What is more harmful for health - vodka or beer? Which is better - cognac or vodka, what is the fundamental difference? Features of production and use.

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Comparison of the harm of beer and vodka. The effect of beer and vodka on the body.

Beer and vodka are the favorite drinks of many men and women. It is these types of alcohol that are the most sold. With the holidays approaching, many people have a question, how to water the guests? And more and more often you can see not only vodka but also beer on holiday tables.

If you understand the composition of these drinks, it becomes clear that it is the consumption of beer that is more harmful to health. The fact is that in addition to alcohol, its composition contains flavors and dyes. Nowadays, few manufacturers make this intoxicating drink, preserving the old recipe. Some of the ingredients have been replaced with cheaper and less useful ingredients.

According to research by scientists, it turned out that drinking beer causes the release of the hormone dopamine into the bloodstream. This is a hormone of pleasure, respectively, a person wants to drink more and more. Thus, the expression "beer alcoholism" is quite real. People who drink beer daily are alcoholics.

Despite its pleasant taste, beer is very bad for the liver. This is due to processes in the body. When drinking beer, it ferments in the stomach for some time, provoking the formation of esters, which are toxic to the liver. In addition, since unfiltered beer cannot be purified, it contains a lot of fusel oils, which are "poison" for the liver, destroying its cells. Vodka producers purify this strong alcoholic beverage from oils by filtration. Accordingly, this substance is practically absent in vodka.

Beer contains phytoestrogens that harm men. After prolonged drinking of beer, a man's belly appears, and the forms become more rounded.

The harm of beer and vodka:

  • A large amount of female hormones in the composition of beer has a detrimental effect not only on potency, but also on the stomach. The fact is that when beer splits, poisonous substances are formed from fusel oils and aldehydes, which can provoke cancer of the stomach and pancreas
  • Regarding vodka, it is also not worth using it for stomach ulcers, it can cause an exacerbation. But, despite the strength, vodka does not contain dyes, preservatives and fusel oils, which can cause dysbiosis and diarrhea.
  • Scientists have proven that daily consumption of beer can lead to the development of dermatitis and psoriasis. These are systemic ailments that arise due to the incomplete absorption of nutrients in the intestines and stomach. It is the yeast that causes intestinal disorders.

It all depends on the amount and frequency of drinks. If you are about to have a feast, and circumstances force you to drink a lot, then you should give preference to vodka. If you drink a lot of beer in the evening, you will have a terrible hangover in the morning. This is due to the presence of fusel oils and esters in the beer.

It is they that negatively affect the functioning of the brain, causing nausea and headache. In addition, diarrhea and morning vomiting are possible when drinking a lot of beer. When beer breaks down, a lot of acetaldehydes are formed, which poison the body.

In terms of calories, 100 g of a hoppy drink contains 50 calories. There are 250 calories in 100 ml of vodka. But usually no one counts calories during a feast. Accordingly, a person recovers not so much from food as from alcohol.

Remember, there are 250 calories in a bottle of beer, which is the energy value of 100 g of vodka.

If we count by the amount of alcohol, then a 0.5-liter bottle of a hoppy drink contains as much ethyl alcohol as 60 g of vodka. But these drinks are eroded from the body differently. Usually 50 g of vodka disappears in 3 hours, and a bottle of beer in 5 hours.

For the first time this drink was invented by Russian merchants. They poured all the alcohol into one bowl. This drink is called Ruff. A variety of Ruff is the Chpok drink. It also consists of these ingredients, but the amount is different. It is necessary to pour 100 ml of vodka and 60 ml of beer into a faceted glass. Next, close the glass with your palm and abruptly turn it upside down, hit the knee. Turn over again and drink the rhinestone.

Beer and vodka are used to prepare the Beer Scoundrel drink. For its preparation, 50 ml of vodka, 2 tablespoons of hot ketchup and 35 ml of tomato juice are poured into a large glass. Beer is poured in a thin stream. You need to drink the drink without stirring, in one gulp.

To prepare it, you need to mix 60 ml of vodka and 400 g of a hoppy drink. Drink alcohol right away. Very often this drink is called Farewell Roof. The fact is that the bubbles of carbon dioxide irritate the gastric mucosa and severe alcohol intoxication occurs. The brain turns off, as it were.

Why you can't drink beer after vodka: the consequences


  • Pure alcohol such as vodka is very stressful for the liver and stomachs. For the body, this is a poison that needs to be removed.
  • By drinking beer, we also introduce fusel oils and esters. When gas bubbles enter the stomach, the absorption of vodka is enhanced. The person instantly becomes drunk. The next morning after such a cocktail, there is always a terrible hangover.
  • Acetaldehydes remain in the body for a very long time, poisoning it
  • People say that the degree cannot be lowered. This is due to the fact that the body is in the mood to process the strong drink. If after it weak alcohol enters the stomach, then the body relaxes and takes longer to process the "explosive mixture"

As you can see, despite the pleasant taste and naturalness of beer, this drink is worse processed by the body than vodka. It is not recommended to mix the two drinks.

VIDEO: The Truth About Beer

It is impossible to systematically consume alcoholic beverages and be completely healthy. Strong alcoholic drinks, cognac and vodka, low alcohol drinks - wine, beer, all of them ultimately lead the human body to serious pathologies. Therefore, it is very difficult to answer the question of what is better to drink beer or vodka, or maybe wine.

About beer

Wine and vodka differ in the following ways:

  • fortress;
  • composition;
  • impact on the body;
  • harm done.

"Harmless" drink beer

Harmful beer or vodka? Many people believe that beer is harmless, and even children are allowed to drink a low-alcohol drink without fear of developing beer addiction. A person finds it difficult to self-control, knowing that beer contains few degrees, cannot stop. If you have free time, especially with friends, you can drink up to 8-10 cans of beer.

What promotes beer consumption

Beer drinks are popularly called insidious, confirming this with facts. Beer is sold mainly at a low price, which in this case is a negative factor. A product at a low price, in high demand, as a rule, does not differ in quality, which is confirmed in this case.

Beer is not treated as a full-fledged alcoholic beverage with the ability to lead the body to very serious consequences. Rather, the beer drink is perceived as an attribute of friendly meetings, weekends and holidays. A slight hangover is noted when drinking beer. At first glance, this is the positive side of a low-alcohol drink. But it is she who leads to the fact that a person, drinking beer every day, quietly receives the status of a beer alcoholic.

Beer gatherings ending in a huge number of empty cans cause irreparable harm to various human organs

Harm from a harmless drink

First of all, the kidneys are affected, which filter a huge amount of fluid containing ethanol. The pancreas under the influence of beer becomes loose, which leads to serious disruptions in its functioning. The heart is noticeably enlarged. In this case, the terms “bull heart”, “beer heart” take place.

One of the main disadvantages is considered to be its diuretic property. Of all alcoholic beverages, beer is considered the most powerful diuretic, capable of washing out essential substances, in particular, trace elements. Male beer alcoholism is particularly unpleasant. The systematic consumption of beer leads to hormonal disruption: a decrease in sexual functions, an increase in the pelvis and mammary glands.

This is due to the effect of hops on the production of phytoestrogens, which act similarly to female sex hormones. Beer drinks increase appetite, requiring a good snack, lead to a significant increase in body weight, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

Vodka consumption and consequences

Vodka and beer have common negative characteristics: both beverages are substances poisoning the body, destroying the systems and organs of a person, and forming dependence on alcohol. Vodka and beer also have opposite characteristics.

Among spirits, vodka is the most demanded product.

The main characteristics of vodka:

  • A 40-degree drink quickly intoxicates.
  • Vodka is used to get drunk.
  • Alcohol addiction is developing at a rapid pace.
  • Psychological changes outpace physical pathologies.
  • Vodka in the human body produces the destruction of vital organs. First of all, the brain, liver, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract (GIT) are affected.
  • Drinkers are unable to control their behavior. Sometimes in the stage of alcoholic intoxication, serious offenses are committed.
  • With the systematic use of alcohol, brain degradation is noted in many cases.

Sometimes it is less harmful to drink 100 ml of high-quality vodka than 5 bottles of beer, but the symptoms of vodka alcoholism develop in a person much faster than beer, so the choice between beer and vodka should be made in favor of the former.

Wouldn't it be better to replace beer and vodka with wine?

What is better beer or wine? For many years in medicine, it was believed that wine contains antioxidants that protect the human body, and, therefore, it is useful. German scientists, using the results of research, concluded that wine poses a threat to human health, in particular to the brain. They concluded that wine, like beer, carries the risk of developing Alzheimer's syndrome and malignant neoplasms.

In 2003, after many years of research, French scientists refuted the conclusions of German doctors by observing 35,000 men under the age of 65. The healthiest of them were those who drank dry red wine. An indirect confirmation of the results obtained can be considered the way of life of the French, who daily drink natural red wine when eating, much less often residents of other European countries are subject to various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular diseases, and age-related changes.

Important! Wine is an alcoholic drink, and it also carries all the risks associated with the formation of alcohol dependence. But if you consume an environmentally friendly drink in acceptable doses, you can get rid of many diseases.

Wine has beneficial properties:

  • Contains a vitamin group: B 2, B 1, C, P, minerals.
  • Resveratol in wine prevents the development of malignant neoplasms.
  • Acts as a protector of cells from x-rays.
  • Wine contains catechins that kill microbial infections.
  • Reduces the number of fat cells.
  • Resveratol helps to thin the blood, thereby preventing blood clots.

Natural red wine serves not only as a preventive measure against a number of diseases, but also as a medicine

Wine treatment

  • In case of diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system, add spices to 50 ml of hot wine diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio, drink it before going to bed.
  • In case of poisoning after cleansing the intestines, drink 30 ml of wine 3 times a day.
  • With anemia, vitamin deficiency, to replenish iron deficiency, take 30 ml of wine daily for two weeks.
  • If a person suffers from insomnia, it is recommended to drink 25 ml of wine before going to bed.

The obtained characteristics of frequently used alcoholic beverages make it possible to draw conclusions. Of the three spirits, vodka is the most dangerous, followed by beer. Wine, when consumed in the recommended doses, can be beneficial to health.

The ideal answer to the question from the title: "Do not drink alcohol at all." However, I will be realistic, I admit that very few people will be satisfied with this option. Publishing an anti-alcohol fast on New Year's Eve is a waste of work.

Let's try to choose one of the two evils thoughtfully ...

Drink beer, eat meat

The composition of the beer seems harmless - barley malt, hops, yeast. Alas, it is harmless only with the strictest observance of all technological requirements for cooking.

When beer ferments, not only "good" alcohol is formed, but also the so-called fusel substances - methanol, ketones, etc. Thorough filtration is required to eliminate by-products. It happens that manufacturers save on it. In this case, all the muck settles as a dead weight in the liver of the consumer.

However, the problem of beer quality is still solvable: you can make inquiries about the brand, look for expert advice ... Much more serious is another argument against - addictive threat.

Chronic alcoholism develops 3-4 times faster when drinking beer than when drinking spirits.

If you allow yourself a beer a couple of times a year at a holiday, of course, alcoholism will not reach. But a frothy malt for nightly relaxation during the long New Year holidays is a bad idea. An attempt to implement it can turn into cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis, pancreatitis, obesity and even dementia.

Beer alcoholism, I note, is harder to treat than vodka. I had one friend ... No, I don't even want to remember.

A couple more moments of a purely everyday plan. First, beer is a powerful diuretic. It is advisable to use it at home, and not on a festive walk. Secondly, it is difficult to drink in the cold.

Does the foamy drink have undeniable advantages? Certainly. He:

  • contains useful components - niacin, vitamin B6, phosphorus;
  • has a pleasant taste and perfectly tones up (especially in the heat);
  • differs in relatively low strength (the content of ethyl alcohol in most types of beer is 3–6%, occasionally - 8%).

At one time, without much damage to health, you can take a solid portion of beer - 0.5 liter... If you drink a little, it really can be stretched from the beginning to the end of the celebration.

Note: The health hazard of a beer party also depends on the snack. Than she more natural, all the better.

Don't get too carried away with spicy crisps. Follow the example of the Germans. Under the national drink, they usually use sausages, pork ham, jellied tongue, and cheeses. Residents of the CIS, unlike the Germans, often eat seafood on beer - boiled crayfish and roach.

Russian vodka, black bread, herring

Vodka is a mixture of purified (rectified) grain alcohol with water and softening additives - lime honey, birch sap, etc. Its standard strength is 40-45%.

From half a liter it is easy to go to the next world - either as a result of an injury, which is very likely with a loss of self-control, or as a result of a sharp reaction of the body (stroke, cardiac arrest, exacerbation of long-standing chronic diseases).

An acceptable dose of forty degrees for a healthy adult is occasionally 30-50 grams... Stopping at 50 grams is not a task for the weak ...

Counterfeit bitter is even more common than low-quality beer. At best it is simply diluted with water, at worst it is highly saturated with methanol. A large dose of methanol can lead to blindness or death. Do not save, do not try to find alcohol at the most affordable price.

What am I talking about sad and sad? Here's a bit of a positive.

Vodka, unlike beer and champagne, does not contain carbon dioxide... Thanks to this, its modest doses are acceptable for people suffering from mild gastritis.

A strong drink warms you up (even if not for long). It is not disgusting to use it, looking out onto the balcony on New Year's Eve.

A few words about the right snack. It is advisable to drink vodka at a rich table, on which hot dishes flaunt. Raising the first toast is supposed to not on an empty stomach... First, you need to eat foods rich in carbohydrates - for example, boiled potatoes. Otherwise, ethanol will be absorbed too quickly.

Cold appetizers - traditional herring with black bread, pickled cucumbers and mushrooms, as well as jellied meat - can also successfully follow the glass. It is not recommended to combine vodka with very fatty foods. Have pity on the liver, because it is not so sweet anyway.

By the way: after the holidays, please the offended organism. He will say thank you.

Subtleties of choice

What's the conclusion? The choice between beer and vodka depends on:

  • the condition of your gastrointestinal tract;
  • indoor or outdoor temperature;
  • the duration of the proposed feast;
  • the type of snack available;
  • the presence or absence of a toilet nearby.

Well, let's not forget about taste preferences. If we get poisoned, then at least with pleasure.

As for the consequences of libation ... Harm and benefit are determined not so much by the type as by the quality and quantity of the drink.

I wish you a good post-holiday morning in advance!


Beer.It was this drink that came first. According to scientists, vodka is safer than the same beer, because it is difficult for a person to control the amount of low-alcohol drinks drunk.

Experts from the Indiana University School of Medicine, led by David Kareken, published a study on what actually causes addiction to alcohol - the degree or taste of the drink.

The experiment involved 50 male volunteers who tried different alcoholic beverages, and scientists tracked the reactions of their subjects' bodies and the release of hormones. It turned out that the taste of beer, regardless of the amount of alcohol contained in it, causes. This hormone is produced in the human brain and adrenal glands and is called the "pleasure hormone". That is, beer is quickly addictive.

Besides, beer has other disadvantages ...

... beer has a very bad effect on the pancreas, causing it to become inflamed and "loose", and "" is a very real diagnosis. One bottle of regular beer is equal to 60 grams of vodka, and three bottles are already a glass of vodka.

… Beer puts a load on the venous bed, on the heart, which for a passionate beer lover is forced to work in an increased mode, with overstrain. As a result, it increases in size - the so-called "beer heart" develops.

... beer, even a couple of glasses of this drink, leads to the release of a substance in the male body that suppresses the production of the main male sex hormone - testosterone. But female sex hormones are more actively produced, and plant analogues of female hormones - phytoestrogens - enter the body from hops. With many years of abuse of this drink, the man's pelvis becomes wider and the mammary glands enlarge.

... beer itself is not high in calories, but it stimulates the appetite and makes a person eat more than they need.

Low alcohol drinks.Only low alcohol drinks turned out to be worse than beer. Their trouble is that they taste as sweet as soda, and they harm more than vodka. Also, low-alcohol drinks are dangerous because they are mainly drunk by adolescents, for whom alcohol as such is generally contraindicated. Canned cocktails are especially dangerous, which not everyone associates with alcohol.

Also, which affects the perception of alcohol by our body, as if masking intoxication, that is, the degree of intoxication in the drinker's own eyes seems to him much less real. After such drinks, people do not always realize how drunk they are, cannot adequately assess how their coordination of movements, reaction time, and the ability to think are impaired.

Cocktails.Women are very fond of drinking alcoholic cocktails, especially at parties. But a mixture of two or more types of alcohol leads to a severe hangover and even in small amounts hits the liver and kidneys.

Champagne.Champagne is included in the list of harmful drinks because of the carbon dioxide it contains, as a result of which alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream faster, and a person gets drunk very quickly. That is why you can quickly get drunk with champagne to the point of indecency.

In addition, champagne accelerates the process of rotting food in the intestines, which can lead to poisoning. Therefore, if - eat well and do not combine champagne with other alcoholic beverages. By the way, champagne also has a negative effect on vision.

Liqueurs.Liqueur is fraught with danger due to the sugar contained in it in large doses, which, in combination with alcohol and water, has a harmful effect on the pancreas, blood sugar levels can jump, and from a sharp rise in sugar, even clouding of consciousness can occur.

Quantity issue

Note that the main danger of alcohol is its abuse, and what exactly a person drinks in excess of any norm and measure - whether beer, cocktails or cognac - is no longer so important.

If we talk about the amount of alcohol, then scientists have determined the recommended dose of alcohol for women and men. Women should limit themselves to 1-2 glasses during the celebration, and men can drink forty-degree drinks, but not more than 200 grams. These conclusions were made by Ukrainian doctors, noting that Ukrainians are going over the permissible rate more than twice, according to the report of the TSN issue.

And if you have already decided to drink, the experts advise to consume the most natural products, for example, good vodka or natural dry wine.

Everyone knows about the dangers of alcohol to health, regardless of its format. But which drinks are more dangerous: beer, vodka, or wine in general?

In some situations, the difference in health risks from these spirits can be truly dramatic. The differences are generated by the strength of the drinks and their composition, due to which the effect on the body and the consequences in the form of harm to health are very different.

10 facts about the dangers of beer

Beer and beer drinks are extremely insidious alcohol. The most serious drawback of low-alcohol drinks (and beer in the first place) is the fact that it is extremely difficult for a person to control the amount of alcohol consumed. One or two cans of beer in good company and with free time can grow into five, six bottles or more.

The main disadvantages of beer:

  1. Used in large quantities... The low strength and diuretic effect lead to the fact that almost any rest with foamy drinks does not end very positively.
  2. Poor quality drinks... Excluding cases of chronic alcohol abuse, when buying vodka and other strong alcohol, people are more likely to choose more expensive and high-quality drinks. Beer is almost always taken cheap and in large quantities. There are practically no sales of higher quality or imported beer, even if the price differs by only a few tens of rubles - given the number of bottles, this difference becomes significant for the buyer.
  3. Frivolous attitude... Everyone knows that with the help of beer you can easily get drunk, but at the same time the attitude towards a low-alcohol drink is too frivolous. One, two, or even more cans or bottles of foam, drunk regularly, are still not regarded as alcoholic and good rest - rather as a pleasant pastime.
  4. Weak hangover... A frivolous attitude towards this alcohol, together with the almost complete absence of a hangover after one or two bottles, leads to the fact that regular consumption of beer becomes the norm. The drink can become one of the main consumed liquids. Beer alcoholism develops imperceptibly and gradually.
  5. Double diuretic action... Alcohol itself has a diuretic effect, it flushes out many useful substances and trace elements from the body. An additional diuretic effect is provided by beer. As a result, even if you drink the same amount of vodka and beer in terms of the total volume of alcohol, in the case of beer the hangover and damage to the body in this regard will be many times stronger.
  6. Kidneys under attack... The kidneys filter alcohol, the liver processes it. In the case of spirits, more stress is placed on the liver. In the case of beer, the load on the liver did not go away, but there was also a huge load on the kidneys. These organs are forced to continuously filter liter by liter of ethanol-poisoned liquid. This worsens the state of health in the morning and increases the harm to health.
  7. Damage to the pancreas and heart... The negative effect of alcohol on the organs is exacerbated by the harm from beer. Diseases associated with regular alcohol abuse develop faster and with complications. The pancreas begins to "loosen up" and ceases to fully cope with its functions. The heart works in a constant load mode and increases in size (beer heart, as well as Bavarian or bovine heart - the same thing).
  8. Lack of calculations of the amount drunk... The harm to the body from 1 bottle of beer is approximately equal to 60 grams of vodka. Therefore, every 3-4 bottles of foam is similar in harm to a glass of 40-degree alcohol.
  9. Hormonal disruptions... Even a small amount of beer (1-2 bottles) significantly reduces the production of the male sex hormone testosterone. Instead, due to the effects of hop products, phytoestrogens, which are analogs of female sex hormones, begin to be produced. Over the years, with the regular use of beer in men, sexual functions decrease, while the pelvis begins to enlarge and the mammary glands grow.
  10. Constant overeating... Beer stimulates the appetite and makes a person eat much more than is really necessary for fullness. Overeating (especially harmful salty and spicy snacks) overloads the already suffering digestive organs, leads to problems with the gastrointestinal tract and excess weight.

Important: Studies show that the release of the joy hormone dopamine into the brain during alcohol consumption programs the RASGRF2 gene, which is inextricably linked with the development of alcohol dependence.
In the case of beer, the release of the hormone occurs simply from the taste, regardless of the strength of the drink. As a result, beer alcoholism develops much faster, and this is a real and very dangerous diagnosis.

7 facts about the dangers of vodka

Vodka is the most popular spirits in Russia, primarily due to its low price in comparison with other spirits. The negative effects of vodka and other 40-degree drinks (cognac, whiskey, tequila) are approximately the same.

With rare exceptions, additional components in the composition of drinks affect only the taste, and practically do not affect the destructive effect of alcohol on the body. For this reason, it is logical to consider the harm of 40-degree alcohol using the example of the most popular and "pure" drink - vodka.

Basic facts about the dangers of vodka:

  1. Rapid drunkenness... 40 percent of the alcohol in vodka does its job - just a couple of glasses, drunk in a few minutes on the principle “between the first and the second,” equals at least an hour of drinking a liter of beer with the same harmful effects of alcohol.
  2. Drunkenness is the goal... When drinking vodka, a person almost always puts alcohol intoxication as the main goal of his vacation. Other drinks are much more likely to be consumed in smaller amounts as an adjunct to rest, rather than as a main component of it. The goal of "getting drunk" negatively affects the quality of rest, alcohol dependence develops much faster. Moreover, psychological changes and dependence on alcohol with this approach appears much faster than the physical ailments of alcoholism. The alcoholic can justify his addiction by such rest until it is too late.
  3. Strong blow to health... A large amount of alcohol in a drink destroys cells faster and harms organs more. First of all, the brain, immunity, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system and liver with kidneys are affected.
  4. Uncontrolled behavior... The warming effect of strong alcohol, together with heavy intoxication, leads to life-threatening and health-threatening behavior. This is especially dangerous in heat and cold, when irreparable harm to health can be caused simply by the weather due to disturbed heat exchange in the body.
  5. Degradation of the brain... Each glass of vodka kills about 2,000 brain cells, and they will never recover. The surviving cells are not in the best condition due to poisoning with alcohol decay products, dehydration of the body, disturbed mineral and water-alkaline balance. With prolonged abuse, this leads to.
  6. A blow to the entire gastrointestinal tract... Vodka with 40 degrees in its composition burns the mucous membrane of the mouth, esophagus and stomach, promotes the development of alcoholic gastritis, the appearance and exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The lower the strength of the drink, the less alcohol will harm the gastrointestinal tract.
  7. Low cost... In order to get drunk with vodka, it takes much less money than any other alcohol of mass consumption. Financial constraints are very relative - the product is available everywhere and cheap.

Output: The harm to health from vodka is primarily dictated by the negative effect of the high alcohol content in the drink on the organs, and secondly, by the rapid addiction and persistently severe alcohol intoxication (poisoning of the body with alcohol and its decay products). In other words,
drink vodka much faster than low-alcohol drinks, although the dependence on beer itself will develop faster.

Is it better to drink beer or vodka?

To begin with, you need to understand what will do much more harm than good. The choice between beer, vodka and alcohol in the case of a single holiday or event should be based on the following criteria:

  1. Individual characteristics of the organism... If there are diseases of the digestive organs or gastrointestinal tract, then you should choose drinks that are minimally harmful to them. By the same analogy, you should know the contraindications for your other diseases, especially those related to behavior and neurology, the gastrointestinal tract, the cardiovascular system and immunity.
  2. Drink degree... The higher the strength of alcohol, the more harm it will be with a single use. By this logic, beer is less harmful than vodka. An exception is wine: in the amount of up to 1-2 glasses, this drink will even be beneficial, and the direct harm from ethanol and its processing by the body will be minimal.
  3. Circumstances... You should not lean on strong alcohol where appropriate behavior is unacceptable. On the other hand, on vacation in a relaxed atmosphere, a few glasses of vodka can be much less harmful than a few liters of beer combined with the wrong diet (fried, fatty, salty and smoked snacks put a lot of stress on the body in addition to alcohol.

Output: Among vodka, beer and wine, wine is best to drink. Beer comes second, followed by vodka. With regular consumption, beer is dangerously fast and unnoticeable development of alcohol dependence. With prolonged use, vodka will cause much more harm to the internal organs, more often it leads to hard drinking and severe stages of alcoholism. It is best to choose the highest quality and safe alcohol (good wines, quality spirits and even beer, if it is also of high quality)
and not use them for the purpose of getting drunk. In this case, the harm to the body will be minimal, and it will be possible to choose drinks only with your own preferences and doctor's indications.