Alcohol decomposition table in the body. Total decay time of blood alcohol

15.03.2020 The drinks

Each person has come across in his life with pure alcohol, which is used in hospitals during disinfection procedures. This is due to the strong chemical activity of ethanol, which leads to the destruction of bacteria.

Alcohol consumed internally also contains ethanol, only in a diluted form, which leads to the destruction of the body from the inside.

Often in life, the question is: how long does it take for alcohol to disappear from the body completely? There is a special calculator that allows you to determine how much alcohol breakdown products are excreted from the blood, from the liver, from urine and from milk during breastfeeding.

How long does ethanol last in the body

Complete disposal of alcohol in the body is due to many factors

1. The most important is the state of the body and human health.

2. Weight. Weight is also very important. The more a person weighs, the longer it will take to absorb alcohol and the slower it will be excreted from the body.

3. Gender. It has been scientifically proven that alcohol “disappears” from a woman's body 20% longer than it does in men.

4. The amount of product consumed. The larger the dose of the drunk, the longer it will take to cleanse the body.

5. Strength of consumed drinks. If we compare in terms of the rate of excretion from the body, then strong alcoholic drinks, such as vodka or cognac, are excreted the longest. Blood beer or table wine wears out faster.

6. Normal work of internal organs. In this case, the state of the liver is very important, since it is she who takes an active part in the breakdown of ethanol and the removal of its decay products from the body.

It is impossible to say for sure how many days alcohol will be completely eliminated from the body, since the duration of the process will depend on the entire set of the indicated factors.

Average duration of alcohol elimination in men and women

The duration of alcohol in the male body is approximately:

  • when using 50 grams of cognac, ethanol will completely leave the body after 4 hours; if a bottle was drunk, then the duration will be a day;
  • drunk 100 grams of vodka will last in the body for 7 hours, and with an increase in the dose, the elimination time can increase up to 19 hours;
  • a glass of beer will completely disappear after 3 hours;
  • drunk champagne will completely "leave" the body after 6 hours.

For women, these indicators will be slightly higher due to the characteristics of the body:

  • one hundred grams of vodka - 11 hours;
  • 100 ml of sparkling wine - 2 hours;
  • a glass of cognac - 7 hours;
  • a mug of beer - 5 hours;
  • 200 grams of wine - about 9 hours.

An interesting feature of the human body is the difference in the quantitative indicators of ethanol in blood and urine, which differ significantly.

At the same time, the level of alcohol in the urine increases at the end of the excretion process, and in the blood the maximum concentration is reached with the complete absorption of the drunk alcohol

Table of the average duration of ethanol residence in the blood

There is a table that gives the average time to remove ethanol from the body, depending on the person's weight and the amount of alcohol consumed.

Drink The weight Withdrawal time
100 ml. 300 ml. 500 ml
Beer <60 кг. 40 minutes 2 hours 4 hours
60 - 80 kg. 30 min. 2 hours 3 hours
\u003e 80 kg. 30 min. 1 hour 2 hours
Wine, champagne <60 кг. \u003e 1.5 hours 5:00 8 ocloc'k
60 - 80 kg. 1 hour 4 hours 7 o'clock
\u003e 80 kg. 1 hour 3.5 hours 6 o'clock
Liqueurs <60 кг. 4.5 hours 13 hours 20 hours
60 - 80 kg. 3.5 hours 12 hours 18 hours
\u003e 80 kg. 3 hours 8 ocloc'k 13 hours
Vodka, cognac <60 кг. 6 o'clock 20 hours 30 hours
60 - 80 kg. 6 o'clock 16 hours 1 day
\u003e 80 kg. 4 hours 12 hours 22 hours

It should be remembered that the tabular data are average figures, in each case the time may vary.

A Russian person knows how and loves to drink, but the most important thing is to know when to stop, so as not to calculate how long ethanol will disappear from the body completely, and not to suffer in the morning from the consequences of evening outpourings.

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A large number of people are interested in how long it takes for the complete breakdown of alcohol in the blood. Many people drive cars, hold positions of responsibility, and it is important for them to know how quickly the alcohol will dissolve, and how to calculate how much to drink in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

In this article, we will find out how long it takes for the decomposition of alcohol in the body. This data will help prevent problems with the police on the road, inconvenient moments at the workplace, and make it possible to maintain health at the proper level. Knowledge will help keep your wallet free of fines and keep your driver's license from being revoked.

Alcohol intoxication

People who do not understand this issue may believe that the degree of intoxication depends only on the strength of the drinks used and their amount. But there are other factors that have a significant impact on the human body.

Ethanol, more precisely, acetaldehyde (released during the splitting of ethyl alcohol) brings it to this state. it dangerous toxin... After entering the brain, it destructively affects neurons, providing a psychotropic effect.

Drug addiction doctors distinguish three stages.

  1. Light intoxication. The man consumed a small amount of strong drinks, was able to relax. One can feel euphoria, emancipation of behavior can be observed. A person can not quite adequately assess his actions and the actions of others.
  2. Average. Alcohol begins to have a toxic effect. There are noticeable problems with the coordination of movements, speech becomes slightly indistinct, the intoxicated person is not fully oriented in space. Behavior - defiant and aggressive.
  3. Heavy. The person completely stops orienting himself in space. Failure of all body systems up to loss of consciousness, involuntary urination and defecation.

What determines the level of intoxication

Doctors have long revealed the secret of ethyl alcohol and an explanation has been given of why alcohol has such a different effect on people, because one only needs the smell to get drunk, and the second feels normal even after drinking a bottle.

Intoxication level depends on many factors, here are some of the most important ones:

  • Weight and height. Very tall people of normal weight get drunk much more slowly. But this does not apply to overweight men - adipose tissue quickly absorbs and retains ethanol.
  • Age. Strong and robust organisms with an excellent metabolism can resist harmful substances longer, in contrast to the elderly, in which metabolic processes are no longer so active.
  • Health status. If a man or woman is sick, there are chronic diseases and immunity has decreased, it is better to refuse to drink alcohol.
  • Frequency of use. If a person often spends his free time with a glass, then he gets drunk faster, because the body ceases to resist ethanol.
  • Gender. Due to their physical characteristics, the time for the disintegration of alcohol in the blood in women is significantly lower than that of representatives of the strong half of humanity. The fact is that beautiful ladies have a weaker physical constitution, a different hormonal background, otherwise metabolic processes take place.
  • A kind of hard liquor. The speed and time of the splitting of alcohol in the blood directly depends on the strength and presence of carbon dioxide in its composition. For example, vodka with a strength of 40% will "work" faster than dry wine. But champagne with a low degree and with gas will penetrate into the gastric mucosa in a short time and cause intoxication.

Alcohol breakdown rate

By studying special tables, you can roughly determine how long it will take for the alcohol in the blood to decompose. But it is worth remembering that the information provided is only approximate, much depends on the factors listed above.

When calculating the decay time of ethanol products, one should take into account individual characteristics of a person and his condition as well as gender. In the female body, it decomposes about 0.085-0.1 ppm per hour, and in the male - 0.1-0.15 ppm over the same period.

If a person is elderly or weakened after illness, then all the numbers should be reduce by about 2 times... You can find these tables on the Internet.

After familiarizing yourself with the provided data of the alcohol breakdown table, you can easily find out how long it will take to get behind the wheel, without fear of being checked on the breathalyzer.

A simple example: after a party, the alcohol level was 2.2 ppm. The minimum half-life is 0.10 ppm per hour. This means that 1.4 ppm will remain until 8 am. The body will be able to completely cleanse itself only at 22:00.

Impact of alcohol on driving skills

Motorists often claim that low blood alcohol levels have no effect on an experienced driver. In fact, this is not the case, because even half a glass of beer can extremely negatively affect the assessment of the road situation.

When ethyl alcohol is not more than 0.5 ppm, it becomes more difficult for the driver to distinguish moving light sources, the volume of surrounding objects is distorted. This condition can provoke risky maneuvers, which means the possibility of road accidents increases... Other consequences:

  • the risk of collisions when overtaking;
  • inaccurate observance of a safe distance;
  • difficulties in determining the distance to cars moving in the opposite lane.

If the alcohol level is about 1.2-2.4 ppm, then a person's attention is significantly impaired, he will not be able to concentrate on doing actions. A state of strong euphoria can be observed, the balance is disturbed. It's almost impossible to ride. In addition, the following signs are noted:

  1. Problems with orientation in space.
  2. Elementary mistakes while driving: it is easy to confuse the gas and brake pedals.
  3. Riding style becomes extremely risky.

When a person's condition is critical, loss of consciousness is observed, it is recommended seek help from doctors.

Allowable ppm

In some European countries, you can drive if you consume a certain amount of hard liquor. The Russian Federation is no exception.

The history of the issue began in 2010. Then there was a norm called "zero ppm". But three years later they entered due to the changed norms.

The fact is that some products, in particular black bread, cabbage, bananas and even kefir, may contain a certain ppm. Drivers who did not drink strong drinks occasionally had problems with the police.

After a while, this legal norm was revised. Since 2015 permissible ppm in our country 0.35 - at this level, the average measurement error.

The conclusions are very simple: the decay time of significant doses of alcohol is not less than a day... Neither taking a contrast shower, nor using medications, nor strong coffee can speed up the process of intoxication and the period of elimination of alcohol from the body. They will just spur the nervous system.

Attention, only TODAY!

Many people are interested in the question of how long it takes the body for the breakdown of alcohol in the blood to take place. This is especially worrisome for those whose activities are related to driving a car or leading position. A person needs to determine for himself how much he needs to drink so that the alcohol has time to be processed by the body. Such calculations will help not only to avoid unpleasant situations at work, but also to maintain health. The table will provide an opportunity to obtain more detailed information on the issue of interest.

What factors determine the strength of alcoholic intoxication

At first glance, it may seem that the degree of alcoholic intoxication depends solely on the amount and strength of the drink consumed. However, physical condition, weight and gender play a huge role.

You should also consider the length of time after drinking hard liquor. If one person weighs more than the other, but at the same time they consumed the same dose of alcohol, then the time for the breakdown of alcohol in the blood will be longer for the person whose weight is less.

How a person can speed up the breakdown time of alcohol in their blood

After the alcohol in the body is oxidized, it can freely leave it. The human liver can process approximately 90 percent of the alcohol that enters the body. The rest is utilized by the kidneys, sweat glands, and some are excreted by the lungs. It takes time for the breakdown of alcohol in the blood to take place. However, fresh air, drinking strong coffee or tea, cold or contrast showers speed up the process. To speed it up in advance, you need to drink activated charcoal before the celebration, and while drinking alcohol you need to eat more.

The table below will show how long it takes for the body to process a particular amount and type of alcohol

How long does it take for the body to get rid of alcohol, the table above shows in dosages

  • 100g
  • 300 grams
  • 500 gram

However, these data may differ, depending on the strength and functionality of the body of an individual. It should also be borne in mind that the time for withdrawing alcohol, which the table presented, for women increases by 20 percent.

How long after drinking alcohol can you drive a car?

If you were present at some kind of celebration where you had to knock over one or two glasses of alcohol, then driving will have to be postponed for a while. However, how much time you will have to wait to pick up the steering wheel can be shown in the table above. However, the psychological factor can significantly increase the time it takes to utilize alcohol from the body. Bad mood increases drunkenness by 2 times.

The process of alcohol splitting followed by its oxidation is rather slow - it can last from 5 hours to 1.5 days.

The table will be able to make it clear to each person how much time you need to wait after a feast so as not to harm either yourself or those around you.

You take a glass of vodka or whiskey with a strength of 40 degrees and a volume of 25 milliliters. Regardless of whether you diluted this drink with soda water, as is customary in many countries, or not, 10 grams of pure alcohol got into the body. What is the fate of these 10 grams of ethyl (wine) alcohol in your body?

First of all, alcohol causes a clear burning sensation in the mouth. This sensation is usually caused by any drink with a strength above 20 degrees. After a large throat, the burning sensation is not limited to the oral cavity, but spreads to the esophagus and stomach.

In a few seconds alcohol consumed ends up in the stomach. A small part of it will be absorbed by the gastric mucosa, and the rest will be quickly diluted with gastric juice released in response to the intake of this burning substance. Dilution will stop when the alcohol concentration reaches about 5 percent. If the liquid is taken on an empty stomach, it will very quickly, after only one fifteenth of a minute, go further - into the small intestine.

If the stomach is full or full (food comes in), alcohol mixes with food and lasts longer in the stomach, which increases irritation of the stomach lining. Some alcoholic beverages (in particular beer, and to a lesser extent grape wine) contain nutrients that slow the passage of alcohol through an empty stomach. Foods rich in fat slow down this process even more. If you drink a little vegetable oil or a glass of milk before taking alcohol, absorption is slowed down. This, of course, does not mean that a smaller amount of alcohol will penetrate into the body or that the consequences of its intake will weaken - just absorption will be extended over time.

Carbon dioxide, on the other hand, speeds up the passage of alcohol from the stomach into the intestines and thus speeds up its absorption. It is known that champagne hits the head faster. The less alcoholic beverage is retained in the stomach, the less it will irritate it.

So, 10 grams of alcohol (minus very small amounts that had already passed into the bloodstream through the gastric mucosa) were first in the small intestine and then in the large intestine. Alcohol quickly enters the blood vessels through the intestinal wall. It has not yet undergone any changes: this small molecule easily passes through tissues without undergoing transformations.

Contrary to popular belief, alcohol spreads not only to the bloodstream, but to all parts of the body that contain water. So, for a person weighing 70 kilograms, the "diffusion space" of alcohol is approximately 50 liters. It covers organs, cells and intercellular spaces, but does not enter bones (almost free of water) and adipose tissue (alcohol does not dissolve in fat). By the way, an obese person has proportionally less space for alcohol diffusion than a thin person. In women, the space for which alcohol can be dispersed is less than in men, since they have relatively more subcutaneous fatty tissue. Therefore, the concentration of alcohol in other tissues is higher.

Blood alcohol content after taking it, it is slightly higher than in other tissues (by about 20 percent). This is explained by the fact that blood is the richest tissue in our body in water (note that the brain is in second place). Alcohol has an affinity for water, attracts it. Usually, two-thirds of the water in the body is inside the cells, and a third is in the intercellular fluids. If a person has taken a lot of alcohol, the latter draws out some of the water from the cells, circulating through the intercellular spaces. Water is still in the body, but it is not in place, not in the cells, which causes a feeling of thirst that does not pass for a long time, even if you drink a lot of water.

While circulating through the body, alcohol gradually breaks down. The liver carries out a dehydrogenation reaction - it takes away a hydrogen atom from the alcohol molecule, as a result of which the alcohol turns into acetaldehyde. The speed of this reaction is limited by the available supply in the liver of the necessary enzyme for it and the rate of production of new quantities of this enzyme. On average, the liver can break down 0.1 grams of alcohol per kilogram of a person's weight per hour. However, there are substances that accelerate the breakdown of alcohol in the liver. These are fructose and some amino acids.

Several years ago, the Parisian professor Jean Lereboullet conducted experiments with these substances. He showed that fructose, taken in an amount of 100 grams immediately before drinking alcohol, causes an accelerated decrease in the amount of alcohol in the blood (although at the same time it causes indigestion). The amino acid asparagine, taken after drinking in an amount of 15 grams, works in much the same way. According to Professor Lerebull, frequent use of such substances can damage the liver and kidneys, as their metabolism is disturbed.

Note that acetaldehyde obtained after the dehydrogenation reaction in the liver is also a poison. The next substance resulting from the further decomposition of alcohol is also poisonous - acetic acid. If a lot has been drunk, the decay process can take place not only in the liver, but also in other tissues. But, since these tissues are not adapted to neutralize poisons, their cells immediately die during this process. The "habitual" liver cells are also bad.

Because decay process in the liver goes slowly, alcohol has time to circulate many times through the circulatory system until it is completely decomposed. Only a small part of it (about 2.5 percent) in undecomposed form during this time will be excreted through the lungs and almost the same amount through the kidneys. Very little alcohol is passed through the skin in sweat. It is mainly the decay products that are excreted from the body, and not the alcohol itself.

So, the alcohol turned into acetic acid. It is then slowly destroyed in all cells of the body, eventually forming water and carbon dioxide. This process takes several days, sometimes up to two weeks. Part of the acetic acid is converted into cholesterol and fatty acids, which are also not indifferent to the body compounds.

This oxidation of alcohol in the body releases energy. One gram of ethyl alcohol, burning, gives seven kilocalories. The point, however, is that this energy cannot replace the energy supplied with food. Alcohol is not food. After all, it does not contain proteins, vitamins, minerals usually contained in food, which, due to the influence of alcohol, a drinker often refuses. Hence the paradox: the systematic use of alcohol often causes depletion, but at the same time leads to obesity, since unused fats accumulate in the body - their calories are replaced in the energy balance of the body by constantly incoming alcohol calories.

Described way of destruction and elimination of alcohol typical, but some people may have more or less significant deviations from it. Alcohol, like certain medications, caffeine, nicotine, can act differently on different people. There are people who are simply unable to drink even a small amount of alcohol. Alcoholic beverages cause stomach cramps and vomiting. The brain also reacts differently to alcohol. In some people, clear signs of intoxication are observed even at the content of 0.5 grams of alcohol per liter of blood, others outwardly seem sober even at 4 grams per liter. This does not mean that alcohol harms the body of the latter less. The accumulation of hidden irreversible changes proceeds in the same way.

There is another significant difference in attitudes towards alcohol. Some people may develop a morbid habit of this poison. A drinker (sometimes even a moderate drinker) has a need for new doses, which becomes irresistible and is the first step towards chronic alcoholism. There are practically no cases where an alcoholic could drink in moderation. As Roger Williams, director of the Institute of Biochemistry at the University of Texas (USA) wrote, “an alcoholic either remains an alcoholic or stops drinking entirely; there is something in him that does not allow the middle option - moderation. " People who drink are prone to cirrhosis of the liver, alcoholic psychosis and other diseases encouraged by excessive alcohol consumption - tuberculosis, cancer of the upper respiratory tract.

Alcohol-induced changes in the brainare still little researched. It has been shown that it affects the substances responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses - adrenaline, norepinephrine, serotonin, acetylcholine. In addition, the effect of alcohol on the blood affects the brain. Several years ago, a group of researchers reported that under the influence of alcohol, the adhesion of red blood balls increases, they clog the smallest capillaries, and the blood supply to tissues deteriorates. The brain is especially sensitive to a lack of blood supply.

Dr. Ernest Noble from the University of California (USA) reported on yet another aspect of the effects of alcohol on the brain. It turns out that this compound inhibits the synthesis of proteins and RNA in the brain, and it is RNA that is believed to be used to store information. According to Noble, two or three glasses of wine, drunk on an empty stomach daily, is enough to cause irreversible destruction of brain cells, as a person is convinced only 20-30 years later.

While the long-term effects of alcohol on the brain are not yet fully understood, its effects on human behavior have been known for a long time. As already indicated, there are great individual differences, and yet the main dependencies can be traced quite clearly. When the alcohol content in the blood reaches 0.04-0.05%, weakening of the higher parts of the brain, which are responsible for self-control, restraint and common sense, begins. The drunk person is freed from internal brakes, it is easier to allow himself to satisfy impulsive desires, not particularly caring about what others think of him. The ability to self-criticize weakens, the person becomes talkative.

These symptoms worsen as the concentration of alcohol in the blood rises. When it reaches 0.1%, the deeper layers of the brain are suppressed, in particular those associated with motor functions. This state of intoxication is expressed in the fact that the drunk person sways slightly, it is difficult for him to insert the key into the keyhole, his eloquence weakens, since it is already difficult for him to speak - his tongue becomes tangled. For some, this state is accompanied by euphoria (especially good mood, liveliness), while for others, on the contrary, depression. In 15% of drinkers, neither the one nor the other effect, it would seem, does not manifest itself, but special psychomotor tests allow them to be detected.

As your blood alcohol level rises the clarity of visual and auditory sensations is dulled, the sense of touch is weakened, and the speed of motor reactions decreases. Nevertheless, it seems to the person that he is in excellent shape and his reactions have accelerated, and his feelings have sharpened.

When the concentration of alcohol in the blood reaches 0.2%, the activity of even deeper parts of the brain, the so-called midbrain, is suppressed. The midbrain is believed to have a strong influence on emotional responses. This is already intoxication in the full sense of the word. In addition to disturbances in perception, activity of motor centers and organs of balance, there is a way out of control of primitive instincts. Hence - sharp outbursts of anger and aggression, foul language, antisocial actions, and often crimes. It is interesting, however, that even when the concentration of alcohol reaches 0.2-0.3%, approximately 5% of people may not externally show signs of intoxication. It is about these people that they say that they tolerate alcohol well. This does not mean that the consequences of drunkenness do not affect them.

When the concentration of alcohol in the blood reaches about 0.3%, it affects even deeper areas of the brain. Feelings and reason turn out to be so dull that a person, even being conscious, understands almost nothing about what he sees and hears. The so-called alcoholic torpor sets in.

At 0.4-0.5%, all perception is turned off, and the person falls into a state of shock. Being, as they say, mortally drunk, he falls unconscious, falls asleep, while his breathing becomes short and uneven. Reflexes are inactive, the annular muscles covering the main openings of the body involuntarily relax. Other muscles of the body are also weakened In this state, a person can die either from cerebral hemorrhage, or from suffocation by regurgitation or vomiting. The sensitivity is so reduced that a surgical operation can be performed on the person who is asleep, and he will not wake up.

If a person managed to take an even higher dose of alcohol before losing consciousness, 0.6-0.7 percent or even more of alcohol can accumulate in the blood. In this case, the brain stem, which contains the centers that control breathing and heartbeat, is turned off. The implications of this are clear.

Interesting statistics obtained in the United States when analyzing the behavior and reactions of drivers who have taken different doses of alcohol, on dangerous and difficult road sections. The alcohol content in the blood is determined after an accident or violation by analyzing the exhaled air with a special device (if the drunk driver is still breathing after the accident).

When the alcohol concentration reaches 0.06%, the risk doubles compared to a completely sober driver, and at 0.1% it increases 6-7 times. At 0.15% it grows more than 25 times, and at 0.2% it grows almost 50 times (however, there are so few drivers with such a high concentration of alcohol in the blood that this figure may be inaccurate). The zone of greatest risk is between 0.08 and 0.24% alcohol content. This concentration is achieved if a person weighing 70 kilograms drinks 0.75-2.5 liters of ten-degree wine, or, accordingly, 4 times less vodka. A person who has consumed alcohol more than these limits, most often, due to his condition, is no longer even able to get behind the wheel, or, in any case, understands that this should not be done.

An interesting experiment was carried out by British researchers. They recruited three groups of city bus drivers. All of them were highly experienced professionals who had never had an accident. The drivers of the first group did not take alcohol before the experiment, the second - they drank 45 grams of whiskey, and the third - 140 grams. Each driver, sitting behind the wheel of his usual bus, had to pass between two high cones, which moved and opened at the request of the drivers. It turned out that drinking alcohol completely violated the eyes of experienced drivers. Some of them thought they could drive along a corridor narrower than the width of the bus. Thus, one of the drivers was convinced that he would be able to drive his 2.5-meter-wide bus along a 2.2-meter wide corridor, the other even along a 1.95-meter wide corridor. The error in estimating the width of the gap between the cones was greater in those who drank more whiskey.

So, from a burn of the lips to changes in the deep parts of the brain - this is the hidden route of a sip of alcohol in the human body.

A. Dorozinsky. Abridged translation from French by M. Khilkova.

The decay time of alcohol in the blood is individual for everyone, but there are still approximate indicators of when alcohol will be removed from the body. Such data will be of interest to those people who drive public transport or their own car.

It's not a secret for anyone that alcohol negatively affects the consciousness of a person, the central nervous system and can even in small quantities provoke a number of disorders that will lead to unpleasant consequences from the general well-being of the drunk and negatively affect his actions. Alcohol abuse is dangerous for both men and women, so you should always control the amount of alcohol consumed at table events and try not to drink more than 3-4 times a year.

Indicators of elimination of alcohol from the body

A table that shows the breakdown of alcohol in the blood will help a person determine the norm of alcohol in order to completely remove it from the body in a specific time. The dosage of alcohol in the table is 100 g.

Human body weight / alcoholic beverages 50-60 kg 65-70 kg 80 Kg 85-95 kg More than 100 kg
Beer From 35 minutes to 1 hour (depending on the strength of the drink) 30-45 minutes 25 minutes to 40 20 minutes to 34 20 minutes to 30
Low alcohol drinks 7-9% vol. From 1 hour 20 minutes. 1,05 55 minutes. 50 minutes. 45 minutes
Sparkling champagne 1.30 1.20 1.10 1.05 55 minutes
Liquor 4.20 3.40 3.15 2.55 2.35
Vodka 40% vol. 5.45 4.55 4.20 3.50 3.30
Good cognac over 40% vol. 6 o'clock 5.15 4.30 4.05 3.35
Pharmacy alcohol tincture (more than 20% vol.) 3.25 2.55 2.35 2.15 2.05

These indicators are more accurate for healthy people with normal functioning of internal organs. If there are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or chronic diseases, then the decay time of alcohol can be very different.

In the female body, alcoholic beverages linger 15-20% longer than in the male, so all the data in the table above need to be slightly increased to find out the timing of the complete elimination of alcohol.

Influence of various factors on the decay process

The time for removing alcohol from the body depends not only on the degrees of the drink itself. A number of factors can affect the breakdown of alcohol in the blood, such as:

  • the weight of a person's body (the larger and larger a person is, the faster alcohol will be removed from him);
  • the amount of alcohol consumed;
  • metabolism;
  • the functionality of the sweat glands;
  • food and the products themselves that a person ate before and during alcohol intake;
  • physical activity of a person before and during a feast;
  • human health, his state of health at the time of drinking, bad habits;
  • age indicators (in people of mature age, the process of alcohol breakdown is half the speed of that in young people).

Alcohol affects people in very different ways and can sometimes lead to serious health problems. It is necessary to control the dose of alcohol consumed by patients with diabetes mellitus, since alcohol can lead to hypoglycemic coma. The amount of alcohol consumed at one time should not exceed 50 g. Pregnant women and nursing mothers should completely abandon alcohol.

Acceleration of the elimination of alcohol from the body

Alcohol is completely eliminated from the body when it is oxidized. This unfavorable product is synthesized by the main filter of the human body - the liver, and less than 10% is excreted by the kidneys, sweat glands and lungs.

With the help of some tricks, you can speed up the elimination of alcohol. For example, at home you can use:

  • strong coffee;
  • tea;
  • cool shower;
  • citrus fruit juice;
  • foods with a high content of vitamin C (onions, kiwi, rose hips, etc.);
  • visiting a bath or sauna to increase sweating (not recommended for heart or vascular diseases);
  • playing sports (elementary exercises will help increase sweating and speed up the process of removing alcohol from the blood);
  • activated carbon (it is good to drink 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight before the start of the feast);
  • a walk in the fresh air.

So that the influence of alcohol is not felt very strongly, you need to have a proper and good snack during table gatherings. In particular, you need to eat more citrus, meat dishes.

Traditional medicine offers its own techniques to accelerate the breakdown of alcohol in the body. It is strictly forbidden to use them at home, since such procedures require special skills and knowledge. Such drugs are administered intravenously, by drip method. Specifically, alcohol is eliminated by:

  • Hemodesa;
  • Reopoliglyukin;
  • glucose;
  • b vitamins;
  • drugs aimed at improving cardiac activity.

This video tells about the rate of weathering of alcohol from the body:

If you urgently need to remove alcohol from the body, you need to contact a specialist who will help you do this at home or in a hospital.