The food is an Indian dish. Belgium: mussels with fries

28.10.2019 The drinks

Today for some it is something out of the ordinary, for others it is a way of life. Indeed, in fact, this is not difficult if your field of activity allows you to perform your duties without being tied to the workplace. You just need to decide on the country and prepare well.

Alexander Isachenko, the founder of the Trip & Work project, has prepared 7 simple steps for those who have long dreamed of changing their work style or are just thinking about the opportunity to combine the usual process of making money with traveling. After all, he spent this winter in Bali.

Determine goals

In order for your trip to be as useful and efficient as possible, you should decide why you want to travel for a long period to another country. We have deduced the following goals for the move:

  • rest and reboot;
  • change the bustle of the city to the paradise jungle, rice fields, the ocean;
  • concentrate on a specific project;
  • optimize the costs of launching and developing the project.

After setting goals, you will be able to prioritize for yourself in the upcoming journey, and understand what is very important for you and what you can turn a blind eye to.

Prepare the employer / client for online work

This is an important point as it affects both your pre-trip mood and your relationship with your employer or clients. For employees, the task is to motivate their superiors to “let you sail”. Reassure them that moving to another country will only increase your productivity and that you can do your job even better because of the atmosphere around you.

If you have little confidence in your employer or you decide to stay in another country longer, you should pay attention to freelance exchanges. The "free mercenaries" themselves can tell about you, and the new way of life, perhaps, will convince you to join them.

As for the clients, here the examples of the work of well-known companies in this format will become an argument. You need to meet, show that the quality of work will not fall if you communicate via Skype and negotiate projects by e-mail. This is a standard practice for many Western companies, so there shouldn't be any difficulties here.

Technical training

In order to leave for Bali for a long time, you need to prepare responsibly. The most important thing is to decide on the duration of your trip. The best option is a period of 2 to 5 months. In this case, preparation and logistics costs can be spread over the entire period, thereby reducing the average monthly budget.

After determining the period of residence, the next steps are insurance, visa, international driver's license and medical training.

Insurance. Medicine in Indonesia is expensive. The most common injuries: a burn from the exhaust pipe of a bike, a fall from a bike, a cold, etc. can cost you $ 1,000 or more. Better to play it safe and buy insurance for $ 35-40 and not worry about it in the future. We use Alpha Insurance. It will take 20-30 minutes to complete the online insurance form, and it will be ready in a few days.

Buying an air ticket.For a person working in IT, with IT and near IT, buying an air ticket is not a problem. There are many services, they are all similar. The main drawback is that not all show the best tickets, many show not the final price, but prices without commission and various fees. But the most popular ones will still become your assistants here. It is domestic ,, foreign, and others. Here, as they say, everyone is to their own taste. And remember the important points: such as the permissible weight of luggage, the availability of a single ticket, the need for a visa when transit through a third country.

Visa application.For Russian citizens, a visa is issued upon arrival and costs $ 25. Renewal - $ 50 for 1 month.

Registration of an international driver's license (IDP).The most comfortable means of getting around the island is a bike. As in Russia, you must have rights to manage it. Unfortunately, local Russian rights do not apply in Bali, because they do not meet international standards. But issuing an IDP is not a difficult matter. They can be issued by submitting an online application and picked up in a week. Or through the traffic police. In the first case, the cost ranges from 2400 to 3200 rubles, depending on the contractor. Through government services, registration of rights for a period of 3 years will cost 1000 rubles. In time, they are issued in different ways. It is important to remember that an IDP without local rights is not valid.

You definitely need an IDP if you plan to take a moped. So you will not be annoyed by every police officer, and you will be protected by insurance against injuries sustained while driving a vehicle (if you do not have an IDL and you fell off a moped, then there is a risk that the insurance will not pay for your treatment, because you were not allowed to drive a moped).

Medical training. Before leaving, it is worth undergoing a medical examination with a dentist, therapist and your attending physician. You also need to be vaccinated against yellow fever and chemically treated for malaria. The percentage of risk of disease is small, but we recommend that you play it safe. The cost of vaccination against yellow fever is about 1,600 rubles, and pills for malaria are 800 rubles.

ToDo List

The to-do list before you move is pretty simple, but important:

  • Check the validity of the passport.
  • Get examined by a doctor (dentist, etc.).
  • Make some dollar bank cards.
  • Check the expiration date of bank cards.
  • Set a limit and notify the bank that you are going abroad.
  • Check the work of online banking.
  • Top up Skype (for calls home, insurance, bank).
  • View tariffs of mobile operators.
  • Take a cheap phone to receive sms for banking and two-step authentication in services (Gmail, etc.).
  • Weigh the luggage.

Find a place to live

This should be taken very responsibly, since in this place you will spend the coming months of your life. Therefore, it is important to conduct good analytics and take into account a number of important points. We recommend that you first look through the various options on sites such as,, So you can understand the order of prices in a given region and the offered living conditions.

Your best bet is to pick 10-15 different options that you like. It is not necessary to deposit money immediately for a long period. If possible, agree with the owner that you will come and make a rental decision. Not worth paying without seeing the place. As practice has shown, Photoshop has reached Bali :)

Upon arrival, check into some pre-selected guest house (up to $ 30 / night for a double room). And the next day, check out the owners of the selected villas and watch them.

To do this, you will need a bike (50 USD / month), a sim-card of a local operator (1 USD + 5 USD per account).

When choosing a villa, pay attention to:

  • area. It is better to live not in the very center, but within 2 km. So you will not be disturbed by noise, tourist activities, and the price will be lower;
  • the presence of a number of local catering establishments (varungs) and cafes with adapted cuisine. As practice shows, few people eat at home. Prices here are from $ 2 to $ 10 per meal;
  • quality of telephone signal reception;
  • the presence of a normal kitchen and all utensils in the house;
  • hot water availability;
  • the presence of a working area (chair, table);
  • availability of a stable Internet;
  • does the price include cleaning of rooms, kitchen, garden, pool, etc.?

Organization of the workplace

Spend a lot of time choosing a work area. Its comfort and convenience will affect your productivity and employer / client satisfaction.

Basic tips for work area requirements:

  • do not arrange a work area in the bedroom;
  • make sure that there is good wi-fi and mobile operator coverage in the working area;
  • the working area should have a spacious table and a chair / chair with a back;
  • the working area should be well lit (large windows, good fixtures and lamps);
  • test the speed of the Internet and its stability, for this install Speed \u200b\u200bTest on your phone and test the Internet in each villa.


Below is the detailed cost of travel for 1 person. All prices are in dollars.

Cost item Price (USD) Note
Air ticket 1250 — 1370 Round trip price (depending on airline, website and date)
Visa 25 Arrival registration
Insurance 35 — 90 From the most basic to complete (playing sports, the amount of insurance payments, etc.)
IDP 80 For 10 years
Residence from 300 / month Depending on the conditions
the Internet 20-60 / month Depending on the chosen provider and tariff
Telephone 15 / month Active use of 3G
Bike from 5 / month Gasoline 1 liter - $ 0.6
Food from 150 / month Depending on preference

The cost of living in Bali, depending on the period:

In total, there are 7 points in front of you, 7 easy steps for moving to another country for work. The action plan is in front of you - go ahead!

Let's say you have the opportunity to try one dish in every country in the world. How to choose the most worthy culinary attraction?

On the Quora website (a social service, a kind of online market for questions and answers), they decided to conduct a survey on this topic. Users had to name one dish at a time, which they considered the most "cult" for their country. The result is a list of 35 national dishes representing 35 countries of the world.

Australia: float pie

The float pie is known as a hangover reliever. It's a meat pie floating in a plate of thick pea soup. Sometimes it is seasoned with tomato sauce and vinegar. This dish is especially popular in winter.

Austria: wiener schnitzel

This dish is considered one of the symbols of Austria. The classic Viennese schnitzel is a very thin piece of breaded beef, fried until golden brown in a lot of fat or butter. As a side dish, usually. served with potatoes or rice, and decorated with lemon and parsley.

Argentina: asado

An asado grill can be found in every self-respecting Argentinean family. In essence, this is meat cooked on charcoal, but its taste depends on many subtleties, and usually men - asadors are engaged in this. The dish contains meat, homemade sausage, glands, kidneys and blood sausage. Served asado with bread, salad, chimichurri sauce and red wine.

Belgium: mussels with fries

This dish can be tasted in other countries, for example, in France or the United States, but the Belgians were the first to come up with this delicious combination of ingredients.

Mussels are prepared in many different ways (in wine, oil, herbal or tomato sauce), and are served with salted, crispy fries. And washed down with cold Belgian beer.

Brazil: feijoada

Brazil is a country with a rich and varied culinary tradition, so choosing one dish is not easy. However, Quora users settled on feijoada, a platter of black beans, baked pork, beef, spices, and cassava flour. It is usually served with rice, cabbage, orange slices and hot sauce to speed up the digestion process.

Canada: Putin

This is a very high-calorie dish originally from Quebec. It consists of French fries, cheese and sauce.

China: Xiao long bao

These are Shanghai dumplings floating in soup. Xiao long bao looks even more like khinkali in shape. They are made from a variety of meats and steamed in special bamboo baskets.

Croatia: paz cheese

The world famous Pag cheese is made from sheep's milk on the island of Pag.

Egypt: Molochea

Various variations of this dish are cooked throughout northern Africa, but it gained particular popularity in its homeland - in Egypt.

The Egyptian version is made with molochea leaves (a vegetable with a bitter taste), which are separated from the stems, chopped and boiled in a broth with coriander and garlic. Molochea is served with pieces of chicken or rabbit meat, sometimes they are replaced with lamb or fish.

England: roast beef & yorkshire pudding

Once upon a time, English chefs came up with a way to use the fat dripping onto the pan while frying meat to make puddings. Roast beef with dripping pudding is now considered the national dish of England.

Georgia: khachapuri

Khachapuri is a juicy, gooey stuffed tortilla, usually stuffed with cheese or an egg.

Holland: herring

The Dutch prefer herring with a fresh bun and chopped onions.

India: tandoori chicken

In India, culinary traditions vary greatly from region to region, so finding one dish that represents the entire country is almost impossible. In the north, more curried meat dishes are eaten, while in the south, vegetables with a wide variety of spices are preferred.

However, if you still need to choose only one classic Indian dish, then it will be tandoori chicken. Pieces of chicken are marinated in yogurt with the addition of spices, and then baked over high heat in a clay oven. It is usually served with vegetables and rice.

Indonesia: Terang Bulan pie

This is a sweet pie in the shape of a semicircle, stuffed with all sorts of goodies - chocolate chips, grated cheese, peanut pieces and even bananas. These pies are sold by street vendors throughout Indonesia.

Italy: pizza

Classic Italian pizza is made with a very thin base and filling, consisting of fresh tomatoes, mozzarella, basil and various meats. In Italy, pizza is considered an art and pizzerias are considered artists.

Japan: katsudon

It would seem that all over the world Japan is associated with sushi, but the Japanese themselves advise travelers not to miss the opportunity to try exactly katsudon - a thin pork chop with an egg, which is placed on top of a bowl of rice.

Malaysia: nasi lemak

Nasi lemak translates as “rice with cream”. Rice is cooked in coconut milk with pieces of pandanus leaves. Served wrapped in banana leaves with sambal sauce, anchovies, peanuts and a boiled egg.

Mexico: mole sauce

This is a very complex sauce with up to 100 ingredients, including herbs, ground nuts, butter, cocoa, broth and of course several types of chili. And they prepare the molé sauce for quite a long time - sometimes for several days.

Norway: rakfisk

Rakfisk is considered a winter dish. This is a trout, which is first salted, left to ferment for several months, and then served with onions and sour cream. Norway was once a poor country where little could be grown. Since the winters in this country are long, I had to stock up on fish until the first snow and somehow store it. Pickled fish turned out to be a good way out.

Philippines: adobo

Adobo is called a spice popular in many countries, but in the Philippines it is a dish consisting of pieces of chicken or pork stewed in a mixture of soy sauce and vinegar, and flavored with pepper, garlic and bay leaves.

Portugal: francesinha

The name of this dish is translated as “little Frenchwoman. It is a sandwich of two square slices of white bread, between which is a piece of meat, a slice of ham stuffed with olives and a blood sausage. All this is topped with melted cheese and placed in a plate with tomato sauce. French fries and a cold mug of beer are usually served with the francesinier.

Romania: sarmale

Sarmale is a Romanian version of stuffed cabbage or dolma. It is minced rice and meat baked in small salted cabbage or grape leaves. It is considered a winter dish.

Russia: borscht

Russian users of the Quora website advised foreigners to definitely try a plate of borsch with Russian vodka.

Saudi Arabia: Kasbah

This is a rice dish with a lot of spices - cloves, cardamom, saffron, cinnamon, pepper, nutmeg and bay leaf. Kasbah is usually served with meat and vegetables.

Scotland: smoked salmon

Served on wholemeal bread toasts with butter or curd-cheese paste. The Scots love to sprinkle the fish with lemon juice.

Slovakia: bryndza dumplings

These are small potato dumplings seasoned with soft cheese and bacon.

Slovenia: Kranjska sausage

Small sausages made from pork, salt, pepper, water and garlic - and nothing else.

South Africa: Biltong

This is a South African variety of jerky. Most often, biltong is made from beef, but it is also excellently obtained from other types of meat, for example, ostrich. Thin strips of meat are marinated with various spices and salt and dried.

South Korea: Panchang

This traditional South Korean dish consists of many appetizers and salads served on small plates as an accompaniment to the main course and rice: kimchi (pickled vegetables with hot red peppers), namul (fried vegetables seasoned with sesame oil, vinegar and garlic), chong ( Korean variation on pancakes) and so on.

Spain: jamon Iberico

For the production of this ham, a special Iberian breed of pigs is raised, which are kept on a special acorn diet. The ham is covered with sea salt, and then suspended in well-ventilated cellars for a couple of years. The finished ham is cut into thin slices and served with wine, crispbread and olives.

UAE: shawarma

Shawarma is one of the dishes available for any wallet in the expensive United Arab Emirates. Perhaps the democratic nature of this dish has made it one of the most popular in the country. It is made from pita stuffed with pieces of fried meat (usually a mixture of lamb, chicken, turkey or beef) with vegetables. Tahini, hummus or hot sauce are used as a dressing.

Ukraine: dumplings

Ukrainians will gladly treat foreigners to dumplings with potatoes, cottage cheese, cabbage or meat. They will be served with fried bacon with onions, and sour cream.

USA: Hamburger

It's so simple and boring. Americans recommend a milkshake and French fries for the hamburger.

Venezuela: Pabellon Criollo

This Venezuelan national dish includes chopped beef, rice, black beans and cheese. Usually pabellon criollo is served with fried egg and fried plantain.

Based on materials

Feed (dish)

Korma Navratan

Stern (pronounced the same as feed, hormones, kavurma, khorma, kurma) - a dish of Indian cuisine, also widespread in Central and Western Asia.

For cooking stern yogurt or some other milk cream, nut or pome paste, and coconut milk are needed. Curry is also a constant feature of this dish. Stern can be meat (for example, chicken) or vegetarian. When cooking stern stewed over the fire (the very word "korma" in Hindi and Urdu means stewing food).

Stern known at least since the 16th century and belongs to the cuisine of the Great Mughals. Nowadays, it is the national dish of the peoples of Pakistan, North India and Bangladesh. Designation Shahi feed in some types of this dish, it indicates its high status, as well as the fact that it was served at the court of Indian Maharaj rulers. There are many different feed options. It can be cooked in water, yogurt, or meat broth. Usually it is yoghurt, warmed to a temperature below its curdling temperature, mixed with broth. The aroma of the dish is provided by various spices (coriander, etc.) and sauces, chili and ginger are often added. Stern may be moderately hot or "fiery" to taste. The meat that is suitable for preparing this dish is lamb, chicken, sometimes beef, and, extremely rarely, pork.

Stern is one of the most popular dishes in Indian restaurants in Europe, especially the UK. Mention should also be made of the vegetarian feed Navratanmade from vegetables and various types of nuts. Korma Navratan also subdivided into many varieties (for example, Curry nine vegetables, which includes 9 different vegetable species). Another known variety stern is pilav, which is made with rice and stews.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Gorlov
  • Gorman, James

See what "Food (dish)" is in other dictionaries:

    Feed (disambiguation) - Stern: Stern of the rear end of the ship's (vessel) hull. Forage, forage crops, forage. Stern constellation of the southern hemisphere of the sky. A forage dish of Indian cuisine. Food plural from the word food (animals and for ... ... Wikipedia

    Stern - a dish of Indian cuisine, fried meat or poultry, stewed in yogurt or creamy sauce. Dictionary of culinary terms. 2012 ... Culinary Dictionary

    Mughal cuisine - Cuisine of the Mughal Empire Muglai Northwestern Indo-Muslim cuisine formed during the era of the Mughal Empire. In India, it became famous as a court cuisine. Contains names traditional for oriental cuisine, such as: ... ... Wikipedia

    Family of parrots - Widespread in tropical countries, rich in species, the order of parrots is a closed group. Their constitution and sharp contrast to other birds testify to the ancient origin of this group. The most characteristic ... ... Animal life

    Pilaf - with meat p ... Wikipedia Wikipedia

    Family bovids - (Bovidae) ** * * The family of bovids, or bovines, is the largest and most diverse group of artiodactyls, including 45 50 modern genera and about 130 species. Bovids make up a natural, well-defined group. No matter how ... ... Animal life

Feed (dish)

Korma Navratan

Stern (pronounced the same as feed, hormones, kavurma, khorma, kurma) - a dish of Indian cuisine, also widespread in Central and Western Asia.

For cooking stern yogurt or some other milk cream, nut or pome paste, and coconut milk are needed. Curry is also a constant feature of this dish. Stern can be meat (for example, chicken) or vegetarian. When cooking stern stewed over the fire (the very word "korma" in Hindi and Urdu means stewing food).

Stern known at least since the 16th century and belongs to the cuisine of the Great Mughals. Nowadays, it is the national dish of the peoples of Pakistan, North India and Bangladesh. Designation Shahi feed in some types of this dish, it indicates its high status, as well as the fact that it was served at the court of Indian Maharaj rulers. There are many different feed options. It can be cooked in water, yogurt, or meat broth. Usually it is yoghurt, warmed to a temperature below its curdling temperature, mixed with broth. The aroma of the dish is provided by various spices (coriander, etc.) and sauces, chili and ginger are often added. Stern may be moderately hot or "fiery" to taste. The meat that is suitable for preparing this dish is lamb, chicken, sometimes beef, and, extremely rarely, pork.

Stern is one of the most popular dishes in Indian restaurants in Europe, especially the UK. Mention should also be made of the vegetarian feed Navratanmade from vegetables and various types of nuts. Korma Navratan also subdivided into many varieties (for example, Curry nine vegetables, which includes 9 different vegetable species). Another known variety stern is pilav, which is made with rice and stews.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Gorlov
  • Gorman, James

See what "Food (dish)" is in other dictionaries:

    Feed (disambiguation) - Stern: Stern of the rear end of the ship's (vessel) hull. Forage, forage crops, forage. Stern constellation of the southern hemisphere of the sky. A forage dish of Indian cuisine. Food plural from the word food (animals and for ... ... Wikipedia

    Stern - a dish of Indian cuisine, fried meat or poultry, stewed in yogurt or creamy sauce. Dictionary of culinary terms. 2012 ... Culinary Dictionary

    Mughal cuisine - Cuisine of the Mughal Empire Muglai Northwestern Indo-Muslim cuisine formed during the era of the Mughal Empire. In India, it became famous as a court cuisine. Contains names traditional for oriental cuisine, such as: ... ... Wikipedia

    Family of parrots - Widespread in tropical countries, rich in species, the order of parrots is a closed group. Their constitution and sharp contrast to other birds testify to the ancient origin of this group. The most characteristic ... ... Animal life

    Pilaf - with meat p ... Wikipedia Wikipedia

    Family bovids - (Bovidae) ** * * The family of bovids, or bovines, is the largest and most diverse group of artiodactyls, including 45 50 modern genera and about 130 species. Bovids make up a natural, well-defined group. No matter how ... ... Animal life