Skororoshek, or "boiled" whims of peas. Pea porridge on the water

26.04.2019 The drinks

If you do not have time to cook peas or simply forgot to soak them overnight, then use the helpful advice from the chefs on how to quickly boil peas.

  • pour soda (1/2 tsp) into warm water, mix and place the washed peas to soak for 40 minutes. After - we rinse several times and send to cook until soft.
  • vegetable oil can be added to the pan with washed peas. A film is formed which facilitates a quick cooking process.

Basically, peas are boiled for up to 2 hours. Be sure to use a slow fire, otherwise the protein will simply curl up and the dish will turn out to be hard. For the same reason, add salt at the very end.

  • if boiling, then give preference to crushed or chopped peas. It will cook much faster.
  • pour the peas into the container, fill with water and place in the microwave, setting the maximum power. After - pour boiling water (should cover the legumes by a few cm), salt and place on the stove for up to 20 minutes at full power. If necessary, you can darken for another 7 minutes.

What could be more delicious than pea soup with smoked ribs or pea porridge with meat gravy!

But not all housewives like to cook pea dishes, as it takes a long time to cook and does not always become soft.

However, it turns out that you can easily prepare any dish from peas. The main thing is to know how to cook these beans correctly.

How to prepare peas for cooking

  • First, the peas are sorted out, dark, green peas and other impurities are removed.
  • Then it is washed several times in cold water.
  • Split peas do not need to be soaked as they cook quickly. Or it is soaked for a short time.
  • But if the peas have been stored for a long time, and this is most often the case with a purchased product, it must be soaked before cooking. For this, the washed peas are poured with cold water in a 1: 2 ratio. The beans are kept in water until they completely swell and almost double in volume. The soaking process lasts from 3 to 8-10 hours.

To speed up the swelling of peas, some housewives fill it with warm or hot water. But this cannot be done. After all, peas that are in water for a long time can turn sour.

A slight deterioration in quality is usually not noticeable, but when cooked, the taste of peas does not change for the better, and the beans themselves do not boil well. Therefore, the temperature of the water for soaking should not exceed 15 °.

How to cook peas in a saucepan

  • The water in which the peas were soaked is drained.
  • The beans are transferred to cooking utensils and clean cold water is added (2.5 liters of water are taken for 1 kg of peas).
  • Put on the stove and bring to a boil.
  • The fire is reduced, the pan is closed with a lid and, with a barely noticeable boil, the peas are boiled until soft.
  • If the peas are not peeled, then a peel will periodically appear on the surface of the water, which is removed.
  • To improve the taste, sometimes roots (carrots, onions, celery) and aromatic herbs are added during cooking. The roots are cut into small cubes, and the sprigs of herbs are tied into a bunch and boiled together with peas. At the end of cooking, the stems are removed.
  • Peas boiling takes 1-2 hours. If the water has boiled away strongly, add boiling water. You cannot add cold water, because then the boiling stops temporarily, which affects the grains. They do not boil for a long time, but at the same time they crack.
  • Many housewives add soda to the peas to speed up the process. Indeed, it significantly reduces the cooking time. But at the same time, vitamin B1 is destroyed in peas, and its taste also deteriorates.
  • When the peas are boiled, they are salted and left in water for 20 minutes.
  • The broth is drained and the beans are used as required by the recipe.

How to cook peas in the microwave

  • The peas are washed and soaked for 5-10 hours.
  • The water is drained and the beans are washed.
  • Pour them with cold water so that it covers the peas by 5-6 cm. Do not put salt.
  • The dishes are covered with a lid, placed in the oven and cooked at full power for 15 minutes.
  • Then the power is reduced to medium and the cooking is continued for another 15-20 minutes. Or until the peas are soft.
  • If necessary, only boiling water is added during cooking.
  • When the peas are boiled, the water is drained.

How to cook peas in a slow cooker

  • The peas are sorted out and soaked for several hours.
  • Rinse well in cold water.
  • Fall asleep in a multicooker and fill it with hot water. The amount of water depends on what they want to get in the end - soup or porridge. But there should be 2-3 times more liquid than peas.
  • Close the lid and cook, setting the "Quenching" mode. Foam is removed periodically.
  • Salted at the end of cooking.

Note to the hostess

  • So that during the soaking of peas, the water does not heat up to room temperature, it must be changed to cold 1-2 times.
  • Peas are salted at the end of cooking. If you add salt first, the beans won't cook for a long time.
  • The cooking time depends on the quality of the peas. Crushed or young peas cook much faster than whole or old peas.
  • If peas are not soaked, they take longer to cook and many peas lose their shape and boil.
  • To make mashed peas, freshly boiled peas are minced using a meat grinder, blender, or regular crush.
  • For cooking soup, pre-boiled peas are most often used. This method improves the appearance of the first course.
  • If you need to add tomato paste or tomatoes to pea dishes during cooking, they are put when the beans become soft. Otherwise, the acid will prevent them from cooking.

Peas are quite whimsical, however, like other legumes. But its significance as a product for the body is priceless, which over and over again pushes the hostess to prepare various dishes from this cereal. For example, you can make a lean version of pea soup that is boiled in water and dressed with fried vegetables. An alternative option would be a rich soup cooked in chicken or meat broth. But peas are not at all impressive when they are hard and undercooked. How to cook peas so that they do not spoil the whole dish? You need to know some of the nuances of its preparation.

How to quickly boil peas for soup

The main secret of cooking is soaking. Ideally, for the whole night. But no one is immune from force majeure, so half an hour before the start of cooking is enough. But keep in mind that the less time you spend on soaking, the greater the risk of getting an unsuccessful dish.

Tips on how to quickly cook peas - do not count. Everyone has a grandmother's recipe, an unusual way suggested by a neighbor, or knowledge gained from their own experience. So how do you cook peas so as not to negate all our subsequent efforts? And most importantly, how to cook peas faster without standing at the stove all day?

Pea wisdom

We offer you a whole list of different options that answer the panicky question of many housewives "how to cook peas quickly?"

  1. If you cannot afford even a thirty-minute soak in any way, then during cooking it is necessary to monitor the amount of water. Throughout the entire cooking period of this plant from the legume family, you need to add a little cold water (about 100 grams each time).
  2. You can also add peas when cooking meat to your soup. Even without pre-soaking, the cereal will cook in about an hour and a half.
  3. A pinch of baking soda can be added to boiling cereal, which will soften it after 7 minutes.
  4. In order not to bother with the constant addition of water, soaked and well washed fruits should be put in a frying pan for about a quarter of an hour, while stirring it constantly.
  5. Butter will help us to quickly cook peas: butter, vegetable, olive. Any animal fat is also fine for us. This will greatly speed up the seemingly complicated process called "how to quickly cook pea soup." A few tablespoons of fat while boiling will greatly simplify the housewife's life.
  6. Rinse the peas well, and then cover the cereals with boiling water and add a tablespoon of baking soda. We leave in this position for twenty minutes. After the allotted time, drain the water, rinse well and cook.
  7. A spoonful of sugar can also help us quickly prepare the grits for the soup.


How to cook peas quickly - there are a lot of secrets, and among them any housewife can choose the method that will suit her taste. It is worth remembering, however, that you can cook peas quickly only if you take split peas, not whole peas. The halves are boiled for about forty-five minutes, but whole peas - up to one and a half hours. And it doesn't matter how to cook peas - quickly or not, the main thing is to invest a piece of yourself in it.

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How to quickly cook pea soup step by step video recipe

We have also prepared a video for you to fully understand the step-by-step cooking process.

Peas are a product from which delicious dishes can be prepared. However, the hostesses do not often use it, due to the fact that it can easily burn, it takes a long time to cook, or turns into porridge. We will show you how to cook peas without spending a lot of effort.

Cooking peas with soaking - cooking time

Thinking in advance about what you need to cook for lunch tomorrow, and if the choice fell on peas, you need to soak it in cold water. This will make it more pliable to cook and shorten the cooking time by 20 minutes.

  1. If we soak it for 6 hours, then we get a wonderful material for our dishes.
  2. But do not leave the beans for more than 8 hours, otherwise it will sour and you will only have to throw it away. If removed from the water earlier, the peas will cook for a long time.
  3. Sort the legume before placing it in the water. Filter out debris and crumbs.
  4. In the morning, take the peas out of the water and start cooking them.

Without soaking

  1. Before putting it in the pan, be sure to rinse the peas under the tap. Process the food in a colander until the water draining from it becomes clear.
  2. Pour water into a saucepan, add salt and peas. Once it boils, wait 10 minutes and then pour another 100 milliliters of cold water into the pan. Wait for the secondary boil, try the peas for softness. If it hasn't come up yet, pour in more cold water. After that, it will definitely soften. Cook it for another 15 minutes and it's done.

How and how much to cook in soup?

We will tell you how much to cook peas in the soup, and we suggest you cook it according to our recipe.

If you suddenly, for some reason, could not soak the peas, and the dish is about to be prepared, use a few tips for quickly cooking the peas.

Ingredients for instant peas

  1. Peas
  2. Butter (animal fat)

How to quickly boil peas: Option 1

Use split peas instead of whole peas. Sort it thoroughly first and rinse it in water several times. Pour washed crushed peas with enough water to cover them a little and put on fire. After your peas boil, stir them. The water will gradually boil away, so only cold water should be added again so that it covers the peas. These "gravies" significantly speed up the cooking process of unsoaked peas.

How to quickly boil peas: Option 2

There is another way to shorten the cooking time for peas. If you manage to soak on some peas, that's good. Because this method is designed for this. Take the right amount of peas, rinse it until the water stops being cloudy and becomes clear. After boiling, add a few tablespoons of butter or animal fat to the saucepan. Your peas will have a richer flavor and boil faster. Just remember that pea dishes are already high in calories, if you can also afford butter and fat, then this option is for you.

How to quickly boil peas: Option 3

Another way to quickly boil peas is to add a little baking soda. To do this, 15 minutes after boiling, put soda in a saucepan - 1/2 teaspoon per 2 liters of water. Look, do not overdo it, because the extra soda will make your dish tasteless, or even ruin it altogether. But if you do everything right, your peas will become soft after 5 minutes.

Enjoy your meal!