Cheese rolls with different fillings. Filled cheese rolls: filling options and cooking methods

05.11.2019 Desserts and cakes

Filled cheese rolls are a great snack for any celebration. Such food pleases not only the stomach, but also the eyes, because it looks very attractive. Today we will consider different options for preparing such a snack. So, let's not hesitate and start our story ...

Cheese roll with salmon

For cooking you need:

  • parsley, dill - thirty grams;
  • hard cheese - two hundred grams;
  • slightly salted trout (or salmon) - three hundred grams.


  1. Grate the cheese.
  2. Then wash the parsley and dill, dry and chop finely.
  3. Mix cheese with herbs, put in a container (for example, in a saucepan), then put in a water bath.
  4. Heat and cook until cheese is melted. If it is not possible to cook in a water bath, then put the cheese with herbs in a bag and put it in boiling water. Hold it there for three minutes.
  5. Then put the cheese mass between two layers of film. Next, use a rolling pin to roll it into a thin layer.
  6. Take a fish, cut it thinly.
  7. Remove the cling film and place the fish on the cheese dough. Then roll everything up.
  8. Then place the product under a light press, chill in refrigerators and cut into portions.
  9. Garnish with fresh herbs before serving.

That's all, the dish is ready.

Delicious product with curd filling

Now we will tell you how to make a cheese roll with cottage cheese filling. To prepare the dough you need:

  • five hundred grams of hard cheese;
  • one spoonful of vegetable oil.

For the filling you will need:

  • four hundred grams of cottage cheese;
  • two hundred grams of chicken meat (boiled);
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • dill, parsley and onions;
  • one hundred grams of fat sour cream;
  • one boiled egg;
  • one small bell pepper (or a large half);
  • ground black or red pepper;
  • salt.

Such rolls of cheese with filling will help out in difficult times, when guests must come. Or it happens that in the morning you are too lazy to cook a full breakfast. It is this type of roll that comes to the aid of many hostesses. It will not be difficult to prepare it, and it will take no more than twenty minutes. And close people will be surprised at such an interesting and healthy dish.


  1. Peel the garlic and chop finely together with the cooked herbs.
  2. Then you need to boil the chicken meat and cut into pieces.
  3. Pass the chicken meat, garlic, cottage cheese and herbs through a meat grinder. Then add salt and pepper. Add sour cream and mix well.
  4. The cheese is greased with vegetable oil. Then it is closed with a plastic bag and immersed in boiling water for ten minutes or sent to the microwave for seven minutes (cook on medium power).
  5. After the cheese becomes soft, it is removed and rolled into a layer two centimeters thick.
  6. The prepared filling is laid out on it, finely chopped bell pepper is added to it.
  7. After the cheese layer is rolled up with filling, forming a roll. In this case, the assistants are served by a plastic bag. Cheese was initially rolled out on it.
  8. An already cooked roll is sprinkled with a boiled egg grated on a grater and sent to a cool place for two hours.
  9. Then it is cut into portions and served to the table.

This roll is a great snack and addition to any everyday and festive table.

Here we examined what some stuffed cheese rolls are. As you can see, such products are quickly prepared. You can even come up with recipes for their preparation yourself.

With cottage cheese and chicken

How to make a delicious cheese roll? Just. You just need to heed our advice. For cooking you will need:

  • cheese - three hundred grams;
  • chicken fillet - one hundred grams;
  • cottage cheese - two hundred grams;
  • greens;
  • cream - 75 grams.

Making a roll

  1. First, let's prepare the filling. It is necessary to boil the fillet, cut it into pieces.
  2. Then mix cottage cheese, meat, herbs and cream. You can do this with a blender.
  3. Cheese (not hard varieties!) Is transferred to a baking bag and immersed in boiling water for three minutes. During this time, it should become soft. The cheese is pulled out of the water and rolled with a rolling pin into a small cake.
  4. Then you need to remove the package. Then put on the filling, roll up. And leave it for about thirty minutes.
  5. When time has passed, you can cut the roll into pieces and serve the dish on lettuce leaves.

With salmon and dill and tomato

To make a cheese roll with salmon, you will need:

  • fifty grams of fresh parsley;
  • one hundred and fifty grams of hard cheese;
  • one hundred and fifty grams of salmon;
  • a tomato;
  • fresh dill (50 grams).

Such a dish is useful, because it contains salmon. It tastes good. It contains useful amino acids, B vitamins and minerals. Let's quickly find out how to make a cheese roll with salmon.

Cooking process

  1. The cheese is processed on a fine grater.
  2. Greens are washed and cut.
  3. The tomato is washed, cut into small pieces.
  4. Then you need to mix the cheese with tomato, dill and parsley. Put the entire contents in a baking bag and put in a water bath.
  5. As it gradually warms up, it will take on a soft state. Stir the cheese filling with small movements.
  6. Then roll the cheese into a thin layer and cool slightly. Remove from the bag and place the salmon cut into thin slices.
  7. Roll up and put in a cold place for an hour.

With chicken

Cheese rolls, as you understand, can be made with different fillings. We offer you another option. How to make a chicken cheese roll? Simple, if, of course, you have all the ingredients you need. For cooking you need:

  • hard cheese - four hundred grams;
  • processed cheese - no more than two pieces;
  • two eggs;
  • minced chicken - half a kilogram;
  • bell pepper;
  • spices and herbs;
  • garlic - four cloves.

Cooking chicken roll

  1. First, we get down to minced meat. It is salted and sprinkled with pepper. Then spices and bell peppers are added to it.
  2. All components are mixed and laid out on a thin sheet of cheese, which was previously grated, mixed with boiled eggs and sent to the oven (to soften and form a cake).
  3. The minced meat is laid out evenly, without the formation of grooves and depressions. After it is rolled up and sent to bake in the oven for thirty minutes.
  4. Then the chicken cheese roll is cooled for at least an hour. Then you can eat it.

With mushrooms

We offer you another recipe. You will learn how to make a cheese roll with mushrooms. Such a product turns out to be especially delicate and pleasant to the taste.

In order to prepare such a snack, you must have:

  • three hundred grams of hard cheese;
  • seventy grams of butter;
  • one fresh cucumber;
  • one small bell pepper;
  • one hundred grams of ham;
  • two hundred grams of fresh champignons;
  • a clove of garlic;
  • eight pitted prunes;
  • a few spoons of mayonnaise;
  • a variety of fresh herbs;
  • vegetable oil;
  • ground pepper.

Cooking a roll with mushrooms

  1. The greens are finely chopped, mayonnaise is added to it. The oil of a soft consistency is mixed with the garlic crushed under the press. These products are mixed and salted with the addition of ground pepper to your liking.
  2. We take prunes. If it is not there, then you can replace it with olives. If the prunes are solid, then you can pour a small amount of boiling water over it. Then it will become soft. Chop finely.
  3. Cut bell peppers, fresh cucumber and ham into strips, add prunes and mix everything thoroughly.
  4. The cheese is grated on a coarse grater, placed in a plastic bag and dipped in a saucepan with boiling water (for 5 minutes).
  5. Then it is taken out of the pan and rolled into a small cake in a cellophane bag. It cools down for several minutes, the prepared filling is placed on it.
  6. The layer is wrapped in a roll, and after it cools down, you can eat it.

With canned fish

This recipe will appeal to those who love fish. This product is made as easy as other similar ones. To make a cheese roll with fish, you will need:

  • one hundred and fifty grams of cheese;
  • can of canned fish;
  • mayonnaise (to taste);
  • dill - thirty grams;
  • pita.

Cooking a roll

  1. The cheese is grated.
  2. The fish is rubbed with a fork.
  3. Cheese and fish are mixed. They are joined by dill with mayonnaise. Then everything is mixed.
  4. The filling is laid out on pita bread in an even, beautiful layer and rolled into a roll. That's all, the product is ready.

With ground beef

We looked at how to make a hard cheese roll with fish, chicken, mushrooms. Now let's take a look at the recipe for cooking with ground beef.

You will need:

  • hard cheese - three hundred grams;
  • five eggs;
  • mayonnaise - 150 ml;
  • semolina - three tbsp. spoons;
  • ground beef - five hundred grams;
  • spice;
  • greens.

Cooking a roll with minced meat

  1. Cheese rubs on a grater.
  2. Boiled eggs, mayonnaise, semolina are added to it and kneaded.
  3. The dough is evenly placed on a pre-prepared baking sheet. You need to bake it for five minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.
  4. The filling is made from minced meat with the addition of two eggs, semolina, finely chopped herbs and spices. All products are mixed and laid out on an uncooled cheese crust. Then the product is twisted and smeared with an egg. Bake again in the oven for five to seven minutes.

Delicious roll

Now we will look at how to properly prepare a bacon and cheese roll. For cooking you will need:

  • pickled peppers;
  • pickled capers;
  • one egg yolk;
  • unleavened puff pastry (three hundred grams);
  • hard cheese (two hundred grams) and the same amount of bacon.

Cooking process

  1. In this dish, it all starts with the preparation of the filling. Cut capers and peppers into pieces, mix with grated cheese, chopped bacon.
  2. The dough is rolled out thinly and the filling is laid over it.
  3. Then it is rolled into a roll. After that, the product is smeared with yolk and sent to the oven for twenty minutes.


Now you know how to make filled cheese rolls. As you can see, they can be done in different ways. We hope that you will like some recipe.

Many are already starting to choose recipes for a festive New Year's table, and to all lovers original snacks I propose to cook with me cheese rolls with three different delicious fillings.

These appetizers are prepared quickly, and the filling can be very different, I offer my options, and you can dream up and use any other that you like - meat, fish, vegetable.

These rolls will decorate any festive table, and will especially appeal to all cheese lovers.

To make cheese rolls we need:


No. 1 - Rolls with crab filling

  • 250-300 gr. hard cheese
  • 200 gr. crab sticks
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 150-200 gr. homemade mayonnaise
  • Lettuce leaves
  • salt, white pepper

# 2 - Rolls with herbs and bell pepper

  • 250-300 gr. hard cheese
  • 100-150 gr. soft Adyghe cheese
  • 100 g cream (curd) cheese
  • greens (dill, parsley, cilantro)
  • green onion
  • 1 red bell pepper
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • mayonnaise
  • salt pepper

№3 - Rolls with ham

  • 250-300 gr. hard cheese
  • 250-300 gr. ham
  • 100 g cream (curd) cheese
  • mayonnaise
  • 2 fresh cucumbers
  • 1-2 tbsp horseradish
  • a handful of olives

Festive snack "Cheese rolls" 3 delicious recipes - STEP-BY-STEP RECIPE

Let's start cooking, first we will prepare the cheese for all three recipes.

We put the sliced \u200b\u200bpieces of cheese in separate, preferably dense plastic bags.

Previously, I boiled water in a saucepan, and now we lower the packages of cheese into a saucepan with boiling water, but we do not put it on the fire anymore.

Set the pan aside for 20-25 minutes so that the cheese melts completely.

In the meantime, let's prepare the fillings for all three rolls.

For a roll with crab filling, add chopped boiled egg whites (I rubbed them on a fine grater) into a bowl with finely grated crab sticks, squeeze the garlic through a press, add mayonnaise, salt and white pepper to taste.

We mix the mass well, according to its consistency, it should be plastic, not dry, but not too liquid, but such that it would be easy for us to spread it in the future.

In a separate bowl, mix cream or curd cheese and boiled yolks grated on a fine grater.

We grind everything well into a homogeneous mass, and if it is thick, add a spoonful of mayonnaise.

For a roll with herbs and red pepper, prepare the following products.

Put the Adyghe cheese grated on a fine grater, soft cream cheese in a bowl, grind the garlic there, add mayonnaise, salt and white pepper to taste.

Thoroughly mix the cheese mass until a homogeneous plastic state.

Separately, cut the red bell pepper into strips in length, no more than 1 cm thick.

And now you need to finely chop all the greens.

I use a large bunch of flavored cilantro, dill and parsley, and some fresh green onions.

Pour all the greens into one bowl and mix it well.

Now let's prepare the products for the ham cheese roll.

Put soft cream cheese, finely chopped table horseradish, a little mayonnaise and a pinch of salt in a bowl.

Mix the mass well until smooth.

Separately, I cut fresh cucumbers into thin slices using a vegetable peeler.

Meanwhile, 25 minutes have passed. and our cheese melted well.

We take out the first portion of cheese and, without removing it from the bag, roll it out into a rectangle with a rolling pin.

Now we are preparing the "crab" roll.

Spread the cheese-yolk mass on the rolled cheese layer and spread it evenly over the entire surface with a spatula.

On top, lay out lettuce leaves in an even layer, from which you must first cut out the harder middle part and press them lightly against the cheese mass.

And now, helping ourselves with a package, we twist the layer into a tight roll.

We wrap it in the same film and tie the ends.

We shift the roll to any flat surface, and set it aside for now.

Let's take up the preparation of a roll in herbs and bell pepper.

We prepare the cheese bed in exactly the same way as in the first case.

On the rolled layer, we apply a cheese-garlic mass, distributing it over the entire surface.

On top, with an interval of 2-3 cm, lay out the chopped bell peppers, not reaching the edge of about 10 cm.

Spread the mixture of chopped greens on top of the pepper in a thick layer, also leaving some free space.

This is done so that the filling remains inside while the roll is being rolled.

Press the chopped greens tightly to the cheese base and begin to roll up a tight roll.

We turn it along the bag and tie it tightly, as in the first case.

Transfer to the same tray and prepare the third roll stuffed with ham.

We prepare the cheese base in the same way.

On top of it, apply an even layer of cheese mass with horseradish and spread cut thin slices of fresh cucumber tightly to each other.

As in the previous roll, we do not lay out the filling over the entire surface, but leave a free edge.

Put thinly sliced \u200b\u200bham slices on top of the cucumber.

From the end from where we will wrap the roll, lay out the pitted olives in a row and carefully, slowly, roll up the tight roll, trying to keep the olives in the very center.

We wrap the roll in foil, tie the ends, put them on a tray to our rolls and send them to the refrigerator for several hours, preferably at night.

Before serving, remove the film from completely cooled rolls and cut into portions, no more than 1 cm thick.

In addition to the fact that all the rolls turned out to be beautiful, they are also very tasty!

As a filling for these rolls, you can use the simplest products, and the result will always be excellent!

You can cook such rolls with red fish, liver pate, with Korean-style vegetables, with mushrooms, it all depends on your preferences.

Cheese rolls are always a delicious, spectacular and very festive snack, let it delight you and your guests!

I wish you all Bon appetit and Happy Holidays!

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Dina was with you. Until next time, before new recipes!

Festive snack "Cheese rolls" 3 delicious recipes - VIDEO RECIPE

Festive snack "Cheese rolls" 3 delicious recipes - PHOTOS

Here are the products we need.

Cut the cheese into large bricks and put in a packing bag.

Put cheese in a saucepan, pour cold water so that the water covers the cheese. Put the pan on the fire, we need to melt the cheese.

Drain the liquid from the olives, cut the Bulgarian pepper into medium cubes. Do not grind the pepper too much, otherwise it will give juice, and the cheese will soften from this.

The cheese needs to be melted to the state of plasticine. If milk separates from the cheese, you have digested the cheese.

Roll the cheese with a rolling pin right in the packing bag. When rolling, try not to make holes in the cheese, you do not need to roll very thinly.

Carefully cut the bag from the large side and at the base of the seam with a knife or scissors.

Place the curd cheese on top of the cheese.

Smear the cheese all over the surface. It is necessary to do this carefully so that the cheese does not break, and at the same time quickly. Otherwise, the cheese will cool down and it will be difficult to roll it up.

Place olives in a row on the big side

Sprinkle with bell pepper over the entire surface.

Now it is necessary to wrap the cheese tightly in a roll from the large side.

Leave the cheese roll on the packaging bag.

Roll up a roll in a bag. Use a knife to make small punctures in the roll, this is done so that the air comes out. Roll up the ends of the bag. Remove the roll in the refrigerator until it cools completely and the cheese sets. This is approximately 4 hours.

The cheese roll is ready. Can be served at the table.
Instead of curd cheese, you can use curd. You can add garlic to it.
Filling No. 1:
Curd cheese + olives (or olives) + thin slices of ham
Filling # 2:
Curd cheese + grapes + diced pear.
Filling # 3:
Curd cheese + olives (or olives) + pickles.
Filling # 4:
Curd cheese + olives (or olives) + slightly salted salmon.
Enjoy your meal!!!

6 servings

50 minutes

163.9 kcal

5 /5 (2 )

Cheese roll is a great snack. Everyone can choose the filling according to their taste. Cooking such a dish takes very little time, and the result will pleasantly surprise you. Today we will tell you about several methods of making a cheese roll with various fillings.

Cheese roll with crab sticks

We need: spatula, saucepan, plastic bag, grater, rolling pin, scissors.


Step by step cooking

  1. Put 275 grams of cheese in one piece in a plastic bag.

  2. We collect a small amount of water in a saucepan so that it can completely cover the piece of cheese. Put the pot of water on the stove and bring to a boil.

  3. Remove the pan from the heat and put the cheese in a bag in it and leave it for 25-30 minutes to melt the cheese.

  4. Now we need to start preparing the filling. To do this, three 195 grams of crab sticks on a fine grater.

  5. Add the whites of three eggs, grated on a fine grater, to the crab sticks and mix.

  6. Add chopped clove of garlic, 2 grams of salt and 165 grams of mayonnaise to the resulting mass.

  7. Stir the ingredients very carefully to get a mass that will be convenient to spread.

  8. In a separate bowl, combine 105 grams of cream cheese with chopped yolks of three boiled eggs and mix.

  9. After half an hour, we take out the bag of cheese from the pan, transfer it to the work surface and carefully roll it out with a rolling pin into a thin rectangular layer.

  10. Carefully cut the top layer of the bag along the center and fully open the edges of the bag to the sides.

  11. Put the cream cheese filling on the cheese bed and spread it evenly with a spatula.

  12. Lay out 8-9 washed lettuce leaves on top.

  13. Put the crab stick filling on the lettuce leaves and gently distribute with a spatula.

  14. We roll up the roll very carefully.

  15. Wrap completely in a bag and tie the edges. We put the finished roll in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours, or even better overnight.

  16. Before serving, remove the plastic bag from the roll, and cut the roll itself into small pieces.

Video recipe for making cheese roll with crab stick filling

To see in detail each step of making a cheese roll with cream cheese and crab sticks, be sure to watch the following video.

Cheese roll with curd cheese and red fish

Cooking time: 30-35 minutes.
We need: silicone mat, foil, baking sheet, spatula, whisk, blender.
Servings: 6.


Step by step cooking

  1. Beat two eggs with a whisk until foam appears. Add 155 grams of grated cheese to the beaten eggs.

  2. Add chopped fresh herbs (4 sprigs) to the egg-cheese mass and stir everything very thoroughly.

  3. Put a silicone mat on a baking sheet, spread the cheese mass on it and distribute it evenly over the entire surface.

  4. We bake the cheese layer for 10-12 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. The cheese crust should acquire a light golden hue.

  5. For the filling, we interrupt 255 grams of cottage cheese with a blender so that a uniform mass is formed.

  6. Add 95 grams of soft butter, 3 grams of salt, chopped greens (5 branches) to the curd mass and interrupt with a blender again.

  7. Cut 285 grams of lightly salted red fish into thin slices.
  8. Lubricate the slightly cooled cheese crust with curd mass, put the fish slices on top and wrap the roll.

  9. We wrap the finished roll with cling film and put in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.

  10. Before serving, you will need to remove the film from the roll and cut it into small pieces.

Video recipe for making a cheese roll stuffed with red fish and curd cheese

The cheese roll with curd filling turns out to be very tender. And in order to clearly see the entire cooking process, we recommend watching the next video.

Recipe for cheese roll with minced meat with a photo

Cooking time: 80-85 minutes.
We need: parchment, baking sheet, whisk, spatula.
Servings: 7.


Step by step cooking

  1. Combine 5 eggs with 255 grams of mayonnaise and beat very thoroughly with a whisk.

  2. Add 2 grams of salt, 365 grams of grated cheese to the resulting mass and mix well.

  3. We line the baking sheet with parchment, spread the cheese mass on it and gently level it.

  4. We put the base for the roll in the oven for 20-25 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

  5. In a separate bowl, combine 985 grams of minced meat with 135 grams of very finely chopped onions, 2 grams of salt and stir thoroughly.

  6. We take the finished cheese cake out of the oven, transfer it to the work surface along with the parchment and cool slightly. Lubricate the cooled crust with minced meat and twist the roll.

  7. Put a new sheet of parchment on a baking sheet, put a roll on it and bake for 40-45 minutes at 180 degrees.

  8. Cool the finished roll and cut into portions before serving.

Video recipe for making a cheese roll with minced meat filling

In order not to miss anything important in making a cheese roll with minced meat, be sure to watch the next video.

This cheese roll recipe is one of my favorites. This melted cheese roll is made from egg pancakes. Everything is very simple, so even a novice housewife can handle cooking. The ingredients for its preparation can be found in any store, so there shouldn't be any difficulties in this regard either. I often make a cheese roll on regular days and on holidays. My household and guests who visit our house have long been able to appreciate this culinary masterpiece of home production. I suggest you try it too.

Cream cheese roll photo recipe

how to make cream cheese roll recipe


  • 2 raw chicken eggs
  • 2 tablespoons of fatty mayonnaise
  • 2 tablespoons of premium white wheat flour.
  • 2 processed cheese,
  • mayonnaise,
  • garlic to taste.

Cooking process:

Put all the ingredients for the dough in a deep bowl.

Mix them with a mixer or a whisk until a mass is formed (you do not need to beat much). The resulting dough should be enough for 3 egg pancakes.

Pour the first portion of the dough into a frying pan heated and lightly greased with margarine, evenly distributing it over the entire surface. You don't need to grease the pan anymore.

Fry the pancake for 1-2 minutes and turn over.

On the other hand, we also fry for a short time, until golden brown.

Put the pancake on a plate.

Fry two more in the same way. As a result, we should have three pancakes.

In the meantime, they cool down, let's start filling.

Rub the processed cheese on a coarse grater.

Add chopped garlic and mayonnaise to it.

Mix everything well (visually divide the filling into three equal parts).

Lubricate the first pancake with the resulting cheese mass.

Put the second pancake on it and grease it too, put the last third pancake on top and spread the remaining filling over it. Then we carefully roll it all up into a roll.

We place the roll in the refrigerator for twenty minutes, then take it out and cut into small portions.

We decorate to your liking, greens are best suited. Thank you for your attention and bon appetit to you and your family!

How to make a roll with cream cheese from egg pancakes was told by Yulia Kolomiets, a recipe and a photo of the author.