How to dry fruit in a gas stove oven. Drying apples in an electric convection oven

04.08.2019 Desserts and cakes

The apple contains a lot of mineral and organic elements, which are of great benefit to the human body. They are rich in iron, vitamin C.

But, with long-term storage, apples lose their beneficial properties. They are kept in cellars, compotes are boiled, or apples are dried, that is, they are dried.

This is perhaps the most effective and reliable way to preserve all vitamins in fruits.

Apples are dried in several ways. This is drying in the sun, in the oven, in the microwave or in electric dryers for vegetables and fruits.

Apples drying rules

The basic rules for drying include:

  • Whole, undamaged apples are dried, they must be ripe and selected by size.
  • Autumn sour and sour-sweet varieties of apples are suitable for drying.
  • The slice thickness should be no more than 1 cm.
  • All apples, cut, must be the same thickness.
  • It is recommended to cut apples into slices, so they dry faster than those that have been cut into slices.
  • In order for the apples to dry evenly, they are laid out very carefully, there should be one layer of fruit in a row, then they will not stick together.

So that the apples do not darken you need ...

Since apples are very rich in iron, they quickly oxidized... So that when dried at home, the sliced \u200b\u200bapples do not darken, they must be immersed in cold water with the addition of salt or a small amount of citric acid. Use about 10 grams of salt or 2 grams of acid per liter of water. The fruit is then air dried.

Another popular way is blanching, i.e. the sliced \u200b\u200bfruit slices or slices are dipped in hot water (almost 90 ° C) for a few seconds. But when blanching apples lose some of the sugar and acid.

Also, apple slices can be held over the steam of boiling water by placing them in a sieve or colander in advance, then they are dipped into cold water to cool. Thanks to this procedure, apples dry much faster.

Apple selection rules

Apples are chosen ripe, whole, with dense pulp and sweet and sour taste, without wormholes and fruit rot.

Large ones are dried only cut, they are cut into slices and circles, seed seeds are removed. The skins of the apples are either peeled or left. For drying, mainly summer varieties are used, less often autumn ones.

Drying apples in the oven

At first glance, drying apples in the oven may seem like the easiest way. Well, what's difficult here: washed and chopped apples are stacked on a baking sheet and in the oven. But no, you need to take into account the small nuances. It must be remembered that fruits are dried in an open oven, because when the oven is closed, they will quickly bake.

Necessarily need very carefully monitor the state of apples, because they can dry out or burn out altogether.

Apples, cut into slices and circles, are evenly spread on a baking sheet, after covering it with parchments.

The disadvantage of this method of drying apples, perhaps, can be called the fact that this the process is very long and time consuming.

Not all apple varieties are used for oven drying.

From sweet varieties, drying turns out to be loose and tasteless.

Sour and sweet and sour apple varieties are great. The most delicious drying is obtained from the Antonovka variety.

Drying apples in the oven takes almost 6 hours in time... The fruits are stirred every 40-50 minutes to dry them evenly.

You cannot immediately turn on the oven at a high temperature, since the apples can instantly become covered with a crust, and all the moisture will remain in them. The oven door, at the beginning of the process, should be ajar, close it at the very end, when all the water has practically evaporated.

Drying in the oven is conventionally divided into three periods:

  • In the first period, the temperature is 50 ° C, the oven door is slightly open until the apples begin to wither.
  • An hour after the start of the process, the temperature is raised to 70 ° C, the main part of the water begins to evaporate from the apples.
  • The last, third period, is to increase the temperature to 80 ° C.

Drying in dryer

The most convenient drying method is to dry apples in an electric dryer. It takes up little space, works by itself and does not require constant presence, the apples do not get dust and various insects.

The apples cut into slices are put on special sections of the dryer, then they are installed in the electric dryer itself. The lid closes and the power button is pressed.

Approximate drying time is about 6 hours... At the initial stage, the temperature is set to 75-85 ° C, then it is lowered to 50 ° C. It is easy to determine the readiness of apples; when pressed, they cease to emit juice.

The best varieties of apples that are dried in electric dryers are considered early autumn: Aport, Titovka autumn, Pepin, Antonovka. It is not recommended to dry winter varieties. Those apples that have fallen off can give quite good drying results. Delicious dried fruits also come from summer varieties, as well as from wild apple apples.

Drying apples in the sun

Summer pleases us with fresh fruits, but not all of us live in those regions where fresh vitamins are eaten all year round. This is the best drying time. Drying apples in the sun is considered less costly and accessible to everyone.

Chopped apples are spread on trays, baking sheets, or on a table that is outside. They dry out under the influence of sunlight, they must be turned over every day until they are completely dry.

Also, apples can be strung on a string and hung like a New Year's garland in a sunny place. You can make special dryers covered with gauze or mesh, so they can be easily kept from flies and other insects.

Dry in the sun possible only in summer heat.

Since apples are dried in summer, summer varieties are used to dry them. For example, Papirovka, Melba, Borovinka, Dream. The most delicious dried fruits come from fruits with white flesh.

This type of drying is considered the longest, since the finished drying can be stored for almost a week, sometimes five days are enough.

Other drying methods

In addition, drying in the sun and in the oven, fruits are dried in the microwave and electric stove.

For the microwave, apples are prepared, as well as other types of drying, then they are put on a plate, having previously covered it with a cotton cloth, and covered on top.

The entire drying process takes only 3-4 minutes, with a microwave power of 200 watts. The advantages include the fact that useful elements and vitamins are not strongly destroyed and are stored in large quantities in dried fruits.

Perhaps, drying apples on an electric stove is not the best way, but what to do if it is raining or very cloudy outside. A baking sheet, or other metal dish, is placed on the stove, and a grate with lined apples is placed on it.

One of the healthiest and most popular fruits is juicy, crunchy apples. Many owners of even small summer cottages will certainly grow this crop in gardens, taking pleasure in caring for fruitful trees. Often, apple trees are so generous that even after conservation, many fruits remain. There is no need to rush to sell them or just distribute them to neighbors and friends - knowing how to dry apples at home, you can easily stock up on useful drying. It is recommended to use a tasty delicacy for making drinks, desserts, in baked goods.

Apple fruits are famous for their beneficial qualities and an abundance of vitamins. It is rather difficult to preserve them during the canning process - heat treatment removes most of the useful elements. Drying is the only way to leave all the substances necessary for a person in the same amount.

During the drying process, the following are saved:

  • vitamins that normalize blood circulation, compensate for the lack of certain elements in the body, increase immune strength;
  • acids that improve the work of important organs, systems;
  • minerals that saturate with useful elements, increase resistance to diseases;
  • phytoncides that prevent the development of pathogenic microorganisms, infections;
  • rejuvenating sugar;
  • polysaccharides that lower the amount of cholesterol in the blood.

It should not be forgotten that drying is prohibited for some diseases. With diabetes mellitus, it is better to refuse a tasty treat - some components can cause complications.

Variety selection

The choice of fruits for dried fruits has several features. The apples must be large, with a small seed box. It is recommended to use fruits with a thin skin.

Summer varieties are sweeter, so drying from them is obtained with a slight sweet aftertaste.

Acidic varieties lose acid in the process, so you can safely use them. The most popular varieties of apples for making dried fruits are Antonovka, Pepin.

Preparing apples for drying

Fresh fruits are prepared in several stages. It is important to process as many apples as will fit on the drying trays. Prolonged storage has a negative effect on peeled and cut fruits, they become dark. There is no need to wash the apples; excess moisture will prolong the process.

Prepare in the following order:

  1. Dry the fruit with a clean towel.
  2. Remove the core with a special tool.
  3. Do not peel off the peel, especially from self-grown apples.
  4. Cut the prepared fruit into thin pieces. The drying time depends on the thickness of the slices, so it is not recommended to make them more than 5 mm.
  5. If the cutting process takes a long time, sprinkle the finished apple particles with lemon juice or soak for 3 minutes in a saline solution (80-90 g of salt per bucket of water) to prevent browning.

To start drying immediately, it is not recommended to store raw materials - this will affect the taste.

Ways to dry apples for the winter

There are several ways to turn apple particles into a flavorful drier. If the process is carried out in the hot summer season, it is not even necessary to use kitchen appliances, the warm sun will cope with the task no worse than a multicooker or an oven.

On air

Sun drying is suitable for residents of hot regions - one cool or damp day is enough to spoil the fruit slices. You can dry an unlimited number of fruit slices at a time.

Another way is to string the prepared slices on strings, hang them in a sunny place. To prevent the destructive work of insects or flies, wrap the bundles with gauze. The duration of the process is 3-5 days. It remains to collect ready-made dried fruits and save for use in winter.

In the microwave

Using a microwave oven allows drying much faster than in the open sun. The process is usually carried out in several stages:

  1. Arrange the fruit particles on a plate in one layer.
  2. Turn on low power, drying time - 30-40 seconds.
  3. After evaporation of excess moisture, turn the particles over, send them back to the microwave.
  4. Set power to 300W, dry for 3-5 minutes.

Take out the finished dried fruits, after cooling, send them to storage. In this way, you can dry a lot of fruits without much difficulty and time.

Drying with an electric dryer

An electric dryer is very popular with housewives who make considerable supplies of drying for the winter.

Step-by-step process:

  1. Arrange the fruit slices in trays.
  2. Arrange the filled pallets in the dryer in several tiers.
  3. At a temperature of 60-65 degrees, leave for 6-8 hours (depending on the size of the particles).

After turning off the dryer, check the readiness - press the wedge with your finger, if no moisture is released, send it to storage containers.

In the oven

Place the prepared fruit slices on a baking sheet (pre-cover with parchment), send to the oven. Dry the apples for about 4 hours. Temperature - up to 65 degrees.

Airfryer drying

Drying the apple particles is easy in the airfryer - the process takes only about an hour. Cope with the work is easy - arrange the prepared slices on the levels. Make sure that they do not lie too tightly - this will prolong the cooking time.

Turn on the device, the temperature is 100 degrees. After turning off the airfryer, make sure the treats are ready, send them to storage containers.

In a multicooker

Fruit particles are also dried in a multicooker, which will cope with the task in a short time:

  1. Place prepared slices in a bowl.
  2. Turn on the "Baking" mode for 40 minutes.
  3. Turn the particles over, leave to dry for another quarter of an hour.

Arrange in one layer on the countertop, leave to cool completely, send to clean, dry containers.

How to know when dried fruit is ready

It is easy to determine the readiness of the particles even visually - the skin darkens. It is better not to pay attention to the pulp, it can acquire a different shade. You can press on the dried particle with your finger, if after strong pressing it does not creep - the dried fruits are ready.

It should be remembered that too dark particles usually indicate overdrying.It is recommended to use them first of all, during storage they can lose their taste.

Storing apples, important rules

Pour dried fruits into a large linen bag, leave for a few days. This allows all particles to acquire the same readiness.

After 3-5 days, view the apple slices again. If suspicious (soft) particles are found, set them aside and use them first.

What and where to store

Regardless of where the storage will take place, in an apartment or in the country, it is recommended to adhere to the basic rules. The most common way to store fruit is to use cloth bags that can be tied tightly.

It often happens that the room has high humidity, which is undesirable when storing dried fruits. To prevent dry apples from spoiling, it is recommended to send them to containers or clean jars that close tightly. Many housewives use this method so that food moths do not start, pests will not be able to get into sealed containers.

Paper bags or cardboard boxes are also great for storing dried fruit. In order for the apple slices to be stored longer, it is imperative to send them to a dry room - if the packages become damp, this will have a detrimental effect on the product.

Expiry date of dried apples

Duration of storage of dry apples is about three years. During this period, be sure to check the drying regularly. If there are signs of damage, sort out, sort out the unusable particles, re-dry the rest.

If summer varieties were used to prepare dry fruits, some of them have a short shelf life. It is recommended to store them separately and use them first for preparing food or drinks.

What to do if insects are in apples

It often happens that, if stored improperly, insects start up in dried fruits, which in a short time can destroy or spoil the entire stock. If pests are found in the drying, you need to act immediately - this will save most of the fruits.

The first stage of pest control is a careful examination of every particle of the fruit. If insect eggs are found, discard the slices immediately. Arrange the surviving dried fruits on baking sheets, send to the oven. Dry the slices for half an hour at 65 degrees.

If it is not possible to use the oven, it is recommended to resort to another method. Insects also cannot stand frost, so leave drying for several hours at a low temperature.

It is strongly not recommended to use chemicals to get rid of insects, products after processing are unsuitable for consumption. If there are pests in the closet where dried fruits are stored, the fruits should be subjected to additional drying or freezing, and the room itself should be treated with poisonous agents at this time. After the destruction of insects, rinse all surfaces, only then return the dried fruit particles back.

Drying apples is a process that allows you to stock up on valuable ingredients for baking, compote, and gourmet desserts. Cope with the preparation is not difficult, the main thing is to carefully study the important rules and strictly follow them. In winter, the mouth-watering slices will certainly remind you of warm days filled with pleasant chores.

Dried apples are extremely practical. First, they are convenient to store. And if you follow the storage conditions, then they will lie for a very long time. Secondly, they are very simple to make: you do not need to cook for a long time, waste kilograms of sugar or sterilize jars. It is enough to cut and put in the sun. The main thing is to cut it right and put it right. We are talking about this:

Which apples to choose?

The seed box should be small, the skin is thin, and the taste should be bright, best of all sweet and sour. And, of course, the scent. Otherwise, why start all this? Both summer and autumn varieties are well suited for drying: antonovka, pepin-saffron, cinnamon.

How to prepare apples for drying?

Before drying, apples must be washed, all bruises and wormholes removed, and the seed box removed. There is a special device in the form of a metal tube that takes out the seed box from a whole apple. If it is not there, then we proceed in the usual way, cut the fruit into quarters, cut out the box and then cut it into slices.


If you managed to remove the core from a whole apple, then you can cut the fruit into circles for drying.

The pieces should be about 5 mm thick.

To prevent apples from oxidizing and darkening during the drying process, you can act in two ways:

  • blanch the apples cut for drying, that is, immerse them in boiling water for a few seconds;
  • lower in 1.5% saline solution, that is, 20 g of salt will be needed per liter (this is a heaped tablespoon).

Apples should be immersed in a saline solution if you are going to dry them in the sun, outdoors. The salt will keep flies and other insects away.

How to dry?

In the oven... Sprinkle apples on a baking sheet in a thin layer. Put on a temperature of 50 degrees. The apples will dry up within an hour. Then the temperature needs to be increased to 70 degrees - the apples will dry and give off liquid. Finally, at the end of drying, the temperature must be increased to 80 degrees in order to sterilize the apples. The process will take 6-7 hours. The apples need to be stirred every hour.

In the sun... You can put fruits on baking sheets, on nets. String them on a string and hang in a ventilated, very sunny place. The apples must be turned over every day. When they have dried up and decreased in size by half, you can pour the contents of two baking sheets into one - they will not stick together. In the hot sun, the process takes 3-4 days.

Over the stove... Apples are strung on a string and hung over the stove. And include it. Only a gas stove will do, apples will not dry out over an electric hob, and you will go broke on electricity. This drying is quick and takes 3-4 hours, depending on the thickness of the cut.

In an electric dryer... A very handy thing for those who make a lot of workpieces. The slices need to be distributed over drying, set the required temperature (usually it is indicated in the instructions) and wait a couple of hours. Doesn't require constant attention.

How to tell if apples are ready?

The apples should shrink greatly. Properly dried fruits do not break, they are firm, not sticky. Apples can be light or dark, this does not depend on the quality of drying, but only on which variety you have chosen.

How to store?

In cloth or paper bags, in a dark, cool, ventilated place. Do not pack apples in bags and plastic containers, they will become moldy.

What to cook?

The most common is dried fruit compote or just dried apples. But the possibilities of dried fruits are not limited to this. You can make salads, sauces, and bake pies from them. You can make pancake baked from dried apples, add them to soup, even make jam.

Dried apple salad

  • 1 handful of dried apples
  • 100 g prunes
  • 2 tbsp. l. honey
  • 30 g of chopped walnuts.

Step 1... Soak the apples and prunes.

Step 2... Cut in small pieces. Mix.

Step 3... Chop the nuts, add honey and nuts to the fruit.

Dried apple charlotte


Step 1... Soak the apples, then boil (the broth can be used as a base for compote).

Step 2... Separate the yolks from the proteins. Add whites and leave, and grind the yolks with sugar until white.

Step 3... Add room temperature butter to the yolks and beat.

Step 4... Add flour and baking powder. Stir everything so that there are no lumps.

Step 5... Beat whites until stiff foam and add sugar. Place in dough and mix gently.

Step 6... Grease a mold with butter and sprinkle with flour. Put the apples in the dough, stir, pour everything into the mold.

Step 7... Bake at 180 g for about 50 minutes.

Apples from your own garden are always much tastier and healthier than those sold on store shelves. Therefore, many housewives have questions about how to dry apples in an electric oven and what are the basic rules of this process.

It is a well-known fact that dried apples almost completely retain their vitamin reserves and minerals that make up their composition. In addition, you can add dried fruits to various dishes. This is a traditional compote of dried fruits, and as a seasoning for pilaf or filling for a pie, as well as dried apple slices can be added to tea and brewed. The main thing is to properly dry apples and store them in the future.


An electric oven will help you achieve excellent results and prepare a lot of delicious apples for compote and baking for the winter. You can do this in a gas stove, but experienced housewives note that it is much easier to monitor the process in an electric one and prevent the air from heating up unevenly. At the same time, the quality of the final product and the time that the drying process will take directly depends on the power and novelty of the oven.

It is important to consider that apples are almost entirely water. During the drying process, they lose almost all of the moisture they contain. But this in no way affects their composition and all vitamins and minerals, as well as taste, remain in place. Drying, the fruit slices are greatly reduced in size, so the end result will bring no more than 10% of the amount of fresh apples.

Variety "Antonovka" is excellent for drying

Apples should be chosen from sweet and sour or sour varieties. When dried, sweet apples do not retain any taste and are only suitable for making compote. For a higher yield of the final product, it is better to take apples with a thin skin and a small amount of grains in the core. The fruits are thoroughly washed and rubbed, then sliced \u200b\u200band cored. To prevent apples from oxidizing, they can be placed in boiling water, and then dipped in a solution of lemon juice, vinegar or salt.

Experienced housewives prefer winter apple varieties. For example, the varieties "Aport" or "Antonovka" are great. They produce firm and juicy fruits of medium size. Such dried fruits will be a great addition to any dish.

The main rules of drying

Preheat the oven thoroughly before drying

Before you dry apples in an electric oven, you need to learn a number of simple, but very important, rules. You should also be aware of the sequence of actions. These are the basic principles that help to achieve quality process results:

  • the correct temperature regime (experts advise to set the oven at 50-60 ° C in advance and gradually increase it to 80-95 ° C);
  • you need to lay apples on a baking sheet only when the oven is completely and well heated;
  • the stove is slightly opened when the temperature reaches 80 ° C (this will allow excess moisture to leave freely).

In addition, you will have to periodically look after the apple slices and stir occasionally so that they do not stick to the sheet. Thus, the uniformity of drying and color of the apple pieces is achieved.

In some cases, if the slices have been cut too wide, you will have to turn them over so that the moisture goes away faster. That is why the width of the slices should be carefully observed when slicing the fruit.

Drying instructions

To get high-quality dried fruits that will be well stored in winter, you must follow a certain algorithm of actions. Drying apples in the oven is a process consisting of several stages:

Harvesting and picking apples

Winter apple variety "Bogatyr"

To dry apples correctly and get a high-quality and tasty product, you first need to choose the right fruits. For this method of harvesting fruits, large and medium-sized hard fruits are used. Winter varieties are always preferred, they are very strong and resistant to drying in an electric oven.

Fruit preparation

The harvested crop must be carefully sorted out and rotted apple fruits must be removed, leaving only strong and whole. Damaged apples can also be used, but you must first remove all rotten and bruised parts of the fruit. Then the apples are washed thoroughly and laid out on a paper towel to dry. You can rub each apple with a towel to speed up the process.

Slicing apples

There are two ways to cut fruit for drying in an electric oven. The old grandmother's way is to cut the apple into quarters, remove the middle and cut it into slices. Modern progress somewhat facilitates the task of housewives. In stores, you can buy a special metal knife that removes the core of the apple without affecting the integrity of the fruit. We remove the core with this device and cut the apples into circles. It is important that the thickness of each slice does not exceed 5 mm..

Note! To prevent the sliced \u200b\u200bfruits from darkening before placing in the oven, they can be sprinkled with lemon juice or dipped in saline for 10 minutes. The solution is made on the basis of 1 tbsp. salt in 1 liter of boiled water. After that, the apple slices must be thoroughly dried by placing them on a paper towel. Do not put raw apple slices on a baking sheet, this will significantly increase the drying speed in the oven.

Laying out on a baking sheet and placing in the oven

After all the preparatory stages, the apple slices are laid out on a dry baking sheet and placed in a preheated oven. The slices are laid out freely, without touching each other and without laying them in several layers. They should "breathe" freely during the drying procedure.

The process of drying apples in the oven itself takes quite a long time. You can do this with short breaks. The main thing is not to forget to turn the apple slices so that they do not stick to the surface.

Drying time

The power of the electric oven, the degree of supervision of the process and the variety of apples selected will be key factors in the speed of the process. It takes 8-10 hours to dry hard and sour apples. In an electric oven, under the best conditions, apples are dried in 5 hours, if the oven is modern and has the ability to work in several modes.

Temperature regime

If the oven is not gas, but electric, the option with a gradual increase in temperature is considered the most preferable. Experienced housewives advise to first warm up the oven to 45-50 ° C. As soon as the oven walls are warmed up, you can place baking trays with fruit wedges.

Then the temperature is gradually increased to 75-95 ° C. At this stage, it is better to open the door of the oven so that the evaporated moisture from the apples quietly leaves. In this temperature mode, the main drying hours pass. Finally, the temperature is lowered again to prevent the apples from burning. The readiness of the product can be determined by its beautiful golden or brown shade by taking several slices from different places on the baking sheet.

Drying modes

Modern electric ovens, unlike the usual gas ovens, have several operating modes that allow you to speed up the drying process and achieve a beautiful golden hue of dried fruits. Changing modes from low to medium will be an excellent option for modern models of electric ovens.

Experts advise choosing a mode with a convection function, in which drying takes only 6 hours. The switched on fan will allow moisture to leave even faster, without lingering in the decomposed apple slices and on the walls of the oven.

Definition of readiness

If apple slices were blanched at the stage of fruit preparation, then dried fruits will differ in a light brown shade with "rusty" notes. Light beige color, rather flexible and non-brittle consistency of the final product speaks of usual drying without additional processing. However, do not be upset if the slices begin to crumble and break, they can also be used in cooking to make baked goods, compotes and jellies.

Readiness is determined by visual inspection and palpation of the dried fruit slices. You need to take several pieces from different places on the baking sheet and check the readiness. The main sign of complete readiness is apple color and elasticity.

Dried Apple Syrup Recipes

For dessert dishes, pre-candied fruits are often dried. For example, apple slices are placed in a sweet syrup made by yourself or purchased from a store. Leave the apple slices to soak in the syrup for a day and only then are sent to the oven. The result is delicious and elastic beautiful apple pieces that will be the perfect addition to dessert dishes.

You can also soak whole apple pieces in the sweet syrup. To do this, it is enough to make ordinary sugar syrup and put the pieces there along with the peel and core. During the day, the apples are candied and then dried in the oven. With such a component, compotes and jelly will only benefit in taste.

Important points

Evaporation of excess moisture from apple slices installed in the oven must be monitored constantly. Control over the process is a must in order not to spoil the product.

Adding syrup before drying is a personal matter for every housewife. You can prepare dried fruits in various versions so that in winter you can prepare desserts and dishes to the delight of everyone at home.

Dried fruits should also be stored properly. Dried fruits are placed in glassware with a tight lid, and sent to a dark dry room. If you notice that some of the harvested fruit has deteriorated, you will have to throw out the entire contents of the container. This means that the rules for drying or storing the product have been violated.

Drying apples is a great way to preserve beneficial properties and vitamins in fruits, which has been known since ancient times. With the right approach to the process, apples do not lose their qualities and are used as an independent product, or an excellent addition to various dishes.

Preparation for drying - why is it important to choose the right fruit?

There are many ways to dry apples at home. Someone prefers to use the proven "grandmother's" methods of natural drying, someone - the capabilities of modern and special equipment (electric dryers, airfryer). However, the easiest and most common way is to dry in the oven or on a baking sheet.

Regardless of which drying method you choose, so that ripe fruits retain the maximum of their elements, taste and are not damaged during the cooking process, you must choose and prepare the apples correctly. Find the right variety first. Experienced housewives recommend using late varieties - Anis, Aport, Antonovka. They differ in that they have a characteristic sour or sweet-sour taste, thin skin and the necessary structure, which is ideal for drying for the winter.

You can also dry other, sweeter, summer varieties, however, most often, after processing in the oven or on a burner, the slices of sweet varieties become almost tasteless, sugar evaporates, and their taste properties are lost. It is also important to inspect the apples before drying: they must be ripe, whole, free from rotten areas and with a good flesh structure that will not crumble when sliced. If necessary, we remove the damaged areas, sometimes they can be cleaned of the skin (especially if it is too thick).

Then the apples are thoroughly washed, sorted, it is better to use fruits of the same size and of the same variety, in this case it will be much easier to monitor the uniformity of drying in the process. Some hobbyists blanch apples before drying them, however, it takes away some of the beneficial properties, so we do not recommend it.

You can cut the fruits either into slices or into circles, while it is important to remember that the sliced \u200b\u200bslices darken very quickly due to the high iron content in apples. To avoid darkening, we recommend immersing the sliced \u200b\u200bslices in salt water (1 tablespoon per liter of water) or moistening them with citric acid.

Apples from the oven - an overview of the traditional cooking method

Drying apples in the oven is not a quick process and requires some patience and preparation. You can dry fruits both in an electric oven and on a gas stove, but the first option is still more preferable, especially if the stove is equipped with an additional convection function. In addition, some models of gas stoves do not have additional temperature control, which makes it difficult to control the process of uniform heating.

Regardless of the type of oven, carry out drying in accordance with the following rules:

  • preheat the oven to 60-70 degrees at the lowest possible temperature;
  • prepare a baking sheet with food paper or a wire rack, slices are neatly stacked on them in one, maximum, two layers;
  • put a baking sheet or wire rack in the oven and cook for at least 6-7 hours, gradually increasing the temperature in the oven to 90-100 degrees;
  • if the stove is not equipped with additional ventilation, open the oven lid, this is necessary for normal evaporation of moisture;
  • shake the slices periodically, every hour, stirring them to dry more evenly.

Too high a cooking temperature or high heat will very quickly turn the juicy slices into small, tasteless coals. After the cooking time has elapsed, check the readiness of the dried fruit. The slices should be elastic, not break when bending, not release moisture or juice, while they should retain their aroma.

It is necessary to store the resulting storehouse of vitamins in a dry, dark place, in glass jars, the bottom of which is preliminarily covered with paper. You can also use food grade paper bags or special linen bags.

We prepare fruits for the winter in an electric dryer and a microwave

With the help of a device such as an electric dryer, you can dry not only fruits, but also berries, mushrooms, and various herbs. The standard dryer is equipped with two trays (grates) on which apples pre-cut into slices or "bagels" are evenly laid out. At the same time, it is very important to monitor the thickness of the slices, it is better that it is not more than 6 millimeters.

After the slices are laid out, turn on the appliance and select the optimum drying temperature. For modern appliances, 50-60 degrees is recommended. If the slices are of a standard size, then it will take about 5-7 hours to cook the finished dried fruits. After that, be sure to check the degree of readiness, if necessary (if juice is released or structural elasticity is lost), let the apple slices dry for some more time.

Many modern housewives use standard microwaves for preparing fruit for the winter as an alternative to the oven or electric dryers. It is difficult to judge how useful this method is, it is only known that apples dried in the microwave lose some of their vitamins and are not always obtained the same as with the traditional method of drying. However, the time for their preparation is reduced several times, while additionally you do not need to use parchment paper for the baking sheet and constantly monitor the progress of the process.

Drying apples in the microwave is easy. They must be peeled and cut into small slices. Then carefully place them in one layer on a special plate and send them to the microwave. Set the optimal power 200-300 W and set the timer for 3-4 minutes. After the time has elapsed, the fruit must be removed and turned over by hand. Then set the time and power again and you're done! We check the readiness in the traditional way.

Useful Secrets and Recipes for Delicious Dried Apple Treats

If you are not satisfied with the method of drying in the microwave, and at the same time you do not have enough time to follow the process when cooking in the oven, there are some useful tips on how to speed up the cooking time so that the fruits do not lose their properties. Wash the fruit well, then cut them into slices and put them in boiling water for a few minutes, then cook them over low heat for 10 minutes. Next, take out the wedges and immediately cool them under running cold water. Once the apples have cooled down, put them in the oven on a baking sheet or wire rack, following the above sequence. With this approach, the drying time will be reduced to about 3-4 hours.

Another way is to use steam. Keep the sliced \u200b\u200bfruit under dense steam from boiling water using a special strainer or colander. Then also cool them with cold water and send them to the oven. This method is best suited when the fruit is not cut into slices, but into circles.

And finally, we will describe several tasty and healthy "grandmother's" recipes, where dried apples are the main ingredient. Rinse a kilogram of juicy fruits, peel the center, cut them into neat circles and place in a bowl or other dish. At the same time, pour 200-300 grams of granulated sugar into a saucepan with water. Boil the water for a few minutes until the sugar turns into syrup and pour it into a bowl of fruit. Let it brew for several hours, and then send the resulting "rings" for drying. The output will be very tasty and ready-made sugar circles, which will become an excellent dessert in cold winter.

Dried apples can also be a great substitute for candy, marmalade, or regular jam. In addition to juicy fruits, you will also need cinnamon, citric acid, and granulated sugar. Place the washed and cut wedges on a baking sheet with parchment paper. Then, in a separate container, thoroughly mix the cinnamon, granulated sugar and citric acid. Sprinkle the resulting mixture evenly over the fruit slices and send them in a new form to the oven or dryer. After baking for a few hours, remove the dessert from the oven and let it dry naturally for a couple of days. Then pack the slices in jars or sachets, and the delicious winter treat is ready!

There are many other healthy recipes, as well as all sorts of ways to dry a delicious and delicious fruit like an apple. But even without additional seasonings, apples dried in a natural or traditional way are healthy, tasty and inexpensive!