate bitter fried chanterelles several times, and each time these mushrooms were pre-frozen. Therefore, for myself, I concluded that these are features of frozen chanterelles. Moreover, I do not boil them first, perhaps this is the case.

    One more feature of such bitter chanterelles is noticed, if they stand a little, then the bitterness disappears from them.

    It is believed that chanterelles are very tasty mushrooms, including fried ones. However, it should be remembered that before frying, they need to be soaked for at least an hour, replacing the water several times. After soaking, it will not hurt to boil excess tastes out of them, let them boil for 10-15 minutes.

    If, after all these procedures, your fried mushrooms are still clearly bitter, you need to be afraid that the chanterelles turned out to be false. Outwardly, they are very similar to real ones, but their pulp has an unpleasant odor. These mushrooms are poisonous and should be thrown away immediately.

    Almost all mushrooms need to be soaked before cooking, so do chanterelles, the fact is that during soaking, all unnecessary microbes, worms and excess tastes come out in the process, so soak them for a couple of hours and they will be delicious.

    I think that mushrooms and chanterelles are the most delicious fried mushrooms. But both one and the other are recommended before frying, first rinse well and boil for a few minutes. With this cooking option, no bitterness will remain in the mushrooms.

    Another possible cause of bitterness can be the freezing of mushrooms, so I refused to buy frozen chanterelles and use them only in the season when you can buy fresh ones.

    The problem may be that the sunflower oil was bitter, which happens when the oil turns out to be spoiled. It is also possible that your chanterelles are simply burnt, hence the bitter taste. You can't do anything with such chanterelles.

The beautiful chanterelle mushrooms are a very tasty and interesting ingredient. Many dishes can be made from them. They are suitable for cooking, frying. But before cooking, you need to know exactly how to cook the chanterelles so that they do not taste bitter and do not become rubbery. It is important to properly prepare them before use. And if everything is done carefully and without mistakes, then the chanterelles can be easily fried with sour cream, potatoes, onions in a pan. In the proposed photo and video recipes, it is described in detail how to cook chanterelles quickly and tasty, with what spices they go well, for which dishes they are suitable.

How to cook chanterelles so they are not rubbery and not bitter - recommendations for housewives

The use of chanterelles when cooking any dishes puts most housewives in a situation where they do not know all the intricacies of working with an ingredient. If the mushrooms are not properly prepared, they will taste bitter. If cooked incorrectly, they will become rubbery. It is also important to remember the peculiarities of working with frozen mushrooms. Before using them, be sure to defrost them at room temperature (not in the microwave, not in cold water). This tip will help you remember how to cook frozen chanterelles and not spoil such a valuable product.

Rules for cooking chanterelles so that they do not taste bitter and do not become rubber

Studying information on how to cook chanterelles so as not to taste bitter, hostesses should remember that any mushrooms are properly prepared for cooking. It is imperative that they be thoroughly rinsed from sand and debris removed. But the most important thing is to trim the leg. Its tip must be cut off, otherwise the finished dish will give off bitterness.

Additionally, housewives should know how to cook chanterelles so that they are not rubber. When frying, you need to wait for the liquid from the mushrooms to evaporate. Then they can be extinguished for a short time: literally 5-7 minutes. Before using for soup, the chanterelles should be soaked in warm water for 2 hours or covered with boiling water for 20-30 minutes. Mushrooms should be added to the rest of the ingredients only at the end of cooking. Just 5 minutes is enough to boil the chanterelles in the soup.

How to cook chanterelles with sour cream in a pan - recipe with step by step photos

Chanterelles in sour cream are great to serve with pasta. The rich aroma of mushrooms and their taste will optimally complement the dish and give it a zest. You can find out how to cook chanterelles in sour cream in the following recipe.

Recipe for frying chanterelles with sour cream

  • chanterelles - 300 g;
  • chili pepper - 1 pc .;
  • sour cream - 3 tablespoons;
  • chopped parsley - 2 tablespoons;
  • juice of half a lemon.

Step-by-step recipe with a photo of how to fry chanterelle mushrooms in sour cream in a pan

How to quickly and tasty cook chanterelles in a pan - a step by step photo recipe

Not all housewives know how to properly cook chanterelles and for which dishes such an ingredient is suitable. For example, fried mushrooms go very well with pork or beef. When choosing how to cook chanterelles deliciously, you should not forget about the selected seasonings. A small amount of garlic can supplement the mushrooms. He will emphasize their originality. You can find out how to cook chanterelle mushrooms for serving with meat in the following recipe.

List of ingredients for quick cooking of chanterelles in a pan

  • chanterelles - 400 g;
  • draining. oil - 4 tablespoons;
  • garlic - 2 cloves.

Photo recipe with the steps of frying whole chanterelles in a pan

How to easily cook chanterelles with potatoes in a pan - a simple recipe

The combination of fried potatoes with mushrooms is considered great for dinner or lunch. Therefore, many hostesses want to learn how to cook chanterelles with potatoes in order to please the family with an unusual dish. The following recipe details how to pan chanterelles for a hearty meal.

List of ingredients for a recipe for fried potatoes with chanterelles

  • potatoes - 0.5 kg;
  • chanterelles - 400 g;
  • ground red pepper - a pinch;
  • shallots - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • green onions, parsley - a small bunch.

A simple recipe for frying potatoes and chanterelle mushrooms in a skillet

  1. Boil potatoes, peel them.
  2. Cut the onion into pieces.
  3. Cut the carrots into half rings.
  4. Peel the chanterelles.
  5. Grind the herbs.
  6. Cut the potatoes into slices.
  7. Fry potatoes with carrots.
  8. Fry the mushrooms and onions separately.
  9. Add greens, red pepper to the mushrooms. Put potatoes in a frying pan, mix everything.

What can be cooked from chanterelles - recipes with photo and video tips for busy hostesses

Choosing among the numerous recipes that can be prepared from chanterelles, you can choose the first and second courses, and salads. It will not be difficult to make a variety of snacks with them. The recipes discussed below will help you learn about what you can cook from chanterelles.

Ingredients for easy cooking of chanterelle mushrooms

  • pasta - 400 g;
  • chanterelles - 300g;
  • chopped parsley, thyme - 2 tablespoons;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • hard cheese - 50 g.

A convenient recipe for cooking chanterelles for busy hostesses

Simple video recipes for cooking chanterelle dishes

The following video recipes simply and clearly tell you how to make an omelet with chanterelles and how to cook a hearty soup with them. The last recipe describes the peculiarities of cooking a dish with mushrooms and meat.

How to fry chanterelles with onions correctly - a detailed recipe with a photo

You can cook chanterelles not only in sour cream, but also in a spicy sauce. You can reduce the amount of pepper if desired. How to fry chanterelles with original spices is described in the recipe below.

List of ingredients for frying small chanterelle mushrooms with the addition of onions

  • chanterelles - 250 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • ground red pepper - 1 tablespoon;
  • parsley - a small bunch;
  • turmeric - a pinch;
  • rast. butter - 2 tablespoons

Detailed recipe for roasting chanterelles with onion pieces

  1. Wash and dry the chanterelles.
  2. Mix the mushrooms with chopped onions, red pepper, oil.
  3. Add turmeric.
  4. Transfer chanterelles to a frying pan and put on fire. Simmer for 5 minutes over low heat.
  5. Add a couple of chili pods, sprinkle with flax seeds, and add chopped parsley.
  6. Cook for another 2 minutes.

Having studied the considered photo and video recipes, you can quickly and tasty cook chanterelle mushrooms with sour cream, potatoes or onions in a pan. Be sure to pay attention to the correct preparation of the mushrooms before work so that they do not taste bitter, how to fry or cook them, so that they do not become rubbery. Useful tips and tricks will help you learn how to cook chanterelles and in what form they can be served.

Golden chanterelles are mushrooms that are recognizable due to their bright appearance and excellent taste. They can be frozen, boiled, fried, canned, dried, salted and pickled. The pulp of mushrooms after heat, any other processing remains tender, aromatic, incredibly tasty. But sometimes, taking out a blank from the freezer in winter, you may be surprised to find that chanterelles after freezing for some reason can taste bitter. Why is this happening, what should I do?

How to harvest and process crops correctly

So that after defrosting there is no bitter unpleasant aftertaste in the mushrooms, it is worth adhering to the following rules before harvesting:

After harvesting, the crop must be thoroughly washed, cleaned of debris, sand, along the way removing stains.

Taste quality largely depends on the time of harvest. If the season is dry, the mushrooms will most likely have bitterness.

You should not be engaged in harvesting along highways, near industrial enterprises, industrial zones. Mushrooms have the ability to quickly absorb, accumulate toxic substances, which has a detrimental effect on their taste. They are sensitive to the ecological situation of the growing area, quickly adsorb exhaust gases, all kinds of poisons.

How to freeze crops? Young "milk" mushrooms are suitable for freezing raw or after boiling in water or broth. It is safer, more reliable to subject the crop to heat treatment. In this case, you can be sure that it will not disappear even after accidentally defrosting the freezer. In addition, boiled mushrooms are compact and take up little space. This is especially important if the refrigerator compartment is small and the harvest is significant.

Freezing fresh mushrooms

The crop is carefully sorted out, sorted, selecting only small specimens. After that, the mushroom caps are thoroughly cleaned of debris, the leg is cut off at the bottom.

Then the crop is washed with water, thoroughly washing out the sand, small debris under the caps. After washing, the mushrooms are spread on a towel until completely dry.

To get a scattering of separately frozen chanterelles, they are frozen in parts. First, 1 layer is laid out in the pallet, after which it is frozen.

After a few hours, the mushrooms are transferred to containers or plastic bags, and the next batch is prepared for freezing.

Features of freezing large mushrooms

It often happens that large frozen specimens taste bitter after defrosting and cooking. Pre-boiling before freezing will help eliminate an unpleasant aftertaste.

Freshly picked chanterelles are sorted, debris removed, washed in running water. After that, they are cut into slices, put in a saucepan, and poured with running water.

Salt the container with mushrooms, put on fire, bring to a boil, boil for 15-20 minutes.

Boiled specimens are laid out in a colander, quickly cooled in running water, laid out on a napkin or towel to dry.

The final procedure is packing mushrooms into containers, plastic bags, placing them in a freezer.

Chanterelles frozen in broth

The crop can be partially frozen directly in the broth in which it was cooked. This processing method is convenient. In the future, the mushrooms can be used immediately after removing them from the freezer for preparing the first courses.

Selected, washed specimens are boiled in salted broth for about 15-20 minutes.

After that, the container is cooled, the boiled mushrooms are transferred to containers for freezing.

If you need to make a gravy or a first course, you don't need to defrost the chanterelles. The briquette is placed in boiling water, the dish is cooked according to the recipe. When it becomes necessary to completely defrost the product, they do it at room temperature. Do not expose it to hot water or microwave ovens.

Why are chanterelles bitter after defrosting, what to do

It so happens that after defrosting, bitterness is felt in the mushrooms. Why can chanterelles taste bitter? The reason for this may be the individual characteristics of the mushrooms, the abundance of toxins in the pulp, and improper handling of the crop.

If the collected specimens are bitter, this may be due to the growing zone. Chanterelles grown in spruce and ephedra absorb the resinous substances of trees, which gives them an unpleasant taste.

When harvesting, special attention should be paid to poisonous specimens. It is worth knowing that along with ordinary chanterelles, false ones grow in the forest. If edible mushrooms have a rich yellow color, then poisonous specimens have a pronounced orange color. They are so toxic that even after heat treatment, the use of false chanterelles causes complex poisoning.

If the mushrooms are bitter, they may have been stored for too long. Dried, canned, frozen chanterelles are best consumed within 3 months. After that, a dangerous concentration of toxins is observed in them, which, once in the body, cause poisoning.

To remove bitterness, rinsing with running water immediately after defrosting will help. After that, the product is subjected to thermal treatment, as a result of which the unpleasant taste disappears. If you decide to fry the defrosted mushrooms, you can pre-boil them by changing the water several times. Vinegar, various spices that are added at the very end of roasting, will help remove bitterness.

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Tasty chanterelles are natural sources of vitamins A, C, D, folic acid and a whole range of macronutrients. They are great in any form: fried, boiled, pickled, dried. They make mushroom caviar and winter preparations, and someone simply freezes the product in order to cook it with potatoes or cook a delicious mushroom soup at a convenient moment. Unfortunately, defrosted mushrooms often have a bitter taste. Why are chanterelles bitter after freezing and how to solve this problem?

Where does bitterness come from?

The fact is that the chanterelles themselves already contain this bitterness, thanks to which they are not susceptible to infection by insects and larvae. After freezing, the bitterness increases and people who rarely eat these mushrooms immediately notice it. Those who eat chanterelles constantly, as a rule, get used to their specific flavor and do not pay attention to it.

Those chanterelles that were collected during the dry period, or that grew in a clearing next to conifers, are more bitter. Mushrooms growing surrounded by moss also acquire bitterness.

Bitter chanterelles are not harmful to health if collected and stored under the right conditions, however, their taste may not be liked by many. In fact, the problem can be dealt with in two ways: initially, freeze them correctly so that they do not taste bitter later, or process the already thawed mushrooms, trying to get rid of their aftertaste. Let's consider both options.

How to freeze so that there is no bitterness?

Housewives recommend freezing chanterelles not fresh, but boiling them beforehand - so the bitter taste will go away. Mushrooms are cleaned of dust, twigs, spoiled areas, then soaked for several hours in cold salted water.

After the mushrooms are placed in a saucepan, the water is salted and brought to a boil. Having cooked them for about 10 minutes, the water is drained and poured in fresh, in which the chanterelles are boiled until tender.

The boiled chanterelles are allowed to cool, then packed in airtight bags or containers and put into the freezer. It should be packed in small portions "at one time", as it is not recommended to re-freeze the product.

Mushrooms are thawed at room temperature, or placed in cold water, after which they can be cooked immediately.

What to do if thawed chanterelles are bitter?

If you sent fresh mushrooms to the freezer without pretreatment, then most likely they will be very bitter. You can remove bitterness in the following ways:

  1. Soak the thawed chanterelles overnight in salted cold water.
  2. Boil the mushrooms with salt, drain the first water immediately after boiling and replace it with fresh water.
  3. Cook (fry, stew, throw in soup, etc.) with the addition of vinegar or spices, mayonnaise.

You can try to pickle bitter mushrooms after defrosting and boiling, adding various spices to them.


Delicate casserole. You will need chanterelles, onions, cream, tilapia fillets. Fry mushrooms with onions. Place the tilapia fillet on the bottom of the baking dish, on top of it - the mushrooms fried with onions. Top with cream (or sprinkle with grated cheese) and place in the oven on medium heat. You can add chopped greens. Bake 25-30 minutes until tender.

Simple mushroom caviar. Boil the chanterelles and fry the onions in vegetable oil (all individually). Pass everything through a meat grinder, add salt and spices to taste. Transfer the mass to jars, roll up. The caviar is ready.

Knowing why chanterelles are bitter after freezing, you can try to fix it. Freeze them, having previously soaked in water and boiled, so that the excess bitterness is gone.


Bitterness in chanterelles: why mushrooms are bitter after frying, cooking, freezing, what to do in this case

Recognizable for their bright appearance, chanterelles are excellent mushrooms due to their taste. These fruiting bodies can be subjected to any treatment: fry, boil, salt, freeze, pickle and dry. Although chanterelles and bitterness are inseparable concepts, after heat treatment, the pulp of the mushrooms becomes fragrant, tender and amazingly tasty.

It is worth saying that cleaning and any heat treatment of chanterelles should be carried out on the very day when the crop is harvested. Any delay for a long time can lead to the accumulation of harmful toxins in the mushrooms, which can harm human health.

In this article, you can get an exhaustive answer to the question of why chanterelle mushrooms are bitter, as well as familiarize yourself with proven methods to help remove this unpleasant feature.

Why are chanterelles bitter after freezing and what to do if mushrooms are bitter when defrosted?

Why are chanterelles bitter after freezing and what to do to fix it? Indeed, taking frozen mushrooms out of the freezer in winter, sometimes you can find a little bitterness. If you do not pay attention to this immediately, the cooked dish may be spoiled.

So, why after defrosting chanterelle mushrooms are bitter, and what rules should you follow to avoid this? In order for the unpleasant bitter taste to be absent after defrosting, the following recommendations are observed before harvesting:

  • Mushrooms are cleared of forest debris, earth or sand and immediately cut off rotten areas.
  • Rinse thoroughly with plenty of water, stirring by hand.
  • Pour in cold water and leave for 1.5-2 hours.
  • Drain the water, put the mushrooms on a wire rack and leave for 20-30 minutes to drain.
  • After that, the chanterelles are distributed in plastic bags or food containers and placed in the freezer.

Why are frozen chanterelles bitter and how to remove bitterness from thawed mushrooms?

But sometimes, even despite the observance of the rules, frozen chanterelles are bitter, why? It would be better to boil the mushrooms after soaking so that the bitterness will go away for sure.

Another factor why frozen chanterelles remain bitter is harvest time. In the dry mushroom season, bitterness is always present in mushrooms, which is difficult to remove by soaking.

How can you remove the bitterness from frozen chanterelles if they were prepared raw?

  • After thawing, the mushrooms are dipped in boiling water and cooked for 10-15 minutes over low heat.
  • You can add 1 tbsp to the water. l. salt and 2-3 pinches of citric acid. Such actions will help remove the bitter taste from the fruit bodies.

In addition, heat treatment will give you confidence that the workpiece will not deteriorate after accidentally defrosting the freezer. It should be added that boiled chanterelles become more compact and take up less space in the freezer than raw ones.

How else can you remove the bitterness from chanterelles after freezing?

How to remove bitterness from chanterelles after freezing in another interesting way? Frozen fresh mushrooms are delicious when used as a soup or added to fried potatoes. But there are problem situations when mushrooms are bitter. Therefore, after freezing, the fruiting bodies are thawed for a start. Next, the question arises, how to remove the bitterness from thawed chanterelles so that the dish prepared from them does not lose the mushroom taste and aroma? In this case, the mushrooms are blanched in boiling salted water for 5-7 minutes, after laying them out in a colander after thawing.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that it is best to freeze only young specimens of chanterelles that have not fully straightened their hats. Such fruit bodies have practically no bitter taste and contain more nutrients and vitamins in their composition than overripe ones.

Many experienced housewives prefer to freeze chanterelles directly in the mushroom broth in which they were cooked. Note that this method is convenient, because in the future the mushrooms are used immediately after being removed from the freezer without preliminary defrosting. Prepared first courses from such a preparation turn out to be incredibly tasty.

However, it happens that even in the broth, mushrooms have a slightly bitter taste. Why are chanterelles bitter after cooking and how to fix the situation?

  • The blank for the first courses is thawed, the broth is drained, and the mushrooms are washed under a tap with cold water.
  • Pour in a little water, adding one onion, cut into 4 pieces, and boil for 10 minutes over medium heat.
  • They are thrown in a colander, allowed to drain and proceed to further processing processes.

How to get rid of the bitterness in chanterelles after boiling?

After preliminary boiling, the chanterelles remain bitter, what to do in this case? There may be several reasons for this: for example, the individual peculiarity of the fruit bodies, the presence of toxins in the pulp, as well as improper processing.

The natural bitter taste of chanterelles can complicate the technology and increase the duration of cooking. But thanks to this bitterness, the appearance of the fruit bodies is practically not spoiled by pests that do not like bitter food.

It is worth saying that although the bitterness of mushrooms does not harm human health, many do not like this taste. Therefore, in order to get rid of the bitter taste of the chanterelles during boiling, salt, citric acid, bay leaves, clove buds and allspice are added to the water. After the first cooking for 5-8 minutes, the water is drained and poured with a new one. Boil again, but without adding salt and spices.

In addition, there is a way that simplifies the task and shows how to get rid of the bitterness in chanterelles. After boiling in salted water for 15 minutes, mushrooms can be cooked marinated or add various sauces and dressings to the dish. This method will make the chanterelle's bitter taste less noticeable. As a rule, you can get used to the specific taste of fruiting bodies if you constantly use them. But those who rarely eat chanterelles immediately notice the bitterness.

However, do not forget about an important factor that will help to avoid bitterness: pick mushrooms of small sizes with unopened caps!

Why are fried chanterelles bitter and what to do to get rid of the problem?

It often happens that even after frying, the chanterelles are bitter, why does this happen? When the hostess first encounters such problems, this leads her to bewilderment and doubts creep in about the edibility of mushrooms.

Why fried chanterelles are bitter is a very practical question. Perhaps the fact is that false chanterelles got into the mushrooms, which have a strong bitterness in the pulp, which spoiled the taste of all mushrooms. Therefore, if there is even a drop of doubt about which mushrooms you collected and cooked, it is better not to be tempted and throw them away.

Another option why chanterelles are bitter when frying is the absence of preliminary soaking of the mushrooms. This should be done immediately after cleaning: pour the mushroom harvest with cold water and leave for 1.5-2 hours. Then rinse with plenty of water, and then proceed to further processing.

Some cooks have noticed why the chanterelles remain bitter after frying. The peculiarity of such a problem is that the mushrooms, after being brought home, could not be processed for a long time, accumulating toxic substances in the pulp.

Before you start frying, the mushrooms are soaked, boiled in boiling salted water and only then fried. Although such processes require additional time, the bitterness inherent in chanterelles will definitely go away.

Why are chanterelles bitter after frying and can this be fixed?

What to do if fried chanterelles are bitter even after preliminary soaking and boiling? Perhaps the fruit bodies are burnt or have been fried in bitter sunflower oil. Then with such chanterelles you need to do the following: add sour cream or mayonnaise, spices and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. You can try to remedy the situation as follows: roll the boiled mushrooms in flour and cook in butter with the addition of sugar-fried onions.

The reasons for the bitterness remaining after frying may be completely different. When boiling, try putting a bag of dense fabric with spices in water: cloves, bay leaves, cinnamon sticks, fresh dill and parsley. If you have tried all the manipulations to remove the bitterness, but it still remains, throw the mushrooms away, not regretting the time spent and your efforts.

Why are dried chanterelles bitter and how to get rid of mushrooms from this lack?

If even after heat treatment the mushrooms have a bitter taste, then it is understandable why dried chanterelles are bitter. By their specificity, mushrooms already have bitterness in the pulp. In addition, chanterelles could grow in coniferous forests on a bed of moss, which enhances the bitter taste. The simple tips below will help you get rid of this deficiency in dried mushrooms.

The first option is to soak the chanterelles in cold water with the addition of salt for 5-8 hours. In this case, the water should be changed 2-3 times a day to prevent acidification of the fruit bodies.

The second option is to pour the mushrooms with warm milk so that they completely cover the product, and leave for 2-3 hours.

In addition, after soaking, it is better to boil the chanterelles with the addition of citric acid and some spices: bay leaves, cloves, and dill umbrellas. Adding these ingredients will completely remove the bitterness from dried chanterelles.


Why are chanterelles bitter after freezing?

Recently, many housewives, in order to save their own time and increase the volumes of mushrooms harvested for future use, are trying to freeze some of them. It turns out to freeze almost all mushrooms, including chanterelles, while this process, in principle, retains a sufficient amount of nutrients in these mushrooms, but for some reason often when serving dishes prepared with the use of frozen chanterelles, the hostess, unfortunately, understand that mushrooms are bitter for some reason! What could have caused the bitterness of frozen chanterelles? How to avoid this phenomenon?

It turns out that the natural feature of chanterelles is precisely their bitterness, which manifests itself in an even greater volume after freezing the product. To remove the bitterness, it is recommended to soak the mushrooms for several hours in clean water before freezing, and then boil in salted water, and the first water after boiling must be immediately drained. If the boiling procedure is performed incorrectly, then the bitterness of the chanterelles will certainly be felt.

Is it possible to remove or at least reduce the bitterness of frozen chanterelles?

From the experience of the hostesses, we can say with confidence that most of the bitterness will go away if immediately after defrosting the chanterelles, rinse them with cold water, then fry them in vegetable oil, and finally add a small amount of vinegar and all kinds of spices. Part of this procedure really neutralizes the bitterness, and part just veils.

You can first boil the chanterelles before frying, pouring water on them several times, and then fry and add to the preparation of the main dish, but it is difficult to deal with this issue. Since the so-called "bitterness" is mainly found in frozen chanterelles, of course, if the entire freezing procedure is performed correctly, only those people who rarely eat these mushrooms feel.

Those who periodically include this variety of mushrooms in their diet, using them after freezing, do not feel any bitterness. They just get used to that particular flavor, which isn't all that bad!

This all applies to correctly frozen chanterelles, the freezing technology of which has been fully aged. However, if you have even the slightest suspicion that the mushrooms were stored or frozen not quite correctly, then it is better to refuse such chanterelles and not use them in cooking! Such products can even cause poisoning.

Why are chanterelles bitter after freezing?

Tasty chanterelles are natural sources of vitamins A, C, D, folic acid and a whole range of macronutrients. They are great in any form: fried, boiled, pickled, dried. They make mushroom caviar and winter preparations, and someone simply freezes the product in order to cook it with potatoes or cook a delicious mushroom soup at a convenient moment. Unfortunately, defrosted mushrooms often have a bitter taste. Why are chanterelles bitter after freezing and how to solve this problem?

Where does bitterness come from?

The fact is that the chanterelles themselves already contain this bitterness, thanks to which they are not susceptible to infection by insects and larvae. After freezing, the bitterness increases and people who rarely eat these mushrooms immediately notice it. Those who eat chanterelles constantly, as a rule, get used to their specific flavor and do not pay attention to it.

Those chanterelles that were collected during the dry period, or that grew in a clearing next to conifers, are more bitter. Mushrooms growing surrounded by moss also acquire bitterness.

Bitter chanterelles are not harmful to health if collected and stored under the right conditions, however, their taste may not be liked by many. In fact, the problem can be dealt with in two ways: initially, freeze them correctly so that they do not taste bitter later, or process the already thawed mushrooms, trying to get rid of their aftertaste. Let's consider both options.

How to freeze so that there is no bitterness?

Housewives recommend freezing chanterelles not fresh, but boiling them beforehand - so the bitter taste will go away. Mushrooms are cleaned of dust, twigs, spoiled areas, then soaked for several hours in cold salted water.

After the mushrooms are placed in a saucepan, the water is salted and brought to a boil. Having cooked them for about 10 minutes, the water is drained and poured in fresh, in which the chanterelles are boiled until tender.

The boiled chanterelles are allowed to cool, then packed in airtight bags or containers and put into the freezer. It should be packed in small portions "at one time", as it is not recommended to re-freeze the product.

Mushrooms are thawed at room temperature, or placed in cold water, after which they can be cooked immediately.

What to do if thawed chanterelles are bitter?

If you sent fresh mushrooms to the freezer without pretreatment, then most likely they will be very bitter. You can remove bitterness in the following ways:

  1. Soak the thawed chanterelles overnight in salted cold water.
  2. Boil the mushrooms with salt, drain the first water immediately after boiling and replace it with fresh water.
  3. Cook (fry, stew, throw in soup, etc.) with the addition of vinegar or spices, mayonnaise.

You can try to pickle bitter mushrooms after defrosting and boiling, adding various spices to them.


Delicate casserole. You will need chanterelles, onions, cream, tilapia fillets.
Fry mushrooms with onions. Place the tilapia fillet on the bottom of the baking dish, on top of it - the mushrooms fried with onions. Top with cream (or sprinkle with grated cheese) and place in the oven on medium heat. You can add chopped greens. Bake 25-30 minutes until tender.

Simple mushroom caviar. Boil the chanterelles and fry the onions in vegetable oil (all individually). Pass everything through a meat grinder, add salt and spices to taste. Transfer the mass to jars, roll up. The caviar is ready.

Knowing why chanterelles are bitter after freezing, you can try to fix it. Freeze them, having previously soaked in water and boiled, so that the excess bitterness is gone.