How to make a delicious plum liqueur. Plum liqueur: how to make plum liqueur at home

29.09.2019 Desserts and cakes

Plum pouring at home - general cooking principles

First, let's find out what the liqueur is and how it differs from liqueur or bitter.

Liqueurs are an invention of French monks who skillfully used their knowledge of the beneficial properties of herbs and various fruits infused with alcohol or other strong drinks. To smooth out the taste of the bitterness of herbs and roots infused with alcohols, the monks began to use honey for their preparation.

The liqueur is based on the same principle of preparation, with the only difference that the basis of traditional Russian drinks are juices of fruits infused with alcohol, with the addition of sugars, molasses, honey. Thus, liqueur is a subspecies of liqueurs, which has a local name.

It is believed that the liqueur or liqueur must have a sweet taste. Traditional German bitters refute this idea, since they are made using a similar technology, but at the same time they differ in the content of bitterness, which is purposefully imparted with the help of wormwood, chin, ginger and other components for making liqueurs in the German version.

With a variety of raw materials, it is possible to create a huge variety of plum liqueur recipes at home, using the technology of blending (mixing).

Plum liqueur production technology

The process of making liqueur is quite simple, therefore it is available for everyone. Moreover, making plum liqueur at home can be done even in winter, using berry blanks: frozen plum, plums in their own juice or plum jam.

First way:

The basis of the liqueur is a fruit or berry juice of the first or second plum. Now more about the term "drain" in this context and detailed instructions for this action. The berries are tightly placed in a glass bottle or enamel container of the required size and covered with vodka, alcohol (drinking) or cognac. You can use special tinctures (extracts) to add a special taste to the liqueur. The container is covered with gauze or canvas and insisted in a warm place out of the reach of sunlight. Temperature 22o - 25oC. The holding time is 6 to 8 weeks. In some sources, you can find recommendations that the infusion should be carried out under sunlight. If there is a desire to change the color of the future liqueur, then the sun's rays are necessary. To obtain the natural color of raw materials, it is still worth using dark glass dishes or opaque containers. In addition, when stored in a closed room, it is much easier to create the desired temperature regime.

After infusion (pouring) the berries are filtered without squeezing. This is the first sink. Then the resulting infusion is sealed in a bottle and set aside temporarily for storage in a dark place. The strained berries are covered with granulated sugar and insisted for another two weeks, also tightly covering the container. The resulting juice is poured off the second time.

The alcoholic infusion obtained during the first drain is mixed with the juice of the second drain.

The finished liqueur is passed through absorbent cotton wool. In case of insufficient transparency, the pouring is defended so that the sediment falls to the bottom of the bottle, and filtered again. This liqueur is aged from six months to one year.

Second way:

Plum pouring can be prepared by fermenting juice. This method is more like the technology of making wine. If, when making the liqueur in the first way, it is possible to cut plums, then for fermentation it is necessary to prepare a pulp from berries. Then the pulp is covered with granulated sugar. The container is first placed in a warm place to start the fermentation process, and then water is added to the bottle and closed with a water seal. At a constant temperature of at least 18o-20oC, the fermentation process of plum wine is completed in about four to five weeks. After that, the wine is filtered until the desired transparency is obtained. To completely remove the sediment, you need to use absorbent cotton wool. It is better not to squeeze the pulp in order to get a fairly clear drink. The finished plum wine must first be sealed with alcohol. The strength after adding alcohol should be above 16%. With this alcohol content in wine, yeast activity is suppressed. And only after making sure that the fermentation process is completely stopped, you can add sugar syrup or honey to the liqueur.

This cooking method has both advantages and disadvantages. Its difficulty lies in filtering: the plum is very difficult to "give" juice. During straining, the berry cannot be squeezed out, as you can get a cloudy drink again. But this method allows you to shorten the preparation time of plum liqueur at home, because the extraction is accelerated by the fermentation process.

Third way:

The berries are poured with vodka, brandy or drinking alcohol and kept at a temperature of 60 ° C for up to 6-7 hours. At the same time, the raw material acquires a brown color. After evaporation, the plums are filtered through a sieve and sugar syrup based on water or juice is added to the alcoholic infusion.

Fourth way:

The berries are laid out in jars for ¾ of the volume, sprinkled with sugar, and the jars are pasteurized until the juice separates. The cooled juice is filtered off and vodka is added. To make the berries separate the juice faster, they are cut.

The third and fourth methods allow you to prepare the liqueur within 24 hours.

It is allowed, as already mentioned, blending, as well as the use of spicy additives to create a variety of flavors. The filling is created using alcoholic tinctures of almonds, roses, cinnamon, vanilla, as well as cognac and fruit essences.

About the quality of raw materials.

A quality product can be obtained from the appropriate material.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the preparation of berries for processing. If you use fresh berries from your own garden or bought on the market to make the liqueur, then they must be sorted. The accidental hit of rotten berries will ruin the work.

If it is supposed to prepare the liqueur by fermentation, then the plums do not need to be washed. Wild yeast is present on the skin, which is necessary to "start" fermentation. When harvesting on your site, you need to use only berries picked from a tree.

Ripe fruits with a sufficient sugar content are suitable for preparing the liqueur. Unripe plums can impart a herbaceous and sour flavor to the liqueur.

The most preferred varieties of plum:

"Ugorka" or "Hungarian",



"Golden ball".

It is allowed to use frozen berries for making liqueur - they "give" juice even better. Here it is only worth paying attention to the degree of ripeness of the plums, which they reached before freezing. The use of frozen raw materials allows making liqueur even in winter.

To prepare the liqueur, the seeds from the plums do not need to be removed. But the use of raw materials together with a stone gives astringency to the finished product, which, of course, must be taken into account when laying fruits.

Alcohol, vodka, cognac

High demands are also placed on ingredients with an alcohol content. In addition to safety, these components should not contain unpleasant odors that would spoil the taste of the liqueur. It is allowed to use drinking (wine) alcohol diluted with water, vodka or brandy products that meet the requirements of GOST. In the case of using homemade cognac or moonshine, it is advisable to pay special attention to the methods of cleaning them.

The ratio of the main components of the filling

Of course, these numbers depend a lot on personal preference. But, despite the fact that the liqueur is mainly a home-made product, it still has some classification according to the content of the main raw materials (in this case, it is a plum variety), sugar and alcohol.

According to the raw material composition, the liqueur can be from the plum "Renklode", "Golden ball" and so on. As a variety of plums, it is allowed to use prunes and cherry plums as the main fruit raw materials for making liqueur. The name of the liqueur may reflect the content of the additional component:




The range of alcohol content in liqueurs can also vary. According to recognized manufacturing standards, the strength of the liqueur can be 18-20%. But for the preparation of this alcoholic drink in a home distillery, the strength requirements can be neglected. Moreover, the liqueur is a subspecies of liqueur, the strength of which is much higher. Therefore, the liqueur can be dessert (up to 16%), low-grade (up to 25-28%), strong (up to 45%). The strength of the liqueur is regulated by the volume of added water (juice).

In most of the recipes found, the amount of sugar is 200-300 grams of granulated sugar for each kilogram of plums. Perhaps, if the raw material has sufficient ripeness, this amount of sugar will be enough. Here it is appropriate to change the weight of sugar separately on a case-by-case basis. And, of course, you must also remember that a good finished liqueur should have a thick, stretching consistency, which, of course, is achieved due to the sugar content in it. In some recipes, the amount of sugar per kilogram of raw material can reach 400 grams (40%) and more. It is better to dissolve sugar in a small volume of water or juice before adding to achieve quick mixing and uniform consistency.


It is better to store low-grade liqueurs in the refrigerator. Strong plum liqueurs are stored at room temperature. Be sure to pay attention to the quality of the closure during long-term storage. The taste of the liqueur improves according to the shelf life, as in the case of vintage wines.

Recipe 1. Plum pouring at home "Honey"

Plums "Golden ball" (yellow) 3 kg

Honey, linden 700 g

Linden color 200 g

Vodka 1.5 l

Purified water)


The preparation of this liqueur will have to start in the lime blossom harvest season. You can use a lime blossom purchased from a pharmacy. In this case, the flowers will need half the specified volume. But from fresh linden flowers, the tincture is much more aromatic. Pour the flowers with vodka, and tightly closing the jar, leave in a dark place for three weeks. After the linden, squeeze and strain. Pass through a layer of cheesecloth again to get a clean infusion. If linden honey is not available, then any flower honey with a neutral flavor can be used. Further, to prepare the liqueur - according to the first method described above.

Recipe 2. Plum pouring at home "Almond"

Almonds 300 g

Almond essence 5 mg

Cognac (any) 1.4 l

Plum "Hungarian" 3 kg

Sugar 1.2 kg


Dry the almonds, grind in a mortar and transfer to a linen bag. Put a bag of nuts in a tightly sealed, light-proof glass or ceramic dish, pour the essence and cognac. You can choose any cognac or brandy you like. After 2 weeks, drain the cognac. Put washed and chopped plums into prepared dishes, pouring the required amount of sugar into each layer. Pour in cognac. Further cooking according to method No. 1.

Recipe 3. Plum pouring at home "Ruby", with an oriental aroma

Pulp of plum "Hungarian" 4 kg

Granulated sugar 2.7 kg

Alcohol (wine) 0.5 l


Orange peel

Anise (star anise)




We insist spices in alcohol. At the same time, the preparation of plum wine begins: add sugar to the prepared pulp. We close the bottle. After the end of fermentation, the finished wine is filtered until completely transparent. We also filter the prepared alcoholic tincture. Dissolve sugar in water. Boil the sugar syrup until caramelization with continuous stirring and cool to 40o-50oC. Mix sugar syrup with alcohol tincture, and add the resulting mixture to plum wine. We pour the wine into bottles "up to the shoulders", seal and pasteurize at a temperature of 60 ° C for three hours. When the water in the pasteurization pot has cooled to room temperature, take out the bottles, wipe, label and store in a dark place.

Recipe 4. Plum filling at home, blended "Padishah"

Plums, yellow 3.8 kg

Raisins - 0.4 kg

Melon 3 kg

Sugar 2.4 kg

Honey - 1.2 kg

Orange (juice and zest) 5 pieces (large)

Almond essence 5 mg

Vanilla 1-2 pods

Rum "Captain Morgan" 2 bottles


Remove the zest from the oranges and put it in the rum bottles (10-12 days). Remove the seeds from the plums, peel and chop the melon pulp, mash the slices of peeled oranges. Pour rum over all this fragrant mass. After about a month and a half, remove the tincture, and sprinkle the fruit with sugar and add water to dissolve the sugar. We seal the tincture and put it temporarily in the refrigerator. A week before the tincture is ready, fill the raisins with water and put them in a warm place to ferment. Add the fermented raisin mass to the wort after the finished tincture has been filtered. Close the bottle with fruit and leave it warm until the end of fermentation. We filter the resulting wine and add honey (liquid) and rum to it. Pour the finished liqueur into bottles, seal.

Recipe 5. Plum pouring at home "Caramel", low alcohol

Cognac 1 bottle

"Renclode" 6 kg

Sugar 2.4 kg


Cut the pitted plum as small as possible. It is necessary to chop, and not grind with a blender or meat grinder, so that you do not have to deal with the process of filtering the tincture for a long time. Then mix the berries with a part of granulated sugar so that the juice begins to separate faster. Pour in cognac, mix the mass and cover. We leave for aging for 20 days. We cook dark syrup from a kilogram of sugar and water. It is necessary to achieve a brown color, but make sure that the syrup does not burn. We filter the plum tincture and add a slightly cooled syrup to it. After cooling, we temporarily place it in the refrigerator. Fill the remaining berries with sugar again and squeeze the juice using a press. We filter to the desired condition and combine with the first part.

Recipe 6. Plum pouring at home "Ladies"

Sugar 250 g

Prunes 500 g

Vodka 700 ml

Vanilla 3-4 sticks

Condensed milk 2 cans, 400 g each

Water 0.5 l


Rinse prunes under running hot water, dry slightly with a napkin and put in a jar with vanilla. Pour in vodka and leave for a couple of weeks. Drain and filter the finished tincture. Pour the alcoholized berries with a glass of boiling water, add sugar and boil in an enamel bowl. Cool, squeeze out and pass through the filter. Combine the broth with the tincture and add condensed milk to the liqueur. The finished liqueur should have a consistency like milk liqueur. Store the liqueur in the refrigerator for no more than six months. An uncorked bottle must be consumed immediately.

Recipe 7. Plum pouring at home "Ginger"

Apple juice, natural 2 l

Plums (mix) 3.5 kg

Sugar 750 g

Raisins 300 g

Ginger 100 g

Cinnamon 3 sticks

Honey, liquid 1 l

Vodka 1.0 l


Dissolve the sugar with warmed apple juice and combine the solution with raisins and halves of "Vengerka" and "Rencloda" (you can take any other variety). Stir the wort every day until active fermentation begins. After that we pour it into a bottle and seal it with a rubber glove or a water seal. Ready young wine is removed from the sediment until it becomes transparent. In a liter of vodka, keep peeled and sliced \u200b\u200bginger root with cinnamon sticks for 15 days. Drain the infusion and seal the young wine with it. Add honey to the finished liqueur and stir it until completely dissolved. Remove the bottle in a dark room for at least a month and a half for aging. After filtering again and filling in bottles.

Plum pouring at home - tricks and tips

It is better to mix the finished tincture with sugar syrup, the temperature of which is 40 ° - 50 ° C.

You can check the readiness of the alcoholic tincture organoleptically: the absence of a characteristic vodka taste indicates the end of the infusion process.

In the process of infusion, the fruits must be constantly stirred for a deeper extraction.

If the recipe provides for the addition of dry herbs or spices for making the liqueur, pack the additives in a gauze or canvas bag before placing them in the infusion dish.

Store liqueur in dark glass bottles. The ideal dishes are ceramics with tight-fitting lids or stoppers, which can be additionally sealed with wax or sealing wax.

Label the drinks you make.

Plum is a fruit with a pleasant sourness, from which wonderful desserts, pastries and various wines, liqueurs, liqueurs are made. For those who prefer to prepare alcoholic beverages on their own, we present several simple recipes for plum cheese at home. Depending on your preferences, you can get a low alcohol and strong liqueur. Any fruit is suitable for making drinks, but the most delicious liqueur is obtained from red sweet plums, varieties "Hungarian", "Renklod", "Canadian". Of the yellow varieties, the mirabelle plum is the best.

Preparing drains

Before making a plum tree at home, you need to properly prepare the fruits. The quality of the drink will depend on this.

For homemade liqueur or plum liqueur, it is better to take slightly overripe fruits. But they should not be too ripe, otherwise the high pectin content will turn everything into a jelly-like mass.

Plum recipes

There are different recipes for liqueurs made on plums: sweet and not so, strong and light. Consider the best ways to make plum.

The classic recipe for plumyanka without vodka

In this recipe, it is better to remove the seeds from the plums. It is recommended to take plums of red varieties.

You will need:

  • Peeled plums - 6 kg.
  • Granulated sugar - 2.8-3 kg.
  • Water - 3 glasses.

Cooking instructions:

  • Cut the plums into slices, cover them with sugar, cover with water and mix everything thoroughly. When the sugar has melted, pour the mixture into a prepared glass bottle.
  • Seal the neck of the container with breathable material: bandage, gauze, light clean cloth.
  • Move the container to a warm and dark place for 2-3 days.
  • After the specified period of time, the fermentation process should begin. This will be noticeable by the foam formed and the sour smell. The fabric stopper must be removed, and a water seal must be put on the neck of the vessel. In home cooking, conventional medical gloves are often used as a water seal. You need to make a small hole on one finger to let the air out. Putting on a glove, put the container back in a dark place.
  • After the fermentation process is over (the glove is deflated), filter the liquid and separate the wort.
  • Pour the resulting transparent liqueur into bottles and send it to ripen in a cellar or other dark and cool place for 2 months. After the expiration of the term, the plum is ready.

Plum pouring prepared without vodka turns out to be not very strong (about 16 degrees). She has a pleasant sweetish taste with sourness and a pronounced plum aroma. If you make homemade liqueur without yeast with seeds, then the taste will have hints of bitterness.

This drink can be served with white meat, cold appetizers and desserts. Closed bottles can be stored for up to 2 years. Open plum is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 10 days.

Vodka recipe

Slivyanka with vodka cooks faster. This method is suitable for those who like stronger alcoholic drinks. Plums can be used either peeled or together with seeds.


  • Ripe plum - 1 kg.
  • Vodka - 400-500 ml.
  • Granulated sugar - 350-400 g.

Prepare clean glass jars in advance for pouring.

On a note! The entire process of making homemade plumyanka should be sterile.

Cooking instructions:

  • Rinse and dry plums. If they are large, you can cut them into 2-4 pieces.
  • Lay the fruits in layers, covering each layer with sugar.
  • Cover the filled jars with gauze and put them in a dark, warm place for a day or two.
  • During this time, the plum should give juice. In order for the fruits to be completely saturated with it, the containers must be shaken every 4-5 hours.
  • After 2 days, pour the vodka into the container so as to fill them to the brim.
  • Cork the jars with lids and put them in a cool dark place for 1 month.
  • After that, uncork the containers, strain the tincture, separating the fruits, and pour the filtered liquid into bottles. Slivyanka is ready to eat.

This homemade sugar and vodka plumyanka recipe can be customized as you like. To obtain a sweeter liquor, the amount of sugar is increased. You can also add some berries and spices to the plums for aroma and rich taste. If there is no vodka, it is perfectly acceptable to make a plum liqueur on moonshine. You can store the tincture for a year in well-sealed bottles.

Bitter and sour plum

Not everyone likes sugary alcoholic drinks. For those who appreciate tart liqueurs with bitterness and sourness, the recipe below is suitable. Homemade unsweetened plum is also prepared with vodka. You can replace vodka with diluted alcohol or moonshine. In this recipe, it is very important that the plums are ripe and not too sour, otherwise the drink will not be very pleasant.

You will need:

  • Plums - 1 kg.
  • Vodka - 400-500 ml.

Cooking process:

  • Rinse the plums, make cuts on them, you do not need to peel them.
  • Place the fruits in jars and cover with vodka.
  • Seal the container with lids and put them in a cool, dark place for 1.5 months.
  • After the expiration date, filter the contents of the cans. Pour the resulting liquor into bottles. The cream is ready and can be consumed immediately after spilling.

The drink is ideal for meat dishes, salads, vegetables. Unsweetened plum liqueur is stored at home for no more than 1 year in a hermetically sealed container.

Strong plum with alcohol

Those who like stronger drinks can make a plum with alcohol, diluting it to the desired degree. The alcohol should be pure, preferably medicinal. This liqueur is best prepared with yellow plums.


  • Plum fruits - 2 kg.
  • Alcohol (96 or 70 degrees) - 1 glass.
  • Sugar - 500 g.
  • Fresh mint - 3-4 branches.

How to cook:

  • Peel the plums and mash them using a blender or meat grinder.
  • Stir mashed potatoes with sugar, add mint leaves and cover everything with alcohol.
  • Divide the mass into jars, seal them with lids and put them in a cool dark place for 30-35 days.
  • After that, strain the plum through several layers of gauze or through cotton wool.

The liquor turns out to be thick, tart and very tasty, despite its high strength. It can be diluted when serving, and also added to tea and coffee in winter. Such a tincture is stored for a long time - 3-4 years.

Homemade plum tincture is a wonderful remedy and just a pleasant alcoholic drink. This tasty and aromatic liquid can be sipped slowly on long winter evenings, remembering the hot summer. And one of its advantages is that it will not be difficult to prepare such a drink yourself.

Do not think that a tincture made from vodka and plums is just an alcoholic drink. Alcohol in this case is a solvent that extracts all its beneficial substances from the fruit.

Did you know? Wild plum is not found in nature. This culture appeared around the beginning of our era from the crossing of blackthorn and cherry plum. Both of these plants thrive in their natural environment, but not a plum.

And it does not just take away, but preserves and preserves them, since alcohol is the first natural preservative. For this reason, vitamins and minerals are stored in it for a long time.

Homemade tincture composition

Plum alcohol tincture contains the following substances:

  • vitamins A, C, B and P;
  • pectins;
  • tannins;
  • organic acids;
  • sahara;
  • micro- and macroelements (calcium (Ca), sodium (Na), phosphorus (P), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn)).

The presence of additional elements depends on what the plum was insisted on. There may be substances from the composition, for example, moonshine, or those that were formed as a result of interaction with them.

Eating fresh food has a beneficial effect on health in general, and helps with such diseases in particular:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • gastrointestinal problems of various etiologies;
  • liver disease;
  • diseases associated with nerves;
  • joint diseases.

In addition, the fruit is quite effective in removing harmful substances from the body. This property has found application in helping in case of poisoning.

Important! Several plums eaten in the evening in the morning will have a laxative effect. Prunes work in the same way. As a laxative, these drugs are much better than many industrial drugs.

Plum tincture, in addition to all the above qualities, has a therapeutic effect on the cardiovascular system, the organs of vision and bone tissue.

Harm and contraindications of plum tincture

It is worth limiting, or not at all, using the tincture in such cases:

  • liver disease;
  • increased acidity;
  • diarrhea;
  • diabetes;
  • individual intolerance and allergies.

How to make plum vodka liqueur: a simple step-by-step recipe

It will not be difficult to prepare a healthy natural drink at home. Follow these simple guidelines and in a few weeks you will have a wonderful remedy that, moreover, can please your guests.

You can make a drink from plums of any type and color. But it is better to take the fruits of such varieties:,. A good option is Canadian plum or Egg variety.
Fruits must not be overripe, spoiled or moldy. You need a plum of marketable maturity and good quality.

Ingredient List

For the simplest recipe we need:

  • plum - 2 kg;
  • vodka - 1 l.

Video: how to make plum tincture on vodka

Plum tincture: recipes

Below are a few simple recipes that you can use to make a delicious and, most importantly, healthy drink on your own at home:


  • plum - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • vodka - 0.5 l.

Did you know? The strong drink made from fermented plum juice is very popular in Eastern Europe. It is called plum brandy, plum brandy, and plum brandy. In Romania - palinka or tsuica.

The cooking procedure is as follows:

  1. Wash the plum, dry it, and carefully, so as not to wrinkle, put in a bottle.
  2. Pour the fruits with vodka and put in a dark place for 45 days.
  3. After 1.5 months, drain the resulting tincture, leaving the drain in the bottle.
  4. Add sugar or syrup (400 g per 0.5 l of water) to the fruits remaining after the tincture, and leave for another 30 days.
  5. Then strain and mix with the tincture.

The drink is ready to drink, but it will be better if it rises in a cool place within six months.

If you're looking for a strong tincture, this recipe is for you.


  • plum - 2 kg;
  • alcohol 96% - 0.2 l;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg.
The algorithm of actions is as follows:
  1. Wash and dry the drain. Remove the seeds, and rub the pulp in a puree, so as to remove the skin.
  2. Mix the resulting puree with alcohol and place in a dark place, periodically taking out and stirring.
  3. After 30 days, strain the drink and pour into a bottle.

The seeds can then be used to make homemade liqueur like "Amaretto".

Did you know? Outside of Eastern Europe, this drink gained popularity thanks to Jewish emigrants. The fact is that the alcoholic drinks obtained from cereals during Passover are not kosher, and the plum brandy is in keeping with religious traditions.

An excellent option is prune tincture. To begin with, you should prepare the following ingredients:

  • prunes - 1 glass;
  • alcohol 70% - 1 liter;
  • sugar syrup - 0.5 cups.
After all the components are ready, you can proceed directly to the preparation of the drink:
  1. Mix all ingredients in a 2 liter glass jar.
  2. Remove the tincture for 15-20 days in a dark place, from time to time taking out and shaking it.
  3. After the indicated time has passed, strain the drink and drain it into suitable bottles.

Tincture of prunes is taken:

  • to normalize the digestion process;
  • to normalize the endocrine processes of the body;
  • for colds, SARS, infectious diseases.
Take (for treatment) three times a day, half an hour before meals, 1 tablespoon.

Product storage rules

If you did everything correctly and did not use alcohol-containing products of dubious origin, your drink can stand in a cool place (cellar, refrigerator) for at least two years.

Plum makes excellent jam, delicious pastries and wine. But not all are taken for plum liqueur. Someone thinks that the recipes are quite complex, someone says that the strength of the drink is very weak and should not be fooled. However, I would like to say that berry elixir, if you spend time on it and show patience, it turns out to be of excellent quality, and the strength can be adjusted to your liking.

For making homemade plum liqueurs, we offer recipes with vodka and without vodka, with seeds and even jam. You can see for yourself that making a drink is an easy and affordable way for everyone, even a novice winemaker.

The classic plum liqueur recipe

For this recipe, it is best to choose the variety "Mirabel", "Renclode" or "Hungarian", the main thing is that all the fruits are ripe, but not overripe and without a sign of spoilage. Plums should be carefully sorted out, otherwise even one berry will spoil all your efforts.

Home-made plum liqueur in the classical way will have an amazing light taste and pleasant aroma. Thanks to natural fermentation, a drink with a strength of no more than 15% is obtained.

  • 5 kg pitted plums;
  • 4 tbsp. water;
  • 3 kg of sugar.

The bones contain harmful substances, so it is better to remove them. Although many winemakers prefer to make the drink with the addition of seeds, but in small quantities.

How to make plum liqueur correctly to please guests at the festive table with a drink of your own production?

  1. Transfer the prepared seedless fruits to a large glass bottle with a wide neck.
  2. Pour in water and add granulated sugar, shake well.
  3. Cover with a thick cloth on top, tie and put in a dark place in a warm room for 5 days.
  4. As soon as the fermentation process begins, place a water seal or a medical glove on the neck of the container.
  5. After 35-45 days, the glove will go down, which will mean the end of fermentation.
  6. Strain the drink through a cotton-gauze filter, squeeze out the pulp and also combine with the liqueur.
  7. Pour into sterilized bottles, tighten with lids and take to the basement for 2.5-3 months until fully cooked.

Pouring from plums on moonshine

A simple recipe for making plum liqueur at home is suitable for those who are more fond of sweet alcoholic drinks. The amount of sugar can be adjusted to taste by adding or decreasing the proportion.

  • 3 kg pitted plums;
  • 1.5 liters of refined moonshine;
  • 500-700 g sugar;
  • 500 ml of water.

To make homemade plum liqueur, use a simple recipe with a step-by-step description.

  1. Rinse the plums, sort out the spoiled specimens, cut them lengthwise and remove the seeds.
  2. In a large bottle with a wide neck, lay out the fruits and granulated sugar in layers.
  3. Close with a lid or dense cloth, put in a sunny place for 4-5 days.
  4. Shake the container several times a day to let the juice drain well.
  5. Pour in alcohol, stir, close the lid and place in a dark, cool room for 2 months.
  6. Shake the contents 2-3 times a week, then filter through cheesecloth folded in 3-4 layers.
  7. Add purified water to the liqueur, mix, pour into bottles and take to the basement.

Homemade alcoholic liqueur from plums on vodka

There are no unnecessary ingredients in the recipe for plum liqueur with vodka. Experts advise taking high-quality vodka with the alcohol base of the drink. The filling turns out to be unsweetened and is excellent for making low-alcohol cocktails.

  • 1 kg pitted plums;
  • 2 liters of vodka.
  1. Peel the stalks and leaves of the plums, remove the rotten ones and rinse well under running water.
  2. Remove the bones, knead with a crush and put in a jar.
  3. Pour in vodka, shake well, close the lid and take out to a warm place for 2 months. It is better to put the jar in a dark room or wrap it in a dark cloth.
  4. Strain homemade plum liqueur with vodka through cheesecloth, pour into bottles, close with lids and take out to the cellar.

How to make alcohol-free plum liqueur at home

For those who like low-alcohol drinks more, a recipe for making plum liqueur at home is what you need. Even infusing a berry elixir on water with added sugar, you can get a great-tasting drink and treat your friends at a party instead of wine or other low-alcohol drinks. However, you need to take care in advance that the plum liqueur is ready, because it takes up to 4 months to make it.

  • 7 kg of berries;
  • 3 kg of sugar;
  • 5 tbsp. cold boiled water.

A step-by-step description of the process will show you how to properly prepare plum liqueur without adding alcohol.

  1. Rinse the berries, remove the seeds and place in a prepared bottle with a medium-sized neck.
  2. Add sugar, pour in water, shake several times and tie with gauze.
  3. Put in a warm place for 10-12 hours, then remove the gauze and put on a medical glove on the neck.
  4. Keep the bottle in a warm place for 30-40 days.
  5. Strain, squeeze the pulp with your hands, then strain.
  6. Mix all liquids in one container, stir.
  7. Pour into bottles and place in a cool room for 3 months until fully cooked.

Sweet and sour plum liqueur with seeds

Many winemakers often choose the recipe for pitted plum liqueur. In their opinion, this makes the drink richer and more aromatic. The fruits are soaked in several liquids, which allows them to give all their flavor properties.

The resulting liqueur will have an original sweet and sour taste and an amazing aftertaste.

  • 2 kg plums;
  • 20 pcs. seeds from plums;
  • 1 liter of vodka;
  • 1 liter of alcohol;
  • 500 g of honey.

How to make plum liqueur at home correctly, will tell you a step-by-step description of the process.

  1. Wash the fruits under running water, remove the stalk, cut along and remove the seeds.
  2. 15 pcs. put the seeds in a bag made of gauze folded in 3 layers.
  3. Dip the seeds and prepared plums into a sterile large jar.
  4. Fill with alcohol, close the lid and place in the basement for 30 days.
  5. Discard the bones, strain the liquid and pour into a jar, put in a cool place.
  6. After straining, mix the plums with honey, put in a jar, cover with a lid and let stand for 15 days in a dark place.
  7. Strain, mix the honey version of the liqueur with alcohol, shake well.
  8. Pour plums that have undergone 2 treatments again, this time with vodka.
  9. Place in a dark place for 30 days to infuse.
  10. Strain through a sieve, then through a gauze napkin and mix with honey and alcohol infusion.
  11. Shake, pour into sterile bottles and take to basement for 1 month.
  12. It is worth saying that the longer the liqueur is infused, the stronger it will be.

Pouring plum jam

Plum liqueur is very tasty at home, the recipe for which involves the use of jam. If you have stored plum jam in your basement for more than 2 years, you should use it. The most unique way is to make a delicious and aromatic liqueur. Therefore, if it is not the season for harvesting fruits, you can not get upset, but get the jam and start the process.

  • 0.5 l plum jam;
  • 1 liter of vodka;
  • 300 ml of cold boiled water.

How to make plum jam at home? We suggest using a step-by-step description of the recipe to make the process right.

  1. The jam is transferred to an enamel pan, vodka and water are poured.
  2. Stir until smooth, covered with a lid and placed in a warm, sunny place for 7 days.
  3. Stir the contents of the pan once a day.
  4. Transfer the container to a cool room, preferably a basement, and leave for 3 days.
  5. Strain several times through a cotton-gauze filter.
  6. Pour into sterile bottles, seal with lids and let stand in a cool place for another 5 days.
  7. The strength of the drink will not exceed 25-30% and will allow you to keep it for 3 years.

The amount of tincture can be increased as many times as you have the main ingredients.

There are as many types of alcohol from plums as there are varieties of this fruit. From white, red and dark blue fruits in different countries they prepare drinks from strong brandy to light wine.

Plum pouring is one of the most common uses for sweet fruits. The mild taste, aroma and rich color, as well as the simplicity of preparation, distinguish the recipes for plum.

The love of home winemakers for plum liqueur is due to the excellent result with minimal effort... Delicious plums contain everything you need for "happiness" - taste, color, pleasant smell, so the recipes contain almost no additional ingredients. The classic method of making plumyanka is based on alcohol, but there are recipes without the addition of vodka or alcohol.

Any kind of plum is suitable for homemade liqueur - mirabelle, rennlode, Hungarian, blackthorn, Canadian, etc. The taste of the drink depends on the type of raw material, but in any case fruits must be ripe and intact, without cracks and signs of decay. Before preparation, all doubtful places should be cut off, otherwise the quality of the drink will suffer.

There is no consensus on whether to remove the bones - some like the bitter taste, others are convinced that the bones should contain cyanide and hydrocyanic acid. It is unlikely that the concentration of poisons in the liqueur will be dangerous, so be guided by your taste preferences. Pouring from one pulp will be softer and sweeter.

The finished plum juice should be stored in a dark and cool place. In an uncorked bottle, the liqueur should stand in the refrigerator for no more than a week.

Plum recipes at home

With vodka


  • 2 kilograms of pitted plums. It is advisable to use dark sweet and sour plums, for example, rennlode;
  • 800 ml of vodka or diluted alcohol;
  • 4 cups of sugar (800 g).


  1. Select ripe fruits, wash them, remove spoiled areas, remove seeds.
  2. Sterilize a few cans and wipe them dry.
  3. Arrange the plums in jars and sprinkle with sugar.
  4. Cover each jar with a cloth, tie at the neck, and heat for three days. Shake the contents a few times each day to make the juice stand out more actively.
  5. Pour vodka over the plums, close the jars with lids and place in a cool and dark place for 30 days. For a month, about once every 5-6 days, pour liquid from one jar to another.
  6. Strain the liqueur through two or three layers of cheesecloth, pour into bottles.

If you manage to extend the infusion time of the plum by six months, it will become even tastier.

Without vodka


  • 10 kg plums;
  • litere of water;
  • 5 kg of sugar.


  1. Put the peeled, sorted, washed pitted plums in several clean glass jars.
  2. Add sugar and water, stir.
  3. Cover the jars with a cloth and put in a warm place for three days, the temperature should be in the range of + 18‒25 o C.
  4. When bubbles and foam appear in the jars, make a small hole in the fabric and continue to infuse the plum for another month.
  5. Filter through several layers of cheesecloth, squeeze out the plums. If necessary, pass the filling through a cotton-gauze filter.
  6. Pour into bottles, seal tightly and store at a temperature of +10 to +16 o C. Slivyanka will ripen in three months.

With honey


  • 3 kilograms of plums + 25 plum pits;
  • liter of vodka;
  • one and a half liters of 95 percent alcohol;
  • 750 mg of honey.


  1. Rinse the plums, dry them, remove the seeds.
  2. Tie 25 seeds equally in gauze bags, place in jars along with the plums and pour over. Close the lids and place in a cool place without direct light for a month and a half.
  3. Remove the seeds, and add honey to the plums in alcohol and leave for two weeks. Shake the cans from time to time.
  4. Filter the alcohol, and pour vodka into the plums and leave for three weeks.
  5. Drain the vodka, mix with alcohol and leave for 15 days.
  6. After this time, a sediment forms at the bottom, the pouring from it must be carefully drained, filtered and poured into bottles.

Slivyanka will finally ripen in a year, but tasting usually starts earlier.

With mint


  • 2 kg plums;
  • a glass of alcohol;
  • 450 grams of sugar;
  • 4-5 sprigs of mint.


  1. Remove the seeds from the washed plum, chop the pulp until puree and leave for 2-3 hours. Squeeze out the juice with the pulp.
  2. In a jar, mix juice, alcohol, sugar, add mint. Close the lid and keep in the dark for two months.
  3. Filter the filling, squeeze out the precipitate, pass through the filter again. Pour the liqueur into bottles and stand for another 15 days.

Quick pour with orange peel

To prepare plum liqueur according to a quick recipe, 7 days are enough, the drink will turn out to be about 34% by volume.


  • A kilogram of pitted plums.
  • Two glasses full of sugar.
  • Two liters of vodka.
  • 3-4 teaspoons of orange peel.


  1. Chop the plums finely and place them in a glass jar.
  2. Carefully peel the zest from the oranges, being careful not to touch the bitter white flesh. Add to the plums.
  3. Add sugar, pour vodka, stir, cover and leave in a dark place for a week. Stir every day.
  4. After a week, filter and bottle.

Cream of dried plums (prunes) with moonshine


  • Half a kilo of whole prunes.
  • A glass of sugar.
  • Two liters.


  1. Rinse the prunes, put in a jar, cover with sugar and fill with moonshine. Insist in the dark for 2 weeks.
  2. Strain the tincture through several layers of cheesecloth or another filter, pour into bottles.

Pouring prunes with citric acid


  • 100 g pitted prunes.
  • 150 g sugar.
  • Half a liter of vodka.
  • A quarter teaspoon of citric acid.


  1. Rinse the prunes, remove the seeds.
  2. In a jar, pour the prunes with vodka, add sugar and citric acid. Stir, cover and send to dark place for 10 days. Shake the contents of the jar periodically.
  3. Drain the liqueur, squeeze the prunes, filter and bottle. Store at 15-18 o C.

Spicy plum alcohol tincture


  • A kilogram of plums.
  • Half a kilo of sugar.
  • Half a liter of water.
  • A liter of alcohol.
  • Cinnamon stick.
  • Several carnation buds (3-4 pcs.).