Diet Adjarian khachapuri. Pour flour into a dough container

02.11.2019 The drinks

Cooking time: 1 hour 45 minutes (taking into account the infusion time of the dough)

Cost of 4 servings: 323 rubles

Cost of 1 portion: 81 rubles


Milk 250ml - 13 rubles

Margarine 65g - 5 rubles

Vegetable oil 30ml - 3 rubles

Wheat flour 500g - 18 rubles

Yeast 7g - 12 rubles

Suluguni cheese 350g - 175 rubles

Imeretian cheese 150g - 53 rubles

Chicken egg 4pcs - 24 rubles

Butter 30g - 20 rubles

Water 80 ml



  • Pour milk and water into a saucepan. Add sugar, salt, margarine and vegetable oil.
  • Heat the mixture over low heat and bring it to homogeneity, but do not let it boil.

Note from the chief:

It is important not to overheat the milk. Otherwise, when kneading with flour, the dough will turn out too thick and begin to curl.

  • Pour flour in a heap on the table. Stir flour with yeast.
  • Knead the dough with your hands, gradually pouring in the milk. Knead until smooth and elastic.

  • Cover the dough with a towel and leave for 30-40 minutes at room temperature.
  • Grate cheeses and mix.
  • When the dough has come up, divide it into two equal portions. Cover with a towel again and leave for another 15 minutes.
  • Sprinkle flour on the table and roll out the dough into round layers. The dough should not be too thin.
  • Spread half of the cheese over the entire area of \u200b\u200bboth layers.

Note from the chief:

In khachapuri, cheese should be not only in the center, but also in the sides.

Boat formation:

  • It is necessary to wrap one edge of the circle with cheese in a tube, not reaching the middle.
  • Make the same tube on the opposite side. A distance of about 10 cm should remain between them.

  • Shape the dough into a boat by connecting the ends of the tubes.
  • On both sides, twist the ends once to the other side so that the boat does not break up.
  • Wrap the second layer of dough in the same way.
  • Put the boats on a baking sheet with parchment, sprinkle a little flour on the sheet.
  • Place the remaining cheese in the center of the khachapuri.
  • Beat 2 eggs, separating the yolks from the whites. Beat the yolks and brush over the dough with a brush.

  • Bake the khachapuri in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.
  • Cut the butter into thin slices.
  • In hot khachapuri, break one egg at a time and put several slices of butter. The butter should completely melt. Now khachapuri can be served to the table.

How to eat khachapuri:

  • Use a fork to combine the egg and butter with the hot cheese.
  • Break off a small piece from the corner of the boat, dip it in the filling and eat. Then break off the next piece and re-immerse it in the filling. Thus, all the sides will "go away".
  • Breaking off small pieces of dough, you need to take only its upper part, leaving the bottom of the pie intact so that the filling does not spread.
  • When there is no more filling left, the lower part of the cake can be eaten by rolling it up or cutting it into pieces.

Enjoy your meal!

If you want to lose weight - have breakfast! Another thing is what to eat for breakfast? It is good if in the morning you saturate the body with proteins and fiber. It is these substances that saturate well and give a charge of vigor for the coming day. And I have a wonderful recipe for such a breakfast for you. Prepare pp khachapuri using whole grain flour and cottage cheese.

This is a great alternative to real Adjarian khachapuri, which you can not only have a hearty breakfast, but also have a snack throughout the day. The most affordable products are used, and the preparation process takes very little time.

The base of the khachapuri is soft, slightly crumbly, largely due to. On the whole, the dish turns out to be quite tasty, nutritious, and most importantly - healthy. We liked it - try it too.

How to cook pp khachapuri from cottage cheese


for the test (for 4-5 pieces)

  • cottage cheese in a briquette (9%) - 200 gr.,
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.,
  • wheat c / z flour - 70 gr.,
  • sea \u200b\u200bsalt - to taste

for filling

  • hard cheese - 150-200 gr.,
  • small chicken eggs of category C2 or quail - 4-5 pcs.,
  • favorite spices - to taste (I have smoked paprika and chili)


- knead the cottage cheese in a bowl, then add the egg, sifted flour and salt. We knead the dough.
If necessary, you can add flour, but do not get carried away too much, otherwise the base for khachapuri will turn out to be tough and not tasty. Therefore, if the finished dough will stick a little to your hands, it's okay.

- we make a "sausage" from the dough, cut it into portioned pieces, each of which we roll into a cake and make sides. You should get something that looks like "baskets" or "boats" as you like.

- take a baking sheet, cover it with baking paper or put a silicone mat. We lay out dough products and send them to a preheated oven up to 180 ° С for 15-20 minutes

- rub any hard cheese on a fine grater, season it with your favorite spices and carefully alter

I cooked khachapuri with different cheeses, but they are especially tasty if you use spicy or salty types of cheese. As a rule, they already contain spices, therefore, if you cook with such cheeses, do not put the seasoning

- we take out the slightly browned "baskets" from the oven, sprinkle their bottom with plenty of grated cheese and again send the baking sheet with khachapuri into the oven for just a few seconds to melt

- we take out the khachapuri (semi-finished products for now) from the oven and do the final touch - break an egg into each "basket"

- I advise you to take not large eggs, for example, category C2 (I used just such), and even better - quail

- put the baking sheet back in the oven. I advise you not to leave the stove. As soon as the protein is tightened (the yolk, at the same time, should remain liquid), the khachapuri are ready.
Let them cool down a bit and go limp

Breakfast is ready! Bon appetit and good day!

Don't give up on your favorite pastries. Just cook it from healthy foods, remembering that proper nutrition is not only the basis of our health, but also harmony.

Delicious baked khachapuri is a culinary symbol of Georgia. Delicious tortillas and cheese boats are loved by connoisseurs of home cooking around the world. Can khachapuri be dietary? Is there a way not to deny yourself the pleasure of losing weight?

Low-calorie food

Dietetic food is especially popular today. It implies strict control of the calorie content and nutritional value of foods. It is desirable to adhere to a clear regimen of food intake and the absence of prohibited foods in the diet.

The goal of a diet can be both weight loss and muscle gain. Special therapeutic diets reduce the stress on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. They minimize the risk of exacerbation of chronic diseases and mitigate their consequences.

Most diets prohibit excessive consumption of fatty, smoked, spicy and salty foods. Adequate intake of pure water and moderate physical activity are recognized as a prerequisite for proper nutrition.

Any fried pastry has long been recognized as beautiful as the sworn enemy. Fans of classic rosy baked goods are also on a diet hard. Yeast dough based on white flour will not add harmony.

Nutritionists offer their own healthy options for delicious baked goods. Such goodies will enrich the body with valuable trace elements and will not add extra calories.

Tortillas with cheese

Is it possible to prepare diet khachapuri? Yes! There are many recipes for non-nutritive Georgian pastries. Having tasted delicious cheese pies once, you can hardly refuse them in the future.

Why khachapuri are useful:

  1. Khachapuri are ideal based on a sharp reduction in carbohydrates in the diet. Hearty baked goods will relieve hunger and amino acid deficiencies.
  2. The khachapuri is based on fatty village cottage cheese and cheese. They saturate the body with calcium and animal proteins. Eating these healthy dairy products is allowed by most diets in limited quantities.
  3. Khachapuri is the perfect breakfast. Hearty protein baked goods before lunch.
  4. And finally, eating well-prepared khachapuri will bring gastronomic pleasure and cheer you up.

You can add herbs, unusual spices or your favorite cheese to khachapuri. It is better to eat pies hot - it will taste better. Serve tea or milk with your khachapuri and enjoy a healthy breakfast.

Advice! Instead of white flour, it is better to use whole grain.

There are many khachapuri recipes. They can be pan-fried and oven baked. The first option is categorically not suitable for dietary nutrition. Diet khachapuri can be prepared exclusively without adding oil. Can't bake in the oven? Cook in a non-stick skillet!

Flour based on oatmeal, buckwheat, corn or rice will be of great benefit. The baked goods will turn out to be not so "plump", but healthy. If the store does not find flour based on cereals, you can easily make it yourself. It is enough to grind clean dry cereals in a coffee grinder for a few seconds. Fine flour for baking is ready!

Important!When choosing ingredients, give preference to foods with a low fat content.


Are you dreaming of a diet cheese pastry? There are several healthy low-calorie khachapuri recipes.


Such khachapuri will saturate the body with proteins and fiber. And you can cook a dish in 15 minutes.

Cooking steps:

  1. Mash 200 g of cottage cheese, 1 egg and 70 g of whole grain flour in a bowl, season with salt.
  2. Knead a plastic dough.
  3. Roll the sausage, cut into portions 2-3 cm thick.
  4. Form each flat cake into a “boat” with sides.
  5. Place the blanks on baking paper and place in the oven for 15 minutes.
  6. Meanwhile, grate the hard cheese on a fine grater.
  7. Remove the boats from the oven, fill with cheese.
  8. Bake for no more than a minute.
  9. Now gently break a small egg (you can quail) in the center of each workpiece. The yolk should remain intact.
  10. Send to the oven again. As soon as the protein turns opaque, the dish is ready!
  11. Add your favorite seasoning, herbs and serve hot!

From the declared amount of ingredients, approximately 4-5 medium khachapuri are obtained. The whole family will love this healthy, tasty breakfast!

From cottage cheese

Khachapuri based on rice and corn flour will be remembered for its unusual bright taste. These baked goods contain healthy minerals and not a single extra calorie.

Cooking steps:

  1. Separate the white of one egg from the yolk.
  2. Mix 100 g of cottage cheese and protein.
  3. Prepare 20 g of rice and 20 g of corn flour.
  4. Add flour, salt and pepper.
  5. Form boats from the dough.
  6. Lay them out on baking paper.
  7. Lubricate the sides with yolk.
  8. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes.
  9. Take out the blanks.
  10. Pour finely grated hard cheese into the well and break a small raw egg.
  11. Sprinkle with herbs.
  12. Bake in the oven for another 7-10 minutes.

Appetizing, ruddy khachapuri are ready!

Yogurt based

Do you want fragrant khachapuri cakes in a pan? There is a recipe based on yoghurt dough without adding oil. It is as close as possible to the classics, but does not contain yeast and fatty sour cream.

Cooking steps:

  1. Mix 250 g of natural yogurt, 1 egg and 25 g of melted butter, mix.
  2. Gradually add 350 g flour.
  3. Achieve the desired dough consistency by adding another 50-100 g of flour. The dough should remain slightly sticky. Leave it to "rest" for 30 minutes.
  4. Prepare the filling: grate 150 g of feta cheese and any other hard cheese on a coarse grater.
  5. Add 120 g of grainy or grainy cottage cheese and 1 egg.
  6. Stir the cheese mass thoroughly.
  7. Season with garlic and chopped herbs. The filling is ready!
  8. Roll a sausage out of the dough and cut into 6-8 pieces.
  9. Stretch each piece with your hands into a cake.
  10. Put about 1-2 tablespoons in the center. fillings.
  11. Pinch from above, like a whitewash, turn the seam down.
  12. Gently roll out with a rolling pin into a flat cake 5-7 mm thick.
  13. Fry in a hot frying pan without oil on both sides, covered.
  14. Finished products can be greased with butter, but in this case their calorie content will increase significantly.

Such recipes will allow you to enjoy the taste of your favorite pastries, even on a diet. They will not harm the figure. Healthy ruddy khachapuri will surely appeal to all family members, and especially children!


  • 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese ;.
  • 1 chicken egg;.
  • 3 tablespoons whole grain flour or any other;
  • 8-9 Quail eggs ;.
  • A little grated low-fat cheese;
  • Salt to taste, baking powder, cumin if desired.


Knead the cottage cheese, chicken egg and flour dough with salt, cumin and baking powder, then rest for 30 minutes.

Place the boats in the oven for 10-15 minutes at 180 degrees on parchment paper.

Remove, sprinkle with grated cheese and put in the oven again for 3-5 minutes.

Then take out the boats, break each quail egg and put it in the oven for another 3-5 minutes, so that only the white is baked, and the yolk remains liquid. Done! Enjoy your meal!

If you want to lose weight - have breakfast! Another thing is what to eat for breakfast? It is good if in the morning you saturate the body with proteins and fiber. It is these substances that saturate well and give a charge of vigor for the coming day. And I have a wonderful recipe for such a breakfast for you. Prepare pp khachapuri using whole grain flour and cottage cheese.

This is a great alternative to real Adjarian khachapuri, which you can not only have a hearty breakfast, but also have a snack throughout the day. Preparing a dish for one or two - quickly and easily. The most affordable products are used, and the preparation process takes very little time. The base of the khachapuri is soft, slightly crumbly, largely due to cottage cheese. On the whole, the dish turns out to be quite tasty, nutritious, and most importantly - healthy. We liked it - try it too.

How to cook pp khachapuri from c / z flour and cottage cheese


for dough (based on 4-5 pieces)

  • cottage cheese in a briquette (9%) - 200 gr.,
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.,
  • wheat c / z flour - 70 gr.,
  • sea \u200b\u200bsalt - to taste

for filling

  • hard cheese - 150-200 gr.,
  • small chicken eggs of category C2 or quail - 4-5 pcs.,
  • favorite spices - to taste (I have smoked paprika and chili)


In a bowl, knead the cottage cheese, then add the egg, sifted flour and salt. We knead the dough. If necessary, you can add flour, but do not get carried away too much, otherwise the basis for khachapuri will turn out to be tough and not tasty. Therefore, if the finished dough will stick a little to your hands, it's okay.

We make a "sausage" from the dough, cut it into portioned pieces, each of which we roll into a cake and make sides. You should get something that looks like "baskets" or "boats" as you like - take a baking sheet, cover it with baking paper or put a silicone mat. We lay out dough products and send them to a preheated oven up to 180 ° С for 15-20 minutes

We rub any hard cheese on a fine grater, season it with your favorite spices and carefully alter it. I cooked khachapuri with different cheeses, but they are especially tasty if you use spicy or salty types of cheese. They, as a rule, already contain spices, so if you cook with such cheeses, do not put the seasoning

We take out the slightly browned "baskets" from the oven, sprinkle their bottom with plenty of grated cheese and again send the baking sheet with khachapuri into the oven for just a few seconds to melt the cheese

We take out khachapuri from the oven (still semi-finished products) and do the final touch - break an egg into each "basket"

I advise you to take not large eggs, for example, category C2 (I used just such), and even better - quail

Put the baking sheet back in the oven. I advise you not to leave the stove. As soon as the protein is tightened (the yolk, at the same time, should remain liquid), the khachapuri are ready. Let them cool down a bit and go limp

Breakfast is ready! Bon appetit and good day!

Don't give up on your favorite pastries. Just cook it from healthy foods, remembering that proper nutrition is not only the basis of our health, but also harmony.

Armenian lavash - 180 Gram Cottage cheese - 150 Gram Pickled cheese - 150 Gram (feta, feta cheese, suluguni) Egg - 1 Piece Spices - To taste Greens - To taste

Servings: 3-5

How to cook "Khachapuri from lavash with cheese"

1. Thoroughly mix cottage cheese, cheese, spices and herbs.
2. Now we make squares out of pita bread, wrap the filling in them and turn them into an envelope. Beat the egg separately and dip each khachapuri in the egg.
3. Bake for 10-15 minutes at 200 degrees in the oven. Enjoy your meal!

How to choose the right ingredients for PP-khachapuri

  • For this recipe, I take kefir with a fat content of 2.5%. If you use low fat kefir, you may need more flour. Also, in this case, it would be better to add 2-3 tablespoons of fat sour cream to kefir. Buy kefir with a minimum shelf life - it is more natural.
  • I recommend taking cottage cheese with a fat content of 5-9% or homemade. It shouldn't be too liquid. Low-fat and granular cottage cheese is not suitable for the filling.
  • Any hard cheese will do, the main thing is that it melts well. If you want a more contrasting taste of the filling, close to the original, take suluguni or Adyghe cheese. The filling for khachapuri with cottage cheese and cheese can also be made from feta cheese and mozzarella.

Every housewife has moments in her life when she doesn't want to stand at the stove for a long time and cook culinary delights. We are all busy people, we work hard during the week, and therefore we want to relax. Sometimes I arrange such a holiday for myself, I can lie on the couch with a book, though this happens so rarely. But I still have to feed my beloved family, I have such a recipe, it is prepared quickly, tasty, easy, and most importantly with desire. This is a favorite dish of lazy khachapuri with cheese in a pan. Now I will tell you about some of my secrets that will speed up the cooking process and save personal time. And a recipe with a photo will help you with this, by the way, you can arrange them as you wish. For example, I did it like small pancakes, or you can bake it with a whole cake. Khachapuri is a Georgian dish, it is really not very easy to cook it. The classic version does not always work without experience, so let's practice and bake quick lazy khachapuri with cheese in a pan. For the test, prepare:

  • cottage cheese - a pack of 200 gr, kefir - 2/3 of the volume of a glass, eggs - 2 pcs, salt and soda - 0.5 tsp each. flour - 5-6 tbsp.


Preparation Cooking the dough. To do this, combine cottage cheese with eggs, rub thoroughly. Pour in lukewarm kefir (not cold!), The right amount of salt, soda, flour. The dough should be thick, if it is liquid, add more flour. Most often it depends on the moisture content of the curd.
I don't use ordinary wheat flour, I've been grinding ordinary, cheap oatmeal in a coffee grinder for a long time, it turns out healthy, dietary flour. Decide for yourself which flour is better to take.

I rub the cheese on a fine mesh grater. Take whatever you have in your refrigerator, even a stale product will do. I add chopped cloves of garlic, dill (I have it from the freezer), sour cream to the cheese. Mix the mass carefully.
We start preparing khachapuri. We heat the pan well, pour in the oil for frying. Pour the dough with a tablespoon, trying to leave a distance between the khachapuri, as they increase in size during cooking. With our hands we form a small cake from the filling, place it on top of the dough.

Cover the filling with a thin layer of dough. Fry both sides of the khachapuri, letting them brown.
We eat lazy khachapuri hot! Enjoy your meal!

Video PP Khachapuri / Adjarian Khachapuri

Lavash khachapuri - general cooking principles

For khachapuri, they mainly use Armenian lavash, that is, thin sheets. But sometimes there are options from a thick flat cake, which is cut and disassembled into two parts, cheese, an egg are put inside, and baked. Products made from thin sheets are much more popular, although they require more time, twisting and have other nuances. The filling is prepared from different types of cheese, herbs, cottage cheese, eggs. The mass is salted, pepper, you can use garlic and other spices for taste. More and more often there are recipes with meat and vegetables, sometimes cheese is also added to the minced meat. Khachapuri from thin pita bread can be made in the form of pies. In this version, envelopes or rolls are formed. You can make pie-shaped pastries. In this version, kefir filling is often used. Khachapuri is baked or fried in a pan.

Every morning, while preparing breakfast for my husband, I understand how much I want SYYYYYRA! I'm definitely a mouse in a past life) Therefore, here's a recipe for #pkhachapuri, we like it and prepare it for tomorrow's breakfast, because everything is as always - simple and fast to the point of disgrace Pp-khachapuri for the lazy. Ingredients for khachapuri: Base: I offer 2 options, with and without oatmeal) 1.With oatmeal: oatmeal 30-40 gr 2 eggs

2. Without oatmeal: 2 eggs 1 protein fiber 1 tablespoon

Method for preparing pp khachapuri:

We mix all the ingredients, add a pinch of baking powder and salt, fry the pancake. If with oatmeal - it is possible on one side under the lid, if with fiber - on both sides. Lay cheese on top with slices, melt under the lid. Servants melt best. You can add fresh herbs and fold in half. And if you add 50 ml of kefir to the "dough" - it will be even more tender! Eat, both cooled and hot - for breakfast or a second snack.